Sunset SDH: Sunrise Telecom
Sunset SDH: Sunrise Telecom
Sunset SDH: Sunrise Telecom
SunSet SDH ®
with Jitter and Wander
Data Sheet
in a handheld
test set - the
Combining the power of a benchtop SDH/PDH set and protocol analyzer
SunSet SDH into a handheld platform, the SunSet SDH offers advanced testing for
SDH, PDH, and ATM networks and services. With electrical and optical
interfaces, the SunSet SDH tests from 64 kbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s (STM-16). Its
lightweight, durability, long battery life, and low cost make it the ideal tool
for field technicians in the access and metropolitan networks. And with
jitter and wander testing capabilities, save time and money for installa-
tion, maintenance, troubleshooting, and commissioning tasks, either at the
central office or in the field.
KEY features
• SDH testing at 52, 155, 622 Mbit/s and 2.5 Gbit/s • Tandem connections: errors, alarms, APId capture and
• PDH & T-Carrier testing at 1.5, 2, 34, 45, and 139 Mbit/s; generation
PDH/T-Carrier structured mode • Voice frequency testing: talk/listen, send/receive tones,
• Bit error rate testing and error performance analysis noise measurements
per ITU-T G.821, G.826, G.828, G.829, M.2100, M.2101, • ATM testing at 1.5, 2, 34, 45, 155, 622 Mbit/s and 2.5 Gbit/s
and M.2110 • ATM traffic generation, ATM QoS measurements, ATM Ad-
• SDH-SDH, SDH-PDH MuxTest modes; Independent Tx aptation Layer (AAL0, AAL1, AAL2, AAL5) tests
and Rx for testing ADMs and synchronous multiplexers • IP over ATM testing, ATM DSL DSLAM test
• SDH/PDH MuxMode: drop and insert of 1.5/2M tributaries
• Full SDH overhead control and decode benefits
• Tributary scan for alarm and error monitoring
• SDH/PDH/ATM feature-rich
• APS timing measurement and APS bytes capture
• Lightweight and highly portable
• Pointer monitoring, pointer adjustment, pointer offset
• Eliminates the need for multiple and heavier instruments
and G.783 pointer test sequences
without compromising test features or accuracy
• ITU-T compliant Jitter generation, measurement, toler-
• Intuitive and easy-to-use
ance & transfer tests, pointer jitter test in MuxTest mode
• Cost-effective and future-proof
• Real time wander TIE measurements and offline MTIE/TDEV
• Increases efficiency
analysis software conforming to ITU-T G.811, G.812,
• Consolidates training and shortens the learning curve
G.813, G.823
• Handles multiple tasks including installation, maintenance,
• Pulse mask analysis at 1.5, 2, 34, and 45 Mbit/s
troubleshooting, and commissioning
Applications Out-of-Service testing
Installation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting & ADM
Commissioning Tx
The SunSet SDH is the ideal product for installation and bringing Rx Optical Ring
into service tasks in the field and central office. Commission- ADM
ing and acceptance tests can be performed with the same test
set, as jitter and wander features are part of the conformance Round trip delay
can also be completed with the same handheld test set saving NE Network
time and money.
Out-of-Service Testing
Jitter generation/measurement
• End-to-end BERT Jitter Generation
• Bringing into Service per ITU-T M.2110 Tx Rx
• ATM testing NE
Rx Tx
• Trace generation
Jitter Measurement
• Round trip delay
• NE verification Jitter tolerance/transfer measurements
– Jitter tolerance and transfer measurement High rate side Low rate side
• SDH overhead bytes decode L1-Rx Tx
Through mode
2 SunSet ® SDH
SDH specifications 155M Electrical (STM-1)
Port/Connector: 75Ω unbalanced BNC (f)
2.5G/622M/155M/52M Optical (STM-16/4/1/0) Line coding: CMI
Port/Connector: FCUPC or SCUPC Framing: Conforms to ITU-T G.707
Line coding: NRZ Mapping: Conforms to ITU-T G.707
Mode: Single and multi-mode compatible Transmitter
Complies to ITU-T G.957 Clock source
Framing: Conforms to ITU-T G.707 Internal
Mapping: Conforms to ITU-T G.707 − Bit rate: 155.520 Mbit/s ± 4 ppm
Transmitter Frequency offset: 155.520 Mbit/s ± 50 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps
Clock source Loop: Recovered from received signal
Internal: ± 4 ppm External: Synchronization to external 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz
– Bit rates 2.5 Gbit/s, 622 Mbit/s, 155 Mbit/s, 52 Mbit/s: ± 4 ppm via 1.5/2M External Clock input
Frequency offset 1.5/2M-L2-Rx: Synchronization to external 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048
– 2.488 Gbit/s ± 50 ppm in 1, 10 ppm steps Mbit/s via 1.5/2M Line 2 input
– 622.080 Mbit/s ± 50 ppm in 1, 10 ppm steps Pulse shape: 155M electrical conforms to ITU-T G.703
– 155.520 Mbit/s ± 50 ppm in 1, 10 ppm steps Receiver
– 51.840 Mbit/s ± 50 ppm in 1, 10 ppm steps Frequency recovery range: 155.520 Mbit/s ± 150 ppm
Loop: Recovered from received signal Input sensitivity
External: Synchronization to external 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz Terminate: 12.7 dB cable loss
via 1.5/2M External Clock input Monitor: 20 dB resistive loss plus 12 dB cable loss
1.5/2M-L2-Rx: Synchronization to external 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Jitter tolerance: Conforms to ITU-T G.825
Mbit/s via 1.5/2M Line 2 input Impedance: 75Ω unbalanced
Output power range
155/622 Mbit/s
52M Electrical (STM-0)
– 1310 nm Intermediate Reach: -8 to -15 dBm
Port/Connector: 75Ω unbalanced BNC (f)
– 1310 nm Long Reach: +2 to -3 dBm
Line coding: B3ZS
– 1550 nm Long Reach: +2 to -3 dBm
Framing: Conforms to ITU-T G.707 Annex A
2.5 Gbit/s
Mapping: Conforms to ITU-T G.707
– 1310 nm Short Reach: -3 to -10 dBm
– 1310 nm Intermediate Reach: 0 to -5 dBm Transmitter
– 1310 nm Long Reach: +3 to -2 dBm Clock Source
– 1550 nm Intermediate Reach: 0 to -5 dBm Internal
– 1550 nm Long Reach: +3 to -2 dBm − Bit rate: 51.840 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm
Laser Safety: IEC825-1, Class 1, 21 CFR 1040.10 & 1040.11 Frequency offset: 51.840 Mbit/s ± 500 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps
Loop: Recovered from received signal
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-R F.750-3
Frequency recovery range
2.48832 Gbps ± 50 ppm Receiver
622.080 Mbps ± 50 ppm Frequency recovery range: 51.840 Mbit/s ± 500 ppm
155.520 Mbps ± 50 ppm Input sensitivity
51.840 Mbps ± 50 ppm Terminate: 10.8 dB cable loss
Wavelength: 1280 -1580 nm Monitor: +3 to -26 dB resistive loss
Input power range Impedance: 75Ω unbalanced (f)
155/622 Mbit/s
– 1310 nm Intermediate Reach: -30 dBm Payloads
– 1310 nm Long Reach: -30 dBm ITU-T and ETSI mapping: Manual and graphic configuration
– 1550 nm Long Reach: -30 dBm VC4-16c Bulk, VC4-4c Bulk, VC4 Bulk, VC3 Bulk, VC12 Bulk, VC11
2.5 Gbit/s Bulk, 139M, 45M, 34M, 2M Async, 1.5M Async
– 1310 nm Short Reach: -18 dBm Framed, Unframed, Structured PDH payloads
– 1310 nm Intermediate Reach: -18 dBm
– 1310 nm Long Reach: -28 dBm Test Patterns
– 1550 nm Intermediate Reach: -18 dBm STM-16 (VC4-16c): 231-1, 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, 211-1, All 0s, All 1s, Alt
– 1550 nm Long Reach: -28 dBm 1010, 1-8, 1-16
Maximum input power STM-16 (VC4-4c and below): 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, 211-1, All 0s, All 1s,
– 1310/1550 nm Short or Intermediate Reach: +3 dBm Alt 1010, 1-8, 1-16
– 1310/1550 nm Long Reach: -5 dBm STM-4, STM-1, STM-0: 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, 211-1, All 0s, All 1s, Alt
1010, 1-8, 1-16
User: 10 user patterns defined up to 16 bits
Test pattern inversion
Unselected channels: Unequipped, Broadcast 3
SDH Error Injection Pointer adjustment
Bit, B1, B2, B3, MS-REI, HP-REI, LP-REI, BIP-2 Programming of pointer value, NDF, and SS bits
Programmable error burst 1 to 9999 count, or error rate 2x10-3 to Increase and decrease the pointer value
1x10-9 SONET mode: Setting SS bits to generate/detect SONET signal
FAS error injection in periodic mode (burst of M errors every N frames) Pointer offset: Line or payload offset in ± 1, 10 ppm steps
4 SunSet ® SDH
Automatic Protection Switch Time Measurement Receiver
Measures time that anomaly is present Frequency recovery range: 44.736 Mbit/s ± 500 ppm
Resolution: 1 ms Input sensitivity
Anomaly selection: MS-AIS, B2 errors, B3 error, AU-AIS, TU-AIS, LOS Terminate: Up to -6 dB cable loss
Selectable switch time to display PASS or FAIL Monitor: +6 dB to -26 dB resistive loss
Selectable gate time to control the minimum interval for the circuit Jitter tolerance: Conforms to ITU-T G.824
to be anomaly time Impedance: 75Ω unbalanced
APS timing at 2M interfaces: 2M-AIS, 2M-LOS
APS bytes capture 34M
Capture and decode states of K1/K2 bytes Port/Connector: 75Ω unbalanced BNC (f)
– Store hundreds of messages Line coding: HDB3
– Ring and linear decoding
125 µs resolution
Clock source
Optional trigger with wildcards
Timestamp in frames or ms
− Bit rate: 34.368 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm
Duration in absolute or elapsed time
Frequency offset (as test interface and as a payload): 34.368
Save or print results
Mbit/s ± 500 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps
Load and decode past results
Loop: Recovered from received signal
Service disruption (bulk payloads)
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703
Framing: Framed, unframed, structured per ITU-T G.751
PDH/T-Carrier specifications Frequency recovery range: 34.368 Mbit/s ± 500 ppm
139M Input sensitivity
Port/Connector: 75Ω unbalanced BNC (f) Terminate: -12 dB cable loss
Line coding: CMI Monitor: -20 dB resistive loss plus -12 dB cable loss
Jitter tolerance: Conforms to ITU-T G.823
Transmitter Impedance: 75Ω unbalanced
Clock source
Internal Dual 2M
− Bit rate: 139.264 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm Port/Connector
Frequency offset (as test interface and as a payload): 139.264 120Ω balanced RJ-45 (f) (SSSDHJ-RJ45)
Mbit/s ± 150 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps 120Ω balanced bantam (SSSDHJ-BTM)
Loop: Recovered from received signal Line coding: AMI, HDB3
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703
Framing: Unframed, framed, structured per ITU-T G.751 Transmitters (Lines 1 and 2)
Clock source
Receiver Internal
Frequency recovery range: 139.264 Mbit/s ± 150 ppm − Bit rate: 2.048 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm
Input sensitivity Frequency offset (as test interface and as a payload): 2.048 Mbit/s
Terminate: 12 dB cable loss ± 5000 ppm in 1, 10, 100, 1000 ppm steps
Monitor: 20 dB resistive loss plus 12 dB cable loss External clock input port: 2.048 MHz
Jitter tolerance: Conforms to ITU-T G.823 Recovered from Line 2 input (2.048 Mbit/s)
Impedance: 75Ω unbalanced Loop: Recovered from received signal
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703 for balanced (120Ω) interfaces
45M Framing: Unframed, PCM-30/30C, PCM-31/31C conforms to ITU-T G.704
Port/Connector: 75Ω unbalanced BNC (f) Fractional E1
Line coding: B3ZS Error measurements, channel configuration verification
Transmitter Nx64 kbit/s (consecutive) or Mx64 kbit/s (nonconsecutive),
Clock source N/M=1 to 30 or 1 to 31
Internal Set Tx and Rx channels independently
− Bit rate: 44.736 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm Through mode: Test pattern on selected channels; all others through
Frequency offset (as test interface and as a payload): 44.736 Receivers (Lines 1 and 2)
Mbit/s ± 500 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps Frequency recovery range: 2.048 Mbit/s ± 5000 ppm
Loop: Recovered from received signal Input sensitivity
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703 Terminate, Bridge: +6 to -43 dB with ALBO
Framing: Unframed, M13, and C-bit Monitor: -20 dB resistive loss plus -6 dB cable loss
Jitter tolerance: Conforms to ITU-T G.823
Terminate, Monitor: 120Ω balanced
Bridge: > 1200Ω 5
Dual 1.5M M.2100 analysis (Maintenance or BIS)
Port/Connector Alarm statistics
100Ω balanced RJ-45 (f) (SSSDHJ-RJ45) Loss of signal seconds, Loss of Frame seconds, AIS seconds
100Ω balanced bantam (SSSDHJ-BTM) FAS RAI seconds (2M, 34M, 139M)
Line coding: AMI, B8ZS MFAS RAI seconds (2M only)
Yellow alarm seconds (1.5M, 45M)
Transmitters (Lines 1 and 2)
Low density seconds, excess 0s seconds (1.5M)
Clock source
Frequency measurements: Moving bar graph of slip count, max fre-
quency, min frequency, frequency deviation in ppm, clock slips,
− Bit rate: 1.544 Mbit/s ± 5 ppm
max positive wander, max negative wander
Frequency offset (as test interface and as a payload): 1.544 Mbit/s
Signal level measurement (1.5/2M/34M/45M)
± 500 ppm in 1, 10, 100 ppm steps
External clock input port: 1.544 MHz
Recovered from Line 2 input (1.544 Mbit/s)
PDH Mux/Demux Testing
Using two sets of physical ports: 2 Tx/2 Rx
Loop: Recovered from received signal
The following combinations are applicable:
Pulse shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703
Framing: Unframed, SF-D4, ESF. Conforms to ANSI T1.102, 107, 107A,
• 139M/34M • 45M/2M • 34M/2M
403, and 404. Also Telcordia TR-TSY-000009 and TR-TSY-000191.
Fractional T1 • 139M/2M • 45M/1.5M
Error measurements, channel configuration verification
Nx64 kbit/s or Nx56 kbit/s (consecutive or nonconsecutive), N=1 to 24
Set Tx and Rx channels independently MuxTest: The test pattern is generated on the low or high speed
Through mode: Test pattern on selected channels; all others through port and the BERT is measured on the opposite port
6 SunSet ® SDH
Measurement Criteria Jitter Generation
Test results/events storage and events log capability Modulation source type: Sinusoidal
Stores up to 20 test results or 800 errors or alarms events with user Jitter amplitude/frequency: Conforms to ITU-T O.172
definable labels; lock/unlock records, available to screen view or Jitter Tolerance Measurement
print PASS/FAIL template: Conforms to ITU-T G.825
Stores up to 10 user configurations (profiles) with alphanumeric labels Test frequencies: Up to 30 points
Print on event can be enabled or disabled Technique: Onset of errors
Print at timed interval (settable from 2 min up to 999 hr 59 min) Storage: Up to 20 records
Measurement duration continuous or timed (settable up to 999 hr,
59 min) Fast Jitter Tolerance Measurement
Elapsed time, remaining time PASS/FAIL template: Set to ITU-T G.825 by default
Programmable start date and time User programmable template (frequency points & amplitude values)
Audible alarm: On/off switchable Technique: Onset of errors
Storage: Up to 20 records
Jitter Transfer Measurement
Histogram Analysis PASS/FAIL template: Conforms to ITU-T G.825
Errors/Alarms/Pointer graphic display in real-time 155.520 Mbit/s (500 Hz to 1.3 MHz)
Stores current results with 1-second resolution for the last 60 min- 622.080 Mbit/s (1 kHz to 5 MHz)
utes, 1-minute resolution for the last 72 hours, and 15-minute 2.488 Gbit/s (5 kHz to 20 MHz)
resolution for the last 57 days Test frequencies: Up to 30 points
CSV format storage Storage: Up to 20 records 7
Jitter Tolerance Measurement
PASS/FAIL template: Per ITU-T G.823, G.824
aTM testing
Test frequencies: Up to 30 points Mapping
Technique: Onset of errors 1.5/2M: PLCP and HEC-based per ITU-T G.804 and also non-
Storage: Up to 20 records G.804 compliant
Fast Jitter Tolerance Measurement 34M: PLCP and HEC-based per ITU-T G.804 with framing based
PASS/FAIL template on ITU-T G.832
Set to ITU-T G.823 (for 2M, 34M, 139M) 45M: PLCP and HEC-based per ITU-T G.804
Set to ITU-T G.824 (for 1.5M, 45M) SDH: HEC-based per ITU-T G.707 (mapping using VC4 and VC12)
User programmable template (frequency points & amplitude values) Interface: UNI and NNI per ITU-T I.361
Technique: Onset of errors Header control: GFC, VPI/VCI, PTI, CLP
Storage: Up to 20 records Scrambling: On or off
Idle cells: Idle or null
Jitter Transfer Measurement C2 POH Hex: 13 (default)
PASS/FAIL template: Per ITU-T G.735, G.736 ,G.737, G.742, G.751, G.752 Pattern truncate
1.544 Mbit/s (from 10 Hz to 40 kHz) Display: VPI/VCI in decimal or hexadecimal
2.048 Mbit/s (10 Hz to 100 kHz) ATM cell LED indicates presence of valid ATM cells
34.368 Mbit/s (100 Hz to 800 kHz) OAM cell generation
44.736 Mbit/s (10 Hz to 400 kHz) VCC scan: 128 independent headers
Test frequencies: Up to 30 points AAL 0/1/2/5 generation and analysis
Storage: Up to 20 records
Pointer Jitter Test Quality of Service
SDH-PDH MuxTest mode with Pointer Test Sequences generation on Timed or continuous measurement
Tx side, and Jitter measurements on the Rx side Programmable start time and date
Traffic Supervision
8 independent VCC filters: 1 foreground, 7 background
WANDER generation & MEASUREMENT Foreground: Full QoS, BERT, OAM counter, and statistics
Background: Traffic statistics and OAM monitoring only
SDH/PDH Wander Measurement Quality of Service: Errored cells and CER, lost cells and CLR, misin-
Measurement range: According to ITU-T O.171 and ITU-T O.172 serted cells and CMR, SECB and SECB rate
Test interface ATM alarms: VP-/VC-LOC, AIS, RDI, LFMF (segment, end-to-end)
2.048 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-TIE) Global measurements: Total cells, idle cells, HEC errors (correctable
1.544*, 34.368, 44.736, and 139.264 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-PDHTIE) and non-correctable), HEC rate
155.020 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-155MTIE) Delay measurements: Cell Transit Delay (CTD) (MEAN, MIN, and MAX)
622.080 Mbits/s (SWSDHJ-622MTIE) and Cell Delay Variation (CDV) Peak to Peak 2-point (MAX, MIN)
2.488 Gbit/s (SWSDHJ-2.5GTIE) – Requires timestamp field or O.191 test cell
Reference clock: 1.544, 2.048, 5, 10 MHz, 1.544/2.048 Mbit/s (L2-Rx) Total, congested, tagged count and rate Cps (cells per second)
Parameters Bit errors and bit error rate, CRC errors
Real Time Measurements OAM cell count: F4/F5, segment/end-to-end, AIS/RDI/loopback
Time Interval Error (TIE) OAM count: Continuity check, Performance management
– Amplitude (ns) Graphical display in histogram format of bit errors, CHEC, NCHEC,
– Maximum and minimum TIE value cell loss seconds, cell errors and OAM cell count (F4/F5, segment/
Off-line measurements (SWSDHJ-WAN) end-to-end, AIS/RDI, loopback)
– Maximum Time Interval Error (MTIE) ATM View Test Records
– Time Deviation (TDEV) Stores up to 20 ATM test results with user definable labels
– Graphic display of results according to G.810, G.811, G.812, Lock/unlock records, available to screen view or print
G.813, and G.823 MTIE/TDEV masks Transferable to PC in CSV format by using Windows Remote Control
– TIE data transfer from test set to PC via 10Base-T port
VCC Scan
Wander Generation Up to 128 independent headers: GFC, VPI, VCI, PTI, CLP, AAL type
Modulation source type: Sinusoidal AAL scan
Wander amplitude/frequency: According to ITU-T O.172 Save up to 8 VCC configurations
Test interface Utilization %
2.048 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-TIE)
155.020 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-155MTIE) Cell Capture & Decode
622.080 Mbit/s (SWSDHJ-622MTIE) Cell type capture selection: User, OAM, USER + OAM
2.488 Gbit/s (SWSDHJ-2.5GTIE) Full buffer option to cycle or stop
Reference clock: 2.048 MHz Timed or continuous capture
Programmable start time and date
*Note: 1.544 Mbit/s TIE measurement accuracy does not fully meet ITU-T 0.171 nd 0.172
Display cell header and payload of 4096 cells
8 SunSet ® SDH
Header decode: GFC, VPI/VCI, PTI, CLP DSLAM Testing
OAM decode per ITU-T I.610 ATM end-to-end connectivity test between customer premises
Fault management (SSxDSL/MTT) and CO (SSSDH); back-to-back with SunSet xDSL/
AIS/RDI: Defect type, defect location MTT ATU-R Module
Loopback: Loopback ID, correlation tag, loopback location ID, – SunSet xDSL/MTT requires software option SWxDSL-xxATM
source ID – Auto detection of SSxDSL/MTT at far end
Performance management Bidirectional, asymmetric DSL throughput testing
Forward and backward Upstream and downstream statistics
MCSN, BEDC, BLER, TUC (0+1), TUC (0), TRCC (0+1), TRCC (0), Tx and Rx cell rates
timestamp Cell loss %
Activation/deactivation: Message, direction, correlation tag, PM Bit error count, BER, and bit error injection
block size A-B & B-A Clear Pass/Fail indication
System management Test results available on both units
Cell storage
Save up to 10 cell capture screens ATM/IP PING Test
Print Protocols
RFC 1483: LCC-Bridge (static & dynamic [DHCP]) & LCC-Route
Traffic Generation RFC 2364: PPP over ATM (PPPoA)
8 independent VCCs: 1 foreground, 7 background RFC 2516: PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
Foreground VCC RFC 2225: Classical IP and ARP over ATM
Traffic: Constant Bit Rate (CBR), Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR) InARP
Burst, Variable Bit Rate (VBR), and Sequential Cells − In ARP Request to Far End
Cell Type: User, O.191 Test Cell, OAM-B Cell Performance − In ARP Request Sent, Received
Patterns: 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, All 1s, All 0s, and 16-bit user patterns − In ARP Response Received, Sent
Background VCCs − In ARP Response from
Traffic: CBR − In ARP Request from
Cell type: User Number of PINGs: Up to 65535
Patterns: 16-bit User patterns PING length: 1 to 1500 bytes
AAL 0 User selectable bit rate down to 1 kbit/s
Traffic: CBR, VBR/UBR, Sequential Cells Clear Pass/Fail indication
Patterns: 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, All 1s, All 0s, and 16-bit user patterns Statistics
PCR: %, Mbps, Cps PINGs sent, state, received, unreachable, missing
AAL 1 Round trip: Current, average, maximum, and minimum
SRTS (Synchronous Residual Time Stamp): On, Off PING response/echo: Time, IP addresses, total PINGs
Clock recovery adaptive method
PDH: 1.5M, 2M
− For 1.5M: Unframe, SF-D4, ESF product description
− For 2M: Unframe, PCM-30, PCM-30C, PCM-31, PCM-31C Upgrades: SW options upgradeable via software in-field cartridge
Traffic replacement
− Fixed at T1 (PCR: 1.741 Mbps [4106 Cps]) Display: Backlit 320 x 240 pixels STN indoor/outdoor Color screen
− Fixed at E1 (PCR: 2.309 Mbps [5446 Cps]) with CFL Backlight
Patterns: 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, All 1s, All 0s, and 16-bit user patterns Printer: Report printing via serial port, RS-232 DIN-9
AAL 2 Network: 10Base-T DIN-9
Length Battery: Built-in NiMH rechargeable battery pack
CID (Channel Identifier) Power: AC operation w/100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz universal charger
Traffic: CBR, VBR/UBR, Sequential Cells Environmental
Patterns: 223-1, 220-1, 215-1, All 1s, All 0s, and 16-bit user patterns Operating temperature: 32 to 113°F (0 to 45°C)
PCR: %, Mbps, Cps Storage temperature: -4 to 158°F (-20 to 70°C)
AAL 5 Humidity: 5% to 90% noncondensing
CPCS-UU (Common Part Convergence Sublayer-User to User) Dimensions
indication number Size: 4.3 x 2.8 x 10.6 in (11 x 7 x 27 cm)
CPI (Common Part Indicator) Weight: 3.3 lb (1.5 kg)
Frame rate: 0 - 50
Error injection: Bit, HEC, and NC-HEC errors, burst and rate
Alarm generation: F4/F5, segment/end-to-end, AIS, RDI, loopback,
continuity check 9
ordering information Software Packages
SSSDHC-STM16J SunSet SDHC Jitter and Wander, 2M, 34M, 155M test SWSDHJ-PDHJIT PDH Jitter Generation and Measurement
interfaces. RS-232C &10Base-T ports. [Includes 1.5M, SWSDHJ-DSnJIT T-Carrier Jitter Generation and Measurement
45M, 52M electrical and 139M test interfaces, PDH SWSDHJ-155MJIT STM-1 Jitter Generation and Measurement
Mux-Demux Testing, Histogram Analysis, Windows SWSDHJ-622MJIT STM-4 Jitter Generation and Measurement
Remote Control, APS Timing, Pointer Test Sequences, SWSDHJ-25GJIT STM-16 Jitter Generation and Measurement
Tandem Connections Monitoring, & standard warranty] SWSDHJ-SDHJIT SDH Jitter Generation and Measurement Package
[Includes SWSDHJ-155MJIT, SWSDHJ-622MJIT, and
Optics Options SWSDHJ-25GJIT]
SSSDHJ-NONE Electrical only unit. (BNC) No optical Connectors SWSDHJ-TIE 2M TIE Generation and Measurement
SSSTM1-13IR Optical Interface, STM-0/1 1310 nm Intermediate Reach SWSDHJ-PDHTIE PDH TIE Measurements
SSSTM1-13L/15L Optical Interface, STM-0/1 1310 nm/1550 nm Long Reach SWSDHJ-155MTIE 155M TIE Generation and Measurement
SSSTM4-13IR Optical Interface, STM-0/1/4 1310 nm Intermediate Reach SWSDHJ-622MTIE 622M TIE Generation and Measurement
SSSTM4-13L/15L Optical Interface, STM-0/1/4 1310 nm/1550 nm SWSDHJ-2.5GTIE 2.5G TIE Generation and Measurement
Long Reach SWSDHJ-SDHTIE SDH TIE Measurement Package
SSSTM16-13IR Optical Interface, STM-0/1/4/16 1310 nm Intermediate SWSDHJ-WAN MTIE/TDEV Wander Measurements
Reach SWSDHJ-114 Voice Frequency Testing
SSSTM16-13I/15I Optical Interface, STM-0/1/4/16 1310 nm/1550 nm SWSDHJ-116 SDH-SDH Mux/Demux Testing
Intermediate Reach SWSDHJ-129 1.5 Mbps ATM Testing
SSSTM16-13L/15L Optical Interface, STM-0/1/4/16 1310/1550 nm [Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
Long Reach SWSDHJ-130 2 Mbps ATM Testing
[Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
Optical Interface Connector Options SWSDHJ-131 45 Mbps ATM Testing
SSSDHJ-FC FCUPC Optical Connectors [Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
SSSDHJ-SC SCUPC Optical Connectors SWSDHJ-132 34 and 155 Mbps ATM Testing
[Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
Electrical Interface Connector Options SWSDHJ-133 622 Mbps ATM Testing
SSSDHJ-RJ45 1.5/2M RJ-45 Connectors [Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
SSSDHJ-BTM 1.5M/2M Bantam Connectors SWSDHJ-134 2.5 Gbps ATM Testing
[Includes User’s Manual SSSDHC-101-3]
SWSDHJ-ATM ATM Software Package
Standard & Configurable Accessories Options [Includes SWSDH-130 and SWSDH-132]
SSSDHC-101 SunSet SDH User’s Manual SSSDHJ-ATM VC12 ATM Testing
SA904 Training CD SWSDHJ-190 Pulse Mask Analysis
SS138E SunSet AC Adapter, 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3-
prong input, Output 15 VDC @ 3.3A
[Only for use with SunSets with NiMH battery pack]
Optical Accessories
SA501 Optical Patch Cord, SMF, FCUPC to FCUPC, 6’
SA502 Optical Patch Cord, SMF, FCUPC to SCUPC, 6’
Power Cord SA503 Optical Patch Cord, SMF, FCUPC to STUPC, 6’
SA155-EU 2-prong power cord plus ground for use in Europe SA508 Optical Patch Cord, LCUPC to SCUPC, 6’
(Except UK) SA509 Optical Patch Cord, LCUPC to FCUPC, 6’
SA155-NA 3-prong power cord for use in Latin America, North SA511 Optical Patch Cord, SCUPC to SCUPC, 6’
America, and Asia SA512 Optical Patch Cord, SCUPC to STUPC, 6’
SA155-UK 3-prong power cord for use in United Kingdom SA521 Optical Attenuator, FC-PC, -10 dB
SA523 Optical Connector Adapter, FCUPC to SCUPC
Warranty [Changes a FC (f) appearance to a SC (f)]
SSSDHC-W3 Standard 3 year warranty SA524 Optical Connector Adapter, SCUPC to FCUPC
SSSDHC-W4 Extends standard warranty to 4 years [Changes a SC (f) appearance to a FC (f)]
[Excludes Battery and Accessories, which are SA531 Optical Attenuator, SC-PC, -10 dB
warranted for one year] SA541 Optical Splitter, FC-PC, 90/10
SA545 Optical Splitter, FC-PC, 50/50
Calibration Data Document SA551 Optical Splitter, SC-PC, 90/10
SSSDHC-CCM Calibration Test Measurement Data SA555 Optical Splitter, SC-PC, 50/50
© 2007 Sunrise Telecom Incorporated. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective corporations.
Sunrise Telecom San Jose, Modena, and Taiwan facilities are ISO 9001 certified. Do not reproduce, redistribute, or repost without written permission from Sunrise Telecom. C_0129_REV.C00 Sept. 2008