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Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

2 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation


The purpose of this white paper is to define the scope of the Alarm Rationalization and
Implementation phases and how they continue the process of meeting the ANSI/ISA 18.2
Standard: Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries. It also addresses the third
entry point into the standard: Audit.

Alarm Rationalization is the process of reviewing, validating, and justifying alarms that meet the
criteria of an alarm. In other words, the rationalization specifies only those points in the process
system that require alarming. The ultimate goal of Alarm Rationalization is to determine the
most efficient number of alarms to ensure that the process system is safe and remains within the
normal operating range.

What is an Alarm? (ISA-18.2)

An audible and/or visual indication to the operator

that an equipment malfunction, process deviation
or other abnormal condition requires a response.

FYI to the
Operator Must Act

Abnormal Alarm Alert

Expected Prompt Message

Figure 1

Implementation is the stage when alarms are put into operation. During this stage training,
testing and commissioning occur. Finally, the Audit entry point into 18.2, which should be used
periodically, is for verifying alarm system integrity.
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 3

This whitepaper is the third in a series of whitepapers that address the 18.2 lifecycle stages:

1. Monitoring & Assessment A limited, but effective, program of nuisance/bad actor alarm elimination.

2. Performance Benchmarking and Philosophy Benchmarking includes alarm analysis, operator

analysis, and gap analysis. The Philosophy stage results in a document that details the
recommended approach to how a company addresses alarm management through all stages
of the lifecycle.

3. Rationalization and Implementation Rationalization is the process of reviewing and

justifying alarms that meet criteria that are established in the Philosophy Document.
Implementation includes all of the infrastructure changes to support a new alarm system
or modifications to an existing alarm system.

The first white paper illustrates how Monitoring & Assessment is an economical and manageable
first step for identifying and eliminating nuisance/bad actor alarms. These alarms can account
for as much as 80% of a systems alarm load. Monitoring & Assessment as a first step provides
credibility and inertia toward implementing a more comprehensive alarm management program
as resources and time permit.

The Benchmarking and Alarm Philosophy Development stages of 18.2, addressed in the second
white paper, continue the process toward achieving comprehensive alarm management as
recommended in this three-part series. Benchmarking builds upon the Monitoring & Assessment
entry point and provides an initial performance baseline for ongoing comparison. The Alarm
Philosophy Document includes requirements for effective design, implementation, and
management of an alarm system whether modifying an existing alarm system or implementing
a new one.

Following the Rationalization steps outlined in this white paper results in an examination of every
alarm in an existing system, providing an opportunity to correct configurations as necessary,
improving system performance. For new systems, Rationalization helps determine initial alarm
configuration. The Implementation phase includes the actual steps for installation of the new
alarm system configuration, making it a reality and ensuring proper operational status.
4 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

Overview of ANSI/ISA 18.2 Lifecycle

The ANSI/ISA 18.2 standard was developed to help the process industries
design, implement, operate, and maintain effective alarm management systems.
Figure 2 illustrates the 18.2 lifecycle. It provides workflow processes and
common alarm management terminology.
In all process industries, safety is paramount. Because a faulty alarm system can
contribute to process accidents, using the 18.2 standard helps improve safety
and incident prevention, reduce unplanned downtime, and improve regulatory
and best practices compliance.
The 18.2 standard was developed to help engineering and technical staff
identify ways to improve alarm management systems. It does not include
information about how to implement and/or improve these systems in the
most effective and economic manner.

Philosophy Document objectives and
processes to be used to
B I meet those objectives

of Change

Monitor alarm system,
Detailed Design benchmark performance
and resolve problem alarms

Operation Monitoring &
Assessment Audit current state of alarm
systems and procedures
Maintenance against standard to be used
to develop philosophy

Source: International Society of Automation. (2009). ANSI/ISA-18.2-2009 - Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries. Research Triangle Park: ISA
Figure 2

Figure 2 illustrates the 18.2 alarm management lifecycle, including three entry points. For new alarm system projects,
the starting point is always the Philosophy stage. For existing systems, however, it is expedient, effective, and
economical to begin with Monitoring & Assessment. The Audit is the third entry point.
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 5

The Alarm Rationalization Process

Establishing the minimum set of alarms necessary to keep a process safe and in normal
operating condition is the goal of an Alarm Rationalization. The Rationalization process
validates potential alarms by assessing them in terms of the alarm criteria defined in
the Alarm Philosophy Document. The Alarm Rationalization process consists of the
following steps:
1. Check Alarm Validity
2. Determine Consequence of Inaction
3. Document Cause, Confirmation, and Corrective Action
4. Document Operator Response Time
5. Assign Alarm Priority
6. Alarm Classification
7. Determine Alarm Limit
8. Verify/Establish Alarm Attributes
9. Assess Need for Special Handling

Steps 1 4 constitute the knock-out criteria for identifying non-alarms.

Process alarm systems are intended to provide operational awareness and assist
operators in the diagnosis and remedy of abnormal conditions, reducing incidents and
accidents. As noted in these white papers, poorly implemented alarm systems can,
however, have the opposite affect by overloading operators with too much information,
causing confusion and masking core problems in need of attention. That is why the
major goal of the Alarm Rationalization is to determine the optimum number of alarms
to assist operators, while ensuring safety and normal process operations.

Proper Alarm Rationalization requires a significant effort. There are two approaches to a
Rationalization depending on the state of the alarm system.

The first approach is for existing process systems and should occur after the Monitoring
& Assessment entry point and Benchmarking stages are complete. With this approach,
the baseline is an existing alarm system configuration. During the Rationalization,
decisions will be made whether to keep alarms as they are, modify configuration
parameters as necessary, or eliminate unnecessary alarms. In some cases, new alarms
may also be specified during this process. The focus for this white paper is on existing
alarm systems.

The second approach is used when implementing an entirely new alarm system.
Conducting a Rationalization for a new system is based on input from the Philosophy
Document, which states alarm management objectives, as addressed in the second
white paper in this series.

Alarm system consultants and technicians can be called upon to assist a facilitys internal
team with the Alarm Rationalization. They have the experience and knowledge to
address problems associated with each step of the Rationalization and the expertise to
provide the best solutions for each challenge.
6 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

The Alarm Rationalization team typically consists of both full- and part-time
resources. ISA TR 18.02 (draft) states that the team can consist of the following from
each category.

Full Time:
 roduction and/or process engineers familiar with the process, economics, and the
control system
 perators from different shift teams with experience in the use of the control
Process control/industrial engineer
 larm management consultant/analyzer specialist

Part Time:
Safety and environmental engineer
Maintenance/equipment reliability
Instrumentation/analyzer specialist
Management sponsor

Optimum team size is four to five people, according to Exida.

Selecting Alarms for Rationalization Identify Potential Alarms

and Determine if they are Valid for Specification
When a potential alarm is selected for consideration, it must first be evaluated
against the knock-out criteria (validity, consequence of inaction, corrective action,
and response time). Assuming that the alarm survives this evaluation, the next steps
include defining the attributes of the alarm priority, classification, and limit where
all of this information is used to build the Master Alarm Database.

See Figure 3 for an overview of the Rationalization steps addressed in this white

Alarms Validity
A common alarm validity checklist includes these types of questions:
1. Does the alarm indicate a deviation or processing malfunction that requires
operator action?
2. What is the importance of the condition? What are the consequences of no
operator action?
3. Does it provide time for the operator to act effectively and in a timely manner to
avoid possible consequences?
4. Is the alarm unique and does it capture the root cause of the malfunction or

If these criteria are not met, then the condition does not require an alarm and the
rationale for the decision should be documented.
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 7

The Alarm Rationalization Process

Alarm Rationalization
Hazard identification and
Existing alarm The process of reviewing potential (candidate) alarms against the
LOPA Reviews, Incident
Potential Alarms database criteria defined in the alarm philosophy to ensure they are
Investigations, Licensor
to be necessary, and to define / document their design in a master alarm
recommendation, etc.
Rationalized database (MADBA)

Management Select the alarm to be rationalized
Document Alarm Validity Checklist
Does it indicate a malfunction, deviation or abnormal condition?
Does it require a timely operator action in order to avoid defined
No consequences?
Is the alarm valid / justified? Is it unique (or are there other alarms that indicate the same
Is it the best indicator of the root cause of the abnormal situation?

Does the alarm have Alarm Objective Analysis

sufficient basis? Consequence - the immediate and direct result of the abnormal
(Alarm Objective Analysis) No situation identified by the alarm and not a possible consequence
Likely Cause(s) requiring other failures
Consequence of Inaction Corrective Action - Steps to be taken to correct the abnormal
Corrective Actions(s) situation (acknowledging the alarm does not count)
Operator Response Time Confirmation - Document other process measurements that the
Confirmation operator can look at to confirm / verify that the alarm is real
Operator Response Time - The time from the activation of the
alarm until the last moment the operator action will prevent the
Yes consequence
Prioritize the Alarm
(Based on Time to Respond,
Potential Consequences)

Alarm Classification
Classify the Alarm A method for organizing (grouping) alarms based on common
characteristics and requirements (e.g. training, testing, MOC,

Specify the Alarm Attributes Alarm Limit (Setpoint) Determination

Alarm Limit (Setpoint) Far enough away from the consequence threshold so that operator
Alarm Type has adequate time to respond
Deadband, On / Off Delay Not too close to normal operating conditions that alarms are
Alarm Message triggered as a result of normal process variation

Assess Need for Special Handling Advanced Alarming

(Advanced Alarming) Advanced alarming - Additional layers of logic, programming, or
First-Out Alarming modeling used to modify alarm attributes (dynamically)
Use of Common Alarm Document the states, condition, products or phases where . . .
State-Based Suppression - Alarm attributes (limit, priority) should be different from
Alarm Flood Suppression steady state
State-Based Alarming - Alarm should be suppressed from the operator
Alarm Routing

Alarm Response Master Alarm

Procedures Document Alarm Design and Decisions Database

Master Alarms Database (MADB)

Select Next Alarm to Rationalize The authorized list of rationalized alarms and associated attributes
Figure 3
8 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

Consequence of Inaction
In order to be an alarm, the condition should indicate an abnormal situation that
has an immediate and direct consequence if no action is taken. The consequence
should not be dependent on additional failures. If there is no consequence, than the
condition does not warrant an alarm.

Cause, Confirmation, Corrective Action

For a justifiable and valid alarm, document the following attributes:
1. Cause List of likely events, expected or unexpected, that this alarm uniquely
2. Confirmation Other process measurements/conditions that will help the
operator establish that the alarm is real and identify which likely event caused
the alarm.
Corrective Action Objective actions the operator will take to correct the
abnormal situation. Simply acknowledging the alarm is not an action. If there is
no corrective action stated, the condition does not warrant an alarm.

Alarm Definition Frequently Asked Question

Q: When is it OK to have both a High and High-High alarm for a single tag?

A: When either alarm has different Cause or Consequence or Operator Action.

Operator Response Time

Operator response time is defined as the time from the activation of the alarm to the
moment at which the operators corrective action prevents the consequence. When
the operator response time available is less then that needed to adequately confirm
the alarm and take corrective action, it is necessary to automate the response (i.e.,
interlock) rather than create an alarm.

The steps above constitute the knock-out criteria that help to identify and
eliminate those conditions not warranting an alarm. For conditions that have
survived, rationalization continues with the following steps.

Prioritizing Alarms
This step determines the importance assigned to an alarm within the alarm system
based on operator response time and potential consequences. Prioritization
specifies how the operator manages operational risk; that is:
The severity of the consequences resulting from inaction
The time available to take corrective action
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 9

Alarm Prioritization Methodology

Consequences of Inaction
Consequence Consequence Consequence Consequence
Impact Areas Category 1 (None) Category 2 (Minor) Category 3 (Major) Category 4 (Severe)

Minor or no injury, no One or more severe Fatality or permanently

Personnel None
lost time. injury(s). disabling injury.

Release which results

Significant release with
Environmental None Minor in agency notification,
serious offsite impact.
permit violation or fine.

Impact to equipment Impact to equipment or Impact to equipment or

Financial None or production < production production
$50K. $50K to $500K > $500K

Operator Urgency (Time to Respond)

Not Urgent (> 30 mins) No Alarm Re-engineer the alarm for urgency

Prompt (15 to 30 mins) No Alarm Medium Medium High

Rapid (5 to 15 mins) No Alarm Medium High Highest

Immediate (< 5 mins) No Alarm High Highest Invalid (redesign)

Figure 4

Referring to Figure 4 Alarm Prioritization Methodology, Consequences of Inaction

provides a consequence impact grid and Operator Urgency information that includes
attributes used to help the operator determine the order in which alarms should be

In the Consequences of Inaction grid, each impact category should be considered

separately and it must be completely understood how minor or severe consequences
will be in each category in this case three: personnel, environmental, and financial
if no operator action is taken in response to an alarm or alarms. This grid is one
of the cornerstone elements of the rationalization process. It includes descriptions
of consequences that must be clear and objective, ensuring that different people
evaluating the same event/occurrence agree with the assessment of severity.

When designing an Operator Urgency grid, it is recommended to use no more than

three or four priority levels. The example in Figure 4 uses thee: high, medium and low.
These levels are established from data based on the severity of the consequences and
the operators specified time to respond, from immediate to not urgent.

Alarm response procedures should be put into place to help operators respond more
effectively to an alarm. Documented procedures should identify likely causes(s) for the
alarm, consequences of operator inaction, appropriate operator actions, confirmation
that the alarm is not false, and the amount of time for the operator to successfully
respond to the alarm.

Alarm Classification
The purpose of this activity is to identify groups of alarms that have similar
characteristics and common requirements. There are no identified or required instances
of alarm classifications in the ISA 18.2 standard. It is recommended to keep classification
simple, such as these suggested groups with the following alarm characteristics:
10 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

Process Safety
Building/Facility Related
Devices External to the Control System

Other methodologies for determining alarm classification include:

 ethod of identification Alarms identified in a Layer of Protection Analysis are
assigned to LOPA Listed Class.
 onsequences Alarms are assigned to classes according to their potential to do
 ompany Policy Alarms are assigned to classes created to align with company

It should be recognized that alarms can be members of more than one class, and
that not all alarms in a class need to have the same priority.

Alarm Limit (Setpoint) Selection Because manufacturing processes are dynamic,

variables such as alarm limits may change over time. The key to establishing alarm
limits is to set the alarm activation point far enough away from the potential
consequence to ensure the operator has enough time to respond to the alarm. In
addition, it is also important to set the limit such that it is not is too close to normal
process operating conditions to prevent the alarm from being triggered during
normal process variations.

Statistical analysis of process history can prove to be a useful too for determining
normal operating ranges and optimum alarm limit selection.

Establish/Verify Alarm Attributes (Optional)

An optional yet valuable step in the Alarm Rationalization process is to establish/
verify alarm attributes, including:
 larm Type
 larm Deadband (Hysteresis)
 larm On-Delay
 larm Off-Delay
Process Variable Filter
 larm Latching

While these parameters may be considered during design, it is often convenient and
appropriate to revisit them during Rationalization to ensure that the alarm system
performs as designed/expected.
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 11

Advanced Alarming Considerations

Advanced alarming includes additional layers of logic and programming to address
alarm situations that are beyond steady state process control. For example, process
equipment usually has several different operating states (e.g., starting, running,
continuous operation, shutdown, etc.) and advanced alarming techniques can be used
to modify the associated alarm attributes. In these cases, it is necessary to document
different states, conditions, and products or phases where alarm attributes should be
different, or perhaps, suppressed from the operator.

Advanced alarming methods include alarm suppression, alarm shelving and alarm
disabling. State-based suppression is used to suppress alarms that are not meaningful
when a process area, unit or piece of equipment is in a particular operating state (mode):
 esigned Suppression: Suppresses alarms based on operating conditions or plant
states under control of logic that determines the relevance of the alarm.
S helved: A mechanism, typically initiated by the operator, to temporarily suppress an
 ut of Service: The state of an alarm during which the alarm indication is suppressed,
typically manually, for reasons such as maintenance.

Documentation and the Master Alarm Database

The Master Alarm Database (MADB) is the authorized list of rationalized alarms and their
associated attributes. It serves as the required documentation from Rationalization with
alarm instance data such as:
 larm Type
 larm Priority
 larm Class
 larm Limit (Setpoint)
Operator Action

Consequence of Inaction
 eed for Advanced Alarming Techniques

When preparing the MADB for an existing system, software tools such as the PlantPAx
Alarm Builder from Rockwell Automation and SilAlarm from Exida, can be used in
conjunction to facilitate data exchange between the DCS and the Master Alarm

Alarm System Implementation

Implementation is the stage where alarms are put into operation. This stage also
includes plant infrastructure changes to support the updated or new alarm system.
As with any DCS project, good engineering practices will lead to a successful
12 | Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

At the completion of the Alarm Rationalization, and when alarm system

enhancements and redesigns are complete, it is time to proceed to Implementation.
Much more than changing alarm parameters and eliminating unnecessary alarms,
the Implementation stage includes training, testing and commissioning.

With the appropriate software tools, all of the updated design code for the system
is prepared for downloading into the DCS. Plant infrastructure changes are
implemented as well. Examples to tools that support the new alarm system include
graphics, procedures, and HMI to name a few. Training materials must be prepared
and reviewed; all plant-related documentation needs to be updated. Operators and
other appropriate personnel are trained to manage the new alarm system. Some
plants have simulators and can test the system and train operators at the same time.

The new configurations are downloaded and activated. This includes replacing old
procedures and guidelines with the new ones, activating all remaining changes, and
reviewing all downloads to ensure correct operation. It is now time to prepare for
the final cutover to the new alarm system.

Periodic Alarm System Audits

Periodic audits, verifying alarm system integrity, are recommended to review
overall alarm management processes. The Alarm Philosophy Document and the
Master Alarm Database are used as the starting points for the Audit. Figure 5: Audit
Differences Between DCS and Master Alarm Database shows a sample Differences

Audit Differences between DCS

and Master Alarm Database

Master PlantPAx
vs. Configuration

Review &
Disposition of
Each difference can be set individually Changes
to Accept, Reject or Enforce

Create file of
Changes to be

Export Audit File

Summary of for Offline Review
Changes Detected
Copyright 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Figure 5
Alarm Rationalization and Implementation | 13

The Audit, which is the third entry point into the ISA 18.2 lifecycle, is important because
it identifies areas of improvement for any and all of the stages of the lifecycle, including
Philosophy Development, Identification and Benchmarking, Rationalization, Monitoring
& Assessment, Operation, Maintenance and Management of Change.

Benefits of 18.2 Alarm Rationalization and Implementation

Proper alarm management is an ongoing commitment. As noted in the first white
paper, the Monitoring & Assessment entry point delivers immediate early success, but
shouldnt be the sole step for improving the alarm system. The second white paper
addresses how Benchmarking and Alarm Philosophy Development provide the next
steps toward a comprehensive alarm management system.

Completing the Rationalization and Implementation stages of the 18.2 lifecycle result
in an updated, effective alarm management system that fulfills the goal of ISA 18.2
compliance. Taken together, each stage of the 18.2 lifecycle results in three primary
benefits: improved productivity, increased plant safety, and improved regulatory

Improved Productivity Poor alarm system performance negatively affects operators

and operations. Its one of the leading causes of unplanned downtime. Operators
waste time dealing with the confusion caused by too many alarms and the unreliable
information from nuisance alarms. Effective alarm management helps eliminate waste,
improve processing quality, and increase productivity.

Increased Plant Safety Alarm flooding impairs plant safety because of possible
confusion when dealing with multiple nuisance alarms in short periods of time.
Operators are uncertain about which alarms require priority response. Proper alarms
meant to prevent plant incidents become ineffective in a flood of alarms. The 18.2
standard helps provide a blueprint for effective alarm management and increased plant

Improved Regulatory and Best Practices Compliance Implementing an alarm

system that complies with the ISA 18.2 standard helps ensure a comprehensive and
effective alarm management program to support and assist process system operators
with ANSI/ISA best practices.

See the first two white papers in this series for information about Monitoring &
Assessment, Benchmarking, and Philosophy Development.
Holifield, Bill and Habibi, Eddie: The Alarm Management Handbook, Second Edition:
A Comprehensive Guide; August 31, 2010

Rothenberg, Douglas: Alarm Management for Process Control: Momentum Press, 2009

Abnormal Situation Management ASM Consortium: Effective Alarm Management

Practices 2009

Grosdidier, Pierre (Ph.D., P.E.); Conner, Patrick (P.E.); Hollifield, Bill; Kulkarni, Sarmir:
A Path Forward for DCS Alarm Management; published by Plant Automation Services, Inc.

Van Camp, Kim (Emerson Process Management) and Stauffer, Todd (PE, exida):
Tips for Starting an Alarm Management Program; published in Applied Automation;
April 2013

Exidia The ISA 18.2 Alarm Management Lifecycle

Exida Alarm Management is a Journey

Publication PROCES-WP015B-EN-P June 2017 Copyright 2017 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA
Supersedes Publication PROCES-WP015A-EN-P April 2015

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