Chapter 3 (Reseach Design and Methodology)

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Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the method and procedure used in the study.

Includes the reseach design, reseach locale, subject of the study, sources of

data, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The study focused on the Sanitation Practices of Street Vendors in Baras,

the method used in the study is Quantitative research and Descriptive research.

Where in Descriptive research describes what exists and may help to uncover

new facts and meaning. It is directly to the evaluation of researchers in the street

vendors in Baras. And also, Descriptive evaluative method of research Judges

the goodness of an existing program based on the definition given by Ariola

(2006). This method was added because it has an Element of values judgment in

terms of evaluations.

Research Locale

It has a lot of street vendors that can found on a certain roads and

streets in Baras. Baras effectively became part of the new province. However, in

1903, it was relegated to be a barrio under the town of Morong. On January

16,1906 Baras was annexed to Tanay as a barrio by Act No. 1442. But

as Baras was not represented as a barrio of Tanay, and previously under

Morong, there was a movement for the separation of Baras as an independent

town. Under the leadership of Leopoldo Digma, the clamor was realized through

Executive Order No. 57 dated November 24, 1920 establishing the Municipality
of Baras. This study conducted in Baras, Rizal and fourth class in Municipality of

Rizal province. It has a population of 69,300 people according to the 2015

census. The town of Baras was razed to the ground on March 10 1945 and the

zip code is 1970 then led by mayor. This study will focus on the Sanitation

Practices of Street Vendors in Baras. Street vendors are the persons who

providing goods and products that can locate in Baras, Rizal.

Subject of the Study

Purposive sampling technique is a good judgment in selecting respondent

who are best meets the purpose of this study. The subjects of this study are the

Street Vendors Who followed or didn't do any of the Sanitation Practices. The

respondent was chosen using purposive sampling technique as defined by Ariola


Source of Data

To determine the Sanitation practices of street Vendors in Baras. The

researchers assembled data or information through the help of different internet

sources and respondent as the subject. The researchers were made a survey

form to get all needed data or information that given to the respondents of this

study. And also this way of gathering data is one of the easiest way made by the


Statistical Treatment

To determine the researcher problem, the following statistical Tools were


To determine the profile of the respondent, frequency and percentage

distribution was used.

To determine the sanitation practices of street vendors in Baras. mean

was used.

To determine that there is significant difference between Sanitation

practices of street vendors in Baras and the respondent profile, one-way Anova

was used.
Procedures of the Study

The following procedures were made by The researchers in the conduct of

the study.

In the initial stage of the study, planning on the study to be conducted was made.

The researchers was made an observation about the Sanitation practices of

Street Vendors in Baras and the title was approved by the expert then the

research or the study was starting. In the second stage of the study, to find and

start writing related literature and background of the studies were initiated and

conducted. In the third stage of the study, the analysis relevant literature and

studies were conducted. Next day, the statement of the problem, research

methods or methodology and scope and limitation were conducted. This includes

the correction of statements that are not appropriate and put to use in the study.

In the fourth stage of the study, the researchers sought permission to conduct the

study from the street vendors in Baras. The researchers were made a survey

form or questionnaire to get all needed information related on the topic. The

summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation was conducted.

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