Alarm Management White Paper PDF
Alarm Management White Paper PDF
Alarm Management White Paper PDF
WP 33A91A01-01E-A
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
Introduction 3
Alarm By Condition 6
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
There are seven key steps for alarm management. them will make a big difference to the overall alarm
Rationalization is one of those critical steps. count. Reviewing the Top-10 list keeps it under
control. Yokogawa’s Exaquantum/ARA software can
1. Alarm Philosophy Creation
provide this list on a daily basis by email or, by using
The alarm philosophy document is critical and, without Yokogawa’s Exaplog alarm/event analysis tool, we can
it, there can be no way to way of implementing a manually extract the bad actors.
successful alarm management system. This document
4. Documentation/Rationalization
forms the basis of the overall design guidelines and
will record all the expected KPIs that will be used The most important step of the alarm rationalization
to measure the success of the alarm management process is to ensure that each change is documented
system. The alarm philosophy should also cover the and the alarm changes comply with the alarm
design of the interface to the operator so the graphics philosophy. Alarms can be eliminated completely by
are clear and upsets are easy to spot etc. re-engineering in the DCS or adopting suppression
2. Alarm Performance Benchmarking
5. Audit/Enforcement
To measure the success of any alarm management
system, we must know how big the alarm problem is Once the rationalization is done, the hard work is not
that is currently being experienced. How many alarms over! Without proper change management controls in
are being generated per day, how many alarms does place the alarm system will slip back into its old ways.
the operator handle on an hourly basis, what are the Consider adopting a Management of Change (MOC)
deficiencies we currently have in the control system? approach to the alarm system to ensure all changes are
These are all valid questions and benchmarking is the tacked. Exaquantum/AMD can also help by identifying
starting point. Perhaps even performing a HAZOP-like changes to the alarm settings and, if required, the
study at this stage would be advantageous. optimal settings can be enforced automatically.
Most alarms in the control system come from For day-to-day operations, we should adopt alarm
relatively few sources and checking these and fixing management techniques that will support rather than
hinder the operator by providing Alarm Shelving,
state based alarming or other alarm suppression
L E technologies.
7. Control & Maintain Performance
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
It is always best to remember that just because the Running a report for the bad actors and displaying the
alarm count is high for a particular tag, there may be a condition is recommended as it can be filtered for the
logical explanation for it, and the tag should not just be different conditions, plant areas and even down to an
suppressed because it’s a nuisance to the operators. individual unit.
This first stage of alarm rationalization is called
“Fundamental Nuisance Alarm Reduction” (FNAR).
Alarm by Condition
By calendar month
This report displays the distribution of alarms by condition for each unit
Alarm Rate
Unit 102 Unit 103 Unit 202 Unit 203 Unit 301 Unit 302 Unit 303 Unit 401 Unit 402 Unit 403 default
Area 100 Area 200 Area 300 Area 400 default
Alarm Management - The strategy and process of striving for a well-managed operation
After looking at the bad actors we can also look at the the daily activities is a work process well worth the
“chattering alarms.” The EEMUA#191 alarm standard effort. Otherwise, your effort will be wasted and soon
specifies that a chattering alarm is a tag that goes those alarms will be coming back again!
into alarm and normal again more than five times in
Chris Bamber, Yokogawa Middle East & Africa B.S.C.(c)
a 60-second period. In most cases, these chattering
alarms could be caused by incorrect alarm limits. As
part of the rationalization, the chattering alarms should
be looked at closely and the limits reviewed accordingly.