The Daily Tar Heel For November 18, 2010
The Daily Tar Heel For November 18, 2010
The Daily Tar Heel For November 18, 2010
dth/bailey seitter
UNC wrestling coach C.D. Mock was the school’s first national champion wrestler. Now, he is the coach. But Mock has learned that what worked for him won’t work for everyone, and he’s on a mission to revive the program.
young man stands alone in a large, dim arena. Sweat rains down his face; his is. He knows he will not be the 1979 national champion. But Mock is already work-
dark hair sits matted against his forehead. It’s 1979, and he has just lost the ing on his second schematic. He is a scripter of reality who beats opponents before
most important match of his wrestling career. This wasn’t part of his plan, they put one toe on the mat. Mock has two matches remaining to claim third place,
not the initial schematics. The shouts of the surrounding crowd pierce the air, but and he’ll be damned if he won’t win them all.
the young man remains stoic. “That was the hardest, most difficult experience I’ve ever had in wrestling,” Mock
In the distance, an official walks to a large paper bracket on the wall and places said, 30 years later. “When you come back and wrestle for third, it is just absolutely
his finger on two names: “Azevedo, Cal State-Bakersfield,” and beneath it, “Mock, brutal. You wrestle like nine times over a couple of days against unbelievable com-
North Carolina.” His finger traces the carving-fork design of the bracket to the next petition.”
line, where he writes “Azevedo.” First a wrestler and now a coach at UNC, Mock’s greatest asset is his mind. Getting
If C.D. Mock were watching, he would see his name plummet to the consolation in Mock’s head would be like reaching into the ground to rip out a tree root one
bracket. But he never watches. Back with his coach, Mock knows exactly where he See Mock, Page 4
caramel season
The Daily Tar Heel DAILY
ta ke
one dai l y
Established 1893
117 years of
editorial freedom Man shoots TV after Bristol Palin dances
SARAH FRIER jonathan
From staff and wire reports
EDITOR-in-chief jones
[email protected].
teven Cowan was definitely inspired by the Palin family when he was “going
office hours: T, TH
[email protected] rogue” on his television set Monday night.
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. emily evans, Cowan was watching “Dancing with the Stars” with his wife when Bristol
STEVEN NORTON jenny smith
Managing editor copy co-EDITORs Palin came on to dance. Cowan jumped up and started swearing, according
962-0372 dailytarheelcopy@
scnorton@email. to police reports, about how Palin was not a good dancer and was only on the show
Carter McCall because of her mother.
C. Ryan barber
cfmcall@email. Cowan then went upstairs and came down sometime later with a single-shot
university EDITOR
962-4529 shotgun, allegedly firing a round into the television set. He then threatened to kill
[email protected] kelly mchugh
design editor himself, and now faces disorderly conduct and weapons charges after a standoff
VICTORIA kbmchugh@email. with police.
962-4103 Ryan NOTED. She had mommy’s “special candy” QUOTED. “When do I have to put my tur-
[email protected] kurtzman in her shoe. key in the oven to have it ready exactly by half-
graphics editor
Tarini Parti dthgraphics@ A toddler at a Boston preschool was found time?”
STATE & NATIONAL with 17 bags of crack hidden in her shoe after — One of the many strange questions expert
EDITOR, 962-4103 she complained to her teacher that her foot
[email protected]
operators at Butterball Turkey Talk-Line have
Nushmia khan
multimedia editor
hurt. been trained to answer when customers call.
Nick Andersen [email protected] Police said the girl said her mother had put Operators have been asked everything from
Arts Editor candy in her sneaker, but the mother claims to whether it was all right to cook a turkey in a bed dth/chessa rich
843-4529 allyson
[email protected] know nothing. of cat litter to how to fit it in an oven.
batchelor arolina Dining Services employee Annette McArthur
linnie greene special sections
diversions editor EDITOr serves make-your-own candy apples at CDS’s Farmer’s
[email protected] [email protected]
COMMUNITY CALENDAr Market on Wednesday. The market featured all local
BJ Dworak,
lauren mccay
sara gregory vendors selling fresh fruits and vegetables. CDS hoped to
community comparison to the current Andy empower students in the U.S. and
photo co-editors manager today spread the word on their local and organic initiatives.
dthphoto@gmail. [email protected]. Warhol exhibit at the Ackland, “Big Asia, by purchasing a ticket for din-
com edu Guest speaker: Karl Boudreaux, Shots.” Admission is free to Ackland ner and entertainment. Tickets are
Barry University School of Law is fully accredited by the American Bar Association
(Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar, ABA, 321 N. Clark Street,
Chicago, IL 60654, 312-988-6738).
The Daily Tar Heel Top News thursday, november 18, 2010 3
today on the website of the journal
City Briefs
Report states fired town
workers were insubordinate
After losing their jobs at the end
may be
of October, two Chapel Hill work-
ers have decided they won’t give up
their employment without a fight,
but town documents reveal their
battle may be a difficult one.
A town memorandum dated
Oct. 29 from Public Works Director
Lance Norris states that Kerry
Bigelow and Clyde Clark were fired
for insubordination, threatening or
intimidating behavior and unsatis-
factory job performance.
New clause to be
Bigelow and Clark, who were fired
from their solid waste positions Oct.
used sparingly
29 after being placed on paid leave by elise young
for five weeks, filed grievances with staff writer
Chapel Hill regarding their termina- A provision in the revised UNC-
tions Friday. system tuition policy could allow
The reports include documenta- universities to increase tuition above
tion of a July incident where Bigelow, the set limits, but administrators are
who was cleaning up a neighborhood still unsure how those requests for
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was increases will be handled.
visiting, said to a resident, “Who the The current plan caps tuition
hell is paying for a $500 room at the increases for resident undergradu-
Carolina Inn?! He’s not here to see ate students at 6.5 percent, and
the common man!” the revised policy will continue
Bigelow began working for the that limit while giving campuses
town in July 2007 after work- dth/jamie emmerman an opportunity to increase tuition
ing as an equipment operator in Community members browse through book selections at the area’s first Anarchist book fair held at the Nighlight Club on Saturday. more than the cap in extenuating
Burlington for 18 years. circumstances.
Reports also state Clark was UNC-system universities are
warned or disciplined by the town battling budget cuts, and increas-
at least eight times during his 12- ing tuition above 6.5 percent may
year employment. be the only way to maintain the
Policy dictates that Town same quality of education.
Manager Roger Stancil address the
grievances and either rule on them
Book fair a ‘starting repression,” said Lydia Powers, co-manager
of Internationalist Books and Community
all attended the event to gain support and
spread awareness for their causes.
“With the current funding, I
think we can continue, but the state
himself or direct them to a person-
nel appeals committee.
place’ to share ideas Center. “Activists are put behind bars by the
courts not for violating laws per se, but for
Croatan Earth First!, an area eco-defense
group, manned a table at the event to sup-
is running into what looks like a $3
billion shortfall,” said John Davis, a
by Jamie Emmerman their ideas. port environmental consciousness. member of the UNC-system Board
State Briefs staff writer “Many who suffered from the FBI’s pro- “We approach eco-defense from an anar- of Governors, the governing body
After operating under the radar for gram in the ‘60s are still behind bars, so we chist perspective because it seems like both that approved the policy.
WFU party is busted by decades, the local anarchist scene is step- all try to foster a security culture, even when communism and capitalism have had a
police, 81 given citations “They’re going to have to cut
ping away from its subculture past toward we are not engaging in any illegal activity.” really industrialist push,” volunteer Mike everywhere. We have to leave our-
a more mainstream existence. Powers said the Carrboro-Chapel Hill Cohen said. selves an avenue to make a decision
Eighty Wake Forest University Local anarchists and their peers gath- area has a viable anarchist scene because the The eco-defense group rallied outside the
students were busted for underage in the case of the legislature not
ered in the diffuse glow of the Nightlight population is generally more open-minded RBC Centura on Rosemary Street Monday being able to fund the university,”
drinking at a fraternity party this club Saturday for the area’s first anarchist and progressive than most places. afternoon to protest the company’s invest-
past weekend. he said.
book fair to strengthen local and statewide While the book fair targeted an anarchist ment in practices like tar sand oil extraction But board members said they
Last Sunday at 1:45am, officers connections and also offer a starting place audience, Powers said people of all beliefs that destroys boreal forests. The protest was
from the Winston-Salem Police don’t have any set criteria for
for anyone who wanted to learn about the are welcome at anarchist functions, and they dispelled by police on a noise complaint. evaluating universities’ requests
Department arrived at the Delta ideals of anarchy. might find they share more commonalities Cohen said his group, which is anti-gov-
Kappa Epsilon Fraternity House to increase tuition and Davis
“You can think of anarchism as an umbrel- than differences. ernment and anti-legislation, acts as the last expressed his concern at the board’s
on 1101 Polo Road in response to la for a lot of different trajectories, histories “For a long time as an organizer and an line of defense for the environment when
a disturbance report. last meeting by calling the provi-
and movements that are broadly defined as activist, people who I worked with told me other more traditional efforts fail. sion “a slippery slope.”
According to the department’s anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian,” co- I was an anarchist,” she said. “I was like ‘no’ “If I could get one thing straight to the
public record release, 200 to 300 Campuses could make their case
organizer Spencer Robertson said. because of the negative baggage associated public about being an anarchist, I would say for why their circumstances justify
people where at the residence. Robertson, like many anarchists, uses an with the term. I’m not a hippie,” he said. “I don’t smoke pot,
Citations were given to 81 underage an additional increase, and the
alias to protect his beliefs from government “When I actually looked up what it meant, and I’m not a pacifist.” board would evaluate proposals on
students for underage drinking; 80 intervention, known as “security culture.” I realized they were right.”
were Wake Forest University stu- a case-by-case basis, said Charles
“Security culture is a set of behaviors Groups supporting imprisoned activ- Contact the City Editor
dents. that protects our community from state ists, eco-defense and reproductive health at [email protected].
The citation requires the minors See tuition, Page 11
to appear before a judge, said Lt.
Joseph Ferrelli of the Winston-
Salem Police Department.
The Winston-Salem Fire
Department also arrived to the
Robinette files against Duke County commissioners to
scene and issued citations for fire
code violations, stated the report.
Despite the police report, which Contends leaders discriminated him “Part of it is for discuss landfill solutions
states that the property is owned
by the university, Wake Forest by Seth Cline in April, an action he claims was
future Duke Plan could add ATTEND THE MEETING
Time: 7 p.m. today
University issued a press release staff writer taken because of his sexuality. students who want a sixth facility Location: 200 S. Cameron St.
denying ownership of the frater- After six months of wrangling The group’s executive board has
nity house and categorizing the with Duke University administra- maintained it was for poor leader- to come to them for Hillsborough.
by Kevin Rothenberg
incident as “off-campus.”
Students involved will be
tion over his harassment claims,
senior Justin Robinette has filed a
Since leaving the club, Robinette help.” staff writer
referred to the Dean of Student complaint with the U.S. Department and former member Cliff Satell allege A report will be presented the next three to five years as the
of Education against the school.
Justin Robinette, duke student tonight to the Orange County county landfill reaches capacity.
Services Office, which oversees the they have been continually harassed
university’s internal judicial pro- The complaint contends that and threatened by club members proved to be the most humiliat- Board of Commissioners recom- The plan would be an inter-
cess, stated the university’s pressadministrators discriminated and other Duke students. ing,” Robinette said. “He told me mending improvements to local mediate solution and exclude the
release. against him because he is gay and When the last of their attempts he had a theory that as a closeted waste centers. But a solution to Rogers, Millhouse and Eubanks
According to the press release, failed to take appropriate action to go through the student gov- gay guy in the organization, I had the solid waste problem is still roads communities from any future
the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity when he claimed he was being ernment to resolve claims failed, developed sexual feelings and was nowhere in sight. solid waste facilities.
harassed by students and fellow
will also be referred to the office for Robinette met privately with sever- rejected, and that explains this The solid waste management The communities compose a
members of the Duke College
possible violations of Wake Forest’s al administrators, including Dean scorn I have towards them.” work group will present a follow- historically black and low-income
group responsibility policies. Republicans. of Students Stephen Bryan and Both Bryan and Larry Moneta, up report on the board’s December area that has been home to the
Robinette was chairman of President Richard Brodhead. 2009 decision to divert solid waste
-From staff and wire reports the club before being impeached “ T he mee ting with Br yan See duke, Page 11 to the Durham Transfer Station for See landfill, Page 11
4 thursday, november 18, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel
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page 5 thursday, november 18, 2010
By the time a piece of vinyl or an mp3 reaches your hands, it’s traveled a
long and involved path. There’s the songwriting, arrangement and then
—finally —the recording process. So, where are these magical places called
recording studios, where your favorite local and national artists come to
pick and pluck songs to perfection? Dive’s got the scoop on three of the
area’s most active and prestigious studios, from Jeff Crawford’s home-
based outfit Arbor Ridge to Durham’s Pure Sound, which is equipped (and
sells) state of the art equipment. Read on to learn about what these three
studios are up to, and what makes the products they produce so diverse.
If Nightsound Studios’ business mantra could be Soon, the business will branch into the marketing
summarized with a single image, that visual would be end of the spectrum.
a clock with no hands. In fact, such an object hangs “It’s not enough for us to just simply work on some-
in the recording studio’s confines. thing and send it out there into the world,” Wimberley
“When people are standing in there recording, I said. “We’re starting a company called Hidden Door,
want them to see that clock and go, ‘OK, they’re not which is a marketing company for artists and small
going to just charge me until I run out of money and businesses that can’t afford marketing firms.”
then I’ll never finish my project,’” said Nightsound’s There’s nothing the studio won’t touch, be it death
Chris Wimberley. metal or the indie pop featured on the recent local
This relationship between the artists and the stu- compilation “Musical Chairs.”
dio extends far beyond the missing hands on a time-
piece. -Linnie Greene
Visit Sound Pure Studios: 808 Washington St., Durham COURTESY OF SOUNDPURE STUDIOS
For more information: Sound Pure Studios boasts an array of modern recording gear and houses a
custom guitar shop. Clients have access to hundreds of guitars and amps.
1 Material to be recorded by
a band or individual artist is
broken down to singular parts
for recording purposes.
2 Each instrument and vocal
part is recorded into its own
separate track so that they can
be adjusted separately.
3 Recorded instrumentation
and vocals are multitracked,
or layered on top of each other,
to fully form a song.
4 Individual tracks are bal-
anced and levels are adjusted.
Songs are mixed down to
mono or two-channel stereo.
5 Audio is processed into its
final format (the master). This
is the source from which all
copies are produced.
IN DURHAM, AT DUKE, A NATION MADE NEW. Li-ling Hsiao, Director of the Chinese
Language Immersion Program
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 S E A S O N
300 E. Main Street • Carrboro
“rowdy and devastating” 18 TH BRENDAN BENSON (Of the RACONTEURS) / THE POSIES w/ 11 SA GENE WEEN SOLO w/ Billy Warden & Floating Children**
($15) w/ Sharon Van Etten ($8/$10) TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23
23 TU IRATION w/ the Movement and The Green** ($12/$14) 23 TH WYATT EASTERLING** ($15) IRATION
26 FR POST TURKEY DAY JAM: New Town Drunks, Birds & Arrows, Jon 31 FR ARROGANCE… NYE PARTY!** ($20) w/ Guest No Eyes
Shain, Will McFarlane, Sally Spring, Peter Holsapple ($10)
Creation, dub Addis, Anchants** ($8/$12) 12 WE THE WALKMEN w/ Lower Dens** ($15/$17)
29 MO BEN KWELLER w/ Julia Nunes** ($16/$18) 22 SA & 23 SU YO LA TENGO w/ William Tyler** ($20 each night)
30 TU DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL Swiss Army Romance 10th 29 SA BEST COAST / WAVVES / No Joy** ($16; on sale 11/19)
Anniversary Tour** ($25/$28) w/ guests
4 FR WHO’S BAD? (Michael Jackson Tribute)
1 WE ANDY HULL & KEVIN DEVINE playing the music of Manchester
Orchestra, Bad Books and Kevin Devine** ($11/$13) 10 TH TAPES N TAPES** ($14/$16)
2 TH HearNC Music Video Festival** ($10/$12) 25 FR LOS AMIGOS INVISIBLES** ($15; on sale 11/19)
4 SA SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS w/ The Forty Fives** ($12/$14)
7 TU FRAN HEALY ** ($20) Seated Show 5 SA GREG BROWN** ($28/$30)
REYNOLDS THEATER 11/18 AZURE RAY w/ James Husband, Dead Fingers** ($12/$14)
Buy tickets on-line: | For phone orders CALL 919-967-9053
every show, all season. take advantage.
puritan rodeo edges adds to its charm. own right, it definitely sounds as hearts. warm tones and upbeat energy. In particularly after the seventh or
puritan rodeo A banjo merrily jangles along though it would shine in a live set- As the front man of indie groups a similar vein to a sing-a-long gem, so song about a broken marriage,
with intermittent fiddle and man- ting. Puritan Rodeo has an audible, Cursive and The Good Life, Kasher the engulfing pop sound and sweet broken desires and past memories
dolin across the rest of album. The if not restrained, energy on its lat- continues his solo album in a simi- background vocals mask the “sub- of the two.
rock/country rhythms on this record are simple est self-titled release, an unselfcon- lar fashion, combining a multitude urban doldrums,” and the pains For Kasher, The Game of
The phrase “puritan rodeo” is but powerful, hitting hard and sciousness that dares you not to cut of instrumentals with descriptive of the past about which Kasher Monogamy lingers in regret and
a paradox if there ever was one. fast. loose. and often desperate lyrics that sings. pain. Yet, like any good game,
“Puritan” evokes a picture of some- Most of the tracks stay pretty describe a character who is — in Although the quirky lyrics give a the songs are fun and engaging,
one straight-laced and uptight, short, lingering long enough to -Allison Hussey all probability — an extension of light-hearted feel to an album full enough so to mask the angst that
while “rodeo” brings to mind a sound like a complete thought himself. of generally negative emotions, simmers below.
raucous good time. but not so long that they lose your Tim Kasher The layers of sound and lyrics sometimes Kasher takes the listen-
Though local outfit Puritan interest. The game of monogamy might reflect Kasher’s past proj- er on an infinite ride that seems to -Elizabeth Byrum
Rodeo’s music falls more under Shared male and female vocals ects, but there’s little evidence of turn into nonsensical phrases.
the “rodeo” description, the dozen add to the complexity and help Cursive’s thrashing volatility. Along with the constant theme
tracks on its self-titled release keep the album from settling too pop With its game-like whimsicality, of monogamy comes monotony, divestaff
blend components of Americana, far into any one tone. Perhaps it’s a jaded marriage in The Game of Monogamy is a quick
his past, the subsequent divorce Linnie Greene, Editor
rock and country to form upbeat T he record does have its saunter through the masked reality starSystem 843-4529 | [email protected]
and dance-y tunes fit for a honky relaxed moments, most notably on or general satirical feelings about of broken love.
tonk. “Wedding Day,” which has a slow, the institution of marriage that Kasher mixes things up with Poor Joseph Chapman, Assistant Editor
The album is reminiscent of mournful swing. inspired Tim Kasher on The Game cheery pop ditties, short musical Joe Faile, Rocco Giamatteo, Mark
an alternate-universe Squirrel The slow tracks come as a relief, of Monogamy. But whatever it is, overtures and slow, pensive tunes Fair Niegelsky, Elizabeth Byrum, Anna
Nut Zippers record, had the fel- serving as chances to take a break we’re willing to play along. that recall the past in intricate
good Norris, Jonathan Pattishall, staff writers
low Chapel Hillians taken a turn between songs that will otherwise On the artist’s solo debut, he detail.
toward country instead of jazz. It have you kicking off your shoes to weaves together quirky songs with The album’s centerpiece as well Kelly McHugh, Design Editor
has a pleasant twang to it through- dance. playful, multi-colored sounds and as stand-out track, “Cold Love,” Cover Design: Emily May
out, and the roughness around the While the album is good in its lyrics that hint at a string of broken contrary to its name, is full of Classic and Brendan Cooley
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8 thursday, november 18, 2010 Diversions The Daily Tar Heel
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The Daily Tar Heel News thursday, november 18, 2010 9
tudents purchase food at the Food Justice Fair in the a lot of things that happen that are said senior Doug Harris, the play’s more than just another perfor- directions and seemingly will never
sort of unexpected.” director. “To work on this show is mance, Harris said. get to any point, but, somehow in
Pit on Wednesday. The fair educated about buying Pain can best be described as an challenging in regards to how you “There is a really dense, well the end, he does — and it’s much
locally, consuming healthy foods and using organic eccentric, easily-distracted man, know that there are two characters, thought out vagueness to the more rewarding because of that.”
Moon said. Despite his seemingly but you only get to work with one script,” Harris said. “We want peo-
ingredients. Fair, Local, Organic and Green Space Initiative Contact the Arts Editor
harsh nature, Moon said that there of them. It’s really not a story until ple to look at Thom as a real per-
participated. For the full story, see is more to the character than the the audience is there.” son, not as a character — someone at [email protected].
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10 thursday, november 18, 2010 News The Daily Tar Heel
innovate carolina
National and World News N&W
ly/9byyEt (via Financial Times) increased security at airports and Germany, Interior Minister Thomas intercepted at airports in Dubai and
train stations on Wednesday after de Maiziere told a news conference. Great Britain, including one which tudents and community members gather for an Innovate
Go to the government received indications He gave no details. passed through German airspace. @Carolina meeting in the Campus Y on Wednesday. “I
index.php/section/state a terrorist attack may be planned for Intelligence agents feared attacks The presence of armed police
to discuss the new write- the end of November. on Christmas markets or similar officers was increased at airports want us to challenge ourselves to look for radical things,”
in senator. There were “concrete investiga- popular events, media reported. The and train stations across the Judith Cone, special assistant to the chancellor on innovation,
tive leads,” that militant Islamist alert came weeks after parcel bombs country. said. For the full story, see
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information visit 1x1 Place Your DTH Classified.crtr - Page 1 - Compos
November 17th and November 18th. If you this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Application deadline: December 1.
participate, you will receive $100 in cash. To Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal
house. Ample parking. Nice neighbor-
hood, 5 minute walk to campus, the pit, Help Wanted YMCA YOUTH BASKETBAll is currently
see if you qualify, call 877-737-5782 ext. 5. to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion,
Franklin Street. Access to busline. $625/
mo per room. Contact Merrill 713-302- MARKETING INTERNSHIp: Campus Health
Lost & Found looking for coaching volunteers for the
January thru March 2011 season (girls and Place Your DTH Classified
sex, handicap, familial status, or national
3133, [email protected] or Caldwell Services seeks unpaid intern to facilitate on- boys, preK thru 8th graders). Volunteer with
origin, or an intention to make any such
Child Care Wanted preference, limitation, or discrimination.”
404-606-1938. line marketing programs. Video editing and
graphic/web design skills required. Go to
in Murphey room 202 on Monday (11/15) at
friends or be matched with others. league is
recreational, fun focused and instructional.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept BEST DEAl IN TOWN! $400/mo. per bed- for details. 3pm. If found call: 516-398-6961. part-time staff are also needed to facilitate,
room in 6BR/5BA townhouse. 4 free buslines,
CHIlD CARE WANTED, CHApEl HIll look- any advertising which is in violation of the
law. Our readers are hereby informed that minutes to UNC, hardwood floors, W/D, YMCA YOUTH BASKETBAll is currently lOST: BlACK UNC JACKET with blue left
officiate games. Contact Mike Meyen for ad- & click on “Classifieds”
ing for afternoon child care from 3-5pm (or ditional information. [email protected],
all dwellings advertised in this newspaper large bedrooms, large closets, ceiling fans, looking for part-time staff officials for the shoulder. Size xS. 11/15/10. probably in 919-442-9622.
4-6pm) for 3-5 days M-F. 2 children. Will pay extra storage, internet, cable ready, free January thru March 2011 season (mostly Union, on V bus or at Southern Village pR
are available on an equal opportunity basis
$11 per hour. [email protected].
in accordance with the law. To complain of ample parking, no smoking. Available May Saturdays, preK thru 8th). These interactive, lot. 336-465-6958.
pITTSBORO: UNC student wanted to watch discrimination, call the U. S. Department of or August 2011. Contact [email protected], instructional positions value previous experi-
919-933-0983, 919-451-8141. lOST: DIAMOND RING. lost in ladies rest-
our 4 year-old, 9am-noon, 12/20-12/24 and Housing and Urban Development housing ence with youth. Join our team of “coaches
room in peabody Friday November 12th.
1/3. 10 miles south of UNC hospital, campus. discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. on the floor!” Contact Mike Meyen for ad-
FOR RENT 2BR/1BA duplex. All electric, VERY sentimental. REWARD. If found please
$10/hr. Experience, references required. 942- ditional information. [email protected],
ROOM IN A 2BR/2BA ApARTMENT. $383.50/ home like setting. Close shopping and UNC call 704-408-2017.
4527. 919-442-9622.
mo. Available NOW in poplar place. Great park and Ride. All appliances including
view, great price, amazing community! W/D, water included. TRIlUSSA’S RESTAURANT, 401 West Frank-
lOST: GREEN BAY pACKERS tervis tumbler If November 18th is Your Birthday...
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nanny needed for 2 year-old boy. 1 week- $383.50/mo. +utilities. Female roommates. 919-604-0093. lin Street, is looking for a wait staffer and a
value, willing to trade another mug for This year you develop refined creative
day, 8:30am-4pm. Own transportation, Email [email protected]. server. Start immediately. Dinner shift only. processes at work. Cultivate visual and
3BR/1BA HOME 4 MIlES SOUTH of campus. its safe return. [email protected],
non-smoker. Experience and enthusiasm re- please call for appointment. 919-967-0057.
THIS IS CONVENIENCE AT ITS BEST! Beautiful hardwood floors, central heat and 704-231-2928. symbolic design, and study artistic or verbal
quired! $11/hr. Email resume to allison_free- air, W/D hookups, nice yard, no pets. Avail-
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Durham. Southpoint area, On TTA busline to able immediately. $750/mo. leave message EGG DONORS NEEDED. UNC Health
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Announcements nors. $2,500 compensation for
WAlK TO CAMpUS: Contemporary 2BR/1.5BA
townhouse. Jacuzzi tub, dishwasher, micro-
For Sale COMplETED cycle. All visits and pro-
with another person to northwest Ohio
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
cedures to be done local to campus. or Michigan. Can leave November 21-23.
wave, W/D, CAC, decks overlook woods. For written information, please call
Small quiet development, 2 spaces. $950/ CAROlINA BlUE 1955 CHEVY for sale. Exten- Will share gas expenses. 919-491-8226 or Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
sive restorations, asking price $22,000. Call 919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your [email protected]. Today is a 6 - Yesterday’s efforts pay off Today is a 7 - Share an “Aha!” moment
mo. 240-344-4863. current mailing address.
910-232-8881. in the form of curious opportunities to with a trusted companion. You really
negotiable. private room, bathroom. pets yesterday becomes today’s glorious
OK. Email [email protected] OR call opportunity. distance as you congratulate them both.
910-200-2428. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
The Daily Tar Heel office will SUBlET RIGHT NExT TO CAMpUS: Asking
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Today is a 5 - You have a sense of your Today is a 6 - Someone’s wearing rose-
colored glasses. Allow them to enjoy the
close Tuesday, November 23rd $675/mo. live in adorable house with senior own creative potential, and want to get
females on 3 colony court (next to Granville) into action. Associates with demands moment, knowing you can come back
during the spring. [email protected], to reality later. Who knows what may
Thinking About at 5pm for Thanksgiving 336-414-8933.
present a challenge. Buy them off with
chocolates. come of this?
STUDY ABROAD 101 Monday, November 22nd at 3pm taste good. tions prove valuable.
Line Classifieds - Tuesday, November 23rd at noon Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is an 8 - possibilities and dif- Today is a 6 - Take action early to
ficulties appear, as you plan travel gather essential data. Test each resource
Information Session Deadlines for with associates. Take advantage of the with logic. Verify facts through accepted
Thursday, November 18th • 5:00pm
Tuesday, Nov. 30th
Online opportunities as they arise, yet maintain sources. Everyone appreciates the extra
a flexible schedule.
Global Education Center • Room 2010 Display Ads & Display Classifieds - Classifieds... Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Tuesday, November 23rd at 3pm Today is a 7 - Your energy shifts toward Today is a 7 - Take time out to balance
Find out about program options, requirements, financial Line Classifieds - Monday, November 29th at noon The fastest way to place your checkbook. Good news or bad, at
scheduling a social event. It’s possible
aid, course credits. Don’t wait, get going on planning your your classified ad. that some won’t be able to attend, least you know where you stand. Then
international experience by attending this session.
We will re-open on Monday, regardless of when. plan something
for them later.
you can create a workable plan for
budgeting wisely.
To get more information, contact the Study Abroad Office.
962-7002 ~
November 29th at 8:30am click on classifieds
UNC Community
SERVICE DIRECTORY Kevin Kennedy SD Spring 2009.crtr - Page 1 - Composite
TJ's Beverage SD 2009.crtr - Page 1 - Composite01-11-10 Jennifer Allen SD.crtr - Page 1 - Composite Aamco SC spring 2009.crtr - Page 1 - Composite
duke Landfill tuition rush “These are the representatives of our entire
from page 3
Robinette and Satell. But the mem- process to decide where or when.” University, said the option to apply © 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. Complaint filed
bers of the College Republicans Commissioners will also address to increase tuition above the cap Level: 1 2 3 4 Duke senior Justin Robinette filed
who originally were the subjects the future of facilities for county probably won’t impact the school’s a complaint to the U.S. Department
of harassment claims will likely departments at the meeting. tuition policy. of Education. See pg. 3 for story.
not be involved in the complaints, Proposals include building a The university’s undergraduate Complete the grid
Robinette said. 15,000-square-foot addition on the tuition is third-lowest of the 16 so each row, column Rush could move
“While I would like that they Southern Human Services Center, universities. and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) con- Trustees might vote today on
investigate the College Republicans relocating the office of county The new tuition plan also whether to move rush to spring
matter, the reality is they won’t public defenders from Carrboro tains every digit 1
includes a clause under which semester. See pg. 3 for story.
to 9.
have the chance to do that,” said to Hillsborough and increasing campuses with traditionally lower
Robinette, who is graduating in detention space for the jail. tuition rates can increase tuition to Solution to Alone on stage
December. “And that’s not as impor- Commissioner Vice Chairwoman catch up to tuition rates at similar Wednesday’s puzzle
tant to me as this investigation.” Bernadette Pelissier said a time institutions. The one-man show “Thom Pain”
More important is the acknowl- frame for completion of either the “The budget for next year looks will engage the audience in an
edgement that Duke handled the waste disposal sites or the new pretty scary, but we’ll certainly not different way. See pg. 9 for story.
whole situation poorly, he said. facilities isn’t yet feasible. request anything beyond what’s
“It’s part vindication, but anoth- “You have to plan things in the opportunity given with the 6.5 Innovative forum
er part of it is for future Duke stu- advance, but it’s hard to predict percent to improve the educational
University officials sought stu-
dents who want to come to them what will happen with the current environment,” Mills said.
dent ideas on innovation in a forum
for help,” Satell said. economic situation,” she said.
Wednesday. See
Contact the State & National
Contact the State & National Contact the City Editor Editor at [email protected].
Editor at [email protected]. at [email protected].
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7:00pm... Across 61 Bullwinkle nemesis 22 Chiang Mai resident 47 Its southern border is
EAT PRAY LOVE 1 Encircled by
6 Persian faith
62 Stravinsky and a lab
23 Ewe kids
24 Asian cartoon genre
about seven times longer
than its northern one
10:00pm & Midnight... 11 One with a cover
14 More of a novice
63 Barcelona bear 25 Beatle in a bout?
26 Fortification
48 Prohibitions
50 Bad start?
64 Bright
THE OTHER GUYS 15 Lunch hr. end, often 65 Not schooled in 29 Musical seconds 52 HQs for B-2s
16 A victory may break one 30 Not charging for 53 Not leading anyone
Saturday, Nov. 20 Take 15/501 South towards Pittsboro
Exit Market St. / Southern Village
17 Marx as a Druid?
19 Rio hello
1 Ring piece
32 Safe place with a
counterintuitive name
56 Highest
Russian territory, once?
7:00pm... SKYLINE J .........................................1:00-3:05-5:10-7:20-9:45 20 PD precinct boss
21 Chants of a lifetime?
2 West of Hollywood
3 Athena’s attendant
34 Less soggy
35 Stop asking for cards
57 Kerfuffle
58 Grille cover
THE OTHER GUYS MEGAMIND I ..................................12:45-2:50-4:55-7:15-9:25 23 Works 4 Discounted price 38 Like a USN volunteer 59 From Essen
41 Parakeet’s eats to Leipzig,
9:30pm... DUE DATE K .........................................12:50-2:55-5:00-7:25-9:40 26 Cell component
27 Lift with effort
5 Antonius Block’s chess
opponent in Bergman’s 43 Distance on a tank locally
EAT PRAY LOVE RED J ...............................................................1:25-4:15-7:25-9:45 28 Win by __ “The Seventh Seal” 45 __ del Fuego
THE SOCIAL NETWORK J ............1:20-4:15-7:10-9:35 29 Built up charges 6 Nuclear Nobelist Niels
7 Prefix with gram
presented by: carolina union activities board film committee
• [email protected] HARRY POTTER & THE DEATHLY HALLOWS, PART 1 Starts Fri (11/19/10) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 31 Parts of personal music
All shows $6.50 for college students with ID libraries 8 Author Wouk
Bargain 33 Musical intervals 9 Paraphernalia Matinees 36 ASCAP rival 10 “That’s my cue!”
405188 $6.50
37 First rabies vaccine creator 11 Godfather portrayer turned
39 Interior decorator’s shop owner?
concern 12 Dinner side, perhaps
40 Classic breath freshener 13 It can raise dough
42 Certain counter’s woe 18 Vinyl successors, briefly
44 Iron supplement brand
46 Spread out
47 Memo opener
49 Bengals, on
50 Noble address
51 Question of
53 There are pins at the
end of one
54 Columnist Landers
55 Well-dressed Swedish
60 Biker’s chopper
To the Chapel Hill
Christian Science
8-27-09 Newman Center RD.crtr - Page 1 - Composite 01-15-09 Hillel RD.crtr - Page 1 - Composite
02-04-10 Chapel in the Pines RD.crtr - Page 1 - Composite
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New Life Fellowship SDA Church of Chapel Hill
dangerous, sale should be banned,” highly opinionated column
not only utilizes flawed logic, but (“Russell Wilson should not be a
also advocates the further limita- celebrated senior,” Nov. 17) about
tion of our rights as adults. To be N.C. State honoring quarterback
sure, Four Loko has a great deal Russell Wilson during their senior
hanksgiving. It’s a time
would not be safe, but no one is but who are we to question the
Beyond our nation’s borders, NC may regret its deci- But there are reasons why and who had problems keeping proposing to ban it. practices of another school hon-
we are known as a country of sion to launch MBA@ the majority of other top busi- teammates accountable and Moreover, the authors assert oring a great student athlete?
fatties. When I was studying UNC if high standards ness schools haven’t taken their resolving conflict online. that because one could buy two Given the possibility of Wilson
abroad in Argentina last fall, Four Lokos for around $6, this not coming back next year I
my host family thought they
of student and teacher interac- programs online. UNC’s partnership with 2tor
tion cannot be maintained. For a start, it will be difficult ostensibly offers new technolo- must be the appropriate portion applaud the N.C. State coaching
knew the answer to why so many size. By this logic, because a fifth staff for choosing to proceed with
Americans are fat — they eat too On Monday, plans were to build the community and gy to overcome these hurdles.
unveiled for a new online MBA teamwork of an MBA program But the jury is still out on of Aristocrat vodka costs under honoring Wilson, who despite
much peanut butter. $10, this must be an acceptable just playing three years is second
My host family may have been program at UNC’s Kenan- among students online. whether 2tor’s products will
amount for an evening of drink- all-time in touchdowns in ACC
on the right track, since processed Flagler Business School. You can be creative: The meet the needs of top-flight ing. Additionally, this fifth of vodka history, as opposed to risking
foods and beverages high in fat, UNC is entering a market University of Florida sends business education. could simply be mixed with other him not having the same oppor-
like peanut butter, are so much where the bulk of students online MBA students on team- And if UNC is expecting the highly caffeinated, legal beverages tunity to be honored that every
cheaper than fresh produce. study through noncompetitive building courses during a cam- program to be “global,” then they such as Red Bull and Mountain other senior has.
Eating or drinking large quanti- education providers such as the pus visit — but there is no sub- may have to follow the example Dew for a similar effect. Say what you want, but college
ties of processed foods and bever- University of Phoenix. stitute for personal interaction. of other providers and stick to Although I grieve for those football has been truly blessed to
ages is one of the major causes of who have died from alcohol poi- have an outstanding individual
By going online, it’s clear A spring 2010 report by The videos and discussion boards,
our nation’s obesity epidemic. soning, I feel that our elected rep- like Russell Wilson represent-
To find out about solutions to that UNC is hoping to profit Economist on distance learning unless Asian students can be
by being the first top-ranked MBA programs quoted students persuaded to tune in at 3 a.m. resentatives should not prevent ing the sport as he completely
the obesity epidemic, I interviewed rational adults from indulging encapsulates what it means to
UNC distinguished professor school among the options in the who missed the student and We hope this is not a leading
lucrative global MBA market. faculty classroom interaction, role that UNC comes to regret. in the alcohol of their choosing, be a student-athlete.
Barry Popkin, who published a including Four Loko. For now
book in 2009 about obesity enti- let’s focus on solving the root of Wes Saunders
tled “The World is Fat”.
high fat contents, discourag- the next fad drink arises.
ing consumers from purchasing Young Democrat, a Episcopal Campus Ministry, the taken from surface mines
them. He argues that taxing ciga- College Republican, and Faculty Council, Hillel, Muslim
a member of the NAACP Student Association, NAACP, the Matt Miller TO THE EDITOR:
rettes and alcohol has lowered Junior Despite pressure from student
their consumption rates, and this walk into the Union… Roosevelt Institute and Young
It sounds like the start of a Democrats invite the community Economics and Asian Studies organizations and coverage from
strategy could work just as well The Daily Tar Heel, administra-
to lower the consumption of fatty bad joke, right? It’s a rare day to the Campus Y for the first three
foods and beverages. when folks from these groups will- cups of tea, coffee or apple cider. Personal decisions should tors have continued to allow
ingly come together, aside from Elizabeth McCain & It’s an acknowledgment that guide Four Loko debate UNC to buy coal extracted from
Popkin suggests the effort to surface mines, ignoring UNC’s
tax fattening foods should be the odd debate. And that means Ben Elkind no group is an island. More
we miss out on the ideas, creativ- Guest Columnists importantly, it is an agreement TO THE EDITOR: own coal sourcing policies and
focused on sugar-sweetened bev- Remember the first time you contributing to the devastat-
erages such as sodas and energy ity and passion that exists outside Junior history major from Raleigh that community is something
of each of our comfortable UNC that students can build. touched a hot stove? You prob- ing public health and ecological
drinks, since there is a disconnect Junior philosophy major from Silver ably learned pretty quickly that issues caused by strip mining.
between what we drink and what bubbles. Spring, MD
We’re here at UNC because we
When Elie Wiesel recently believe in the power of ideas: in it was a bad idea. But did your These consequences include the
we eat. E-mail: [email protected] mother have the stove removed burial of 2,000 miles of streams,
In other words, when we drink came to UNC, he argued that our the Chancellor’s innovation plans,
generation needs to work together E-mail: [email protected] from the house after you burned the annihilation of 500 moun-
a high-fat beverage, we don’t and in Wiesel’s speech “Against
better. And according to Wiesel, the third cup, you’re family.” Indifference.” There’s a belief that your hand and thereafter cook tains, and the clearing of 1 mil-
feel full, so we eat a high-calorie ever ything by microwave? lion acres of once-thriving forest.
meal to go with it. Thus, if high that requires “getting everyone in Of course, it’s not just tea: The our ideas can change this cam-
the same room talking.” more historically inclined among pus, this state, and the world. Granted, my analogy is a bit of a Central Appalachia is a war zone.
fat beverages were to be cut out stretch, but I think it adequately But there are real solutions we
of a person’s diet and replaced Imagine that: committing you may think back to the free That doesn’t mean we should
time without a prior agenda, conversation of the 18th century agree on everything – it would describes the asinine nature of can pursue at UNC while we con-
with low-calorie beverages such the Four Loko debate. tinue burning coal. We can find
as water, their fat intake would be open to building relationships coffeehouses in the U.S. and be boring if we did. But with an
and hearing new ideas. Greg England. It may seem sentimen- open mind, healthy disagree- Four Loko and its ilk should coal sourced from deep mines
greatly reduced. absolutely not be banned, as sug- to replace these dirty “contour”
There is a consensus among Mortenson, another recent tal, but it can’t hurt to try, can it? ment can spur us to refine our
speaker at UNC, tells us that in This Friday morning, the ideas into more realizable goals. gested in Tuesday’s letter (“Four mining contracts, and we can
scholars in the diabetes, nutri- Loko is dangerous, sale should hold Energy Services account-
tion, heart and cancer sectors Pakistan it takes “three cups of Black Student Movement, Of course, conversation and
tea” to do business: “The first the Campus Y, the Carolina cups of tea alone won’t fix the be banned”). First of all, there’s able for evaluating mines in per-
that reducing a person’s intake the obvious: banning caffeinated son before signing contracts.
of sugar-sweetened beverages cup, you’re a stranger; the sec- Review, Carolina United, College world’s problems.
ond cup you become a friend; Republicans, Cornerstone, But it’s a start. alcoholic drinks won’t stop me Last May, many students sup-
would reduce their calorie intake, from going to the bar and getting ported and applauded our uni-
lowering their risk of diabetes and a Red Bull vodka, Jack and Coke, versity’s commitment to move
heart disease. In a cash-strapped or any one of the innumerable beyond coal by 2020 at the lat-
economy, like ours, consumers are combinations of alcoholic and caf- est. But if UNC has broken its
especially cost-conscious. Thus, feinated drinks already available. promise on coal sourcing, can
a tax on sugar-sweetened bever- More insidious, though, is the way we trust them to uphold others?
ages would be an effective way to in which this debate reflects the If you are interested or want to
reduce their consumption. terror experienced by our society
The major opposition for these No Nerfs Thanksgiving Royal wedding learn more about mountaintop
when faced with (gasp) personal removal, join us this morning at
findings is coming from — you responsibility. People should be Music Saves Mountains, 11 a.m. to
guessed it — the companies that At UNC-Greensboro, Nerf We won’t get the chance to OMG! Prince William is
guns are now say this before the marrying his col- allowed to learn from their own 1 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room
produce these beverages, like mistakes. How else would you in the bottom of the Student
Pepsi and Coke, since higher banned for Humans break, so we will lege sweetheart,
vs. Zombies. say it now: Happy Kate Middleton. learn not to touch a hot stove? Union. The Sierra Student
prices would be bad for business. The reason people inevitably Coalition has put together great
But this week, the Bipartisan Apparently, stu- Turkey Day! May Sorry, ladies (and
drink to excess when they drink music including Ben Sollee, as
Policy Center, a nonprofit organi- dents were taking everyone get fat men?) of UNC
Four Loko is that the only reason well as photos, videos, and speak-
zation founded by former Senate the game a little too far, so and happy on stuffing before — and the world. Maybe they would drink that awful stuff ers, plus delicious free food!
majority leaders, came out with a now the game involves ... socks cramming for finals when your kids will have a chance is because they want to drink to
deficit reduction plan that favors and marshmallows? WHAT? we return from the break. with their kids. Big deal. excess. If such a decision proves John Allen
a soda tax. to have deleterious consequences, Senior
The report estimates that the The Beatles online Car chase Motorsports degree so be it. Nobody is holding guns Environmental Science
tax would raise more than $15 to peoples’ heads forcing them to
billion by 2015, plus the money it Beatles’ songs finally became A prisoner receiving treat- N.C. A&T now offers a major Introducing ‘Quote File’
drink Four Loko. Let them figure
would save hospitals on obesity- available on ment escaped from in Motorsports things out on their own for once. Overhear anything on campus
related medical bills, such as iTunes on Tuesday. UNC Hospitals Te c h n o l o g y. I t and around town that you wish
treatments for diabetes and heart you could share with others? Now
It’s weird that it and got away may be a good Bill Odette is your chance! E-mail entries
disease. took so long for in a stolen UNC ploy to get Junior to [email protected], subject:
Until legislation can be passed the iconic band’s campus police NASCAR fans off Chemistry “Quote File.”
requiring beverage companies to the couch and into college.
music to make it online. c a r. H e w a s e v e n t u a l l y
tax their sugar-sweetened prod-
A f t e r a l l , m o n e y c a n ’t arrested on I-40. Looks But the final exam’s prob-
ucts, other important and poten- SPEAK OUT department and phone number.
tially effective methods — such as buy them love. But we’ll like pulling a “Hangover” ably going to be how quickly
➤ Edit: The DTH edits for space,
better nutrition education — are just let that question be. isn’t all that sexy after all. a student can change a tire. Writing guidelines: clarity, accuracy and vulgarity.
being introduced in health care ➤ Please type: Handwritten Limit letters to 250 words.
letters will not be accepted.
centers. But it’s not enough. JOin us: The Daily Tar Heel is hiring for the spring semester. ➤ Sign and date: No more than
Ultimately, preventing and two people should sign letters. ➤ Drop-off: at our office at 151 E.
treating obesity will require a We’re looking for about eight columnists who will produce hard-hitting, insightful, well-written and well-researched Rosemary Street.
columns with local relevance centered around a theme of their own choosing on a biweekly basis. ➤ Students: Include your year,
combination of better nutrition major and phone number. ➤ E-mail: to [email protected]
education and a soda tax (hey, at We’re looking for about eight to 10 board members who will write unsigned editorials on behalf of the DTH. Members ➤ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel
➤ Faculty/staff: Include your
least it’s not a peanut butter tax!) must attend a one-hour meeting on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday each week to brainstorm and pitch ideas. Each board Hill, N.C., 27515.
member can expect to write several editorials a week.
Friday: We’re looking for cartoonists who will produce creative, original editorial cartoons weekly. Submit three work samples to apply. EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions
Ron Bilbao shows us why of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel edito-
Please visit 151 E. Rosemary Street or under “Opinion” for an application.
immigration reform is good for rial board. The board consists of eight board members, the associate opinion editor, the
Applications are due at 5 p.m. Dec. 8. Contact Opinion Editor Cameron Parker at [email protected] with questions.
economic recovery. opinion editor and the editor.