He Had A Presentation in London Next Week

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Part 1.

Transcribe the highlighted sentence phonemically, mark the word stress, and underlined
the tonic syllable

Consonants and vowels transcription, word and sentence stress

He had a presentation in London next week.


Part 2. Find the odd one out and explain your choice

Consonants and vowels

/p, k, t, m/: /m/ because it’s a nasal, the others are stops
Place of Articulation
Manner of Articulation Bilabial Labio-dental Inter-dental Alveolar Plato-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
môi răng môi răng lưỡi
Stop Voiced b d g
Voiceless p t k
Nasal Voiced m n ŋ
Fricative Voiced v ð z ʒ
Voiceless f ɵ s ʃ h
Affricative Voiced ʤ
Voiceless ʧ
Approximant Lateral l (voiced)
Retroflex r (voiced)
Glide w (voiced) j (voiced)
/l/: voiced alveolar lateral approximant


Front Central Back

iː uː High

ɪ ə ʊ
ɜː ɔː Mid

æ ʌ ɒ Low

unrounded neutral rounded

/i/: short high front unrounded monothong

front Central Back
High tense u
lax ɪ ʊ
Mid upper e ɒ
lower ɔ
Low ɑ
/eɪ/: mid (upper) front to high (lax) front dipthong

Part 3. Analyse the following words morphemically (types of morps)

Teacher: {teach}: lexical morpheme, content word + {-er}: lexcical morpheme, derivational
suffix + {sg}: grammatical morpheme


Grammatical Lexical

Function word Inflectional Affix Content word Derivational Affix

List of abbreviation: {pl} plural; {sg} singular; {poss} possessive; {compr} comparative; {pos}
positive; {supl} superlative; {m} masculine; {f} feminine; {n} neuter; {obj} objective case; {pres}
present; {past} past tense; {prspst} present participle; {pastprt} past participle; {nomn}
nominative case; {obj} objective case; {gerund} gerund; {1st/2nd/3rd} first/ second/ third person

Part 4. Write one example for each structure, the analyze that word into morphs

Types of morphs and word formation

BOUND MORPH: prefix + FREE MORPH: content word


Free (root) Bound

Content word Function word Affix Bound root Enclitic

Prefix Suffix Auxiliary Negative

Derivational Derivational Inflectional

Part 5. Identify the structure and function of the underlined parts.

Types and functions of phrases and clauses

Tired after the long journey, we went to bad very early.

 Structure: Verbless clause; adverbial (A)

Function: Modifier (Mod of we)



NP = noun phrase

VP = verb phrase

PP = prepositional phrase (upon, of, as, to, in, on, at)  function: pC of …

AP = adjective phrase

AdvP= adverbial phrase


O = object  iO: indirect O (người nhận); dO: direct O (vật được đưa)

oP = object of preposition

S = subject

Mod = modifier (adv mod of adj; adj mod of N) eg: quickly expanding market  mod of adj; the
radiant glow  mod of N

Comp of A = complement of Adj

pC of V = prepositional complement of V

pC of A = prepositional complement of Adj

pC of P = prepositional complement of preposition

O of preposition = objective of the preposition eg: It was in an advanced state of disrepair

C = complement  sC: subject C ; oC: object C ; pC: preposition C

select, choose, appoint, elect, vote, find, see, consider, think, believe, make, call  oC

to be, become, smell, feel, appear, seem, grow, turn, prove, remain, look, sound, taste sC

interested in, rely on, depend on  pC



to-infinite; -ing participle; -en participle; bare infinitive


Su; sC; dO

A = adverbial

eSu = extra-posed subject (chủ ngữ giả)

comp of A/ mod of A

comp of NP/ mod of NP

prep. complement = complement of Preposition (after, use to, interest in)

verb complement (love, dislike)

Part 6. Identify the clause pattern of following sentences.

SVCs He is lovely. Intensive = copular verbs

C of S Your approval would be nice. (describe the subject)
We felt at home during our visit.
My aunt is quite allergic to the
roses in the garden.
Those other people are very
distantly related to us.
Since last August I have been a
member of that club.
The cornbread tasted like mush.
SVA (obligatory) He is out of the office.
Adverbial (place, time, Those useful items are in very high
manner)  optional demand.
I will be at the meeting tonight.
On the Fourth of July, people in my
neighborhood meet at the park for
a picnic.
SV He is crying. Intransitive Extensive
He waited in the rain for an hour. (what the
SVO (Mono-) transitive He broke the vase. Transitive subject is
She followed the detailed doing)
instructions on the back of the box.
The manager discounted the very
slightly damaged goods.
SVOO Di-transitive He sent me an email.
noun phrases as iO & dO Ulcers give people pain.
O + that-clause They told me that I was ill.
O + wh-clause He asked me what time it was.
O + wh-infinitive clause Mary showed us what to do.
O + to-infinitive clause I advised Mark to see a doctor.
with prepositional O Please say something to us.
(care for, long for, apply
for, approve of, add to,
resort to, result in, count
on, deal with)
SVOCo complex-transitive He found the play boring.
C of O Most women consider Snodgrass a
handsome man.
The rescue workers called Geogre a
hero for his actions.
SVOA complex-transitive He put the vase on the table.
We put the books with torn pages
under the counter.

Part 7. State if the following sentences are simple (S), complex (Cx), compound (Cp) or
compound complex (CC) by writing the appropriate symbol at the beginning of each.

Simple (S): independent clause, contains a subject & a verb, expresses a complete thought

S+V; SS+V; S+VV; SS+VV (các V phải parallel)

Compound (Cp): contains at least 2 independent clauses joined by a coordinator

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

comma, semicolon, conjunctive adv, colon

S + V + comma + conjunction + S + V
Complex (Cx): has an independent clause joined by 1 or more dependent clauses

unparalleled verb

although, even though, despite, before, in case, so that, whereas, as long as, while, if, that, who,
which, who, whom, whose, when, where, because, since, until

Compound- Complex (CC): made up of at least 2 independent clauses and 1 or more dependent

Part 8. Identify the types of figurative language (oxymoron, personification, metonymy,

tautology, metaphor, synecdoche, synesthesia) in the following sentences.

Oxymoron: refers to expressions which contain an explicit contradiction (nghịch hợp). Eg: living

Tautology: refers to expressions which are “true by definition”, offering no new information
(lặp thừa, repeat). Eg: new innovation, will be will be

Synesthesia: refers to expressions which combine a word from one sensory domain with a
word from another sensory domain (sự kết hợp, senses). Eg: cold response, cold reception,
sweet sound blue mood

Synecdoche: refers to a thing by naming part of it (cải dung). Eg: her parents bought her a new
set of wheels (= a new car)

Metonymy: refers to expressions which denote a thing by naming something associated with it
(hoán dụ). Eg: the White House (the gov of America), let me give you a hand (help)

Personification: refers to expressions which attribute human qualities to nonhuman or

inanimate objects (nhân hóa, inanimate objects  human qualities). Eg: the vending machine
ate my money

Metaphor: refers to expressions which transfer a word from one conceptual domain to another
(ẩn dụ) (use body parts to name the parts of other entities, same function, shape, position). Eg:
Paris is the heart of France

Part 9. Identify the meaning relationship (contradiction, presupposition, anomaly, homonymy,

lexical ambiguity, entailment, paraphrase) in the following sentences.

Paraphrase: one statement is a paraphrase of another when it has the same meaning as
another (say another way). Eg: P purchased an automobile  P bought a car
Entailment: 1 statement entails another when the second is logically necessary consequence of
the first (AB => AC => C>B, chỉ 1 chiều). Eg: A lives in Toronto  A lives in Canada

Inclusion: 1 statement includes another (A>B). Eg: I like fruit  I like apples

Contradiction: 1 statement or a sequence of statements is logically contradictory; that is if one

is true, the other must be false. Eg: He is an orphan  His parents are living

Anomaly: a sentence has no meaning in the everyday word (tu từ nhân hóa). Eg: He swallowed
a dream, The rock giggled.

Lexical ambiguity (~homonymy): a word allows more than one meaning in context. Eg: an old
friend  at old age or has known for a long time

Denotation/connotation: words have literal or referential meanings (denotation) but also

evoke feelings, attitudes, or opinions (connotation) (hàm ý). Eg: soldier-warrior, politician-

Polysemy: a word has more than 1 meaning out of context (the meanings are related to one
another) (đa nghĩa). Eg: mouth  one’s mouth, an animal’s mouth or the part of a river

Homonymy: 2 words sound and/ or written the same but are different in meanings (đồng âm).
Eg: sound  niose or body of water

Part-whole: a word denotes part of a whole. Eg: head-body, branch-tree

Presupposition: what is assumed beforehand by an utterance, or what is taken for granted, is

said to be presupposed (tiền giả định, giả định chưa chắc đúng). Eg: I read the article again 
The speaker has already read the article at least once.

Part 10. Give an example for each of the following semantic concepts

Synonymy: lucky – fortunate

Hyponymy: vehicle – car

Oppositeness: single – married

Part 11: Word formation

1. Derivation: từ gốc  nghĩa mới (đổi loại từ, nghĩa của từ, không đổi cách viết)

form  information; smoke  nonsmoker

2. Reduplication: láy
haha, ping-pong, roly-poly

3. Conversion: đổi từ loại nhưng k đổi cách viết

(a) run/ walk; (to) head/ ship; (the) poor/ rich

Commonization: tên riêng  từ

Google, China (gốm)

4. Compouding: kết hợp bởi ít nhất 2 từ gốc, xuất hiện “-“ hoặc viết liền

get-together, workbook

Phrase verb: ghép nhưng có khoảng cách

make up

5. Blending: 1 phần/ 1 từ + 1 phần/ 1 từ

motel, showbiz, heliport

6. Back formation: bỏ affix  từ gốc

emotion  emote; television  televise

7. Shortening

Clipping: rút gọn từ, giữ nguyên loại từ

fanatic  fan; hamburger  burger

Initialism: 2 kí tự viết tắt

Acronyms: >2 kí tự viết tắt

8. Root creation: từ âm thanh, tiếng, từ mới được tạo thành từ nhiều từ gốc

boom, meow (tiếng mèo kêu)

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