Pinch-Induced Behavioral Inhibition ('Clipnosis') in Domestic Cats
Pinch-Induced Behavioral Inhibition ('Clipnosis') in Domestic Cats
Pinch-Induced Behavioral Inhibition ('Clipnosis') in Domestic Cats
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Department of Veterinary Clinical Research has documented immobilization of rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs and
Sciences, The Ohio State dogs by mechanical means, typically using neck clips or inversion (‘animal
University, Columbus, OH 43210, hypnosis’). In contrast, only a few studies of mechanical immobilization of cats
USA are available, although some success has been reported in the literature.
Clinique Vétérinaire Réservée aux Domestic cats may be effectively immobilized by clips placed along the animal’s
Chats, 47 Avenue Valioud, 69110 dorsum. We use the term ‘pinch-induced behavioral inhibition’ (PIBI) for this
Sainte Foy Les Lyon, France behavior because it describes both the method and the response, while avoiding
the more anthropomorphic term ‘hypnosis’. We investigated the effectiveness of
PIBI and its neurological and habituation effects in healthy cats and cats with
idiopathic cystitis (IC). Although not all cats were susceptible to PIBI and
effectiveness varied among individuals, PIBI was useful for gentle restraint in
most cats.
Date accepted: 24 October 2007 Ó 2007 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
nimal hypnosis is sometimes used to fascination have been used to describe the be-
describe a spectrum of immobility be- haviors (Lefebvre and Sabourin 1977).
haviors induced by a variety of means There has been much research interest in the
(Gallup 1974). The effect has been demonstrated mechanisms underlying immobilization through
in animals representing a variety of taxa, includ- mechanical inhibition in mice, rats, rabbits, and
ing insects, reptiles, birds and mammals (Gallup guinea pigs. In these animals, immobility is typ-
1974). According to Fleischmann and Urca ically induced using neck clips or inversion.
(1988), animal hypnosis describes a behavioral Although there has been little research on immo-
state in which the animal is both immobilized bilization of cats, there have been several reports
and desensitized to external stimuli. The practise of success in immobilizing cats by placing clips
was known to the ancient Egyptians, and re- along their dorsal midline (Lefebvre and Sabo-
ported in the western literature as early as 1646 urin 1977, Toutain 1978a,b, Tarttelin 1991, 1993,
(Klemm 1971). Immobility is assumed to have Gagnon 2006). We also have found that cats are
survival value in nature because many instances often effectively immobilized when clips are
can be found in the wild. For example, snakes placed along the animal’s neck. For cats, we
transfix prey with their gaze, and baby mammals have chosen to use the term ‘pinch-induced
become limp when their mother picks them up behavioral inhibition’ (PIBI) because it describes
by the neck with her jaws. Both of these behav- both the method and the response, while avoid-
iors describe induction of immobilization by ex- ing the more anthropomorphic term ‘hypnosis’.
ternal stimuli, although the mechanisms may Furthermore, cats typically are not fully immobi-
be quite different. Because there are many ways lized by the clips. The cat may be immobilized,
to induce immobilization, a variety of terms, but often the clipped animal retains some mobil-
such as hypnosis, mesmerism, scruff immobility ity with a decreased response to external stimuli.
reflex, behavioral arrest, bewitchment and Because the cat may retain some mobility, PIBI is
an inhibition response rather than true ‘animal
hypnosis’. Therefore, ‘behavioral inhibition’ de-
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] scribes the clips’ effects more accurately than
1098-612X/08/010082+06 $32.00/0 Ó 2007 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pinch-induced behavioral inhibition 83
Fig 2. Effect of repeated clipping on response in healthy Fig 3. Regression (best fit line and 95% confidence limits)
(H) cats and cats with IC. Only H2 and IC 1 were statistically of response to scruffing onto response to clipping in healthy
different using KruskaleWallis test. cats and cats with IC.
Pinch-induced behavioral inhibition 85
(Meyer 1990) and cats (Toutain 1978a). Although detection and to better locate a predator and
we used clip pressures that did not exceed physio- plan escape. In contrast to tonic immobility, the
logical blood pressures to ensure that clip applica- freezing animal is highly responsive to stimuli,
tion did not result in ischemic damage to the skin such as touch, and remains in the alert posture
of the animal, pressures greater than 300 mmHg typical for that species (Marks 1987).
for prolonged periods of time (>3 h) have been re- We conclude that PIBI is not a fear or pain re-
ported to be necessary to induce ischemia-related sponse, and instead may have evolved to facili-
injury (discussed in Tsuji et al 2005). tate transportation of the kitten by the mother
The only difference in neurological function cat. We have observed that young cats and kit-
observed in the cats after application of the clips tens are more responsive to PIBI than adults,
was a decrease in mentation, suggesting a fore- suggesting that this may be a procedure to be in-
brain site of action. The altered mentation was troduced to owners as early in the cat’s life as
not characteristic of decreased arousability, as possible to enhance effects. The profound PIBI
would be observed in obtunded or stuporous an- response in young cats and kittens also suggests
imals. Instead, the difference was in content; the that this may be the residue of a conserved juve-
changes were not appropriate in the given envi- nile mechanism in adult cats. The mechanisms
ronment, in which more active behavior was underlying immobility remain uncertain (Klemm
observed without the clips. Interestingly, the 1971, Fleischmann and Urca 1988, Klemm 2001,
mentation change appeared to have positive Beyaert et al 2003).
characteristics associated with it. The cats ap- No cat exhibited behavior that was interpreted
peared calmer, and most purred and kneaded as evidence that they were in pain, eg, tachyp-
with their paws while the clips were attached. nea, tachycardia, mydriasis. Furthermore, we ob-
In the cats that had the most pronounced re- served the effects of clip application on 15 cats
sponses, the menace response also was decreased (eight cats with IC and seven healthy cats) with
or absent, further supporting a forebrain localiza- implanted telemetry devices and detected no sig-
tion of the effect. nificant changes in heart rate, blood pressure, or
Reiner (1986) reported significant pupillary mi- body temperature. These observations, particu-
osis and decreased central and peripheral sympa- larly the absence of stress-induced hyperthermia,
thetic neuron activities during the induction of lead us to conclude that the clips were not pain-
the scruff immobility reflex, suggesting that the ful for the cats (unpublished data). Moreover, in
reflex is not noxious (Boscan et al 2005). In con- clinical use we regularly observe miosis, bradyp-
trast to PIBI, tonic (or unresponsive) immobility nea, bradycardia, and less resistance to vene-
is ‘the sudden onset of prolonged stillness and puncture, which further suggests the absence of
decreased responsivity in a previously active pain. Additional research will be necessary to de-
animal in the face of threatening stimulation’ termine potential analgesic effects of PIBI in cats.
(Marks 1987, reviewed in Moskowitz 2004). Tonic However, we conclude that PIBI can be a safe,
immobility represents a fear response, and can be convenient, benign method of restraint for a vari-
elicited in a wide range of animals, ranging from ety of routine veterinary procedures such as
arthropods to fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, physical examination, minor wound care, vene-
and mammals. Although tonic immobility also puncture, vaccinations, blood glucose monitor-
is characterized by lack of movement, animals re- ing, and nail trimming.
portedly maintain unusual postures for pro-
longed periods, with muscular rigidity and
waxy flexibility of limbs. Vocal behavior is typi-
cally suppressed, and the animal is unresponsive References
to even intense or painful stimulation. This strat- Beyaert CA, Haouzi P, Marchal F (2003) Inhibition of
egy is presumed to have developed to increase midbrain-evoked tonic and rhythmic motor activity by
cutaneous stimulation in decerebrate cats. Experimental
the probability of survival, as many predators Brain Research 149, 159e166.
lose interest in prey that remains motionless for Boscan P, Dutschmann M, Herbert H, Paton JF (2005) Neuro-
a period of time. kininergic mechanism within the lateral crescent nucleus
PIBI also should be distinguished from atten- of the parabrachial complex participates in the heart-rate
tive immobility, which is more appropriately de- response to nociception. Journal of Neuroscience 25,
scribed as freezing (Moskowitz 2004). Attentive Fleischmann A, Urca G (1988) Clip-induced analgesia and
immobility is primarily a transient defense strat- immobility in the mouse: pharmacological characteriza-
egy while the animal stops moving to avoid tion. Neuropharmacology 27, 641e648.
Pinch-induced behavioral inhibition 87
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