Discussion and Symphosium

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The school is a social situation in which one learns in the midst of the group of
learners and other individuals, such as teachers, administrators, etc. education ,
in a very real sense, depends on everyone’s skill in “ group cooperative effort”;
class group, facility committees, co-curricular activities, etc., all are an
essential part of education, today. Discussion methods are a variety of forums
for open- ended, collaborative exchange of idea among a teacher and students
or a students for the purpose of furthering student thinking, learning, problem
solving, or literary appreciation.
1. According to AGGARWAL, discussion is a thought full
consideration of relationships involved in the topic or problem under
study. These relationships are analysed, compared and evaluated for
drawing conclusions.
2. Discussion involves an interchange of informed opinions and
reactions, group consideration of a problem or issue, sharing of ideas
and information and exchange of questions and answers.
-Sandra De Young
The discussion method of teaching is a democratic method used of teaching
used to serve the following purposes.
1. For supplementing a lecture: this is most commonly used
technique by the teachers. With a small group of student a teacher
can select a particular topic and the whole class can participate as
one group.

2. To pool ideas and experiences from the groups: this method can
use to express each of the participant ideas and creativity while
discussing in a group.so that in a particular topic we can get different
ideas and experiences.
3. To allow students to participate in an active process: In
discussion method each of the student have their on ideas and the
leader should encourage each of the participant to express their ideas.
So this can improve the confidence of the participant and all the
person in the group can convey their ideas.
4. To clarify information and concepts: while discussing when all the
participant in the group will convey their ideas and sometimes not all
can accept others ideas. So the leader can explain to others those who

are not understanding and she/he should explain and clarify all the
doubts what they are having.
5. To share information: the discussion can used as sharing the
information also. When discussing the ideas everyone can participate
and so the ideas which they express can share with group and they
can all the ideas can conclude into a large point.

 The objectives should be clearly defined and understood by all

participants: while preparing the discussion topic the content for the
topic should be clearly defined and the topic should be understandable
for everyone. If the topic is not clear to all, then ideas for the discussion
will not be expressed by the participants. The leader should be selected
and she or he should provide orientation to the topic prior to the
 The teacher should prepare carefully as a facilitator and to guide:
while discussing the content, the teacher should aware about the topic
and she should be prepared well. While the participants are asking some
doubts the teacher should be able to clear it.
 Question outline should be prepared carefully: the teacher should
prepare the questions regarding the topic and she should conduct the
pretest and posttest before she starts and when she ends accordingly.
The questions are about the topic and accurate and answerable.
 The members of the group should come prepared: The members in
the group should have a basic knowledge about the topic to be
discussed. Discussion subjects to be informed earlier to the discussion.
So the participants are able to prepare for discussion. The people who
participate in the discussion should have a basic idea about the topic.
Then only they can express their comments and ideas.
 Leader needs to guide and coordinate the proceedings so that the
discussion should be kept to the point:Teacher can open the
discussion session with a keynote address. In the keynote address, she
has to give a brief introduction regarding the topic of discussion and she
should speak about the objectives and guidelines also. Keynote address
ends with an invitation for students to express their ideas or viewpoints.
 Recorder (A scribe may be elected by the group to record the main
points) : Discussion as it is going on, the leader can select a student
leader to note down the main points in discussion. The points can be
noted on the Blackboard or in a paper and at the end of the discussion
the points can be again explained by the students. This will help the
teacher to evaluate the student’s knowledge level about the topic.

 Each one in the group should feel free to participate and a shy
personsshould be encouraged to contribute: ensuring the
participation of all students is very important. This can be achieved by
controlling and discouraging overtalkative students and motivating
passive students to express their opinions. Allotting specific time to
each student, allowing talk on a rotational basis, at time ignoring an
over talkative student and inviting opinion from a passive student by
calling him by name are some of the other measures to bring out fair
 All points of view should be fairly considered: if there is subgroups
are involved in the discussion, the group leaders have to summarise the
viewpoints of their respective groups to the teacher or the student
leader. Under the guidance of teacher, she must confirm that all the
points in the discussion should be passed through all the students and all
the view points are considered throughout the discussion.
 Discussions should be properly ended with a report, decision,
recommendation, or summing up of the points discussed: discussion
ends with a concluding note delivered by the teacher. Concluding notes
invariably contains a summary of the discussion, statement regarding
the fulfillment of objectives, evaluation regarding the performance of
students and the student leader if present, a few words of appreciation to
encourage students and suggestions for improvement.


 Sharp and clear: Discussion helps in clarifying and sharpening the

issues. Old ideas and values may be replaced by new concepts. Each
participants having their own ideas and can express in discussion.
 Improve self thinking: It helps the students to crystallize their thinking
and identify concepts needed for their study. It can make the students to
think about a particular topic and can visualize their ideas.
 Discover new ideas: Discussion helps the students in discovering what
he does not know and what he has over looked. While discussion, others
will share their own thoughts and it can help others improve their
knowledge and thinking ability.
 Collection of various view points: Discussion engenders toleration of
various view points from different students. All are having their own
view points about similar topics. So at the end of the discussion the
group will get many points regarding a single topic.
 Helps in self evaluation: Discussion activates thinking along the lines
of self evaluation. It is helpful in establishing an attitude of looking
forward to progress and growth. The student can evaluate themselves
about the knowledge level and their skills.

 Promote different skills: It promotes conversational skills when they

are speak out their opinions, listening skills when they listen to others
ideas, speaking skills when the introduce their ideas and
suggesionsamong the students.
 Learn to respect: It develops the capacity of respecting the ideas of
themselves and others.
 It promotes group dynamics: A group learns together and presents
important information, makes suggestions, shares responsibility, shows
interest, respects the opinions and ideas of others, comprehends the
topic, evaluates the findings and summarizes the results
 Enhances self-esteem: Discussion enhances the self-esteem of the
students, as their opinions and suggestions are accepted. So it helps the
student’s confidence to express their ideas.
 Develop better learning: Active participation in the discussion not
only results in better learning but also promotes retention and recalling
ability of students.
 Create an ability in problem solving skill: It helps the students to
develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking ability, self-confidence,
and self expression skills.


 Time-consuming: it takes more time than other method because all the
students need time to expose their ideas. Routine time allotment for a
period is 45 minutes or one hour and it is very difficult to complete the
discussion in a desirable manner within this short time.
 Difficult in controlling: The teacher may find it difficult to control the
group and sometimes a few students, who have very good
communication skills may dominate the discussion. This leads other
passive students will may less attentive in the discussion.
 Poor productivity if not prepared well: Both students and teacher are
to be well prepared for the session otherwise discussion may not be
productive. Sometimes teacher may feel helpless when the students
make it a habit to attend discussion without adequate preparation inspite
of her repeated requests.
 Less Effective in more number of people: Discussion may be less
effective when the number of students exceed 20. When the number of
subgroups increases, it will be difficult for the teacher to ensure fair
participation of all students and guide the course of discussion in the
right direction.


Group discussion is a cooperative, problem solving activity seeks a consensus
regarding the solution of a problem. Discussion occurs when a group with
group orientation purposefully interacts orally for enlightment or policy
determination. Discussion focused towards group orientation, while the debates
persuade the group towards its proposal. Discussion is cooperative when the
participants speak informally and conversationally while the debate to a
competition between mediator and advocates, it talks for equal amounts or
alternating time against a proposal.
A group discussion test is a modern tool and method of selecting a suitable
candidate for a given position. And yet it is not new. In ancient Indian and
Greece, group discussions were frequently held to sort out problems,arrive at
logical conclusions and to improve knowledge. They were very popular among
the wise,intellectuals and those in responsible positions in the field of
religion,politics,arts,administration,business,teaching etc. During the time of
Buddha, it was used as a very efficient tool to learn and teach various subjects.
1. A Group is first of all a collection of 2 or more people; - it is
a collection of individuals in a face-to-face setting working
on a task that requires cooperation.
2. Group dynamics, is a term that is widely used in the
literature today. It refers to the complex forces that are acting
upon any group throughout its existence, which causes it to
behave the way that it does.
3. Group discussion, basically is a cooperative, problem-
solving activity which seeks a consensus regarding the
solution of a problem rather than a decision by majority vote.


Group discussion serve many educational purpose.
° To give students an opportunity: this helps to give the students an
oppurtunity to apply principles, concepts and theories to transfer their learning
to new and different situations. This can help to increase their self confidence.

° To clarify the information and concepts: while discussion the students can
be able to clear about the doubts of particular topic and they can improve the
knowledge of the students.
° To learn the process of group problem solving: discussio helps the students
to solve the problem in groups and individually they are sometimes confused
about the solution for solving the problem. So that discussing in groups can
helps to get different solution for a sinlge problem. So they can choose the
most appropriate method of solution for their problem.
° To develop and evaluate their beliefs and positions: discussing in a group
indicates that there is different people with different attitudes. So that they are
having different characters. This can help to provide different ideas. This ideas
can be correlate and it can make a good decision. This can help to evaluate
each students knowledge and attitude.
° To change the student’s interests and enthusiasm for a subject or course:
In discussion all the students are not having fully participation in the group.
Some active students may have attend completely and some will go
backward.sometimes by seeing the active participation of the student others
also will get the interest in coming forward. This will help all the student to get
aware about the particular topic.
° To motivate to attend class and to learn: Discussion method is more
interesting than a lecture method because while discussing all the students will
get equal participation in the class. But in lecturing it not possible seeking the
attention of all the students. So when discussing the teacher also can interact
with the students and the class will be more interesting also.
° To learn the value of contributions of others and to develop team spirit:
Discussion method helps to contribute all the students ideas and knowledge and
this helps develop a team spirit in the students. So all will accept the ideas of
others and they start to act as a team.
° To learn the individual differences: Discussion makes the students to
interact with each other and each of the students having different ideas. So each
of them will understand the ideas of others and they will accept the differences
in others.
1.The group leader-1
2.The group observer-1
3.The group recorder-1

4.The group members-15 to 25

1.Group leader-1: Competent leadership is essential to good group discusion.
Group discussion used as method of teaching may utilize either the teacher or
the students as the leader. The leader of the group is key person. Your own
ability to guide effectively may depend the success or the failure of the
discussion. Group leader is genial and friendly; is kneely interested in the
personal and social development of each member and in their contribution, is
impartial and objective towards the ideas expressed and has a strong feeling of
responsibility for the success of the group discussion.The major functions of
the group leader is:
i)regulating the discussion: she must the controller and regulator of the team.
She should regulate the whole team in the group. The leader should have the
capacity to modulate the group and she should lead the discussion.
ii)focussing the discussion: The leader should notify whether all the students
are participating in discussion and she should focus on each sub group.
iii)Guiding the discussion: The group leader have to guide each subgroups and
they should help each students to have equal participation in the discussion.
The leader must confirm that each students are involving in the discussion.
iv)classifying the discussion: the leader must separate whole group into
subgroups so that the group members can actively participate in similar
discussion topic and each of the subgroups are having individual group leaders
and they can focus all the group members in their group. So this can help the
students to participate in the discussion equally and the discussion will be
2)The group recorder-1: The recorder makes a record of the salient features
of the discussion and helps the members to recapitulate or correlate with any
previous discussion. The recorder at the end, will read to the group, the draft
report of discussion and obtain the consent of the group.
3)The group observer-1: It consist job is to use this record in analysing the
behavior of the groupand in making suggestions as to ways in which the group
can act differently and thereby improve it effectively.
4)The group members 15-25: It consist of about 15 to 25 members. It is not
the leader’s responsibility alone nor is it the obsever’s to create and maintain an
atmosphere of freedom so that all will feel free to participate; to keep the
discussion moving towards, its goals; to analyze the difficulties the group may
encounter in attaining an attitude.


Teacher or leader responsibilities Student responsibilities
1.Have knowledge and skill in use of 1.Accept responsibilities for learning
group dynamics. how to function effectively as group
a) Recognize differences between participant.
authoritarian, democratic and laissez-
faire leadership and know when each
is appropriate.
b) understand group behaviour.

2.Know how to adapt principles of 2.Be prepared with necessary

group discussion technique to a background information pertinent to
variety of kind of learning situations. discussion when topic is assigned
prior to group conference; or seek
necessary information when neede to
solve immediate problem.
3.Acquaint students with requisite 3.Approach discussion with an open
skills of the group discussion before mind, allowing free discussion of
attempting it in a teaching-learning ideas by others.
a) Distinguish between “talking”
and discussion with a purpose.
b) Help students to recognize and
accept differences in values as each
contributes to discussion.
c) Help students recognize barriers
to effective group action and discuss
ways and means of handling these
d) Demonstrate various roles
students must learn to play in the
group discussion process and provide
opportunities for them to function in
these roles.
4.Provide informal atmosphere 4.Share mutual responsibility for
allowing for freedom of expression defining problem, setting goals,
without criticism or ridicule. discussing course of action, making
recommendations, and evaluating the
outcomes of discussion.
5.Provide physical arrangements so 5.Maintain welfare of entire group by
that all students have face-to-face the following:
contact with each other and the a) Listen to contributions of others as
teacher, everyone can hear, and each views various issues.
seating is comfortable yet fosters b) Attempt to understand other

discussion. person’s point of view, regardless of

personal beliefs.
c) present own point of view without
forcing acceptance.
d) Help each other in free expression
of ideas.
e) Ask questions of one other to
clarify various issues or to help
reticent participants expression
f) prevent discussion from being
dominated by a few person.
g) Support and be responsive to
others and their ideas.
h) Promote solution to problem.
i) Share information about
particular situation or other sources of
obtaining information.
j) Maintain physical arrangements
needed to provide opportunities for
each member to make contribution
and function as unified group.
6.Provide for adequate introductions. 6.Clarify points of discussion at
frequent intervels in order to maintain
understanding of problem,agreement
regarding goals, and ways of
accomplishing them through
systematic problem-solving process.
7.Be familiar with students in order to 7.Diagnose problem areas that are
draw on their knowledge and barriers of effective group discussion
experiences in assisting them to and seek necessary assistance in
contribute to discussion. resolving problem.
8.Be well informed about subject 8.Allow time for self-evaluation of
matter or provide someone who is an group effectiveness at close of
authority on subject; consider use of conference.
consultant in a specialized area as a
resource person during discussion.
9.Begin discussion by the following: 9.Seek assistance from teacher
a) Have the problem well defined regarding progress made in solution of
prior to group meeting. problem.
b) Assist students to define
particular problem they seek to
10.Help students identify goals and 10.Offer feedback information
procedure to follow to apply problem regarding outcome of action taken as
solving techniques to situation. recommended by consensus of group.

11.Keep goals before group. 11.Offer feedback information to

a) create discussion by asking teacher regarding value of conference
“how” or “why” questions. in promoting learning.
b) pose questions that remind
students of their own mental processes
and those of others in group.
c) Refrain from answering
questions; use comments and
questions to serve as guide in directing
inquiry into avenue of learning; follow
with relevent questions designed to
help students express themselves more
12.Maintain atmosphere of group
sharing without allowing two-way
conversation or argument to dominate
13.Remain flexible as discussion
14.Maintain leadership role by
leading, knowing when to intervene to
clarify issues, using problem-solving
techniques or introducing new source
materials to solve problem.
15.Summarize discussion at intervels
as necessary to keep goals clarified
and to terminate discussion.
16.Admit own limitations of
knowledge when asked questions you
cannot answer; refer students to
sources or resource person who can
supply needed information.
17.Encourage group evaluation of
progress made through discussion.
a) Allow students to discuss
problems aring from interpersonal
relationships in terms of evaluating
reasons for behaviour and possible
solutions to problem.
b) Ask group to summarize progress
made towards solution of problem at
intervals during discussion.
c) Consider follow-up discussion as
necessary to provide feedback
regarding kind of results obtained
through implementation of

recommendations by group.
d) Request follow-up evaluation from
students to furnish feedback regarding
progress made in learning.


Group discussion can be mainly classified in to two

Group discussion
Group discussion
for large groups
for small groups

Individual Multiple
conference discussion
Informal class

3. Panel
Role playing



i) Group discussion technique for small group

A. Individual conference: Individual conference is a clinical

teaching method which focuses on the overall development of the
individual student with special emphasis to the development of

clinical skills. It is mainly useful to guide in teaching and to

acquire more knowledge. It use to discuss problems of a
particular student and this also used in nursing to plan patient
care. It is having some limitations like chances of teacher
showing any prejudice, emotional reaction or bias towards the
student. The student may not tell her entire problems to the
B. Informal class group discussion: Informal class
groupdiscussion is a temporary groups that last for only one
discussion or one class period. Their major purpose is to ensure
active learning. They might be used for example, to break up a
lecture with peer exchanges that require students to organize,
explain, and otherwise cognitively process their learning.
Students may or may not produce a product, and the activity and /
or product is typically not graded.
C. Seminar: A seminar is an instructional method involves
generating a situation for a group to have guided interaction
among themselves on different aspects or components of a topic,
which is generally presented by one or more members.
The seminar is a discussion based on information presented by
experts under the guidance of an eminent resource person for the
benefit of group members. The person who guides the seminar is
the chairperson, experts who present the information are speakers
and the group members who benefited from the seminar are the
D. Role playing: “Role playing is a form of drama in which
learners spontaneously act out roles in an interaction involving
problems or challenges in human relations for subsequent
discussion by the whole class”. It is clear that role playing is a
spontaneous acting out of roles. Based on the written or verbal
explanation of the stimulated situation, participants
spontaneously act out roles without a script or rehearsal, but at
times if needed, teacher can plan for role playing and guide the
participants by giving necessary instruction. Role playing is
advised only when the learners have a background knowledge
regarding the simulated context or situation and the roles
assigned to the participants.
E. Case analysis:A case study is a description of an actual
administrative situation involving a decision to be made or a
problem to be solved. It can a real situation that actually
happened just as described, or portions have been disguised for
reasons of privacy. Most case studies are written in such a way
that the reader takes the place of the manager whose

responsibility is to make decisions to help solve the problem. In

almost all case studies, a decision must be made, although that
decision might be to leave the situation as it is and do nothing.
F. Clinical conference: The Clinical Conferences are designed to
assist professional people in the pursuit of clinical excellence. It
is a work that consist of a conference of physicians on their
observations of a patient at the bedside, regarding the physical
state, laboratory and other diagnostic findings, clinical
manifestations, results of current therapy etc. clinical conferences
are generally defined as scheduled events at which practicing
physicians themselves present to their colleges interesting clinical
cases, share their new experiences and learn about the latest
achievements of medical sciences and practice.


A. Multiple discussion group: Multiple discussion group contains many

sub groups in a big group. So the leader sholud divided the group in to
many subgroups because the group is large in number. Each sub group
contains leader .The instructor enters the discussion board for the first
group and creates a thread. Like wise she will enters in each group and
she will conduct the discussion. Each group leders will pass the
discussion content given by their group members and all the points will
be discussed again by the instructor. So final evaluation will be done by
the instructor and the discussion will be effective.


The word “symposium” has several dictionary meanings. Firstly, Plato has
used this term for “good dialogue” to present the views towards God. Another
meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment. Symposium
technique is also one of the techniques of higher learning. It is also an
instructional technique which is used to achieve higher cognitive and affective
objectives. The recent meaning of the term is a meeting of persons to discuss a
problem or theme. The views on a theme are presented in a sequence. The
specific aspect of a theme is presented by an expert of the theme.

1. Symposium is a method of group discussion in which 2 or more persons
under the direction of a chairman present separate speeches which give several
aspects of one question.
- Loretta E Heidgerken
2. Symposium is a technique/forum serves an excellent device for informing an
audience, crystalizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at
decision, policies, value, judgement or understanding.
- Elsa Sanatombi Devi
3. Symposium is the most preferred method to discuss controversial issues,
such as professional status of nursing, impact of consumer protection act on
nursing and the like.
- B Sankaranarayanan.
1. To identify and understand two various aspects of theme and problems:
Symposium is a method of group discussion in which 2 or more persons under
the direction of a chairman present separate speeches which gives several
aspects from one question.
2. To develop the ability to take decision and judgement regards a
problem: This helps the members to think about the problem in detail and they
develop an ability to solve that problem. After discussion the members in the
group can make decision and judgement about the measure they taken to solve
the problem.
3. To develop the values and feelings regarding a problem: while discussing
the problem the members in the group are about to accept all the members
points and feelings.values and feelings are primary tool for maintaining
fullfilment and satisfaction of life. Values are the foundation of stability in
person’s life. Each problem have its own values and while solving it we should
have to accept that.
4. To enable the listeners to form policies regarding a theme or problem:
the discussion can improve the thinking ability of the members and can expose
their ideas in different ways. So this can help the listeners to form the policies
regarding the theme.

1. To investigate a problem from several points of view: This helps to
understand a particular topic in different aspects. This can be either the idea of
different members from the group.
2. To boost student’s ability to speak in group: while discussing the students
gets an interest to interact and they can have the new ideas and can express it
3. To make the students to study independently: for preparing for
symposium the students will pre plan about the topic and they will study the
topic clearly and this helps the individual learning of the student.
4. To identify and understand various aspects of the theme and problems:
symposium method can help to find out different aspects a particular topic by
discussing in a group and this helps to covey the ideas of others also.
5. To develop values and feelings regarding a problem: this is also an
essential method to make decision about a particular problem or solve the
problem. It can help all the students improve their learning skills.


1. Teacher should plan the program ahead of time: The teacher should keep
ready about the subject and she should be well prepared and she should divide
and give the subject to the members for prior preparation.
2. Objectives of the topic should be familiar: Each members of the class, as
well as the student speakers should know the objectives of the symposium and
breadth of the topic. Then only an effective presentation of the topic can be
3. Preparation of all student is necessary: Each student should prepare on the
given or accepted topic. The preparation should be done prior to the
4. The teacher should have a conference with each of the student speakers:
The teacher should explain the topic and clear all the doubts of the student
speakers before the symposium started. Teacher should conduct a meeting with
the student speakers before the symposium.
5. The teacher or a student may function as a chairman: The chairman of
the symposium introduces the topic and suggests something of its importance.
Then the chairman introduces the speakers.

8. The topic is presented by the students taking 15-20 minutes time: Two or
more speakers talk from 15-20 minutes. The speech may be persuasive,
argumentative, informative or evocative. Each speech proceeds without
9. The topic is evaluated and concluded by the teacher: After discussion, the
teacher should confirm that all the students have participated in the discussion
and all of them are understand about the topic. She should ask questions and
clarify the doubts of the students.
The symposium method is a conference or meeting to discuss
a particular subject. it s generally defined as a meeting organized so
that experts in a given field can meet, present papers, and discuss
issues and trends or make recommendations for a certain course of
action. There are specific role in each memebers in symposium
method of discussion.

The moderator should be sure to prepare the speakers or see that they are
prepared. They should know the rules of procedure, sequence of speaking, and
way in which the forum will be conducted; and they should be aware of the
ideas, and background of the other performers. Like panelist, they might
benefit from a brief warm-up.
The chairman is responsible for preparing the agendas, should not attempt to
stack the cards by omitting or ignoring vital phases of the problem as he selects
or delegates his speakers. It is not good to face up to an inadvertent
misinterpretation or omission. To distort or omit an important point of view
deliberately is to invite disaster.
Student speakers, those who are about to present the topic and they should
know the objectives of the symposium and the breadth of the topic to be
discussed. The speakers are limited to about 15-20 minutes, and therefore each
one is seriously hampered in the development of their topic.
The audience participation is limited in symposium and one or two questions
can be asked by the audience. That will be cleared by the chairman and then he
will conclude the discussion.


The symposium technique has the following main characteristics:

1. It provides the broad understanding of a topic or a problem: It use as a

teaching method and the group consist of experts in the subject and selected
students each of them prepared their particular assignment in advance. So the
teaching is effective and all the participant are able to understand the topic very
2. The opportunity is provided to the listeners to take decision about the
problem: There is no discussion among the symposium members unlike panel
discussion. In the end audience will raise questions and contribute to
symposium. This makes them confident and helps to deliver solution or the
particular problem.
3. It is used for higher classes to specific themes and problems: symposium
method is a series of speeches on a selected subject. Each person or experts
presents an aspect of the subject briefly. It helps to give information regarding
new subjects to the higher class students.
4. It develops the feeling of cooperation and adjustment: in this method of
discussion there is two or more persons under the direction of a chairman
present the topic and separate speeches will be given by students. So this can
help the student to cooperate with each other.
5. The objectives as synthesis and evaluation (creativity) are achieved by
employing the symposium technique: while participating in symposium
method the students will create the new ideas and they develop to evaluate by
themselves. It helps to improve the creativity of the student.

1. Useful for large group: It is suited to a large group or class

especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss
a topic before an audience. It includes nearly 30 to 50 members.
2. Can use frequently: This method can be frequently used to
present broad topics for discussion at conventions and
organizations meetings. It is a public method in which people
give presentations. It is a one time conference or a regular
meeting, but will probably include some amount of discussion or
public speeches on a particular subject.
3. Speech can be prepared before. Organizations is good because of
the set speeches prepared beforehand. It is the collection os

essays or papers on a particular subject by a number of

contributors. So that the content will be clear and effective.
4. Low cost and easy: It is also easier to persuade people to take
some time out from their busy schedules to be a part of the
symposium. It is an easy method because it conduct in the
particular place where all can attend the meeting in the company
or school.
5. Symposium on internet: As internet is a global tool, symposiums
have a wider reach in terms of audience, as opposed to
symposiums that are organized on a local and physical scale.

i) Disadvantages of symposium technique.

a. Complex management process: In case, a lot of people present a different
range of opinions on the internet. It can be tough to reach to the certain
b. Dependency on the technology: Any kind of technological defect can
change the face of the event in terms of time management.
c. Freedom to present the aspect: The chairman has no control over the
speakers as they have full freedom to prepare the theme for discussion. They
can present any aspect of the theme or problem.
d. Chance for repetition: There is a probability of repetition of the conduct
because every speaker prepares theme as a whole.
f. Similar thematic presentation: The different aspects of a theme are presented
Simultaneously. Therefore, the listeners are not able to understand the theme
g. passiveness in participant: The listeners remain passive in the symposium
because they are not given opportunities to seek clarifications.
i. Effective in mature people: The discussion and presentation of theme is not
summarized at the end. The participants take decision according to their own.
Hence mature persons can make use of this technique.
j. The technique is employed to achieve the higher objectives of cognitive
domain but affective objectives are not emphasized properly.

Panel discussion is the method of discussion in which a few persons carry on a
conversation in front of an audience. It can be used to advantage when the

group is too large to work effectively through the usual round- table procedure.
This can be useful to reproduce the features of a small discussion group for the
benefit of a larger group. Simply stated, it is a socialized group conversation in
which different points of views are presented. Panel discussion or simply a
panel involves a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an
audience typically at scientific, business or academic conferences. panels
usually include a moderator who guides the discussion and sometimes elicits
audience questions, with the goal of being informative and entertaining.
This technique at the first time was used by HerryAober Street in I929. He
organized a discussion for small group for definite period for the audience. At
the end of the discussion audience had also participated. The important
questions were put by the audiences on the topic. The experts tried and
answered the question and certain points were clarified, which were not
included in the discussion. Several other persons had used this technique.
Generally, this type of panel discussions are organized on television and radio.
The following are the main objectives of panel discussion:
I. To provide information and new facts: The panel discussion are mainly used
to provide discussion to a large group. The members of the panel should be
prepared by knowing the limits of the topic to be discussed and the regulations
which are to guide the discussion. For example: discussion can be done for
solution of the problem when the flood occurs.
2. To analyze the current problem from different angle: In panel discussion
mainly using current topics for discussion. The panel members should be aware
about the current affairs and they should be aware about details of the
particular topic. It is used to find out the solution of current problem of
important nature and provide the full understanding of significant topic.
3. To identify the values: The panels are used to find out the values of different
persons regarding the current affairs. It is an effective instructional technique
which create situation to facilitate higher cognitive learning.
4. To organize for mental recreation: panels are always recommended for not
only the person who are sitting the panel, the audience those who are sitting the
group also. The active participation of the people who are in the group can
improve the interest in exchanging the ideas of the other person also. This helps
to improve the metal ability of the person also.


The panel discussion is based on the following principles:
I. Equality: It observes the democratic principles of human behavior. Equal
opportunities are provided to every participant in the group. Individually the
group members of the group can convey their ideas without any fear.
2. Active and alert: It encourages the active participation with originality and
independently. Those who are alert in the group can be active also. This can
improve interest of others. This makes all the person in the group can be active
the discussion will be interesting and successful.
3. Cooperation with others: It involves the social and psychological principles
of group work. Its helps to improve the feeling cooperation and sympathy and
to respect the ideas of others.
4. It is based on modern theory of organization: The panel discussion
organizes teaching at reflective level which is the most thoughtful and employ
independent thinking of the participant.
The following are the main characteristics of panel discussion technique:

1. It is used at college and university level to organize teaching at reflective

level: now a days teaching become digital method and learning and teaching
become interactive. Instead of taking lecture in the class, it is more beneficial
to give a discussion class.
2. It develops the ability to problem solving: while discussing the topic among
each of the students, they develops the capacity to thinking. The students will
get new ideas and they can made it as per their own way. It helps to think and
make their own decisions in their day to day life also.
3. It provides the opportunity to understand nature problem or theme of the
discussion: In panel discussion, mainly current problems are discussing. So that
the discussion is effective in understanding the nature problems and current
4. It develops ability of presentation of theme and giving their point of view
logically: The success of the panel will depend on the leader of the panel. She
should be the person with good mental flexibility who has the sense of fair play
and is able to determine the relevance of remarks they made. She must keep the
discussion to the subject and see that all the members of the panel have the
equal opportunity to express their views.

5. It develops the right type of attitude and ability to tolerate anti ideas of
others: The chairman of the panel should have total control over the whole
group. She should have the fair knowledge about the topic, only then she can
find out whether any members in the group are deviating with some unknown
6. It develops the ability of creative thinking and to criticize the theme: The
chairman will start the discussion by rolling a comment by asking question to a
particular person. After that she keeps the conversation to the topic, encourages
expression of the difference of opinion and improve the thinking ability and
organizes the discussion with occasional summaries.
7. It develops the manners of putting questions and answering questions: The
chairman’s duty is to guide the panel. This is true particularly when it is used as
teaching device, for all the students of the audience and the panel should have
an opportunity to participate. Questions are asking to the panel members by the
chairperson and some questions from the audience may be directed to certain


The group discussion is organized in different forms, for different levels, for
different purposes and on different themes. It may be of two types:

1. Public panel discussion

2. Educational panel discussion.

1.Public panel discussion

Public panel discussion this type of panel discussions are organized for the
common problems. The main objectives of public panel discussion is providing
the factual information regarding current problems and to determine the social
values. The public panel discussions are organized in television program for the
current problems such as educated unemployment, annual budget, increase in
prices of things, jobs delinking with degrees, emerging discuse etc.
2.Educational panel discussion
It is used in educational institutions to provide factual and conceptual
knowledge and clarification of certain theories and principles. Mainly three
objectives are achieved by the educational technique, and are to provide factual

information and conceptual knowledge, to give awareness of theories and

principles and to provide solution of certain problems.
This type of panel discussions are very useful but they are not used in any
institution even at higher level. The conferences, seminar, symposium and
workshops are commonly organized. These techniques provide the situations
for group discussion but of different type. The situation of panel discussion is
usually of autocratic where as other techniques have democratic situations.


I. Instructor: In the panel discussion most important role is of instructor. It is
the responsibility of instructor, how, where and when panel discussion will be
organized. The schedule of panel discussion is prepared by him. Sometimes he
has to plan rehearsal of discussion.

2. Moderator: In the discussion moderator has to do significant job. He has to

keep the discussion on theme and encourages the interaction among the
members. He has to summarize and high light the discussion more often. The
moderator must have the mastery on the theme or problem of the discussion.
The moderator who act as a facilitator and he balances the panelist participation
clarifies and confusion and intervenes as needed, especially when someone is
dominating the conversation.

3. Panelists: There are four to ten panelists in the discussion. The members of
the panel sit in semi circle before the audience. The moderator sits in the
middle of the panelists. The panelists must have the mastery on the theme of
the discussion. The members of the panel should be quick thinkers and talkers
and should represent different points of view. There should be no rehearsal, but
the members of the panel should be prepared by knowing the limit of the topic
to be discussed and the regulations which are to guide the discussion.

4. Audience: After the panel discussion, audience are allowed to put question
and seek clarification. They can present their point of view and their
experiences regarding the theme or problem. The panelists attempt to answer
the questions of the audience. In some situation moderator also tries to answer
the question.

At the end of the discussion, moderator summarizes the discussion and presents
his point of view. He expresses thanks to panelists and audience.


1. Selection of members for the panel

 Choose a moderator with a backbone. It is nice to have a subject area

expert, but the moderator is not a panelist and will play a different role
so her ability to control the event is what is important.

 Choose 4 or 5 panelists and no more. Too many panelists will negatively

affect timing and the liveliness of the discussion (see below on timing).
Get good resumes or LinkedIn profiles of all panelists to the moderator.

 The moderator and organizers should develop a list of 4-6 interview

questions as a pretest. The moderator (possibly with an organizer)
should set up a 30 minute call with each panelist to get to know their
style and to get their answers to the questions. Don't try to get all
panelists on the phone at once – you won't get as much out of it and it
will be impossible to schedule.

 In the pre-event interviews, the moderator should be taking good notes

and discovering interesting stories, riffs or opinions that each panelist
can contribute. The moderator should identify the funny, provocative or
interesting stories that will make for a fun discussion. People are much
better at remembering these things on a relaxed phone call than when
first confronted on a stage in front of a crowd.

 The moderator will then develop a final list of questions for the actual
event, based on these interviews. The idea is to ask questions in a
directed way to bring out these interesting stories and remind the
panelists of the stories or topics you know they can speak
about. There should be some spontaneity, but having a good handle on
some interesting questions and topics in advance is key.

 Make sure all your panelists have the correct date, location and parking
information and remind them about the event as it approaches.

2. Selection of proper place

 To make a really lively discussion, the panelists not to use any slides for
the event. Slides are for presentations, not discussions.

 Don't put the panelists behind a table. It adds a formality and distance
that prevents interaction with each other and the audience. Put the panel
on a stage if the room is very big, but for an intimate event, put the
panelists on the same level as the audience.

 The panelists in a slight semi-circle (so they can see each other) on
comfortable chairs. The moderator sits in the middle, but the side can

 Only put out enough seats for the expected attendees (you can have
extras ready if you are blessed with an unexpectedly great turnout). This
gets people to sit close to the front so the interactions are better.

 Have a good microphone system ready for each panelist if the room
needs it.

3. Introduction about the topic by moderator

 It is the moderator's job to prevent anyone from derailing the show. The
moderator must be very active at all times keep things moving and to
prevent any one panelist or audience member from taking over.

 Do not let the panelists introduce themselves. Ifthe panelists are good,
they are going to be good at talking, so they will easily take 5 minutes to
introduce themselves and,1/2 of the time is gone with no interesting
discussion. The audience knows these people and bios were likely part
of the publicity. Good panels do not waste time on long introductions.

 The moderator asks questions, calling on 1-2 panelist for each question
in a way that elicits those interesting stories and opinions. Don't let all
the panelists answer all the questions (they won't all have interesting or
new answers). Know when to move on to the next topic.

 There must be some spontaneity so a moderator should be prepared with

different questions than those on the prep calls, but often the prep calls
provide good ideas for interesting questions. Be ready to encourage back
and forth within the panel. Go with it when this happens, but get things
back on track if the direction of the interaction is not interesting to the
audience. It is a bit of an art, but active moderation gets easier with

4. Asking questions about the topic

 Getting involved and feeling "closer" to the panel. The audience may
have a lot of real or self-proclaimed experts on the topic at hand. It can

use to the advantage of the program.

 Start the program by polling the audience with a few questions. Who is
out there? What do they do? Find out their areas of science or expertise
by listing some and asking people to raise hands in response.

 Give a couple of audience members a chance to participate. For

example, at a recent event on nonprofit science organizations, ask the
audience members to stand and describe unique nonprofit models that
differed from the companies represented on the panel.

 This "spontaneous" participation can be pre-planned if the moderator

knows some of the people in the audience. Always try to meet audience
members before a panel discussion and often incorporate them into the
program. Moderator have to admit to inviting interesting friends and
colleagues to events for this purpose.

 If possible, make sure the panelists are prepared to stay around to meet
and greet audience members. Having dessert, drinks and/or coffee
available only after the event is one way to encourage this.

5. Discussion about the topic

 Many of the suggestions are meant to keep the event on time. Nobody
likes a program that goes over and cuts into [;networking time. Both the
moderator and program organizers can help make sure the event stays on

 People can only sit so long. Not more than 40 minutes for the panel
discussion leaving 20 minutes for audience questions (30 if discussion is
lively). Next time the participant are at a talk and the speaker goes over
1 hour, watch what happens to the attention of the audience – phones
come out, postures shift, they are checking out.

 Plan 1-2 good questions with trusted audience members. A good first
question is a model for the questions that follow and gets things rolling.
It can make or break the discussion section.

 And what about those audience members that want to take over? It is the
moderator's job to politely but firmly get them to stop talking and
redirect the conversation. The person you cut off might be miffed but the
other 200 audience members will thank you. Own it.



I. There should be rehearsal before the actual panel discussion: The topic
should be selected before and the panelists should be well prepared about the
2. The moderator will be leader: The moderator should be matured person
and have the full understanding of theme or problems. He should have control
over the situation.
3. Arranging the place properly: The seating arrangement for panelists and
audience should be well such that everyone should be of equal distance. They
can observe each other.
4. Encourage the members for active participation: The moderator should
encourage the discussion on the points which may lead to constructive aspect
of the problem. He should encourage the constructive discussion among
panelists and audience.


A.Helps to improve knowledge

Panels are usually made up of people with extensive knowledge of a
particular subject. Typically, they are organized so each panelist has a
set amount of time to make introductory remarks, followed by a
question-and-answer session. A moderator is responsible for
introducing the panelists and controlling the process by keeping track
of the time allotted while assuring an orderly discussion. Panels are not
easy to organize. Finding suitable experts and bringing them to the
venue can involve a great deal of logistical coordination that includes
making arrangements for travel and lodging. Often participants are
paid a small fee or "honoraria" for their participation.

B.provides various view points

Panel discussions often present audience members with variant points

of view on the topic selected. If the audience members are well -versed
in the subject, they can weigh the merits of each perspective offered.

As such, a diversity of opinion is an advantage. However, If the

audience includes people unfamiliar with the subject -- an introductory
college course, for example -- the panel discussion may present
information beyond their grasp. They may come away from the
discussion feeling more confused than informed.

C.can engage maximum members

When participants are knowledgeable and engaging, the panel

discussion is an effective way to expose an audience to complex
subject matter. Still, the risk associated with a lively session is that one
personality may dominate the discussion. Also, every expert is not
necessarily an effective speaker. Someone who has the most insight on
a topic may find himself being overshadowed by a panel member who
is charming and humorous, even if that panel member has question able

D.Different points from different audience

If the objective is public education, a panel offering divergent points of

view can be advantageous. If the topic is foreign military intervention,
for example, it is a good idea to have one panelist w ho believes such a
course of action is never appropriate, another panel member who
supports intervention only in limited circumstances, and a member who
is more hawkish on the issue. As a result, audience members are likely
to feel the panel has someone who represents their point of view on the

The followings are the disadvantages of panel discussion:
1. Divertion from the topic: There are chances to deviate from theme at time
of discussion, hence the purpose of the panel discussion is not achieved.

2.Dominancy of participant: Some members dominate the discussion and do

not provide the opportunities to participate others in discussion.

3.Making of sub groups: There is possibility to split the group into two
subgroups, i.e., for and against the theme. It does not maintain the conducive
situation of learning. If panelists belong to different groups, it may not create
appropriate learning situation.


 Group discussion encourages the student to think for herself, to develop

critical habits of study, to interpret problems of the past in a way that she
can throw light on the problem of the present and to gain insight into,
ways for shaping the future.

 It helps her to advance in creative thought by her own efforts, to make

progress as a result of responses of herself and others to the stimulus of
questioning and volunteered expression.

 It enables the student to enrich her own conceptions by reacting to those

of others, the teacher can learn through her own participation in group
discussion with her students, particularly in the more advanced classes.
The teacher can observe the student as she participates in class and can
plan for individual differences.

 It gives the student an opportunity to learn how to adjust to social

situations. Participation in discussion offers an opportunity to cooperate
with others in the reflective solution of a problem.

 The student acquires new knowledge from discussion and also develops
the ability to reexamine and analyze her own reasons and contributions
in light of ideas presented by others.

 Self- activity is increased because student participation is provided.

Motivation is like wise affected by participation of the student. The
group benefits because there is a pooling of ideas and different attitudes
in the solution of a common problem.
1. Encouraging: Being friendly, responsive, supporting, praising others and
their ideas. This can motivate the students to express their ideas in the

2. Mediating: Bringing in both sides of a problem, encouraging and

conciliating differences in points of view, promoting compromise and
consensus regarding the solution of the group problem.
3. Expediting: Providing opportunities for all members to contribute,
preventing dominance of discussion by a few members suggesting limiting
talk-time so that everyone can have a chance to be heard.
4.Standard setting: Selecting and agreeing on standards for the group to
use in choosing its subject-matter procedure. Rules of conduct, ethical
5.Listening: Going along with the group, listening to others ideas and
serving as an audience during group discussion, showing group solidarity.
6.Tension relieving: Giving help to others, rewarding those who find it
difficult to speak in group; asking questions when strong feeling are being
7. Initiating: Getting the group action going and moving, i.e., suggesting
new ideas or a changed way of looking at the group problems and goals.
8. Regulating: Influencing the direction and the tempo of the group's work,
i.e., defining the progress of the discussion in terms of the group's goals,
raising questions about the direction goals are taking, probing for meaning
and understanding and restating the group's goals, summarizing, pointing
out time limits.
9. Informing and clarifying: Providing relevant facts or authoritative
information, stating pertinent beliefs or opinions about something that the
group is considering, elaborating on a previous comment and giving
examples, restating contributions of members for clarification of meaning
when necessary.
10. Supporting: Creating an emotional climate which holds the group
together, making it easy for the members to contribute to work on the task,
i.e., harmonizing. Relieving tensions and all the other roles outlined under
group maintenance functions.
11. Evaluating: Helping the group to evaluate its decisions, goals or
procedures, ie. to see if the group is ready to make a decision or to take
some action, testing for consensus nothing group process.



1. Setting the discussion themes: The theme should not be too factual or
uncontroversial. The theme should be set as per the interest of the students and
the topic should be understandable by all.

2. Providing resource materials: Before conducting the seminar the students

must be aware about the topic, so the resources must be easily available and it
should be approachable to the students.

3. Evolving team sensual rules: the students must be discussing as a team and
their should be some rules like all the students must have to participate in the
discussion method. So all of them should follow such rules in the discussion

4. Personalizing discussion topics: Attempts to foster discussion on broad

themes may well founder as a result of participants' perceiving such themes as
being unrelated to their own individual lives.

5. Attending to the group's composition: Ideally 10 to 20 members can be in a

discussion group. Small group become unnecessarily introverted. Large group
can be intermediating to those members periodically repeating their particular

6. Facilitating discussion: Discussion leaders have to make innumerable

decisions about the process.


1. Used with broad topic: This method can be frequently used to

present broad topics for discussions at conventions and organization
2. Suite for large group: discussion can be effective with large group
of members.
3. Organization: The organization is good because of the set speeches
prepared beforehand. It helps to go deeper insight into the topic.
4. Independent study: Directs the students to continuous independent
study. For discussion the students will prepare well and so all will
familiar with the topic.
5. Can be used in all areas: Lends itself to the teaching of clinical
subjects. It can be used in clinical settings and other business
meetings also.


1.poor participation: Inadequate opportunity for all the students to participate

2.Time limit: The speech is limited to 15 0t 20 minutes. So only the discussion
can be concluded sometimes before it complete. This time limit can be affect
the student’s ability also. Question and answer limited to 3 or 4 minutes
3.Limited audience participation: the group must be active, but still the
students who are passive in nature can express their ideas.
4.Possibility of overlapping of subjects: because the ideas by different
students are in different ways. This leads to misunderstanding of another topic.

So far we discussed about the discussion method, in which there is
the definition, purposes, principles, advantages, disadvantages and types. The
types may include in different like the discussion in large group and in small
groups. In this type detail we had looked to the panel discussion and
symposium method. Then the advantages and disadvantages of this methods
and the role members in both symposium and panel discussion. Then we got
the details in symposium and panel discussion.

The school is a social situation in which one learns in the midst of a group of
learners and other individuals, such as teachers, administrators, etc. Education,
in a very real sense, depends on everyone’s skill in “group co-operative effort”;
class groups, faculty committees, administrative boards, student-faculty
government committees, co-curricular activities, etc., all are an essential part of
education, today. This is not to say that learning is not personal; much of this
book has been devoted to developing the concept that learning isindividual but
the fact remains that man fulfills himself in the process of confronting others
from the family onward. Most of man’s work today is done with others in
group situations. Similarly so with nursing, the nurse’s work is done in one
group form or another. For example, team nursing ,and even in instances where
the nurse may be the sole one engaged in nursing a patient ( private duty), she
is still working in a group-Patient and herself.


Text books

1. Clement I. (2008).Text book on Communication And Education

Technology. Second edition. India: EMMESS, 204-206
2. Devi sanathombi elsa. (2006). The textbook of Nursing
Education. First edition. New delhi: 114-123
3. Sankaranarayanan,B., & Sindhu,B. (2012). Learning and
Teaching NURSING. FOURTH edition. New Delhi: jaypee
brothers medical publishers,126-127
4. Sodhi kaur surjeet. Comprehensive text book of NURSING
EDUCATION. NewDelhi: jaypee publications,71-76
5. Singh raj shiv. (2006). Group discussion: A cyclonic study. First
edition. India: Arihant publications pvt ltd, 1-57
6. Sudha,r. (2013). Nursing education:principles and concepts. First
edition. Haryana. Jaypee publications, 83-84

1. Roben J Maaske, The Symposium Method in High – School Teaching,
volume 57, No 4, Apr 1949, pg no. 217-222.
Published by, The university of Chicago press,

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