PDG Statement 19 20

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Ysgol T.

Gwynn Jones’ Pupil Development Grant Statement

The purpose of the Pupil Development Grant is to improve the educational

attainment of pupils from low income families and who are entitled to free
school meals (eFSM). Schools are expected to maximise the use of this funding by
introducing sustainable strategies which will quickly lead to improved outcomes
for pupils entitled to free school meals.

As a school, we want to learn from the best practice in Wales and beyond by:

1. planning interventions that focus on improving the attainment of pupils from

deprived backgrounds, regularly monitoring pupils’ progress and evaluating the
impact of the intervention.
2. integrating plans for the effective use of the PDG into the School Development
Plan, basing our practice on sound evidence and including them as part of a
whole school strategy.
3. balancing whole school strategies with targeted interventions to ensure that
all learners entitled to free school meals benefit as individuals, whilst the whole
school also develops its ability to support every learner to achieve their full

In 2019-20 Ysgol T. Gwynn Jones was allocated a total Pupil Development Grant
of £46,300.

Ysgol T. Gwynn Jones has a comprehensive plan, agreed and monitored by GwE
and Conwy Local Education Authority, to promote high expectations attainment
and progress and to remove barriers to learning for pupils entitled to this

We have used the funding available to:

Further develop the Nurture programme at the school by introducing a school dog to help with the
pupil and staff well-being. She will also be used with anxious pupil at the start of the school day to
improve attendance of those pupils suffering with separation anxiety and with the reluctant readers
(by the end of the school year once training has been completed.

Part fund the work of a Play Therapist to work with pupils who have experienced adverse childhood
experiences (ACEs) to improve their emotional wellbeing and improve their outcomes for learning back
in the classroom.
Part fund a Family Liaison Assistant to improve family engagement and to lead on the following areas.
Family learning, Language & Play, Number and Play, Parent drop in sessions for those struggling at
home with behaviour. Improve attendance.

It is not appropriate for the school to publish a detailed plan as it could identify
individual pupils.

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