Golden Vortex Chapter 8
Golden Vortex Chapter 8
Golden Vortex Chapter 8
Golden Vortex
by Nick Nelson © 2007
Chapter Eight:
We process our perception to fit a mold.
−Don Juan Matus
It was twenty-five years later, and this time I was sitting at Fred's
living room table, rather than he at mine. There were no pyramids for
him to dowse, but I did have my maps spread out, and was showing him
where all the best vortexes could be found. He was more interested in
where the bad ones might be, though, and asked about a certain town on
Vancouver Island that he had recently visited.
From his glowing recommendation, I had a hunch he was
considering this as a retirement location. I think his first worry was
whether the wife could be coaxed into life along a rustic, out-of-the-way
Canadian waterway with no roads in or out. After witnessing my
impressive map demonstrations, he might have also been concerned
about the possibility of an evil vortex making the plumbing break, and
his ears ring.
Fred left the room, and came back with a big road map of British
Columbia, which he opened on the table. I positioned my torus-shaped
ring magnet over the mouth of Alberni Inlet, and dangled the little
pendulum magnet close to it. He seemed happy with the complete lack of
results, signifying no overt vortex nearby.
In the last several weeks before this, I'd been so busy hunting
vortexes to the south that I'd ignored the North.
As we sat comparing stories, the Canadian map remained spread
out between us, and this was a good opportunity to check it over. I slowly
moved the speaker magnet north of Seattle until I got a reaction; up in
the "bush" as the Canadians call the wilderness. It was about 120 miles
above the border, which made it closer to the Seattle Vortex than I would
have expected. At that time, I had not yet learned to appreciate that the
curvature of the Planet collapsed these distances in the same way that
arbitrary longitude lines get closer together.
"Well, there it is," I said. "A long way from Vancouver Island."
Fred leaned forward, studiously checked the position of my newly
found vortex, and then commented with a grunt, "Huh?"
collective genius. Ask a beekeeper how little time it takes for a single bee
to die after the swarm leaves it behind.
I mentioned the L-Field theory to Fred by way of trying to comfort
both of us. There wasn't much else to say in defense of this colossal
coincidence of finding the word gold stamped at the exact places to which
Pyramid math and the magnets pointed. I ruled out the possibility I may
have physically influenced the magnets, because of my true ignorance of
the existence of Gold Bridge, and I surely had nothing to do with naming
these places.
To think this name-dropping on maps could have happened as a
conscious decision was silly, and yet the only conclusion left was absurd.
I wondered if these six references to gold were all there would be?
Running across these places on maps was at first accidental, but
whatever happened next, because I was no longer honestly ignorant,
would be the result of a deliberate search. If no other line, angle, or
center of a vortex showed up with a gold name, then maybe the idea of an
actual coincidence would stand.
The first thing I did was investigate a place I knew about in south-
central Washington, called Goldendale. I don't know if I was relieved or
disappointed when this town didn't seem to line up with anything.
This was also about the time I was putting together the "Golden"
Section and the Fibonacci sequence connection, so I was also counting
spaces out from Riverside, and Orondo to the lines of demarcation to see
if anything fell on the spiral lines. At first none of the golden names lined
up on these lines, and then I realized I was using the counterclockwise
north spiral. When I switched to the north polarity clockwise application
everything changed.
The first numbers of 1 and 1 were easy to find. They constitute
180-degrees of a small circle around Orondo. The numeral 2 shows no
language correlation on the map. Number 3 hits halfway between the first
1 and the Okanogan Vortex corona line. 4 falls right on Highway 2 as it
points straight toward Spokane. 5 occupies the space that the Queen's
Chamber takes up in the Great Pyramid. Numbers 6 and 7 are in the
wilderness, but 8 lands right on Gold Bar.
Numeral 13 is Oroville.
The second number 1 in the next higher sequence begins at the Tri
Cities Vortex, and the spiraling line, just before it reaches the magnetic
North line at the Washington corona, where it begins an even larger
spiral, slices right through the town of Goldendale.
I am the first to admit the unbelievable, even fanciful nature of the
kind of dots I'm connecting, and I have to constantly remind myself that I
didn't invent any of this. These titles I didn't choose, were presented to
me on charts I didn't draw.
Whatever its cause, this is an elegant, spell-binding picture of a
part of Nature we haven't yet looked deeply into.
complains that a force line from the Vortex runs through her house. She
is certain this line comes right out of her fireplace, and it evidently
interferes with her life. She is something of a fun-loving sensitive, and we
all had a great time when she came by.
She is Greek. Her name is Aurelia, and, no kidding, it means, The
Golden One.
I know the general area where she lives, and I have not been able
to plot any sort of line from the Vortex in her direction. However, a line
from Aurora, 250 miles north, which passes down the road Aurelia lives
on, is 23.4-degrees off the line that goes through Nimrod. As an aside, on
its way to her house the line runs through a spot on the map called.
Nonpareil (A paragon, or a 6-point interlinear space in printing). A line from
true north of Nonpareil to Nimrod is about 52-degrees of arc, and a
similar line from Aurelia's house is 60-degrees.
If I ever run across her again I’ll enjoy pointing out that the
disruption of her fireplace isn't the fault of the House of Mystery Vortex.
I have searched atlases across most of Canada, Mexico, and the
United States, and it appears the gold-naming phenomenon is mostly the
property of the western side of the North American continent. For a time,
it looked like Golden and Aurora, Colorado, both of which are suburbs of
Denver had nothing to do with any of this. Then I saw that the Denver
area is 23.4-degrees off the Orla−Gold Bridge line.
When I revisited Orla, Texas on the map, I saw something else. The
distance from Orla to Orogrande when plotted on the Gold Bridge line
shows the radius of a line of demarcation of another vortex, which swings
from Orla to just beyond Roswell, New Mexico. The radius of this line
when chopped into thirds gives the corona width, and when added out
from the line of demarcation this corona line cuts through a town
northwest of Roswell called, Corona. It's a town that's also smack on the
51.43-degree Gold Bridge line. When plotted from Orogrande, Roswell
and Corona are about 40-degrees apart.
Ill. #41.
I am not going to try making a case for this area being a natural
portal for alien visitors. I'll let others do this, and my guess is that they'll
give it a try. There is a better candidate, however, for this kind of
connection, and I fell into it while still back on the apple ranch.
My neighbor, Mauricio and his family came from El Salvador. His
father lives there, but comes north to visit once or twice a year. One day,
Mauricio told me that his father, after being in the area for three or four
months also becomes stricken with ringing in the ears, but when he goes
home his ears quiet right down.
After hearing this, I got out the magnets and maps, and learned the
whole country of El Salvador is apparently a vortex. It is also one of those
places on the Earth where Magnetic North and True North are the same.
A longitude line goes due north from El Salvador, through the Yucatan,
Pensacola, Florida, up the middle of Lake Michigan, to Hudson's Bay,
Baffin Island and the North Magnetic Pole, finally stopping at the axis of
the Earth.
I'd been tracking vortexes East, but hadn't gotten to the area
around the Gulf of Mexico. All of a sudden the boot of Louisiana, as it
hangs out there in the Gulf of Mexico, looked suspicious. It looked
obvious. It looked like a circle of just the correct size might tuck right in
under Biloxi, Mississippi, and just east of New Orleans. It appeared that
a double vortex like the Gold Hill−Klamath Lake configuration ought to sit
just off shore in the Gulf, with the eastern twin vortex circle situated due
south of Pensacola, Florida. A line down through Mobile Bay, Alabama
would cut them right down the middle.
Not only did it look like these phenomena should exist here, my
magnets agreed, and some very interesting lines and distance ratios
verified my suspicions.
There are quite a few things about this discovery that are
Lines drawn on a great circle route to Miami from Gold Bridge,
Seattle, and Gold Hill, touch this twin Vortex in different places making a
12-degree angle between them when checked from Miami. A line drawn to
the West on a flat map from Pensacola, cuts through Corona near
Roswell, into Arizona and between the towns of Gold Road and Golden
Shores, to Orogrande, California, then terminates at the apex of the
Pacific Vortex of which Monterey Bay is a part.
The distance from the Pensacola area to downtown Miami is the
exact distance from Miami to the center of the Bermuda Triangle.
The significance of that stone circle, which was found in Miami,
looks huge, but I still don't think it was necessary for ancient man to
have flying machines to put these things on ley lines.
South of the city of Pensacola, on a long spit of land dividing
Pensacola Bay from the Gulf of Mexico, is the town of Gulf Breeze. For a
number of years, Gulf Breeze is a place where a person can almost make
a reservation to see a UFO up close. I had an occasion to view an aerial
photo of Gulf Breeze, and it tied my guts in a knot. For some reason
these folks built their streets in a double circle pattern.
Here, might there be a portal?
At the bottom of Louisiana's boot, a few miles from Grand Isle on
Route 1, is the town of Golden Meadow. As measured from a true line of
latitude, Gulf Breeze is 23.4-degrees of arc from Golden Meadow.
When a line is drawn west from Miami across the Everglades
toward Naples it encounters a town called, Golden Gate. This line when
extended across the Gulf toward Louisiana intersects Golden Meadow,
and continues on to Orla, Orogrande, Oro Valley, Casa de Oro and
beyond. This line appears as perfectly straight from Miami to the San
Diego area because on flat maps the southern boundaries are in scale.
From Miami to the North, another straight line the same inclination
as the line through the Pacific Coast "pyramid areas", skirts the East
Coast, and helps form the baseline of another triangle of three 54-mile
vortex areas off the coasts of New York and Massachusetts. The northern
leg of this trio of vortexes encompasses Cape Cod Bay, and the southern
leg is just off the northern tip of Long Island; Montauk, which I later
learned has a story or two applied to it. The apex is to the east in the
Atlantic Ocean.
I don't know if this triangle has anything to do with 747's falling
out of the sky, but if I were departing Kennedy Airport on my way to
Europe via a great circle route, I think I'd like the pilot to go a little
farther North before turning East.
A line drawn from Cape Cod Bay to the West terminates at Gold
Bridge, British Columbia, and completes a perfect rectangle that can be
evenly divided into two squares. This rectangle looks suspiciously like a
really, really big King's Chamber, and the exact center of it looks to be
comfortably close to a town in Nebraska called...Aurora.
I could easily clutter up this map with more lines through more
towns called either, Gold(something), Aurora, Aurelia, or Oro (this, that
or the other thing), but I leave that to the reader if he or she hasn't
anything better to do.
I do need, however, to point out that the 30-degree North latitude
line scrapes itself on the vortex circle around Orla, and then cuts straight
through the centers of the twin vortex circles between Louisiana and
Pensacola, continues east through the exact center of the Bermuda
Triangle, and finally to the city of Cairo, Egypt.
(Ill. #42)
Golden Vortex
by Nick Nelson
Nick spent two years working at the Oregon Vortex, and this book reveals new specifics about
how vortexes work, and how they may provide a key to solving the enigma of building a
magnetic motor.
PO Box 3028, Ashland, Oregon 97520 USA