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1. Neeraj, Manoj and Geeta start A. Three B. Two

running around a circular stadium C. Four D. None
and complete one round in 10 E. None of these
seconds, 6 seconds and 14 seconds 5. Four of the following five are alike in
respectively. In how much time will a certain way and hence form a
they meet again at the starting point? group. Which one of the following
A. 3 minute 30 seconds does not belong to that group?
B. 2 minute 28 seconds A. S B. L
C. 4 minute 45 seconds C. K D. P
D. 1 minute 40 seconds E. V
E. None of these
Direction: Study the information
Direction: Study the information given below and answer the
given below and answer the questions based on it. Seven
questions based on it. Nine persons – persons, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V works
L, T, K, S, M, P, R, V and W – are in different International
sitting around a circular table, but not Organizations- WHO, WTO, OPEC,
necessarily in the same order. Some NASA, ILO, WB and UN not
of them are facing the centre and the necessarily in the same order. Each
rest are facing away from the centre. person belongs to different countries-
T sits third to the right of P and US, UK, Canada, Russia, France,
second to the left of M. V sits four Japan and China again not
places away from K, who is two necessarily in the same order.
places away from L. S sits to the U belongs to US and works neither
immediate right of W as well as P. T OPEC nor NASA. The one who works
and W are facing the same direction. with WHO belongs to UK. P works
P and K are facing the same direction. with WTO and belongs to neither
(I. e., if T is facing the centre, W is Russia nor France. The one who
also facing the centre and vice-versa, works with UN belongs to China. Q
if P is facing away from the centre, K belongs to Japan and does not work
is also facing away from the centre with NASA. The one who works with
and vice-versa). R and S are three NASA does not belong to France. S
places away from V, who is facing works with ILO. V does not belong to
away from the centre. S is not facing UK and does not work with NASA. T
the centre. M sits to the immediate does not work with NASA.
right of L, who is facing the centre. 6. Which of the following combination is
Exactly three consecutive persons correct?
are facing the same direction. (I. e., A. P-WTO-Japan
either facing the centre or away from B. T-WHO-US
the centre). C. V-UN-UK
2. Who among the following sits third to D. Q-OPEC-Japan
the right of V? E. None is true
A. S B. R
C. K D. L Direction: Study the information
E. None of these given below and answer the
3. Who among the following sits questions based on it. Seven
between K and L? persons, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V works
A. R B. T in different International
C. S D. M Organizations- WHO, WTO, OPEC,
E. None of these NASA, ILO, WB and UN not
4. How many persons are sitting necessarily in the same order. Each
between P and M if counting person belongs to different countries-
clockwise from P? US, UK, Canada, Russia, France,
Japan and China again not
necessarily in the same order.


U belongs to US and works neither HCL, such that not less than two
OPEC nor NASA. The one who works Professionals work in the same
with WHO belongs to UK. P works company. Each Professional has a
with WTO and belongs to neither different car namely Renault Duster,
Russia nor France. The one who Chevrolet Beat, Maruti Suzuki Desire,
works with UN belongs to China. Q Maruti Suzuki Swift, Maruti Suzuki
belongs to Japan and does not work WagonR, Mercedes Benz and Honda
with NASA. The one who works with city but not necessarily in the same
NASA does not belong to France. S order. A likes Mercedes Benz and
works with ILO. V does not belong to works in the TCS Company with only
UK and does not work with NASA. T one other friend who likes Maruti
does not work with NASA. Suzuki Swift. G works with two other
7. Which of the following is not correct? Professionals. Both the Professionals
A. R-NASA B. P-WTO who work with G like same company
C. Q-ILO D. T-WHO car (here car include only Desire,
E. V-UN swift and WagonR). D works in the
Infosys Company with only one
Direction (8 – 12): Study the person and does not like Chevrolet
following information carefully and Beat. E works with only one
answer the question given below: Professional. The one who likes
Four girls I, J, K and L and four boys Renault Duster does not work in the
E, F, G and H are sitting in a single TCS or Infosys Company. E does not
row facing north. Three boys are like same company car (desire, swift
sitting between two girls and the only and WagonR). C does not like Maruti
boy who is not among those boys is Suzuki Desire, Maruti Suzuki WagonR
sitting at one of the extreme ends. H or Chevrolet Beat.
is sitting fourth to the left of L. Both 11. Which of the following is C’s car?
J and K are sitting beside a boy. J is A. Beat B. Swift
not the immediate neighbour of L. J C. Benz D. Honda
doesn't sit at any of the extreme E. None of these
ends. G is sitting between H and F. L 12. Who among the following work in the
doesn't sit at any of the extreme HCL Cmpany?
ends. Not more than two girls are A. G B. B
sitting together. C. F D. All of the above
8. Who among the following sit at the E. None of these
extreme ends? 13. Which of the following combination is
A. I and E B. J and K definitely correct?
C. E and F D. G and H A. Renault - E - HCL
E. E and K B. Beat - C - TCS
9. Who sits third to the left of F? C. Honda - D - Infosys
A. I B. J D. Benz - D - TCS
C. K D. L E. None of these
E. G 14. Which of the following car does B
10. Who among the following is sitting have?
between G and K? A. Desire B. WagonR
A. E B. H C. Swift D. Benz
C. F D. I E. Either a or b
E. None of these 15. Which of the following represents the
combination of Professionals those
Direction (11 – 15): Study the work in TCS?
information given below and answer A. A&C B. G&E
the questions based on it. A, B, C, D, C. B&F D. D&E
E, F, and G are seven Professionals E. None of these
who work in three different
companies namely TCS, Infosys and


Direction (16 – 20) : Study the are Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India,
following information and answer the Kenya, South Africa, United Kingdom
questions given below it. and USA. They will be playing the
Seven people - A, B, C, D, E, F and G matches at different places namely
are sitting in a circle. Five of them are Delhi, Ahmedabad, Noida, Rajkot,
facing the centre while two of them Vadodara, Anand and Mumbai, but
are facing opposite to the centre. C not necessarily in the same order.
sits third to the left of D and both are Each team will play on a different day
facing the centre. E is neither an of the week starting from Monday.
immediate neighbor of D nor of C. UK will play at Mumbai but neither on
The one sitting exactly between D Friday nor on Monday. The host
and F is facing opposite to centre. G country will play on Thursday at
sits third to the right of A and G is Ahmedabad. There is a gap of one
facing the centre. One of B’s day between UK and India match.
neighbors is facing opposite to the USA will play their match before
centre. South Africa but after Kenya. Kenya
16. Which of the following pairs plays at Vadodara on Wednesday.
represents persons facing opposite to South Africa will play on the last day
the centre ? of the week. Sri Lanka will play at
A. A and F Anand. No match will be played at
B. E and F Delhi on Monday. The match at Noida
C. A and E will be the last match of the week.
D. Cannot be determined The match at Rajkot will be played on
E. None of these Tuesday. No match will be played at
17. Who is sitting second to the left of A? Anand on Tuesday and Friday.
A. C B. G 21. The match at Delhi was played by
C. E D. B which team?
E. None of these A. India B. West Indies
18. Who is sitting to the immediate left of C. Bangladesh D. South Africa
A. C B. G 22. On which day of the week the match
C. B D. A at Mumbai was played?
E. None of these A. Tuesday B. Thursday
19. What is the position of F with respect C. Sunday D. Saturday
to B? E. Monday
A. Fourth to the left 23. On which day of the week match of
B. Second to the right the Bangladesh was organised?
C. Third to the right A. Sunday B. Thursday
D. Second to the left C. Saturday D. Tuesday
E. None of these E. None of these
20. If all the persons are asked to sit in a 24. Which of the following combination of
clockwise direction in an alphabetical Team Place is not correct?
order starting from A, the position of A. Bangladesh Rajkot
how many will remain unchanged, B. India Ahmedabad
excluding A? C. South Africa Noida
C. TWO D. NONE E. All are correct
E. FOUR 25. How many matches were played
between the match of India and
Direction (21 – 25) : Study the South Africa?
information given below and answer A. One B. Two
the questions based on it. Kabaddi C. Three D. More than three
World Cup is being organized by E. None
India in the month of October 2016.
Seven teams which are participating


Direction (26 – 30) : Study the building, but not necessarily in the
information given below and answer same order. The lowermost floor of
the questions based on it. the building is numbered one the
Eight friends M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and above that is numbered two and so
T are sitting around a circular table on till the topmost floor is numbered
but not necessarily in the same seven. Each one of them likes
order. Only three of them are not different companies Laptop viz,
facing the center. Samsung, Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer,
M sits third to the left of P and both Apple and Sony but not necessarily in
are facing the same direction. O is the same order. Only three people
not facing the centre but sits second live between R and D. R lives above
to the right of S. T is not an D. D doesn’t live on the lowermost
immediate neighbour of either R or floor. Only one people live between R
O. R sits second to the left of O and and the one who likes Lenovo. The
is not an immediate neighbour of N. one who likes Sony live on an even
Q sits on the immediate left of R and numbered floor above the one who
faces the same direction as N. The likes Lenovo. Only two people live
immediate neighbours of T face the between N and the one who likes
same direction. Lenovo. The one who likes amsung
26. Who among the following are lives immediately above N. P
immediate neighbours of N? lives immediately above S. P does not
A. P,R B. S,O like Lenovo. The one who likes HP
C. Q,T D. S,T lives on an odd numbered floor below
E. None of these S. N does not like HP. L live above M.
27. Which of the following group is not Only one person lives between the
facing the centre? one who likes Acer and the one who
A. T,O,Q B. P,S,O likes Apple. L does not like Acer. N
C. M,R,N D. T,R,O does not like Dell.
E. None of these 31. R likes which of the following laptops?
28. Which of the following statements A. Samsung B. HP
is/are true? C. Sony D. Dell
A. Q is not facing the centre E. Lenovo
B. O and P are immediate neighbours 32. Who amongst the following lives on
of each other the floor numbered 4 ?
C. M and T both are facing opposite A. The one who likes Apple.
directions B. The one who likes Lenovo.
D. Only A and B are true C. P D. S
E. None of these E. R
29. Who among the following sits exactly 33. Which of the following statements is
between Q and M? true with respect to the given
A. T B. S arrangement ?
C. R D. O A. Only two people live between D
E. None of these and N.
30. Who among the following sits second B. The one who likes Apple lives
to the right of the one who is fourth immediately above D.
to the left of T? C. M likes Lenovo.
A. Q B. M D. M lives on an even numbered
C. O D. P floor.
E. None of these E. None of these
34. If all the people are made to sit in
Direction (31 – 35): Study the alphabetical order from top to
information given below and answer bottom, the positions of how many
the questions based on it. Seven people will remain unchanged ?
friends named– P, R, M, L, D, S and
N live on seven different floors of a


A. None B. One A. None B. One

C. Three D. Two C. Two D. Three
E. Four E. More than three
35. Which of the following combinations 39. How many persons live between the
is true with respect to the given tallest person and D?
arrangement ? A. None B. One
A. Sony– M C. Two D. Three
B. HP – R E. More than three
C. Acer – D 40. Which of the following is not belongs
D. Lenovo – S to the group?
E. Samsung – P A. F B. G
C. E D. A
Direction (36 – 40) : Study the E. H
information given below and answer
the question based on it. Eight Direction (41 – 45) :Study the
persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live information given below and answer
in an eight floored building. The the questions based on it. Nine
lowermost floor is numbered 1 and persons namely J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q and
the topmost floor is numbered 8. R live in a building which has 9 floor
Their heights are different i.e., from 1 to 9, Lowermost floor in
165cm, 168cm, 170cm, 173cm, numbered 1 and top-most floor is
175cm, 178cm, 180cm and 183cm, number 9. They like different Actress
but not necessarily in the same viz, Deepika, Katrina, Sonam and
order. Priyanka. At least two people like
The persons who live on the topmost same actress not more than three
floor and the lowermost floor, have people like same actress. L doesn’t
the maximum height difference. Only like Priyanka and doesn’t live
one person lives between D and the immediately above the one who likes
one who is the shortest. One person Deepika. K lives on an odd numbered
lives between D and the one whose floor but not on the 1st floor. M lives
height is 180cm. G’s height is 178cm on an even numbered floor. J who
and lives just above E. One person doesn’t like Deepika lives three floors
lives between E and A and E lives below the one who likes Sonam. R
above A. Not more than two persons lives on a floor immediately above Q
are shorter than E and E’s height is but not on 8th floor and 9th floor and
not 168cm. One person lives between they like different actress. The one
F and the one whose height is 170cm. who likes Katrina lives on 3rd floor. L
One person lives between D and C. lives four floors above N who likes
C’s height is not 180cm. Not more same actress as M and none of them
than two persons are taller than B. D is either on 1st or top floor. The
is taller than A but shorter than H. persons on 8th and top floor are the
36. Who among the following person is only pair who likes the same
tallest in the group? actress(but not Sonam) and also live
A. B B. F on adjacent floors and else no person
C. H D. D sits adjacent to each other who likes
E. A the same actress. P who likes
37. Which of the following combination is Priyanka lives on 2nd floor but doesn’t
correct? live above the one who likes Sonam.
A. G-178cm-3rd floor M, who likes Katrina, lives
B. B-180cm- 2nd floor immediately above R. The 7th floor is
C. A-168cm-4th floor not occupied by Katrina.
D. C-183cm-8th floor 41. Which actress is liked by three
E. D-173cm-4th floor people?
38. How many persons are taller than G?


A. Deepika B. Sonam * G sits to the immediate left of H.

C. Katrina D. Priyanka * Two persons sit between B and I.
E. Can’t be determined * The person sitting fourth to right of
42. Who lives on the 5th floor? D uses the same mobile phone as
A. M B. N that of D.
C. L D. R * F does not use Samsung and Apple.
E. Q * The immediate neighbours of C use
43. Who among the following likes Intex.
Deepika? * There is only one pair of people who
A. K B. O like the same mobile phone (but
C. L D. M neither Nokia nor Samsung) and sit
E. Both K and O together.
44. Who lives two floors below R? 46. Who uses Sony Mobile Phone?
A. The one who likes Katrina A. A B. C
B. The one who likes Sonam C. D D. H
C. The one who likes Priyanka E. F
D. L E. M 47. Who sits second to the left of F?
45. Which of the following statement is A. The one who uses Nokia
correct? B. The one who uses Intex
A. M lives on 6th floor and likes C. H D. G
Deepika E. E
B. M lives on 4th floor and likes 48. Which among the following pairs who
Katrina uses the same mobile phone are
C. Q doesn’t like Sonam sitting together?
D. R likes Sonam A. A F B. I A
E. None of these C. A D D. G H
E. D E
Direction (46 – 50): Study the 49. Which among the following phone is
following information carefully and used by I?
answer the questions given below: A. Intex B. Apple
Nine persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H C. Nokia D. Sony
and I sit around a circular table facing E. Samsung
towards the centre. They use 50. How many persons sit between F and
different brands of mobile phones D when counted in anticlockwise
viz, Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Sony direction?
and Intex. Not more than two people A. One B. Two
use the same brand. The following C. Three D. Four
information is known about them. E. None of these
* B and C use the same mobile
* H sits second to the right of the one
who uses Nokia.
* A sits third to the right of E.
* B sits third to the left of D who
either uses Samsung or Sony.


1. Ans. A. final arrangement is as below:
Required time = LCM of 10, 6 and 14
= 210 seconds
= 3 minutes 30 seconds
2. Ans. B.

7. Ans. C.
As Q, S, T, U and V don’t work with
3. Ans. A.
NASA, R has to work with NASA and he
doesn’t belong to France. And as WHO-
UK, UN-China, these two combinations
are fixed, these two combinations have
to go with either T or V. But as V doesn’t
belong to UK, V works with UN and
belongs to China. And thus T works with
4. Ans. C. WHO and belongs to UK. Thus S belongs
to France, R belongs to Russia and P
belongs to Canada. And Q works with
OPEC and U works with WB. Thus the
final arrangement is as below:

5. Ans. B.

8. Ans. A.
So we have given this-
Three boys are sitting between two girls.
6. Ans. D.
As Q, S, T, U and V don’t work with
NASA, R has to work with NASA and he The only boy who is not among those
doesn’t belong to France. And as WHO- boys is sitting at one of the extreme
UK, UN-China, these two combinations ends. Not more than two girls are sitting
are fixed, these two combinations have together. So we have these possibilities.
to go with either T or V. But as V doesn’t Case 1:
belong to UK, V works with UN and
belongs to China. And thus T works with
WHO and belongs to UK. Thus S belongs
to France, R belongs to Russia and P Case 2:
belongs to Canada. And Q works with
OPEC and U works with WB. Thus the


immediate neighbor of L. J doesn't sit at

Take Case 1: any of the extreme ends. So J must sit
H is sitting fourth to the left of L. L can at 2nd. Both J and K are sitting beside a
be sits at 6th or 7th. boy. So K must sits at 6th. At 1st position
If L sits at 6th then H sits at 2nd but H is I sit. So this is a valid case we do not
a boy and at 2nd position a girl is sitting need to check another.
so this cannot be possible. Final arrangement is like this-

So L sits at 7th and H sits at 4th. G is 10. Ans. C.

sitting between H and F. So G must be So we have given this-
sits at 4th and F at 5th. E is the only boy Three boys are sitting between two girls.
left so he must be sit at 8th. J is not the
immediate neighbor of L. J doesn't sit at
any of the extreme ends. So J must sit The only boy who is not among those
at 2nd. Both J and K are sitting beside a boys is sitting at one of the extreme
boy. So K must sits at 6th. At 1st position ends. Not more than two girls are sitting
I sit. So this is a valid case we do not together. So we have these possibilities.
need to check another. Case 1:
Final arrangement is like this-

Case 2:
9. Ans. B.
So we have given this-
Three boys are sitting between two girls.
Take Case 1:
H is sitting fourth to the left of L. L can
be sits at 6th or 7th.
The only boy who is not among those If L sits at 6th then H sits at 2nd but H is
boys is sitting at one of the extreme a boy and at 2nd position a girl is sitting
ends. Not more than two girls are sitting so this cannot be possible.
together. So we have these possibilities.
Case 1:

So L sits at 7th and H sits at 4th. G is

sitting between H and F. So G must be
Case 2: sits at 4th and F at 5th. E is the only boy
left so he must be sit at 8th. J is not the
immediate neighbor of L. J doesn't sit at
any of the extreme ends. So J must sit
Take Case 1: at 2nd. Both J and K are sitting beside a
H is sitting fourth to the left of L. L can boy. So K must sits at 6th. At 1st position
be sits at 6th or 7th. I sit. So this is a valid case we do not
If L sits at 6th then H sits at 2nd but H is need to check another.
a boy and at 2nd position a girl is sitting Final arrangement is like this-
so this cannot be possible.

11. Ans. B.
So L sits at 7 and H sits at 4 . G is
th th Explanation:
sitting between H and F. So G must be Case 1:
sits at 4th and F at 5th. E is the only boy In the first case we put all the
left so he must be sit at 8th. J is not the information given in the instruction



Case 2:
In the second case we put all the
Case 2: conditions either directly or indirectly
In the second case we put all the and follow the given instruction, finally
conditions either directly or indirectly we reach the final case.
and follow the given instruction, finally
we reach the final case.

14. Ans. E.
12. Ans. D. Case 1:
Explanation: In the first case we put all the
Case 1: information given in the instruction
In the first case we put all the directly.
information given in the instruction

Case 2:
Case 2: In the second case we put all the
In the second case we put all the conditions either directly or indirectly
conditions either directly or indirectly and follow the given instruction, finally
and follow the given instruction, finally we reach the final case.
we reach the final case.

13. Ans. C. 15. Ans. A.

Explanation: Explanation:
Case 1: Case 1:
In the first case we put all the In the first case we put all the
information given in the instruction information given in the instruction
directly. directly.


Case 2:
In the second case we put all the 20. Ans. C.
conditions either directly or indirectly
and follow the given instruction, finally
we reach the final case.

21. Ans. E.
16. Ans. C.

22. Ans. D.

17. Ans. D.

23. Ans. D.

18. Ans. B.
24. Ans. D.

19. Ans. E. 25. Ans. B.


28. Ans. C.
• O is not facing the centre but sits
second to the right of S.
• T is not an immediate neighbour
of either R or O.
• The immediate neighbours of T
face the same direction.
26. Ans. B.
• R sits second to the left of O and
• O is not facing the centre but sits
is not an immediate neighbour of
second to the right of S.
• T is not an immediate neighbour
• Q sits on the immediate left of R
of either R or O.
and faces the same direction as
• The immediate neighbours of T
face the same direction.
• M sits third to the left of P and
• R sits second to the left of O and
both are facing the same
is not an immediate neighbour of
• Q sits on the immediate left of R
and faces the same direction as
• M sits third to the left of P and
both are facing the same

29. Ans. C.
• O is not facing the centre but sits
second to the right of S.
• T is not an immediate neighbour
of either R or O.
• The immediate neighbours of T
face the same direction.
27. Ans. D.
• R sits second to the left of O and
• O is not facing the centre but sits
is not an immediate neighbour of
second to the right of S.
• T is not an immediate neighbour
• Q sits on the immediate left of R
of either R or O.
and faces the same direction as
• The immediate neighbours of T
face the same direction.
• M sits third to the left of P and
• R sits second to the left of O and
both are facing the same
is not an immediate neighbour of
• Q sits on the immediate left of R
and faces the same direction as
• M sits third to the left of P and
both are facing the same

30. Ans. A.
• O is not facing the centre but sits
second to the right of S.
• T is not an immediate neighbour
of either R or O.


• The immediate neighbours of T

face the same direction.
• R sits second to the left of O and
is not an immediate neighbour of
• Q sits on the immediate left of R
and faces the same direction as
• M sits third to the left of P and
both are facing the same 36. Ans. B.
direction. ● The both persons whom live on top
floor and lowermost floor theirs height
difference are maximums so the one
who is tallest and the one who is
shortest live either on 1st or 8th floor.
Case 1: Shortest person live on 8th
● Only one person lives between D and
31. Ans. D. the one who is shortest. D must live on
6th floor.
● One person lives between D and the
one whose height is 180cm. So the one
whose height is 180cm lives on 4th floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just
above E. One person lives between E
and A and E lives above A. So G must
live on 5th floor, E lives on 4th floor and A
32. Ans. A.
must live on 2nd floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E So E’s height cannot be more
than 170cm so this case gets rejected.

33. Ans. B.

Case 2: Shortest person live on

● Only one person lives between D and
the one who is shortest. D must live on
34. Ans. A.
3rd floor.
● One person lives between D and the
one whose height is 180cm. So the one
whose height is 180cm lives on 5th floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just
above E. One person lives between E
and A and E lives above A. So G must
live on 7th floor, E lives on 6th floor and A
must live on 4th floor.
35. Ans. D. ● Not more than two persons are shorter


than E and E’s height is not 168cm and live on 5th floor, E lives on 4th floor and A
E also cannot be 165cm so E must be must live on 2nd floor.
170cm. ● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E So E’s height cannot be more
than 170cm so this case gets rejected.

● One person lives between F and

170cm. F must live on 8th floor.
● One person lives between D and C. C’ Case 2: Shortest person live on
height is not 180cm. So C must live on 1stfloor-
1st floor. ● Only one person lives between D and
● Not more than two persons are taller the one who is shortest. D must live on
than B. So 178cm and 183cm are 3rd floor.
already other persons so B’s height must ● One person lives between D and the
be 180cm and lives on 5th floor. H must one whose height is 180cm. So the one
be live on 2nd floor. whose height is 180cm lives on 5th floor.
● D is taller than A but shorter than H. D ● G’s height is 178cm and lives just
must be 173cm, A must be 168cm and H above E. One person lives between E
must be 175cm. and A and E lives above A. So G must
Here is the final table: live on 7th floor, E lives on 6th floor and A
must live on 4th floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E and E’s height is not 168cm and
E also cannot be 165cm so E must be

F is tallest in the group.

37. Ans. C.
● The both persons whom live on top
floor and lowermost floor theirs height
difference are maximums so the one
who is tallest and the one who is ● One person lives between F and
shortest live either on 1st or 8th floor. 170cm. F must live on 8th floor.
Case 1: Shortest person live on 8th ● One person lives between D and C. C’
floor- height is not 180cm. So C must live on
● Only one person lives between D and 1st floor.
the one who is shortest. D must live on ● Not more than two persons are taller
6th floor. than B. So 178cm and 183cm are
● One person lives between D and the already other persons so B’s height must
one whose height is 180cm. So the one be 180cm and lives on 5th floor. H must
whose height is 180cm lives on 4th floor. be live on 2nd floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just ● D is taller than A but shorter than H. D
above E. One person lives between E must be 173cm, A must be 168cm and H
and A and E lives above A. So G must must be 175cm.


Here is the final table: and A and E lives above A. So G must

live on 7th floor, E lives on 6th floor and A
must live on 4th floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E and E’s height is not 168cm and
E also cannot be 165cm so E must be

A’s height is 168cm and lives on 4th

38. Ans. C.
● The both persons whom live on top
floor and lowermost floor theirs height
difference are maximums so the one
who is tallest and the one who is ● One person lives between F and
shortest live either on 1st or 8th floor. 170cm. F must live on 8th floor.
Case 1: Shortest person live on 8th ● One person lives between D and C. C’
floor- height is not 180cm. So C must live on
● Only one person lives between D and 1st floor.
the one who is shortest. D must live on ● Not more than two persons are taller
6th floor. than B. So 178cm and 183cm are
● One person lives between D and the already other persons so B’s height must
one whose height is 180cm. So the one be 180cm and lives on 5th floor. H must
whose height is 180cm lives on 4th floor. be live on 2nd floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just ● D is taller than A but shorter than H. D
above E. One person lives between E must be 173cm, A must be 168cm and H
and A and E lives above A. So G must must be 175cm.
live on 5th floor, E lives on 4th floor and A Here is the final table:
must live on 2nd floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E So E’s height cannot be more
than 170cm so this case gets rejected.

Only two persons are taller than G.

39. Ans. E.
● The both persons whom live on top
floor and lowermost floor theirs height
Case 2: Shortest person live on difference are maximums so the one
1stfloor- who is tallest and the one who is
● Only one person lives between D and shortest live either on 1st or 8th floor.
the one who is shortest. D must live on Case 1: Shortest person live on 8th
3rd floor. floor-
● One person lives between D and the ● Only one person lives between D and
one whose height is 180cm. So the one the one who is shortest. D must live on
whose height is 180cm lives on 5th floor. 6th floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just ● One person lives between D and the
above E. One person lives between E one whose height is 180cm. So the one


whose height is 180cm lives on 4th floor. be live on 2nd floor.

● G’s height is 178cm and lives just ● D is taller than A but shorter than H. D
above E. One person lives between E must be 173cm, A must be 168cm and H
and A and E lives above A. So G must must be 175cm.
live on 5th floor, E lives on 4th floor and A Here is the final table:
must live on 2nd floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E So E’s height cannot be more
than 170cm so this case gets rejected.

4 persons are live between the tallest

person and D.
40. Ans. B.
● The both persons whom live on top
Case 2: Shortest person live on floor and lowermost floor theirs height
1stfloor- difference are maximums so the one
● Only one person lives between D and who is tallest and the one who is
the one who is shortest. D must live on shortest live either on 1st or 8th floor.
3rd floor. Case 1: Shortest person live on 8th
● One person lives between D and the floor-
one whose height is 180cm. So the one ● Only one person lives between D and
whose height is 180cm lives on 5th floor. the one who is shortest. D must live on
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just 6th floor.
above E. One person lives between E ● One person lives between D and the
and A and E lives above A. So G must one whose height is 180cm. So the one
live on 7th floor, E lives on 6th floor and A whose height is 180cm lives on 4th floor.
must live on 4th floor. ● G’s height is 178cm and lives just
● Not more than two persons are shorter above E. One person lives between E
than E and E’s height is not 168cm and and A and E lives above A. So G must
E also cannot be 165cm so E must be live on 5th floor, E lives on 4th floor and A
170cm. must live on 2nd floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E So E’s height cannot be more
than 170cm so this case gets rejected.

● One person lives between F and

170cm. F must live on 8th floor.
● One person lives between D and C. C’
height is not 180cm. So C must live on Case 2: Shortest person live on
1st floor. 1stfloor-
● Not more than two persons are taller ● Only one person lives between D and
than B. So 178cm and 183cm are the one who is shortest. D must live on
already other persons so B’s height must 3rd floor.
be 180cm and lives on 5th floor. H must ● One person lives between D and the


one whose height is 180cm. So the one 42. Ans. D.

whose height is 180cm lives on 5th floor.
● G’s height is 178cm and lives just
above E. One person lives between E
and A and E lives above A. So G must
live on 7th floor, E lives on 6th floor and A
must live on 4th floor.
● Not more than two persons are shorter
than E and E’s height is not 168cm and
E also cannot be 165cm so E must be

43. Ans. E.

● One person lives between F and

170cm. F must live on 8th floor.
● One person lives between D and C. C’
height is not 180cm. So C must live on
1st floor.
● Not more than two persons are taller
44. Ans. A.
than B. So 178cm and 183cm are
already other persons so B’s height must
be 180cm and lives on 5th floor. H must
be live on 2nd floor.
● D is taller than A but shorter than H. D
must be 173cm, A must be 168cm and H
must be 175cm.
Here is the final table:

45. Ans. E.

All the persons live on even numbered

floor except G.
41. Ans. C.

46. Ans. E.


F uses Sony mobile 49. Ans. A.

47. Ans. B.
50. Ans. C.

48. Ans. D.



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