Guide For Appraising Research Proposal

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(Applied Research)
Reference: DepED Order No. 16, s. 2017
Name of Proponent(s): ________________________________________________________
Research Title: ______________________________________________________________
Research Theme: ____________________________________________________________
*The proponent(s) must obtain the score of at least 70 points before forwarding the proposal
in the division office.
Main Score
Rationale Not The research The educational The nature, extent
of the described proposal relevance and and salience of the
Research (0 point) presents general timeliness of the research topic are
(10 description of research topic comprehensively
points) the topic or are shown. It discussed. Different
focus of inquiry. explains the aspects of the
(5 points) need to conduct research setting are
research to elaborated showing
understand a in depth and critical
phenomenon, analysis of the
advance or situation. Policy
validate implications,
knowledge, benefits and
improve a limitations of the
situation, or study are stated.
address an (10 points)
(8 points)
Research Not stated The research The research The research
Questions (0 point) proposal has a questions questions logically
(20 stated aim, specify the proceed from the
points) objective, or variables or the context of the study.
general research focus of inquiry. They are formulated
questions. Key elements of to clearly show the
(10 points) the research extent and different
questions angles of inquiry
(15 points) (ex.: different
variables of interest,
relationship to the
geographical and
temporal scope).
(20 points)
Use of Not provided The research Viewpoints and issues underlying the
Related (0 point) proposal cites present research are discussed and
Literature theories and/or synthesized. They are critically
and Proper previous studies evaluated to identify inconsistencies or
Citation related to the gaps in current knowledge or
(10 present research. educational policy that the study intends
points) Sources are to address. Constructs are defined and
properly presented in a conceptual framework.
acknowledged. Citation of literature sources is
(5 points) consistent. (10 points)
Main Sub-Criteria Score

Researc Participants Not stated The research Details are provided about the
h and/or other (0 point) proposal target participants (ex.: number,
Methods sources of states the characteristics, sampling
data and study’s target procedure, if any) and/or other
information participants sources of data and information.
(10 points) and/or other Clear rationale for their inclusion
sources of in the study is given.
data and (10 points)
(ex.: division,
data, others)
(5 points)
Data Not The research Details of The proposal
Gathering described proposal data explains why the
Method(s) (0 point) presents a gathering data gathering
and general methods are methods are
Research description of provided: the suited to be
Instruments the methods specific kinds nature and
. to be of data, how purpose of the
(20 points) employed for and when study. The data
gathering they will be gathering
data. collected. It methods are
(10 points) describes any aligned with the
research research
instrument questions.
(ex.: test, Details about the
scale, survey research
questionnaire, instruments are
checklist, presented such
interview their sources or
guide) to be how they will be
developed or developed and
adopted. by whom, and
(15 points) their
for obtaining the
desired kind of
(20 points)
Main Sub- Scor
Criteria Criteria e
Research Data Not The research Details of the The selected
Methods Analysi Stated proposal methods of data method of data
s Plan (0 presents a analysis are given. analysis are
(10 point general Techniques (ex.: shown to be
points) ) description of quantitative/statistical appropriate to
how the , qualitative, or both the nature of the
gathered methods) as well as data/informatio
data/informatio tools (ex.: software) n to be gathered
n will be to be employed are and for
analyzed. specified. addressing the
(5 points) (8 points) research
(10 points)
Work Not The research A detailed work plan is provided covering start
Plan and (0 proposal to the completion of the research. Timelines are
Timeline point) includes a list realistic and show concretely how the research
s of major will unfold over the allowed period. The overall
(10 activities and plan reflects the proponent’s capacity to
points) their timelines. concretize ideas into clear and sequential steps
(5 points) to be undertaken.
(10 points)
Cost Not The research A detailed breakdown of items with
Estimates (0 proposal their corresponding costs is furnished.
(10 point) includes a list The items and costs reasonably reflect
points) of major items the funding needs of the research. The
and their overall plan reflects the proponent’s
estimated costs. capacity to project specific expenses that
The total cost is she/he will incur.
shown. (10 points)
(5 points)
Total Score

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