Chapter III
Chapter III
Chapter III
This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, research
instrument used, data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of the study.
Research Design
was used to find the levels of the respondents’ awareness on the issues in the West
Philippine Sea. Correlational design was used to determine whether there is a significant
relationship between the media access on the awareness of the selected participants.
The sampling method that was used in this study is purposeful sampling also known
knowledge and detailed information from the chosen respondents and to assess if they are
The sample of this study were 122 Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students
of Isabela National High School of the Academic Year 2019-2020 who access the
different types of media and have the characteristics that the researchers are looking for
This study gathered and collected data from the respondents using a questionnaire
which is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers devised for the
questionnaire. The first part consists of 3 items to know the type of media the
respondents’ access and the frequency of their media platform usage. The second part has
6 domains which includes 16 items that is based from the respondents’ level of awareness
choosing from the 4-point Likert scale namely: Extensive, Adequate, Only A Little or
Not Aware. This is to measure the awareness of the students regarding the issues in the
Before administering the survey, the researchers sought approval from the School
Principal. After the approval was given, copies of the questionnaires were administered to
Sample survey was used for data collection where a portion of the population of Grade
11 Humanities and Social Sciences students of Isabela National High School were
involved in the study. The 122 Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences students were
chosen to answer the survey questions because the research topic is aligned to their
academic track. The objectives of the research were thoroughly discussed to the
respondents and the data gathered will be used solely for the purpose of the research
responsibility on analyzing the results gathered from the questionnaires. The findings,
Data Analysis
Table 3.1 Data Interpretation According to Time Allotment per Type of Media
Table 3.2 Data Interpretation According to Level of Awareness on the Issues in the West
Philippine Sea
2.56-3.25 Adequate
3.26-4 Extensive
The statistical tools used in this study are the following:
Frequency and Percentage Distribution. This was used to analyze and interpret the
time allotment per type of media and the level of awareness of the participants on the
Weighted Mean. This was used in interpreting the level of awareness of the participants
Chi-square. This was used to find the relationship of media access and the level of