5 Grade Science: "Life Science: Living Things"

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5 Grade Science
“Life Science: Living Things”
Frank, Marjorie Slavick. "Chapter 1."
Harcourt Science. Orlando: Harcourt School,
2005. A6-A13. Print.
Key Objectives:
1. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of all living things.
2. Each cell performs functions that support life.
3. Plant cells differ from animal cells in that they have cell walls and chloroplasts.
4. Cells obtain materials they need through the cell membrane.
5. Similar cells form tissues, which function together to make an organ, which work
in a body system.
Graphic Organizer
Fill in the blanks. (Alone)
Answer the following questions. (Alone)
1. What are some of the basic life processes that cells
perform to keep an organism alive?

2. Pretend you are explaining diffusion to someone who has

never heard of it before. Draw a picture and write an easy to
understand explanation for what diffusion is.

3. Pretend school is just about to get out. You and your

classmates are all crammed up at the door right before the
bell rings. It’s really hot and uncomfortable. You all want to
get outside quick! When the bell rings, the classroom door
opens and all of the kids rush out the door and away from
each other. Transform this scenario of the crowded kids in the
doorway into a process that we learned about from this

4. Opinion: Would you rather be a plant cell or an animal cell?

Compare the two types of cells to justify your answer.
Cut out the flash cards that follow. Use
this list to check off each word as you learn
its meaning. Especially important words are
bold. (In pairs)

o Cell o Cell wall

o Organelle o Chloroplasts
o Cell o Diffusion
membrane o Osmosis
o Nucleus o Tissue
o Chromosomes o Muscle tissue
o Cytoplasm o Nervous tissue
o Mitochondria o Organ
o Vacuoles o System
Cell Organelle Membrane Nucleus

Basic unit of Small structure with Part of cell

particular function
structure and covering of a that
in the life
function of all processes of a cell determines its
living things activities

Chromosomes Cytoplasm Mitochondria Vacuoles

Threadlike structures Jellylike substance

that contain information
Releases Storage
about the chemicals to keep energy from organelles
characteristics of an
the cell functioning
organism food

Cell Wall Chloroplasts Diffusion Osmosis

Process of particles Movement of water

Rigid structure in Produce food moving from an area and dissolved
plant cell, giving in plant cells where there are a lot of
materials through
particles to where there
it strength are fewer particles
cell membrane

Muscle Nervous
Tissue Tissue Tissue Organ

Cells that work Cells that contract Tissue that Tissues that
together to form a when they receive
signals travel work
specific function signals from the
brain together


Organs that work

together to perform
a function
Complete the following crossword to learn
key vocabulary words. (Alone)

Graphic Organizer
Fill in the following Venn Diagram with
information about plant and animal cells.

Plant Cells   Animal Cells  

Fill in the blanks to compare plant and
animal cells. Hint: You may use the same words
twice! (Alone)
Plant Cell Structures Animal Cell Structures
Name Function Name Function
Nucleus 1. Nucleus 1.

2. Threadlike 2. Threadlike
structures that structures that
contain information contain information
about the about the
characteristics of a characteristics of
plant the animal
Cell Membrane 3. Cell Membrane 3.

4. A rigid layer that

supports and
protects the plant
Cytoplasm 5. Cytoplasm 5.

6. Organelles that 6. Organelles that

make food for the store food, wastes
plant or water
7. Organelles that 7. Organelles that
release energy from release energy from
the food food

Plants must stand straight and tall, so

we give them a cell wall!

Cell, Tissue, Organ,

System= CTOS “Can
talking oranges sing?”

Osmosis =
Osmosipping up water

Diffusion= Diffus= ahh-choo

sneezing and spreading
particles from nose into room

Vacuoles= vacuum up and store

Multiple Choice. (Alone, in pairs)
1. Answer the following questions on your own. Write
your answer in blue marker in the 1st Answer box.
2. Meet with a partner to discuss and compare
answers. You may choose to change an answer
after you discuss. Mark all of your answers
(changed and same) in the 2nd box with a purple
3. We will discuss the answers as a class and you will
mark the correct answer in green in the Correct
Question 1st 2nd Correct
The part of the cell that determines
it’s activities is the:
a. nucleus b. cytoplasm
c. osmosis d. vacuole
All of the following are part of an
animal cell except:
a. cytoplasm b. nucleus
c. cell wall d. chromosomes
Cells obtain materials they need
through the cell membrane using:
a. the nucleus b. tissues
c. organ systems d. diffusion
The organization of the body from
smallest to largest is:
a. tissue, organ, b. cells, tissue,
system, cell organ, system
c. organ, system d. system, cell,
tissue, cell tissue, organ
Osmosis is the movement of
_______ through the cell
a. air b. mitochondria
c. chloroplasts d. water

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