Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Penberthy Model Tme Mixer
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Penberthy Model Tme Mixer
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions: Penberthy Model Tme Mixer
Under no circumstances should these design
This manual has been prepared as an aid and ratings or application data be exceeded.
guide for personnel involved in installation or Exceeding design ratings or application data may
maintenance. All instructions must be read and cause severe physical injury or property damage.
understood thoroughly before attempting any Discharge
installation, operation or maintenance. 3 INSPECTION AND PERFORMANCE
Safety instructions
Emerson does not have any control over the 3.1 Receiving inspection Inlet
manner in which its TME is handled, installed Upon receipt of the TME, check all components
or used, and Emerson cannot and does not carefully for damage incurred in shipping. If FIGURE 1
warrant or guarantee that a TME is suitable damage is evident or suspected, do not attempt
for or compatible with the user's specific installation. Notify the carrier immediately and
application. request a damage inspection.
Tank shape and size influence the placement Maintenance should only be undertaken by
and number of TMEs required to maintain even qualified, experienced personnel who are FIGURE 3
agitation or temperature distribution. With a familiar with this equipment and thoroughly
spherical tank, a single TME mounted as shown understand all the instructions in this manual.
in Figure 2 makes the best use of the mixing Supply
characteristics of the TME. With no corners to CAUTION
impede liquid flow, the liquid circulates evenly. Do not proceed with any maintenance unless the
TME has been relieved of all pressure or vacuum,
In a cylindrical, square or rectangular tank, the has been allowed to reach ambient temperature
angular intersection of surfaces can interrupt and has been drained or purged of all fluids.
liquid flow patterns and cause liquid stagnation Failure to follow these instructions may cause a
in these areas. A single TME mounted as shown sudden release of pressure resulting in personal FIGURE 4
in Figure 3 will minimize this. Whenever the ratio injury or property damage.
of length to diameter of the tank is greater than
2:1 (such as tank trucks or railroad cars), it is 6.1 Preventative maintenance
recommended that multiple TMEs be used. The user must create maintenance schedules,
safety manuals and inspection details for each
In tanks where a critical velocity must be specific installation of a TME Mixer.
maintained on the tank bottom, a slight downward On all installations, the following items should
angle of the TMEs can be helpful. (See Figure 4). be regularly evaluated by the user for purposes
of maintenance:
4.2 Effect of related piping and precautions 1. TME(s) for pitting or debris build up.
1. For mixing 2. Piping and fittings for corrosion or debris
a. Operating liquid supply line pressure loss build up.
must be taken into account when applying 3. All connections for tightness.
TMEs. 4. Units for wear.
b. The supply line must be clean and should 5. Units for full submergence.
be provided with a strainer to prevent
foreign materials from clogging the The user must determine an appropriate
mixer. maintenance schedule necessary for his or
c. TMEs must be fully submerged to prevent her own specific application, upon evaluation
liquid from splashing and drawing of their operating experience. Realistic
atmospheric air and to promote maximum maintenance schedules can only be determined
mixing. with full knowledge of the services and
d. C learance should be provided for removal application situation involved.
of the TME.
e. Provisions should be made for a pressure
gauge connection at or near the TME
inlet. It may become necessary to install
a pressure gauge if operating difficulties
are encountered.
f. Inlet piping must be secured to the tank
wall near the TME to keep strain off piping
when in operation.
g. Supply line and manifold piping must be
sized to supply adequate pressure equally
to each TME when multiple TMEs are used.
6.2 Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Solution
No mixing 1. Inadequately sized TME 1. Obtain properly sized TME
2. Debris blockage of inlet, suction or discharge 2. Remove debris
3. Loss of operating fluid due to loose connections 3. Tighten connections
4. Operating fluid pressure too low 4. Increase pressure
Partial mixing 1. Debris blockage 1. Remove debris
2. Operating fluid pressure too low 2. Increase pressure
Neither Emerson, Emerson Automation Solutions, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product.
Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.
Penberthy is a mark owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Automation Solutions business unit of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Automation Solutions,
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The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be
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