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Prepared by: SHAIRA JOYCE G.

Table of Contents

I. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. Guide Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7
III. Activity Card . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
IV. Assessment Card . . . . . . . . . 17-18
V. Enrichment Card . . . . . . . . . . 19
VI. Reference Card . . . . . . . . . . 20
This SIM introduces you to the nation and state. As you go
along, you will encounter the difference of the 2 terms that will
allow you to understand the deeper meaning of the nation–
state derived from your comprehension and participation on
the activities regarding the nation-state. With the participation
of the community you belong, we will be able to identify the
different aspects and concepts in regards to the nation-state.
The State as different from the Nation as a polit-
ical concept
1. Define nation and state
2. Differentiate nation from state
Hi I’m Juan Pedro. Are you
ready to learn???
Guide Card
Welcome! The concept of a nation– state is notoriously dif-
ficult to define.
In our modern world many of the traditional boundaries
and barriers between nations have become obsolete. In-
formation, products, services and culture can be shared
around the world at a faster pace than ever before. How-
ever, like most things in this world the answer is not black
or white, but rather a shade of grey.
Nation states have many benefits to them, but they can
also cause tension in our world.
This is one of those ways with which efforts were com-
bined to let you learn and at the same time enjoy identify-
ing the difference of nation-state. As you worked on with
the given activities in each of the learning sequence you
were provided with opportunities to reflect and understand
that there’s more to nation and states than expected.
Through these activities, you were gradually intro-
duced to the essential knowledge and concepts
you needed to learn about nation-state. And as
expected, you enjoyed them a lot! But those activi-
ties were not the end. Comprehension was just a
beginning of a bigger and better picture. You were
provided with opportunities to express and
demonstrate your understanding of the benefits
that you can derive from engaging and participat-
ing for you to understand the 2 concepts by an-
swering the mind– extracting and thought- pro-
voking questions given.
Define what is nation and State

Nation- commonly defined as cultural entities, that is,

groupings of people bound together by shared values,
and traditions. Nations share a common language, reli-
gion, history and usually occupy the same geographical
Define what is nation and State

State– is primarily a political– legal concept. Legally

constituted entity which provides its citizen protection
both internal and external insecurity and aggression.
Elements of State

People– whom the state is

obliged to protect and provide
services to. They are the citizens
who enjoy and exercises rights
authorized by the state and man-
dated by the constitution and law.
Elements of State

Territory– well-defined
physical and geographic
boundaries wherein
state reigns supreme
and where the state’s
exercise of sovereignty
is recognized both inside
and outside the bounda-
Elements of State

Government– it is a formal institutions through which peo-

ple are ruled.
Elements of State

Sovereignty is the absolute or supreme exercise of power

expressed either as
unchallengeable le-
gal authority or un-
questionable political
Hey Len, let’s have a game! For we to re- Yes Juan. This is s exciting! Our
membered the meaning of nation and state, teacher will be much happy with this
let’s recite it orally. Game? method we’ve done. You will define
what is nation and I will define too
the meaning of state.
-Sure! That will differentiate the nation
from state.

“A nation is a group of people who see

themselves as a cohesive and coherent unit “A State is an independent, sovereign
based on shared cultural or historical crite- government exercising control over a
ria. Nations are socially constructed units, certain spatially defined and bounded
not given by nature. Their existence, defini- area, whose borders are usually clearly
tion, and members can change dramatically defined and internationally recognized
based on circumstances.” by other states.”
Activity Card

Based on the given definition, which came first, the nation

or the state? Justify your answer and use separate paper
to answer the activity. Follow this diagram for you to an-
swer the given question. At the center, write whether na-
tion or state came first, and for the circles write your justi-
Activity Card

Based on the discussion, is the Philippine a nation? Justify.

Use separate paper to answer the question.



Enrichment Card

This aims to reaffirm your patriotism and nationalism in

your own country. List your goals in relation to family,
barangay and your own country.

Barangay Goals
Country Goals
Family Goals
Reference Card

Book: Mendoza and Melegrito. Politics without Borders: Phil-

ippine Politics and Governance. State, Nations and Globaliza-
tion, 37-39.

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