Sunrise SunSetSDH

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…a step ahead

SunSet SDH
Introducing the world’s smallest STM-4
optical network test set—the powerful

The Challenge—
Comprehensive Access Network Testing

As telecommunications networks A Single Solution for Protocol Analysis

expand to higher bandwidths and and Physical Layer Troubleshooting—
wider arrays of services, installation
The SunSet SDH
and maintenance becomes more The SunSet SDH is the latest
and more difficult. A typical generation of access network
technician may be responsible test sets from Sunrise Telecom,
for turning up and integrating the industry leader in the design
many different services. This and manufacture of handheld
requires a vast array of skills, telecommunications service
training, and equipment. verification equipment. The SunSet
In addition, the modern SDH offers 2.048 Mbit/s to 622
access network combines many Mbit/s testing, along with all the
independent physical and protocol service verification tools you need:
layers. A single voice or data ATM, GSM voice and TRAU, A-bis,
connection may span the networks GPRS over A-bis, V5.1/V5.2, and
of several different companies: SS7. Other protocols are also
Telcos, Alternate Service Providers, available for 1.544 Mbit/s.
and other private and public Technicians can increase efficiency,
networks. consolidate training, and save time
and money by testing all these rates
and services with a single handheld
unit. Among handheld sets, only
the SunSet SDH has the feature set
to ensure quality connections across
the entire access network.

• SDH testing: 52, 155,
and 622 Mbit/s
• PDH testing: 2, 34, and
139 Mbit/s
• T-carrier testing: 1.544
and 44.736 Mbit/s
• ATM testing
• Comprehensive service
verification protocols
A Complete Kit of
Powerful Protocol Analysis Tools—
In One Handheld Unit

The fully-loaded SunSet SDH incorporates the most popular and

powerful features for testing PDH (2, 34, 139 Mbit/s), T-carrier
(1.5 and 45 Mbit/s), and SDH networks (52, 155 and 622 Mbit/s).
The SunSet SDH also offers protocol analyzer functions with Internet
Protocol (IP), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), GSM Voice and
TRAU Access, GSM A-bis protocol, V5.x, GPRS over GSM A-bis, and
SS7. Traditional voice frequency (VF) and trunk conditioning
functions are also included.
The SunSet SDH is battery powered and field upgradeable. Its light
weight, rugged durability, long battery life, and low cost make it the
ideal tool for field technicians in the Access Network. The comprehensive
feature set also makes it well suited for local exchange and laboratory

Basic Testing Features

• SDH testing (optical/electrical)
• PDH testing
• T-carrier testing
Power to Grow
• Full complement of test The SunSet SDH has the flexibility to grow as your
patterns network grows. If you only require SDH transmission
• Error injection and alarm testing today, you can add full PDH/T-carrier testing
generation later with a simple software upgrade. Add features like
• Optional histogram analysis ATM, GSM (2.048 Mbit/s service verification), or V5.x
when you need them. Upgrade your existing software
to the latest version at no cost throughout an optional
3-year warranty period.

Easy to Use
The SDH has a clear, backlit, color display and well-
organized measurement screens that allow for quick access
Advanced Testing Tools
to all test results. The dual-state LEDs give unambiguous
alarm and error information. The measurement screens • SDH sections and path overhead
display all important data at a glance; the summary monitoring
screen provides an up-to-the-moment summary of all • SDH/PDH Mux/Demux testing
errors and alarms. Intuitive menus and function keys • G.783 Pointer Test sequences
allow technicians to configure the test set quickly. • APS switching timing measurement
The AUTO key greatly simplifies test setup. • VF/DSO and fractional E1/T1
• Tributary Scan (E1)

Dual-color LEDs Serial Port
Check your circuit’s operation at a Print your results or store them
glance, making testing as simple as on your PC for later review.
“green is good; red is bad.” Signal status
is displayed simultaneously for all rates.
Built-in Speaker
Listen to voice over 64 kbit/s, GSM
Voice decoding, or Orderwire.

155M E/139M Port

Tx and Rx connectors for STM-1 Dual 1.5M/2M Ports
electrical or 139 Mbit/s testing. Dual transceivers for transmission
and protocol testing.
Straightforward Results
There is no need to decipher or dig through
results. The SunSet SDH provides all results
in an intuitive, convenient manner.

34/45/52 Mbit/s Ports

Test and monitor 34, 45 and
52 Mbit/s (STM-0) circuits.
Optical Ports
The SunSet SDH can be
configured for FC or SC optical External Clock
connectors, 1310 or 1550 nm 2 Mbit/s 2MHz.
single wavelength. It can also
be configured for dual wave-
length testing.


Inject Errors at any rate to verify
connectivity and response from
Auto Key network elements or to stress-
The AUTO key eases test configuration, letting test the network.
you test more quickly, efficiently, and accurately.

Built-in Microphone
Talk over 64 kbit/s or Order Wire using the
convenient, hands-free microphone.

SunSet SDH connector

panels are available in
multiple configurations.
Please contact your
Dual Optical Wavelength sales representative Dual 1.5/2M Interfaces
Dual wavelength transmitter can test 1310 and for details. Dual 1.544/2.048 Mbit/s Balanced interfaces are
1550 nm systems. Optical transmitters are available for dual BERT analysis and full protocol
available in FC or SC connectors. decoding. Choose either RJ45 or Bantam connectors.


Device TE

D SL, ATM Switch

ATM Switch ATM Switch




PDH fice

Access Network Line


The SunSet SDH can go

1 GSM A-bis monitoring and 3 Test automatic protection
anywhere your network
decoding; GSM Voice and switch timing.
takes you.
TRAU access. Monitor 16
4 Monitor VCCs, ATM QoS,
kbit/s GSM channels.
2 V5.x monitoring; 3c paths
monitoring. 5 Establish & analyze SDH link to
Network Elements. Loopback
and BERT 2M channels.
1 10


GGSN Intternet
155M Gb


A/A-ter RNC RNC 155M


3 12

Pro otectio
otec on
Sw w ch








6 Perform inexpensive first-pass 8 Ping the PC or ISP. Perform a 10 GPRS over GSM A-bis
analysis on SS7 signaling Point-to-Point test on an monitoring
problems. ATM/VPI/VCI.
11 GPRS over Frame Relay
7 Bring PDH circuits into service.* 9 Set APS Signaling,
Section/Path Trace,
*In-service monitoring & error performance
Synchronization Status bytes. 12 3G Network/ATM
analysis per ITU-T G.826, M.2100.

622 M STM-4 AU4-4c VC4-4c

155 M STM-1 AUG AU4 VC4

52 Mb STM-0 AU3 VC3

TUG-2 x3




Advanced SDH transmission

testing & analysis—in a handheld unit

Don’t let the unit’s small size fool you—the SunSet SDH offers extensive features for SDH
testing and analysis. With the SunSet SDH, operators can access the SDH network at the
optical or electrical interface, including STM-0/1 electrical and STM-1/4 optical. The
SunSet SDH supports full ITU-T mapping for VC11, VC12, VC3, and VC4. Comprehensive
SDH errors and alarms are conveniently sorted by near-end
and far-end, regenerator section, multiplexer section, and
high order and low order path, complying with ITU-T
recommendations. Tests range from simple verification of
optical power level and frequency to advanced features like
overhead control/decode and multiplexer testing.

SDH for the field

The SunSet SDH is uniquely suited
for field applications. No other SDH
analyzer weighs less than 1.5
kilograms and runs for hours
on a single battery charge. Field operators can quickly verify signal level
with an easy to read power measurement.

C4-4c Bulk

139 Mbit/s Bulk


C3 34 Mbit/s
45 Mbit/s Bulk

Advanced users can control/read SDH overhead

bytes. The english decodes make overhead simple.
VC12 2 Mbit/s Bu

SDH Overhead Control

VC11 1.5 Mbit/s B

Bulk The SunSet SDH allows the user to easily access the entire regenerator
section, multiplexer section, and high and low order path overhead to
monitor and test the SDH network. Important network properties such
as parity (B1, B2, B3, and BIP-2), protection switching (K1, K2), pointers
(H1-H2), and network status and alarms (M1, S1, G1) are readily available.
Applications for the field The user can also view network traces (J0, J1, J2), labels (C2, V5), com-
technician include: munications channels (D1-D3, D4-D12), and user-defined messaging (F1, F2).
• Verifying network continuity Order Wire testing is available through E1 and E2 bytes for talk/listen applications.
with BERT analysis
• Easily detecting SDH
errors/alarms with LEDs and
well-organized results screens
• Confirming proper frequency
and power level
• Monitoring of pointer
movement in the network and
adjusting pointer values to
stress network elements
• Identifying network
synchronization problems by
connecting the external clock
input to the synchronization
timing source of the network
• Checking the network’s
automatic protection switch
(APS) function and measuring
network switchover time
• Trouble scan
• Sequential test

Comprehensive ATM Diagnostics

Private Exchange Pu
ublic Exchange #1

ATM Switch ATM Switch


ATM Switch


Public Exchange #2


ATM Switch

Any SDH, PDH, or T-carrier network UNI

provisioned for ATM traffic needs
Customer Site
to be qualified for ATM. If you
lease your network to service
providers using ATM, you need
a tool to test, verify and trouble- The SunSet SDH is the single testing solution for both the physical
shoot the network and the traffic layer and the ATM layer. With one test set, a single technician can
it is carrying. Conversely, if you are verify network performance with and without ATM traffic. All
responsible for the ATM traffic, applicable network rates are available in one chassis, eliminating the
you must verify that the network need for multiple ATM test units if the ATM network spans several
is error free and functioning properly, subnetworks. The full-featured ATM testing capabilities of the SunSet SDH
especially when you do not own provide the power and flexibility to install and troubleshoot an ATM
the network. When traffic is disrupted, network from the ground up. The SDH can test and monitor between
you cannot waste valuable time network elements (NNI) and the network and edge devices (UNI). It can
and money pointing fingers. verify network provisioning, perform stress tests, conduct BERT analysis,
and monitor responses to alarms, errors, and OAM cells. The SunSet SDH
allows you to non-intrusively monitor traffic across the network, gathering
statistics on congestion, bandwidth, idle cells, OAM cells, and errors.

Cell Capture & Decode:
• Capture and store cells.
Save user and/or OAM cells.
View, decode, and analyze
saved cells at any time.
• Header decode. The SDH displays
the meaning of the header
values, including general flow
Traffic Generation: control (GFC), VPI/VCI, and
• Generate one to eight independent VCCs. Perform up to eight separate payload type indicator (PTI),
traffic tests at once. plus any timestamps and
sequence numbers.
• Programmable traffic pattern: CBR, VBR, Sequential Cell.
• OAM cell decode. The SDH can
• Insert OAM cells: F4/F5, Segment/End-to-End, FM cells. Verify the decode all forms of OAM cells.
alarm and loopback response of ATM network elements. Decipher the location IDs for AIS,
• Inject errors: BIT and HEC errors. RDI and loopback cells. Generate
• ATM Dual-ended BERT and Throughput testing with the SunSet xDSL important PM statistics like total
and SunSet MTT. received cell count and block
error results. Verify the activated
PM block size.

Traffic Supervision:
• Scan 32 VCCs for header information. View the traffic moving
across the network including the addresses and cell ATM IP Testing:
loss priority. Select suspicious streams to filter and analyze. • Verify and measure an
• Traffic Monitoring. IP connection through the
• BERT, Quality of Service (QoS), and OAM measurements. ATM network.
The SunSet SDH compiles vital network information following • Bridge and Route (per RFC 1483),
O.191. Comprehensive cell testing measures cell count, cell PPP, and DHCP.
congestion, cell bandwidth, cell loss, cell error ratios, cell delay, • PING and automated PING
and cell delay variation. Users can also view the number and response. Specify number of
total time of OAM events such as AIS and RDI alarms. PINGs and delay between PINGs.
The SDH counts the number of
successful PINGs, total lost PINGs,
and response time.

Powerful signaling and protocol
analysis in your hand

The SunSet SDH provides the most convenient and cost-
effective solution for installing and maintaining GSM links
and ensuring proper transmission at higher rates. This
comprehensive, handheld unit provides the signaling
functions needed to isolate problematic signals. It also
features the transmission tests required to verify
performance between the GSM circuits and the public
switched networks. Comprehensive results assist in analyzing
physical signaling, voice access, and traffic management.
Protocol analysis for A-bis interface can be performed
later with stored data. In-service monitoring helps to
analyze both channel traffic and voice quality.

TRAU Testing
The SDH can insert an artificial voice
message into a GSM subchannel to
check voice conversion in the TRAU
units. Full duplex testing means the
SDH can insert a voice message or
a 16 kbit/s data pattern on an in-service
link. C-bit manipulation can test the
network’s response to stress loads.


The SunSet SDH also supports V5.x protocol analysis for
the access network, including 3 Time Slot (3 C-paths)
monitoring for V5.2 protocol. Detailed protocol analysis for
in-service testing with message filters and a memory buffer
make the SunSet SDH a very powerful test unit for the
access network.

The SunSet SDH provides GPRS monitoring over A-bis interface, conforming
to ETSI recommendations for GSM. GPRS statistics include layer detection,
pass/fail report, and session count. A-bis statistics include RLL Management,
D Management, CC Management, and TRX Management.

VF Measurements

Voice Frequency Testing

The SunSet SDH tests digital to
analog conversion by inserting and
measuring tones (50 to 3950 Hz)
on individual channels. You may
talk/listen over a channel using
the SunSet’s integrated micro-
phone and speaker.


The SS7 option places powerful SS7 protocol analysis and
monitoring in the hands of the field technician. Protocol
decodes help technicians determine a preliminary diagnosis
to SS7 network problems. Statistic screens show traffic
utilization, frame types, and retransmission. Powerful filters aid
in quick troubleshooting by focusing on a specific customer,
message type, OPC/DPC, etc.


Powerful PDH Testing

Full testing of PDH legacy networks can be
done with the SunSet SDH. Framed, unframed
and structured modes are available for in-
service and out-of-service tests for different
types of tributaries. Fractional E1(Nx64) or T1
(Nx64, Nx56) with selectable time slot setting
is also available on this powerful test set. Comprehensive
T-Carrier Testing
Just because the SunSet SDH is
designed for high speed optical
rates and data-centric protocols
like ATM does not mean that you
need to sacrifice the traditional
T-carrier applications. The SunSet
SDH offers all the transmission
testing applications for 1.5 and
45 Mbit/s circuits.

Windows®-Based Remote
Control and Storage
Technicians can remotely
operate the SunSet SDH
from a PC simply by
connecting to the SDH serial
port using a standard printer
cable and null modem
adapter. A graphic user
interface that exactly
duplicates the look and feel
of the SDH is available for
Windows®-based PCs.

Sunrise Telecom is a global leader
in providing service verification
Related Products equipment for a growing variety of
telecommunications environments
and technologies. We are constantly
SunSet OCx
Service Verification and Analysis advancing industry standards in handheld
• ATM/IP telecom test equipment with leading
• GR-303, SS7, ISDN PRI, edge innovations to our SunSet products:
VF/DS0, Frame Relay
renowned easy-to-use graphical interface
Broadband Testing
• OC-48/48c to STS-1 for viewing circuit status information,
• DS3 (45 Mb) innovative software cartridges that
• Dual DS1 (1.5 Mb)
instantly expand our already impressive
Advanced Tools
• Remote control feature set, and elegant internal design
• Pulse mask with state-of-the-art circuitry to enable
DS3, DS1
next generation products.
• Overhead & Loopback control
Sunrise products have found broad
acceptance in domestic and international
markets, with a customer base that includes
local exchange carriers, cellular exchange
SunSet 10G
operators, private network operators,
• First true handheld test set at 10 Gbit/s
• Complete BERT & Performance and telecom equipment manufacturers.
Monitoring in compliance with ANSI,
Telephone companies on six continents
Telcordia, & ITU-T standards
• Overhead analysis have standardized on our products, which
• Pointer stress testing are distributed by a network of sales and
• Large, easy-to-see color display service representatives in more than
• SONET and SDH in the same
test set 70 countries.
• Economical for wide Sunrise Telecom was incorporated on
October 1, 1991 and became a public
• Core Network payloads from
STS-192c/STM-64c to STS-1/VC3 Bulk company July 2000, trading under the

Service & Support
Sunrise Telecom proudly gives its customers
excellent service and support. Technical
assistance is available from local representatives
in over 70 countries, from factory experts, on the
Internet, and via Sunrise’s customer support line.
Contact Sunrise Telecom to find your local
Sales Representative or Distributor and discover
how the SunSet SDH can solve your testing needs.

Detailed specifications are available for the
features listed in this document. Inquire with
your local representative.

Several SunSet SDH accessories are available
for specific testing requirements.
Ask your representative for ordering
information and additional specifications.

Order Direct
toll-free order hotline 1 888 242 7077 (US/Canada only)
fax hotline 1 408 360 1958
[email protected]

Customer Support
1 800 701 5208 (US/Canada only)
1 408 360 2200 (International)

[email protected]

Visit our web site

Sunrise Telecom
302 Enzo Drive
San Jose, CA 95138
ph 1 408 363 8000
fax 1 408 363 8313

Sunrise Telecom and SunSet are registered trademarks of Sunrise Telecom

Incorporated. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Specifications subject to change without notice. 4/02

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