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Humanities’ Importance and Relevance in Art Appreciation:

The concept of humanities does not just focus on the social classes dividing the
society. Humanities aim to answer what it really means to be human. To be human is to
continuously refining yourself in the course of seeking happiness. Arts come along in the
picture as a way to provide comfort to individuals regardless of their social status.

Humanities is composed of interrelated disciplines that work more in the fields we call,
“people-oriented.” Art is defined as the various branches of creative activities where people
simply express or apply both the human skills and imagination in a visible form. This shows that
throughout history, art has become such an important part of our lives as practical things
have sprung out from thoughts of those we call artists. They have served different purposes
but primarily, their own satisfactions as well as to show something to other people.

This leads us to so many examples in political, social and cultural contexts; the
appreciation of arts had led humanities to develop traditional arts, has led to revolutions that
have permanently changed societies in different parts of the world and have led people to
accept and reject or form opinions of their own in the forwarding of social issues. The people
behind these arts have used mediums that reaches out to the masses who in turn, have
interpreted these artworks and acted on it.

Humanities is so relevant in the field of Arts because just one picture, drawing, video or
literature raises the awareness and allows the realizations of people to come together to
know the truth, to pass laws, to change one’s mind and most importantly, to change lives. It
had paved the way for people to connect more with the artist and the artwork as well as the
world-for what makes a person determined to make a change without being influenced by
something? Most likely, that ‘something’ is a form of art.

Engaging in art can be form of escape to the troubles and woes we have in our
everyday life. We are free to enjoy it. However, some may say that man can live without art.
But is life without art worth living?

Our ancestors did not use a formal written language but instead used drawings to
depict their everyday lives, and emotions. The images do not only give us an understanding
of their struggles and successes were, but it also allows connecting and sympathizing with
them while learning their culture. This is because art is not meant to be viewed only for what
it is, but to stimulate our thoughts and perspectives.

With this, we can learn to develop meanings and find better ways to express our own
thoughts. We are also able to free the suppressed feelings, and thoughts we have. Having
an appreciation for art helps us create an appreciation for each other.

Iloveyou 

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