NIACL AO Mains (English)
NIACL AO Mains (English)
NIACL AO Mains (English)
10. What is the code for ‘and’ in the given 13. Who among the following sits third to
code language? the right of the one who sits between the
A. kt B. po ones who work in TCS and Oracle?
C. pr D. tc A. Varun B. Rishu
E. None of these C. Kanti D. Nitin
11. What is the code for ‘tough’ in the given E. None of these
code language? 14. How many people sit to the left of Rishu?
A. re B. tc A. None B. One
C. nb D. rk C. Two D. Three
E. None of these E. Four
15. The one who sits to the immediate right
Direction (12-16): Study the following of the one who works in Oracle, works in
information carefully and answer the which of the following companies?
questions given besides: A. Dell B. TCS
Eight people i.e. Divya, Lokes, Kanti, C. HCL D. Wipro
Ankur, Varun, Nitin, Rishu, and Menka E. None of these
are seating in a row and all are facing 16. Who among the following sits third to
towards North direction (but not the left of the one who sits at the
necessarily in the same order). They extreme right end?
work in different companies i.e. Infosys, A. Lokes B. Nitin
Nokia, Oracle, TCS, HCL, Wipro, Dell, C. Ankur D. Menka
and IGATE (but not necessarily in the E. None of these
same order).
Menka, who doesn’t work in IGATE, sits Direction (17-21): Each option
second to the right of Nitin, who works contains some statements. Determine
in Dell, who sits third to the right of from which statements the given two
Varun. Divya is not an immediate conclusions follow.
neighbour of Nitin and Menka both. The 17. Conclusions:
one who works in Nokia sits at one of the All dog being cat is a possibility. No fish
extreme ends of the row. Kanti sits is a cat. There is a possibility that all cats
second to the right of Lokes. Only one can be a dog.
person who works in HCL sits between Statements:
Lokes and Varun. Rishu sits fifth to the A) All fishes are horses. No horse is cat.
left of Ankur. Divya works in Infosys and Some cats are elephants. Some
doesn’t sit second to the left of Nitin. The elephants are dogs.
one who works in TCS sits to the left of B) Some horses are fishes. No horse is
Lokes, who doesn’t work in IGATE and cat. Some cats are elephants. All
Wipro. Rishu doesn’t sit to the left of elephants are dogs.
Divya. C) No fishes is a horse. Some horses are
12. If the names of all the persons are cats. Some cats are elephants. All
arranged in an alphabetical order elephants are dogs.
(starting from the extreme left end) then D) All fishes are horses. Some horse are
the position of how many persons will cat. Some cats are elephants. No
change? elephants are dogs.
A. Seven B. Three E) None.
C. Five D. Six A. Only A) B. Only C)
E. Four C. Only B) D. Only E)
E. None of these
F. C is not youngest person and G is not 27. How far is the man from starting point?
older than F. Third youngest person in
A. 81 Km B. 82 Km
this group who fourth position in this
race competition and the one last one to C. 82 Km D. 82 Km
finish the race who third oldest person in E. None of these
this group. Second tallest person is 28. In which direction is the man with
second position in this race and D is respect to his starting point?
sixth position in this race. F was A. North B. Northwest
complete the race before B and G who C. Southeast D. Northeast
complete the race before E but not just E. None of these
before. 29. What is the total distance covered by a
22. Who is the following person won the race man during walk?
competition? A. 30 Km B. 25 Km
A. H B. A C. 35 Km D. 45 Km
C. F D. C E. None of these
E. B 30. Group of commuters of the Mumbai
23. Who is the following person third suburban railways called for a strike in
shortest person in this group? response to the increase in the number
A. F of accidents in that route in the past one
B. D year due to overcrowding.
C. C The commuters want to continue the
D. Can’t be determine strike unless the authorities agree to
E. B increase the frequency of the trains in
24. How many person older than F? that route.
A. Four Which of the following is an
B. Five assumption implicit in the above
C. Three statement?
D. Either four or three A. Increase in the frequency of the trains
E. None of these leads to decrease in the number of such
25. Who is the following person just older accidents.
than H? B. The trains in the Mumbai suburban
A. D B. G run overcrowded.
C. C D. F C. The railway authorities are indifferent
E. B to the safety of the commuters.
26. How many persons complete the race D. The railways did not increase the
before G? frequency in proportion to the increase
A. Six B. Four in the number of commuters in the past
C. Three D. Two one year.
E. Five E. None of these
Direction (27-29): Study the following 31. Direction: In the given question, a
information and answer the following statement is given with some
questions. assumptions as options. An assumption
A man walks 4 km towards south and is something supposed or taken for
then he turns east and walks 5km. Again granted. You have to consider the
he turns south and walks 3km, and then statement and the following
he turns west and walks 4 km. Again he assumptions and decide which of the
turns to north and walks 6 km, finally he assumptions is implicit in the statement.
turns east and walks for 8 km and then
II. Greenhouse gas emissions, the main Step VI, is the last step of the above
cause of rising sea levels, need to arrangement as the intended
severely curtailed with immediate effect. arrangement is obtained.
A. Only I can be inferred As per the rule followed in the given
B. Only II can be inferred steps find out the appropriate steps for
C. Both of them can be inferred the given input.
D. None of them can be inferred Input: Aristotle 36 81 eve 47 anger
E. Either Only I or II 59 high 100 clever unit 37
38. Statement: Papua New Guinea has 39. How many steps would be needed to
declared a state of emergency, complete the arrangement?
suspended a provincial government and A. VI B. V
is sending armed forces to its rugged C. IV D. VII
highlands to restore order after rioters E. None of these
went on a rampage of looting and 40. In step IV, which of the following
burning, the government said. word/number would be on the fifth
Inferences: position (from the right)?
I. Papua New Guinea was forced to A. clever B. unit
declare a state of emergency as violence C. 37 D. 59
ravaged the remote interiors of the E. high
island nation. 41. In step III, what is the difference
II. Armed rioters burned public between fourth element from left and
transport, looted warehouses, and second element from right?
torched buildings all over the country. A. 25 B. 33
A. Only I can be inferred C. 45 D. 34
B. Only II can be inferred E. 40
C. Both I and II can be inferred 42. In step V, which element comes exactly
D. None of them can be inferred between the fourth element from right
E. Either Only I or II and fifth element from left?
A. high B. 47
Direction (39-43): A word and number C. 37 D. clever
arrangement machine when given an E. 59
input line of word and numbers 43. In step III, which of the following
rearranges them following a particular word/number would be on the seventh
rule in each step. The following is an position (from the right)?
illustration of input and rearrangement. A. clever B. unit
Input: user 9 apple 15 16 eagle 20 C. high D. 59
astronaut 25 river 24 lakes E. 47
Step I: apple user 9 15 16 eagle 20
astronaut river 24 lakes 25 Direction (44-48): Study the following
Step II: apple eagle user 9 15 20 information carefully to answer the
astronaut river 24 lakes 16 25 given questions.
Step III: apple eagle astronaut user 15 Eight persons Deepika, Ekta, Farhan,
20 river 24 lakes 9 16 25 Gopal, Harish, Ishika, Janki and Komal
Step IV: apple eagle astronaut user 15 live in a building but not necessarily in
20 river lakes 24 9 16 25 the same order. They likes different
Step V: apple eagle astronaut user lakes flavour of ice-cream, Strawberry,
15 river 20 24 9 16 25 Vanilla, Mango Sorbet, Kulfi, Choco
Step VI: apple eagle astronaut user Cherry, Chocolate, Tutti frutti and
lakes river 15 20 24 9 16 25 Pistachio but not necessarily in the same
B. Blockchain technology will make the 60. Which of the statement is not true as
organisation global with more profit per the above-mentioned passage?
earning capacity. A. Our economy has progressively
C. Blockchain technology will make the moved away from the traditional model
organisation paperless with systematic of organisations, which were responsible
and consistent reservation of authority. for providing a service to a group of
D. Blockchain technology will make the passive consumers to organisations who
organisation digital with profit provide a service to a much more active
distribution among the legit group of consumers.
subordinates. B. These platforms rely on a blockchain
E. Blockchain technology will make the to reward drivers contributing to the
organisation brick and mortar with the platform with specially designed tokens
delegation of control. that represent a share in the platform.
58. Which of the following statement is true C. Highly decentralised infrastructure
with reference to the given passage? into an increasingly centralised system
A. In the model of organisations, all of controlled by only a few large online
the profits are captured by the large operators is only possible with the
middlemen who operate the platforms. blockchain technology.
B. Dematerialized organisation has no D. The platform relies on blockchain
directors or CEO, or any sort of technology to ensure that buyers and
hierarchical structure. sellers can interact directly with one
C. Decentralised platforms are governed another, without passing through any
only by the blockchain-based centralised middleman.
infrastructure, which is designed to
E. Blockchain doesn’t support a platform
govern peer-to-peer interactions
where people contribute but do not
between drivers and users. benefit from the success of that platform
D. Decentralised organisations referred
rather it support users qualify both as
as crowdsourcing, where people
contributors and shareholders of the
contribute to a platform but do not
platforms to which they contribute.
benefit from the success of that
61. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
is given, each blank indicating that
E. With the help of Dematerialized, we
something has been omitted. Choose
will increase cooperativism in the
the words that best fit the meaning of
the sentence as a whole.
59. According to the passage, in what ways
It has been ________ that the vice
will the blockchain be beneficial for the
president might be in ________ with the
president over the mentioned topic.
i. For more transparency in economy
ii. For a system of distributed, bottom A. Told, Occurrence
up cooperation in economy B. Allowed, Reference
iii. For replacing the model of top-down C. Reported, Confrontation
hierarchical organisation D. Proved, Allocation
iv. For a big digital landscape competing E. Said, Deterrence
against corporate giants 62. Direction: A sentence with two blanks
A. Only ii and iii is given, each blank indicating that
B. Only i and iv something has been omitted. Choose
C. Only i and ii the words that best fit the meaning of
D. Only i, ii and iii the sentence as a whole.
E. All the statements
118. 310 litres of the mixture has been taken A. 10:13 B. 11:25
out from container R and then 72 litres C. 14:17 D. 15:18
of the mixture has been mixed in the E. None Of these
container R in which the ratio of the 123. In a MNC, the number of employees
amount of water to the amount of reduces in the ratio 3 : 2 and the wages
alcohol is 17: 7, respectively. Find the increases in the ratio of 5 : 12 . Find the
ratio of the amount of water to the profit% of employees over their previous
amount of alcohol after mixing 72 litres wage.
of the mixture. A. 32% B. 48%
A. 14: 5 B. 13: 3 C. 60% D. 72%
C. 17: 8 D. 11: 2 E. None of these
E. 15: 4 124. The average weight of 40 students in a
119. Some amount of water has been mixed class is 75 kg. By mistake the weights of
in the container T and the ratio of two students are read as 74 kg and 66
amount of water to that of alcohol kg respectively instead of 66 kg and 54
becomes 48: 29, respectively. After kg. Find the corrected average weight of
mixing, 308 litres of mixture has been the class
taken out from the container and 24 A. 73.50 kg B. 74.50 kg
litres of alcohol has been added. Find the C. 75.50 kg D. 76.50 kg
ratio of the amount of water to that of E. None of these
alcohol now. 125. If 1 year is added to the age of the elder
A. 16: 9 B. 3: 2 sister, then the ratio of the ages of
C. 12: 7 D. 6: 5 younger & elder sister becomes 0.5 : 1
E. 11: 7 respectively, but if 2 years are
120. If the mixture of all the five containers subtracted from the age of the younger
has been transferred to another one, then the ratio of the ages of
container F then find the difference in younger & elder sister becomes 1 : 3
the amount of water to the amount to respectively. Find the age of the two
alcohol in container F. sisters.
A. 1363 litres B. 2187 litres A. 7 and 2 years B. 9 and 5 years
C. 1873 litres D. 2781 litres C. 10 and 7 years D. 12 and 8 years
E. 971 litres E. None of these
121. A person distributes his share between 126. Direction: Each question below is
his three sons in the ratio of followed by two statements I and II. You
1/7:1/2:1/4. The total wealth of this have to determine whether the data
person is Rs. 62500. Find the largest given in the statement is sufficient for
share of the son? answering the question. You should use
A. 35000 B. 36000 the data and your knowledge of
C. 45000 D. 17500 Mathematics to choose the best possible
E. 16800 answer.
122. In a school the students comes from two The ratio of the number of boys to the
cities A and B . The ratio of students number of girls in a school is 15: 13,
coming from A and B is 2:5. If in the respectively. The ratio of the number of
next year the students coming from the students living in a hostel to the number
City A increases by 10 % and the total of students not living in hostel is 5: 9,
number of students coming in the school respectively. After one month, some
in that year is 36,000. What is the new students left the school. Find the
ratio of City A to City B school going decrease in the number of students who
children? lived in the hostel.
Statement I: After one month, 98 the data in Statement II alone are not
students left the school and the ratio of sufficient to answer the question
the number of students who live in the B. If the data in Statement II alone are
hostel to the number of non – hostel sufficient to answer the question, while
students become 1: 2, respectively. the data in Statement I alone are not
Statement II: After one month, 98 sufficient to answer the question.
students left the school and the ratio of C. If the data either in Statement I or in
the number of boys to the number of Statement II alone are sufficient to
girls becomes 11: 10, respectively. answer the question.
A. If the data in Statement I alone are D. If the data in both Statements I and
sufficient to answer the question, while II together are necessary to answer the
the data in Statement II alone are not question.
sufficient to answer the question E. If the data even in both Statements I
B. If the data in Statement II alone are and II together are not sufficient to
sufficient to answer the question, while answer the question.
the data in Statement I alone are not
128. Direction: Each question below is
sufficient to answer the question.
followed by two statements I and II. You
C. If the data either in Statement I or in have to determine whether the data
Statement II alone are sufficient to given in the statement is sufficient for
answer the question.
answering the question. You should use
D. If the data in both Statements I and
the data and your knowledge of
II together are necessary to answer the Mathematics to choose the best possible
E. If the data even in both Statements I
A container contains a mixture of water
and II together are not sufficient to
and milk. Find the ratio of the amount of
answer the question.
water to the amount of milk in the
127. Direction: Each question below is
followed by two statements I and II. You
Statement I: The milkman takes out 72
have to determine whether the data
litres of the mixture from the container
given in the statement is sufficient for
and then mixes 12 litres of milk to the
answering the question. You should use
remaining quantity in the container.
the data and your knowledge of
After mixing 12 litres of milk, the ratio of
Mathematics to choose the best possible
the amount of water to the amount of
milk in the container becomes 3: 8,
Find the present age of C
Statement I: The ratio of age of A and
B is 5: 3 respectively. The present age Statement II: The milkman takes out
of C is twice the averages of ages of A, 72 litres of the mixture from the
B and C and age of A six years hence will container and then mixes 12 litres of
be twice the age of A seven years ago. milk to the remaining quantity in the
Statement II: The ratio of sum of age container. After mixing 12 litres of milk,
of A and B together to the age of C is 1: the amount of milk and the amount of
2 respectively. Age of B is 2 years more water becomes 480 litres and 180 litres
than half of age of A, and age of A two in the container, respectively.
years later will be twice the age of B one A. If the data in Statement I alone are
year ago. sufficient to answer the question, while
A. If the data in Statement I alone are the data in Statement II alone are not
sufficient to answer the question, while sufficient to answer the question
B. If the data in Statement II alone are 130. Direction: Each question below is
sufficient to answer the question, while followed by two statements I and II. You
the data in Statement I alone are not have to determine whether the data
sufficient to answer the question. given in the statement is sufficient for
C. If the data either in Statement I or in answering the question. You should use
Statement II alone are sufficient to the data and your knowledge of
answer the question. Mathematics to choose the best possible
D. If the data in both Statements I and answer.
II together are necessary to answer the Mixture X and Mixture Y contain 40 litres
question. and 60 litres respectively of a mixture of
E. If the data even in both Statements I liquid A and liquid B 20% of mixture X is
and II together are not sufficient to put into mixture Y. Quantity of liquid B
answer the question. in mixture X is 25 litres. In the end, what
129. Direction: Each question below is was the quantity of liquid B in mixture
followed by two statements I and II. You Y?
have to determine whether the data Statement I: Initially, the quantity of
given in the statement is sufficient for liquid B in mixture X was 5 litres more
answering the question. You should use than the quantity of liquid B in mixture
the data and your knowledge of Y.
Mathematics to choose the best possible Statement II: The total quantity of
answer. liquid B in both mixtures is 45 litres.
A conical vessel of height 12 cm contains A. If the data in Statement I alone are
50% of water in it. If this volume of sufficient to answer the question, while
water is transferred to the cuboidal the data in Statement II alone are not
vessel, then find the height of water in sufficient to answer the question
the cuboidal vessel. [Use π = 3 B. If the data in Statement II alone are
Statement I: The length and breadth of sufficient to answer the question, while
the cuboidal vessel is 10 cm and 6 cm. the data in Statement I alone are not
Statement II: The radius of the conical sufficient to answer the question.
vessel is equal to the height of the water C. If the data either in Statement I or in
raised in the cuboidal vessel. Statement II alone are sufficient to
A. If the data in Statement I alone are answer the question.
sufficient to answer the question, while D. If the data in both Statements I and
the data in Statement II alone are not II together are necessary to answer the
sufficient to answer the question question.
B. If the data in Statement II alone are E. If the data even in both Statements I
sufficient to answer the question, while and II together are not sufficient to
the data in Statement I alone are not answer the question.
sufficient to answer the question. 131. Ram, Swati and Mohan started a
C. If the data either in Statement I or in business by investing the amounts
Statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question. which are in the ratio of . If Ram
D. If the data in both Statements I and withdrew half of his amount after 8
II together are necessary to answer the months and Mohan invested additional
question. amount which is 1/6th of his initial
E. If the data even in both Statements I investment after 8 months, then what is
and II together are not sufficient to the ratio in which profit will be divided
answer the question. among Ram, Swati and Mohan after a
for which the maximum marks was 600. 136. If ratio of orange juice to pineapple juice
Q is ahead of P by 40% of P’s marks, in mixture P is 5: 8, what is the total
while R is ahead of Q by one-ninth of his amount of mixture P?
own marks. How many marks does R A. 80 liter B. 100 liters
get? C. 120 liters D. 140 liters
A. 420 B. 315 E. None of these
C. 390 D. 440
137. In mixture T, orange juice is 10% of the
E. None of these
mixture and amount of mixture T and Q
134. Shatabdi express has a capacity of 500
are equal. Find the difference between
seats of which 10% are in the executive
apple juice in mixture Q and orange juice
class and the rest chair cars. During one
in mixture T.
journey, the train was booked to 85% of
its capacity. If executive class was A. 12 B. 16
booked to 96% of its capacity, then how C. 25 D. 28
many chair car seats were empty during E. None of these
the journey? 138. If in mixtures S and R are the ratio of
A. 73 B. 89 pineapple juice to orange juice is 3: 4,
C. 87 D. 90 what is the ratio of the difference
E. None of these between the volume of the apple and
135. 3 container A,B,C having mixtures of orange juice in mixture S to apple juice
milk and water of 1:5,3:5,5:7 in R?
respectively. If the capacitates of the A. 5 : 7 B. 4 : 7
containers are in the ratio of 5:4:5 then C. 3 : 7 D. 2 : 7
ratio of milk to water is (Mixture of all E. None of these
three containers are mixed together)
139. In mixture U, orange and pineapple juice
A. 53:115 B. 51:119
are equal. What is the sum of apple and
C. 121:213 D. 219:179
orange juice in the same mixture?
E. None of these
A. 105 B. 110
Directions (136-140): Study the line C. 115 D. 120
graph given below and answer the E. None of these
related questions.
177. Foreign investment is known by which 184. The Union Ministry of Consumer Affairs
name in India? has recently launched “OCMC” to
A. SME (Small and medium-sized provide speedy redressal of consumer
enterprises) grievances. What does “OCMC” stands
B. MDI (Management Development for?
Institute) A. Online Consumer Mobile Centre
C. FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) (OCMC)
D. CII (Confederation of Indian B. Online Consumer Medical Centre
Industry) (OCMC)
178. FDI in Payments Bank is allowed upto C. Online Consumer Mediation Centre
___. (OCMC)
A. 49% B. 26% D. Online Consumer Media Centre
C. 74% D. 51% (OCMC)
E. FDI is not allowed in Payment Banks E. None of these
179. International Women's Day is observed 185. Which is the capital of South Africa?
on: A. Durban B. Pretoria
A. January 1 B. February 28 C. Johannesburg D. Port Elizabeth
C. March 8 D. April 30 E. Canberra
E. March 1 186. According to Union Power Minister
180. ‘Swasthya Raksha Programme’ has been Piyush Goyal by which year India will
launched by which ministry? become 100% electric vehicle nation?
A. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare A. 2025 B. 2032
B. Ministry of Women's and Child C. 2030 D. 2027
development E. None of these
C. Union AYUSH Ministry 187. Where is the headquarter of Fincare
D. Ministry of Rural Development Small Finance Bank?
E. Ministry of Minority Affairs A. Ahmedabad B. Kolkata
181. What is the equity of government in C. Mumbai D. Chennai
Indian Post Payment Bank that has been E. Bengaluru
incorporated as public sector Bank under 188. China has launched which global carbon
Department of Post? dioxide satellite to understand the
A. 51 % B. 74 % effects of climate change?
C. 55 % D. 100 % A. Ziyuan B. TanSat
E. 80 % C. Pujiang D. Compass-G1
182. How much money NABARD disburse to E. Dong Fang Hong 2
district cooperative banks for crop 189. Which cricket stadium in Uttar Pradesh
loans? has been renamed after former Prime
A. 20,000 crore B. 21,000 crore Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on
C. 22,000 crore D. 19,000 crore 5th November 2018?
E. 23,000 crore A. Green Park International Stadium,
183. The mobile wallet app “Buddy” launched Kanpur
by which bank recently? B. Ekana International Stadium,
A. PNB B. SBI Lucknow
C. ICICI D. HDFC C. Saifai International Cricket Stadium
E. None of these D. Noida Cricket Stadium
E. None of these