Writing - Essays: Number of Items

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Writing - Essays

Number of items:

There will be 1 or 2 write essay items in your PTE test. Each item is timed individually and
you will have 20 minutes to write each essay.


You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your
response will be judged on how well you develop a position, organise your ideas, present
supporting details, and control the elements of standard written English. You should write
200-300 words.

To score well you need to take care of:

Development, structure and coherence
Form (if the essay is less than 120 words, no marks, must always remain in the word limit)
General linguistic range
Grammar usage and mechanics
Vocabulary range


Communicative skills Writing

! Content:

3 Adequately deals with the prompt

2 Deals with the prompt but does not deal with one
minor aspect

1 Deals with the prompt but omits a major aspect or

more than one minor aspect

0 Does not deal properly with the prompt


2 Length is between 200 and 300 words

1 Length is between 120 and 199 or between 301

and 380 words

0 Length is less than 120 or more than 380 words.

Essay is written in capital letters, contains no

punctuation or only consists of bullet points or very

short sentences

! Development, structure and coherence:

2 Shows good development and logical structure

1 Is incidentally less well structured, and some

elements or paragraphs
are poorly linked

0 Lacks coherence and mainly consists of lists or

loose elements

! Grammar:

2 Shows consistent grammatical control of complex

language. Errors are rare and difficult to spot

1 Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical

control. No mistakes which would lead to

0 Contains mainly simple structures and/or several

basic mistakes

! General linguistic range:

2 Exhibits smooth mastery of a wide range of

language to formulate thoughts precisely, give
emphasis, differentiate and eliminate ambiguity. No
sign that the test taker is restricted in what they want
to communicate

1 Sufficient range of language to provide clear

descriptions, express viewpoints and develop

0 Contains mainly basic language and lacks


! Vocabulary range:

2 Good command of a broad lexical repertoire,

idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms

1 Shows a good range of vocabulary for matters

connected to general academic topics. Lexical
shortcomings lead to circumlocution or some

0 Contains mainly basic vocabulary insufficient to

deal with the topic at the required level

! Spelling:

2 Correct spelling

1 One spelling error

0 More than one spelling error

Key points:

Read the question carefully and understand what is expected of you.

Depending upon the topic you may agree or disagree with the statement, argue for or
against an opinion, describe a situation, answer a question, discuss advantages or

It’s always good to balance both sides - example: even if you disagree with something, write
a few things that you positive in it.

Plan the structure of your essay as per one of the templates.

Keep an eye on timer - divide time for reading the essay and question, planning your ideas,
writing, re-writing to improve the quality, reviewing.

Read the essay once done and check for content and structure. Is there is an introduction?
Are new ideas each in a new paragraph? Is each paragraph linked to each other? Have you
shown a good vocabulary or are you using the same few words again and again? Is there a
conclusion in your essay?

Make sure the total word length is between 200-300. The closer it is to 200 better. Don’t
cross 300.

Check all spelling, grammar, punctuation.

Use connecting words to link your arguments. See the table on next page.

Stating Your Opinion Giving Examples Comparing

In my opinion, For example, Similar to
According to me, For instance, As...as
In my view, such as in common
To me, In other words, also
From my point of view, as Either...or
I think like In the same way,
It seems to me that that is Neither...nor
I believe namely At the same time
From my perspective To illustrate Just as
To my way of thinking To paraphrase resemble
It appears that
I suppose
I realize
I understand
I imagine
I feel

Contrasting Generalizing Expressing Certainty

However, Generally, Certainly,
But Generally speaking, Undoubtedly,
On the contrary, Overall, Doubtless,
On the other hand, On the whole, No doubt,
Differ from In general, Definitely,
Nevertheless By and large, Of course,
Although It seems to me that
Though I believe
Otherwise All in all,
Instead Basically,
Alternatively, Essentially,
Even though As a rule,
All things considered
For the most part

Expressing Partial Agreement Showing cause Showing effect

More or less, Due to Therefore,
To some extent, Because As a result,
Up to a point, Because of Consequently,
Almost, Owing to For this reason,
In a way, Thus,
So to speak, So,
The reason why

Marking time Adding Information Expressing condition

First, Furthermore If
Last In addition Whether
Second, Also In case
Lastly, And Unless
Third, Moreover Provided that
Then, Similarly So that
Firstly, Likewise
First of all, As well as
Secondly, Besides
Before Too
Thirdly, Even
After What’s more
To begin with
At the same time
After this / that
Following this
As soon as

Concluding ! !
To summarize
In conclusion
To conclude with,
In short,


First paragraph - Introduction

Show that you understand the topic, describe the topic in different way than in the question
and give an indication of what you think about it.

Second paragraph - Body - Idea 1

Describe Idea 1 and support it with evidence and some examples from your personal
experience. Use words from the linking table to begin your opinion and giving examples to
support your opinion.

Third Paragraph - Body - Idea 2

Describe Idea 2 and support it with evidence and some examples from your personal
experience. Remember to use the right linking words to connect to earlier paragraph.

Third paragraph - Body - Idea 3

Describe Idea 3 and support it with evidence and some examples from your personal
experience. Remember to use linking words to connect to earlier paragraph. This paragraph
can be optional. Check the word limit.

Final paragraph - Conclusion

Wrap it up. Give your final statement sort of re-emphasizing your stand on the topic.

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