Taylors Math 3 Pow 3

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Name: Taylor Schermer Period: 3

Math 3 POW 3
Problem Statement

In a scanning code that is a seven by seven grid, how many possible symmetric (90 degrees
rotational shift, reflection across midpoints and diagonally) scanning code can there be, not
including all black or all white?


I approached this problem visually. I started off by drawing out the 7 x 7 grid.

Then from here, I determined what portion of the grid would need to be the same for the whole
thing to keep symmetry. For the reflection across a line joining the opposite midpoints, each half
of the grid would need to be the same so I cut the grid to just show that portion.

Then I cut the grid again to determine what parts of the grid would need to be the same so that
when reflected across a line joining opposite corners and rotated by 90 degrees, symmetry

Julian Springer Math 3

Name: Taylor Schermer Period: 3

I ended up with a figure that contains 10 squares within it.

The 10 squares will need to be the same in each of the eight triangles because that will create
rotational and reflectional symmetry within the entire shape. By finding all the different
possibilities of squares being black or white in the one section, that will tell us the number of
different symmetrical possibilities in the final shape. We will need to subtract the possibility of all
white and all black from the total solutions because those aren’t allowed to be possibilities.
I also solved the problem, to prove that I was right, by taking the grid and labeling all the
squares that needed the be the same to satisfy symmetry with the same number.

Julian Springer Math 3

Name: Taylor Schermer Period: 3

To be symmetrical all the 1’s have to have the same color; all the 2’s have to have the same
color; etc. As you can see the maximum number of squares that have to be the same color is
10. Then the 10 squares can either be black or white so, 2​10​, but we aren’t counting all black
and all white so we need to subtract 2 possibilities.


In a scanning code that is a seven by seven grid, there are 2​10 ​-2 or 1022 possible symmetrical
(90 degrees rotational shift, reflection across midpoints and diagonally) possibilities. There are
two options either black or white and there are ten squares that can either be black or white. We
are subtracting two because we are not counting the possibility of all black or all white. I think
my answer is correct because I checked my work by solving the problem in a different way.
When solving this problem I utilized the generating ideas aspect of the Habits of a
Mathematician, because I generated multiple means of approaching the problem. I solved the
problem in two ways which helped to prove my answer. I learned, from this POW, the
importance of trying to disprove my answer. This is important to ensure your answer is right; it
also gives you a deeper understanding of the problem and the solution.

Extension Question

In a scanning code that is a ​n​ by ​n​ grid, how many possible symmetric scanning code can there
be, not including all black or all white?
Problem  (1) The problem is restated with (.5) The author uses multiple (0) No meaningful
Statement  one sentence in their own sentences and either copies language Problem Statement
words showing a clear from the POW or states a different is given.
understand of the final objective.

Process  (4) The author makes their (3) The author makes an attempt to (2-1) Diagrams are
process very clear through the explain their process, but some of their non-existent or don’t
use of diagrams, graphs, work is unjustified or not clearly have explanations.
formulas, etc. All figures are explained. Some work is not
described and annotated and all shown.
arithmetic is explained/justified..

Solution/  (3) Correct solution in context of (2) Solution is incorrect, incomplete, or (1) No solution and/
Reflection  the problem. Reflection improperly interpreted. Reflection or no reflection.
statements tell us something does not address the student’s
about what the author got from process.
the POW.

Extension  (2) The extension question is (1) Extension question simplifies the (0) No extension
Question  creative and thought-provoking, underlying math or leaves it the same question
involving a tweak to the by just changing the numbers
underlying mathematics

Self-grade: 10 / 10 Peer Grade: ________ / 10 Total Score: ________ / 10

Julian Springer Math 3

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