Icp 6000
Icp 6000
Icp 6000
Diagnostics Manual
2010 Thermo Fisher Scientific Registration No. 441506 SOLAAR House, 19 Mercers Row, Cambridge CB5 8BZ,
United Kingdom. Telephone +44 (0) 1223 347400, Fax +44 (0) 1223 347402,
ICAP 6000 Series ICP-OES Spectrometer Diagnostics Manual
1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 iTEVA Journal............................................................................................................... 3
1.2 iTEVA Database ........................................................................................................... 3
2 Installation Problems .......................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Alignment...................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Carbon Position check for iCAP 6300 and 6500.......................................................... 4
2.3 Carbon Position check for iCAP 6200 .......................................................................... 5
3 Sequence of Operations .................................................................................................... 6
4 Fault Finding Section ......................................................................................................... 9
4.1 LEDs on side of instrument .......................................................................................... 9
4.2 I/O Board Fuses ........................................................................................................... 9
5 Instrument Communication Problems .............................................................................. 10
6 Instrument Error Codes and Definitions ........................................................................... 12
6.1 CID Camera................................................................................................................ 12
6.2 RF and I/O Board Problems ....................................................................................... 14
7 RF Ignition Problems........................................................................................................ 15
7.1 RF Test Indicator ........................................................................................................ 16
8 Ignition Problems Hints and Tips ..................................................................................... 17
8.1.1 Check for Argon/Air leaks around Torch & Spray Chamber.............................. 17
8.1.2 Check and Clean Fibre Optic Cable .................................................................. 18
8.2 Cleaning the Plasma Torch ........................................................................................ 18
8.3 Cooling Water for the RF Load................................................................................... 18
8.4 Check or Replace Argon Supply ................................................................................ 19
8.4.1 Igniter Position ................................................................................................... 19
9 Mk2 RF Diagnostics ......................................................................................................... 20
9.1 Error messages .......................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Ignitor module failure .................................................................................................. 22
9.3 LEDs........................................................................................................................... 22
9.3.1 Control board LEDs ........................................................................................... 22
9.3.2 RF interface PCB board LEDs........................................................................... 22
9.3.3 Manufacturing software ..................................................................................... 23
10 Analytical Problems Hints and Tips............................................................................ 24
10.1 Poor Precision and Analytical Drift......................................................................... 24
10.1.1 Gas pressures ................................................................................................... 24
10.1.2 Spray chambers................................................................................................. 25
10.1.3 Nebulisers and centre tubes .............................................................................. 25
10.1.4 Teflon Capillary Tubing...................................................................................... 26
10.2 Poor Accuracy/Feedback ....................................................................................... 28
11 Poor Detection Limits ................................................................................................. 28
12 Suggested Maintenance in the Case of Poor Precision and Detection Limits ........... 29
12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 29
12.2 Typical Maintenance Schedule .............................................................................. 29
12.3 Replacing Pump Windings ..................................................................................... 29
12.4 Preventing Blocking of the nebuliser...................................................................... 30
12.5 Removing the Concentric Glass nebuliser............................................................. 32
12.6 Removing Solids from the Nebuliser...................................................................... 32
12.6.1 To Rinse the Nebuliser ...................................................................................... 32
12.6.2 Particles ............................................................................................................. 32
12.6.3 Solid Deposit in Sample Capillary ..................................................................... 33
12.6.4 Organic Matter ................................................................................................... 33
12.6.5 Plugged Capillary (fusible solids e.g. waxes) .................................................... 34
1 Introduction
This section is written to help diagnose problems within the iCAP 6000 system.
It includes error codes from the iTEVA software and how to interpret them.
Flow charts to guide you through operational process, and hints and tips to resolve other
A useful tool for diagnostic purposes is the Journal found in iTEVA. It lists all the daily
operations that happen when the instrument is used.
In conjunction with this chapter the journal enables decisions to be made on how to proceed
with the repair of the instrument. Engineers should familiarise themselves with its function.
The iTEVA Journal file can be loaded onto your laptop (as explained below) computer for
further investigation of possible problems.
To load the Journal file onto a laptop computer: Copy the file Cid_MS32.TJA found in the
iTEVA/SysData directory into the same directory on your Laptop.
Databases can be found in the AnData folder of the iTEVA directory on the hard drive of the
instrument control PC. To send the database, both the .ldf and the .mdf files must be sent
2 Installation Problems
The section discusses problems that may occur when carrying out an Alignment check during
an installation. The process is checking for the position of the carbon line at 193 nm. This line
is theoretically positioned at 380, 220 on the camera.
2.1 Alignment
The installation procedure involves performing a Spectrometer Optimise. During this, the
software checks the carbon position. The x and y drift correction values are recorded in the
journal as shown below.
Note: this operation is carried out and recorded in the journal whenever the plasma is lit.
However, for an accurate measurement the instrument must be stabilised, so if an instrument
has just been installed it will take at least 3 hours for the polychromator to thermally stabilise.
If an instrument has been switched off for a long period of time, the polychromator
temperature read out may not be an accurate gauge of tank stability.
Once the instrument is stable, if these numbers are greater than ± 3, then some optical
alignment will need to be carried out.
The techniques for aligning the carbon position for 6200, 6300 and 6500 instruments are
shown below.
The carbon line 193.091nm (475) should be found at column 380, row 220 ±3.
The installation procedure If it is not within 3 pixels adjust the rear M3/M4 Yaw and Pitch
screws to correct the error as shown in Section 7.2 below.
Column =
Row =
Using the Manufacturing Software, take a Low Wavelength full frame image.
Using the diagnostics window, take a full frame image of the carbon line 193.091nm (475)
column 380, row 220 on the UV slit and make sure it is within 3 pixels, if not adjust the rear
M3/M4 Yaw and Pitch screws to correct the error as shown in Section 7.2 below.
Zoom in on the carbon position by dragging a box around the bright spot.
Position in this
case is
385 – 4 = 381
225 – 4 = 221
therefore C
position is OK.
4 pixels
4 pixels
Note: if the box you created to zoom is not exactly square, white lines will show the edge of
the box.
The row and column numbers at the corners of the box are shown on the screen. To check
the carbon position is within 3 pixels of 380,220, count across from the edge of the zoomed
box. If it is not within 3 pixels adjust the rear M3/M4 Yaw and Pitch screws to correct the error
as shown in Section 7.2 below.
If the alignment is significantly out and the carbon line cannot be positively identified, use the
Optical Alignment tools in the Manufacturing software.
Column =
Row =
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ICAP 6000 Series ICP-OES Spectrometer Diagnostics Manual
3 Sequence of Operations
iCAP Instrument ON sequence
Turn gases on
No No
Check side panel
Switch power on No OK LED's are as shown
Check AC power
fans switch on in LED section
Switch on computer
and start up iTEVA
See communication
iTEVA communicates No
with instrument
Unit standby
Analysis Sequence
Set RF power
Run pre-exposure
Open shutter
Close shutter
Flash LED
Close shutter
Are there more slit/views to run?
Send results for single repeat
to iTEVA
Note: the power supply LEDs only show that there is a supply, not that it is OK and
within tolerance. If they are glowing dimly it could mean the power supply has a problem.
Note also, some solenoid valves are initially turned on with the 24 volt supply and then
held on with the 12 volt supply.
Before trying anything else, switch off the instrument and re-start iTEVA.
If this hasn’t yet resolved the problem the problem may be with the instrument so
please move onto the next section, to check for instrument communication
Ping the instrument from the Command Prompt by typing “ping
Does the instrument respond?
If pings successfully but ICPOES_PCB doesn’t then
there is a problem with the Hosts file.
If you see a different IP address it means the host file has been
set-up incorrectly. If the response is successful, it confirms the
host file is set-up correctly.
If iTEVA fails to initialise the instrument, move onto the next section to determine if
the instrument side of the communications are okay.
While using the Does the IO Controller board function normally as detailed
instrument, or during elsewhere in this manual? Pay special attention to the I/O
analysis the network Controller LEDs at the rear right of the instrument.
connection, and/or NO
communications YES
between iTEVA and
the instrument is lost.
The network
connection is then re-
automatically; however
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ICAP 6000 Series ICP-OES Spectrometer Diagnostics Manual
Connection between Are the I/O Controller board power supply LEDs stable and not
iTEVA and the cycling, and is the Watchdog LED flashing at all times? You will
instrument keeps need to monitor these LEDs for at least 6 to 10 minutes checking
resetting every 3 to 5 for an infrequent or short loss of supply.
minutes. You will
notice one of both of Are all cables and connections between the camera and I/O
the following effects: controller board OK?
If the camera is working correctly, when you connect a spare flash up LED and turn the
power on, the LED should flash 4 times.
Before trying anything else, switch off the instrument and re-start iTEVA.
Camera error 507 DMA There have been isolated cases where instruments turned
timeout off (i.e. powered off) for long periods of time display this error
after being first turned on.
Camera error 517 - Is the connection between the camera and polychromator
Autobias timeout, check flash-up (pre-exposure) LED (inside rear of polychromator)
Is the LED is correctly inserted into the polychromator?
Is the LED is working correctly?
This can be tested by removing the LED and checking it
flashes using the LED flash command in the manufacturing
Try restarting the instrument and iCAP data station software.
There have been isolated cases where instruments turned
off (i.e. powered off) for long periods of time display this error
after being first turned on.
Loss of I/O and/or RF Is the I/O controller board functioning correctly, as specified
communication while elsewhere in this document? I/O Controller board problems
instrument is idle. may cause spurious communications errors.
Use the manufacturing software to determine whether the
RF doesn’t spark after problem is with I/O Controller or RF power supply
several attempts communications. The following screen clearly shows an I/O
Communications problem.
I/O communications error NOTE: If this error is displayed the communications between
displayed on start-up. the PC and the instrument are functioning correctly, therefore
the camera should not be changed!
E33212 - An I/O board
communications error has Does the RF spark during ignition attempt?
occurred. Ensure the Do nothing.
controller board is
powered and connected Note: Any generators with RF Power Supply software before
correctly, if the condition version 23 can exhibit this problem. To eradicate the
persists please contact problem, please change the RF power supply to a newer unit
customer support. with version 23 or greater of software.
Is the following error displayed on or before instrument
Go into the manufacturing software “Instrument status”
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ICAP 6000 Series ICP-OES Spectrometer Diagnostics Manual
And if only the I/O Comms OK is bad, or both the I/O and
RF Comms OK are bad,
change the I/O control board.
7 RF Ignition Problems
Note: see Mk 2 RF Diagnostics section below for Mk2-specific problems.
8.1.1 Check for Argon/Air leaks around Torch & Spray Chamber
Air leaking into the torch is the primary cause of problems in the RF system. Air will
dilute or contaminate the argon in the torch and will prevent ignition. If the leak is small
enough, the torch may light but will then go out.
Note: such leaks could be anywhere in the system including the main regulator fitting.
A typical symptom would be that the torch lights and goes out a few seconds
afterwards. This would be because prior to ignition, the nebuliser pressure is shut
off. This causes the torch to be exposed to argon coming only from the primary and
auxiliary gas lines.
If the Plasma goes out within 0 to 0.5 seconds of striking, it is probably caused by
an interruption occurring within the system, or that the optical fibre is defective.
Radial Torch (just touching the torch) Dual Torch (just touching the torch)
The insulation surrounding the ignitor wire may need to be cut back by 5 to 10 mm to
ensure that the wire is touching the glass of the torch.
9 Mk2 RF Diagnostics
The big difference between diagnostics for a Mk1 and a Mk2 RF is that with a Mk 2 it is
necessary to diagnose which module is causing a problem and not just change the
whole unit as with a Mk1 RF.
The section below explains how to diagnose faults with Mk2 RF modules. The figure of
the Mk 2 RF Generator below indicates the different modules within it.
If the plasma goes out and the user sees any error messages, always try to re-light the
plasma. More error checks are done during ignition so a more useful error message may
be generated.
Note: iTEVA can crash if an interlock or other failure occurs during spectrometer
optimisation. You will need to re-start iTEVA to overcome this.
#2209: Plasma ignition failed; low ignition current. If the condition persists please contact
customer support with this error code.
#2206: Plasma ignition failed; RF interface board reported over-current failure. If the
condition persists please contact customer support with this error code.
If this happens every time you try to light the plasma, suspect the RF Board
Customer visit required with spare RF board. If all LEDs and Service software
status indicators look good change the board.
#2208: Plasma ignition failed; RF seems OK. Check your sample introduction system as
described in iTEVA Help. If the condition persists please contact customer support with
this error code.
These messages are similar. To get this far the software has already checked
RF board and 3 kW power supply status so these should be OK.
Engineer can remove sample intro to check. (as shown in picture to the right)
If you forget to connect it you will get error ‘E2209 Ignition Failed, RF Seems
OK, check sample introduction’. The second LED on the interface PCB will flash
for a second, and ‘Ignition power’ in the Service software will go red. You will not
hear the noise of the ignitor clicking.
9.3 LEDs
For further explanation of using the manufacturing and service software look at
the Help topics in the software, as shown below. Drift
Check for analytical drift problems in the same way as for analytical
precision checks in an earlier section.
Check for drafts from doorways, air conditioning and windows.
Ensure that the laboratory is at a constant temperature and air
conditioning/heating is steady 24 hours a days, seven days a week.
Check the optical tank heater is working – should be 38 °C
12.1 Introduction
Maintenance refers to a series of periodic activities that should be performed on a
periodic basis to optimise the short term and long term performance of the system. In
this chapter we describe activities that should be performed by the typical user of the
12.6.2 Particles
These operations are ranked in order of increasing aggressiveness. We
recommend that you start with the gentlest procedure and continue with
more aggressive procedures as required.
Tap the liquid input line of the nebuliser gently against a wooden
surface (or a surface of comparable hardness) to shake the particle
loose. This helps the particle to move in the direction of increasing
inner diameter. Repeat the tapping as necessary to work the particle
toward the appropriate exit orifice. Avoid extremely harsh tapping.
Apply compressed gas (15-30psi) to the nozzle, forcing the gas
backwards through the annulus and the capillary (back flushing).
Note: Make sure you hold the nebuliser securely during this operation.