NIACL AO Mains (English)

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Direction (1-5): Read the following A. A B. D

information carefully to answer the C. E D. F
given questions. E. B
A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting in a circle. Direction (6-8): Study the following
Some of them are facing towards the information carefully and answer the
center while some are facing away from questions that follow:
the center. They like different places - There are ten members A, B, C, D, E, F,
Delhi, Mcleodganj, Mysore, Nainital, G, H, I and J in the family. There are
Ooty, and Shimla but not necessarily in three generations of the family. There is
the same order. Not more than 2 person also three married couple in the family.
faces outside. Not more than 2 persons There is an equal number of male and
sitting adjacent to each other facing female. A is the daughter of J. B's
same direction. brother I have only one sister A. H and
C likes Delhi and sits second to the right B are the married couple. C is the
of one who likes Nainital. B does not like daughter of H. G is the mother of B. D is
Shimla. One who likes Ooty sits exactly the son in law of G. C is the sister of E.
opposite to B. F sits second to the left of F is the only son of D.
C, who is not a neighbor of A. A sits to 6. How is H related with respect to D?
the immediate right of person who A. Wife B. Sister
belongs to Shimla. F does not like C. Sister in law D. Mother
Nainital. D sits second to the left of one E. Brother
who likes Mcleodganj. Only 1 person sits 7. Who among the following person
between A and person who likes Ooty. E husband of A?
faces same direction as that of F. A does A. J B. E
not belong to Mysore. C. B D. D
1. Who among the following faces outside? E. I
A. E B. F 8. How is D related with respect to G?
C. C D. both a and b A. Son B. Son in law
E. None of these C. Husband D. Father
2. Who likes Mysore? E. Brother
A. B B. G
C. F D. D Direction (9-11): Study the following
E. H information carefully and answer the
3. Which of the following statement is/are questions given below.
true? In a certain code language,
A. Both C and D faces same direction. ‘tough and work increase’ is written as
B. D belongs to Mcleodganj. ‘nb re tc pr’,
C. B sits to the immediate right of D. ‘India increase in rank’ is written as ‘tc
D. A is sitting second to left of person kt rk po’,
who likes Mysore. ‘increase rank and India’ is written as ‘kt
E. Both c and d pr rk tc’ and
4. Who sits second to the left of person who ‘tough increase in India’ is written as ‘kt
likes Ooty? po tc nb’.
A. D B. A 9. What is the code for ‘increase rank’ in
C. E D. C the given code language?
E. can not be determined A. po tc B. tc rk
5. Which of the following does not belong C. pr kt D. nb re
to the group? E. None of these


10. What is the code for ‘and’ in the given 13. Who among the following sits third to
code language? the right of the one who sits between the
A. kt B. po ones who work in TCS and Oracle?
C. pr D. tc A. Varun B. Rishu
E. None of these C. Kanti D. Nitin
11. What is the code for ‘tough’ in the given E. None of these
code language? 14. How many people sit to the left of Rishu?
A. re B. tc A. None B. One
C. nb D. rk C. Two D. Three
E. None of these E. Four
15. The one who sits to the immediate right
Direction (12-16): Study the following of the one who works in Oracle, works in
information carefully and answer the which of the following companies?
questions given besides: A. Dell B. TCS
Eight people i.e. Divya, Lokes, Kanti, C. HCL D. Wipro
Ankur, Varun, Nitin, Rishu, and Menka E. None of these
are seating in a row and all are facing 16. Who among the following sits third to
towards North direction (but not the left of the one who sits at the
necessarily in the same order). They extreme right end?
work in different companies i.e. Infosys, A. Lokes B. Nitin
Nokia, Oracle, TCS, HCL, Wipro, Dell, C. Ankur D. Menka
and IGATE (but not necessarily in the E. None of these
same order).
Menka, who doesn’t work in IGATE, sits Direction (17-21): Each option
second to the right of Nitin, who works contains some statements. Determine
in Dell, who sits third to the right of from which statements the given two
Varun. Divya is not an immediate conclusions follow.
neighbour of Nitin and Menka both. The 17. Conclusions:
one who works in Nokia sits at one of the All dog being cat is a possibility. No fish
extreme ends of the row. Kanti sits is a cat. There is a possibility that all cats
second to the right of Lokes. Only one can be a dog.
person who works in HCL sits between Statements:
Lokes and Varun. Rishu sits fifth to the A) All fishes are horses. No horse is cat.
left of Ankur. Divya works in Infosys and Some cats are elephants. Some
doesn’t sit second to the left of Nitin. The elephants are dogs.
one who works in TCS sits to the left of B) Some horses are fishes. No horse is
Lokes, who doesn’t work in IGATE and cat. Some cats are elephants. All
Wipro. Rishu doesn’t sit to the left of elephants are dogs.
Divya. C) No fishes is a horse. Some horses are
12. If the names of all the persons are cats. Some cats are elephants. All
arranged in an alphabetical order elephants are dogs.
(starting from the extreme left end) then D) All fishes are horses. Some horse are
the position of how many persons will cat. Some cats are elephants. No
change? elephants are dogs.
A. Seven B. Three E) None.
C. Five D. Six A. Only A) B. Only C)
E. Four C. Only B) D. Only E)
E. None of these


18. Conclusions: A. Only A) B. Only C)

There is a possibility that Some scales C. Only B) D. Only D)
are erasers. All pens being scale is a E. None of these
possibility. Some eraser are pen. 21. Conclusions:
Some computers are laptops. All laptops
Statements: being keyboards is a possibility.
A) Some scales are pens. No pen is a Statements:
eraser. All sharpners are erasers. A) Some CPU are not computers. All
B) Some scales are pens. some pens are laptops are computers. Some computers
erasers. All sharpners are erasers. are not keyboards.
C) Some scales are pens. No pen is a B) All laptops are computers. All
eraser. Some sharpners are erasers. computers are CPU. No laptop is
D) Some scales are pens. Some keyboard.
sharpners are erasers. No pen is a C) No computer is a laptop. All laptops
eraser. are keyboards. No keyboard is a
E) None of them printer.
A. Only A) B. Only C) D) All laptops are keyboards. All
C. Only B) D. Only E) keyboards are computers. No CPU is a
E. None of these computer.
19. Conclusions: E) None of them
All yellow being black is a possibility. A. Only A) B. Only C)
Some red are not pink. C. Only B) D. Only E)
Statements: E. Only D)
A) Some pink are yellow. All yellow are
Direction (22-26): Study the following
red. No red is a black.
information carefully and answer the
B) All pink are yellow. No yellow is a
questions given below.
red. Some red are black.
There are eight persons in a racing
C) All pink are yellow. All yellow are
competition namely A,B,C,D,E,F,G and
red. Some red are black.
H. They all have different Height and
D) All pink are yellow. Some yellow are
different age.
red. No red is black.
D is taller than F but shorter than E who
E) None of them
taller than H. B is older than C but
A. Only A) B. Only C)
younger than D who second oldest
C. Only B) D. Only E)
person in this group. The shortest
E. None of these
person in this group who won the race
20. Conclusions:
competition. Only three person younger
Some plants are trees. All trees being
than F who either shorter or equal than
leafs is a possibility. Some leafs are
B. The one who second tallest person in
this group also who second youngest
person in this group. C is shorter than B
A) All leafs are trees. Some plants are
who taller than D who taller than C and
leafs. Some plants are flowers.
A. The one who won the race
B) Some trees are leafs. All green are
competition also oldest person in this
plants. No tree is a plant.
group. Only two persons taller than B
C) Some plants are leafs. All leafs are
who taller than A and F. G second
trees. No tree is a leafs.
shortest person. H is taller than B but
D) Some plant are leafs. All tree are
not tallest person. More than five
plants. Some leafs are green.
persons taller than G who shorter than C
E) None of them
and F. C is neither shorter nor taller than


F. C is not youngest person and G is not 27. How far is the man from starting point?
older than F. Third youngest person in
A. 81 Km B. 82 Km
this group who fourth position in this
race competition and the one last one to C. 82 Km D. 82 Km
finish the race who third oldest person in E. None of these
this group. Second tallest person is 28. In which direction is the man with
second position in this race and D is respect to his starting point?
sixth position in this race. F was A. North B. Northwest
complete the race before B and G who C. Southeast D. Northeast
complete the race before E but not just E. None of these
before. 29. What is the total distance covered by a
22. Who is the following person won the race man during walk?
competition? A. 30 Km B. 25 Km
A. H B. A C. 35 Km D. 45 Km
C. F D. C E. None of these
E. B 30. Group of commuters of the Mumbai
23. Who is the following person third suburban railways called for a strike in
shortest person in this group? response to the increase in the number
A. F of accidents in that route in the past one
B. D year due to overcrowding.
C. C The commuters want to continue the
D. Can’t be determine strike unless the authorities agree to
E. B increase the frequency of the trains in
24. How many person older than F? that route.
A. Four Which of the following is an
B. Five assumption implicit in the above
C. Three statement?
D. Either four or three A. Increase in the frequency of the trains
E. None of these leads to decrease in the number of such
25. Who is the following person just older accidents.
than H? B. The trains in the Mumbai suburban
A. D B. G run overcrowded.
C. C D. F C. The railway authorities are indifferent
E. B to the safety of the commuters.
26. How many persons complete the race D. The railways did not increase the
before G? frequency in proportion to the increase
A. Six B. Four in the number of commuters in the past
C. Three D. Two one year.
E. Five E. None of these
Direction (27-29): Study the following 31. Direction: In the given question, a
information and answer the following statement is given with some
questions. assumptions as options. An assumption
A man walks 4 km towards south and is something supposed or taken for
then he turns east and walks 5km. Again granted. You have to consider the
he turns south and walks 3km, and then statement and the following
he turns west and walks 4 km. Again he assumptions and decide which of the
turns to north and walks 6 km, finally he assumptions is implicit in the statement.
turns east and walks for 8 km and then


Statement: 33. Which of the following does not belong

The school, which used to provide free to the group?
breakfast to ensure that the students A. A B. R
receive at least one proper meal a day, C. T D. S
stopped the facility from January as E. E
the Charity Society which used to fund 34. Who faces the person who sits to the
the breakfast withdrew the support due immediate right of C?
to drop in donations. A. P B. Q
Which of the following is an assumption C. R D. S
implicit in the above statement? E. None of the above
A. The students may not receive any 35. Who among the following faces vacant
proper meal in a day from January seat?
B. In future the donation to the Charity A. S and C B. P and T
Society may further decrease. C. D and P D. Q and E
C. The donations received by E. None of the given options
the Charity Society are used for social 36. If it is possible to make only one
welfare. meaningful English word with the
D. The families either do not have the second, the third, the seventh and the
ability to provide proper meal to their ninth letters of the word BENIGNANTLY,
children or ignorant of what a proper which of the following will be the first of
meal is. that word? If no such word can be made
E. None of these. give ‘X’ as the answer and if more than
one such word can be made give ‘Y’ as
Direction (32-35): Study the following the answer.
information carefully and answer the A. A B. T
given questions: C. N D. X
10 persons are sitting in 2 parallel rows E. Y
in such a way that A, B, C, D, and E are
Direction (37-41): A statement is
sitting in row 1 and are facing north and
given followed by two inferences
P, Q, R, S and T are sitting in row 2 and
numbered I and II. Consider the
are facing south. There is 1 vacant seat
statement to be true even if it is at
in each row. B sits third to the left of D,
variance with commonly known facts.
who does not sit at an extreme end of
You have to decide which of the
the row. There are 2 seats between A
inferences, if any, follow from the given
and C, who sits adjacent to D. Vacant
seats of both the rows cannot be at any
37. Statement:
extreme ends. R sits third to the right of
Sea level rise driven by climate change
S. D faces the person who sits second to
is set to pose an existential crisis to
the left of P, who is an immediate
many US coastal communities, with new
neighbor of both Q and S. E sits to the
research finding that as many as
right of A.
311,000 homes face being flooded every
32. What is the position of Q with respect to
two weeks within the next 30 years.
A. immediate left
I. This research report will potentially
B. immediate right
inflict a huge financial and emotional toll
C. second to the left
on all those Americans who live in the
D. second to the right
properties at risk of having their
E. None of the given options
basements, backyards, garages or living
rooms inundated every other week.


II. Greenhouse gas emissions, the main Step VI, is the last step of the above
cause of rising sea levels, need to arrangement as the intended
severely curtailed with immediate effect. arrangement is obtained.
A. Only I can be inferred As per the rule followed in the given
B. Only II can be inferred steps find out the appropriate steps for
C. Both of them can be inferred the given input.
D. None of them can be inferred Input: Aristotle 36 81 eve 47 anger
E. Either Only I or II 59 high 100 clever unit 37
38. Statement: Papua New Guinea has 39. How many steps would be needed to
declared a state of emergency, complete the arrangement?
suspended a provincial government and A. VI B. V
is sending armed forces to its rugged C. IV D. VII
highlands to restore order after rioters E. None of these
went on a rampage of looting and 40. In step IV, which of the following
burning, the government said. word/number would be on the fifth
Inferences: position (from the right)?
I. Papua New Guinea was forced to A. clever B. unit
declare a state of emergency as violence C. 37 D. 59
ravaged the remote interiors of the E. high
island nation. 41. In step III, what is the difference
II. Armed rioters burned public between fourth element from left and
transport, looted warehouses, and second element from right?
torched buildings all over the country. A. 25 B. 33
A. Only I can be inferred C. 45 D. 34
B. Only II can be inferred E. 40
C. Both I and II can be inferred 42. In step V, which element comes exactly
D. None of them can be inferred between the fourth element from right
E. Either Only I or II and fifth element from left?
A. high B. 47
Direction (39-43): A word and number C. 37 D. clever
arrangement machine when given an E. 59
input line of word and numbers 43. In step III, which of the following
rearranges them following a particular word/number would be on the seventh
rule in each step. The following is an position (from the right)?
illustration of input and rearrangement. A. clever B. unit
Input: user 9 apple 15 16 eagle 20 C. high D. 59
astronaut 25 river 24 lakes E. 47
Step I: apple user 9 15 16 eagle 20
astronaut river 24 lakes 25 Direction (44-48): Study the following
Step II: apple eagle user 9 15 20 information carefully to answer the
astronaut river 24 lakes 16 25 given questions.
Step III: apple eagle astronaut user 15 Eight persons Deepika, Ekta, Farhan,
20 river 24 lakes 9 16 25 Gopal, Harish, Ishika, Janki and Komal
Step IV: apple eagle astronaut user 15 live in a building but not necessarily in
20 river lakes 24 9 16 25 the same order. They likes different
Step V: apple eagle astronaut user lakes flavour of ice-cream, Strawberry,
15 river 20 24 9 16 25 Vanilla, Mango Sorbet, Kulfi, Choco
Step VI: apple eagle astronaut user Cherry, Chocolate, Tutti frutti and
lakes river 15 20 24 9 16 25 Pistachio but not necessarily in the same


order. There are eight floors in that A. Deepika- Strawberry

building and only one person lives on B. Gopal- Kulfi
each floor. The ground floor of the C. Komal-Kulfi
building is numbered one and the floor D. Ishika- Mango Sorbet
above it is numbered two and so on. The E. Ekta- Chocolate
topmost floor of the building is 48. Which of the following statements is
numbered eight. true?
Only two persons live between the floors A. Only two persons live between the
on which Farhan and Janki live floor on which Gopal and Deepika live
respectively. Komal lives immediately respectively
above the floor on which Ekta lives and B. Ekta live on an even-numbered floor.
likes Kulfi. Ekta does not lives on 1st C. Harish live immediately below the
floor. The one who is in sixth floor floor on which Farhan lives.
neither likes Strawberry nor Chocolate. D. Janki lives on the fourth floor.
Only one person lives between the floors E. None is true
on which Harish and Ishika live 49. Direction: In each question below is
respectively. Ishika neither likes given a statement followed by two
Chocolate nor strawberry. Farhan lives assumptions numbered I and II. An
on the floor numbered three and likes assumption is something supposed or
Choco Cherry. Harish who likes Vanilla taken for granted. You have to consider
lives above the floor on which Ishika the statement and the following
lives. The one who is in the fifth floor assumption and decide which of the
neither likes Mango Sorbet nor Tutti assumption is implicit in the statement.
frutti. The one who likes Pistachio lives Statement:
in first floor. A Government advertisement in public
44. How many floors are there between the interest- “For a child’s better mental
floors on which ekta and Harish live health, admit him/her to a school only
respectively? after five years of age.”
A. One B. Three Assumptions:
C. None D. Two I. A child cannot learn before he/she
E. More than three turns five.
45. Who among the following live on odd- II. Some school admit children who are
numbered floors? below five years of age.
A. Deepika, Farhan, Gopal, Ekta A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Farhan, Ishika, Janki, Ekta B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Harish, Farhan, Janki, Ekta, C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Deepika, Janki, Komal, Ekta D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. None of these E. Both I and II are implicit
46. If all the persons are made to sit in 50. In the following question, a statement is
alphabetical order from top to bottom, given followed by two courses of
the position of how many will remain action numbered I and II. On the basis
unchanged? of the information given in the
A. None B. Two statement, you have to assume
C. One D. Four everything in the statement to be true,
E. Three and then decide which of the suggested
47. Who among the following lives on the courses of action logically follow(s) the
topmost floor and which ice-cream given statement.
he/she likes?


Statement: imbalance. Blockchain facilitates the

A number of school children in the local exchange of value in a secure and
schools have fallen ill after the decentralised manner, without the need
consumption of their subsidized Tiffin for an intermediary. But the most
provided by the school authority. revolutionary aspect of blockchain
Course of actions: technology is that it can run software in
I. The Tiffin facility of all schools should a secure and decentralised manner.
be discontinued with immediate effect. With a blockchain, software applications
II. The government should implement a no longer need to be deployed on a
system to certify the quality of Tiffin centralised server: They can be run on a
provided by the school. peer-to-peer network that is not
A. Only I follow. controlled by any single party. These
B. Only II follows. blockchain-based applications can be
C. Either I or II follows. used to coordinate the activities of a
D. Neither I nor II follows. large number of individuals, who can
E. Both I and II follow. organise themselves without the help of
a third party. Blockchain technology is
Direction (51-60): Read the passage ultimately a means for individuals to
carefully and answer the questions that coordinate common activities, to
follow. Certain words are printed in bold interact directly with one another, and to
to help you locate them while answering govern themselves in a more secure and
some of the questions. decentralised manner.
Over the past 20 years, the economy Blockchain technology thus facilitates
has progressively moved away from the the emergence of new forms of
traditional model of centralised organisations, which are not only
organisations, where large operators, dematerialized but also decentralised.
often with a dominant position, were These organisations — which have no
responsible for providing a service to a director or CEO, or any sort of
group of passive consumers. Today we hierarchical structure — are
are moving towards a new model of administered, collectively, by all
increasingly decentralised individuals interacting on a blockchain.
organisations, where large operators are As such, it is important not to confuse
responsible for aggregating the them with the traditional model of
resources of multiple people to provide “crowd-sourcing,” where people
a service to a much more active group contribute to a platform but do not
of consumers. This shift marks the benefit from the success of that
advent of a new generation of platform. Blockchain technologies can
“dematerialized” organisations that do support a much more cooperative form
not require physical offices, assets, or of crowd-sourcing — sometimes referred
even employees. The problem with this to as “platform cooperative”— where
model is that, in most cases, the value users qualify both as contributors and
produced by the crowd is not equally shareholders of the platforms to which
redistributed among all those who have they contribute. And since there is no
contributed to the value production; all intermediary operator, the value
of the profits are captured by the large produced within these platforms can be
intermediaries who operate the more equally redistributed among those
platforms. who have contributed to the value
Recently, a new technology has creation. With this new opportunity for
emerged that could change this increased “cooperativism,” we’re


moving toward a true sharing or E. The blockchain is a platform

collaborative economy — one that is not cooperative.
controlled by a few large intermediary 55. With reference to the passage, which of
operators, but that is governed by and the following statement(s) is not true
for the people. about centralised organisations?
Today we have a new opportunity to i. They have Large operators with
replace the model of top-down dominant position.
hierarchical organisations with a system ii. They provide service to a group of
of distributed, bottom-up cooperation passive customers.
with the help of blockchain. This shift iii. The value produced by the crowd is
could change the way wealth is not equally redistributed among all
distributed in the first place, enabling those who have contributed to the value
people to cooperate toward the creation production.
of a common good, while ensuring that iv. They rely on the centralised system
everyone will be duly compensated for to manage the network and stipulate
their efforts and contributions. which content should be displayed to
Source: whom
51. Which of the following word is MOST A. Only iv B. Only ii
SIMILAR in meaning to ‘dematerialized’ C. Only iii D. Both iii and iv
as used in the passage? E. All of these
A. Depart B. Coagulate 56. What do you understand by blockchain
C. Intangible D. Immaterial from the passage?
E. Solidify i. It is a secure and decentralised
52. Which of the following word is MOST technology.
OPPOSITE in meaning to ‘hierarchical’ as ii. It is a means that requires fair
used in the passage? intermediary who can coordinate the
A. Dematerialised B. Echelon activities of a large number of
C. Domain D. Unstratified individuals, govern them in a more
E. Iniquity secure and decentralised manner.
53. Which of the following word is MOST iii. A peer-to-peer network that is not
OPPOSITE in meaning to ‘collaborative’ controlled by large and powerful
as used in the passage? intermediaries.
A. Esoteric B. Synergic iv. It aggregates the work of disparate
C. Reciprocal D. Conjunct groups of peers, which coordinate
E. Unilateral themselves, only and exclusively,
54. Which of the following is the apt theme through a set of code-based rules
of the passage? enshrined in a blockchain.
A. To move away from the traditional A. Only ii B. Only iv
model of centralised organisations. C. Only iii D. Both ii and iv
B. What Blockchain means for the E. All are correct
sharing economy. 57. What can be inferred from the following
C. To make a collaborative economy statement mentioned in the passage?
which is controlled by a few large “Blockchain technology facilitates the
intermediary operators, but that is emergence of new forms of
governed by and for the people. organisations, which are not only
D. To ensure that everyone will be duly dematerialized but also decentralised.”
compensated for their efforts and A. Blockchain technology will make the
contributions. organisation online with power flow in
the hands of intermediaries


B. Blockchain technology will make the 60. Which of the statement is not true as
organisation global with more profit per the above-mentioned passage?
earning capacity. A. Our economy has progressively
C. Blockchain technology will make the moved away from the traditional model
organisation paperless with systematic of organisations, which were responsible
and consistent reservation of authority. for providing a service to a group of
D. Blockchain technology will make the passive consumers to organisations who
organisation digital with profit provide a service to a much more active
distribution among the legit group of consumers.
subordinates. B. These platforms rely on a blockchain
E. Blockchain technology will make the to reward drivers contributing to the
organisation brick and mortar with the platform with specially designed tokens
delegation of control. that represent a share in the platform.
58. Which of the following statement is true C. Highly decentralised infrastructure
with reference to the given passage? into an increasingly centralised system
A. In the model of organisations, all of controlled by only a few large online
the profits are captured by the large operators is only possible with the
middlemen who operate the platforms. blockchain technology.
B. Dematerialized organisation has no D. The platform relies on blockchain
directors or CEO, or any sort of technology to ensure that buyers and
hierarchical structure. sellers can interact directly with one
C. Decentralised platforms are governed another, without passing through any
only by the blockchain-based centralised middleman.
infrastructure, which is designed to
E. Blockchain doesn’t support a platform
govern peer-to-peer interactions
where people contribute but do not
between drivers and users. benefit from the success of that platform
D. Decentralised organisations referred
rather it support users qualify both as
as crowdsourcing, where people
contributors and shareholders of the
contribute to a platform but do not
platforms to which they contribute.
benefit from the success of that
61. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
is given, each blank indicating that
E. With the help of Dematerialized, we
something has been omitted. Choose
will increase cooperativism in the
the words that best fit the meaning of
the sentence as a whole.
59. According to the passage, in what ways
It has been ________ that the vice
will the blockchain be beneficial for the
president might be in ________ with the
president over the mentioned topic.
i. For more transparency in economy
ii. For a system of distributed, bottom A. Told, Occurrence
up cooperation in economy B. Allowed, Reference
iii. For replacing the model of top-down C. Reported, Confrontation
hierarchical organisation D. Proved, Allocation
iv. For a big digital landscape competing E. Said, Deterrence
against corporate giants 62. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
A. Only ii and iii is given, each blank indicating that
B. Only i and iv something has been omitted. Choose
C. Only i and ii the words that best fit the meaning of
D. Only i, ii and iii the sentence as a whole.
E. All the statements


The beauty of the whole exercise is that A. Keep-up, Destroyed

as you ________ to improve the lives of B. Develop, Liquidated
others, your own life will be elevated C. Afford, Attached
into its highest __________. D. Keep, Removed
A. Labour, Width E. Move, Created
B. Strive, Dimensions 66. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
C. Relax, Reach is given, each blank indicating that
D. Console, Length something has been omitted. Choose
E. Idea, Span the words that best fit the meaning of
63. Direction: A sentence with two blanks the sentence as a whole.
is given, each blank indicating that Digital zoom isn’t much good for more
something has been omitted. Choose than minor zoom-ins, as we are stuck
the words that best fit the meaning of with a _______ resolution and set a field
the sentence as a whole. of view for near and far details, meaning
This is for the first time in the world that that a ______ can only capture so much
biologists have managed to __________ detail at a distance.
a reef that has been dead for thousands A. Poor, Camera
of years by transporting live corals from B. Low, Lens
more than 2,000 km away and _______ C. Limited, Pixel
them in turbid waters. D. High, Smartphone
A. Replaced, Increase E. Plain, Processor
B. Restore, Growing 67. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
C. Removed, Placing is given, each blank indicating that
D. Destroy, Grow something has been omitted. Choose
E. None of these the words that best fit the meaning of
64. Direction: A sentence with two blanks the sentence as a whole.
is given, each blank indicating that It is indicative of the slow pace
something has been omitted. Choose of________ in the frontier State that the
the words that best fit the meaning of BJP’s successful campaign, three
the sentence as a whole. decades on, was also________ on a
There is widespread ______ that the promise to solve the foreigners’ issue,
emergence of giant industries has been and usher in all-round development.
accompanied by an equivalent ______ A. Retreat, Imbalance
in industrial research. B. Progress, Mounted
A. Belief, Surge C. Regret, Disproportion
B. Knowledge, Splurge D. Decline, Differ
C. Fact, Death E. Perpetual, Different
D. Believe, State 68. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
E. Area, System is given, each blank indicating that
65. Direction: A sentence with two blanks something has been omitted. Choose
is given, each blank indicating that the words that best fit the meaning of
something has been omitted. Choose the sentence as a whole.
the words that best fit the meaning of The Peoples Democratic Party continued
the sentence as a whole. to keep its cards close to the chest,
This partly explains how the Mehra __________ speculation that it might
family has been able to _______ its __________ something on government
lavish life-style in recent times, despite formation in J&K after its first formal
the fact that all its assets have been legislative meeting.


A. Assembling, Declaring 72. Direction: A statement with one blank

B. Balancing, Revealing is given below. Choose the set of words
C. Attracting, Allow from the given options which can be
D. Dismissing, Announce used to fill the given blank.
E. None of these Public opinion is ever more in the peace
69. Direction: A sentence with two blanks camp _______ of the economy doesn't
is given, each blank indicating that benefit financially in times of war.
something has been omitted. Choose i. because the vast majority
the words that best fit the meaning of ii. due to the sheer amount
the sentence as a whole. iii. because of the huge majority
The _____________ mood of the A. Only i B. Only ii
manager made the staff ____________ C. Both i and ii D. Both ii and iii
as they could sense that it would be a E. All the above
long conversation. 73. Direction: A statement with one blank
A. Puckish, Querulous is given below. Choose the set of words
B. Loquacious, Tremulous from the given options which can be
C. Loquacious, Querulous used to fill the given blank.
D. Puckish, Pukish ___________________________
E. Puckish, Loquacious where the enemy was, the smoke of a
70. Direction: A sentence with two blanks cannon rose, and a ball flew whistling
is given, each blank indicating that over the heads of the hussar squadron.
something has been omitted. Choose i. From the advantageous spot
the words that best fit the meaning of ii. On the high ground
the sentence as a whole. iii. From an ethically superior position
A. Only i B. Only ii
Distressingly, the Delhi bill mandates
that a person who wilfully or ________ C. Both i and ii D. Both ii and iii
E. All the above
makes a false complaint under this
74. Direction: A statement with one blank
legislation, shall be punished with
is given below. Choose the set of words
________ imprisonment.
from the given options which can be
A. Ingenuous, Severe
used to fill the given blank.
B. Effortless, Understanding
Great books have always influenced the
C. Elementary, Accommodating
world and great authors have been
D. Maliciously, Rigorous
known to __________________
E. Well-meant, Lenient
in our lives.
71. Direction: A statement with one blank
i. shift the perspective
is given below. Choose the set of words
ii. cause waves of change
from the given options which can be
iii. bring turmoil and conflicts
used to fill the given blank.
A. Only i B. Only ii
He led them through the maze until they C. Both i and ii D. Both ii and iii
emerged _________ lit by lanterns E. All the above
then continued into another set of halls. 75. Direction: A statement with one blank
i. into a yawning cave is given below. Choose the set of words
ii. at the foot of a grand staircase from the given options which can be
iii. in an unkempt tavern used to fill the given blank.
A. Only i B. Only ii His face expressed more satisfaction
C. Both i and ii D. Both ii and iii with _____________________, his
E. All the above smile and glance were brighter and more


i. his return from the adventure inappropriate in the context of the

ii. himself and those around him sentence. Find out the word that is
iii. the outcomes of the experiment inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any.
A. Only I B. Only ii The number of that word is your answer.
C. Both i and ii D. Both ii and iii If all the words printed in bold are
E. All the above correctly spelt and appropriate in the
76. Direction: In each question below, four context of the sentence then mark (5)
words printed in bold are given. These i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer.
are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One People went crazy when the(1)/
of these words printed in bold may either musician along with his Friend(2)/,
be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the took to the staging(3)/ and belted
context of the sentence. Find out the out popular(4)/ tracks. All correct(5)
word that is inappropriate or wrongly A. (1) B. (2)
spelt, if any. The number of that word is C. (3) D. (4)
your answer. If all the words printed in E. (5)
bold are correctly spelt and appropriate 79. Direction: In each question below, four
in the context of the sentence then mark words printed in bold are given. These
(5) i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer. are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One
In 2009, the largest(1)/ remittances of these words printed in bold may either
(2)/ sent to India were from overses be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the
(3)/ Indians living(4)/ in North- context of the sentence. Find out the
America. All correct(5) word that is inappropriate or wrongly
A. (1) B. (2) spelt, if any. The number of that word is
C. (3) D. (4) your answer. If all the words printed in
E. (5) bold are correctly spelt and appropriate
77. Direction: In each question below, four in the context of the sentence then mark
words printed in bold are given. These (5) i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer.
are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One It would (1)/be wrong to infer (2)/
of these words printed in bold may either that people who are overweight (3)/
be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the are always sickly (4)/. All correct (5)
context of the sentence. Find out the A. (1) B. (2)
word that is inappropriate or wrongly C. (3) D. (4)
spelt, if any. The number of that word is E. (5)
your answer. If all the words printed in 80. Direction: In each question below, four
bold are correctly spelt and appropriate words printed in bold are given. These
in the context of the sentence then mark are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One
(5) i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer. of these words printed in bold may either
The indefatigable (1)/ zeal and be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the
fearlessness (2)/ with which the youth context of the sentence. Find out the
worked rejoiced(3)/ me beyond word that is inappropriate or wrongly
measure (4)/. All correct(5) spelt, if any. The number of that word is
A. (1) B. (2) your answer. If all the words printed in
C. (3) D. (4) bold are correctly spelt and appropriate
E. (5) in the context of the sentence then mark
78. Directions: In each question below, (5) i.e. 'All Correct', as your answer.
four words printed in bold are given. It mattered (1)/ a great deal (2)/ to
These are numbered (1), (2), (3) and the actress (3)/ what other people
(4). One of these words printed in bold taught (4)/ of her. All correct (5)
may either be wrongly spelt or


A. (1) B. (2) 83. Direction: Out of the five statements

C. (3) D. (4) given below, only one is grammatically
E. (5) correct. Choose the correct statement as
81. Direction: Out of the five statements your answer.
given below, only one is grammatically A. Yet even the boldest investors should
correct. Choose the correct statement as be aware of the challenges this faraway
your answer. East-Siberian region entail.
A. A clear picture of the organizational B. Climate change models should do
structure is essential, it make one see how more than just predict dire results
management resources are distributed. because of rising carbon dioxide levels.
B. The members for the board will know C. When it comes to discussing issues as
all the managers and potential family planning or displacement of
managers, is not the case, some people pollution versus growth of developing
will be known but it is certain that some economies, human rights issues must be
will not be. considered as well.
C. The state of imperfect knowledge can D. Whether advocates gain approval on this
leads to some old result in a large concept of a new epoch or not, the term is
company and be hazardous for its growth. intends to convey that we humans are now
D. The way a company is structured and the most significant influencing factor in the
organized will affect the way managers evolution of our planet.
within it do their jobs and will help the E. The impact which aerosolized particles
organization structure determine how have on the global climate is one of the
work to be doing is shared out. biggest unknowns in climate science.
E. It has been argued that if people have 84. Direction: Out of the five statements
the right attitudes and the will to work given below, only one is grammatically
together the structure of the correct. Choose the correct statement as
organization will be on the stable side. your answer.
82. Direction: Out of the five statements A. India’s oil ministry held a meeting
given below, only one is grammatically with refiners on Thursday, urging them
correct. Choose the correct statement as to scout in alternatives to Iranian oil, the
your answer. sources said.
A. When I does not worry what it means B. The two leaders have met twice
for my next job interview that the before on the sidelines of international
woman who had the role previously, quit gatherings and spoken at least eight
after having children. times by phone.
B. When poverty is not feminine and C. They will sparr behind closed doors
national censuses do not needs to count but attempt a show of unity in public,
women-headed households separately. agreeing tougher new measures to stem
C. When children can cry because they arrivals from the Middle East and Africa
are childrens and being ‘strong’ is just to Europe in a first place.
holding on to the bars in the playground D. A country’s top two refiners Indian Oil
as long as you can. Corp Ltd and Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd
D. None of this can happen without man had shown interest in integrating GAIL’s
doing a lot more than they currently do marketing arm with their business.
and are currently allowed to do. E. The game took the edge off a
E. The only way they will be integrated disappointing run for Poland, who
into the formal economy will be when reached the quarter-finals of Euro 2016
they are given a larger economic role to where they went out on penalties to
play. eventually champions Portugal.


85. Direction: Out of the five statements A. A fighter

given below, only one is grammatically B. A principled man
correct. Choose the correct statement as C. A brave person who rescues
your answer. from difficult situations
A. 2018 so far has been the year of D. A person with bad intentions
movies and shows that struck a chord E. A helpless person
with the audience, not just for their 88. Direction: In the given sentence, an
storylines, but also for some amazing idiom/phrase is printed in bold. Choose
performances by certain actors. the option which best expresses its
B. The subject of the film demanded the meaning.
actors to portray a myriad range of The first two rounds of the contests
human emotion, especially vulnerability separate the wheat from the chaff.
in the farce of emotional loss. A. Extremely hard
C. Adele's mother was a brilliant guitar B. Free entry
player and a young Adele had begun C. Unlimited contestants
developing an interest in music from her D. Sorting of good contestants
mother's age. E. None of the above
D. While studying in one of the most 89. Direction: In the given sentence, an
renowned schools of performing arts, idiom/phrase is printed in bold. Choose
Adele wanted to make her career in the option which best expresses its
Artists and Repertoire, which entails meaning.
overlooking the artistic development of My wife is not at the house. She has
recording artists and songwriters. gone into the neighbourhood to chew
E. Not only is she a critically acclaimed the fat.
singer, she's an incredible human being A. To gossip casually
who's bold, powerful, and believes in B. To show-off
taking charge of her own life. C. For a feast
86. Direction: In the given sentence, an D. To fight
idiom/phrase is printed in bold. Choose E. To complain
the option which best expresses its 90. Direction: In the given sentence, an
meaning. idiom/phrase is printed in bold. Choose
Life is not worth living if I were out, and the option which best expresses its
the game is now not worth the candle. meaning.
A. Cakes are not required at charity The top and bottom come apart if you
events pull hard enough.
B. The game should be played A. Squeeze B. Fly
C. The game is not worth the effort put C. Stick D. Separate
D. The game aught to be avoided out of E. Dissolve
E. The game is serious Direction (91-100): Read the
87. Direction: In the given sentence, an following passage carefully and answer
idiom/phrase is printed in bold. Choose the questions that follow. Certain words
the option which best expresses its are printed in bold to help you locate
meaning. them while answering some of these.
After my car broke down and I was stuck As Greece heads into another meeting of
in the middle of the road, I was fortunate eurozone finance ministers, it finds itself
enough to meet a knight in the in a painfully familiar position: in
shining armour who helped me. desperate need of more bailout funding
and a dose of clarity about its future. But


the country isn’t doomed to be the Public administration, for example, is

eurozone’s wounded animal forever. If still in dire need of an overhaul. The
the bloc can agree to give its weakest number of civil servants in the core
member a chance of turning itself public sector has fallen dramatically
around, Athens has the means to lift since 2009 and, as a result of poor
itself — and the rest of the Continent — planning and constant cuts, public
out of an excruciating cycle. services have deteriorated. Vital
Eurozone finance ministers are likely to branches of the public sector — including
agree that Greece should receive more health care, tax offices and even the
than €7 billion in fresh loans, but country’s statistics service — are
domestic political concerns and all- woefully understaffed.
around fatigue mean Thursday’s The ramshackle state of Greece’s
Eurogroup meeting is unlikely to be a judicial system is another obstacle to
watershed moment. Luckily, there is one economic activity. According to the
thing on which everyone can agree. latest data from the EU 2016 Justice
Greece will only shed its pariah status Scoreboard, it takes more than 1,000
— and free its lenders to end their days before a dispute is settled or a
laborious monitoring of its economy — if competition case is heard in the
it can successfully conclude its third country’s administrative courts. It takes
bailout program next summer. more than 3.5 years to resolve an
For this to happen, the creditors will insolvency — a disastrously slow rate
have to agree to lighten the country’s second only to Romania among EU
debt load and Greece will have to countries. The delays have dire
remove barriers to growth. One without implications for the strength of contracts
the other will not be enough. There are in Greece, and reforms passed last year
several key areas where reforms have have hardly improved the situation.
either not happened or have failed to The Greek government also desperately
take root, restricting Greece’s ability to needs to accelerate the management of
reach its full potential. non-performing loans (NPLs). While
Debt relief for Greece, whose public NPLs were below 10 percent of
commitments stand at 179 percent of outstanding loans in 2010, they now
GDP, remains a highly divisive issue account for approximately 45 percent of
among eurozone members and the loans, requiring bad loan provisions of
International Monetary Fund, whose around €46 billion and restricting banks
expectations at last month’s meeting from assuming basic lending functions.
went far beyond what Germany and The legislative groundwork for a
other eurozone member states believed distressed debt market and better
to be politically feasible. But political management of non-performing loans
feasibility cuts both ways. And after has already been laid; Athens now needs
nearly a decade of unpopular, painful to push forward on implementing it.
and not always successful reforms, If the Greek government addresses
Greece needs space to breathe. Coming these issues quickly — while the end of
to an agreement on debt relief will be the country’s bailout program and a
crucial for the country’s ability to put permanent solution to its debt are in
itself back on a path to growth. There sight — it may help dispel the toxicity
are several key areas where reforms surrounding the idea of reforms among
have either not happened or have failed its citizens.
to take root, restricting Greece’s ability
to reach its full potential.


Source : 95. Greece has failed in harnessing its full economic potential because of-
only-debt-relief-will-end-the-greek- (i) the strict austerity conditions
crisis/ imposed by its lenders
91. Which of the following issue is hindering (ii) the vicious cycle of financial crisis
Greece’s economic activity? (iii) the failure in initiation and
(i) Poor public administration. implementation of reform efforts
(ii) Protests of its citizens against
A. Only (i) B. Only (ii)
austerity budgets.
C. Only (iii) D. Both (i) and (ii)
(iii) The dilapidated state of the judicial
E. Both (i) and (iii)
A. Only (i) B. Only (ii) 96. Which of the following statement is
C. Only (iii) D. Both (i) and (ii) definitely FALSE in the context of the
E. Both (i) and (iii) banking system of Greece?
92. Which of the following statement(s) can A. The IMF and Eurozone members have
be definitely concluded from the given agreed to debt relief for Greece
passage? B. Banks in Greece have alarmingly high
(i) Greece will default on its debt NPLs
obligation in the near future C. Greece has been unable to get rid of
(ii) Debt relief alone can guarantee end the crisis since last one decade
of crisis in Greece D. Cuts in public expenses have
(iii) The prolonged crisis is an outcome deteriorated the condition of public
of policy paralysis in Greece sector in Greece
A. Both (i) and (ii) B. Both (i) and (iii)
E. None of these
C. Both (ii) and (iii) D. All of the above
E. None of these 97. Which of the following statement(s) can
93. Which of the following is essential to free be inferred from the given passage?
Greece from the crisis being faced by it? (i) IMF advocates further reforms by
A. Extra emphasis on export due to Greece
weak domestic demand (ii) The public in Greece is apprehensive
B. Effective implementation of financial of reform measures by the government
reforms (iii) Greece may exit the Eurozone if it
C. Fiscal consolidation to bridge its doesn’t receive fresh loans
budget deficit A. Only (i) B. Only (ii)
D. Financial help from Eurozone C. Only (iii) D. Both (i) and (ii)
members E. Both (i) and (iii)
E. None of these
98. Which of the following word is the most
94. Which of the following is crucial for
similar in meaning to "pariah" as used in
Greece to conclude its third bailout
the passage?
programme next summer?
(i) Debt relief from its creditors A. Outsider B. Renegade
(ii) Fresh loans from its neighbors C. Outcast D. Outlaw
(iii) Facilitating growth by removing E. Recluse
impediments and bottlenecks 99. Which of the following word is the most
A. Only (i) similar in meaning to "excruciating" as
B. Only (ii) used in the passage?
C. Only (iii) A. Agonizing B. Torturous
D. Both (i) and (ii) C. Appalling D. Soothing
E. Both (i) and (iii) E. Clement


100. Which of the following word is the most

opposite in meaning to "ramshackle" as
used in the passage?
A. Damaged
B. Robust
C. Bedraggled
D. Dishevelled
E. Startling
101. Direction: In the following number
series, only one number is missing. Find 106. What is the ratio of total number of
out the missing number. books sold from store D on Sunday,
24, 42, 63, 90, 126, ? Monday and Tuesday together to that
A. 174 B. 180 sold from store E on Tuesday,
C. 170 D. 178 Wednesday and Thursday together?
E. 182
A. 12: 13 B. 11: 13
102. Direction: Find the missing number in
C. 14: 13 D. 9: 13
the given series.
E. None of these
8, 4, 4, 6, ?, 30
107. Number of books sold on Friday from
A. 14 B. 12
stores C and D increased by 15% and
C. 15 D. 10
20% respectively as compared to that
E. None of these
sold on previous day. What number of
103. Direction: What value should come at
books the stores C and D sold on Friday?
the place of question mark (?) in the
given number series? A. 100 B. 120
6, 10.5, ?, 213, 2568, 61656 C. 140 D. 160
A. 33 B. 34.5 E. 200
C. 46 D. 65.5 108. Total number of books sold from store B
E. 73 on Tuesday and Wednesday together
104. Direction: What should come in place are what percent more or less than total
of question mark (?) in the following books sold from store C and D together
number series: on Monday?
132 , 156 , 182 , 210 , 240 , 272 , (?) A. 26.8% B. 24.3%
A. 298 B. 306 C. 27.27% D. 25.34%
C. 312 D. 320 E. None of these
E. None of these 109. What is the average number of books
105. 201, 328, 497, 714, 985, ? sold from store B on Sunday, store C on
A. 1320 Tuesday and store E on Thursday?
B. 1316 A. 80 B. 90
C. 1244
C. 95 D. 85
D. 1480 E. 70
E. 1297
110. Find the difference in total number of
books sold from stores C and E together
Direction (106-110): Given below is
on Tuesday and from store B on Monday
the table that shows the number of
and Thursday together?
books sold from five stores on five days.
Study the table carefully to answer the A. 61 B. 50
question. C. 45 D. 51
E. 41


111. A and B together can complete the work

in 36 days, B and C together can A. 55 km/h B. 54 km/h
complete the work in 40 days. If A
worked for 15 days and B worked for 20 C. 55 km/h D. 54 km/h
days, then the remaining work is done E. None of these
by C alone in 38 days. In how many days
A alone can complete the work? Direction (116-120): Answer the
A. 50 days B. 54 days questions based on the information
C. 60 days D. 65 days given below:
E. 72 days A wine shopkeeper has five container in
112. The daily work of 2 women is equals to which he mixes water (in litres) and
that of 1 man or 3 children. 4 men and alcohol (in litres). The amount of water
6 women together can finish a certain and the amount of alcohol in each
work in 10 days. If it is required to finish container has been given in the chart.
it in 20 days, how many women will be
A. 10 B. 5
C. 7 D. 12
E. None of these
113. Tap A can fill a tank in 6 hours and two
Tap B & Tap C can empty the tank in 12
hours & 18 Hours respectively. Tap B Is
fitted at the height of 1/3rd and Tap C at
2/3rd height then in how much time the
empty tank will be filled if all the taps
open at same time.
A. 19 Hours B. 18 Hrs 116. 185 litres of the mixture has been sold
C. 20 Hrs D. 15 Hrs from container Q and then 38 litres of
E. 22 Hrs water has been mixed in the container
114. A train overtakes two persons walking Q. What will be ratio of the amount of
alone a railway track. The first one walk alcohol to the amount of water in the
at 5.5 km/h. the other one walk at 6.6 container Q after mixing 38 litres of
km/h. the train needs 9.4 and 9.6 water?
seconds respectively to overtake them. A. 8: 21 B. 9: 23
What is the speed of the train if both the C. 17: 25 D. 17: 28
person are walking in the same direction E. 4: 19
as the train? 117. 208 litres of the mixture has been
A. 59km/h B. 60km/h transferred from container P to
C. 59.18km/h D. 58.3km/h container S. What will be the ratio of the
E. 58km/h amount of water and the amount of
115. Peter, John and Harry are on a trip by alcohol in the container S after
jeep. Peter drives during the first hour at transferring 208 litres of the mixture
an average speed of 60 km/h. John from container P to container S?
drives during the next 2 hours at an A. 152: 97
average speed of 50 km/h. Harry drives
B. 286: 133
for the next 3 hours at an average speed
C. 61: 42
of 55 km/h. They reached their
destination after exactly 6 hours. What D. 380: 237
is the mean speed? E. None of these


118. 310 litres of the mixture has been taken A. 10:13 B. 11:25
out from container R and then 72 litres C. 14:17 D. 15:18
of the mixture has been mixed in the E. None Of these
container R in which the ratio of the 123. In a MNC, the number of employees
amount of water to the amount of reduces in the ratio 3 : 2 and the wages
alcohol is 17: 7, respectively. Find the increases in the ratio of 5 : 12 . Find the
ratio of the amount of water to the profit% of employees over their previous
amount of alcohol after mixing 72 litres wage.
of the mixture. A. 32% B. 48%
A. 14: 5 B. 13: 3 C. 60% D. 72%
C. 17: 8 D. 11: 2 E. None of these
E. 15: 4 124. The average weight of 40 students in a
119. Some amount of water has been mixed class is 75 kg. By mistake the weights of
in the container T and the ratio of two students are read as 74 kg and 66
amount of water to that of alcohol kg respectively instead of 66 kg and 54
becomes 48: 29, respectively. After kg. Find the corrected average weight of
mixing, 308 litres of mixture has been the class
taken out from the container and 24 A. 73.50 kg B. 74.50 kg
litres of alcohol has been added. Find the C. 75.50 kg D. 76.50 kg
ratio of the amount of water to that of E. None of these
alcohol now. 125. If 1 year is added to the age of the elder
A. 16: 9 B. 3: 2 sister, then the ratio of the ages of
C. 12: 7 D. 6: 5 younger & elder sister becomes 0.5 : 1
E. 11: 7 respectively, but if 2 years are
120. If the mixture of all the five containers subtracted from the age of the younger
has been transferred to another one, then the ratio of the ages of
container F then find the difference in younger & elder sister becomes 1 : 3
the amount of water to the amount to respectively. Find the age of the two
alcohol in container F. sisters.
A. 1363 litres B. 2187 litres A. 7 and 2 years B. 9 and 5 years
C. 1873 litres D. 2781 litres C. 10 and 7 years D. 12 and 8 years
E. 971 litres E. None of these
121. A person distributes his share between 126. Direction: Each question below is
his three sons in the ratio of followed by two statements I and II. You
1/7:1/2:1/4. The total wealth of this have to determine whether the data
person is Rs. 62500. Find the largest given in the statement is sufficient for
share of the son? answering the question. You should use
A. 35000 B. 36000 the data and your knowledge of
C. 45000 D. 17500 Mathematics to choose the best possible
E. 16800 answer.
122. In a school the students comes from two The ratio of the number of boys to the
cities A and B . The ratio of students number of girls in a school is 15: 13,
coming from A and B is 2:5. If in the respectively. The ratio of the number of
next year the students coming from the students living in a hostel to the number
City A increases by 10 % and the total of students not living in hostel is 5: 9,
number of students coming in the school respectively. After one month, some
in that year is 36,000. What is the new students left the school. Find the
ratio of City A to City B school going decrease in the number of students who
children? lived in the hostel.


Statement I: After one month, 98 the data in Statement II alone are not
students left the school and the ratio of sufficient to answer the question
the number of students who live in the B. If the data in Statement II alone are
hostel to the number of non – hostel sufficient to answer the question, while
students become 1: 2, respectively. the data in Statement I alone are not
Statement II: After one month, 98 sufficient to answer the question.
students left the school and the ratio of C. If the data either in Statement I or in
the number of boys to the number of Statement II alone are sufficient to
girls becomes 11: 10, respectively. answer the question.
A. If the data in Statement I alone are D. If the data in both Statements I and
sufficient to answer the question, while II together are necessary to answer the
the data in Statement II alone are not question.
sufficient to answer the question E. If the data even in both Statements I
B. If the data in Statement II alone are and II together are not sufficient to
sufficient to answer the question, while answer the question.
the data in Statement I alone are not
128. Direction: Each question below is
sufficient to answer the question.
followed by two statements I and II. You
C. If the data either in Statement I or in have to determine whether the data
Statement II alone are sufficient to given in the statement is sufficient for
answer the question.
answering the question. You should use
D. If the data in both Statements I and
the data and your knowledge of
II together are necessary to answer the Mathematics to choose the best possible
E. If the data even in both Statements I
A container contains a mixture of water
and II together are not sufficient to
and milk. Find the ratio of the amount of
answer the question.
water to the amount of milk in the
127. Direction: Each question below is
followed by two statements I and II. You
Statement I: The milkman takes out 72
have to determine whether the data
litres of the mixture from the container
given in the statement is sufficient for
and then mixes 12 litres of milk to the
answering the question. You should use
remaining quantity in the container.
the data and your knowledge of
After mixing 12 litres of milk, the ratio of
Mathematics to choose the best possible
the amount of water to the amount of
milk in the container becomes 3: 8,
Find the present age of C
Statement I: The ratio of age of A and
B is 5: 3 respectively. The present age Statement II: The milkman takes out
of C is twice the averages of ages of A, 72 litres of the mixture from the
B and C and age of A six years hence will container and then mixes 12 litres of
be twice the age of A seven years ago. milk to the remaining quantity in the
Statement II: The ratio of sum of age container. After mixing 12 litres of milk,
of A and B together to the age of C is 1: the amount of milk and the amount of
2 respectively. Age of B is 2 years more water becomes 480 litres and 180 litres
than half of age of A, and age of A two in the container, respectively.
years later will be twice the age of B one A. If the data in Statement I alone are
year ago. sufficient to answer the question, while
A. If the data in Statement I alone are the data in Statement II alone are not
sufficient to answer the question, while sufficient to answer the question


B. If the data in Statement II alone are 130. Direction: Each question below is
sufficient to answer the question, while followed by two statements I and II. You
the data in Statement I alone are not have to determine whether the data
sufficient to answer the question. given in the statement is sufficient for
C. If the data either in Statement I or in answering the question. You should use
Statement II alone are sufficient to the data and your knowledge of
answer the question. Mathematics to choose the best possible
D. If the data in both Statements I and answer.
II together are necessary to answer the Mixture X and Mixture Y contain 40 litres
question. and 60 litres respectively of a mixture of
E. If the data even in both Statements I liquid A and liquid B 20% of mixture X is
and II together are not sufficient to put into mixture Y. Quantity of liquid B
answer the question. in mixture X is 25 litres. In the end, what
129. Direction: Each question below is was the quantity of liquid B in mixture
followed by two statements I and II. You Y?
have to determine whether the data Statement I: Initially, the quantity of
given in the statement is sufficient for liquid B in mixture X was 5 litres more
answering the question. You should use than the quantity of liquid B in mixture
the data and your knowledge of Y.
Mathematics to choose the best possible Statement II: The total quantity of
answer. liquid B in both mixtures is 45 litres.
A conical vessel of height 12 cm contains A. If the data in Statement I alone are
50% of water in it. If this volume of sufficient to answer the question, while
water is transferred to the cuboidal the data in Statement II alone are not
vessel, then find the height of water in sufficient to answer the question
the cuboidal vessel. [Use π = 3 B. If the data in Statement II alone are
Statement I: The length and breadth of sufficient to answer the question, while
the cuboidal vessel is 10 cm and 6 cm. the data in Statement I alone are not
Statement II: The radius of the conical sufficient to answer the question.
vessel is equal to the height of the water C. If the data either in Statement I or in
raised in the cuboidal vessel. Statement II alone are sufficient to
A. If the data in Statement I alone are answer the question.
sufficient to answer the question, while D. If the data in both Statements I and
the data in Statement II alone are not II together are necessary to answer the
sufficient to answer the question question.
B. If the data in Statement II alone are E. If the data even in both Statements I
sufficient to answer the question, while and II together are not sufficient to
the data in Statement I alone are not answer the question.
sufficient to answer the question. 131. Ram, Swati and Mohan started a
C. If the data either in Statement I or in business by investing the amounts
Statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question. which are in the ratio of . If Ram
D. If the data in both Statements I and withdrew half of his amount after 8
II together are necessary to answer the months and Mohan invested additional
question. amount which is 1/6th of his initial
E. If the data even in both Statements I investment after 8 months, then what is
and II together are not sufficient to the ratio in which profit will be divided
answer the question. among Ram, Swati and Mohan after a


A. 15:30:56 B. 15:45:77 The line graphs show the percentage of

C. 25:60:76 D. 14:35:85 apple juice in different mixtures and the
E. None of these total sum of the volume of orange juice
132. The population of a village is 7500. and pineapple juice in liters. Any mixture
42% of the population are females and contains only these three type of Juices.
the rest males. The total number of
literate persons in the village is 2370
while there are 90 more male illiterates
compared to female illiterates. What is
the percentages of literate males out of
the total number of males in the village?
A. 30 B. 50
C. 40 D. 60
E. None of these

133. P obtains 33 % of the marks in a paper

for which the maximum marks was 600. 136. If ratio of orange juice to pineapple juice
Q is ahead of P by 40% of P’s marks, in mixture P is 5: 8, what is the total
while R is ahead of Q by one-ninth of his amount of mixture P?
own marks. How many marks does R A. 80 liter B. 100 liters
get? C. 120 liters D. 140 liters
A. 420 B. 315 E. None of these
C. 390 D. 440
137. In mixture T, orange juice is 10% of the
E. None of these
mixture and amount of mixture T and Q
134. Shatabdi express has a capacity of 500
are equal. Find the difference between
seats of which 10% are in the executive
apple juice in mixture Q and orange juice
class and the rest chair cars. During one
in mixture T.
journey, the train was booked to 85% of
its capacity. If executive class was A. 12 B. 16
booked to 96% of its capacity, then how C. 25 D. 28
many chair car seats were empty during E. None of these
the journey? 138. If in mixtures S and R are the ratio of
A. 73 B. 89 pineapple juice to orange juice is 3: 4,
C. 87 D. 90 what is the ratio of the difference
E. None of these between the volume of the apple and
135. 3 container A,B,C having mixtures of orange juice in mixture S to apple juice
milk and water of 1:5,3:5,5:7 in R?
respectively. If the capacitates of the A. 5 : 7 B. 4 : 7
containers are in the ratio of 5:4:5 then C. 3 : 7 D. 2 : 7
ratio of milk to water is (Mixture of all E. None of these
three containers are mixed together)
139. In mixture U, orange and pineapple juice
A. 53:115 B. 51:119
are equal. What is the sum of apple and
C. 121:213 D. 219:179
orange juice in the same mixture?
E. None of these
A. 105 B. 110
Directions (136-140): Study the line C. 115 D. 120
graph given below and answer the E. None of these
related questions.


140. What is the average of sum of all the six A. 9: 2 B. 5: 3

mixtures? C. 7: 1 D. 4: 1
A. 133.60 B. 128.50 E. 7: 3
C. 122.66 D. 118.33 146. A boat covers 48 km in upstream and 72
E. None of these km in downstream in 12 hours, while it
141. 80kg of a certain variety of wheat at Rs covers 72 km in upstream and 48 km in
40 per kg is mixed with 60 kg of another downstream in 13 hours. Find the speed
variety of wheat and the mixture is sold of the stream
at the average price of Rs 35 per kg. If A. 2km/h B. 4km/h
there be no profit or loss due to the new C. 3km/h D. 5km/h
sale price, then the price of the second E. 6km/h
variety of rice is 147. There were 11 students in a hostel. If
A. 28.33 B. 11.12 the number of students increased by 4,
C. 23.45 D. 2 2.12 the expenses of the mess increased by
E. 24.37 Rs. 45 per day while the average
142. A salesman has certain number of expenditure per head diminished by Rs.
oranges of which 5% are found to be 13. Find the original expenditure of the
broken. He sells 93% of the remainder mess.
and still has 266 oranges left. How many A. 660 B. 540
oranges he originally had? C. 760 D. 440
A. 4000 B. 4500 E. 720
C. 3500 D. 4200 148. There are certain number of passengers
E. None of these in a bus such that 40 are male and the
143. There were 56 soldiers in a camp. Due rest are female. At a bus stop exactly
to selection of 14 new soldiers, the half of the females alight and no male
expenses of the camp increases by 300 alights. Also, no passengers board the
per day while the average expenditure bus. Now the total number of
per head diminished by Rs30. What was passengers is two – thirds the initial
the approximate up to two decimal number. How many females alighted at
original expenditure of camp per day? the stop?
A. 145.43 B. 145.65 A. 40 B. 80
C. 171.43 D. 171.83 C. 60 D. 16
E. 152.83 E. None of these
144. A certain amount becomes 4 times in 15 149. A bag contains 24 balls, out of which
years at the rate of R% per annum some are green and others are blue. If a
simple interest. If Rs. 30000 is invested ball is drawn at random from the bag
at the rate of R% per annum compound then the probability of it being green is
interest compounded annually, then 2/3. The number of blue balls in the bag
what will be total compound interest is how much?
earned in 3 years? A. 6 B. 12
A. Rs. 18450 B. Rs. 21840 C. 8 D. 14
C. Rs. 18650 D. Rs. 16450 E. 10
E. Other than the above 150. The angles of a quadrilateral are in the
145. If difference between downstream and ratio of 2:4:7:5. The smallest angle of
upstream speed is 24 km/hr, and Four the quadrilateral is equal to the smallest
times the downstream speed is 8 more angle of the triangle. One of the angles
than 15 times the upstream speed. Then of the triangle is twice the smallest angle
what is the ratio of boat's speed in still of the triangle. What is the second
water to the speed of the current? largest angle of the triangle?


A. 80° B. 60° A. Rs. 50 Crore B. Rs. 500 Crore

C. 120° D. 70° C. Rs. 100 Crore D. Rs. 200 Crore
E. 40° E. Rs. 300 Crore
151. The joint exercise between Indian Air 158. Good Governance Day is observed
Force and the United States Air Force, every year on _____.
‘Cope India 2019' was conducted in A. 24 Dec B. 25 Dec
which state? C. 22 Nov D. 10 Oct
A. Rajasthan B. Madhya Pradesh E. 21 Dec
C. West Bengal D. Tamil Nadu
159. The Balphakram National Park is
E. Uttar Pradesh
situated at which state of India?
152. Which city is the venue of the 2nd
edition of Khelo India Youth Games A. Meghalaya
2019? B. Himachal Pradesh
A. Pune B. Ranchi C. Jharkhand
C. New Delhi D. Chandigarh D. Punjab
E. None of these E. Odisha
153. Which city hosted the Indian Mobile 160. Who is the author of the book ‘An Era of
Congress 2018? Darkness: The British Empire in India’?
A. Chandigarh B. Bhopal A. Shashi Tharoor
C. New Delhi D. Patna B. Renuka Chowdhury
E. Pune C. Kapil Sibal
154. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has D. Praful Patel
constituted a five-member High-Level E. None of these
Committee on Deepening of Digital 161. Which country won the U-17 FIFA World
Payments to encourage digitisation of cup?
payments and enhance financial
A. Germany
inclusion. Who will head this committee?
A. Ajay Tyagi B. Sunil Mehta B. France
C. Nandan Nilekani D. Uday Kotak C. England
E. Rajiv Bansal D. Brazil
155. The first 2G (Second Generation) E. None of these
ethanol bio-refinery will be set up in 162. Anupam Mishra, who passed away
which state of India? recently, was associated with which
A. Haryana B. Punjab field?
C. Madhya Pradesh D. Assam A. Environment & Journalism
E. Maharashtra B. Music & Dance
156. India successfully test-fired nuclear- C. Politics & Cultural Activities
capable ballistic missile Agni-5. What is D. Social Activist & Teacher
the strike range of Agni-5? E. None of these
A. 2,000 Km B. 1.000 Km 163. Noted agriculturalist Jayaraman passed
C. 5,000 Km D. 4,000 Km away. He was the pioneered of the
E. 500 Km protection and propagation of
157. As per the Insurance Laws indigenous paddy varieties in ____.
(Amendment) Bill, 2015, what is the
A. Tamil Nadu
minimum capital requirement for setting
up standalone health insurance B. Kerala
companies in India? C. Odisha
D. Punjab
E. Uttar Pradesh


164. Gurudongmar Lake is one of the highest A. Majuli B. Neil Island

lakes in the world and in India, located C. Car Nicobar D. Divar
at an altitude of 17,800 ft, in the Indian E. Kalpeni
state of ______. 170. The Indian Space Research Organisation
A. Assam (ISRO) successfully launched which
B. Himachal Pradesh satellite which is built for military
C. Kerala purposes?
D. Sikkim A. Microsat-R B. Kalamsat
E. Odisha C. SmallSat D. Cartosat- R
165. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been E. Bharatsat
ranked among the top 10 most powerful 171. Who is the current chairman of
people in the world by Forbes in a list of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of
2018 World's Most Powerful People. The India (IBBI)?
list is topped by _________. A. Dr. Navrang Saini
A. Donald Trump B. Angela Merkel B. Sh. A. Unnikrishnan
C. Vladimir Putin D. Xi Jinping C. M. S. Sahoo
E. Jeff Bezos D. Dr. Shashank Saksena
166. Which among the following bank has E. Ms. Suman Saxena
decided to adopt 2,000 villages by 2021 172. The first-ever Indian Institute of skills
and provide banking and agri-tech will come up in which state of India?
solutions to more than a lakh people A. Kerala
through this initiative? B. Himachal Pradesh
A. ICICI Bank C. Madhya Pradesh
B. HDFC Bank D. Uttar Pradesh
C. Yes Bank E. Orissa
D. Punjab National Bank 173. Headquarters of Amnesty International
E. State Bank of India is at _______.
167. “EazyPay” a mobile-based application A. New York B. London
for merchants has been launched by C. Washington D. Berlin
which of the following banks? E. None of these
A. ICICI Bank 174. LAF is a monetary policy tool which
B. State Bank of India allows banks to borrow money through
C. Punjab National Bank repurchase agreements. LAF is used to
D. Axis Bank aid banks in adjusting the day to day
E. Canara Bank mismatches. The term L in LAF stands
168. ‘Lucky Grahak Yojana’ and ‘Digi Dhan for
Vyapar Yojana’ to give cash awards to A. Limited B. Liability
the customers and merchants was C. Long Term D. Liquidity
launched by which government body? E. Leverage
A. National Institution for Transforming 175. In which of the following states is the
India Koyna dam located?
B. National Payments Corporation of A. Madhya Pradesh B. Karnataka
India C. Tamilnadu D. Maharashtra
C. Financial Stability and Development E. Telangana
Council 176. Dwijing Festival was held recently in
D. Reserve Bank of India which state?
E. None of these A. Manipur B. Kerala
169. Which among the following becomes the C. Jharkhand D. Sikkim
first island district of India? E. Assam


177. Foreign investment is known by which 184. The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs
name in India? has recently launched “OCMC” to
A. SME (Small and medium-sized provide speedy redressal of consumer
enterprises) grievances. What does “OCMC” stands
B. MDI (Management Development for?
Institute) A. Online Consumer Mobile Centre
C. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) (OCMC)
D. CII (Confederation of Indian B. Online Consumer Medical Centre
Industry) (OCMC)
178. FDI in Payments Bank is allowed upto C. Online Consumer Mediation Centre
___. (OCMC)
A. 49% B. 26% D. Online Consumer Media Centre
C. 74% D. 51% (OCMC)
E. FDI is not allowed in Payment Banks E. None of these
179. International Women's Day is observed 185. Which is the capital of South Africa?
on: A. Durban B. Pretoria
A. January 1 B. February 28 C. Johannesburg D. Port Elizabeth
C. March 8 D. April 30 E. Canberra
E. March 1 186. According to Union Power Minister
180. ‘Swasthya Raksha Programme’ has been Piyush Goyal by which year India will
launched by which ministry? become 100% electric vehicle nation?
A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare A. 2025 B. 2032
B. Ministry of Women's and Child C. 2030 D. 2027
development E. None of these
C. Union AYUSH Ministry 187. Where is the headquarter of Fincare
D. Ministry of Rural Development Small Finance Bank?
E. Ministry of Minority Affairs A. Ahmedabad B. Kolkata
181. What is the equity of government in C. Mumbai D. Chennai
Indian Post Payment Bank that has been E. Bengaluru
incorporated as public sector Bank under 188. China has launched which global carbon
Department of Post? dioxide satellite to understand the
A. 51 % B. 74 % effects of climate change?
C. 55 % D. 100 % A. Ziyuan B. TanSat
E. 80 % C. Pujiang D. Compass-G1
182. How much money NABARD disburse to E. Dong Fang Hong 2
district cooperative banks for crop 189. Which cricket stadium in Uttar Pradesh
loans? has been renamed after former Prime
A. 20,000 crore B. 21,000 crore Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on
C. 22,000 crore D. 19,000 crore 5th November 2018?
E. 23,000 crore A. Green Park International Stadium,
183. The mobile wallet app “Buddy” launched Kanpur
by which bank recently? B. Ekana International Stadium,
A. PNB B. SBI Lucknow
C. ICICI D. HDFC C. Saifai International Cricket Stadium
E. None of these D. Noida Cricket Stadium
E. None of these


190. According to RBI guidelines, a non- A. Rs 40,000 B. Rs 50,000

banking entity seeking authorization as C. Rs 80,000 D. Rs 1 lakh
Bharat Bill Payment Operating Unit E. Rs 2 lakh
(BBPOU) under the proposed Bharat Bill 196. A document which entails procedures to
Payment System (BBPS) should have a avail the compensation under Insurance
minimum net worth of at least policy is known as-
…………………… A. Conditional paper
A. 500 crore B. 400 crores B. conditional contract
C. 300 crore D. 200 crores C. Conditional compensation
E. 100 crore D. Conditional repayment
191. Which mobile app and web-based E. None of the above
platform was launched by the National 197. The minimum paid up capital required
Stock Exchange of India (NSE)? for life Insurance business in India to set
A. NSE goBID up pursue foreign ventures?
B. NSE platform A. Rs.500 Cr B. Rs.100 Cr
C. NSE moneyST C. Rs.200 Cr D. Rs.400 Cr
D. NSE doneMONEY E. None of these
E. NSE CASE 198. Reinsurance is the name given to:
192. Lalita Babar is associated with which A. An individual taking insurance for the
sports? second time
A. Swimming B. Wrestling B. An insurer placing insurance with
C. Sprint D. Boxing another insurer
E. None of these C. When government by insurance
193. The “SBI Life Insurance Company policies for government employees
limited” is a joint venture life insurance D. All the above
company between state bank of India E. None of these
and ___. 199. What is an actuary?
A. BNP Paribas Cardiff A. The actual person who takes an
B. Standard Life Insurance Company insurance policy.
C. Prudential Life Insurance Company B. The bond signed between
D. Life Insurance Corporation of India policyholder and insurance company
E. None of these C. A professional who accesses the risk
194. What is credit guarantee corpus amount involved in insurance.
of Mudra Bank? D. The company who provides insurance
A. Rs. 3000 crores B. Rs. 4000 crores service in small areas.
C. Rs. 2500 crores D. Rs. 2000 crores E. A hypothetical guardian of the policy.
E. Rs. 1500 crores 200. The Ramon Magsaysay Award 2018
195. The government has notified raising the winner were Sonam Wangchuk and __.
threshold limit of PF withdrawal for A. Youk Chhang B. Barry Barish
deduction of tax (TD S) from existing Rs C. Bharat Vatwani D. Vaishali Dev
30,000 to _____. E. Howard Dee




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