Guidelines Environmental Impact Assessment Highway Projects: Indian Roads Congress
Guidelines Environmental Impact Assessment Highway Projects: Indian Roads Congress
Guidelines Environmental Impact Assessment Highway Projects: Indian Roads Congress
IRC 104-1988
Jamnsgar House, Shabjahan Road,
New Delhg-11O Oil
Price Ra 211,, 4P
(Plul packbg & postage)
IRC: 10~-1988
First Published: February, 1989
IRC : 104-1981
1. Measures to Prevent Soil Erosion and Land
Degradation in Road Development in
Hilly Areas ... 22
2. Check List of Points about Erosion Control
in the Construction of Roads in Hilly Areas 26
IRC: 104-1988
1.1. The Council of the Indian Roads Congress in their
meeting held on 1st December, 1972 had set up a Committee to
study the subject of Highway Environment and Pollution. The
Committee had constituted two panels one for Environmental
Impact Statement (E.LS.) for Non-urban Roads and other for
Urban Roads. Three case studies, Deihi-Paiwal Section of
National Highway No. 2, Deihi-Meerut Section of State Highway
No. 45 and Ring Road between Indraprastha Estate and Dhaula
Kuan for the Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement
had been completed by the School of Planning and Architecture
and one case Study of 40 km stretch of National Highway No.
47, on the Northern and Southern side of Trivandrum for the
E.1.S. had been completed by National Transportation Planning
and Research Centre. In light of the reports prepared as a
result of the case studies, the draft Manual for preparation of
E.I.S. for non-urban highway was prepared and discussed by
the Committee (Personnel given below) in their meeting held
at New Delhi on the 4th December, 1984. On the basis of the
comments of the members the draft was Ilnalised by Prof.
M. S. V. Rao, Member-Secretary, of the Committee:
K. K. Namblar Conveno,
Prof. M. S. V. Ran Member-Secretary
Jose F. F. de Albuquerque A. 0. Pol
Amarjeet Singh Prof~N. Ranganathan
Bhupinder Singh N. Sivaguru
Y. N. Bahi R. Thillainayagam
K. C. Bansal C,E., P.W.D. B & R, Kerala
M. K. Bbalia Director,, Horticulture,
Prof. H. U. Bijlani D.D.A. (Sahdeo Singh)
Prof. J. M. Dave Director, Horticulture,
S. P. Gantayat C.P.W.D, (Dr. K. Saddy)
1. C. Gupta R. P. Sikka
R. G. Gupta Lt, Col. 0. B. Shigh
R. S. Jindal P. 0. Valsankar
Dr. L. R. Kadiyali A Rep. of Department of
V. P. Kamdar Scienceand Technology
D. N. Khurana A. Rep. of Department of
H. N. Kumar Environment
K. S. Logavinayagam D.G. (R.D,)—Ex-ofllcio
I. Shivalingalab
1P~C: 104-1988
1.2. The draft prepared by the Committee was discussed
by the Specifications and Standards Committee in their meeting
held at New Delhi on the 28th August, 1986. The Committee
noted that after the draft was prepared, the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 has come into force and the draft did
not contain the quantification of standard of noise, air and
environmental pollution and, therefore, would not help much in
finalising new projects. The Convenor stated that a question-
naire need to be added to take care of the points and quantified
factors to take care of environment factors, and the Committee
decided that the draft should be revised by the group under the
Chairmanship of the Convenor of the Committee.
2.1. Highway network is one of the important components
of transportation system at the National, State and local levels.
In order to increase the efficiency of the transportation system,
construction of new roads and improvements to existing roads
are being undertaken in urban and rural areas. Construction of
highways is often coupled with environmental deterioration. It
is not only important but essential at planning stage itself to
consider environmental impact of the proposed highway works.
In the case of major works on existing highways, the impact of
these works on the surroundings should be studied and attempts
should be made to enhance the environmental quality through
1RC 104-1988
4.1. This publication provides guidelines on the prepara-
tion of EllA for highway projects involving either construction of
a new road or major improvements to an existing road. These
guidelines assist in (i) providing useful information about the
possible environmetnal impacts of the project, (ii) assessing and
evaluating alternatives directed towards choice of the environ-
mentally acceptable one which is also economically feasible, and
(iii) identifying mitigating measures for incorporation in the pro-
ject proposals.
IRC: 104-1988
5.1. General
Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment for a
highway project involves several steps, starting from a clear
understanding of the development objectives, collection of base-
line data, evaluation of alternatives to overall assessment of the
environmental impact of the selected alternative. The involved
activities are indicated in the form of a flow diagram in
Fig. 1. Format for preparing the EIA is given in para 5.2.
5.2. Format for EIA for Highway Projects
5.2.1. Introduction: Give a broad description of the exist-
ing situation (the terrain, the existing road and its condition,
etc.) as also of the proposal (length of new construction, major
improvements, etc.); and the development objectives.
5.2.2. ExIsting situation: Give information on the exist-
ing situation as regards the road system, road transport,
environmental features, etc., in the form shown in Table 1.
Feature Information
Feature Information
tFor new roads, provide information on traffic likely to use the road on
5.2.3. Need for the proposed project : Need for the project
mit y he lbr fulfilling the development objectives of satisfying the
transport demand, for providing access. for improving the
environment, etc. These should be discussed keeping the folIo-
\Vint~ points in view
(a) Transportation demand—present demand, projection for
design year.
IRC 104-198K
(bJ Access present position about access to the
area and the importance.
(c) Capacity —the highway width and type needed
to cater to design traffic
(d) If “No action alternative” is to be chosen (i.e. the proposed action
is not implemented), discuss ttie anticipated .adverse effects on the
(i) Traffic convenience —free traffic movement/congestion,
delays, safety.
(ii) Environmental —air quality, noise, vibration, gene-
ral aesthetic quality, etc.
(iii) Economic —costs of vehicle operation, road
maintenance/improvement, acci-
dents.. etc.
e A B
2 3 4
Length (km)
—New construction
—lmprovement of existing road
2. Terrain (plain rolling/hilly)
3. l...and width proposed (in)
4. Cate
3ory of land proposed to be
acquired (ha)
—Forest land
—Agricultural land
Waste land
—Swampy land
IRC :104-1988
1 2 3 4
IRC: LO4~I988
IRC: 104-1988
2 3
Land acquisition
(a) ls acquisition of forest land involved 2
(b) If so, whether discussions have been
held with Forest Deptt. Also state as
to what action has been taken to get
clearance from forest angle.
(c) Is acquisition of wet land/swampy
landj mangroves wildlife habitat
involved ?
2. Highway location
(a) Is the road to traverse any unstable
area, avalanche area, niarsh, etc’?
11 so, have necessary remedial
measures been planned 2
(h) Have geological maps been studied or
local Geological Deptt. consulted to
avoid unstable strata 7
3, Highway alignment
(a) l)oes the alignment follow lie of tue
land and avoid large scale cutting 7
Ib) Is any section susceptible to damage~
crosion by streams and torrents 7 If
so, have protection measures been
planned 7
1RC 104-1988
2 3
4. Highway cnKss-section
(a) Does the road cross-section involve
a lot of disturbance to the natural
(b) For sections in cut, is the half cut and
half fill type of cross-section which
involves leasi disturbance to the natural
ground being adopted?
(c) Are the proposed cut slopes stable for
the strata 7
(d) Are slope stahilising structures like
breast walls, pitching, etc., required and
being proposed?
/e) l)oes the cut hill face require any
special treatment to prevent slips. If so,
are such measures being proposed?
5. Erosion control
(a) Has erosion potential been considered
for the alignment?
(h) Are erosion control measures before
start of work and between successive
construction stages required ? If so,
have these been worked out ?
(c) Have location and alignment of
culverts been chosen to avoid severe
erosion at outlets and siltation at
inlets ?
(d) Are necessary erosion control measures
proposed at outfall of culverts?
6. Drainage
(a) Does the project provide for necessary
cross drainage structures so as not to
obstruct the natural drainage of the
(b) Does the project provide for necessary
side drains, catchwater drains, etc., for
safe disposal of surface water?
(et Will the load cause undue increase in
the HFL or create ponding situation
for long periods?
7. Vegetation
(a) Does the project provide for sodding/
grassing all embankment/cut slopes
and other bared areas?
1RC 104-1988
2 3
IRC 104-1988
2 3
IRC tt)4-t9Sti
6. 1. General
6.1.1. For preparing a highway project, surveys and inves-
tigations are usually conducted in different stages. First is the
Reconnaissance Survey** during which i~number of alternative
alignments are studied on maps/drawings/photographs, etc., and
then investigated in the field. During this phase, information
on terrain, topographic features, soils, materials, drainage, etc.,
are collected and analysed. A plan~profile drawing to the
scale of i:50,000 is aLso prepared. Based on the information,
the alternative alignments are evaluated alongwith cost factors
so as to enable the choice of the most suitable alignment for
further detailed investigations. The collected information,
analysis of alternatives and recommendations are presented in
the Reconnaissance Report.
6.2. Investigations
6.2.1. The degree ot impact of road construction on the
different environ mental aspects vary depending on tacti is such
as the types of tuca (urban or rural), the terrain (plain, rolling or
hilly), the land—use pattern of the area (residentittl, educational,
industrial, etc.) For example, road constructioti in the hills is
beset with problems like landslides, soil erosiot, etc which are ,
IRC :104-1988
tiv) Land-use—from Town ptanning organisations, area/city
development authority
(v) ‘traffic from traffic count and classification study, speed-
delay studies, etc.
(vi) Accident —from police authorities
(vii) Environmental factors
Climatic features—from Meterologicat Deptt.
Wild life -—from Wildlife Deptt.
Air pollution —see para 6.2.6.
Noise level —see para 6.2.7,
Others —from site inspection
IRC: IO$.19Ss
and lower pollution) he taken as indicators for air pollution
I. Rural 25-35
2 Suburban 30 - 40
3. Residential (urban) 35 - 45
4, Urban (residential and business) 40 - 50
5. City 45 - 50
6. Industrial area 50 60
IRC : 104-1988
IE.C :104-1988
<< 21
IRC :104-1988
Appendix 1
2.2. Road alignments should avoid large scale cuttings and fillings and
follow the lie of the land as far as possible. Use of tunnels to avoid deep cuts
should be considered where feasible and economical.
2.3. To the extent feasible, roads should be aligned away from streams
and torrents except where these are to be crossed. Since the greatest damage
always occurs along water courses, special attention is necessary to create
protection belts of forests on both sides.
3. Design
3.1. Where the road is in cutting, half cut and half fill type section which
involves least disturbance to the natural ground should be adopted subject to
considerations of economy and road stability being satisfied.
3.2. The cut slopes should be made stable for the type of strata in the
initial construction stage itself by adoption of appropriate slopes with benches,
etc., including the use of stabilising structures like breast walls, pitching, etc.
4. Construction
4.1. Area for clearing and grubbing should be kept the minimum subject
IRC : 104-1988
to the technical requirements of the road, ‘rise clearing area should he properly
demarcated to sas e disirable trees and shrubs and to keep tree cutting to the
4,2. Where erosion iv likelt to be a problem, clearing and grubbing opcr~
Lions should he Sc) scheduled and perforniect that’ grading operations and perrua—
nent erosion control feat arcs can follow imnied iatcLy thercarlcr if the project
conditions pcrmit; ot hen’ ise ten porary erosion control measures should he
pros ided between successive construction stages. Under no circumstances.
honeser, should very large surface area of erodible earth ntsterin I be exposed
at any one time b) clearing and grubbing.
4,3 1 Lie method of balanced cut and liii formation should be adopted to
as oid large difference in cut and fill quantities.
4.1, ‘[he cut slopes should he suitably protected by breast walls, pros ision
of flat stable slopes, construction of catchssater and intercepting drains, treat-
ment of slopes and unstable areas above and underneath the road, etc. This
must he pitinned in advance and spccitic provisions made in the project
4.5. Where rock blasting is involved, controlled blasting techniques should
he adopted to avoid over-shattering of hill faces,
4.(s, Excavated nsateria I should not be thrown ha pazat dly hut dumped
duly dressed up in a suitable form at suitable places where it cannot get easily
washed away by rain, and such spoil deposits may be duly turfed or provided
with some vegetative cover,
5. Drainage
5.1. Drainage of the water from hill slopes and road surface is very
important. All artilieial drains must be linked with the existing natural drainage
system for which separate detailed engineering survey may be carried out and
planning done. Before the road is opened to traffic, proper drainage system
including suitable interceptor and catchwater drains must he completed. ‘This
part of the project mast be given all importance as most of the road damages
are caused because of ne,eligence in providing proper drainage system and much
will be saved in subsequent road maintenance,
5.2. The surface drains should have gentle slopes. Where falls in levels
are to be negotiated, check dams with silting basins should be constructed and
that soil is not eroded and crried away by high velocity flows,
5.3. Location and alignment of culverts should be so chosen as to avoid
severe erosion at outlets and siltation at inlets.
5.4. The cross-drainage structures should dischai ge safely on the valley
side, and in thus connection, alt necessary precautions/safeguards should he
taken to ensure that the discharging waters do not cause erosion even when they
tiow for tong periods. For this purpose, all necessary channel training and
erosion control works like pitching/paving of the channel and outfall points,
drop ss’alls, flexible apron, etc., should be considered and provided for as a part
of initial design and construction.
5,5, Along with other road components, due attention should he paid to
the niaintenance of drainage and soil conservation works. Drains, catchpits
iRc::: : i04-1988
etc., should be cleared of all dehris and repaired where necessary before the on
set ot the ra irty season, Er oded areas stioutct be promptly made up and provided
with vegetative cover.
6. Grassing and Planting
(ii. Deforostation for road construction/works should he bare minimum
and strict control must he exercised in consultation with the forest authorities.
F:quivalent amount of new trees must be planted as integral part of the project
within the available land and if necessary, separate additional land may be
acquired for this purpose. Suitable provisions may he made in the project
esti ‘nate.
6,2. Depending on the availability of hand and other resources, alTorcsta—
lion of roadside land should he carried out to a sufficient distance on cit her side
of the road. The selection of plant species will depend on climate, aitit ude and
soil conditions, but preference should be given to deep rooted trees and plants.
For preparing the detailed scheme of afforestation, persons having knowledge of
soil conservation or forestory should desirably he associated,
6.3, Vegetative cover should he established on all cut/fill slopes through
any one of the techniques descrhed in lliC 56-1974 “Recommended Practice
for Treatment of Embankntcnt Slopes for Erosion Control”. ‘rhe activity of
establishing vegetation on barren slopes should be treated as part of the regular
maintenance operations on all bill roads,
6,4. Strip forests suitable tor the site conditions for a minimum distance
of 30 in on either side of the road boundary should be provided, These shall
be raised and maintained by ‘forest authorities. No felling except of dead or
dying trees should be permitted in this area,
7. consultations
7.1, Local Geological L)epartnsent should be consulted to avoid unstable
strata while fixing road alignment.
7,2. it will be advisable, at least for important roads, to have consultation
with the officers of the Forest Department at the stages of route alignment
selection, surveys and investigations, etc., so as to ensure that the selected align’
mnent has minimum potential for soil erosion and that the project designs and
estimates provide for the necessary soil erosion control measures. The idea is
that with such joint consultation pursuits practiced for some selected roads, the
PWD Engineers would get conversant and should be able to take care of such
requirements by themselves for other road projects in general.
7.3. For any seriously problematic areas where normal measures are not
likely to be successful, specialist organisations like the CRRJ, GS1, etc., may be
consulted for evolving suitable remedial measures.
8. Project Estimate
8,1. The road construction project estimates should provide Jor not only
she requisite scale of investigations but also the necessary measures against soil
erosion so that these can be built into the project with adequate financial
8,2. For treatment of unstable areas. say 50 m above and 30 m below the
road level, depending on the site conditions, cost of necessary corrective
measures should be provided in the project estimates. This may even be in the
IRC 104-1988
form of certain percentage of total cost hut based on assessment of treatment
works possibly needed,
9. TraIning
Training of road engineers in hilly areas should be intensive and practice
oriented. On every major on-going project, training fiscitities should be created.
The institutes having road research facilities may be associated for organising
class room and field training and solving specific problems, if any. The training
should lay emphasis on preservation of ecology, forests, environment, etc., to
avoid denundation of fertile soil of the hill slopes and check the causes leading
to landslides, etc. For efficient handling of the project, only experienced persons
with proven ability should be selected,
10. Check List
To help the project preparing Engineer and the project approving authori-
ties in determining whether all aspects, considerations and items of work with
regard to soil conservation and erosion prevention have been duly taken into
account, and to facilitate review at different stages, a check list is suggested, vide
Apprudix 2. The check list should form a part of the road project report.
JRC :104-1988
AppendIx 2
1, Does the road construction project estimate provide for the necessary
measures against soil erosion ?
2,. 1-tave soil maps and aerial photographs studies and investigations made to
locate areas or section,s with high erosion potential?
3. I-las erosion potential been considered for each alignment ?
4, Fiave geological maps been studied or local Geological Department con-
sulted to avoid utsstable strata
5 Does the selected alignment follow the lie of the land and avoid large scale
cutting 1
6. Has use of tunnels to avoid deep cuts been investigated ?
7, ts the road alignment susceptible to damage/erosion by streams and
torrents 1
8, Is consultation/coordination with other departments like Forest Depart—
rnent necessary 2 If so, have they been consulted 1
9. Flow will adjacent and nearby streams, ponds and lakes be atrected by
project construction ‘7
I’d. ‘Will special erosion control measures he reqiured to protect adjacent
properties I
II. Does the roavt cross—section involve a lot of disturbance to the ntsturral
ground 7
I?. Are the design cuts slopes stable for the type of strata 2
13, Are slope stabilising structure like breast svalls, pitching, etc., required 7
14, Does’ the cut hill face require any special treatment to prevent ships ‘7
15. Has t’he area fur clearing and grubbing been clearly demtircated ‘7
ltd i’tas a work schedule hecn worked out for the different construction
operations I
17. What erosion control vvorks are required before clearing and other work is
started I
It. Are any temporary erosion control measures required hetween successive
construction stages 2
19. Have sediment traps, benches, catch water drains, side drains, sodding,
ditch paving, slqpe protection works and other erosion control items been
identified on thuf plans and provided in the contract 2
70, Have the location and alignment of eulverts been fixed svith due consider-
at ion to erosion at outlets and siltation at inlets 2
!RC : 104-1988
II. Have the necessary erosion control measures been taken at the outfalls of
culverts 7
22. Has the proper disposal of surplus ewavated material been thought of and
provided for 7
23. What action has been taken to establish vegetative cover on cut ‘fill slopes
and plantings on the disturbed roadside land 7
24. Are the existing drainage facilities maintained in good order 7
25. Have any inadequacies in planning, design and construction heen identified
and reported to higher authorities 7
26. Do any of the design measures require modification in the light of field
conditions 7
27. Do any of the problems require consultation with specialist organisations
like the CaR!, GSI, etc.?