Paper Title-"Challenges in Goa in Implementation of Innovative Practices in Teaching Learning For Theory and Practice For Polytechnic Students"
Paper Title-"Challenges in Goa in Implementation of Innovative Practices in Teaching Learning For Theory and Practice For Polytechnic Students"
Paper Title-"Challenges in Goa in Implementation of Innovative Practices in Teaching Learning For Theory and Practice For Polytechnic Students"
Science &
E-mail: [email protected]
Paper History: Received: 19th September 2019. Revised: 23rd September 2019 Accepted:
Abstract: Goa has 5 polytechnics spread over an area of 3702 square kms. Goa has only two districts north and South, Two of these
Polytechnics are situated in North Goa and three are in South Goa District. The admissions in these polytechnics are sought by SSC
pass outs from 12 talukas, although admission is also available for HSSC pass outs in the first year based on SSC aggregate as merit.
Some seats (10%) are also available to HSSC (Vocational), Science, commerce & arts and ITI specific trades under vertical mobility.
Over 6 decades the polytechnics are thriving and evolving and churning out Diploma Holders which provide manpower to local as
well as industries from the neighboring states. This paper attempts to discuss challenges faced by the teachers in implementation of
Innovative practices in Teaching learning while imparting Technical education against fiscal limitations, change of technology, changing
behavioral patterns due to peer pressure, Stringent & rigid Government rules, economical adversities, lack of infrastructure in the state,
inappropriate managerial guidance and most importantly the android mobile phones & digital revolution in the country.
Key words: Teaching Learning process, Theory and Practice, Polytechnic, middle level management, vertical mobility.
Education is the backbone of every personality. Technical
Education provides far greater reinforcement to an individual. S Name of Polytechnic Place Diplo Total
The industrial Revolution 4 emphasises on Automation, r. ma Student
Robotics and artificial Intelligence. It would enable us to use N Strea intake
Internet of Things (IOT) in our lives. Man made progress does o ms per year
not look back for research on earth anymore it has moved on to 1 Government Panaji 11 325
clouds and space, planets and the moon. But at the ground level Polytechnic, Panaji
the challenges faced by teacher’s remains to haunt them, the 2 Government Bicholim 4 130
innovative teaching learning methods entice them in doing their . Polytechnic,Bicholim
work in a better manner. At the same time the real challenge 3 Agnel Polytechnic, Verna 7 230
remains with the challenge taking teachers and their innovative . Verna
minds. Here we will look at the challenges in the 4 Institute of Vasco 3 110
implementation of these innovative methods across five . Shipbuilding
Polytechnics in Goa state. *There are approximately 2153 Technology, Vasco
schools in Goa which include primary schools, secondary
5 Government Curchorem 3 120
schools, middle schools and higher secondary schools. The
2011 census has given Goa’s literacy rate as 88.7%, with North . Polytechnic,
Goa having 89.57% and South Goa 87.59% literacy rate. Curchorem
*(source: Wikipedia) The Student stakeholders of these 28 915
Polytechnics come through these Schools. However one can
also find few schools affiliated to CBSE and ICSE Board. B. STATUS AT PRESENT
English is the main Medium of Instruction in Goa. There are a
handful of Portuguese and Konkani Medium Schools in Goa. At present the Three Polytechnics are Government and
the other two are Government Aided.
The most central and approachable Polytechnic is in the DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINERING
Capital City of Panjim. The 315 students admitted every year
gets the privilege of studying in the oldest Institution of great GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC PANAJI
repute. If one is travelling to Margao from Panjim we notice
Father Agnel Polytechnic, Verna on the left side of the road
with beautiful ambiance. In the Port town city of Vaso-da- SEMESTER – II
Gama, located on the Bogda Hill is Institute of Shipbuilding
Technology, Goa. The other two Government Institutions are SR
remotely located in Bicholim and Curchorem. N
GN Communicati
37 37
100.0 Pallavi
ENVIRONMENT 101 on Skills 0 Samant
GN Applied Ruth
2 38 14 36.84
104 Chemistry Caldeira
The first author being a faculty of experience in Institute of GN Engineering Pooja
Shipbuilding Technology for 18 years and further 10 years of 3 38 24 63.16
201 Maths - II Phadte
experience in Government Polytechnic, Panaji, and the co- GN Applied B.K.
4 38 20 52.63
authors highly experienced in technical teaching for more than 202 Physics - II Jayalaxmi
25 years, we will say with confidence that teaching learning GN Engineering 100.0 U.
5 37 37
204 Drawing 0 Sardessai
process in Polytechnics is at a satisfactory level. There is
GN Engineering R.
plenty of room for its improvisation as detailed below:- 6 38 28 73.68
205 Materials Kambli
i) Making usage of Multimedia tools, ICT & computer
based learning
Teachers should make use of tools like presentations,
videos, real life problem solutions ICT tools, MOOCS,
Swayam and other learning portals developed by experts
while teaching students.
ii)Creating Facilities for Hands on Training PASS %
The teaching environment should be such that practical
training must be possible with actual tools & equipments in 100.00
Axis Title
80.00 100.00
70.00 80.00
Axis Title
50.00 60.00
40.00 40.00
20.00 20.00
10.00 0.00
0.00 Busi Mec Mai Ind Aut Fibr Pow
Stre Man Hyd Ener Engi M/c
Mec ness hani nte ustr om e er
ngth ufac rauli gy nee Desi
hatr Co cal nan ial obil Rein Plan
of turi c Con ring gn
onic mm Engi ce Engi e forc t
Mat ng Mac vers Met Prac
s unic nee Engi nee Engi ed Engi
eri… Pr… hi… ion rol… tice
ati… rin… ne… ring ne… Po… ne…
PASS % 60.00 77.27 65.00 48.65 78.57 70.27
PASS % 100. 42.8 92.6 66.6 80.4 59.4 100. 100.
The sample result analysis shows the performance of the
. Sub APPEAR PASS PAS FACUL students in even semester of Mechanical Engineering If it is
SUBJECT critically analyzed and seen. Out of the 19 subjects only three
N Code ED ED S% TY
O. subjects the results are below 50%, five subjects have 100%
100. Pallavi results and remaining 11 subjects it is from 52.63% to 92.68%.
1 Communica 41 41 The trends seen every year are almost the same. The preparation
2 00 Samant
going on to get NBA accredited has shown lot of positive
ME M/c Design 42.8 S.C.
601 Practice
42 18
6 Kakule changes in staff and students. The teaching lesson plans
Mechanical prepared by staff and the other formats like feedback surveys,
ME 92.6 Term work plans, the papers are set as per NBA compliance
3 Engineering 41 38 All Staff
602 8
Project with COs, POs, PSO’s and their attainment given due
Maintenanc importance while teaching learning has made the staff quality
ME6 66.6 Raja
4 e 24 16 conscious. The centralized curriculum with Cos and CO-PO
19 7 Sawant
matrix has made teacher more committed in their pursuit
ME Industrial 80.4 towards excellence. * Though the Institute has not yet applied
5 46 37 Sardessa
603 Engineering 3 for NBA, efforts are on to do it before March 2020.
ME Automobile 59.4 C. T. A.
6 37 22 .
614 Engineering 6 Ferrao
Fibre R.
IE 100.
7 Reinforced 14 14 Sarmalk
651 00
Polymer er
ME Power Plant 100. A.
8 11 11
623 Engineering 00 Tiwari
GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC PANAJI d) Return stroke during the next 90 degrees with uniform
UNIT TEST-I velocity.
Semester: V (FIFTH) OR
Instructions: i) Attempt all questions (i) Draw the profile of a disc cam to give uniform velocity motion
during outstroke of40 mm
ii) 1 mark reserved for neatness and accuracy in Q.No.2
Course Outcomes: CO1.Identify different elements and mechanisms. to roller follower of diameter 20 mm during the first half of cam
rotation. The Return of the
CO2. Interpret kinematics of different mechanisms cam takes place with uniform acceleration and retardation during
and machines. remaining half of cam rotation.
CO3. Select suitable drives and mechanisms for a Minimum radius of cam is 30 mm. the axis of follower passes through
axis of cam rotating in
particular task.
anticlockwise direction.
CO4. Analyze forces in brakes and transmission (CO2 & CO3)
devices and balancing of rotating masses.
(ii) Four masses are 260kg, 160kg, 300kg, and 200kg. The Answer any three of the following:
corresponding radii of rotation 300mm,
(3X4= 12)
250mm, 150mm, and 200mm respectively. The angles between
(i) Distinguish between mechanism and machine?
successive masses are 0 degree,
45 degree, 90 degree and 135 degree. Find the position and
(ii) Define: kinematic link, kinematic pair and kinematic chain?
magnitude of balancing mass required,
if its radius of rotation is 200mm by using graphical method.
(iii) How are the kinematic pairs classified? Explain with examples.
Course CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4
(iv) Distinguish between flywheel and Governor.
Marks 12 mks 18 mks 06 mks 06 mks
(v) Describe various inversions of slider-crank mechanism giving
examples? (CO2)
(vi) Explain any one of the following mechanism with neat sketch; (i)
An Example of the innovative approach to set Internal
Elliptical trammel Assessment in Theory tests conducted at the Government
(ii) Scotch yoke mechanism. Polytechnic which helps in measurement of the attainment level
of students
The paper concludes by saying that the innovative practices
followed by teachers will go a long way in improving the
mindset of the students in terms of Term end Results. The
attainment of the CO’s, PO’s and PSO’s in particular will help
industry to understand the potential of the students before
employing them to work for them.
The Authors want to acknowledge the support of Dr. Alan
Sanjay Rocha for encouraging them to write this paper.