Britannia Bridge Primary School: Inspection Report
Britannia Bridge Primary School: Inspection Report
Britannia Bridge Primary School: Inspection Report
Inspection report
Unique Reference Number Local Authority Inspection number Inspection dates Reporting inspector 106417 Wigan 309120 56 December 2007 Gordon Alston
This inspection of the school was carried out under section 5 of the Education Act 2005.
Type of school School category Age range of pupils Gender of pupils Number on roll School Appropriate authority Chair Headteacher Date of previous school inspection School address
Primary Community 311 Mixed 200 The governing body Mrs D Harrison Mrs McBride and Mr Donaldson (Acting) 1 December 2003 Parliament Street Lower Ince Wigan Lancashire WN3 4JH 01942 760036 01942 760037
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The inspection was carried out by two Additional Inspectors.
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parents. Children's needs are uppermost in everyone's mind and this is evident in a rich, active learning environment. Strong leadership by the Foundation Stage manager ensures good teaching, a warm, caring, supportive atmosphere and children's good achievement both personally and academically. The outdoor play area, however, is small and limits opportunities to enhance children's learning in their physical and creative development.
Raise standards in writing, particularly for the highest-attaining pupils. Improve outdoor play facilities for Foundation Stage children.
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Quality of provision
Teaching and learning
Grade: 2 Pupils achieve well because the quality of teaching and learning is good across the school. Teachers' very caring relationships with pupils generate exceptionally positive attitudes to learning. Where teaching is best, there is a focus on developing pupils' basic skills, giving them opportunities to use these skills in everyday activities and providing effective support. Good class management and stimulating tasks contribute to pupils' enjoyment. Lessons generally move at a good pace and pupils work hard because they are praised for achieving well in their work. The very occasional less successful lesson results when the pace of learning slows and tasks fail to fully enthuse and suitably challenge the more able pupils. Teachers mark pupils' work very carefully and pupils respond well to the useful comments that make clear how they can improve their work. Well focused targets also help pupils improve aspects of their work. Learning support staff are deployed well to enable pupils with additional learning needs to make good progress.
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Any complaints about the inspection or the report should be made following the procedures set out in the guidance 'Complaints about school inspection', which is available from Ofsteds website:
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Annex A
Inspection judgements
Key to judgements: grade 1 is outstanding, grade 2 good, grade 3 satisfactory, and grade 4 inadequate
School Overall
Overall effectiveness
How effective, efficient and inclusive is the provision of education, integrated care and any extended services in meeting the needs of learners? 2
Effective steps have been taken to promote improvement since the last inspection How well does the school work in partnership with others to promote learners' well-being? The effectiveness of the Foundation Stage The capacity to make any necessary improvements
Yes 1 2 2
2 3 2 2
Grade 1 - Exceptionally and consistently high; Grade 2 - Generally above average with none significantly below average; Grade 3 - Broadly average to below average; Grade 4 - Exceptionally low.
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Annex A
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Annex B