Spesifikasi Central Monitor

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Merk - Neg. Asal : DST - USA
Model : DS 8000

* Standard Wired LAN : RJ45 LAN Connection
- Connected System by ethernet line, the signal is stable and reliable
- Establish LAN with AP, all monitors of the system are connected by wireless
way to achieve the flexible effect.
- Adopt multi-point mode to enlarge the cover range of wireless signal. Especially
when there is more sickrooms or the sickrooms are located in different floors and
large quantity monitors to set distributed signal area by setting wire in small
area and through exchanger, then add wireless connection point according

- Max 16 Beds
- Waveform : ECG, SpO2, Resp., IBP, EtCO2
- Anesthetic Agent Data : HR, PR, ST, RR, NIBP, Temp, Spo2, IBP, EtCO2, CO
- Special bed monitoring window
- Drug dose calculation
- Simultaneous display with multi 17" Standard monitors.
- Each screen can display 16 sets bedside monitors in three modes.
- Each system can connect up to 256 set bedside monitors.
- Display of multiwaveforms (ECG, RESP, PLETH, C02, IBP etc.) and multi
parameters (HR, ST, Sp02, PR, TEMP, SBP, DBP, MAP, INC02, ETC02).
- More than 10,000 hours data storage is printable according to requirememt.
- Capture and store ECG waveform.

Control Central Biderection Communication

- ECG lead on each monitor can be changed in central monitoring system.
- NIBP measurement on each monitor can be controlled by central monitoring

- Audible and visual
- Upper / Low alarm limits
- Arrhythmia alarm
- Operating menu with multi-language selection.
- Alarm limit, switch and status of each monitor can be setup by central monitoring
- Central monitoring system can setup its own audio and visual alarm limits.
- Support long distance monitoring and diagnosis as well as software upgrade.
- Adaptive network connection for RS-232 or Ethernet wireless and / or wire networking.
- Three connection modes: wire, Wireless or Multi-Point Connection Mode

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Storage Capability
- 96 hours real-time recall, multi-channel full disclosure recall
- 500 alarm events auto storage and recall
- 1000 Arrhythmia events storage and recall
- 1000 sets measurement tubular data
- 10000 patient data storage

Equipment Supplied
1 USB Key Central system
2 DST Sofware Central Monitor until 16 Beds Pasient Monitor
3 Personal Computer Desk top system
4 Monitor
5 Desk Jet printer
6 Switch System Merk: TP-Link to Pasien Monitor and Central by LAN Connection
7 Cabeling and Jack RJ45 for connecting from Pasient monitor to Central

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