Forensics Industrial Control System
Forensics Industrial Control System
Forensics Industrial Control System
, Rijkswaterstaat Security Centre, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Derde Werelddreef 1, Delft, The Netherlands
[email protected]
Abstract. Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are used worldwide in critical infra-
structures. An ICS system can be a single embedded system working stand-
alone for controlling a simple process or ICS can also be a very complex Dis-
tributed Control System (DCS) connected to Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) system(s) in a nuclear power plant. Although ICS are
widely used today, there are very little research on the forensic acquisition and
analyze ICS’s artefacts. In this paper we present a case study of forensics in ICS
where we describe a method of safeguarding important volatile artefacts from
an embedded industrial control system and several other sources.
1 Introduction
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are used worldwide in critical infrastructures. The
term “critical infrastructure” conjures up images of highways, electrical grids, pipe-
lines, government facilities and utilities. But the U.S. government definition also in-
cludes economic security and public health. The Department of Homeland Security
defines critical infrastructure as “Systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so
vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets
would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national
public health or safety, or any combination of those matters.”[1].
In fact ICS is a broad term used in a variety of industries. ICS is not a single sys-
tem but is a general term. As mentioned in the abstract, an ICS system can be a single
embedded system like a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) working stand-alone
for controlling a simple process like an automatic door in an office building or an
elevator in the same office building. ICS can also be a very complex Distributed Con-
trol System (DCS) connected to Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA)
system(s) [6] in a nuclear power plant.
On the other hand, there is little knowledge of ICS in the “forensic computer inves-
tigator world” resulting in a serious need for computer forensics to become more in-
formed. Cybercrime related issues such as espionage and terrorism are challenges, but
forensic investigations involving a fire in a chemical plant or explosion in electrical
grid systems are increasing challenges for digital investigation units.
In most ICS systems a big part of the system are normal computers. Also the net-
work diagrams and protocols are mostly just like normal ICT with conventional net-
work setup and well-known protocols. For this part of the system traditional investi-
gation methods are sufficient for digital investigation on the ICS system. Normal hard
disk investigation, log analysis and network tools can be used to investigate what is
running on the system and reveal the cause of the incident. However, standard foren-
sics methodologies do not have inherent data collection capabilities for Programmable
Logic Controller (PLC), Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), Intelligent Electronic Device
(IED), or some other field-level device that is empowered to communicate through
these communications mechanisms. In any ICS investigation, regardless of the age or
uniqueness of the environment, collecting information from these field devices is a
difficult task. Unlike normal ICT systems, ICS systems are designed with another
perspective. ICS systems are designed with Safety in mind, rather than Security. The
ICS timeline is also quite different in relation to ICT systems. An ICS system is de-
signed for much longer periods of time. It is common for an ICS system to run for 20
or 30 years without update or upgrade.
With the experience of decades of forensic investigator career including many in-
vestigations related to ICS systems, authors discovered the lack of a framework for
ICS forensics to safeguard the important information from the ICS system. Safeguard
this information is a difficult task for computer forensics. PLC and DCS systems are
embedded systems with their own operating systems and program languages. Dedi-
cated hardware and many protocols are in use. Most digital forensic investigations
techniques only cover conventional computer forensics and network investigations.
Therefore, in this paper, we present an ICS Forensic process including important steps
for acquiring important digital evidence for digital forensic investigation purposes.
Not only the technical part of “how to safeguard” the important information is inves-
tigated, also the different jargon, perspective, timelines, goals and mind-set is de-
scribed. We also focus on a case study of forensics in ICS system. The rest of this
paper is organised as follows: Section 2 shows the related work of digital forensics for
ICS systems. We discuss on ICS forensics challenges in Section 3, we also present an
ICS process in this section. We describe and discuss a case study of ICS forensics in
Section 4. Finally, we conclude and discuss on future work in Section 5.
2 Related work
Forensic ICS in literature are very often only related to SCADA systems. Some re-
search topics contains more or less information about other devices like PLC, DCS,
Industrial protocols (Modbus [7], Profibus [8] etc.) or security related issues on indus-
trial control systems.
In 2013 Tina Wu et al [1] proposed SCADA Forensics Architecture and the in-
creasing threat of sophisticated attacks on critical infrastructures, the limitations of
using traditional forensic investigative processes and the challenges facing forensic
investigators and there are no methodologies or data acquisition tools to extract data
from embedded devices such as PLCs. There are data acquisition tools compatible
with some field devices with the use of cables and flashing equipment, although this
type of equipment is usually used for system servicing and repairs. This makes it dif-
ficult to obtain less common models of PLCs and RTUs and forensically sound access
to the RAM and ROM on these devices is difficult to achieve without first turning the
device off.
R. Barbosa [2] described Anomaly Detection in SCADA Systems, A Network
Based Approach. He presented an extensive characterization of network traces col-
lected in SCADA networks used in utility sector: water treatment and distribution
facilities, and gas and electricity providers and note that despite the increasing number
of publications in the area of SCADA networks, very little information is publicly
available about real-world SCADA traffic. The number of attacks reported to the
United States' Department of Homeland Security (DHS) grew from 9 in 2009, to 198
in 2011 and 171 in 2012.
R.M. van der Knijff [3] discussed on the difference between Control systems and
SCADA forensics and the forensic knowledge and skills that are needed in the field of
hardware, networks and data analysis. Assistance from experienced field engineers
during forensic acquisition seems inevitable in order to guarantee process safety busi-
ness continuity and examination efficiency. For specific control system components,
there are currently no dedicated forensic tools to support acquisition and analysis of
data. Instead of expensive and time-consuming physical examination methods, it is
more practical to use existing tools and knowledge from the control system industry.
In 2008 U.S. Department of Homeland Security [4] provided a guidance for creat-
ing a cyber-forensics program for a control systems environment. This guidance de-
scribed the challenges with collection, data analyses and reporting to industrial con-
trol systems. It identifies cautionary points that should be considered carefully when
developing a cyber-forensics program for control systems. Many traditional device
and control systems technologies do not provide for the collection of effective data
that could be used for post-incident security analysis. An investigation harvesting
evidence from core components that augment base operating systems should only be
done with a full understanding of how the operating system has been changed. In
addition, any auditing activity needs be carefully tested and deployed to assess any
taxation on system resources. This guidance also describes what elements are im-
portant during investigations:
• Reference clock system
• Activity logs and transaction logs
• Other sources of data
• General system failures
• Real time forensics
• Device integrity monitoring
• Enhanced all-source logging and auditing
There is a project operating called the CRISALIS project [9]. CRISALIS aims at
providing new means to secure critical infrastructure environments from targeted
attacks, carried out by resourceful and motivated individuals. At the time of writing
this paper the project is still ongoing and there is no working product available.
There are also open source tools for network security monitoring like the open-
source Security Onion Linux suite [10], including Wireshark [11], NetworkMiner
[12], etc. for network monitoring and intrusion detection. Passive network security
monitoring is recommended as a key element to incident response. This will fit for the
ICS environment because it is non-intrusive, so there is no risk of it disrupting critical
processes or operations.
3 ICS Forensics
Forensic acquisition tools are widely available for conventional ICT systems like
hard disks, volatile memory (RAM) and common consumer electronics like mobile
phones and navigations systems. Similar tools do not exist for most ICS devices. Be-
sides, in ICS systems, safety is the main goal rather than Security. If ICT people talk
about Security and Safety in ICT systems they do mean:
• Firewalls to prevent hackers from entering the system since confidential in-
formation must be protected.
• Antivirus and Antimalware for protecting the users and the systems against
• Anti-spam to protect the users against spam in their mail.
However, If ICS people talk about Security and Safety in ICS systems they do
• Protect the system against dangerous issues like wrong values in PLC’s.
• Flow control and temperature sensors in the chemical plant.
• Voltage and current control in electrical grid installations.
Not only the other interpretation or different jargon can be an issue, also the differ-
ence between ICT people who are working mainly in the office or data centers and the
ICS people working on the field inside the plant or control room. There is a big gap
between the two different departments; other goals and other problems are creating
completely different priorities on a daily base.
The purpose of our approach is to safeguard the important information from the
ICS system. Depending if we talk about a running system which is still intact and
connected to other devices like a distributed control system, or if we talk about a
standalone control system like a single PLC or a post mortem investigation after a big
incident like a fire or explosion in a chemical plant, several information sources are
available to acquire important digital evidence for digital forensic investigation pur-
poses. For this reason we have to setup an ICS Forensic process. Inside this process,
we split up the information from two different sources:
• Network data
• Device data
Network data acquisition: For network data acquisition network investigation
(depending on our investigation) we have to decide on what level (or levels) we need
to analyze the network traffic.
Network Levels: A typical distributed ICS system has at least three different levels
of network types:
• Device level such as sensor, programmable logic controller (PLC), actuator.
• Cell Level that is responsible to control the device controllers.
• Plant Level that is responsible to control the cell controllers.
Beside, network data can also be historical information like backup files, logging
databases etc. Sources of network data can be listed as:
• Live Network Data (raw network data, arp tables, flow records, etc.)
• Historical Network Data (host based logs, database queries, firewall-
• Other Log Files (backup archives, access point logs, historians, etc.)
Not all tools or methods are safe to use in ICS environments. ICS systems often
monitor or control processes in which a failure may have disastrous consequences (or
may be otherwise very undesirable). For this reason active probing (like scanning for
open ports and then opening arbitrary TCP connections) should generally be avoided.
Device data acquisition: Device data acquisition forensic tools do not exist for
most ICS devices. Product specific service tools for programming a PLC, saving the
program and servicing log files from a PLC to a service computer do exist. The ques-
tion is can we use those service tools in a forensic matter to save important data from
the PLC for later analyses? The sources of device data can be listed as:
• Running Program Data such as RAM dump, CHIP images, Memory cards…
• Activity Log Files such as RAM dump, active processes, control room logs,
• Transaction Log Files such as Serial communication logs, Error logs, Event
logs, etc.)
4 Case study
After successfully download all configuration and log files from the ground con-
troller we calculated a SHA-256 hash value from all downloaded files to verify that
the saved data set has not been altered later during the investigation process.
Now we did successfully download all the important files from the ground control-
ler it was possible to investigate the log files from this unit. The service software from
the wind turbine manufacturer did have an option to save the files as .xml files and we
were able read the content. The time and date inside this log files is not the real time,
you have to convert all time lines with the difference measured during the start-up and
the check we did with the DCF-clock.
Besides investigating the ground controller from the destroyed turbine, we also
checked for other sources of digital evidence outside the turbine. One of the other
sources was the connected SCADA server from the windmill park. Inside one of the
other turbines there was a SCADA server installed in 2002. This server was a small
industrial personal computer running on MS-DOS operating system. I did use a stand-
ard forensic method to make a forensic copy of the hard disk inside this SCADA
server using a Tableau write-blocker and the forensic software FTK-imager. This
SCADA server created reports of events, measurements and alarms. One of the events
is shown below (Fig.4), this is an email from the SCADA server to the miller regard-
ing an alarm.
One other source of digital evidence was the grid operator Stedin. The grid opera-
tor was able to deliver grid information about the time around the incident. The grid
operator Stedin generated a report from the grid with a time sample of 10 seconds
Investigating ICS systems is not only about finding evidence of cybercrime related
activities. Most investigations are incident related, like fire or explosions inside areas
with ICS systems. Understanding the way how ICS systems are working, technical
and tactical, is a must if you are involved with this kind of investigations. A big part
of ICS systems is not different from normal conventional digital forensic work. Some
parts of an ICS system are more difficult be course embedded systems like PLC’s are
different devices with their own communication protocols, connection interfaces,
operating systems and program languages. Almost all manufactures of PLC’s do have
service tools that are able to safeguard RAM from the device, not always in a forensic
certified way, but with some help of other tools you can get close to a forensically
sound procedure in a manner that ensures it is “as originally discovered” and is relia-
ble enough to be admitted into evidence.
In the future more research is desirable in reference systems and network flow.
Anomaly detection [2] in ICS related networks is a very promising technique in secur-
ing ICS systems against cybercrime related crime. Especially ICS systems do have a
static network flow and predictable behavior. Also in post mortem investigations like
after an incident this predictable behavior can be a great help as long as you have a
reliable source from the past. Anomaly detection technique can only work well if you
know what is normal. Sources form the past can come from historians, pcap’s, fire-
wall log files, SCADA systems, etc. Also others sites with the same ICS system in-
stalled can be a good reference model for post mortem anomaly detection. Indeed,
when dealing with the analysis of very forensics data extracted from ICS systems,
data mining framework and knowledge map techniques [13][14][15] will be consid-
If you have a big and complex ICS system with remote sites and SCADA systems
connected, it is not always necessary to investigate the whole system. Depending on
your investigation you can make the system smaller and only investigate the PLC
memory. Smaller do not always means simple, again a simple standalone PLC, with-
out any connection to a SCADA system or any other device like a HMI, can still be a
complex device. For example, if you don’t know how to connect your tools to an
embedded device like this, or if you are not familiar with the programming language
in use. On the other hand, investigating the PLC RAM directly will give you more
information about the PLC process. Most of the remote SCADA systems only record
parts of the log files generated by the PLC. Some log files are not interesting for the
process and will not be transmitted to the SCADA systems. In this case the only place
where you can find all the needed information is inside the RAM on the PLC itself.
Working together in close assistance with the manufacturer can help you to take the
best actions and deliver the needed tools during your investigation.
1. T. Wu et al, Towards a SCADA Forensics Architecture, Newport, 2013.
2. R. Barbosa, Anomaly Detection in SCADA Systems, Enschede, 2014
3. R.van der Knijff, Control systems/SCADA forensics, what's the difference, The Hague,
4. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Creating Cyber Forensics Plans for Control Sys-
tems, Idaho, 2008
6. Boyer, Stuart, SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, 2nd Edition, ISA, 1999
7. Modbus, [accessed on 4-2-2015]
8. Profibus, [accessed on 4-2-2015].
9. CRISALIS, Critical Infrastructure Security Analysis, 2015
10. Security Onion Linux suite, [accessed 17-5-2015]
11. Wireshark,
12. E. Hjelmvik, SCADA Network Forensics, Stockholm, 2014
13. L. M. Aouad, N-A. Le-Khac and M-T. Kechadi, "Lightweight Clustering Technique for
Distributed Data Mining Applications", 7th Industrial Conference on Data Mining Spring-
er LNAI 4597, July 14-18, 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
14. N-A. Le-Khac, L.M. Aouad and M-T. Kechadi, "A New Approach for Distributed Density
Based Clustering on Grid Platform", Chapter in Data Management, Data, Data Every-
where, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 247-258, 24th British National Conference
on Databases, BNCOD 24, Glasgow, UK, July 3-5, 2007.
15. N-A. Le-Khac, L.M. Aouad and M-T. Kechadi, "Distributed Knowledge Map for Mining
Data on Grid Platforms", IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network
98 Security, Vol.7, No.10, October 2007.