Melville 1999
Melville 1999
Melville 1999
ABSTRACT: The temporal development of clear-water local scour depth at cylindrical bridge piers in uniform
sand beds is considered. New data are presented and used to quantify the influence of flow duration on the
depth of local scour. An equilibrium time scale (t*) is defined. The data show that both t* and the equilibrium
scour depth (dse) are subject to similar influences of flow and sediment parameters, as might be expected because
they are inherently interdependent. A method is given for determination of the time for development of dse for
a given pier, sediment, and approach flow velocity and the concomitant estimation of the scour depth at any
stage during development of the equilibrium scour hole. The results show that the scour depth after 10% of the
time to equilibrium is between about 50% and 80% of the equilibrium scour depth, depending on the approach
flow velocity.
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Journals. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and
possible publication on July 22, 1997. This paper is part of the Journal dse V y d50 t
=f , , , (2)
of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 125, No. 1, January, 1999. 䉷ASCE, D Vc D D te
ISSN 0733-9429/99/0001-0059 – 0065/$8.00 ⫹ $.50 per page. Paper No.
16274. where the first three parameters on the right-hand side repre-
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N8 38 54 0.96 200 0.243 4,035 0.690
Vte V y d50 N9 38 45 0.96 200 0.231 1,741 0.660
=f , , (3) AU1 16 24 0.80 200 0.213 1,753 0.676
D Vc D D
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which is plotted in Fig. 4. The modulus sign in (5) is necessary 0.25
to ensure that the argument of the exponential function is neg- y y y
t* = 1.6 ⫻ 106 ⱕ 6; t* = 2.5 ⫻ 106 >6 (6a,b)
ative. D D D
FIG. 3. New Laboratory Data Showing Temporal Development FIG. 5. New Laboratory Data Showing Relation between t* and
of Scour Depth y/D
In Fig. 8, all of the data from Table 1 for which y/D > 2.8, D D
i.e., those data having no influence, or minimal influence, of t* = 9.5 ⫻ 105 ⱕ 100 (8a)
d50 d50
flow shallowness, are plotted to show the effect of flow inten-
sity. Again, Ettema’s data for d50 = 5.35 mm are excluded D
because they contain an apparent strong influence of sediment t* = 2.5 ⫻ 106 > 100 (8b)
coarseness, as shown by Fig. 6. The remaining scatter in the
plotted data is partly due to their having a range of values of In spite of the quite good correlation demonstrated in the data
sediment coarseness. The diagram shows that the equilibrium in Fig. 9, (8) is not recommended to define the function for
time scale increases rapidly with flow intensity for clear-water the influence of sediment coarseness, because other data in
scour, attaining a maximum value at the threshold condition Ettema (1980) do not show consistent trends. Further study is
for sediment transport. At higher live-bed flows, t* is expected needed before definitive results for D/d50 effects can be ob-
to rapidly decrease again, as shown by the dashed line. For tained. Significantly, the condition D/d50 > 100 is often satis-
clear-water scour conditions, the relation between the equilib- fied in the field, rendering sediment coarseness effects rela-
rium time scale and the flow intensity is similar to that for tively minor in practice.
equilibrium scour depth (Fig. 2). It follows that flow intensity
affects t* and dse /D in a similar manner. The straight line fitted SCOUR DEPTH ESTIMATION
to the data in Fig. 8 has the following equation:
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The new relations for time effects presented here can be
t* = 4.17 ⫻ 106 ⫺ 0.4 0.4 < ⱕ 1.0 (7) used with existing equations for local scour depth estimation,
Vc Vc as demonstrated below for the method given in Melville
(1997). That method, with the addition of a time factor and
simplified to apply to cylindrical piers founded in uniform sed-
iments, can be written
ds = KyD KI Kd Kt (9)
where the Ks are empirical expressions, given in Appendix I,
accounting for the various influences on scour depth. The time
factor, Kt, is given by (5), because that equation gives the ratio
of the scour depth at a particular time t to that at te, i.e.
Kt = (10)
Application of (5) requires knowledge of te. Eq. (6) and (7)
give the effects of flow shallowness and flow intensity on t*,
FIG. 8. Influence of Flow Intensity on t* respectively. It is convenient to combine these effects in one
te(days) = 48.26 冉
V Vc 冊
⫺ 0.4
>6 (11a)
Flood peak duration
冉 冊冉 冊
D V y y 3h 1.07 38
te(days) = 30.89 ⫺ 0.4 ⱕ6 (11b) 6h 1.29 46
V Vc D D 12 h 1.53 55
1 day 1.78 64
where D and V must be expressed in a consistent system of 2 days 2.05 73
units, e.g., meters and meters per second, respectively. Eq. (11) 1 week 2.49 89
is restricted to 1 ⱖ V/Vc ⱖ 0.4. The lower limit (V/Vc = 0.4) 2 weeks 2.68 96
is similar to that suggested by other researchers for the incip- Equilibrium (29.4 days) 2.79 100
ient velocity for local scour at cylindrical piers, e.g., Chiew
(1995). For convenience, the first equation in (11) is plotted
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in Fig. 10, which gives te values where flow shallowness ef- te. From (11) or Fig. 10, te = 29.4 days. Finally, ds can be
fects are unimportant ( y/D > 6). For y/D < 6, te values from found using (5) with t = 6 h. Thus, ds = Kt dse = 0.416 dse =
Fig. 10 need to be multiplied by 0.64(y/D)0.25, as shown. Fig. 1.29 m. Hence, the scour depth after 6 h is about 46% of the
10 can be used as an alternative to (11). equilibrium depth, which would take 29.4 days to develop in
In sands that do not form ripples (d50 larger than about 0.6 this case. Local scour depths at other times are shown in Table
mm), the time for the equilibrium scour to develop (te) is a 3.
maximum at the threshold velocity (V = Vc) and when y/D >
6. The maximum value te)max, is given by
te)max(days) = 28.96 (12)
V This study is limited to local scouring at cylindrical bridge
piers in uniform sand beds. The following conclusions are
where D and V must be expressed in a consistent system of drawn from this study:
units, e.g., meters and meters per second, respectively. Where
flow intensity effects (V/Vc < 1) or flow shallowness effects
(y/D < 6) are present, te values are reduced from those given 1. The equilibrium depth of scour at a bridge pier under
by (12). clear-water conditions is approached asymptotically as
shown in Fig. 3.
2. Scour depths after 10% of the time to equilibrium vary
between about 50% and 80% of the equilibrium depth,
To demonstrate the new method to allow for time effects in depending on the flow intensity (Fig. 3).
scour depth estimations, an example is presented. It is required 3. The equilibrium time scale (t* = Vte /D) for development
to determine the local scour depth at a cylindrical pier. The of a clear-water local scour hole at a bridge pier is a
following data are available: function of flow intensity (V/Vc), flow shallowness (y/D),
and sediment coarseness (D/d50). The influences of flow
• Pier diameter, D = 2 m intensity, flow shallowness, and sediment coarseness on
• Uniform sand size, d50 = 1.0 mm t* and dse /D are demonstrated, using laboratory data, to
• Flow depth, y = 2.5 m be similar. Recommended functions for the effects of
• Mean velocity (at flood peak), V = 0.5 m/s flow shallowness and flow intensity are given by (6) and
• Peak flood duration, t = 6 h (7).
• Mean velocity at sediment threshold, Vc = 0.8 m/s 4. Eq. (11) can be used to estimate the time taken for equi-
librium scour depth to develop. When used in conjunc-
tion with (5) (or Fig. 4) and a suitable equation for equi-
A procedure for determining Vc is given in Melville (1997). librium scour depth prediction, the new equations allow
First, determine dse using Melville (1997). From (13b), KyD estimation of local scour depth at any stage throughout
= 4.47 m for D/y = 0.8. For D/d50 = 2,000, Kd = 1.0, from the development of a scour hole. Knowledge of the de-
(15b). From (14a) for V/Vc = 0.625, KI = 0.625. Hence, dse = sign flood hydrograph is necessary to assess the time of
KyD KI Kd = 2.79 m. The second step involves determination of scouring (t). The relations given have not been confirmed
at prototype scale and, in that sense, are unproven. Read-
ers are urged to test the equations against any suitable
large-scale/prototype information; the writers would ap-
preciate hearing about the outcomes of such examina-
tions of the proposed relations.
FIG. 10. Design Chart for Estimation of te KyD = 4.5y for D/y > 5 (13c)
Basak, V. (1975). ‘‘Scour at square piles.’’ Rep. No. 583, Devlet Su isteri APPENDIX III. NOTATION
genel mudurlugu, Ankara, Turkey.
Bonasoundas, M. (1973). ‘‘Strömungsvorgang und kolkproblem.’’ Rep. The following symbols are used in this paper:
No. 28, Oskar von Miller Institu, Technical University, Munich, Ger-
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