Scabies Lapsus 4
Scabies Lapsus 4
Scabies Lapsus 4
Citation: van der Linden N, van Gool K, Gardner K,
Dickinson H, Agostino J, Regan DG, et al. (2019) A
Scabies is a common dermatological condition, affecting more than 130 million people at
systematic review of scabies transmission models any time. To evaluate and/or predict the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of scabies
and data to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of interventions, disease transmission modelling can be used.
scabies interventions. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(3):
pntd.0007182 Objective
Editor: Benjamin Althouse, Institute for Disease To review published scabies models and data to inform the design of a comprehensive sca-
Modeling, UNITED STATES bies transmission modelling framework to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of scabies
Received: July 25, 2018 interventions.
Scabies is a common dermatological conditions [1], affecting more than 130 million people at
any time [2]. It is a neglected disease caused by the mite Sarcoptes Scabiei [3]. Scabies often
results in severe itching, and in some patients, including those with compromised immunity,
it may progress to “crusted scabies” (CS). The fissures associated with scabies provide a portal
of entry for bacteria, potentially resulting in secondary infections, sepsis, indirect effects on
renal and cardiovascular function, and death due to complications [4]. Secondary bacterial
superinfections are uncommon in Western countries [5].
Worldwide, scabies is responsible for 0.07% of the total burden of disease [6]. Compared to
its disease burden, scabies research is severely underfunded [7, 8], even though it imposes
major costs on healthcare systems [2]. Various countries and organisations have identified sca-
bies control as a public health priority and the World Health Organisation Strategic and Tech-
nical Advisory Group for Neglected Tropical Diseases recently recommended that scabies be
included in the Neglected Tropical Disease profile in category A [2, 9–11].
Elimination of scabies is difficult, as cured patients often get re-infected. Treatment strate-
gies range from treating individuals and their contacts, to mass drug administration (MDA)
strategies [12–19], which involves treating whole communities at once. Drugs include oral
ivermectin as well as a range of topical treatment options. It is unknown which (combination
of) treatment strategies results in the best health outcomes against the lowest costs, and to
what extent this differs between communities. Health-economic modelling may help answer
In order to inform our proposed modelling framework design, a systematic literature search
was performed on 26 and 27 July 2017, searching the databases PubMed, Medline, Embase,
CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library. Search terms related to the disease ("scabies" OR "sar-
coptes") were combined with search terms identifying the type of information required
("model" OR “modeling” OR “modelling” OR "transmission" OR "utility" OR “quality of life”
OR “economics” OR “economic” OR “cost-effectiveness” OR “cost-utility” OR “cost” OR
“cost-of-illness” OR “cost-consequence” OR “cost-consequences” OR “efficacy” OR “effective-
ness” or “impact”).
Articles were limited to humans only, had to be published in English and after the year
2000. Studies from before the year 2000 were only included if they were cited in a more recent
source (post 2000), confirming their continued relevance. Studies that considered scabies but
did not present any models or model inputs on scabies biology, QoL or resource use were
excluded. Articles were also excluded when they presented a case study of a single patient or
an outbreak of scabies in a single institution, and if they simply provided a discussion of sca-
bies guidelines or protocols in a particular country or institution. Those studies that men-
tioned scabies as one of a number of diseases/indications/causes/comorbidities were also
excluded. Reference lists of reviews were used to identify any papers missed through the search
Data extractions were performed by the primary author, per topic area: (1) models, (2) biol-
ogy of scabies, (3) patient QoL and (4) resource use. Data items were not predefined, meaning
that all data on the various topic areas (e.g. QoL) was included and presented, independent of
reported outcome measures (e.g. which type of QoL questionnaire was used). After the data
was extracted per topic area, it was evaluated which data per topic addressed simple scabies,
CS, and which were based on populations including both simple scabies and CS patients.
Results were not meta-analysed.
The validity and reliability of disease models and inputs is highly dependent on the research
question they try to answer, the population of interest, and how the models are informed/how
the inputs are used. Therefore, this review did not include a quantitative risk of bias assess-
ment, but a qualitative description of the limitations of the various models and input parame-
ters. All scabies models were evaluated on their main characteristics, and strengths and
limitations were identified. Strengths of the various models were combined to design a new,
proposed modelling framework. Relevant data from papers on the biology of scabies, patient
QoL and resource use was extracted and described.
A review protocol has not been published. A completed PRISMA checklist is provided as
supplementary material.
The literature search identified 821 articles, 30 of which were included. Fig 1 provides informa-
tion on article selection, reasons for exclusion, and categorisation of included articles.
vaccination might have in case a vaccine would become available. It should likely be viewed as
a theoretical exercise rather than one that provides actual insights into scabies epidemiology or
into the effectiveness of any available intervention.
Lydeamore et al. [24] recently published another compartmental model to explore the
impact of alternative MDA treatment strategies. As opposed to the other models, this model
aimed to capture the mite’s life cycle in relation to the host. The authors considered this
Table 1. (Continued)
Abbreviations: MDA, mass drug administration; NR, not reported; SIR, susceptible-infectious-recovered.
This is the time it takes before steady-state prevalence rates are reached.
A mean field approach here refers to the deterministic (compartmental) implantation of the stochastic model.
critical, as the parasite’s life state (e.g. eggs versus living mites) can interact critically with treat-
ment success or failure. This is a valuable model characteristic when studying the effectiveness
of different treatment types (e.g., ovicidal versus non-ovicidal). In contrast to the model by Gil-
more at al., homogeneous mixing is assumed.
None of the models included QoL. An advantage of including QoL is that it can be used to
quantify the impact of a wide range of conditions and that (under certain requirements) it can
be multiplied with duration of life to obtain QALYs (quality-adjusted life years). By measuring
the impact of interventions on QALYs, outcomes can be compared not only between different
(types of) interventions but also across different disease areas. This is needed to inform deci-
sion-making, particularly when funds need to be distributed over interventions/programs in a
range of different areas. In models, QoL can be used as outcome measure, for example by
weighting health states (e.g. “CS grade 1”) by their associated utility value. Furthermore, dis-
utilities can be attached to complications as well as treatment-related adverse events. The same
is true for costs, which can be attached to the various health states and events in cost-effective-
ness models.
Only the model by Bachewar et al. included a cost-effectiveness analysis, but it did not take
into account transmission dynamics.
Fig 2. Scabies transmission model. Abbreviations: CI & DP, case identification and diagnostic processes; CSd, crusted scabies diagnosed; CSu, crusted scabies
undiagnosed; CSt, crusted scabies treatment; I, infectious; R, recovered; S1, susceptible (never has been scabies infected); S2, susceptible (after prior scabies infection);
SSd, simple scabies diagnosed; SSu, simple scabies undiagnosed; SSt, simple scabies treatment. The figure shows a susceptible population (S1) of individuals who can be
infected (I) with scabies. The probability of infection depends on the interaction between individuals with other, infected, members of their household or community
reflected by the network diagrams. Infected patients develop simple scabies (ISS), which is initially undiagnosed (SSu). Case identification and diagnostic processes (CI &
DP) determine the probability that a patient becomes diagnosed (SSd). Subsequently, there is a probability that a patient takes up treatment and moves to SSt. Treatment
has a probability of success, dependent on treatment efficacy and compliance. In this case, patients are cured and susceptible for reinfection (S2), the probability and
infectiousness of which can differ from the probability and infectiousness in individuals who never had scabies before. Re-infection or sustained infection after
unsuccessful treatment can go undiagnosed if a patient does not receive appropriate follow-up. A proportion of patients with simple scabies will develop CS. Grade 1 CS
(CS1) can progress to grade 2 CS (CS2) and grade 3 CS (CS3). While both simple scabies and CS can result in complications, the probability of this is higher in patients
with CS and increases with higher grade CS. Complications can result in death or can resolve. “Background mortality” reflects people who die from other causes than CS,
which can differ between the susceptible and infected populations due to differences in comorbidities. In case the model is used to inform an economic evaluation, each
of the health states (S1, SSu, SSd, SSt, CSu (grades 1–3), CSd (grades 1–3), CSt (grades 1–3) and S2) is associated with a cost and a utility. Diagnostics, treatments and
complications can be associated with additional costs and/or (dis)utilities. The model can be used to simulate a community and how individuals move through the
various health states over time, accruing costs, life-years and utility based on the time they spend in each of the health states. Results can be expressed in terms of costs per
quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained, or any other outcome captured in the model (e.g. cost per reinfection prevented or cost per life year gained).
used for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of interventions which aim, for example, to prevent
reinfection through household level interventions (e.g. ensuring treated CS patients return to
scabies-free homes), or community interventions to reduce the prevalence of scabies. Mixing
patterns can be based on assumptions or, preferably, appropriate data collection. For example,
to inform scabies transmission modelling in indigenous communities in Australia, informa-
tion is currently being collected on the number of infections and reinfections in the various
communities, living conditions (e.g. number of persons per household), and the extent to
which scabies-free zones are being established when CS patients return from the hospital. Net-
work size and structure will be dependent on the type of community that is being modelled,
including age structure since children tend to have a higher probability of acquiring scabies
[27]. For more information on challenges when modelling contact networks, see Eames et al.
2015 [28].
The proposed modelling framework also aims to capture the biology and natural history of
scabies transmission in humans, in particular the life-cycle of the mites as this can impact
treatment success rates [24]. Depending on the modelling question at hand, it may be possible
to simplify the proposed modelling framework or use other types of modelling methods. For
example, when the difference between ovicidal versus non-ovicidal treatments is irrelevant to
the question at hand, it may not be needed to track life-cycle stages of mites in individual
patients. As a rule, simple models should be preferred over complex ones when the decision
problem allows, since they are easier to understand, less prone to inaccuracies, and quicker to
develop and run [29]. On the other hand, oversimplification may result in unreliable or invalid
results when relevant risk-factors or dependencies between modelled states or agents are not
taken into account. While it may be possible to simplify the model for some questions, others
might require additional health states, for example to allow modelling of long-term complica-
tions (e.g. chronic renal failure) and their effects. For more information on different types of
modelling methods, see Siettos and Russo 2013 [30].
Within the proposed modelling framework, model time should be counted in days, to
account for processes like infection, the scabies life-cycle, and treatment effects. Other pro-
cesses may take substantially longer, such as processes related to certain complications, and
impacts on life expectancy. For most modelling questions, a life time horizon will be sufficient.
None of the identified models explicitly included CS. This is a shortcoming, since CS is
associated with high infectivity, morbidity and mortality compared to simple scabies, and has
often been overlooked in scabies program design. The proposed modelling framework incor-
porates a probability of moving from simple scabies to CS, which can be dependent on
(amongst other factors) immune status of the patient.
While other infectious disease models often include some notion of seasonality, this has not
been the case for scabies models. Although scabies mites show increased mite movement and
increased transmission in a warm environment, a study in Malawi found that scabies was
more prevalent during the cold, dry season, possibly due to close interpersonal contact in
crowded indoor environments [31]. Other studies, however, show no obvious seasonal varia-
tion at all [31–33]. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the proposed modelling frame-
work does not accommodate seasonality.
The following sections of this paper discuss input parameters that can be used to inform the
suggested modelling framework, or other newly developed scabies models.
Quality of life
The literature review identified 3 QoL studies performed in scabies patients: 1 from China (=
96), 1 from Brazil (n = 105) and 1 from India (n = 102). None of these studies addressed the
QoL of CS patients compared to the QoL associated with simple scabies, and two of the studies
[48, 49] excluded CS patients. Jin-Gang et al. [48] used the Dermatology Life Quality Index
(DLQI), and Worth [50] and Nair [49] used a modified version of that same questionnaire.
Modifications made by Worth et al. included: 1) adapting the language to local culture and
attitudes; 2) modifying questions to increase relevance for persons living in an urban slum in
the tropics; and 3) changing questions that were not applicable in children. Nair et al. used the
modified version from Worth et al., with slight modifications as per the requirements of the
Indian population.
Table 4 shows QoL results from the three studies, as per category of effect from scabies on
QoL. Note that categorisation was based on classifiers described in the studies (e.g. “small
effect”), not the modified DLQI item scores, since the questionnaires differed slightly between
studies. Jin-Gang et al. reported a mean DLQI score of 10.09 (sd 5.96), with most QoL impact
of scabies due to symptoms, embarrassment, work or study and sexual difficulties. Most com-
mon categories of impairment according to Worth et al. were feelings of shame (77.2% in
adults, 46.6% in children), the need to dress differently (35.1% in adults, 29.3% in children),
restriction on leisure activities (24.6% in adults, 36.8% in children), stigmatisation at work/
school (21.1% in adults, 25.0% in children), social exclusion (24.6% in adults, 17.9% in chil-
dren), teasing (26.3% in children), and problems with sexual partners (10.9% in adults).
Women/girls perceived more restrictions than men/boys.
A review of studies using the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) ques-
tionnaire to measure QoL in skin conditions [51] found an overall estimated CDLQI score of
9.2 (95%CI: 0.0–20.3) associated with scabies. The review identified two studies that were not
identified in our literature review: Balci et al. [52] and Lewis-Jones & Finlay [53]. Both
included children with a wide range of skin diseases, including only few scabies patients (n = 9
and n = 6, respectively). Olsen et al. commented that while scabies might have a large effect on
QoL at the time of completing the questionnaire, this may only be over a short time as it is cur-
able. While also curable, the disutility of CS may be more substantial, given the severity of asso-
ciated symptoms and complications.
Resource use
While simple scabies is relatively straightforward to treat, patients may not seek care, may wait
a long time before doing so, and may be misdiagnosed. In Cameroon, Kouotou et al. [54]
found that it takes 4 to 720 days between the onset of symptoms and the first consultation with
a dermatologist, with a mean of 77.1 days (sd 63.7). At the first consultation with a dermatolo-
gist, 74.9% had already tried previous treatment, such as antibiotics, antifungals, antihista-
mines or plant-based medicines.
Table 3. (Continued)
Protonymphal stage 2.40 (sd 0.84)– 3.40 (sd 0.84) days for females, 2.33 (sd 0.66)– 3.33 (sd 0.66) days [47]
for males
Larval and (sd 1.29)– 7.5 (sd 1.29) days [47]
protonymphal stage
Tritonymphal stage 2.22 (sd 1.01)– 3.22 (sd 0.97) days for females, 2.42 (sd 0.51)– 3.42 days (sd 0.51) [47]
for males
Nymphal stages 2.35)– 6.67 (sd 2.35) days [47]
Proportion of mites 9% [47]
which die in the
Survival away from 24–36 hours (at room conditions) [35]
data collection will generally be required to inform model inputs. Resource use or costs for
treating CS have not been published. A cost-of-illness study from an Australian perspective is
currently being performed by (part of) the authors of this paper. Note that the cost-effective-
ness of interventions to prevent CS may be substantially impacted by their ability to prevent
long-term complications (e.g. rheumatic fever and chronic valvular heart disease) which may
increase costs and decrease patient life expectancy and quality of life.
Based on a systematic literature review, this paper discusses published models and proposes a
new, comprehensive modelling framework to develop cost-effectiveness analyses of treatments
for scabies. Models should be informed by population, disease and treatment characteristics,
which may differ between communities. Available information on required model inputs was
systematically reviewed. Prior to this review, the literature lacked a good account of these
inputs, including the life cycle of scabies mites, patient QoL, and resource use. This review
resolves this problem and should be supplemented by locally specific data collections and
expert opinion where required.
There is a lack of reliable, comprehensive information about scabies biology and the
impacts this disease has on patients and society. This may be due to the limited amount of
resources directed towards scabies research [7, 8], and its tendency to affect resource-poor
populations. Given the efficacy of available treatments and the relatively low costs of these
treatments (although still prohibitively expensive in some low-income settings), current high
prevalence rates of scabies are unacceptable. Interventions should aim to reduce scabies inci-
dence in a sustainable, cost-effective manner. In doing so, it may be worth focusing additional
efforts on identifying and treating patients with CS, who can be “core transmitters” of the dis-
ease, while experiencing high morbidity and mortality rates [38]. The importance of targeting
CS patients has often been overlooked in program design for simple scabies.
Scabies elimination efforts should be prioritised for communities that are worst affected,
and with sustained intervention, this is a realistic goal [59]. Given that many of these commu-
nities are resource-poor, cost-effective use of resources is crucial and can be informed by
health-economic modelling, taking into account community-specific resource constraints and
expected budget impact of proposed interventions. Furthermore, careful data collection (for
example, aided by making scabies a notifiable disease) may help guide funds to where they are
most needed.
While the current article provides a comprehensive overview of key issues and a proposed
modelling framework to aid future scabies modelling work, it is only a first step in this direc-
tion. Researchers and policy makers are encouraged to use and adjust this modelling frame-
work to develop an economic evaluation predicting the (cost)-effectiveness of interventions
against scabies in their population(s) of interest. Any input on the proposed modelling frame-
work by external parties is welcomed.
As with all health economic models, model transparency and validation of the results is crit-
ical to its success and potential impact. The current modelling framework has not been vali-
dated and should only be used as an aid for model development. By using the current review
and proposed modelling framework to substantiate the modelling approach and select appro-
priate inputs, transparency can be improved. Proper validation involves face validity, verifica-
tion of internal validity, external validity, and predictive validity. Health economists and
modellers working in the field of scabies are referred to the ISPOR report on model transpar-
ency and validation for recommendations on how to appropriately validate and report on
their model and results in a population of interest [60].
For data inputs that are uncertain, real-world data collection may be crucial to ensure reli-
ability of modelling outcomes. Furthermore, the impact of uncertain model inputs can be
tested by using sensitivity analyses to determine how variation in modelling inputs impacts the
results, both deterministically and probabilistically. Given the identified knowledge gaps, it is
important to perform extensive sensitivity analysis in any scabies model that will be developed.
Meanwhile, grant bodies are encouraged to invest in scabies research to address the knowledge
gaps identified in this review regarding the biology, QoL and cost impact of simple scabies and
As far as the authors are aware, transmission modelling has seldom been used to answer
questions on scabies interventions. One reason for this may be the lack of readily available
information to inform modelling work, which this review aims to (at least partially) address.
Another reason may be unfamiliarity or scepticism on the side of authorities and funding bod-
ies with respect to the value of theoretical results obtained from modelling. Health economists
and other scientists can best illustrate the value of modelling by using evidence-based, vali-
dated approaches to tackle relevant, real-world questions which can directly inform clinical or
governmental decision-making.
Supporting information
S1 Checklist. PRISMA checklist.
The authors thank Alexander John Waber for creating the figures for this article.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Naomi van der Linden, Kees van Gool, Karen Gardner, Helen Dickinson,
Jason Agostino, Michelle Dowden, Rosalie Viney.
Data curation: Naomi van der Linden.
Formal analysis: Naomi van der Linden.
Funding acquisition: Naomi van der Linden, Kees van Gool, Karen Gardner, Helen Dickin-
son, Michelle Dowden.
Investigation: Naomi van der Linden.
Methodology: Naomi van der Linden.
Project administration: Naomi van der Linden, Karen Gardner.
Resources: Naomi van der Linden.
Software: Naomi van der Linden.
Supervision: Kees van Gool, Karen Gardner, Rosalie Viney.
Validation: Karen Gardner, Helen Dickinson, Jason Agostino, David G. Regan, Michelle
Visualization: Naomi van der Linden.
Writing – original draft: Naomi van der Linden.
Writing – review & editing: Naomi van der Linden, Kees van Gool, Karen Gardner, Helen
Dickinson, Jason Agostino, David G. Regan, Michelle Dowden, Rosalie Viney.
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