Coupling Matrix Synthesis For The Cascaded Filters: Abstract - This Paper Presents A Method Using N+4 Coupling
Coupling Matrix Synthesis For The Cascaded Filters: Abstract - This Paper Presents A Method Using N+4 Coupling
Coupling Matrix Synthesis For The Cascaded Filters: Abstract - This Paper Presents A Method Using N+4 Coupling
Yang Gao1, Fan Zhang2, Cheng Guo3, Junchao Wang1, Yuhuai Liu1*, Juin J. Liou1
1. Department of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
2. Physical School,University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, China
3. Department of Information and Telecommunication Engineering, X i’an Jiaotong University, X i’an, China
*[email protected]
N (D
Fig. 2 Topology and circuit schematic of the cascaded filter, (a) Topology, (b) Lumped circuit representation.
S n = 2 [ A ] p l >p -1
where |Y| and |Y| are the determinant o f [Y] and |Y] . (7)
cof(YPi pj ) and cof(Ypi Pj ) are the entries in column Pi and S 21 = 2 [ A ] p 2 ,p i
row Pj o f the cofactor matrices o f [Y] and [ Y]. Recalling Matrix [A] can be decomposed into three matrices [7] and [8],
relationship o f matrix [Y] and [Y] in Fig. 3, we obtain the given by
relationships o f their determinants and cofactors as [A] = [T] + p -[U ] - j \ m ] (8)
\Y\=Uco0C ■FBW f - ( J Y )S|Y| where the [T] matrix includes the filter’s port admittance and
' c (4) the NRNs. [U] is the identity matrix except for entries Up i ,p i ,
cof ( Y p j = Jco0C ■FBW f ■ JYTf cof (Yp^ ) Up2,p2, Uin,im and Uout.out which are zero, p is the complex
frequency variable defined in [1] as
Substitution o f (4) into (3) yields 1 co m,
P=j (9)
-, m pip FBW m
pi,pj (5) The normalized coupling matrix [m\ is given by
Thus, the 5-parameters can be calculated by substituting (5) ~msubl
into (2), given by cosh y/ -j
Su = 2|Re Ypi|[Yf A n ~ 1 sinh y/ sinh y/
( 10)
. , , _ , (6) -j cosh y/
S21 = 2 Re Yn\ ■Re Yp 2\[Y]Ip2,pi sinh y/ sinh y/
[F] can be reduced to the coupling matrix [A] applying
narrow band approximation. Considered in this normalized where submatrices mSubi and mSub2 denote the cascaded filters
matrix, the port admittances Ypi and Ypi are unity, thus the S- before and after the transmission line.
parameters can be expressed by
Fig. 4 Lumped circuit of the cascaded filter simulated in ADS. C o=0.0253 pF, C o,1=0.0246 pF C l,2=2.105 fF, L o=10 nH, Yp\= 7p 2=0.02 S.