Classification of Domestic Birds

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Classification of domestic birds

The poultry is the kind of birds that have important economic for human and grow ,reproductive by care and
supervised human.the birds is involve poultry,turkey,duck,geese.the poultry had contain feather,biped and
lack teeth .
The purpose of the classification of birds is easily to known the families,classes,species and varieties of
poultry.There are two classification of birds are :
1- general classification of poultry .
2- classification of chicken only.

Classification of the fowl

There are many methods to classify the fowl depending on different principles such as :
First-Biological classification: Sometimes referred as scientific classification there are about 8580 species
of the birds spread in the world and classified according to the biological classification system, for example
for chicken , as following :
Kingdom : Animalia •
Phylum : Chordata •
Subphylum : Vertebrata •
Class : Aves •
Order : Calliformes •
Family : Phasianidae •
Genus : Gallus •
Species : Domesticus .
This type of classification depends on scientific classification which determines the position of each genus in
animal kingdome,and taken in this category according to the assets of the scientific classification is the name
of genus and the species and the unit of this category are the family,the most of prominent families and
domestic species are :
a- Family of phasianidae:consist of three genus (fowl,peafowl and ring necked pheasant).
b- Family of Numidiae:consist of guinea fowl.
c- Family of Meleagrididiae:consist of turkey or habashi rooster.
d- Family of Columbidiae:consist of pigeon.
e- Family of Anatidiae:consist of three genus (geese,ducks and Muscovy duck).
f- Family of Peridicidiae:consist of quail and partridge).
Second- Economical classification
A.Meat-type chickens : Including many varieties and lines of chickens have been bred with emphasis on the
production of meat rather than eggs . They are capable of producing rapid and economic weight gains when
raised as broilers or roasters , such as ;
1- standard strains: Sussex,corniche, (English class) Cochin,Brahma,Langshin (assian class).
2- hybrid strains : hybro,hubbard,cobb,Nicholas.
B.Egg-type chickens: Egg production lines are those used to produce egg-type pullets for the production of
commercial eggs with either a white shell or a brown shell. The birds are relatively small in size , lay a large
number of eggs with good shells , live well and produce eggs economically . such as ;
1- standard strains:white leghorn,angona,minorca,andalussian,ancona .
2- hybrid strains : isa brown,hylin,ross,hysex.
C.Dual-purpose chickens : This lines are a good egg producer with a fairly Meaty body of intermediate size ,
such as : Rhod Island Red ( RIR) , Wyandotte ,New Hampshire , Sussex .
D.Ornamental chicken: it is the type of chicken to breeds by amateur persons to view the annual exhibitions
organized by scientific societies which is characterized by the beauty of these breeds and colors of feathers
including strains of the assian class,polish and hamburg.
Third.Geographical classification: This class were depends on origin zone which is breeding in there
zone.These chicken is classified by origin classes and follows each class several types or breeds and under
each category there species or several species.The classes were classified to the standard six classes where one
class includes several species,The chicken classified to many classes according to the geographic region
which developed in it , such as :
1-Assian class: this class also includes 3 strains are brahma,langshan and cochin.the characteristics common
for these strains are; chickens in this class possessed great size , heavy feathering and were feathered on the
legs , red ear lobe,brown eggs shell structure yellow skin except langshan white was white skin for example :

A-Brahma : There are many varieties :

(1) Light •
(2) Dark •
(3) Buff •
Standard Weights (Light): Cock-12 pounds; hen-9.5 pounds; cockerel-10 pounds; pullet-8 pounds.
Standard Weights (Dark and Buff): Cock-11 pounds; hen-8.5 pounds; cockerel-9 pounds; pullet-7 pounds.
Skin Color: Yellow.
Egg Shell Color: Brown. •
Use: A very heavy fowl for the production of heavy roasters or capons. Fair egg layers.
Origin: The ancestry of the Brahma traces back to China although much of their development took place in
the U.S. between 1850 and 1890.

B- Cochin : There are many varieties –

(1)Black •
(2)Buff •
(3)Partridge •
(4)White •
Standard Weights: Cock-11 pounds; hen-8.5 pounds;cockerel-9 pounds; pullet-7 pounds.
Skin Color: Yellow. •
Egg Shell Color: Brown. •
Use: Mainly an ornamental fowl,but their ability as mothers is widely recognized and Cochins are frequently
used as foster mothers for game birds and other species.
Origin: Cochins came originally from China but underwent considerable development in the U.S. and now are
found and admired in many parts of the world.

C- Langshan : There are many varieties –

(1) Black •
(2)White •
Standard Weights: Cock-9.5 pounds; hen-7.5 pounds;cockerel-8 pounds; pullet-6.5 pounds.
Skin Color: White. •
Egg Shell Color: Brown. •
Use: A general purpose fowl for the production of meat and eggs. The general shape of the Langshan makes
them better suited to roaster and capon use than as fryers.
Origins: Langshans originated in China and are considered one of our oldest breeds.

D- Malay •
Varieties: Black Breasted Red Standard Weights: Cock- 9 pounds; hen-7 pounds; cockerel-7 pounds; pullet- 5
Skin Color: Yellow. •
Egg Shell Color: Brown. •
Use: Strictly an ornamental fowl.
Origin: A very old breed coming from Asia, they have changed little in modern times.

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