Ability Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement 1. Knowledge and Its Application
Ability Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement 1. Knowledge and Its Application
Ability Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement 1. Knowledge and Its Application
1.3 Utilizes knowledge from nursing, Promoting health and wellness by: Student will use knowledge of nursing Students will make effective use of the
social sciences and growth and theory and lab courses as well as Adult Wellness Health Information
development to promote health and i.e proper hand washing, growth and development plus age- binders to provide the client with
wellness. able to adhere to infection control appropriate communication strategies appropriate guidance regarding the
isolation policy, provide proper to promote optimal wellness and a specific modifiable risk factors related to
oral hygiene therapeutic nurse-client relationship cardiovascular disease based on data
when working with an elderly resident gathered during the screening process.
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
*This outcome applies the theories
discussed in the above outcome Examples could include: Health Examples: lowering cholesterol level,
1.1* Promotion Activity Journal, Gordon’s value of exercise, healthy heart choices
Functional Health Patterns, Nursing for snacks and/or meals, stress
NURSING (N1011, N1032, N1225, Diagnosis, Erikson’s Integrity vs management, etc.
N1235 courses) Despair, or Nursing Process
- Teaching Student will be able to obtain
SOCIAL SCIENCES – Sociology, - Encouraging ambulation appropriate weight/height
psychology, geography, - Up fluids or vegetables measurements to correctly calculate a
anthropology, economics, political client’s body mass index (BMI)
science, and environmental studies
Student begins to identify an appropriate
GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT wellness or risk Nursing Diagnosis
appropriate to each client.
2. Communication
2.2 At a beginning level engages in Student is able to provide client Student will consider various learning At a beginning level, students will discuss
health education to promote the with information/rationale while strategies and educational approaches modifiable risk factors with clients in
health potential of clients providing care. when working daily with the resident relationship to diabetes/pre-diabetes,
in application of the Health Promotion stress management, exercise, nutritional
i.e. student encourages clients to Activity. habits, and other factors related to
do as much for themselves as cardiovascular disease through provision
possible Student will consider education of supportive data such as pamphlets,
level/learning disabilities/challenges websites, or follow-up with client’s own
of client (i.e. dementia) health care provider.
Student will follow nursing process to Able to make initial nursing diagnosis for
implement one health promotion each client optimal health outcomes
activity/intervention with client using based on screening data obtained.
verbal and non-verbal as written
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
2.3 Begins to use developmentally Students will engage in With guidance, student will Student will use open ended questions
appropriate communication with therapeutic communication with demonstrate nursing actions for being and closed questions when
clients. client/dummy while providing present with client, empowering communicating with clients during the
care. client, supporting client’s autonomy, screening process.
and being culturally sensitive to client
i.e. explains what they are doing and family members. Student will make use of subjective and
and why objective data obtained while screening
At a beginning level able respond interview.
i.e. developing rapport appropriately to challenging clinical
situations (i.e client refuses am care) Student will make use of probing
questions when needed with clients.
Active listening/empathy (i.e what types of exercise do they do and
how often)
Students will develop strategies for
communicating with clients, who have Students will demonstrate understanding
communication deficits (e.g. hearing, of SOLER during the screening interview
vision, speech). through application of these principles.
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
for review by other health care team Student will participate and effectively
members. communicate in the post clinical
conferences after the adult wellness
Student will interact responsibly and screening clinic.
assertively with clients, peers and
other healthcare team members.
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
and be able to discuss how the plan of
care cold change, if necessary.
3.4 Completes a self-assessment in a The student completes the CASAs The student completes the CASAs in a Student will provide detailed examples of
reflective, thorough manner. in a very reflective manner such as very reflective manner such as noted learning experiences, and will identify
noted by making any required by making any required changes after ways to develop as well as to meet the
changes after receiving feedback receiving feedback or based on own learning outcomes as a result of their
or based on own self-assessment self-assessment of skills from nursing self-assessment and instructor feedback.
of skills from nursing practice. practice.
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
the NANB (2012) used in relation to (2008) through assignments and/or in
the nursing care of the resident. discussion(s) with instructor as well as
peer group.
-Student will apply values from the
NANB’s Code of Ethics for Registered Student will demonstrate a non-
Nurses (2008), and its accompanying judgmental approach with all clients
responsibility statements, which were regardless of background and/or culture.
used when interacting with the
resident in the clinical environment. Student will be mindful of the 30 minute
timeframe to complete the initial
i.e.: Confidentiality, respect, wellness screening process.
accountability and dress/attire
4.2 Demonstrates a developing How do you demonstrate you -The students will identify how their Students will complete the Gibbs
professional identity through self- have appropriate insight into you values, attitudes and behaviors have Reflective Cycle as required.
reflection. practice and are you able to begun to change and they now see
reflect on strengths and themselves as a beginning caring Students will identify their own values
weaknesses? practitioner when working with the and attitudes towards smoking, obesity,
elderly. inactivity, and alcohol use.
How do you engage in discussions
regarding progress in a
professional manner?
4.5 Assumes and demonstrates With guidance, students will With guidance, students will identify With guidance, students will identify their
personal responsibility of learning. identify their own learning style their own learning style (i.e. KOLB’s, learning style.
(i.e. KOLB’s, VARK, etc.) VARK, etc.)
Students will find or seek out Students will find or seek out Students will find appropriate resources
appropriate resources to meet appropriate resources to meet own to meet own learning needs, and identify
own learning needs, and identify learning needs, and identify personal personal strengths and areas for growth
personal strengths and areas for strengths and areas for growth and and development.
growth and development, accepts development, accepts responsibility
responsibility for own behaviors. for own behaviors.
Lab Institutional Placements Community Placement
Long-term care or hospital Wellness Screening Clinics
-Students will demonstrate how he/she
has accepted responsibility for one’s
behavior when appropriate.
4.6 Practices according to Student will demonstrate an Student will demonstrate an Students will adhere to the UNB Faculty
UNB/Humber and agency guidelines, understanding of the Faculty of understanding of the Faculty of of Nursing Student Handbook (2012)
protocols and policies. Nursing Student Handbook (2012) Nursing Student Handbook (2012) guidelines and policies as well as those of
guidelines and policies in relation guidelines and policies in relation to the stakeholders (Government of New
to own nursing practice own nursing practice as well as relate Brunswick, Pine Grove, York Care Centre,
agency guidelines, such as lift safety, etc.) while in the community conducting
fall precautions, duty to report fire the adult wellness clinics.
codes, safety standards,
confidentiality, etc. within the nursing
home or hospital that influence
nursing practice and resident’s safety.
5. Social Justice/Effective
5.2 Relates a principle of Primary Student will relate (1) of the Principles Student will recognize the availability of
Health Care and/or Social Justice of Primary Health Care (accessibility, the health promotion wellness screening
and caring for each assigned client in public participation, health promotion, programs in New Brunswick.
the clinical setting. appropriate skills and technology,
inter-sectoral cooperation) and/or (1) With guidance, student will learn the
principle of social justice (equity) value of advocating for clients at the
relevant to the assigned resident. wellness screening clinics in relation to
the greater community wellness