Heart Rate Monitor

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Heartbeat and Temperature Monitoring System for Remote Patients using


Article · January 2017

DOI: 10.22161/ijaers.4.5.10


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3 authors, including:

Vikramsingh R. Parihar
Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management, Badnera-Amravati, India


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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-5, May- 2017]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.4.5.10 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Heartbeat and Temperature Monitoring System

for Remote Patients using Arduino
Vikramsingh R. Parihar1, Akesh Y. Tonge2, Pooja D. Ganorkar3

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Prof Ram Meghe College of Engineering and Management, Amravati,

Abstract— This paper describes the working of a wireless If the heart rate is lower than the normal heart rate, it is an
heartbeat and temperature monitoring system based on a indication of a condition known as bradycardia and if the
microcontroller ATmega328 (arduino uno). Most heart rate is higher than the normal heart rate, it is an
monitoring systems that are in use in today’s world works indication of a condition known as tachycardia.
in offline mode but our system is designed such that a Like heart rate, normal body temperature also varies from
patient can be monitored remotely in real time. The person to person and changes throughout the day. The
proposed approach consists of sensors which measures body temperature is lowest in the early morning and
heartbeat and body temperature of a patient which is highest in the early evening. The normal body temperature
controlled by the microcontroller. Both the readings are is about 37° C or 98.6 ° F. However, it can be as low as
displayed in LCD monitor. Wireless system is used to 36.1° C (97°F) in the early morning and as high as 37.2° C
transmit the measured data from the remote location. The (99° F) and still be considered normal. Thus, the normal
heartbeat sensor counts the heartbeat for specific interval range for body temperature is 97 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit
of time and estimates Beats per Minute while the or 36.1 to 37.8 degrees Celsius. Temperature can be
temperature sensor measures the temperature and both the measured by using different types of sensors. These
data are sent to the microcontroller for transmission to sensors come in different forms such as thermocouples,
receiving end. Finally, the data are displayed at the thermistors, resistance temperature detectors (RTD), and
receiving end. This system could be made available at a integrated circuit (IC) sensors.
reasonable cost with great effect. The temperature sensor produces analog output voltage
Keywords— Arduino, Heartbeat Sendors, Health which is proportional to the temperature. The temperature
Monitoring System, Temperature Sensors. sensor requires analog to digital (A/D) converter so that
the analog output voltage can be converted to digital form.
I. INTRODUCTION The output of the temperature sensor is connected to the
In today’s world, the maximum use of resource is always Port A of AT MEGA328R-PU arduino uno. The arduino
complimented. So, the use of wireless technology is uno processes this data and displays it in LCD as well as
enhanced to meet the need of remote control and sends it to the receiving end for displaying at the remote
monitoring. Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a place. This paper describes the design of a very low-cost
technology that helps us to monitor patient even when the remote patient monitoring system which measures heart
patient is not in the clinic or hospital. It may increase rate and body temperature of a patient and sends the data
access to health services and facilities while decreasing to a remote end where the data will be displayed and
cost. Remote Patient Monitoring saves time of both patient physician or doctor will be able to examine him/her. This
and doctor, hence increasing efficiency and reliability of device will be much needed during emergency period or
health services. for saving time of both patient and doctor.
Heartbeat and body temperature are the major signs that
are routinely measured by physicians after the arrival of a II. LITERAURE REVIEW
patient. Heart rate refers to how many times a heart  With emerging wireless techniques like Bluetooth and
contracts and relaxes in a unit of time (usually per minute). Zigbee technology wearable sensors are used for
Heart rate varies for different age groups. For a human patient monitoring due to the advantages like mobility
adult of age 18 or more years, a normal resting heart rate is and low power consumption by the system.
around 72 beats per minute (bpm). The functioning of  The advantages are treatment can be given to the
heart can be called as efficient if it is having lower heart patient in priority to the disease they have when
rate when the patient is at rest. Babies have a much higher comparing with other patients, when in critical
rate than adults around 120 bpm and older children have situation they can be hospitalized.
heart rate around 90 bpm.

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-5, May- 2017]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.4.5.10 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
 These types of communication will only work for
shorter distance and duration. A study was done to
determine the types of vital signs that are routinely
measured for a patient by doctor.
 The vital signs are body temperature, pulse rate and
detection of fall. Body tissues mass-weighted average
temperature and skin temperature are measured.
 Direct temperature measurement of peripheral tissue is
more complex than core temperature measurement.
Vital signals of patient health can be monitored by
biomedical system using zigbee.
 The system is two tiered, used for gathering and Fig. 2.2: Block diagram of Receiver section
processing biomedical signals.
 First the device with number of biosensors has to be III. PLATFORM INTRODUCTION
placed on the body and second is processing by a local A Remote Health Monitoring System consists of three
base station using the raw data transmitted on request main components such as data sensing module, data
by the mobile device. processing module and data communication module. The
data sensing module consists of temperature sensor and
 Smart wearable remote health monitoring systems are
heart beat sensor which senses the changes in the
increased in usage for good quality in health services
respective physiological parameters. The information is
and low cost, by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations
then conveyed to the PIC microcontroller of data
and to ensure urgent care.
processing module. The data processing module analyzes
 System contributes to the enhancement of disease
the input signals. The noise signals are filtered and if the
prevention with cost effective telemedicine platform.
processed value exceeds than normal value, medicine
For physiological parameters measurement the network
which is to be given as a first aid for patient is displayed
is approached to deal with monitoring and analysis of
on the personal computer using GUI. The communication
patient health.
module is used to transfer data between person and
 Data from sensors are acquired and transmitted to
equipment. This has basic components such as the
server by the network. Physiological parameters can be
message, the sender, the receiver, the medium and the
processed and automated by system and displayed on
protocol by which the message is sent to the doctor
the monitor.
through mobile phones by information gateway for the
treatment to be taken.


 Arduino ATmega328
 Temperature Sensor LM35
 Heart Beat Sensor (LM358)
 nRF24L01 Module
 Potentiometer
 Power supply
Fig. 2.1: Block diagram of transmitter section WORKING
The aim of this proposed appproach is to design an
automatic wireless health monitoring system. The
objective is to monitor the temperature and heartbeat of the
patient’s body which should be displayed to the doctor
using NRF technology. In hospitals, the monitoring of the
patients’ health is done by the staff members of the
hospital. The temperature and heart rate of the patient’s
body is checked constantly and a record of it is kept.
The required components used in this system include a
power supply, ATmega328 microcontroller, a temperature

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-5, May- 2017]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.4.5.10 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
sensor, an RF TX, an RX module and an LCD display. The V. DESIGN FEATURES
ATmega328 microcontroller is used as a CPU for Health Monitoring System is done with modules of data
monitoring the temperature of the patient’s body. The sensing, data processing and data communication as shown
working of this proposed health monitoring system can be in Fig. Three sensors are contained in data sensing module
explained with the help of a block diagram. This block such as temperature sensor, heart rate sensor. Temperature
diagram includes a power supply block that supply power sensor is used to measure the body temperature. Heartbeat
to the whole circuit, and a temperature sensor is used to sensor is used to measure the function of heart by blood
sense the temperature and heartbeat of a patient’s body. flow through Finger. The output of each sensor is
The circuit diagram of the automatic wireless health interfaced with Analog to Digital circuit (ADC) pins of
monitoring system mainly includes transmitter section and microcontroller. Data processing module consists of
receiver section. In the TX section, the temperature and ATmega328, 28-pin 8-Bit microcontroller of Harvard
heart beat sensor is used to detect the temperature and architecture which is a high-performance nRF circuit used
heartbeat of the patient’s body and the data which are to solve problems in conversion of RS232 signal voltage to
sensed by the sensor is sent to ATmega328. TTL voltage and needed to communicate the receiver and
The transmitted information can be encoded into serial sending SMS through information gateway, LCD is used
data over the air through nRF module and the temperature as a display unit in connection with microcontroller for
of the patient’s body values is displayed on the LCD displaying the current details of physiological parameters.
display using an antenna arranged at the end of a Patient monitoring is applicable in different situations
transmitter and the data from the transmitter is transmitted when a patient is in the following conditions:
to the receiver end. • In unstable physiological regulatory systems – for
instance, in the case of overdose of anesthesia.
• In a life threatening condition – for instance, when
there is an indication of heart attack in a patient.
• In a critical physiological state.

5.1 Single parameter monitoring system: This system is

used for measuring the blood pressure of a human body,
monitoring ECG, monitoring SPO2 (oxygen saturation in
blood), and so on.
5.2 Multi parameter monitoring system: This system is
used for monitoring multiple critical physiological signs of
patients by transmitting the vital information like ECG,
respiration rate and blood pressure, etc. Due to these
reasons, multi parameter patient monitoring systems play a
Fig. 4.1: Circuit Diagram of Transmitter section significant role in the field of medical devices.

6.1 Temperature Measurement
When the power is turned on, all the LEDs on PCBs starts
glowing, indicating that circuit is working properly. Here
there is a use of the industrial temperature sensor i.e. LM
35 which gives us room temperature in °C. That
temperature is displayed on the LCD.

6.2 Heartbeat Measurement

There is a cavity for measurement of the heartbeat, which
consist of an arrangement of LED and LDR. Patients’
finger in placed between LED and LDR, and the heart
pulses are detected. The analog voltages are further
Fig. 4.2: Circuit Diagram of Receiver Section processed with an operational amplifier LM 358, and this
chip has two built in OPAMPs. Result is displayed on the
LCD. This collected data is transmitted using nRF24L01
module. This data is received at the receiver section using

www.ijaers.com Page | 57
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-4, Issue-5, May- 2017]
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijaers.4.5.10 ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
same nRF24L01 module. [4] Media Aminian1 and Hamid Reza Naji2, “A Hospital
Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless
VII. CONCLUSION Sensor Networks”, Aminian and Naji, J Health Med
We have analyzed the wireless patient health monitoring Inform 2013, 4:2
system of temperature and heartbeat of humans using [5] Md. Asaduzzaman Miah, Mir Hussain Kabir, Md.
nRF24L01. The heartbeat was measured with the help of Siddiqur Rahman Tanveer and M. A. H. Akhand,
photodiode and bright LED while the temperature was “Continuous Heart Rate and Body Temperature
measured by using precision integrated temperature sensor Monitoring System using Arduino UNO and Android
LM35. Both the data were processed in the arduino uno Device”. International Conference on Electrical
and sent to the remote end wirelessly by using nRF Information and Communication Technology
transmitter and received at the remote end by using nRF Volume 10.1109/EICT.2015.7391943.
receiver. The received data was processed in the arduino [6] Harshavardhan B.Patil, Prof.V.M.Umale, “Arduino
uno and the data measured was displayed successfully with Based Wireless Biomedical Parameter Monitoring
the help of LCD at the remote end. The wireless System Using Zigbee”, International Journal of
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[7] Prof. Y. R. Risodkar. Prof. M. K. Sangole. Amruta.
VIII. FUTURE APPLICATIONS AND R. Vankhede. Ravi. S. Medhe. Jayashri. K. Shirsat,
DEVELOPMENTS “Web Based Health Monitoring System”,
 The device can be connected to PC by using serial International Journal of Advanced Research in
output so that measured heartbeat and temperature can Electronics and Communication Engineering
be sent to PC for further online or offline analysis. (IJARECE) Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015, ISSN:
 Warning for abnormalities of health condition can be 2278 – 909X.
 Sound can be added to the device so that the device
makes a sound each time a pulse is received and alarm
is started for abnormal health condition.
 The output can be sent to mobile phones by using
GSM module or Bluetooth module for further
 More parameters (like blood pressure) can be added to
the device.
 In addition to the system can also provide more than
one numbers so that more than one user can receive
emergency message.
 According to availability of sensors or development in
biomedical trend more parameter can be sense and
monitor which will drastically improve the efficiency
of the wireless monitoring system in biomedical field.

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[2] Rajalakhshmi.S S.Nikilla, “Real Time Health
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[3] C. K. Das, M. W. Alam and M. I. Hoque, “A
Wireless Heartbeat And Temperature Monitoring
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