Blood Clotting Mechanism: Teri Junge, CST, Cfa
Blood Clotting Mechanism: Teri Junge, CST, Cfa
Blood Clotting Mechanism: Teri Junge, CST, Cfa
Teri Junge, cst, cfa
his article is intended as an introduction to the blood clot-
ting mechanism for the student surgical technologist
and as a review for those in practice. Effective control of
bleeding occurs through a complex process called hemo-
stasis, which will be explained in four basic steps. The basic steps of
the blood clotting process are vasoconstriction, platelet activation,
thrombus formation, and dissolution of the clot. Basic laboratory
tests used to identify blood clotting problems will also be presented.
Blood clotting is initiated in one of two ways. The first, referred to
as the intrinsic or internal pathway, occurs when a clot forms inside
of a blood vessel due to an internal abnormality or an injury to the
blood vessel itself.8 The second, referred to as the extrinsic or exter-
nal pathway, occurs following an injury, such as a cut, when blood
is exposed to the outside environment. No matter how the clotting
process is initiated, the clot forms in the same way. This is referred to
as the common pathway. Another term used to describe blood clot-
ting is coagulation.
Blood cells called platelets, along with numerous factors—pro-
teins, enzymes, vitamin K, and calcium—found in blood plasma, are
involved in the clotting process. Blood clotting factors are referred
to by Roman numerals and also have names associated with them.
Injuries leading to extrinsic blood clotting and the related chain
of events will be the focus of this article, as this is the type of injury
most commonly seen in the surgical environment. An example is
provided in the case study below.
Layers of the blood Artery Vein
vessel wall.
Elastic layer
Red thrombus.
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OCTOBER 2006 The Surgical Technologist