Dark Crystal Expanded Rules - v2

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The Dark Crystal

Expanded Rules V2
• The Emperor can swap a card amy Garthim is on for
Why Change the Rules?
What I am doing with these changes is giving the
another on the board for 2 will.

players choices that influence the outcome of the game • Emperor in the castle can join (move to) any end
and more closely match the movie. The move was one game challenge to stop the Gelflings. Costs 1 Will
of close getaways, dangerous adventures and Skeksis
power sending Garthim out to impede the Gelflings.
The Gelflings strength came from their connection to
Exile new powers
the wise ones and eachother. They needed to explore
• Move directly to a card a Gelfling is on (start of turn
and take risks, while outsmarting the Skeksis, to get to
only) Costs a Will
get to the observatory and find the shard.
I think these changes do this and keep it a simple
• Remove a Will from a space (costs their Turn)
game; players choices creating stories and moments
where a choice could mean the game, not just a d10
roll. Gelfling Dreamfast
When Gelflings are in a Group they can dreamfast and
share each others powers. This can be done by each
New Character Powers Gelfling once per turn.
Jen could swap cards on the board, while Kyra could
Jens’ New Powers connect with the wise ones.

• Connect to the Ancient ones for help from the board

(no healing) costs a Will
The Power of the Dark Crystal
The Skeksis have great influence through out all of
Thra. Whenever a Garthim or Skeksis is within one
• Stop Short or pass a board space for 1 will Power
space of a Gelfling attempting a challenge, a Skeksis
player can play a Skeksis card to make the challenge
• Move directly to the Observatory (start of turn only)
harder. This includes the Observatory challenge.
Costs a Will

Kyra new powers The Wilds of Thra

Thra is a wild and exciting world full of adventure,
even if the Skeksis are to evil and self centered to see
• Move directly to Jen from anywhere board, forms a
it. Every time a Gelfling completes a World Card and
group (at any time) costs 2 Will
a space is still empty, they must draw or place another
World Card. This continues until the adventure ends
• Stop Short or pass a board space for 1 will Power
with a card face up on the space.
A Gelfling might have several challenges and/or com-
• Remove or swap any one card from the board (start
bats before a move ends, so be careful.
of turn only) Costs a Will

Emperor new powers The Power of the Shard

When Jen or Kyra has the shard once per turn they can
boost any 1 stat by 1 die type (d6 to d8). When in a
• Remove a Will from the board space they are on
group they can both do it.
(costs them their turn)
Such is the power of destiny.
• Use a Garthim from the Castle. Emperor stays in
Castle and moves a Garthim from the castle as their
Proxy. The Emperor can use their regular abilities
Setup Changes
• Augrahs Observatory is held by the Jen/Gelfling
through the Garthim player(s). The observatory is not in the world deck.
Rules Changes
• Skeksis always draw opposition cards, even if they
Combat Changes
There is now only 1 Combat Roll against other char-
use a power that ends their turn. acters (Garthim or Skeksis). You do not keep rolling
until a character is at 0 Will. Each side rolls, the win-
• Gelflings hold some world cards in a hand. ner deciding the outcome.
One player for both Gelflings has a hand of 3 Cards.
2 Gelfling Players each have a hand with 2 Cards.
Skeksis or Garthim Wins
Gelfling loses 1 WP. The Skeksis can imprison the Gel-
When a Card is to be played to the board the Gelfiling
fling in the Dungeons if they are not knocked out.
Player whos turn it is chooses to play from their hand
The Dungeons
or the top card of the deck.
Rules for escaping the dungeon are the same, with the
At the start of a Gelfling Players turn they can discard
following additional rules.
upto 3 cards and draw back up to their starting hand (2
•Captured Gelflings cannot use any powers until they
or 3 cards).
escape to the moat.
• Gelflings must drop 3 will on a single space to place
Aughra’s Observatory on the board. When placed any Gelfling Wins:
card on that space is discarded. Gelflings must win Choose to inflict 1 WP damage, if the target lives move
any challenges or conflicts before they can drop a Will them one space away from the winner or choose a
Power. Dramatic Escape.
• Placement of the Observatory happens the next turn
after the third will is placed. No Gelfling can be on the
space where the Observatory is going.
Dramatic Escapes
Choosing a dramatic escape from combat means no
Explore Thra to DropWill
damage is done to the enemies the Gelfling was fight-
The Gelfling Players must have 2 world cards face up
ing; instead they get to take a move out of turn.
on the board to drop 1 will.
The escaping Gelfling rolls a speed die as normal, mov-
To drop 4 will on the board there must be 8 world cards
ing to a new space on the board. Resolve that space as
on the board.
normal, a blank space means you have to draw or place
a world card and resolve it. A space with a card must
•Once the Observatory is placed and the Gelflings
be resolved.
meet the conditions of that card, the End Game starts
Any escape ends when the Gelfling is on a card, NOT
as normal.
a blank space. It is possible for an escape to require
multiple cards to be resolved before it is complete.
• Gelfling dice explode (roll a 6 on a d6 roll again)
This is a way for the Gelfings to speed up getting the
observatory out on the board, it also gives the Skeksis a
• Will rewards. Winning any challenge gains the win-
danger when attacking the Gelflings. A failed combat
ner a Will back, grouped characters must choose who
means the observatory can come out faster.
gets the awarded will.
You cannot use dramatic escape against any challenge.
Winning a Challenge (Not Combat) by double or more
grants a Gelfling a Will power.
Trial By Stone
• Waylaid Gelflings lose all their cards (discard to the Any time the Exile captures a Gelfling they can initiate
bottom of the world or wise ones deck). Grouped another trial by stone. The Exile moves to the throne
Gelfings each roll an escape, but must move away from room and declares a challenge, to try and become the
each other. new Emperor. Both may use any special ability cards
they have. The Skeksis are backstabbing, evil, creatures
• Players cannot activate powers if they have only 1 at all times.
Will Power, if it means they will drop to 0 WP.
Evil Always Attacks
Anytime a Garthim or Skeksis lands on a space with
a Gelfling, even if their move is not complete, they at-
Both sides roll and combat occurs as outlined above.
After it is resolved the Skeksis or Garthim finishes their

The End Game

The end game plays as normal with the following ad-
ditional rules:
• The Skeksis die rolls now explode.
• Combat is now to 0 Will Power. Any Skeksis cards
have 2 will to overcome them.
• Gelflings cannot move to the next room until their
next turn, even if they win.
• This are combats not challenges, no bonus will power
for doubling the target.

Unite the Skeksis

In the end game the Skeksis turn on each other, based
on the rules. Players may choose to not engage in
combat, but can leave the crystal chamber to try and
rally the Skeksis.
Any Skeksis player in the castle, but away from the
other player can make a D20 Will roll to draw a Skeksis
ability card, this is their action for that turn.

Leap to the Crystal

Rather than fight the Skeksis the Gelfling can do the
following challenge to win the game outright.
d20 Speed test (Can be grouped)

One Player (Cannot be grouped) must make a d12
brawn to heal the crystal before the Skeksis stop you.

The Gelflings take 2 WP damage (can be spread be-
tween them). Turn Ends.

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