Air Concentration Distribution in Deflector-Jets: JANUARY 2014

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Air concentration distribution in deflector-jets


DOI: 10.14264/uql.2014.29



Michael Pfister
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


Available from: Michael Pfister

Retrieved on: 24 September 2015
5th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures Brisbane, Australia, 25-27 June 2014
Hydraulic Structures and Society: Engineering Challenges and Extremes
ISBN 9781742721156 - DOI: 10.14264/uql.2014.29

Air concentration distribution in deflector-jets

M. Pfister and S. Schwindt

Laboratoire de Constructions Hydrauliques (LCH)
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
CH – 1015 Lausanne
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: As an alternative to ski jumps, deflectors can be implemented on spillways to generate free
jets. They guide, up to a certain limit, the jet to an achieved location onto the plunge pool surface, and
furthermore enhance the process of jet disintegration. The present research addresses the following
aspects, derived from physical model tests: (1) length and shape of the jet black-water core and
further characteristic air concentration contour lines, (2) streamwise development of average and
minimum sectional air concentrations, as well as jet thickness, and (3) sectional air concentration
profiles along the jet. It is shown that all mentioned parameters depend only on the relative black-
water core length, being a function of the approach flow characteristics, the deflector geometry and the
chute slope.

Keywords: Air concentration, Black-water core, Deflector, Jet.

Free jets are frequently generated by hydraulic structures. Examples are drop manholes in sewer
systems, or on spillways at dams. Particularly on spillways, some jet features are provoked
intentionally by providing a specific jet take-off structure at the chute end, as for instance a ski jump or
a deflector. These devices enhance the flow turbulence and support thus the disintegration process of
the jet, and furthermore guide the jet to a certain impact location on the plunge pool water surface.

On spillways, ski jumps are a standard dissipation element. Recently, an alternative concept for jet
generation was presented by Steiner et al. (2008), namely the triangular deflector. The main
advantage of such deflectors is their reduced constructional cost because of simple form work,
particularly if providing a 3D terminal structure with a transverse variable geometry for horizontal jet
deflection. A disadvantage might be that the application range of deflectors is presumably limited to
relatively flat chutes and to bottom outlets. An efficient flow deflection providing a jet impact location
far away from the take-off structure is impossible downstream of steep chutes, because the total
deviation angle for deflectors is smaller than for ski jumps. A hydraulic comparison of flip bucket and
deflector generated jets indicate that: (1) The local maximum dynamic pressure on deflectors is larger
than on the corresponding flip buckets, whereas the total dynamic pressure force is smaller; (2) A
deflector results in longer throwing distances than a flip bucket for identical boundary conditions; (3)
The jet energy dissipation characteristics of both designs is comparable; and (4) No significant
differences were found in the flow choking features.

Hydraulics of deflector-generated jets was investigated by Steiner et al. (2008), as well as by Pfister
and Hager (2009). The first publication focuses on the jet trajectories, whereas the second provides
information regarding the minimum and average air concentration characteristics along such jets.
Particularly, it was shown that these air features depend uniquely on the relative jet black-water core
length, defined between the jet take-off and the jet profile with a minimum air concentration of
Cm = 0.01. The present paper re-evaluates these data including additional tests conducted with
exceptionally steep deflectors (Pfister 2011), generating particularly long and aerated jets, so that the
previous result could be extended. Furthermore, general air concentration profiles, again as a function
of the relative jet black-water core length, are presented. These appear similar to those recorded by
Toombes and Chanson (2007) for bottom outlet jets without deflector.

The main parameters used to describe the air concentration distribution within a deflector-generated
jet take into account the geometrical and hydraulic features at the take-off, namely (Fig. 1) the
approach flow depth ho, the approach flow velocity Vo, the approach flow Froude number
Fo = Vo/(gho)0.5, the chute bottom angle φ, the deflector height t (perpendicular to the chute bottom),
and the deflector angle α. All these parameters were systematically varied in the frame of a physical
model investigation. The basic data of the study of Pfister and Hager (2009) were used, after filtering
them. Exclusively tests with (1) atmospheric pressure below the jet, (2) not pre-aerated approach flow,
and (3) a black-water core shorter than the jet were considered. Furthermore, no drop-generated jets
(absence of a deflector) were taken into account. Finally, 58 tests remained, all including some 3 to 10
air concentration profiles along the jet. As indicated in Fig. 1, the streamwise coordinate x starts at the
deflector take-off lip and is parallel to the chute bottom, and the coordinate z is orientated
perpendicular to x. The limits of the study, as a result of the test conditions in the physical model, are
0.047 m ≤ ho ≤ 0.086 m, 5.9 ≤ Fo ≤ 10.4, 5.7° ≤ α ≤ 26.6°, and 12° ≤ φ ≤ 50°. Scale effects concerning
air concentrations are presumably small, because the recommendations of Pfister and Chanson
(2012) are respected. Namely, the approach flow Weber number Wo = (ρVo2ho)/σ ranged between
143 ≤ Wo0.5 ≤ 234, and the approach flow Reynolds number Ro = Voho/ν ranged between
2.6 105 ≤ Ro ≤ 5.2 105. Note that ρ = water density, σ = water surface tension, and ν = water kinematic

Air concentration C(z, x) profiles were section-wise measured, using a double-tip fibre-optical probe.
The streamwise spacing between the individual profiles was constant as ∆x=0.200 m, and the spacing
along the z coordinate was about 0.002 to 0.005 m. The upper (subscript U) and the lower (subscript
L) jet trajectories zU(x) and zL(x) were defined along the jet boundaries similar to C = 0.90.

Figure 1 – Definition sketch for deflector-generated jets (Pfister and Hager 2009)


2.1. Standard definition

The break-up length of a jet is typically linked to the length of its coherent black-water core. Deriving
such a black-water core from the present data requires (1) that the approach flow consists mainly of
black-water (tests with artificially pre-aerated approach flow were excluded), and (2) a criterion to
define “black-water”, herein chosen as C ≤ 0.01. Accordingly, the present black-water core ranges
between the jet take-off at x=0.0 m, and the profile at a certain streamwise location x where the
sectional minimum (subscript m) air concentration is Cm = 0.01. Then, jet parts upstream of the latter
location include Cm < 0.01, and parts downstream include Cm > 0.01. Because the criterion of Cm =
0.01 was never precisely within a measured profile, a linear interpolation between the two
neighbouring profiles was conducted.

The black-water core length L1 (Fig. 1) as derived from the model tests and using the C = 0.01
criterion was normalized with ho. The main parameters affecting L/ho were identified as Fo, α and φ, so
that (Pfister and Hager 2009)
 73 Fo 1  tan  1  sin  
1  0.5
The coefficient of determination between measured values and those derived from Eq. (1) is
R2 = 0.87. Given that Eq. (1) bases on the C = 0.01 criterion (1% of air concentration), the related
black-water core length is denoted as L1.

2.2. Extended definition

The criterion to define the black-water core length (Cm = 0.01) might be modified to Cm =0.05 or
Cm = 0.10, for instance. Of course, one may then not consider the resulting lengths as a “black-water
core” any more, but rather as characteristic jet disintegration lengths. Given that the latter correlate
with the normalization as prosed in Eq. (1), they are indicated herein anyway. The two new definitions
include thus lengths reaching between take-off and the sectional profile with a minimum air
concentration of either Cm = 0.05 or Cm = 0.10. The related lengths are denoted as L5 (up to 5% air
concentration) and L10 (up to 10%). The individual lengths all depend on the normalization of Eq. (1),
but with different inclinations of the linear best fit. Note that the subscript i stands for the different
criteria, i.e. 1%, 5% and 10%. Then

 Bi Fo 1  tan  1  sin  
1  0.5

with B1 = 73 for L1 (i = 1%, i.e. similar to Eq. (1)), B5 = 105 for L5 (i = 5%), and B10 = 130 for L10 (i = 10)
(Table 1). The coefficients of determination between measured values and those derived from Eq. (2)
are R2 = 0.86 for L5, and R2 = 0.82 for L10. The individual values Li/ho derived from the model data are
shown versus the normalized abscissa being

  Fo
1  tan 0.5 1  sin   (3)

in Fig. 2a. Dividing the B5 and B10 values by the black-water core factor B1 results in
B5/B1 = 105/73 = 1.44 (close to √2), and B10/B1 = 130/73 = 1.78 (close to √3). In average, a minimum
sectional air concentration of Cm = 0.05 was observed at 1.44 times the black-water core length, and a
Cm = 0.10 at 1.78 times the black-water core length. If considering the individually measured L5/L1 and
L10/L1 per particular jet results in similar values, as shown in the histogram of Fig. 2b. From these
individual factors per jet, an average of L5/L1 = 1.46 and of L10/L1 = 1.81 followed. This is close to the
global ratios derived from the Bi as indicated before.

(a) (b)
Figure 2 – Normalized lengths, (a) for cores reaching up to Cm = 0.01 (L1, black-water), Cm = 0.05 (L5),
and Cm = 0.10 (L10), all as a function of Φ according to Eq. (3), and (b) histogram showing distribution
of individual L10/L1 and L5/L1
2.3. Shape
The black-water core shape (contour lines defined at C = 0.01, visible as coherent black-water in Fig.
3) as well as the contour lines at C = 0.05 and C = 0.10 were derived from the model data. They are
shown in Fig. 4, with a normalized ordinate as

z  zL
Z (4)
zU  z L

At every section, the location Z = 1 correspond accordingly to the upper jet trajectory (at C = 0.90) and
Z = 0 to the lower jet trajectory. The abscissa is given as

 (5)

denoted as relative black-water core length. Consequently, the black-water core with C < 0.01 spans
between Χ = 0 and Χ = 1. Depending on the chosen criterion from chapter 2.2, the characteristic jet
lengths L5/L1 = 1.44 and L10/L1 = 1.78 correspond to Χ = 1.44 and Χ = 1.78, respectively (Fig. 4). Both,
the upper and the lower contour lines derived for each criterion may be approximated with similar
square-root-functions as

ZU  1  D  (6)

ZL  E  (7)

The parameters D and E are given in Table 1, in function of the different criteria. Figure 4 shows the
jet black-water core shape (Fig. 4a), and the two related characteristic contour lines (Fig. 4b, c)
normalized with Eqs. (4) and (5). The data and the trend lines according to Eqs. (6) and (7) essentially
collapse. The relative elevation of the black-water core end within the jet – and also the elevation
where the normalized contour lines of the two supplementary criteria merge – is at about 0.7Z. These
observations agree with the visual impression of the black-water core shape as shown in Fig. 3.

Table 1 – Parameters to derive air characteristics for various criteria

B [-] D [-] E [-]
Criteria C [-] Subscript i Eq. (2) Eq. (6) Eq. (7)
0.01 1 73 0.29 0.71
0.05 5 105 0.23 0.60
0.10 10 130 0.21 0.53

black-water core

Figure 3 – Photo of deflector-generated jet with black-water core for ho = 0.080 m, Fo = 7.5, φ = 12°,
t = 0.013 m, and α = 11.3°
(a) (b)

Figure 4 – Contour lines Z(Χ), for (a) black-water core defined along the contour-line C = 0.01, (b)
along the contour line C = 0.05, and (c) along the contour line C = 0.10


The description of the contour lines of the jet black-water core and those in its vicinity (Fig. 4) reveals
the importance of the streamwise normalization Χ. As reported by Pfister and Hager (2009), the
parameter Χ determines the complete jet air concentration distribution. Consequently, characteristic
values linked to the latter can be derived. Such a characteristic value is the average (subscript a) air
concentration per jet section. The latter results from an integration of C(z) and a division by the jet
thickness hj = zU‒zL, resulting in (Straub and Anderson 1958)


 C  z  dz
Ca  (8)
hj zL

The data indicate that the streamwise development of Ca along the jet is

C a  tanh 0.4    (9)

Figure 5a shows the values derived from the tests and Eq. (9). The coefficient of determination is
R2 = 0.93, furthermore Eq. (9) is valid between 0 ≤ Χ ≤ 6. The streamwise sectional minimum
(subscript m) air concentration also depends on Χ, and is expressed as
 2


C m  0.6 tanh    1   0.01 (10)

The determination of Eq. (10) and the data is R2 = 0.93, the range of validity includes 1 ≤ Χ ≤ 6, and
the data and Eq. (10) are compared in Fig. 5b. The relative elevation of Cm within a jet section is
denoted as Zm, i.e. normalized according to Eq. (4) inserting z = zm. As visible in Fig. 5c, Zm is typically
located between 0.6 ≤ Z ≤ 0.8 along roughly 0.5 < Χ < 2, i.e. on a relatively high elevation within the
jet. This is probably due to the flow turbulence initiated at the chute bottom along the approach flow
part, particularly acting on the lower jet surface disintegration. Note that no points were derived in the
range Χ ≤ 0.5, because Cm ≈ 0 covers a considerable relative jet height (see Fig. 6a, typically more
than 0.5 < Z < 0.8), not allowing to determine one Zm. Along Χ > 3 one may observe Zm → 0.5 to 0.6,
approaching a symmetrical jet characteristic far away from take-off.

The relative jet thickness hj increases with jet length, as the jet disperses. The data indicate a linear
dispersion along Χ as

 1.1  0.35  (11)

The initial relative jet thickness at the take-off (Χ = 0) is around hj/ho = 1.1, and thus 10% larger than
ho. This is a consequence of the rough flow surface initiated at the beginning of the deflector (see Fig.
3). Here, R2 = 0.81, the limits of Eq. (11) are again 0 ≤ Χ ≤ 6, and a comparison of the data and Eq.
(11) is given in Fig. 5d.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Figure 5 – Jet air features versus relative black-water core length Χ, (a) Ca with (‒) Eq. (9), (b) Cm with
(‒) Eq. (10), (c) Zm, and (d) hj/ho with (‒) Eq. (11)
The sectional air concentration profiles also depend on Χ, similar to the streamwise characteristic
parameters discussed before. The profiles are shown in Fig. (6) at various Χ (±10%), with a
normalized jet thickness following Eq. (4). It is visible that the data collapse, independent of the take-
off conditions. As shown in Figs. 4 and 5b, the profiles are asymmetrically at small Χ, indicating higher
concentrations near the lower trajectory. Then, at Χ > 3, the air concentration profiles become almost
symmetrically with Zm at 0.5 to 0.6. Furthermore, the increase of Cm with Χ (Fig. 5b) is recognisable.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Figure 6 – Normalized jet air concentration profiles C(Z) at different Χ (±10%), namely Χ = (a) 0.5, (b)
1.0, (c) 2.0, (d) 3.0, (e) 4.0, and (f) 6.0
The air concentration characteristics along a defector-generated jet are linked to its relative black-
water core length. This characteristic length describes the non-aerated (i.e. with air concentrations
below 1%) inner jet extension and determines the development of the average and minimum air
concentrations along the jet. The normalized jet thickness also depends on the relative black-water
core length, linked manly to the growth of the average air concentration. Given the latter observations,
it is possible to demonstrate the dependence of the general sectional air concentration profile on the
relative black-water core length. The jet black-water core length is mainly influenced by the approach
flow depth and Froude number, the equivalent deflector angle, and the chute bottom angle.

The jet core consisting of black-water (C ≤ 0.01) is asymmetrically and non-linear. The lower jet face
disintegrates and aerates faster than the upper, as a result of the friction-induced turbulence
originating from the chute bottom and the deflector. Contour lines considering higher air
concentrations (C = 0.05 and 0.10) follow a similar but extended trend. Sectional air concentration
profiles collapse when illustrated for a certain relative black-water core length, independent of the
hydraulic and geometrical conditions under which the jet was generated. As a consequence, the
average and minimum sectional concentrations for a given relative black-water core length may be
derived as a function of the latter.

The average air concentration is Ca = 0.38 at the end of the black-water core (i.e. at L1). Further
downstream, the value still increases, but with a much reduced growth rate. This indicates that the
disintegration process principally occurs close after take-off, where the turbulence initiated by the latter
is mostly operative. Far away from take-off, the average concentration tends asymptotically towards
0.8 or even higher values. Typically, the minimum streamwise air concentration is not located at the jet
centre, but above the latter as mentioned before. It tends, however, towards the jet centre for long jets.
Finally, the jet thickness also increases with jet length, again in function of the relative black-water-
core length. The trend was approximated with a simple linear function up to a relative jet length
equivalent to six times the black-water core, although rather long jets tend to a finite thickness.

For hydraulic engineering, the herein presented results might be of interest to estimate jet air
concentration features. These give, for instance, an indication of the air demand in drop manholes of
sewer systems, or characterise on spillways the jet features at impact onto a plunge pool. These are,
among other parameters, required to describe the scouring potential of jets (Pagliara et al. 2006,
Bollaert and Schleiss 2003).

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