NCM 101 - Health Assessment

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Course Title: Health Assessment

Course No. NCM 101

Course Description: This course deals with concepts, principles and techniques of communication, history taking, and physical assessment of a
simulated scenario in varied settings. The learners are expected to demonstrate beginning skills in performing comprehensive
health assessment utilizing the nursing process.

Course Credit: Theory: 3 units (54 hours); RLE: 2 unit (102 hours)

Placement: First Year, Second Semester

Pre-requisites: NCM 100

Program Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population groups, and community utilizing the nursing
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing, and presenting using culturally appropriate language.
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills using systems approach in the delivery of client care.
9. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global developments in general, and nursing
and health developments in particular.
10. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession

Level Outcomes: At the end of the first year given simulated situations in selected settings, the learners demonstrate basic nursing skills in
rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing process.

Course Outcomes: 1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in health assessment.
2. Perform safe and appropriate health assessment in a given health scenario utilizing the nursing process.
3. Discuss guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in conducting health assessment.
4.Use the ethical and legal considerations when conducting health history and physical examination.
5. Communicate effectively in using culturally appropriate language in conducting health assessment.
6. Document assessment data accurately and comprehensively.
7. Appreciate the collaborative relationship of the health team in performing health assessment.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in health assessment.
9. Assume responsibility for personal lifelong learning.
10. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.
11. Realize the importance of techno-intelligent care systems in health assessment.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in health assessment.

Alignment Matrix of Program Outcomes with Content


Apply knowledge of Apply knowledge of physical, Use principles of social, physical, Introduction to Health Assessment
physical, social, natural and social, natural and health natural and health sciences and
health sciences and sciences and humanities in humanities in health assessment. A. Overview of the Nursing Process (ADPIE)
humanities in the practice health assessment. 1. Assessment
of nursing. Use appropriate nursing concepts 2. Analyse/Diagnose
and actions in health assessment 3. Planning
holistically and comprehensively. 4. Implement
5. Evaluation

B. Health Assessment
 Initial Assessment
 On-going Assessment
 Focused or Problem oriented
 Emergency Assessment
Perform safe, appropriate Perform safe and appropriate Assess with health scenario one’s Steps In Health Assessment
and holistic care to health assessment in a given health status/competence. A. Data Collection Process
individuals, families, health scenario utilizing the
population groups, and nursing process. 1. General Survey
community utilizing the  Physical Presence
nursing process.  Psychological presence

- Diagnostics Consideration
- Distress
- Pain
a. Pain Assessment
P-recipitating Factors
Q- uality
R- radiation/region
Apply guidelines and Discuss guidelines and Explain guidelines and principles of (COLD/SPA)
principles of evidence- principles of evidence-based evidence-based practice in the C-haracter
based practice in the practice in conducting health health assessment based on varied O-onset
delivery of care based on assessment. theories. L-ocation
the Philippine Nursing Law D-uration
and other.
A-associated factors

1. Collecting Subjective Data

 Health History
- Biographical Data
- Chief Complaints
- Present Health History
- Past Health History
- Family History
- Psychosocial History
- Activities of Daily Living
- Review of System (ROS)

 Functional Assessment (Gordon’s Functional Health

- Physical ADC
- Activities of Daily Living
- Katz Index of Independence
- Barthel Index

Apply techno-intelligent Realize the importance of Introduce appropriate technology to 2. Collecting Objective Data
care systems and techno-intelligent care perform safe and efficient health
processes in health care systems in health assessment.
delivery. assessment.  Vital Signs (TPR-BP)

- T-emperature
- P-ulse
- R-espiration
- B-lood Pressure
a. Korotkoff sounds
b. Measuring Blood Pressure
c. Measurements Sites
d. Equipment

 Physical Assessment Techniques

- Inspection
a. Guidelines of inspection

- Palpation
a. Characteristics Identified through palpation
b. Types of palpation

- Percussion
a. Uses of percussion
b. Types of percussion
c. Different percussion tones
d. Techniques of indirect percussion

- Auscultation
a. Use of stethoscope
b. Techniques of auscultation
c. Classification of auscultated sounds

 Physical Assessment
- Skin, Hair, Nails
- Head, Neck and Lymph nodes
- Eyes
- Ears, Nose, Mouth and Throat
- Breast and Lymph nodes
- Thorax and Lungs
a. Posterior chest
b. Anterior chest
- Heart
- Peripheral Vascular System and
- Abdomen
- Musculoskeletal system
- Mental Status and Neurologic
a. Appearance and Behavior
b. Mood
c. Thought Process and Perception
d. Cognitive Functions
- Female Genitalia
- Male Genitalia
- Anus, Rectum and Prostate

 Laboratory Test
 Diagnostic Procedures
- Non –invasive
- Invasive

3. Validation/Rationalization of subjective/objective data

Practice nursing in Use the ethical and legal Identify ethico-legal considerations Legal Consideration in Health Assessment
accordance with existing considerations when when providing safe, quality, and  Specific Guidelines
laws, legal, ethical, and conducting health history and professional nursing care.  RA 9173 Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 Article VI
moral principles. physical examination. Nursing Practice Section 28. Scope of Nursing (a)
Protect client rights based on “  Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities of Rights
Patient’s Bill of Rights and - Medical Care
Obligations” - Informed Consent
 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- Requiring Protection and Confidential
Handling of Protected Health Information
 Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173)
-Collection, Processing and Consent.
Implement policies related to Ethical Considerations
informed consent in conducting  Ethical principles
health assessment. - Autonomy
- Beneficence
- Nonmaleficence
- Justice
- Fidelity
- Veracity
- Utilitarianism
Communicate effectively in Communicate effectively in Utilize appropriate communication/ Communication Techniques and Client Interview
speaking, writing, and using culturally appropriate interpersonal techniques in
presenting using culturally language in conducting conducting health assessment. 1. Communication Techniques
appropriate language. health assessment.  Factors affecting communication
 Effective communication technique.

2. Client Interview
 Factors Affecting The Interview
 Stages Of The Interview Process
Document to include up-to- Document assessment data Adhere to guidelines in Documentation of data
date reporting of client care accuratelyand documentation related to health
accurately and comprehensively. assessment. 1. Purposes of Assessment Documentation
comprehensively 2. General Documentation Guidelines
 Written Notes
 Electronic Documentations
3. Examination-Specific Documentation Guidelines
4. Assessment forms used for documentation
Work effectively in Appreciate the collaborative Describe the harmonious Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment
collaboration with inter-, relationship of the health relationship among members of the
intra-, and multi-disciplinary team in performing health health team in performing health Evolution of the Nurse’s role in Health Assessment
and multi-cultural teams. assessment. assessment.

Practice beginning Practice beginning Utilize time and appropriate Guidelines in Conducting Health Assessment
management and management and leadership resources efficiently and effectively.
leadership skills using skills in health assessment. 1. Preparing the patient
systems approach in the Prepare a plan for conducive
delivery of client care. environment for health assessment. 2. Preparing the Equipment/Instrument

3. Preparing the environment

4. Aftercare
Engage in lifelong learning Assume responsibility for Enhance competency in conducting Self-Directed Learning
with a passion to keep personal lifelong learning. health assessment.
current with national and  Program Instruction on Physical Assessment
global developments is
general, and nursing and  Online Access on Health Assessment and Physical
health developments in Examination
 Assessment In Brief Cards

Demonstrate responsible Demonstrate responsible Exemplify love for country in service Filipinos Cultural Characteristics and Health Care Beliefs and
citizenship and pride in citizenship and pride in being of the Filipinos. Practices
being a Filipino a Filipino. Use nursing core values in
conducting health assessment.  Communication Styles

 Family, Social and Work Relationship

Adopt the nursing core Adopt the nursing core Demonstrate caring as the core of  Health Values and Beliefs
values in the practice of the values in health assessment. nursing, love of God, love of country
profession and love of people.  Health Custom and Practices
Learning Plan

Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Learning Strategies Assessment

Classroom TA RLE TA
Describe the harmonious Nurse’s Role in Health Assessment Interactive discussion 3 Paper and pencil
relationship among members Evolution of the Nurse’s role in Health test
of the health team in Assessment
performing health assessment.

Utilize appropriate Communication Techniques and Client Lecture Discussion 3 Paper and pencil
communication/ interpersonal Interview test
techniques in conducting 1.Communication Techniques
health assessment.  Factors affecting communication Role play/Video Sociogram/Video
 Effective communication technique. 6 Tape feedback
2.Client Interview
 Factors Affecting the Interview
- Stages of The Interview
Use principles of social, Introduction to Health Assessment Lecture Discussion 6 Paper and pencil
physical, natural and health test
sciences and humanities in A. Overview of the Nursing Process
health assessment. (ADPIE)
1. Assessment
2. Analyze/Diagnose Case Vignette on 12 Rubrics
3. Planning Assessment
Use appropriate nursing 4. Implement
concepts and actions in health 5. Evaluation
assessment holistically and
comprehensively. B. Health Assessment
 Initial Assessment
 On-going Assessment
 Focused or Problem oriented
 Emergency Assessment
Utilize time and appropriate Guidelines in Conducting Health Assessment Lecture Discussion 6 Paper and pencil
resources efficiently and test
effectively. 1. Preparing the patient

Prepare a plan for conducive 2. Preparing the Equipment/Instrument CD-ROM on Health 12 Performance
environment for health Assessment: Checklist
assessment. 3. Preparing the environment Demonstration and
Return Demonstration
4. Aftercare
Steps In Health Assessment Lecture Discussion Paper and pencil
B. Data Collection Process 3 test

Assess with health scenario 1. General Survey

one’s health  Physical Presence
status/competence.  Psychological presence
 Diagnostics Consideration
 Distress Case Scenario 6 Rubrics
 Pain
Pain Assessment

P-recipitating Factors
Q- uality
R- radiation/region

A-associated factors Video Clips on Health
History Taking Critic Rubrics on
1. Collecting Subjective Data 6 Video clips
 Health History
- Biographical Data Each learner prepares 12 CON Template
- Chief Complaints her/his own health on History Taking
- Present Health History history Rubrics
- Past Health History
- Family History
- Psychosocial History
- Activities of Daily Living
- Review of System

2. Collecting Objective Data Lecture Discussion 12 Paper and pencil

Explain guidelines and  Vital Signs (TPR-BP)
principles ofevidence-based
practice in the health T-emperature
assessment based on varied P-ulse Review of Literature Submit an
theories. R-espiration on Evidence-based evidence-based
B-lood Pressure practices practice in Health
- Korotkoff sounds Assessment:
- Measuring Blood Pressure Rubrics
- Measurements Sites
- Equipment

Introduce appropriate  Physical Assessment Techniques CD-ROM on Health

technology to perform safe - Inspection Assessment: 36 Performance
and efficient health a. Guidelines of Demonstration and checklist:
assessment. inspection Return Demonstration Rubrics

- Palpation
a. Characteristics
Identified through
b. Types of palpation

- Percussion
a. Uses of percussion
b. Types of percussion
c. Different percussion
d. Techniques of indirect

- Auscultation
a. Use of stethoscope
b. Techniques of
c. Classification of
auscultated sounds

 Physical Assessment
- Skin, Hair, Nails
- Head, Neck and Lymph
- Eyes
- Ears, Nose, Mouth and
- Breast and Lymph
- Thorax and Lungs
a. Posterior chest
b. Anterior chest
- Heart
- Peripheral Vascular
System and Lymphatics
- Abdomen
- Musculoskeletal system
- Mental Status and
Neurologic Techniques
a. Appearance and
b. Mood
c. Thought Process
and Perception
d. Cognitive
- Female Genitalia
- Male Genitalia
- Anus, Rectum and

 Laboratory Test
 Diagnostic Procedures

- Non –invasive
- Invasive

3. Validation/Rationalization of
subjective/objective data

Adhere to guidelines in Documentation of data Lecture Discussion 3 Paper and Pencil

documentation related to 1. Purposes of Assessment test
health assessment. Documentation
2. General Documentation Guidelines Prepare sample 12 Rubrics on
 Written Notes documentation: (1) documentation
 Electronic Documentations written; (2) electronics
3. Examination-Specific Documentation
4. Assessment forms used for
Identify ethico-legal Legal Consideration in Health Assessment Lecture Discussion Paper and Pencil
considerations when providing test
safe, quality, and professional  Specific Guidelines
nursing care.  RA 9173 Philippine Nursing Act of
2002 Article VI Nursing Practice Flipped Classroom 6 Instant Feedback
Protect client rights based on “ Section 28. Scope of Nursing (a)
Patient’s Bill of Rights and  Patient’s Bill of Rights and
Obligations” Responsibilities of Rights
- Medical Care
Implement policies related to - Informed Consent
informed consent in  Health Insurance Portability and
conducting health assessment Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Requiring Protection and
Confidential Handling of
. Protected Health
 Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA 10173)
- Collection, Processing
and Consent. Feedback on
Ethical Considerations Flipped Classroom application of
 Ethical principles ethical principles
- Autonomy through sample
- Beneficence scenarios
- Nonmaleficence
- Justice
- Fidelity
- Veracity
- Utilitarianism
Lecture Discussion Paper and Pencil
Exemplify love for country in Filipinos Cultural Characteristics and Health 3 test
service of the Filipinos. Care Beliefs and Practices

Use nursing core values in  Communication Styles

conducting health
assessment.  Family, Social and Work Relationship
Boodle fight scenario 6 Group Feedback
Demonstrate caring as the  Health Values and Beliefs to share cultural,
core of nursing, love of God, belief, practices and
love of country and love of  Health Custom and Practices health care of their
people. particular region

Enhance competency in Self-Directed Learning Guidelines on Self- 3 Portfolio

conducting health directed learning
assessment.  Program Instruction on Physical

 Online Access on Health Assessment

and Physical Examination
 Assessment In Brief Cards

Learning Environment:
Air conditioned Classroom equipped with audio visual facilities
Resources: Instructional Resources includes: Video Clips, Case Vignette, Case Scenario, Clinical Guidelines,
CD-ROM on Health Assessment

Course Requirements: Paper and Pencil test

Performance Checklist
Evidence-Based Practice Journal Readings
Instant and Group Feedbacks

Grading System:
A. First half(Preliminary - Midterm)
Preliminary test 20%
Class Performance 40%
Midterm examination 40%
B. Second half(Finals)
Class Performance 40%
Final Examination 60%
C. Final Grade
Estes, Mary Ellen Z,(2014). “Health Assessment And Physical Examination.”5thEdition,Cergage Learning
Weber,Janet&Kelley,Jane.,(2010).”Health Assessment in Nursing.”4thEdition,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Weber,Janet.,(2008).” Assessment made Incredibly Easy.” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Prescribed Laboratory Manual:
Weber,Janet,,(2014).”Lab Manual for Health Assessment in Nursing.”5thEdition,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Weber,Janet,,(2018).”Lab Manual for Health Assessment in Nursing.”5thEdition,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Prescribed Handbook:
Weber,Janet&Kelley,Jane.,(2006).”Nurses Handbook of Health Assessment.”5th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Prepared by/date: Approved by/date: Noted by:

Jan Jarrel B. Gillego, RN, MAN

Lilian B. DelaHostria, RN, MAN

Elsa M. Regalado, RN, MAN Ma. Cecilia Ortiz-Quibel, RN, PhD Dr. Ramon C. Maniago

Faculty Members Dean Executive Dean

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