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A Pictorial History

mS^^ Puhlic .

fiommunitv College

JRobert E. Sterling
Joliet Junior College celebrates its cen-
tennial anniversary in 2001 and is proud to
be recognized and honored as America’s
oldest public community college in continu-
ous existence. Indeed, the college enjoys a
rich heritage of impacting and shaping the
nation’s educational system. Dr. Robert E.
Sterling, a JJC faculty member and depart-
ment chair for more than thirty years, cap-
tures the history of the college and its con-
tribution to the community college move-
ment in lively prose and hundreds of care-
fully selected photographs.
Beginning as an experimental “postgrad-
uate” high school program with six students
in 1901, Sterling traces the development of
the institution into one of the nation’s fore-
most community colleges. The contribu-
tions of J. Stanley Brown, Dr. William
Rainey Harper, C. E. Spicer, and countless
more are described and documented in this
volume. The full sweep of JJC’s history is
recounted here, from the founding and for-
mative years in the early twentieth century
to its present position poised at the thresh-
old of a new millennium.
1901 to 2001: A
Joliet Junior College,
Pictorial History of America’s Oldest Public
Community College strikes an interesting
balance between a traditional history full of
thoughtful prose and a coffee table piece
filled with striking photographs. In short,
the book has meaty narrative for the serious
scholar and fascinating images for those
who believe that pictures open windows to
the past and truly are “worth a thousand
Dr. Sterling has a talent for bringing his-
tory to life through pictures and print. He
has authored four other pictorial histories
and has developed the ability to weave nar-
ration around pictures to tell a story.
Whether readers have enjoyed an affilia-

tion with Joliet Junior College or simply

wish to learn more about this historic insti-
tution, they are sure to find this unique vol-
ume a resource and treasure for years to

Cover design by Michael Bruner

ISBN 0-943963-81-8

m t
r 1

Digitized by the Internet Archive
in 2016
Dedicated to J. Stanley Brown, C. E. Spicer,

Dr. William Rainey Harper, the 1900-1901 Joliet

Township High School Board of Trustees, and

early JJC faculty members for pioneering the

community college movement in Joliet, Illinois.

Their commitment to a quality experience

for students, their perseverance during

challenging times, and their dedication to

democratizing higher education opened the doors

to affordable and accessible college education and

the priceless opportunity for lifelong learning.

These pioneer educators in Joliet, Illinois,

transformed higher education in America, and

people everywhere are forever in their debt.

Author; Robert E. Sterling
Text Editors: Patrick Asher,
Patrick McGuire, Sharon Peck
Project Editor; Robert E. Sterling

Book Design: Diane Kramer

Photo Editor: Michael Bruner
Publisher: G. Bradley Publishing
Sponsor: Joliet Junior College

© Copyright 2001 by G. Bradley Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in ^

the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, i

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, elec-

tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or othenwise without the prior per-
mission of the publisher.

ISBN-0-943963-81 -8
1901 TO 2001!
A Pictorial History of
America's Oldest Pubuc
Community College

Robert E. Sterling

Joliet Junior College, Illinois Community College District 525

Tabie of Contents
Foreword 5

Chapter 1. The Founding and Formative Years: 1893-1919 6

Chapter 2. Establishing a College Identity: 1919-1939 26

Chapter 3. Years of Challenge and Change: 1939-1967 52

Chapter 4. A New Home on Houbolt Road: 1967-2000 129

Chapter 5. Picture Us Now 205

Notes 230

Acknowledgements 234

Bibliography 235

Index 236
'To re Wo rh
One hundred years have passed since J. Stanley Public Community College. The book captures the
Brown started a post-secondary educational program essence of the college as it grew from just six students

at Joliet Township High School that was the based on into an institution that now serves close to eleven
a concept developed and nurtured by Dr. William thousand credit students each year.

Rainey Harper, then President of the University of Dr. Sterling possesses a wonderful ability toweave
Chicago. While it is doubtful that either man fully narration around pictures in a manner that you feel
understood the magnitude of this new creation we as though you are experiencing the event or the exam-
now call the community college, it has evolved into a ined time period first hand. Anyone who has ever
truly uniquesegment of American education. With been affiliated with the college will be particularly
some 1200 community and technical colleges scat- pleased with his work and will
tered across the country, millions of students use enjoy the book for many years
them as their points of access to higher education to come as it is shared with
and to career and technical programs. family and friends. I extend my
We at Joliet Junior College are proud that our col- compliments to Dr. Sterling for

lege is the nation's oldest continuously operating com- an exceptional job of writing
munity college. I am pleased that Dr. Robert Sterling, and illustration.
a retired Joliet Junior College historian, department
chair, and the superb author of several other pictorial

history works, agreed to write Joliet Junior College, J. D. Ross, President

1901 to 2001: A Pictorial History of America’s Oldest Joliet Junior College

Board of T rustees, 200 1 . Seated:

Student Trustee Rosa Salazar,
Chair Eleanor McGuan-Boza.
Standing: Robert J. Wunderlich,
Vice Chair Richard Dystrup,
Secretary Jeffrey A. May. Not
Pictured: Susan Block, David R.
Cryer, Marilyn Hertko.

I he 'Touncm^ am ^l~ormatL\/e "years

1S93 to 1919
Junior College, the oldest public community between 1893 and 1901, increasing from 208 to 600.®
g oliet
K college in the United States, is celebrating its cen- Soon after his arrival. Brown began upgrading the
^tennial in 2001. The two individuals most instru- curriculum, perhaps as early as 1894, to include
mental in the formation of the college in Joliet and the courses with college-level content. He also encour-
beginning of the community college movement were J. aged universities to award college credit or advanced
Stanley Brown and Dr. William Rainey Harper. Brown standing to Joliet students who had taken these more
was the superintendent of Joliet Township High School rigorous courses in such subjects as physics, chem-
in 1901, and Harper was president of the University of istry,and mathematics.^ Responding to a letter from
Chicago. The setting was a spacious, new township Brown, Professor Francis W. Kelsey of the University
high school building completed in 1901 and touted as of Michigan wrote the following on June 2, 1896;
one of the nation’s most exemplary secondary schools I am much pleased to learn that you have
with a superior faculty, modem equipment, and ample taken your students over more than the
space to accommodate students enrolled in college-level required preparatory work. If you will kindly
classes. Beginning with six “postgraduate” students in give to those who come to the University of
the arts and sciences and twenty-five students enrolled Michigan a certificate to the effect that the
in a two-year normal academic program for elementary extra work has been well done, I will see that
teachers, the junior college remained affiliated with the advanced credit is given for it.^
high school until 1967, when it became a separate Two years later. Professor Joseph H. Drake visit-
Class I community college. ed Joliet and later wrote to Brown that he was favor-
J. Stanley Brown came to Joliet in 1893 to serve ably impressed with the high school curriculum and
as principal of JolietHigh School.^ When he arrived, confirmed that the University of Michigan was “glad
the nation’s economy was temporarily suffering the to give some advanced credit for work done in this
sluggish effects of the Depression of 1893. The new way.”® In 1901, J. Stanley Brown also stated that
principal found that many of his students came from “our own great University of Illinois admits our. . .

working class families and, if they finished high recommended graduates into the sophomore class
school, they probably would not go on to college. without conditions and enables them to complete a
However, Brown understood the value of a college four years’ course in three years.”“ It is abundantly
education and encouraged students to continue clear that shortly after Brown became principal, stu-
beyond their high school diploma. In a public speech, dents were able to earn college credit by taking “post-
he stated that “since September, 1894, some continu- graduate” courses at Joliet High School. Thus,
ous effort has been made to inspire pupils to continue Brown not only encouraged his students to go on to
their work in some higher institutions after graduat- college,but he made it possible for them to gain
ing here.”^ Unfortunately, the expense of leaving advanced standing in certain universities with which
home and attending college was beyond the financial he had negotiated transfer agreements.
reach of many students. Brown placed so much value Another Joliet educator who was partially respon-
on college education, however, that he occasionally sible for initiating college-level coursework in the local
made personal loans to students to enable them to high school was the head of the Science Department,
pursue a college degree.® Chauncey E. Spicer. He not only taught some of the
Under the leadership and influence of its new advanced science classes, but also served as Brown’s
administrator, Joliet High School experienced a dra- assistant. Spicer and Brown were different in many
matic growth in enrollment, as well as a significant ways, but their administrative styles seemed to com-
improvement in the quality of instruction. The num- plement each other. Miss Elizabeth Barns, a longtime
ber of students attending the school nearly tripled faculty member under Spicer and Brown, observed:

Dr. Brown had the widest vision on education- Gymnasia in Germany by preparing students for the

al matters. He was not afraid of trying things. university’s true work of specialization and research.
He had a vision of the future. With C. E. Likewise, in his 1869 inaugural address as president of
Spicer, they made a perfect team. Mr. Spicer the University of Minnesota, William Watts Folwell
was a person who had a perfect genius for advocated the transfer to secondary schools of “those
detail and he would take Dr. Brown’s vision studies which now form the body of work for the first

and work it into a program. The two of them two years in our ordinary American colleges.” Folwell
worked together very well. and sophomore college students
believed that freshman
Although Brown deserves considerable credit for were not mature enough to do university work. He fur-
starting the community college in Joliet, he sought no ther articulated this idea in a presentation at the 1875
plaudits for the accomplishment, but deferred to his meeting of the National Education Association: “The
friend at the University of Chicago, President work of the first two years of the college is the work of
William Rainey Harper, as the true visionary and the secondary school, and there it can be done most
architect of the junior college. At the National efficientlyand economically. Turn this work over to the
Conference of Junior Colleges in 1920, in a presenta- high school, and that institution has at once its func-
tion on “The Growth and Development of Junior tion, and the whole of it.”^®

Colleges in the United States,” Brown modestly stat- The ideas of Tappan and Folwell and other early
ed that “Joliet takes no credit for it, but concedes it to educators foreshadowed the work of William Rainey
the man of vision. Dr. William R. Harper, the first Harper at the University of Chicago. Harper was not
president of the University of Chicago.”^^ only a man of vision but a person of action. Having
From its beginning in 1892, Harper divided his differentiated between “junior college” and “senior
own university into the Academic College (freshmen college” work at his own institution. Harper began
and sophomores) and the University College (juniors bringing high schools into the discussion of educa-
and seniors). Four years later, the lower level tional reorganization. In order to promote dialogue
Academic College was given a new name: “Junior and coordinated programming between his university
College.”^^ It appears that Harper was actually pre- and regional high schools, in November 1892 Harper
pared to drop the freshman and sophomore years began holding regular conferences in Chicago to
altogether from the University of Chicago and to rely which selected secondary schools were invited. These
on small colleges and public high schools to cover the meetings eventually became known as “Conferences
first two years of college. Harper believed that “the of the Affiliated and Cooperating Schools.” After his
work of the freshman and sophomore years is only a arrival in Joliet in 1893, Brown became an active
continuation of the academy or high school work. It participant in these meetings. In 1899, the
is a continuation, not only of the subject-matter stud- University of Chicago approved Joliet High School as
ied, but of the methods employed. It is not until the a cooperating school and began awarding students
end of the sophomore year that university methods of credit for advanced work that was certified by their
instruction may be employed to advantage.”^^ high school teachers.^®
Although Harper is often considered the “father of Brown and Harper had a lot in common and
the junior college,” he was not the first educator to enjoyed a personal friendship. Both had been born in
embrace the idea of separating freshman and sopho- Ohio and had an association with the Baptist-based
more-level college work from the university experience; Denison University, Brown as a student and gradu-
he was, however, in the unique position as the founder ate in 1889 and Harper as a faculty member from
and implement the idea. Since
of a university to refine 1876 to 1879. Both were men of faith who were
the middle of the nineteenth century, American educa- active in the Baptist denomination; they often met at
tors had been comparing unfavorably the educational Baptist conventions where they discussed education
system in the United States with that of other coun- as well as religion. In fact. Brown’s son. Dr. Grant
tries, especially Germany. In 1851, Henry R Tappan, Brown, recalled that his father and Harper roomed
who would become president of the University of together at a National Baptist Convention and talked
Michigan the following year, suggested that American long into the night about how to make the first two
secondary schools should become more like the years of college available to promising high school

students with limited financial resources/^ A 1919 survey of junior colleges conducted by |

As important as Stanley Brown, William

J. President Monroe Stowe of the University of Toledo i

Rainey Harper, and C. E. Spicer were to the origin of in cooperation with the U. S. Bureau of Education
Joliet Junior College, there would have been no col- similarly concluded that “Joliet Junior College seems
lege in Joliet at the turn of the century if a new high to resemble Topsy, in that it has just grown.”^^
school building had not been built. A recently enact- It is true that students at the high school had
ed state law permitted the establishing of township been taking advanced classes for college credit since
high school districts, and on April 4, 1899, local vot- the mid- 1890s and that thenumber of classes accept-
ers approved the creation of the Joliet Township High ed for advanced standing had been steadily growing.
School District by a vote of 2,725 to 329. Two months In fact, when the new township high school was dedi-
later in a special election, voters overwhelmingly cated, J. Stanley Brown informed his listeners that
approved (1,446 to 1) a proposition to select and pur- students had been successfully entering the
chase a site and to erect a new township high school. University of Illinois as sophomores by taking appro-
These important decisions made possible the expan- priate freshman-level courses at the high school.^® It

sion of the high school’s existing postgraduate cours- appears, however, that Brown both expanded and
es into a six-year high school program which included organized these postgraduate classes into a coherent
the first two years of college. The creation of the new two-year program by the beginning of the second
township district in 1899 broadened the tax base suf- semester in January 1901. On December 4, 1900,
ficiently to fund the junior college in its infancy, and Brown reported to the School Board that “five post-

new high school in 1901 provided

the building of a graduate students had been entered.” He revised i

modern classrooms and laboratories for teaching this a month later on January 7, 1901, when he
freshman and sophomore-level college classes. The reported “the enrollment of one additional post-grad-
new Joliet Township High School Board of Trustees uate student” who would enter on February 1.^® |

named J. Stanley Brown superintendent and sup- These references to “entering” postgraduate stu- |

ported his efforts to use the new building to expand dents appear to suggest that the students were enter- I

the postgraduate courses into well-defined one and ing a specific program of study, not simply taking a
two-year programs, which eventually became known variety of loosely related postgraduate classes as had j

as Joliet Junior College.^® been the case in the past. Students at the high I

It is impossible to pinpoint the precise date when school had been taking advanced classes for college I

Joliet Junior College actually began. There was nei- credit for several years, but this is the first such '

ther a legal charter filed nor an official resolution announcement by Superintendent Brown to the

passed to mark the beginning of the formal two-year School Board regarding the enrollment of postgradu-
program in Joliet. Although 1901 has been
college ate students. Something had apparently changed;
commonly accepted by many researchers as the year namely, a small group of high school graduates had i

of the college’s founding, others suggest 1902 as a enrolled in a two-year, college-level artsand science j

more accurate date.^^ A few have even suggested that program. Some twenty years later at a meeting of
Joliet Junior College was not founded or established, the National Conference of Junior Colleges, J.
but rather evolved from early postgraduate courses. Stanley Brown stated that “a junior college was start-
Dr. Roosevelt Basler, for example, who served as ed at Joliet with five or six students. The develop-
. . .

superintendent of Joliet Township High School and ment at Joliet was slow at first, but it was continu-
Junior College from 1943 to 1945, stated; ous, and it did not stop for a moment.”^^ This com-
Such expressions as ‘established,’ ‘formed,’ and ment by Brown suggests, first, that he believed the
‘came into existence’ convey a wholly erroneous college had, indeed, been “started” and, second, that
impression concerning the conditions at Joliet. it began with the six postgraduate students who

. .The early beginnings of the Joliet Junior

. entered in the spring semester of 1901.
College were characterized by a slow, gradual, Another two-year program, a normal course for
and evolutionary growth. In truth the college training elementary teachers, was started eight !

evolved - it was not ‘established,’ ‘formed,’ or months later in the fall semester of 1901. ;

begun at any particular date.^^ Superintendent Brown outlined the course require-

merits at a July Board meeting and
Septemberin The three committees presented their reports the
informed the Board that twenty-five students were following year at the general conference in November
enrolled in the program.^® Brown had long been 1903 where the subject of school reorganization was
interested in teacher training and had served as thoroughly discussed. Brown submitted a very favor-
president of a normal school in Oregon before coming able report from his committee, heartily endorsing
to Joliet. Also, when he left Joliet, Brown assumed Harper’s ideas. He mentioned that in the past five
the presidency of Northern Illinois Normal School, years, high schoolshad been improving their curricu-
now known as Northern Illinois University. Prior to la and that some had “increased the work to five or
the introduction of the normal course in 1901, teach- six years.” Although he made no direct reference to

ers could become certified to teach simply by passing his own high school in Joliet, he did state that “these
a county examination, even without a high school movements have gone on, are going on, without any
diploma. Joliet grade schools, however, were becom- blare of trumpet.” Brown made it clear that despite
ing more selective, and people who had both a diplo- the reservations and dissenting opinions voiced by a
ma and normal school training were more likely to few committee members, the conference attendees
find teaching positions than those without. were not debating some futuristic idea, but rather an
By the fall of 1902, the two postgraduate pro- educational plan already in existence. In fact, the
grams were growing; school records indicate that suggested program of required and elective course-
twenty-two students were enrolled in the postgradu- work for the extended fifth and sixth years of high
ate arts and science program alone. As a matter of school presented by Brown to the conference almost
clarification as well as a statement of school policy, mirrored the program then in place at Joliet
the Board of Trustees passed a resolution on Township High School. In his report. Brown also dis-
December 3, 1902, stating that “graduates of the cussed some of the practical benefits of adding the
High School may take Post Graduate Work without first two years of college to secondary schools, argu-
any additional cost.” Township taxpayers were, thus, ments still made today, one hundred years later, in

fully funding the first two years of college for a grow- support of community college education. Some high
ing number of Joliet Township High School gradu- school graduates cannot go away to college for finan-
ates. This decision was made quietly by Brown and cial reasons, said Brown, and others should not go

his Board without any public fanfare or front page away because they need “close magisterial and
stories in the local press.^® parental supervision.”®^
J. Stanley Brown’s stature as a respected educator Although William Rainey Harper influenced —and
continued to grow when he was appointed by William perhaps inspired — J. Stanley Brown, there is no evi-

Rainey Harper in the fall of 1902 to chair an impor- dence that Harper played a direct role in establishing
tant committee established at the annual Conference America’s oldest community college in Joliet. Harper
of Affiliated and Cooperating Schools. The general and his staff certainly did not use a “‘hard-sell’
theme of the conference was educational reorganiza- approach” in persuading the local School Board to
tion. Harper framed the subject in the form of four establish a junior college, as one educator has sug-
propositions, the second of which was “to extend the gested.®® Rather, Brown and his assistant, C. E.
work of the secondary school to include the first two Spicer, appear to have been the prime movers in the
years of college work.” He then appointed three com- creation of the college. Although Harper lived less
mittees of seven members each to study the matter of than fifty miles away, he neither visited Joliet nor
school reorganization from the perspective of the ele- offered any personal assistance in shaping Board pol-
mentary school, the secondary school, and the college, icy or public opinion with respect to the high school’s
respectively. The members of these three committees postgraduate program. In fact. Harper’s correspon-
were known collectively as the Committee of Twenty- dence files contain no indication that he directly
One. Not surprisingly. Harper appointed his friend J. assisted or personally advised Brown during the criti-

Stanley Brown, superintendent of a nearby high cal years of the college’s infancy.
school with an extended six-year program already in C. E. Spicer enjoyed an excellent vantage point
place, to chair the committee examining reorganiza- for commenting on William Rainey Harper’s role in
tion from the viewpoint of the secondary school.®® founding Joliet Junior College. Spicer came to Joliet



in 1891, two years before Brown arrived, and employees or prospective employees of local business |

remained until 1937, eighteen years after Brown’s and industry. Spicer considered these courses to be
departure. He developed and taught the earliest the “nucleus from which the junior college grew.
postgraduate courses in physics and chemistry, They were the ones that could be made immediately
chaired the Science Department, and served as remunerative to students .... Of the three, chem-
Brown’s assistant at both the old school and the new istry was the one that furnished the largest amount
Joliet Township High School. Spicer was so highly of employment.”®^ Although Spicer believed that the
regarded by the Board of Trustees that he was twice college’s early success was due, in part, to its ability

offered the position of superintendent. He refused to meet an economic need in the Joliet community, it
both times, preferring instead to remain in the class- is predominant purpose of the college
clear that the
room during the school year and to spend the sum- program in these early years was to meet the needs
mer months in northern Michigan at the family cot- of students transferring into baccalaureate programs
tage in the resort town of Frankfort.^® As to the ori- at senior institutions. However, the school did meet
gin and early development of the junior college, it the vocational needs of Joliet’s industrial society
was Spicer’s view that through a variety of lower-level courses taught in the
Dr. Harper’s contribution to the establishment of high school evening program, which began in 1912.®®
our junior college came and not before, the
after, Although Superintendent Brown spent countless
fundamental courses therein had been function- hours negotiating transfer credits for college-bound
ing. What we then needed was recognition from students, there is no evidence that he ever met with
established colleges, without which we could not local business leaders to determine whether post-
have survived. He and members of his faculty graduate courses were providing students with skills
heartily endorsed our efforts. . .. Many other appropriate for the workplace. All such efforts to tai-

colleges also granted us such credits, but none meet the needs of the business
lor college courses to

perhaps so willingly as did the University of community would happen later in the school’s history.
Chicago. Some seemed to think that we were During its formative years, the college-level pro-
trespassing on their territory. . . . Probably our gram enjoyed the full support of the High School
effort would have failed of success had we not Board of Trustees, five respected community leaders
received his ‘recognition,’ and, too, we would with progressive views on the importance of quality
have had not our efforts successfully
failed, education. They seemed willing to follow
responded to an economic community need.^^ Superintendent Brown’s lead both in erecting a state-
In commenting on the origin of the junior college of-the-art school buildingand in extending the high
in Joliet, Spicer underscored the importance from the school program to include the first two years of col-
very beginning of the college meeting the communi- lege. Like Brown, they quietly made momentous
ty’s economic needs. He recognized that not all post- decisions without seeking headlines or public
graduate students would transfer to a university to acclaim. In fact. Board minutes reflect very little
complete their college degrees. Some students lacked mention of the postgraduate program, except for an
the ability, interest, resources, or parental support to occasional reference by Brown to enrollment data.
continue beyond the lower-level college courses Although J. Stanley Brown often spoke at profes-
offered at the high school. For them, however, there sional conferences out of town and wrote articles in
were jobs available in the ranks of middle manage- educational journals about the junior college in Joliet,
ment in the many businesses and smokestack indus- neither he nor his Board of Trustees publicized the
tries in and around Joliet. Although the early one- college in the local media. One searches Joliet news-
and two-year college programs were steeped in the papers in vain for either college advertising or feature
arts and sciences and included no technical training, stories on early college activities. There appears to
there were, nonetheless, mid-level employment have been a conscious effort by school officials to per-

opportunities available in the local economy for peo- mit the college program to develop slowly, unaided
ple with some college education. or perhaps unhindered — ^by local public promotion.
Postgraduate courses in physics, chemistry, and Brown was well aware of the potential adverse
surveying were sometimes taken selectively by reaction by taxpayers to the use of local high school

funds to support college-level education. At a 1903 smooth transfer with no loss of credit was, indeed,
conference where Brown was a presenter, a professor time-consuming. In 1912, Brown appointed a com-
from the University of Michigan asserted, “I do not mittee of three faculty members to advise postgradu-
believe there is a board of education in Michigan that ate students. Four years later the advisors became
would incur such a risk.”®® A 1906 editorial in the known as the Junior College Committee."*®
School Review sounded a similar note, suggesting Although few records exist from the early phase
that “public high schools are likely to encounter con- of the formative years, it appears that the postgradu-
siderable difficulty in doing this because of the ate students of the early twentieth century were sim-
increased cost involved for necessary equipment and ilar, in many ways, to college students today. Outside
teaching staff.”^® Ira D. Yaggy, a contemporary the classroom, they enjoyed a variety of physical,
observer who served on Brown’s first postgraduate social,and cultural activities and established mean-
advisory committee and later became the dean first ingful and memorable traditions. In an article on the
of the junior college, affirmed that the low-keyed “Evolution of the Joliet Junior College,” Thomas M.
approach was purposely taken because “Dr. Brown Deam, Assistant Superintendent of Joliet Township
was very much afraid that the taxpayers might object High School, remarked that until 1914 the “‘post-
to using high school funds for college work if it were graduate’ department of the high school was estab-
publicized too much.”^^ lishing itself and building up traditions necessary to
Sometimes overlooked by historians and crystallize itself into a recognized unit.”^^
researchers in their analyses of Joliet Junior College An early issue of the Joliet Township High School
and the reasons why it survived to become the Bulletin, devoted exclusively to the history of the
nation’s oldest public community college are the suc- junior college, observed that the postgraduates of
cess stories of the early postgraduate students. Many 1905-1906 already possessed a “group
ofthem not only went on to earn college degrees, but conscious [ness]” as they “presented plays, participat-
they returned to Joliet and made significant contribu- ed in athletics, held banquets, and recorded their
tions to the community. They became successful ‘deeds’ in the high school annual.” The publication
teachers, doctors, business people, and community went on to note that “these extra-curricular activities
leaders, bearing daily witness to the quality of the were without question a factor of considerable impor-
institution and the importance of supporting it. tance in the growth of the junior college.” A Joliet
Superintendent Brown took a special interest in high school teacher, who had been a postgraduate
his postgraduate students and for several years student in 1909, wrote in the same Bulletin that the
served as their personal advisor. He spent many early postgraduate students “enjoyed much of the
hours articulating the postgraduate courses with col- spirit of the present J. J.C.”*®

leges and universities and developing a list of classes Athletic activities were also important in develop-
approved for transfer credit by these senior institu- among postgraduate students, both
ing a cohesiveness
tions. Brown addressed the problem in his report, men and women. Some of the earliest pictures in the
“Present Development of Secondary Schools brief postgraduate section of the high school yearbooks
According to the Proposed Plan,” presented at the fall are photographs of athletic teams. Competition was
1904 conference at the University of Chicago. He limited, at first, to other teams within the high school
said that students taking advanced work in high and postgraduate program. In 1916, however, the
school were “continually asking: ‘How much credit was organized, and
“Little Six” basketball conference
shall I receive for this when I enter college?”’ Noting in January 1917 the Joliet squad began playing teams
the perplexity of the problem. Brown advocated the from Crane, De Paul, Lane, Lewis, and Wheaton. This
development of a common standard. Citing his own is apparently when the school colors purple and white
experience in Joliet, he stated that various colleges were selected. Under “Junior College Notes” in the
and universities were awarding credit for postgradu- 1917 issue of The J, the writer expressed confidence
ate courses in history, literature, science, mathemat- that “at the end of the season the boys wearing purple
ics,and foreign language, “but at no institution of the and white will emerge victorious.”^^
higher order have all these subjects been accredit- In 1916, postgraduate students at Joliet
ed.”^^ The task of advising students to ensure a Township High School shed the image and aura of

being advanced high school students; they came to be dents who completed the college’s two-year teacher .

known thereafter as “collegians” and their school as training program would receive teaching certificates j

“Joliet Junior College.” Superintendent Brown and without taking the county exam. Then, after success-
members of the advisory committee met with the fully teaching for one year, they could upgrade their
postgraduate students at the beginning of the 1916 certificate with the approval of the county superin-
school year and “nearly every remark that was made tendent.®® The following year, in 1918, Joliet Junior :

emphasized the fact the students present were . . . College held its first formal graduation ceremony,
Collegians.”^^ In the fall issue of The J, under the with Superintendent J. Stanley Brown proudly
subheading “The Passing of the P. G.,” Edna O. awarding diplomas to twenty-one students.
Knowlton noted the change: These landmark developments of 1917-1918 were I

The scientific world has been lately electrified tempered, however, by World War I and its impact on
by the sudden disappearance of a species long the college. In the “Junior College Notes” of The J in
familiar, and the appearance, in the stead October 1918, was pointed out that almost all of the

thereof, of an entirely new type. I refer to the male students had “heeded the patriotic call” by
case of the P. G. . . . Its place has been taken by enrolling in the S.A.T.C. (Student Army Training
the Collegian, a new form, possessed of all the Corps) and would soon be leaving for training camps at
traits necessary for a successful animal . . several different colleges and universities. Five female
The transformation from postgraduate to colle- students also responded to the wartime need by enter-
gian occurred just after the college program had sur- ing nurses’ training hospitals. Those who remained in
vived its only real threat during the formative period. “Dr. Brown’s Seminary for Young Women,” it was noted, ;

The president Board announced in 1915

of the School would have more time for “intensive work.” However, i

that increasing high school and college enrollments they, too, got involved in the war effort by selling War i

had created a pressing need for more classrooms. Savings Stamps, volunteering with the Red Cross, and ;

One of the suggestions offered by a Board member to assisting at the registration board.®^

resolve the problem of space was “the non-admission The end an era came in 1919 when J. Stanley
of 1

of postgraduates.”®” If austere measures were neces- Brown submitted his resignation. There had been

sary, the college program was apparently one of the growing criticism regarding the cost of operating the
frills that might be cut. Fortunately, however, the high school, especially administrative costs. The local

Board decided instead to rent space temporarily in newspaper carried a front-page story by columnist |

nearby churches and to support a building program. Jack Thorne questioning the school’s comparatively !

Voters approved the expansion plan in 1916, and high tax rate. Interestingly, there was no mention
when the new addition was finished in 1917, it was made and its free tuition for all
of the junior college
known as the junior college division. Not only had graduates of Joliet Township High School. Four days
the PGs (postgraduates) become collegians, but they later, the same newspaper informed its readers that

now had a section of the building designated primari- the School Board had granted Brown a month’s leave j

ly for their use. They had their own entrance, their to undertake an assignment in Washington, D. C.®®

own classrooms, and their own assembly room; they Then, a few days later at the May 20 Board meeting,
were also permitted to move throughout the new col- J. Brown presented his “conditional resigna-
lege addition without securing hall passes. This “new tion,” to take effect August 1.®® Although it was
era of independence” made the junior college even rumored that he had been offered the presidency of
more attractive to graduating high school seniors.®^ Northern Illinois Normal School in DeKalb, Brown
During the latter stage of the college’s formative went to the nation’s capital to direct the Treasury
period, several other significant developments Department’s Thrift and Savings Campaign. While in
occurred. In 1917, Brown worked with the North Washington, Brown sent his official resignation to the
Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Board, which was accepted on July 11. Following a !

Schools to secure accreditation for Joliet Junior short stint in Washington, Brown did indeed accept i

College.®^ In the same year, the State Examining the presidency at Northern, where he remained from
Board approved JJC’s normal school credits for certi- 1919 to 1927.®^
fication without examination; this meant that stu- Although J. Stanley Brown departed Joliet Junior ,

College under a cloud of criticism, he left behind an
impressive record of achievement. Under his leader-
ship, an imposing new township high school had been
built that rivaled many small colleges in size and
amenities. Today, 100 years later, the building still

serves Joliet students as one of two high school cam-

puses, an enduring testament to the quality and
durability of the structure. One can only wonder how
many other high schools built at the turn of the cen-
tury have crumbled in disrepair or disappeared from
the cityscape. Brown’s most significant legacy, how-
ever, was the role he played in introducing postgradu-
ate courses at the high school in the mid-1890s,
expanding and organizing them into a two-year pro-
gram in 1901, quietly nurturing and shaping this
educational innovation during its formative period,
and working with North Central Association to
achieve accreditation for Joliet Junior College in
1917. When Brown left Joliet in 1919, few, if any,
paid tribute to his accomplishments or celebrated his
tremendous achievement in giving form and sub-
stance to William Rainey Harper’s educational vision.
Joliet Junior College served as a model to educators
and legislators throughout the nation as they began
developing community colleges.
J. Stanley Brown retired in 1927, after serving
eight years as president of Northern Illinois Normal
School. He now had more time for his family and
enjoyed long visits with his three sons, including
Grant, who lived in Joliet. He also looked forward to
relaxing at Grant’s summer home in Frankfort,
Michigan. This visionary educator died in September
1939 while vacationing there; he was brought back to
Joliet for burial in Oakwood Cemetery.®® Once again,
local leaders failed to pay tribute to Brown’s signifi- Stanley Brown was originally from Ohio, where he had graduat-

cant and historic role in launching the community ed from Denison University in 1889 at the age of twenty-six with

college movement in the United States. Today, in an A.B. degree in classical languages. Prior to his appointment in

Joliet, he had been a department chair and instructor of Latin and

2001, J. Stanley Brown casts a much longer shadow
Greek at Blandville College in Kentucky and president of Arlington
over the sweep of educational history than he did at College in the same state. His career path then took him to the
his passing in 1939. From the vantage point of one Northwest, where he served for one year as president of a state
hundred years, especially looking back over the dra- normal school in Oregon. During his early years as both a student
and an educator. Brown developed an understanding of the plight
matic growth of community colleges in recent
of students who possessed the ability but lacked the resources to
decades, educators and historians are perhaps in a attend college. Following his own graduation from high school.
much better position today to recognize and appreci- Brown had to work for three years as a rural school teacher in

ate the pioneer work of J. Stanley Brown. order to save enough money to attend Denison.^

Tke College Community —Joliet in 1S93
Located forty miles southwest of Chicago, Joliet by water. In the 1880s, however, the river and canal
was an important transportation and industrial cen- were eclipsed by rails and steam. Joliet’s railroad
ter in northern Illinois. Both the Des Plaines River network extended in directions and included the

and the Illinois and Michigan Canal provided the city Rock Island, Chicago and Alton, Santa Fe, Michigan
with the means of transporting people and products Central, and Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railroads.

Looking north on Chicago Street from the Jefferson Street inter- carriages, and the streetcar. The high curbs, rough roads sprinkled
section in 1895, this is how the business district looked when J. with horse pollution, and unsightly rows of utility poles are visual
Stanley Brown began his administrative duties at Joliet High School. reminders of the late nineteenth century cityscape.
The principal modes of transportation were bicycles, horse-drawn

This view of the Des

Plaines River in 1895
shows the old stone
bridge at Jefferson Street.
The Illinois and Michigan
Canal ran through Joliet
on the west side of the
river.The upper gate of
the guard lock on the & I

M Canal can be seen at

the west end (right side)
of the bridge. Hidden
behind the clump of trees
are the locktender’s house
and the lower basin.

From a town of about 2,500 people in 1850, Joliet to the region were attracted primarily by job opportuni-
had grown into a city of some 23,000 in 1890 and ties in Joliet’s limestone quarries, its steel mill and
30,000 in 1900. Not only had the city’s population related industries, and the EJ&E Railroad.'’

increased substantially by the turn of the century, but

it also had become more ethnically diverse. Newcomers

With Van Buren Street in

the foreground and Jefferson

Street beyond, this rooftop
photograph provides an
expansive view of the maze
of railroad tracks in the
downtown area. Indeed,
several major carriers pro-
vided Joliet with freight and
passenger service. With so
many rail lines converging
and crossing city streets, it is

not surprising that local

leaders pressed the railroads

to relocate and elevate their
tracks, an immense project
undertaken in 1908.

Often called the “City of Stone,”

Joliet rests on a thick bed of lime-
stone, which gave rise to a thriv-
ing quarry industry in the latter
part of the nineteenth century.
By 1 890, twenty-five stone com-

panies, including the one pictured
here, employed some 1 ,500 peo-
ple and did $1.5 million in busi-
ness annually. Joliet limestone
was used to build local houses,
churches, schools, stores, facto-
ries, and the state prison. It was
also shipped by water and rail

throughout the Middle West for

use in building such structures as
the state capitol buildings in

Illinois and Michigan, the Lincoln

Monument in Springfield, the
Rock Island Arsenal, and numer-
ous county jails and courthouses.

Also known as the “City of Steel,” Joliet
was a major steel-producing center for
many years. The original plant had two
blast furnaces for reducing iron ore into
pig iron, often called crude iron. In the
mid- 870s, Bessemer converters were

installed to produce high quality steel.

The Joliet plant was a primary supplier of
steel rails for companies extending rail-

road service into western states and ter-

ritories. When J.
Stanley Brown came
to Joliet in 1893, the steel mill was the
community’s largest employer, boasting
a payroll of some 2,000 people.

The Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway (EJ&E) ran from Waukegan, Railway. Here a group of employees gathered to pose for a pic-

Illinois to northern Indiana in a 1 30-mile arc around the city of ture on Engine 589. In many ways, the labor force at both the
Chicago at a distance of about 40 miles from the downtown area. steel mill and the EJ&E Railway resembled an ethnic “salad bowl,” a
The railroad provided freight service for industrial customers in mix of various nationalities that came to the Joliet area looking for
the area, but it also offered other lines an interchanging or bridging economic well-being and social acceptance. J. Stanley Brown found
service to avoid the traffic and congestion of Chicago. “Around that many of his students at Joliet High School were first or sec-
Chicago - Not Through It” was an advertising slogan of the EJ&E ond-generation Americans.

OLh JoUet
dii^h dchooL

By 1 899, the old Joliet

High School had become
so crowded that hallways
and closets were being
used for classrooms.
When a representative
from the University of
Michigan visited Joliet in

1898 to evaluate post-

graduate courses for
transfer credit, he
remarked on these condi-
tions in a follow-up letter
to Brown: “The school
as awhole made a favor-
able impressionon both
Dr. Reed and myself, tho’
we both felt you were
carrying a heavy handicap
in having to work in such
an unsuitable building.”'®

^r. ^WdUam
d^aine^ diarl>er

I Born in Ohio in 1856 of Scotch-lrish parents, William

Rainey Harper entered Muskingum College at age ten.
He graduated at fourteen years of age and presented a

speech in Hebrew as part of the graduation ceremony.

Too young by his parent’s standards to be sent off to
worked in his father’s store,
graduate school, he
in Hebrew, and organized a
taught a college course
community band during the next few years. At age
seventeen he entered Yale as a graduate student and
received his Ph.D. before his nineteenth birthday.

During the next several years. Harper pur-
sued a career in teaching that took him to colleges
He became

in Tennessee, Ohio, and Illinois.


known as a gifted scholar, teacher, and administra-

1 tor, and in 1886 Yale offered the thirty-year-old
Harper an endowed professorship. Five years

I later, he was lured away from Yale by the offer of

the presidency of the University of Chicago. With
I the financial backing of John D. Rockefeller,
! Harper had nearly a free hand in building this new university. essentially preparatory. Other college educators had earlier
As president of the University of Chicago, Dr. Harper began espoused this view, but Harper was in the ideal position to imple-
implementing and promoting an educational plan that included the ment it. The idea that high schools could offer their graduating

concept that the primary responsibilities of a university are special- seniors lower-level college work eventually found acceptance
i ization and research and that the first two years of college are among secondary school educators like J. Stanley Brown in Joliet.

Joliet JoWnshif) Jii^h School, 1901 - 'The "Tribe of Joliet ^
At the dedication of the new Joliet Township High nished building, the School Board had spared no
School building on April 4, 1901, each speaker lavishly expense in providing Joliet Township students with the |

praised the design and durability of the structure. most modern high school imaginable. Edward S. ]

Board member Henry Leach described the imposing Draper, President of the University of Illinois, was ;

new structure as a “lasting monument to the progres- applauded heartily when he described the structure as ;

sive spirit of a wide-awake community.” He went on to “the finest high school building in America.”^®
prophetically suggest that the building would be “stand- Built of Joliet limestone with Bedford trim, the
ing in excellent condition one hundred years hence.” new building had eighty-seven rooms. The hallway !

The architect who designed the school, F. S. Allen, char- floorsand wainscoting, as well as the stair treads, |

acterized its general style as Gothic but with a flat roof were made of Vermont marble accented with darker

At a total cost of $220,382 for both the property and fur- Tennessee marble. The classroom floors were con- i

Facing Jefferson Street to the south and bounded by Eastern

Avenue on the west and Herkimer Street on the east, Joliet
Township High School (pictured below) was one of the finest
school buildings in America at the turn of the century. In this view
of the school from the southwest, the Eastern Avenue Baptist
Church can be seen on the left, beyond the utility pole and the
Porter Brewery delivery wagon. The new building was frequently i

visited by architects, school board members, and college represen-

tatives looking for ideas in school design and construction.
The outer office pictured in the photo on the left served
as both a faculty room and administrative reception area. Just
outside Superintendent J. Stanley Brown’s office was a small
switchboard that operated the school telephones; the city

telephone can be seen nearby hanging on the wall. Also,

located here in the outer office was the master clock that
controlled all of the clocks and bells in the school.


structed of maple, while the doors and entrances were quality of which surpassed labs found in most small
crafted of oak by a Swiss wood carver. Special care colleges across America. The new high school even
had been taken to install the most modern heating had an assembly hall that seated fifteen hundred peo-
and ventilation systems. The switchboard in the cen- ple, nearly three times more than the school’s enroll-

tral office provided telephone contact between the ment in 1901. Judge A. O. Marshall, President of the
superintendent and teachers in forty different rooms. School Board, captured the feeling of those at the ded-
A master clock regulated all the secondary clocks ication ceremony when he described the new township
throughout the building and also could be pro- high school as “the pride of Joliet and a monument to

grammed to ring bells that signaled the end of class the liberality and enterprise of its people.”^'
periods. C. E. Spicer, head of the Science Department,
was especially proud of the science laboratories, the

The physiography laboratory con-

tained the latest maps, globes,
charts, and other materials neces-
sary for the study of physical geogra-
phy. The demonstration table in the
front of the room was equipped
with gas, water, electricity, steam,
and compressed air.

Four rooms, including the lab pictured here, were

devoted to the study of physics. At each of the
eight heavy oak tables were four student worksta-
tions furnished with lockers, adjustable supports,
gas, and electric current. The teacher’s fully-

equipped demonstration table was positioned at

the front of the room. Along some of the walls
were stone shelves supported by the exterior walls
of the building; these provided a stable support for
the lab’s delicate instruments. Also, permanently
installed on thewalls were adjustable pendulum
supports. Another feature of the room was an arc
light in a brass case with adjustable focusing lenses
that could be used in experiments with light. C. E.

Spicer taught some of the earliest college-level

courses in this laboratory.

The chemistry department had

three rooms, namely a lecture
room, classroom, and the labora-
tory pictured here. This lab could
accommodate thirty-two students,
eight at each of the four tables.
Built of oak with plate glass tops,
the tables provided students with
pneumatic troughs, hoods, bottle
racks, gas, water, electricity, and
drawers and lockers for personal
storage. The chemistry lab was
the envy of visiting science teach-
ers who toured the new building.

Students were exposed to a vari-

ety of artwork throughout the
building, including the piece seen
here. The high school class of
1 90 1 donated as a memorial this

copy of the well-known statue

“The Wrestlers.” Located on the
landing near the main stairway, the
art piece attracted the attention of
students and visitors alike.

Following the example of the

building’s first graduating class, other classes like'

wise raised money and presented their own

memorials to the school which included such
gifts as paintings of old Joliet, a stage curtain, a
copy of the Parthenon frieze, and statues or
busts of Washington, Lincoln, and Louis Jolliet.

Many future teachers

in the normal course
did their student
teaching at the small-
est public school in

Joliet, Irving School on

South Richards Street.
The principal was the
only full-time employ-
ee in this two-room
building, which housed
only the first and sec-
ond grades. Under
the principal’s supervi-
sion, eight students did
their practice teaching
at the school each
semester, four in the
morning and four in

the afternoon, with

two student teachers
assigned to each grade.
The children who
attended Irving School
came primarily from
the Salem Orphan’s

C. E. Spicer played a key role in the founding and early development of Joliet
First Year - Latin, Algebra, Greek Junior College. As Superintendent J. Stanley Brown’s assistant, Spicer was
and Roman History or Physiography, heavily involved in the day-to-day operation of the school. In addition to
English. teaching courses in physics and chemistry, he assisted Brown in implementing
Second Year - Latin, Plane the postgraduate courses, which became the nucleus of the two-year college
Geometry, Mediaeval and Modern program. Spicer could be very stern when disciplining students and was
History or Botony, English.
known, on occasion, to lean over close to an unruly male and reprimand him
Third Year - Advanced

Algebra and Solid Geometry, English

while squeezing the boy’s thigh with his vise-like grip. A combination of

History, Physics, Literature.

Spicer’s demeanor and his powerful grip caused even the most disobedient

Fourth Year - American

culprit to leave the office with a vow of good behavior.
History, Literature, Chemistry or Plane
Trigonometry and College Algebra.
Fifth Year - Latin, German or
French, Literature, Advanced Physics,
Geology and Astronomy.

First Year - Latin, Physiography,

Arithmetic, Greek and Roman History,

English, Algebra.
Second Year - Latin, Botany, ASST
Mediaeval and Modern History,
Drawing, English, Plane Geometry.
Third Year - Latin, Advanced
Algebra, Solid Geometry, German,
French or Spanish, English History,
Literature, Physics.
Fourth Year - Latin, Plane

Trigonometry and College Algebra,

German, French or Spanish, American
History, Literature, Chemistry.
Fifth Year - Latin, Literature,

German, French or Spanish, Analytic

Chemistry, Spherical Trigonometry and
Advanced Botany, Zoology and
Sixth Year - Latin or Literature, Two of the best-known early students whose postgraduate credits permitted them to finish their uni-

Analytic Geometry and Advanced versity degrees in three years were Elizabeth Barns and Harry J. Atkinson. Both graduated from Joliet

Physics, Geology and Astronomy, Township High School in 1902 and later returned to teach in the high school and junior college.
Political Economy, Science of Upon her graduation from Northwestern University in 1 905, Barns began a 43-year teaching career in

Government and Psychology, German, Joliet. She was chair of the Social Science Depart-
French or Spanish.”
ment when she retired in 1 948. Atkinson graduat-
ed from the University of Illinois and in 1 907 joined
the faculty of Joliet Township High
School. He was one of three
faculty members who left
Joliet during World War I

to serve in the military.

Atkinson returned to
teach a variety of high
school and college
math classes; at his

retirement in 1 948 he

was assistant superin-


In the center photo

Harry Atkinson and
Elizabeth Barns were
honored in 1976 at a
Joliet Junior College
alumni banquet.

In 1912, J.
Stanley Brown appointed Ira D. Yaggy, Virgil

Lohr, and Celia Drew to serve on the first postgraduate advi-

sory committee. The three advisors became known as the
Junior CollegeCommittee in 1916. Yaggy remained on the
committee until 1926, when he became the first dean of the
junior college, a position he held until his retirement in 1947.

In 1907, the play David Garrick was presented by the high school Alumni
money for a bust of Louis Jolliet to be placed
Association to help raise
over the south entrance of the new high school building. The cast was
composed largely of postgraduate students who were enthusiastically
applauded by a packed house. Most notably, “the appearance of Squire
Chivy, when intoxicated, took the house by storm.” The production
was also a financial success with enough money being raised to com-
plete the statue project. Postgraduates could point with pride to the
likeness of the city’s namesake over the school’s main entrance, know-
ing they had played a significant role in funding the project.''*

Helen Schroeder Palma (JrosH Lafayette Stocker William Miller Leonard Kr<*dricks
Hu^h OarHon Robert Laraway Lucille Norton Russell Bigelow (Jeorjje Wei i'

David Garrick” Given by the Post-Graduates in 1907

The gymnasium was located in a separate
building a block-and-a-half south of the high
school on Richards Street. Physical training
classes for both men and women were held
during nine periods of the day, while after-
noons and evenings were devoted to team
practices and games. The gym’s balcony
could seat about four hundred spectators.
Nearby there were two tennis courts and
field for the outdoor sports of
an athletic
football, baseball, and track.



The 1909 women’s postgraduate basketball team won the school championship by
defeating the high school seniors 12 to 5. The PGs practiced for weeks in prepara-
wore their white uniforms as pictured here. Some
tion for the contest and proudly
members of the team had been playing together since their freshman year in high
school. Front Row: Wilcox and Cowing. Back Row: Sackett, Mason, and Kelly.

4 •1

Original Building
The 1917 addition
to the high school
increased the size
of the building by
about one-half.
Added to the north
side of the building
along Herkimer
Street, the new
section was known
as the “college divi-
sion.” The two
photographs show
the appearance of
the east side of the building before and after the addition.
On June 17, 1918, an open house was held with students
conducting special demonstrations in classrooms and lab-

oratories throughout the building. Guides were available

to point out the new addition’s distinctive features, which
included paintings and statuary in corridors and rooms.
The new addition to the building in 1917 made it

possible for the junior college to have its own assembly

room pictured here. The shelves on the left wall held
several hundred books, the nucleus of a collection that
would soon become a separate college library. Although
having their own space was an important step in creating
a college atmosphere, students wanted even more of a
college environment. For example, some wondered why
their assembly room was furnished with long rows of
fixed desks instead of tables and chairs.
h k mm
^ i '

Custodians took special pride in keeping the

building looking new. They are pictured here
posing with feather dusters and brooms.

When J.
Stanley Brown resigned in

1919, he left behind an impressive

legacy of accomplishments. The new
township high school was a tangible
testament to his leadership as a

builder, and the junior college pro-

gram was an educational innovation
that forever changed the character
of higher education in America. For
twenty-six years. Brown had been a
familiar sight, working in his office at
a rolltop desk.

During World War I, female students

at JJC volunteered in a number of war-
related organizations and activities
Red Cross. Pictured here
including the
in in September
a patriotic parade
1917 are Red Cross workers collecting
money. Bystanders can be seen toss-
ing money onto an outstretched bed

sheet carried by volunteers in long

white dresses with bright red sashes.


^stabiLshLn^ a College Tbentit^

1919 to 1939
When Smith

E. Spicer was vacationing summer
at his the nation’s oldest junior college. i

home in Frankfort, Michigan, when he arrived in 1919, he was surprised to learn that Joliet ||

4 learned that J. Stanley Brown had resigned Junior College was better known in the educational j

as superintendent of Joliet Township High School community outside Joliet than it was in the district ij

and Junior College. The School Board offered the that financially supported it. Indeed, during the i

position to Spicer, who had ably served as Brown’s founding and early formative years, neither i

assistant for the past twenty-six years. Even though Superintendent Brown nor the School Board had ,

a substantial salary increase accompanied the offer, publicized the junior college locally, presumably out |

Spicer declined. He was unwilling to give up teach- of concern that township taxpayers might resist the
ing his science classes, chairing the Science added expense of freely providing the first two years
Department, and spending his summer months in of college to students in the high school district. By
northern Michigan. Assistant Principal Ralph Bush 1920, however, things were changing. The 1917 addi-
also refused the superintendent’s position. He, too, tion to the building was commonly known as the col- .

remained at the school as an administrator and histo- lege division, and enrollments were on the increase,
ry teacher until 1927 when he left to become a junior attributed, in part, to the return of World War I vet-
college dean in Long Beach, California.^ erans. Besides, Joliet Junior College was no longer
By the time Brown’s resignation became effective an educational experiment or novelty; the junior col-
on August 1, 1919, Dr. L. W. Smith was hired to fill the lege movement was gaining momentum and accep-
vacancy. Smith’s experience as an undergraduate stu- tance across the nation.
dent was strikingly similar to that of his predecessor. During Smith’s tenure as the chief administrator
Like Brown, Smith was from Ohio with a bachelor’s from 1919 to 1928, he expanded the college curricu-
degree from Denison University. And like Brown, he lum and actively promoted a separate and distinct
had found it necessary to work his way through col- identity for JJC even though the college continued to
lege, thereby gaining an appreciation of affordable col- share facilities with the much larger township high
lege education. Smith later continued his studies at school. By the end of his first year. Smith had autho-
the University of Chicago where he earned both a mas- rized the printing of the first college catalog, the cre-
ter’s degree and a doctorate. Prior to accepting the ation of a separate college library with a full-time
Joliet position, he had been a teacher in three states, a librarian, the planning of a three-phase building
school principal in Kankakee, Illinois, and most expansion program, and the establishment of an office

recently had served for eleven years as superintendent for the three-member Junior College Committee that
of Thornton Township High School in nearby Harvey, registered and advised all college students.
Illinois. While at Thornton, Smith gained notice for The new catalog in 1920 outlined six college pro-
introducing vocational shop programs and agriculture grams: literature and arts, science, engineering, pre-
into the school curriculum. Indeed, he was recognized legal, pre-medical, and a special program for training

throughout the state as an outstanding educator and teachers. Although they were patterned after the
was selected to serve as the first president of the University of Illinois, the courses of study were broad
Illinois High School Principals’ Association. He was enough to permit students to successfully transfer into
also an active member of the North Central almost any college or university. However, only stu-
Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges.^ dents with an overall scholastic average of at least 80
Dr. L.W. Smith’s administrative responsibilities in percent were recommended for transfer. This first cat-

Joliet uniquely included a traditional high school pro- alog reflected the early “feeder” and “weeder” functions j

gram, a continuation school, vocational school, of the college. JJC offered primarily parallel programs |

Americanization school, and night school, as well as designed to feed transfer students into four-year col- i

leges and universities while weeding out weaker stu- lege, however, was taught largely by students under
dents with an academic average under 80 percent.® the guidance of instructor Ralph Bush. A similar
The creation of a separate college library in 1920 student-based teaching strategy was also used in
provided students a “pleasant, well-lighted room” sociology classes.® Furthermore, the school Bulletin
where they could engage in “real study” as they pur- and college catalogs of the mid- 1920s marketed cer-
sued one of four degrees then being conferred: associ- tain college programs as both transfer and terminal
ate in arts, associate in science, associate in engineer- in nature. A new pre-commerce curriculum, as well
ing, and associate in education.^ Like other high as several variations of the engineering curriculum,
school-based junior colleges, JJC’s identity as a sepa- was intended to prepare students either to enter the
rate institution was slow to take shape. The new local jobmarket or to continue studying for an
library, however, significantly enhanced the college advanced degree.^ By 1931, the college curriculum
atmosphere on campus. Also, the awarding of associ- had been expanded to include occupational courses
ate degrees at formal commencement exercises, specifically designed for non-transfer students. The
which began in 1918, was an important reminder school Bulletin announced that now there was “spe-
each year that students, indeed, were pursuing cial emphasis also upon terminal courses, designed to
nationally-recognized college degrees and not simply train the many young people of Joliet whose school
taking advanced classes in a two-year high school life is going to end when they leave Junior College.”®
extension program. School publications underscored the college’s suc-
Under Smith’s leadership during the 1920s, there cess in attracting local high school graduates and
were significant changes in the college curriculum as preparing them to transfer to senior institutions or to
and purpose began evolving
the institution’s identity find mid-level jobs in the Joliet area. Of the 348 grad-
from “junior college” to “community college.” During uates of Joliet Township High School in 1930, more
the formative years prior to World War I, J. Stanley than one hundred enrolled in the junior college; only

Brown, Smith’s predecessor, had concentrated on devel- thirty-three seniors chose some other college or uni-
oping courses of study that paralleled the first two versity.® Joliet Junior College was becoming the kind

years of university work. Few other junior colleges of institution advocated in 1931 by Walter Crosby
existed, and it was important that students attending Eells in his highly regarded book. The Junior College,
JJC receive full credit when transferring to four-year namely a “people’s college.” Eells encouraged junior
schools. Except for the two-year teacher-training pro- colleges to become schools that “provide collegiate
gram known as the normal course, the early emphasis opportunity for the mass of high school graduates who
clearly was on the transferability of JJC classes, espe- can’t, won’t or shouldn’t become university students.”^
cially in math and science. During this early period, The school Bulletin offered the following reasons for
the curriculum included pre-professional courses of students to attend Joliet Junior College: its inexpen-
study designed to prepare students to enter legal, med- sive cost, small class size, excellent teachers, the
ical, and engineering programs. In short, Joliet Junior desire of parents to keep children in the home envi-
had been established primarily as a two-year
College ronment, and the new vocational courses.

upward extension of Joliet Township High School to Follow-up studies of JJC students in the 1920s
prepare students to enter a university or professional showed that increasing numbers of graduates were
school with junior class standing. terminating their formal studies and looking for
After World War I, junior colleges increased in employment. For example, of the forty-five members
number and gained greater acceptance among educa- of the graduating class of 1927, eighteen transferred
tors and the community at large. Post-war changes to senior institutions, while twenty-one immediately
in the curriculum reflected a growing interest in the went to work.^® The college truly was in a period of
social sciences, new teaching methods, and the real- transition from narrowly serving academically gifted
ization that the junior college should offer the local students to more broadly training students for semi-
community more than college transfer courses. At professional jobs as well. A few college-level courses
JJC, for example, a modern European history class were even offered in the evening from 7:20 to 9:30
was introduced much like the one offered at the p.m. The only charge was an enrollment fee of $1,
University of Illinois. The course at the junior col- which was refunded if the student attended four-

fifths of Though JJC was not yet
the class sessions.^^ and the University of Chicago certifying the validity
a comprehensive community college, it was moving and acceptability of JJC credits. The Board passed a ^

steadily in that direction. Not only was it accessible, motion to have the two letters published on the front
but the college was becoming adaptable and more rel- page of the Joliet Herald-News in an effort to end the
evant to students’ diverse needs. rumors of transfer problems.^® ;

Soon after he arrived in Joliet, Superintendent Superintendent Smith was very active in state i

Smith realized that an extensive building expansion and national organizations and knew how highly
program was necessary. Classrooms and laboratories regarded Joliet Junior College was among the '

were inadequate and crowded, enrollments were nation’s educational leaders. He was anxious that
steadily climbing, and new programs were needed, Joliet residents understand the role of JJC in the
especially in vocational training. The school was junior college movement and that they share his
renting space in nearby churches and commercial pride in the institution’s reputation. Smith informed
buildings. The lunchroom was inconveniently located district residents that the college was often studied
across the street, and the gymnasium was a block by national educators and prominently mentioned in
and a half away. A school traffic officer patrolled the reports on the role of junior colleges in higher educa-
busiest intersections, keeping an eye on students tion. He stated that “since Joliet Junior College has
hurrying to off-campus buildings. Despite the com- thus established a precedent for other institutions of
paratively small size of the junior college in relation its kind and is a vigorous exponent of the junior col-

to the school’s other programs. Smith publicly lege idea, it should not be without honor in its own
announced that new college science labs and special- country, and in its own house, and among its own
ly-equipped pre-engineering classrooms were needed. kindred.” At the time, few Joliet residents fully
Without questioning the added expense of funding understood and appreciated JJC’s historic role in the
two years of college work, township voters approved junior college movement. Indeed, by the late 1920s,
the sale of $750,000 worth of bonds to fund phase one some ninety other junior colleges were patterned, to a
of the expansion plan. large extent, after the pioneer institution in Joliet.
Within five years of Dr. Smith’s arrival, college Dr. L. W. Smith supported students in their effort

enrollment had more than doubled. Unlike his prede- to establish a college atmosphere even though the
Smith boldly publicized the economic and acad-
cessor, campus was devoted primarily to educating some
emic advantages of attending the junior college. The 3,000 high school students. Despite their circum-
message reached even students outside the district stances in the 1920s, the few hundred JJC students ^

who enrolled in ever-increasing numbers. In fact, in did make considerable progress in developing a sepa-

the 1921-22 academic year, one-fifth of the freshman rate identity and cohesiveness, largely through a i

class was composed of non-resident students who paid variety of extracurricular activities. Both intercolle- |

a modest out-of-district tuition fee. Furthermore, a giate and intramural athletics provided men and !

few Joliet students transferred back from the women opportunities to compete in sports. Men’s j

University of Illinois when they realized that the basketball and baseball teams vied for conference |

same courses could be taken free of charge at the championships against five other schools in the |

junior college. The building expansion program was Northern Illinois Junior College Conference. JJC I

also an important factor in the growth of the college; sometimes fielded track, tennis, and golf teams as |

it provided additional space to expand the curriculum, well. Initially, women participated in intramural I

especially in the area of vocational training.^® contests in a few sports, such as basketball, baseball, |

Despite the college’s positive image portrayed by and field hockey. The formation of the Women’s I

Smith and other school officials, occasional rumors Athletic Association (W.A.A.) in the fall of 1925, how- j

surfaced that some students had difficulty transfer- ever, greatly expanded athletic and social opportuni-

ring junior college credits into senior institutions. ties for female students. Under the guidance of facul- I

Smith grew impatient with those who questioned the ty sponsor Phoebe Henderson Kirby, women’s activi-

transferability of JJC courses. At a meeting of the ties eventually included track, tennis, horseback rid-
School Board on November 15, 1926, the superinten- ing, swimming, rifle-shooting, folk dancing, interpre-
dent read letters from both the University of Illinois tive and tap dancing, shuffleboard, volleyball, bad-

minton, golf, bowling, a Christmas Tea, and a Mother highly desirable position of Superintendent of Joliet
and Daughter Banquet. Township High School and Junior College. At a spe-
A number of clubs and organizations were formed cial meeting on July 30, 1928, the Board announced

by students with special academic and social inter- that W. W. Haggard had been selected to fill the
ests. Language clubs were formed for students inter- vacancy. Haggard was currently serving as principal
ested in French and German, drama and music clubs of Rockford Senior High School in Rockford, Illinois.
for those interested in the performing arts, the Scalpel He held a master’s degree from the University of
Club for pre-medical students, and a social and liter- Michigan and a bachelor’s degree from Maryville
ary club called the Growlers. A Student Council was College in his native Tennessee. He had also admin-
organized in 1928 with Charles McKeown, later a istered high schools in Petoskey and Saginaw,
lawyer and civic leader in Joliet, serving as the first Michigan. When he applied for the job in Joliet,
president. The following year, the college newspaper. Haggard was serving as secretary-treasurer of the
The Blazer, made its appearance, and a few years Illinois Principals’ Association and vice president of
later the college published its own yearbook. In 1931, the Big Seven High School Conference.^^
the Joliet Township High School Bulletin noted the Haggard began his administrative responsibilities
significance of these clubs and activities; in Joliet at a time when the high school and junior
These extra-curricular activities were without collegewere enjo3ung unprecedented growth and suc-
question a factor of considerable importance in cess. A year later, however, the stock market crash

the growth of the junior college. Not only did and ensuing depression seriously tested the mettle
they help crystallize the junior college into an and leadership of the new superintendent. By the
I institution, but they went far in arousing a desire time of his departure in 1939, the economy was show-
I or a willingness among high-school seniors to do ing some signs of improvement, but war clouds were
their first years of beginning work in Joliet.^^ gathering over Europe and the Far East. Indeed, the
The numerous and academic clubs provided
social decade of the 1930s was an interesting and challeng-
leadership training and promoted individual student ing period in the history of the college.

development. Conversely, freshman and sophomore Beginning with Haggard’s administration, the
students at large colleges and universities had far day-to-day operation of the junior college shifted from

fewer leadership opportunities available to them. the high school superintendent to the college dean, a
! During his nine years in Joliet, Superintendent position created in 1926 with the appointment of Ira
Smith was active professionally in state and national D. Yaggy. Since he registered and advised all college

organizations. He published articles, participated in students and supervised their social activities. Dean
educational conferences, and during the summer Yaggy was generally regarded as the person who
months taught classes at such schools as the made decisions and “ran the college.”^^
University of Chicago, the University of California, During the 1930s, there were few major additions
and the University of Michigan. At Michigan, he or changes in the college curriculum. The most signif-
taught a summer course on “The Origin and icant changes reflected the national trend in junior

! Administration of Junior Colleges.” At Smith’s colleges of providing occupational education for non-
request, the School Board sent him to California in transfer students. For example, a two-year electrical
October of 1927 to study that state’s best junior col- engineering program was introduced in 1930 for stu-
leges. Seven months later. Smith resigned to accept dents interested in acquiring jobs in local industry.
the position of superintendent of schools in Berkeley, The program was discontinued two years later, how-
California.Although his decision to leave Joliet was ever, as an economy measure necessitated by the
unexpected, it was not surprising that his name depression. An agreement with Silver Cross Hospital
appeared on a short candidates for the
list of to provide academic courses for nurses in training
Berkeley position. When the Joliet Board accepted proved to be much more successful.^® In fact, the col-
Smith’s resignation on June 7, 1928, the Board again lege continued to offer such classes as chemistry,
asked Assistant Superintendent C. E. Spicer to take anatomy and physiology, psychology, and bacteriology
the district’s top job. Once again Spicer declined.^^ until 1969 when the hospital closed its training pro-
Educators from across the nation applied for the gram and supported JJC’s new associate degree pro-

gram in nursing. On the other hand, the two-year requiring resident students to pay tuition until the
normal course for training elementary teachers had financial crisis passed. Initially the fee was set at
been primarily a terminal program since its inception $25 per semester, but was raised to $35 the following
in 1901, but in the late thirties, it became a pre-pro- year. Non-resident students were charged a rate of
fessional transfer program. The Illinois General $100 per semester. The $35 tuition charge for district
Assembly passed a law effective in 1943 that required residents remained in place until 1949. Although
elementary teachers to hold a bachelor’s degree.^® school officials anticipated a dramatic drop in college
Junior college transfer courses and programs con- enrollment, perhaps by as much as one-third, the
tinued to mirror those at the University of Illinois. decline was hardly noticeable. Furthermore, stu-
Whenever the U of I changed course content, prereq- dents were now required to buy their own examina-
uisites, or program requirements, similar revisions tion booklets and to pay a $1.50 graduation fee.^®
were soon made at JJC. Administrators and faculty Although the new costs certainly created a hardship
regularly visited the university campus and corre- for students. The Blazer sounded a positive note in
sponded with the registrar to keep abreast of any the fall of 1932:
changes. These articulation efforts with the U of I The biggest effect the depression has had on
and other colleges minimized transfer problems and the college is that students have made up their
maximized student success in junior and senior-level minds really to do things in their studies.
classes. Studies of junior college transfer students After paying all the necessarymoney and real-
were conducted by both JJC administrators and out- izing how money is, the students are
scarce the
side agencies and, without exception, showed that applying themselves with added determination
Joliet transfer students performed better in the last to get their money’s worth out of the school.^'^

two years of college than those students who spent all Fortunately, new sources of revenue were found in :

four years at the same college or university. In fact, the form of grants, scholarships, and loans. A $6,000 i|

similar studies throughout the years have consistent- grant from the Carnegie Corporation was used to i|

ly yielded the same results, a point often emphasized expand and remodel the library and add four thou- :

in college advertising and marketing.^^ sand books to the college collection. New Deal pro- •

The Great Depression of the 1930s stretched the grams were tapped to help students pay their tuition i]

district financially and prompted significant changes and fees. A grant of $4,500 enabled fifty-five stu- i

in managing the school’s resources. Thousands of dents to work as aides in the library, laboratories, ,

dollars in district funds were tied up in bank closings, and various offices. The National Youth Act (NYA) i

and real estate taxes were slow to be paid. The also provided jobs for students who were looking for '

Board of Trustees resorted to paying school bills with ways to meet college expenses. The School Board 1

warrants and school employees with 6 percent orders awarded scholarships to the top male and female stu- :

and locally-issued scrip. Beginning in 1932, employ- dents in surrounding high schools. Service clubs and l[

ee contracts contained a provision granting the private donors also established scholarships for wor-
School Board the right to cancel pay periods. For the thy students with financial need. Finally, the College :

next several years, teachers and other employees Loan Fund was available for students to borrow '

annually lost up to 25 percent of their salaries money to pay their college bills.®^ i

through payless paydays. Between 1932 and 1938, Despite economic hard times, students enjoyed i

canceled pay periods cost employees the equivalent of extracurricular activities and continued to develop a
a year’s wages. Other economy measures included a college identity and collegiate atmosphere on campus.
reduction in faculty and a corresponding increase in Surprisingly, the first college yearbook was published
teaching load and class size. during the depression in 1933 when two students con-
With an uncertain future and few jobs available, vinced Dean Yaggy that it could be financed solely
young men and women in the Joliet area took advan- through student The Student Council sponsored
sales. ^

tage of the free college education at JJC. The combi- a contest in 1935 for a new, livelier college song. The

nation of a sharp increase in college enrollment and winner was Stanley Johnson, who wrote a song more
an acute shortage of funds prompted the School suitable for arousing school spirit at pep rallies. New
Board on February 8, 1932, to adopt a resolution student clubs were formed in the 1930s, including a


Current Events Club that met at noon and discussed believed that itwas time to legitimatize existing
timely topics in the news. Like other college CEunpuses junior colleges and provide a process for creating

in the mid-1980s, JJC was caught up in the peace additional two-year colleges throughout the state.
movement and held an anti-war day on April 22, 1936. With Haggard taking the lead, a committee repre-
Sporting events and athletic competition provided senting suburban junior colleges attempted, with lim-
students a welcome diversion from academic stress ited success, to enlist the support of university lead-

and economic concerns. Aubrey A. “Fizz” Wills joined ers and the state Department of Education.
the athletic department in 1928 and enjoyed consid- Superintendent of Public Instruction John Wieland
erable success coaching college basketball and base- agreed to offer assistance but was clearly reluctant to
ball teams. Beginning in 1931, the basketball team provide leadership; there were other more pressing
won eleven consecutive conference titles; the team problems on his agenda. Dean Thomas Benner and
also won three consecutive state championships dur- President Willard of the University of Illinois were
I ing the mid-1980s. The baseball, tennis, and golf evasive and reluctant to support the plan proposed by

teams also won conference titles and proudly Haggard’s committee. They were not sure how the
! squeezed their trophies into the crowded case. university would be impacted financially if junior col-

Although the Northern Illinois Junior College leges began competing for the state’s limited educa-

Conference was devoted primarily to intercollegiate tional resources. They also thought that clearer
sports, it broadened its scope in 1934 to include other guidelines were needed for creating new junior col-

student activities. With Dean Yaggy then serving as lege districts. A state law passed in 1931 authorized

president of NIJCC, Joliet Junior College hosted the the public school system of Chicago to establish one
i first annual student conference. Following a general junior college, but no provision was made for the rest

meeting, student representatives from eight junior of the state. JJC and the other Illinois junior colleges
I colleges adjourned to breakout sessions where they continued to exist without express legal sanction.^®
exchanged information and ideas about publications, It was apparent Haggard and other junior col-

clubs, and campus concerns.^^ Delegates raised such lege leaders that they would have to move ahead on

issues as the 11:30 p.m. curfew for college parties to their own. With the support of the newly organized
learn whether students at other colleges had similar Illinois Association of Junior Colleges, Haggard draft-

social restrictions. Since the vast majority of junior ed a bill that Senator Richard Barr of Joliet agreed to
! colleges were located on high school campuses, the support. The measure was enacted into law in May
creation of an appropriate college environment was 1937. The statute established the legality of existing
often a matter of disagreement between students and junior colleges and provided general guidelines for
administrative staff. creating new two-year colleges. Although the lAJC
Although the public junior college movement was pleased that member institutions now had legal
started in Illinois, the state lagged behind others in status. President Willard of the U of I believed the
I developing new institutions. Of the nation’s ninety- measure left too many unanswered questions. There
! two public junior colleges in 1929, only six were locat- was no systematic plan for creating new junior col-
I ed in Illinois. Since these colleges were supported by leges, and there was no clear provision for supporting
high school tax levies and were not legally part of the these institutions financially. Despite its shortcom-

! state’s higher education system, their very existence ings, the law was an important first step in validat-
could have been jeopardized if challenged by taxpay- ing junior college education in Illinois. Additional
ing citizens. Even more disturbing to supporters of steps would be taken later but not with the leader-
public junior colleges was a 1927 opinion rendered by ship of W. W. Haggard. He resigned in 1939 to accept
the Illinois Attorney General stating that “a board of a position in the far Northwest as president of
education has no authority under the laws of the Western Washington College of Education.^®
State to establish or maintain a junior college.” This During Haggard’s eleven years as superintendent
meant that Joliet Junior College had existed “extra- of Joliet Township High School and Junior College,
legally” since its beginning in 1901.^^ he had been active professionally at the state and
Even though Joliet taxpayers had never ques- national levels. In 1937 he earned a doctorate from
tioned the legality of JJC, Superintendent Haggard the University of Chicago, while at the same time.

serving as president of the American Association of remarked that it was time to leave before “I meet not
Junior Colleges. When he Haggard
left Joliet, Dr. the grandchildren, but the great-grandchildren of my
was secretary of the North Central Association and first pupils.”The departure of Haggard and Spicer
president of the Northwestern Division of the Illinois marked the end of an era, a period characterized by
Education Association.^^ stable leadership during uncertain and challenging
The year 1939 also marked the end of C. E. times. The new era beginning in 1939 would bring
and junior col-
Spicer’s long career at the high school far less stability to the superintendent’s office.
lege. He and moved to his summer home in
retired Indeed, four men held the school’s top job during the
Frankfort, Michigan. At his final commencement next eight years and faced the perplexities of World
exercises, three generations of students paid tribute War II and its impact on higher education.®®
to the man they admired and respected. He had
taught them science, counseled them, befriended
them, and disciplined them when necessary. He

Dr. L. W. Smith,
1919- 1928

W. W. Haggard, Superintendent, 1 928 - 1 939





Record of

Sterl ing^ .J>Terat-t


Soon after Dr. Smith arrived, he began remodeling the administrative and general Ehetoric -

office space. Pictured here in 1922 is the expanded office area with the registrar’s lath. 3
desk in the foreground and the reception area beyond. Set off by glass partitions on Zoology Ik
the right are the offices of the assistant superintendent, assistant principal, supervi- Geology
sor of vocational education, and personnel director. The clerical space at the far Inorg* & Qual
end was adjacent to the superintendent’s office and was staffed by five secretaries Gym.
engaged in general office work. mvVVN.t

Previous Credits

Total Credits

Passing Grade 76. For the significance of other grades

and Of abbreviations, see other side. .


‘ ^ Jraior (Allege Ck>mmittee^^

Pictured here is the report

card or grade record of Everett
Sterling, a freshman in 1 925-26.
At semester’s end, instructors
assigned numerical grades to
each person enrolled in class.

Only students with a cumula-

tive average of 80 percent or
higher were recommended for
transfer to senior institutions.

The typewriter, duplicating

machine, wicker wastebasket,
wall cases, and storage draw-
ers are reminiscent of school
offices seventy-five years ago.



High School

Librat 7 shared by
college students

before 1 920 I


When Dr. L W. Smith became superintendent in 1 9 1

9, a top priority of his administration
was the creation of a separate college library. Although a small collection of books had been
kept the college assembly room, JJC students usually resorted to using the larger high

school library. A “long-suffering janitor” also hauled books back and forth from the public
library. Within a year, however. Smith’s goal was achieved. A college library was established,
and a full-time librarian, Pauline Dillman, was appointed to catalog and oversee the college’s
growing collection of 1 ,400 books. Within a decade the library boasted 5,500 bound vol-
umes, 800 pamphlets, and 65 periodicals. Students added their own touches to the room by
hanging inspirational pictures and designing a special college emblem for the wall. Not only
was the new library an important academic resource for student^but it was also a significant
development in fostering a college atmosphere and identity on campus.^

College Library
after 1 920 with
Librarian Pauline



One most interesting and unusual instructional
of the
settings was the combined lecture room, biology labo-
ratory, and museum pictured here in 927. The wide1

ends of the trapezoidal tables faced the windows to

permit all students to receive the maximum amount
of natural light The instructor’s desk was used for
scientific demonstrations and was equipped with hot
and cold water, steam, compressed air, and electricity.

The wall cases with glass fronts contained specimens

of plants, mounted birds and small mammals, and a
variety of other related materials. The cases also con-
tained microscopes, lantern slides, and numerous pic-

tures and diagrams of plant and animal life. The living

plants on the tables were grown in the school green-

house. Representatives from other colleges and high
schools who toured the building were especially inter-

ested in visiting this unique science room.

The high school and junior college boasted one of

the finest school-based greenhouses in the state.
Located near the biology labs, the greenhouse
enabled science instructors to demonstrate the
various phases of germination and plant develop-
ment. In addition to ordinary seed plants and
ferns, the greenhouse supported living specimens
of unusual and rare plant life indigenous to other
climates and regions of the world. Besides its edu-
cational value, the greenhouse served the practical

purpose of providing decorative plants and flower

arrangements for special events at the school.

During the 1920s, an increasing number of classes were offered

that doubled as both transfer courses and terminal occupational
courses, such as the surveying class pictured here in 1 928.

Until this photograph was taken in 1923 for The J, school publica- experience. During the 1 920s, faculty members occasionally asked
tions did not distinguish between high school and college teachers. the School Board to re-evaluate their level of pay. There appears to
Gathered here in front of the school’s distinctive doors are mem- have been a significant disparity between the salaries of teachers and
bers of the junior college faculty. Board policy at this time provided administrators. In 1 928, for example, the superintendent’s salary
that the minimum standards for teaching at the high school and was $ 1
1 ,000, while male teachers earned an average of $2,706 and
junior college were a master’s degree and two years of teaching female faculty members were paid an average of $2,572 per year.

'^ulL^Lh^ for the "Tuture

Rapid growth of the district’s comprehensive program, from the high schoolJ^

namely the high school, continuation school, vocational Since expansion was blocked by the Eastern Avenue
school, Americanization school, night school, and junior Baptist Church on the northwest side of the original
college, prompted the School Board in the early 1920s to building, architect D. H. Burnham developed a plan
begin planning for an extensive three-phase building pro- that literally surrounded the church on three sides.
gram. The school Bulletin explained to parents and the Meanwhile, the School Board continued its protract-

pubhc alike the dire need for additional space: ed negotiations with church leaders for the purchase i

At present we are using as classrooms two wash of their building.

rooms, three storage rooms, three rooms lighted Township voters approved phase one of the expan-
only by artificial light, [and] the women’s rest sion program on August 31, 1920. Completed in 1922,
room. Besides utilizing every available foot of the addition fully extended the east side of the build- ^

space in the high school, no matter how unsuit- ing along Herkimer Street. On the west side along i

able,we are occupying six outside buildings, all Eastern Avenue, however, the church property pre-
but one of them being on the opposite side of the vented a continuous expansion of the original build- j

Dr. F.W. Werner Mr. Clarence Sterling Mr. J.A. Olhaver Mr. LA. Sherwood Mr. Arthur Montzheimer
President Secretary Vice President

The men pictured here were members of the School Board in the early 1920s when a three-phase expansion
plan was envisioned and designed. By 1925, the first two additions to the building were completed.

At the School Board’s request, the City of

Jolietvacated Van Buren Street between
Eastern Avenue and Herkimer Street in
order to permit the expansion of the
building. Pictured here with Herkimer
Street in the foreground is phase one of
the building program nearing completion
in 1922. The section known as the
“bridge” in the center of the photograph
joined the 1917 addition (the “college
division”) on the left to the new 1922
addition on the right.

ing. The new addition gave the school an unusual to the north end of the building, a girls’ gym. Designed
shape: it was a block wide at the two ends and about as an extension to the existing gym, a folding partition
half as wide in the center section, with the church could divide the space for separate activities or open it

property cutting into the middle of the building on for events requiring the full g3minasium.
Eastern Avenue. The 1922 addition included a new The four additions to the original structure (1917,
boys’ gym with an elevated running track, a large 1922, 1925, and 1931) created one of the largest high
lunchroom with separate facilities for teachers, and school buildings in the nation. Although intended
several new rooms for shops and occupational classes. primarily for high school students, the new gymnasi-
With the assistance of arbitrators, an acceptable ums, lunchroom, auditorium, shops, laboratories, and
price was finally established for the Eastern Avenue classrooms were used by college students as well.
Baptist Church. The church was razed in 1923 for During these early years when most junior colleges
phase two of the expansion plan. Completed in 1925, were linked to secondary schools, JJC was indeed for-
the centerpiece of the new addition was a large audito- tunate to share a campus and facilities with a very

1 rium. In 1930, voters approved the last major addition progressive high school.

(a*;. :-\'

Above the memorial fountain in

the area that bridged the 1917

and 1922 additions stands the
likeness of a doughboy. Conrad
W. Braun donated the statue
entitled The World Soldier in

honor of the many students and

faculty who served in World
War I.

The 1922 addition included a

modern gymnasium, generally
known as the “boys’ gym.” It had
a seating capacity of 2,000 for
sporting events but could also be
divided by the curtain seen here
toaccommodate intramural con-
testsand gym classes. Above the
gym was one of the finest indoor
running tracks in the Middle West.

Left: The Eastern Avenue Baptist Church was located north of
the original school and stood in the way of expansion plans. Since
the School Board had been unable to acquire the property when
the 1922 addition was built, architect D. H. Burnham designed a
structure that virtually surrounded the church. Part of the new
addition can be seen to the left (north) of the church and behind
(east of) the church; the original high school building is out of the
picture on the south side of the church to the right. The church
was finally purchased and torn down in 1 923 to make way for the
second phase of the Board’s expansion program.

Right: Looking north on Eastern Avenue in 1924, one sees

the second phase of the expansion plan nearing completion.
The Eastern Avenue Baptist Church has been razed, and a
new school auditorium is being built. At the March 3, 1925,
Board meeting. Superintendent Smith recommended that the
following quotation from Diogenes be inscribed in the panel
above the auditorium stage: “THE FOUNDATION OF

Left: The third phase of the building expansion

program was completed in 1931 with the addition

of a girls’ gym. At the dedication ceremony, junior
college women entertained by presenting Irish,

French, Bavarian, and Polish folk dances. Partici-

pants learned their dance steps in gym class and
were responsible for making their own costumes.
The Polish folk dance is presented here by Winifred
Kerr, Juanita Hartong, Suzanne Romanowski, Ruth
Schultz, Mars Wiggim, Mary Wheeler, Irene
Howell, unidentified, Rachel Bisching, lla Bishop,
Dorothy Hausser, and Emma Lou juda.

Right: In the 1920s, most students

walked or took public transporta-
A few
tion to the junior college.
Edward H.
students, however, like
Crombie, commuted by car. With
the school in the background in

1928,Crombie proudly stands

next to his Model T Ford coupe.
Right: In June 1911, the School Board purchased the
Elwood property on the southwest corner of Jefferson
Street and Eastern Avenue. The two-story brick building
on the site was converted into a manual training and
domestic science facility. The grounds were developed
into a schoolcampus with benches and trees. In 1938,
however, the park-like property was paved for parking to
accommodate the increasing number of faculty and stu-
dents driving cars to school.

Left: Beginning 1916 when Superintendent J. Stanley Brown informed


students that they were no longer considered “post-graduates” but rather
collegians with new privileges, officers were elected to oversee the activi-

I ties and represent the interests of college students. Not until 1921, how-

ever, were photographs of junior college officers printed in school publica-

tions. The four students seen here were elected to represent the entire

student body. The following year, the freshman and sophomore classes
elected separate slates of officers. Pictured here are Harold Patterson

I (treasurer), Harriet Bush (vice president), Chalmers Miller (secretary), and

Robert Fraser (president).

Right: One of JJCs most successful

teams in the early years, the “basketball
warriors” of 1921 lost only three of
thirteen games, two of which were
played on “foreign floors and in freak
gyms.”'® The school yearbook boasted
that Joliet Junior College was one of the
most feared schools in northern Illinois.
Front: Ray Morris A. Flint, C. Lewis,
John Douglas (captain), Randall Grady,
I Robert Eyman. Back: Chalmers Miller
(manager), Harold Griffin, C. J.
(coach), Leland Stephen, Clarence

Rogers. Freddie Heilman served as
team mascot.

Left: Aubrey A. “Fizz” Wills joined the Physical

Education Department in 1 928 and soon enjoyed
considerable success coaching the college basket-
ball and baseball teams. Wills acquired the nick-
name “Fizz” as a teenager while working at the
soda fountain in his father’s drugstore. The teams
had experienced losing conference records in the
late 1 920s, but Coach Wills turned around the
two intercollegiate programs. Pictured here is

the first JJC baseball team (1929) coached by

“Fizz” Wills. Front: Joseph Zelko, Sherwin
Leiss, Richard Calosio, Steve Smyder, Gaylord
Robinson, Thomas Slattery. Back: Lipsey,
Brutka, Edward Crombie, Aloysius Nolan, Emil Di
Lorenzo, Carl Berst, Elmer Rowley, Stephen
Petruska, A. A. “Fizz” Wills (coach).

'M^omen s Athletic ^ssodatLon m
Organized early in the 1925-26 school year, the
Women’s Athletic Association (W.A.A.) provided
female students with opportunities to compete in

sports. As the years passed, more and more ath-

letic activities became available to women

through the efforts of the W.A.A. and its faculty

sponsor, Phoebe Henderson Kirby. Pictured here
are members of the association in 928. 1

Katherine Dunham, an African-American student

who later achieved world-wide acclaim as an
anthropologist, writer, choreographer, and
dancer, served as president. First Row: Virginia
Powers, Cassidy, Gladys Eib, Mary Schuster,
Grace Bailey, Althea Peterson, Alice Fitch,

Katherine Dunham, Martha Ragnes. Second

Row: Vera Higby, Mary Manning, Mary Lynch,
Cooney, Josephine Keltie, Myrtle Patterson,
Phoebe Kirby (sponsor). Third Row: Marie
Schwab, Hazel Anna Koerner, Mary Clark,

Verna Lawrence, Fourth Row: Neva

Robbins, Winifred Day, Mary Ashley, Elizabeth
Pettigrew, Margaret O’Connell, June Hutchinson,
Bourrie, Mildred Becker, Frances Barclay.

One of the W.A.A.’s most popular events was

the annual basketball game with the high school
all-star team. Although the 1927 players pictured
here narrowly lost an exciting game, they enjoyed
the enthusiastic support of other W.A.A. mem-
bers cheering from the bleachers. L-R: Phoebe
Henderson Kirby (coach), Grace Bailey, Vina
Watjus, Doris Reece, Jean Grant, Neva Robbins,
Ramona Powell, Lois Hartman, Ruth Mortvedt,
Katherine Dunham, Hazel Conlon.

Horseback riding was added in 1931 to the grow-

ing list of activities available to members of the
W.A.A. Pictured here the following year near the
stables in Pilcher Park are several college women
headed for a ride on the park’s bridal paths. Louis
Boos and Ray Daggett provided instruction for any
inexperienced riders. Several club members
entered three events in the annual horse show:
the five-gaited, three-gaited, and musical chairs
events. L-R: Mr. Boos, Doris Eib, Miss Turner
(sponsor), Beulah Green, Elsie Rinearson, Margaret
Wiswell, Mildred Kristal, Virginia Dille, Gwendolyn

Davis, Betty Groth, Dorothy Westendarp (faculty

sponsor), Mr. Daggett.

A popular activity sponsored by the
Women’s Athletic Association was
swimming. Pictured here in 1932 are
the junior college swimmers. Front:
Grace Gjessing, Phyllis Tyacke, Beulah
Green, Betty Groth, Gertrude
Johannsen, Margaret Wiswell, Virginia
Bolton. Middle: Elsie Rinearson, Ruth
Souvenier, Gwen Davis, Guydell
Schwartz, Helen Dudek, Virginia Dille,

Dorothy Adams, Elizabeth Robertson,

Barbara Broughton. Back: Margaret
Skorupa, Helen Morse, Ruth Jennings,
Ruth Tullock, Cecelia Branchaw, Pauline
Woodrow, Louise Carlson, Janice Miller.

The Women’s Rifle Club was organized in the mid-


1 930s to develop perseverance, patience, sportsman-
ship, and marksmanship. R.O.T.C. instructors

coached the would-be sharpshooters in proper firing

techniques for the prone, sitting, kneeling, and stand-

ing positions. Required to purchase their own ammu-

nition, club members shot every Tuesday afternoon.

Standard attire on the firing range consisted of dark
blue overalls and white shirts. Pictured here are

members of the 937 1 Rifle Club. Back: Marie Berg,

Ruth Smith. Front: Virginia Lindsley, Catherine
Haller, Pearl Sutton, Genevieve Wilson, Lorraine
Hedburg, Dorothy Chalstrom, Marjorie Knight, Eileen
Rodgers, Marilyn Rhodes, Alice Nethery.

By the late 1 930s, the Women’s Athletic Association
offered a wide variety of activities. In the fall, field

: hockey and horseback riding were popular. During

the winter, basketball, rifle-shooting, volleyball, and

shuffleboard were favorite activities. Golf, tennis,

and baseball were enjoyed during the spring. There

were also a number of all-seasonal sports and activi-
ties including swimming, tumbling, tap-dancing, and
orchesis (an interpretive dance group). An Outing
Club organized hiking, biking, ice skating, and tobog-
ganing. The W.A.A. hosted Co-ed Nights in the gym
and planned mixed tournaments in bowling, Ping-
Pong, and badminton. It sponsored at least one
“girls’ choice’’ dance during the year, held a
Christmas Tea for faculty members, and then ended
its busy schedule with a Mother and Daughter
Banquet in May. Pictured here in 1935 are several
W.A.A. members dressed in uniforms depicting the
group’s various activities. Front: Elaine Marshall,
Pauline Sweda, Marion Sieben, Mary Owens,
Jennings, Sara Snure, Marie Mancuso, Gladys Gabel.
Middle: Virginia Fahrner, Willa Lou Longley, Edna Larson, Genevieve Anderson, Catherine
Johnson, Viola Larson, Mary Harmon, Frances Motta, Leona Blogg. Back: Lucille Lentini,
Rosella Canino, Helen Eaton, Dorothy Benson, Bernadine Leser, Belle Levin, Betty Johnston,
Joanna Maheras, Dorothy Motta.

'T^otabLe ‘Tirsts at the 'Nation ^ 'Tirst Ju m gr College
During the decades of the 1920s and ‘30s, Joliet ceeded J. Stanley Brown actively promoted the col-
Junior College continued to establish its own identity lege as a separate entity and not merely a two-year
even though it physically remained part of a growing extension of the high school experience. A variety of
high school district. The superintendents who suc- student clubs, social activities, publications, and

Foreign language clubs were popular on cam-

pus during the 1 920s and ‘30s. One of the first

French clubs, the Feytel Club, is seen here in

1922. Named in honor of a noted professor in

France, the club enjoyed socials, formed study

groups, and published a paper in French. Club
members credited their group’s success to fac-
ulty sponsor Minnie Babcock.

Spearheaded by Anton Olivio, Joe Duffy, and Ruth

Crane, a new club known as the Growlers was
organized in 1923. Meeting every third Monday
evening, the organization focused on improving the
social and intellectual life of the college. The meet-
ings often featured outside speakers, debates, stu-

dent talent, and musical programs followed by a

social hour of dancing and games. The culminating
social event of the club’s first year was a traditional
barn party held at the home of Florence Walz. By
all accounts, the JjC wolves in attendance howled
and growled and had a great time.

The Musical Club provided students an opportuni-

ty to perform in at least one musical production
each year. The 1926 club members pictured here
presented II Trovatore. Front: Marjorie
Livingston, Heloise Marwick, Verna Bailey, Doris
Rohrbach, jenny Westling, Carol Brewster, Mabel
Hansen. Middle: Robert Conkling, James Lordan,
C. Dana Watson, Mary Van Horn, Lease, Eleanor
Metheny, Ariel Mortvedt. Back: Edward
Harford, Dagoberto Gonzalez, Hartman, Jean
Grant, Suda Norris, Paul Stewart.

intercollegiate athletic events were important in fos- vened and reminded students that some college activ-

tering and promoting a college atmosphere. When ities were inappropriate on a junior college campus,
students attempted to establish a fraternity in the
fall of 1922, however, school administrators inter-

During the 1926-

27 school year,
the Growlers,
Musical Club, and
Dramatic Club
merged to form a
new student
known as the
College Club.
The new club
was better able
to coordinate the
college’s social,
intellectual, and
performing arts
schedule. Events
ranged from musical and dramatic performances
to ice cream socials, and from semi-formal dances
to student debates. Of particular interest to
some club members was a debate on the topic of
amending prohibition to permit the manufacture
and sale of light wines and beer under govern-
ment control. Seen here striking a jaunty pose
are several members of the 1930-31 College
Club. Stewart Hutchinson (front row, second
from left) served as president when the club
appropriated $25 to sponsor a college assembly
featuring Carl Sandburg. With no photograph of
the poet available, the yearbook documented the
occasion with an artistic sketch.

On April I I, 1928, the newly organized Student Council met for JjC students have always had no place to go during free peri-
the first time and elected officers.The council was composed of ods except the library or room 235. . . College students can-
the two class presidents, two at-large members from the student not be forced to study, but at present students are herded into
body, and one representative from the first-year French club, sec- the library or a study room and told that they must either study

ond-year French club. College Club, Women’s Athletic Association, or be quiet. Whether right or wrong, the average student
and men’s athletics. Front: Erma Schwab, Mary Clark, Mary resents the implication that he is not capable of managing his
Schuster, Charles McKeown. Back: Miss Jones (sponsor). Myrtle own time. Present restrictions have created a constant mur-
Patterson, Margaret O’Connell, Vernon Barnes, Albert Noble. mur of discontent which has an effect on school spirit”
The group’s purpose was to “promote a better understanding Although the council had been urging that a co-ed recreation room
between the faculty and the student body, and to advance student be provided for college students, the superintendent informed the
enterprises.” Although most meetings were devoted to discussing council in May 1938 that two rooms would be furnished
social activities, the council also addressed such issues as school the following year, one for men and women. The
the other for
spirit and campus restrictions. The latter issue appeared on the Student Council lodged no protest but seemed willing to accept
council’s agenda year after year. In its 1937 year-end report, for progress one step at a time.
example, the Student Council observed;

The college newspaper, The Blazer, was first published in
October 1929. For almost thirty years, college news and
announcements had appeared in the high school paper. The
first Blazer staff is pictured here. Front; Herbert Trackman,
Thelma Doerfler, Delores Kelly, Gail Yaggy, Kathryn Heath,
Mary Wheeler, Jack Denver. Back: Mac Rae Shannon,
Wilbur Lenander, Middleton Slack, Charles Matteson, William
Mesenkop, Francis Cobb, Lois Hyde (faculty sponsor).
Like most college newspaper staffs in the 920s and ‘30s, 1

The Blazer staff pushed for greater freedom to print material

not pre-approved by faculty sponsors. Of course, the school
administration disagreed. For example, on March 4, 1937,
Dean Yaggy appeared before the Student Council and assert-
ed that copy submitted to a newspaper should be cen-

sored by a faculty member.” He stated that even university

students at the freshman and sophomore levels are not
mature enough to control such activities. The dean said he
resented the suggestion that “there is too much faculty inter-
ference in student affairs.”^

Faculty members were actively involved in both the academic and social lives of
their students. A. Francis Trams chaired the English Department and sponsored
such student groups as the Growlers and the College Club. He is pictured here
in 1927 at work in the department office with his secretary, Gladys Robinson.

CoUc0eI/lvbo<’ A\b«rfcPunmm




A^iVlUlC^ •



Prior to 1933, the junior college had no year-

formed the Club to learn more about the

In 1925, pre-medical students Scalpel

book of its own. A small section in the back
medical profession. Joliet doctors and other speakers addressed the club on a vari-
of the high school yearbook was devoted to

Three of the club’s officers,

ety of topics dealing with medicine and medical training.
' photographs and activities of college students.
Grand Cadaver Julian Osman, Vice-Grand Cadaver Suren Seron, and Bone Collector
Pictured here is the staff responsible for
Edna Ward, pursued medical careers after leaving JJC. In fact, the local newspaper
preparing the college section of the 1 925 high
later noted that Edna Ward was the first female student accepted by Northwestern

school yearbook. Although few African-

University’s School of Medicine. Seron became a highly respected Joliet dentist and

American and Hispanic students attended

served for several years as a high school board member.
Joliet Junior College in the 1920s and ‘30s,
it is interesting to note that both
editor-in-chief and the athletics
! editor were African-Americans,
1 Albert Dunham and Meredith
Cardwell, respectively.

On December 14, 1928, drama students presented The

comedy by Philip Barry. As was customary,
Youngest, a
Ira D. Yaggy served as the the proceeds went to the College Loan Fund, which had
first dean from 1 926 to been established by faculty members in 1916 to help
1947 and played a signifi- students who needed financial assistance to continue
cant role in shaping the their education. The cast pictured here included Elmer
early development of the Rowley, next to whose formal yearbook picture the edi-
college. His other respon- tors had inscribed “Rudolph Valentino.” Interestingly,
sibilities included teaching Rowley would return to JJC to serve as the college dean
classes in physics and from 947 to 967 and as the college’s first president
1 1

chairing that department. from 967 to 970.

1 1

Since the birth of the college newspaper, The Blazer,
coincided with the stock market crash and the onset
of the Great Depression, many of the early stories
mentioned the hard times experienced by students
and staff alike. With truth lurking just beneath the
surface. The Blazer ran the following tongue-in-cheek
depression-related pieces:
No freshie, that’s not a poor farm delegation,
just the JJC faculty —Not having been paid for

four weeks and losing money in one, two, or

three bank crashes, they are fighting to keep the
wolf from the door.
There’s no cause for failure this semester, stu-
dents; if the marks get low. Just bring the teacher

a peck of potatoes or a couple of loaves of bread.

His gratitude will be sufficient to overcome your
deficit in knowledge.^^
The college faculty is posed here during the
Depression for yearbook picture. Front: Pauline
its 1 93 1

Dillman, Dorothy Westendarp, Frank L. Fleener, Lois Hyde,

Elizabeth Barns, Esther Richardson, E. S. McLain, Myra Mather,
Harry D. Leinenweber. Middle: Marian McAnally, Lena M.
Dickinson, Minnie Babcock, Harry Atkinson, E. C. Douglas, E. B.

Brockett, A. Francis Trams, Ira D. Yaggy, C. M. Eggman, Thomas

M. Deam, C. O. Burden, E. L. Mayo, Glenn A. Evans, Rawitch.
Back: R. R. Robinson, E. M. Wells, E. A. Larson, Aubrey A. Wills,
H. V. Givens.

Students coped with the economic problems of the 1 930s by plan-

ning social events with a contemporary theme. A “Hard Times”
dance in 1936 was held in the gym, suitably decorated with straggly
streamers and a few balloons. The party-goers v/ore tattered and
patched clothes and “dined” on sandwiches and milk. As members
of the clean-upcrew picked up dozens of half-eaten sandwiches,
they decided that the refreshment committee had taken the
depression theme a little toe. seriously.

During the Great Depression, the school had a difficult time meet-
ing its payroll. The Board of Trustees occasionally resorted to
skipping pay periods and also to paying part of employees’ wages
(usually 1
0 percent) in scrip issued by the Joliet Clearing Association.
The scrip was honored by many local merchants, who later
redeemed it at face value when school funds were available.

During the difficult years of the Great Depression, junior college stu- first J.C., in which was inscribed these words: “Louis Jolliet a pio- —
dents achieved a significant milestone in establishing a unique identity neer! Joliet Junior College a pioneer!—And now, its Yearbook —
with the publication of the first yearbook. When Donald Kroesch pioneer!” Front: Ruth Schumm, Alice Levine, Dorothy
and Chester Sidell approached Dean Yaggy in the fall of 1932 about Densmore, Addis Pearson, Ruth Souvenier, Christine Schwartz,
publishing a yearbook the following spring, economic conditions were Donald Kroesch (business manager). Back: John Kenney, Miss
grim at best. Although much of the school’s money was tangled up in Christine Bunch (sponsor), Gertrude Johannsen, Emma Seppe,
a local bank, the students convinced Yaggy to support the project, Eleanor Ovington, Bernice Seaborg, Carolyn Low, Harriet Munch,
and they ultimately succeeded in publishing a sixty-four page book. Chester Sidell (editor), Ralph Barclay, William Pettigrew, Marcus
Prior to 1933, a small section of the high school yearbook. The J, Bluth, A. Clinton Leach.
was devoted to the junior college. Pictured here is the staff of the

Left: One of the most active and well-attended orga-
nizations in the 1 930s was the Current Events Club.
Under the leadership of faculty sponsor Harry D.
Leinenweber, the club met weekly and discussed a
variety of topics ranging from local issues, to the
Great Depression, to the aggressive and peace-threat-
ening behavior of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Seated:

Dorothy Johnston, Melvin Witkin, William Hansen,

Mores, Marilyn Rhodes, Helen
unidentified, Clara
Kelly.Standing: Eldafern Schwartz, Ruth Smith,
Imogene Fraser, Mary Cattaneo, Dorothy Beeson,
Mary Kavanaugh, Henry Newkirk, Floy Myers, Honora
Blum, Ruth Scott, Helen Tokar, Dorothy Anderson,
Kathleen Quigley, Fred Richards, Robert Klepper,
Harry Leinenweber (sponsor).

Right: For several years Walter

Myers served as the faculty advisor
and coach of the Debate Club.
The 1938 team pictured here won
the state tournament, marking the
fourth consecutive year the Joliet
club captured the highest honor.
At the end of their successful sea-
son, Coach Myers presented
debate keys to the team. Seated:
Clarence Rimke. Standing:
Orrin Long, Joe Deutsch, Clark
Mottinger, Pershing Burgard,
Walter Myers (coach).

Below: The Men’s Rifle Club was formed in 1936

to learn the finer points of marksmanship from
the ground up. Although the school provided the
guns and firing range, each member furnished his

own ammunition. The club practiced every

Thursday evening under the watchful eye of facul-
ty sponsor L. B. Aseltine. The members in 1937
are pictured here: Front: Julius Turk, L. B.

Aseltine (sponsor), Freckleton, Steinquist, Harvey

Goodspeed. Back: James Egan, Richard Dunn,
Paul Deis, John Sandstrom.

Above: Miss Isabelle Boyd organized the Junior College Chorus in

1932. Three years later, the college began awarding chorus members
one credit hour for each semester’s work. Rehearsals were held
twice a week as the group prepared for performances both on and off
campus. Participating in an exchange program, the chorus presented
programs at other junior colleges in the Chicago area. Front:
Eleanore Boldt, Eleanor Hoffman, Pauline Woodrow, Ruth Souvenier,
Marion Holm, Guydell Schwartz, Evelyn Anderson, Ruth Jennings,
Mars Wiggam, Eileen Fetter, Audrey Thompson, Mariam Brereton.
Back: Louis Booth, John Rix, Edward Moynihan, Darlene Spier,
Richard Fahrner, Carl Keck, Edwin Henderson, Schieber, Benjamin
Rauworth, Koenig, Lyons, Isabelle McGahey, Isabelle Boyd (director).

Athletic ‘Teams ‘TLounsheh ‘During ‘The Qreat ‘IDeffressionj,
During the 1930s, JJC’s intercollegiate athletic losses while the baseballteam won all its conference i

program enjoyed unprecedented success, especially in games. The golf and tennis teams also went unde- j

basketball. Joliet teams established their dominance feated in conference play. All four teams proudly i

in the Northern Illinois Conference early in the placed championship trophies in the college case as a
decade by winning conference championships in tangible testament to a remarkable year: JJC teams ;

every major sport in 1930-31. Under Coach “Fizz” won every conference game and match they played.
Wills, the basketball team posted ten wins and no

The 1931 basketball team was undefeated

in conference play. This outstanding
squad was the first of eleven consecutive
JJC teams to win the Northern Illinois

Conference championship. Coach “Fizz”

Wills remarked that “the will to win was
never better exhibited than in this year’s
College squad.”^^ Front: Thomas
Conroy, Allan Hodge, Ernest Cohenour,
Gordon Ellis, Martin Jackson. Back:
A. A. “Fizz” Wills (coach), Alex Stewart,
William Carlson, Bernard Ward, Francis
Flannigan, Francis Meyer, Lloyd Austin.

Conference champions in 1931, the baseball team is seen here with Coach

Wills. one of the season’s crucial games against a strong La Grange team,

John Smarker (not pictured) struck out 19 players and walked none while win-
ning 4 to 2 in 13 innings. Front: Francis Flannigan, Sherman Beecher, Leo
Brown, Alex Stewart, Venus Sing. Back: James Bush, Gordon Ellis, Ernest
Cohenour, Bernard Ward, Francis Meyer, Lloyd Sing, A. A. Wills (coach).


The 1931 tennis team post-

ed a perfect mark in confer-
ence play and won the
championship trophy.
Front: K. Powell, Glenn
Henderson, Carl Van Horn,
John Howk, Francis Blogg,

Lloyd Austin (captain).

Back: Coach Becker John ,

Baumgartner, Robert
Hamlin, Edward Baskerville.

Although golf was a relatively new sport at JJC in 1931, the team

won the conference championship with an unblemished record.

Pictured here on the eighteenth green at Woodruff Golf Course
are Hubert Zalar, Dick Stoltz, Thomas Conroy, and Tom Camp.
Joliet basketball teams were not only
extremely successful in winning conference
titles in the 1930s, but beginning with the
first State junior College Tournament in

1933, the Wolves also compiled an enviable

record in state-wide play. Joliet won the
inaugural state tournament in 1933 at La
Grange and then went on to win the next
two titles as well. The 1938 team again cap-
tured the first-place trophy, which gave
Joliet four state championships in a six-year
period. The JJC squad is pictured here in

action against La Grange in the opening

game of the 1933 tournament.

Opening round of the 1933 state

torunament:Joliet 36, La Grange 27.

Top: John Smarker, Jack Slattery, Irving Olson.

Bottom: James Furlong, Carroll Bolton.

Coach A. A. “Fizz”
Wills and the state
championship trophy.

Junior college students had the most contact
with members of the administrative staff pic-
tured here. Gathered in the superintendent’s
office in 1937 are Grayce Stadler (secretary to
the dean), Ira D. Yaggy (college dean), W. W.
Haggard (superintendent), Myra Mather (dean
of women), and Pauline Dillman (librarian).

Wolves to a state
This talented trio led the JJC
At the end of the season,
basketball title in 1938. all

three players were named to the All State Team.

Ray McGrath (top left) was team captain; Robert
Archambeault (top right) played guard; and William
Knowles (bottom) was the team’s leading scorer.

During his forty-eight years in Joliet, C. E. Spicer

witnessed considerable change. Serving as an assistant to
Superintendents Brown, Smith, and Haggard, he played an
important role in the founding and early development of the
nation’s first public junior college. Of course, Spicer himself
also changed during that time. For example, in 1891 when
Spicer arrived, he had hair - everywhere. When he retired in

1939, he “barely” needed a comb.


"Years of Challenge anb Change

a eadership in the Joliet superintendent’s position from the University of Illinois.^
M changed much more frequently from 1939 to 1967 Roosevelt Basler served as superintendent of the
than it had during the earlier years. Whereas high school and junior college for three years but left

only three people had held the top job during the first in 1946 to take a government job as Chief of
thirty-eight years of the college’s existence, a succes- Instructional Problems in the United States Office of
sion of six men administered the high school and Education. Following recent practice, the Board
junior college during the next twenty-eight.The fre- offered Assistant Superintendent Sharpe the oppor-
quent change in superintendents, especially from tunity to advance to the superintendency. Less than
1940 to 1950, came during the challenging years of two years later, however, Sharpe resigned due to ill

World War II and its aftermath. Fortunately for JJC, health. The position was next offered in 1947 to
remarkable stability existed in the office of college Hugh Bonar of Oak Park, Illinois. Bonar’s education-
dean, an administrative position that became increas- al career had been spent largely at schools in
ingly responsible for the operation of the college. Wisconsin where he had been active in state educa-
In 1939, the resignation of Superintendent W. W. tional organizations and the North Central
Haggard after eleven years and the retirement of Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges. He
longtime Assistant Superintendent C. E. Spicer left a brought experience and stability to the superinten-
gaping hole in the administration. At its August dent’s position, qualities missing in previous years.^
meeting, the School Board hired C. L. Jordan to be In 1960, Bonar reached mandatory retirement age
the new superintendent. His most recent adminis- and was required His successor. Dr.
to resign.
trative position had been at a manual training school William French, likewise brought stability and
in Louisville, Kentucky. Jordan’s status as a reserve administrative competence to the position. French
officer in the United States Marine Corps would cut led the high school and college through troubled
short his tenure as superintendent in Joliet. When years of crowded conditions and economic distress.
school opened in September 1939, Germany had By the time he left in 1967, however, the future
invaded Poland, and World War II had begun in looked bright. The district had built two new high
Europe. Jordan resigned two weeks after the attack schools, and the college had achieved Class I legal
on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 when he was status and was in the process of severing its sixty-six
ordered to report for active duty.^ year relationship with Joliet Township High School.'^
Dr. Leonard B. Wheat was released from his job at Although certainly not insulated from the effects
a defense plant in Dearborn, Michigan, to accept the of frequent change in the superintendent’s position,
superintendency in February 1942. The Board grant- JJC enjoyed unusual stability in the office of college
ed Wheat’s early request to hire an assistant responsi- dean. Ira D. Yaggy served twenty-one years as dean
meet rapid social
ble for revising the curriculum to* from 1926 to 1947, and he was followed for the next
and educational changes occurring in the country. twenty by Elmer W. Rowley. The various superinten-
Roosevelt Basler, a doctoral candidate at Teachers dents accorded the dean and his assistants consider-
College in New York, was appointed Assistant able latitude in administering the college. From the
Superintendent of Curriculum and Guidance in June students’ perspective, the dean ran the college, and
1942. Six months later. Dr. Wheat resigned to take a the district superintendent was a shadowy figure in
superintendent’s job in Wichita, Kansas. With Wheat the background. In truth, perception mirrored reali-
gone after eleven months, the School Board promoted ty. Yaggy and Rowley exerted considerable influence
Basler to the district’s top administrative post. The in shaping the academic and social life of the college.
vacant office of curriculum and guidance was filled by Impersonal forces and world events were also impor-
Donald Sharpe, who had just received a doctorate tant in influencing the development and direction of

the college. Indeed, Pearl Harbor’s bombs had an taking advanced classes. For students uninterested in
immediate impact on JJC and the college community. traditional academic programs, the college developed
Not only did the school lose its superintendent to the an On the Job Apprentice Training Program with
war effort, but the vast majority of college men and courses in such areas as mechanics, painting, and
several college women entered the armed forces, too. plumbing, all covered by the GI “We must have

Enrollment dropped dramatically to less than half both plumbers and philosophers - unless we provide
the prewar number. Social and athletic activities quality education for both,” observed John Gardner,
were curtailed or canceled, and students found ways President of the Carnegie Foundation, “neither our
to volunteer their services on the homefront. A Civil pipes nor our ideas will hold water.”The war and its
Pilot Training Corps was established on campus, as aftermath had created a need for technicians and
were rifle teams for both men and women.® workers with specialized training, and junior colleges
Ammunition plants and other war-related indus- adapted to meet the demand.®
tries in the Joliet area begged for workers. The What the Joliet community had known and expe-
nation’s economy shook off the stubborn effects of the rienced for many years was validated in 1947 by
Great Depression; suddenly jobs were plentiful, and President Truman’s Commission on Higher
wages were high. Academic schedules were rewritten Education. The president appointed a group of twen-
to accommodate working students who needed ty-eight leading educators to study higher education
evening and weekend classes. New courses and train- in America and to make recommendations on facili-
ing programs were offered by science teachers to train ties, methods, and objectives. The Truman
powder inspectors, gauge readers, and other employ- Commission’s three-volume report touched all aspects
i ees in ordnance plants. The school also tapped the of higher education. It particularly recognized the
i talent of the Agriculture Department and participated importance of two-year colleges, especially in democ-
I in the nation’s emergency food production program.® ratizing education and making it readily available to
The postwar period produced even more change the general public. Using the term “community col-
that profoundly transformed the character and mis- lege,” the commission recommended that states estab-

sion of the college. In 1944, Congress passed the lish two-year public college systems offering afford-
I Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, commonly known as able education within easy access of all people.
: the GI Bill of Rights, that provided up to four years of “Whatever form the community college takes,” stated
educational benefits to veterans. The measure covered the Truman Commission, “its purpose is educational
i occupational training as well as traditional academic service to the entire community. It should include
programs. Taking advantage of the GI Bill, veterans preparation for advanced study, vocational and techni-
: in the Joliet area began enrolling in large numbers. cal programs, and community service. It should be
By the fall of 1946, almost 700 students, half of them dedicated to lifelong learning and be an active center
veterans, had registered for classes. Just three years for adult education.” The junior college was finally
earlier, college enrollment had dipped to 179. In addi- recognized as an important segment of higher educa-
tion to the influx of GIs returning from war, the num- tion and was destined to play a major role in educat-

ber of traditional students also increased due to popu- ing the American people. Remarkably, it all began in
lation growth. Faculty and facilities were taxed Joliet in 1901 with six “postgraduate” students.®
beyond their limits. The Board of Education respond- When the Truman Commission issued its report
ed by establishing a $20 application fee, imposing in 1947, significant changes were occurring at Joliet
enrollment restrictions, and granting admission pref- Junior College. Hugh H. Bonar was hired as superin-
erence to in-district students.^ tendent to replace Donald Sharpe, who had resigned
Veterans entered college with definite goals and a for health reasons. Bonar brought stability to a dis-
wide range of educational abilities. Some had been trict office that had seen four superintendents in the

college students before the war while others were high past eight years. However, Ira D. Yaggy retired in
school dropouts who gained admission by passing the 1947, bringing to a close his twenty-one years as col-
General Education Development (GED) Test. lege dean. Yaggy was highly regarded by students
Refresher courses were offered to those who needed to and staff alike. In fact, the first college yearbook,
improve their mathematical and verbal skills before published in 1933, was warmly dedicated to Dean

Yaggy with these words: variety of credit and non-credit courses designed for
Realizing his sympathetic understanding, his people of all ages with diverse interests. Classes
affectionate interest, his gentle toleration ranged from knitting to cabinet making to foreign
toward the antics of Joliet Collegians, and his languages. Indeed, whether people in the community
liberal attitude, we, the class of nineteen hun- were interested in pursuing a hobby, sharpening a
dred and thirty-three, respectfully dedicate this skill, or stimulating the mind, they could likely find
volume as a concrete manifestation of the
first something of interest in adult education. One of the
monument we have built to him in our hearts most popular programs started in 1951 was the film-
and memories. lecture series “The World Today.” Adult education
In view of ballooning postwar enrollments and the classes and programs expanded so rapidly that in
need to broaden the college curriculum, the Board of 1955 Floyd C. Tompkins was appointed to the full-

Education decided to replace Yaggy with two full-time time position of Assistant Dean and Director of Adult
administrators. Elmer W. Rowley was appointed Education. The program continued to grow, ham-
Assistant Superintendent and Dean of the College, pered only by limited space and budget restrictions.^^

and Harry Leinenweber was named Assistant Dean. Campus social life and extracurricular activities
Leinenweber resigned the position after one semester also changed during the postwar era as veterans and
and returned to the classroom as a social science other older students made their presence felt.

instructor. In January 1948, Susan Wood replaced Sharing a building with high school students and
Leinenweber The new
to serve as the dean’s assistant. observing their regulations posed problems for col-
dean, Elmer Rowley, was a 1929 graduate of JJC and lege administrators. For example, veterans insisted
for the previous five years had chaired the high school on having a place to smoke and relax when not in
Agriculture Department. Moreover, he had started the class. A room known as the “smoker” was
Farmer’s Short Course and during the war, had admin- finally provided, as were a new lounge and a college
istered the school’s food production program.” cafeteria. Nearby restaurants and diners also
Elmer Rowley served as college dean from 1947 to attracted students for lunch and coffee breaks. These
1967, during which time the institution continued establishments had interesting names like the
evolving into a true community college with a com- Goodie Shoppe, White Shingle, Lighthouse, Cuckoo
prehensive program, including baccalaureate, voca- Clock, and Blast Furnace. For students with cars
tional-technical, community and adult and
service, who were willing to risk losing their parking places.
continuing education courses. Whereas before World Silver Fross Drive-In with carhop service was a few
War II the school primarily had addressed the needs blocks away, and McDonald’s was a drive across town.
of transfer students, in the years that followed JJC Students in the postwar period had ample oppor-
made a concerted effort to serve the entire communi- tunity to develop leadership skills and enjoy campus
ty. The curriculum became much more fluid as it social life by playing sports, participating in clubs,
adapted to the rapid social and economic changes of running for student council or class office, and plan-
the postwar world. With encouragement and support ning or attending dances, parties, and other special
from the dean, the faculty developed several new events.The Veteran’s Club was one of the largest on
transfer and occupational programs. New transfer campus, especially after World War II and the
programs included agriculture, music, home econom- Korean War. Clubs brought together students with
ics, and physical education for men and women. The special interests in such areas as agriculture, busi-
two-year agriculture program was the first of its kind ness, medical science, engineering, teaching, photog-
offered at an Illinois junior college. Programs added raphy, chess, and motor sports. The Press Club gave
to the vocational and technical curricula included students the opportunity to work on college publica-
general business, merchandising, secretarial, auto- tions, while those interested in theatre could perform
motive, drafting, electricity, mechanical and machine with the JC Players. Vocal and instrumental groups
technology, printing, wood shop, office occupations, were organized with musical talent.
for students
agriculture supply,and data processing. Finally, intercollegiate sports, intramural sports, and
In 1951, Rowley’s rolewas expanded to include various activities of the Women’s Athletic Association
Director of Adult Education, and he began offering a rounded out the many extracurricular opportunities

available to JJC students. State Board of Education should be established, said
During the 1940s, JJC joined with other junior the report, with a State Superintendent of Public
colleges to press the Illinois General Assembly for Instruction as the chief administrative officer. Based
state aid. Existing state law, passed in 1937, recog- largely on these recommendations, the lAJC support-
nized the legal existence of junior colleges but provid- ed legislation to encourage the creation of new junior
ed no source of revenue beyond local high school colleges as part of the common school system, with
taxes, as noted in Chapter 2. With college enroll- modest state funding based on student enrollment.
ments dramatically increasing after the war, addi- Bills were introduced in 1945, 1947, and 1949, but
tional funding was necessary. At that time, all junior each one failed to pass the General Assembly. The
colleges in the state were operated by public school 1949 effort was defeated in the Senate by one vote.^®
districts and, with the exception of Wright in With no resources available from the state in the
Chicago, were housed on high school campuses. In 1940s, Joliet Township High School and Junior
the face of increasing enrollments and escalating College began to feel a financial strain. In fact, the
costs in the 1940s, junior colleges struggled to stretch local grade school district as well as the high school
their modest budgets. and college experienced serious budget problems.
The Illinois Association of Junior Colleges (lAJC), During the 1950s, studies were conducted and pro-
organized in the 1930s, took the lead on the legislative posals were advanced to put Joliet schools, including
front to secure state funding. In 1943, the first step the junior college, on sound financial footing. A plan
was taken by amending the Act of 1937 to permit to introduce greater efficiency and economy to area
school districts with junior colleges to establish by ref- schools by creating a unit district was rejected by vot-
erendum separate tax levies for college purposes. No ers in a 1952 referendum. A survey conducted three
record exists of the Joliet School Board ever consider- years later concluded that, indeed, a unit district
ing such a vote. In fact, only one district in the state should be established in the Joliet area. It was
took advantage of the law and conducted a referen- unclear how the junior college would be affected if the
dum for college funding. School boards thought it high school district disappeared and became part of a
would be easier to win public support to adjust high unit system. Would the college have to be reestab-
school levies than to establish new college taxes. In lished by public referendum, and would it go out of
Joliet during the postwar years, no additional taxes existence until such a measure was passed? There
forany purpose were welcomed by the voters. were no clear answers to these questions.^®
Anticipating a sudden influx of postwar students, Meanwhile, at the state level, the Illinois
the LAJC began preparing legislation that would pro- Association of Junior Colleges continued its efforts in
vide state aid and encourage the creation of more the 1950s to secure state aid for junior colleges.
junior colleges throughout the state. A measure Although a bill was passed in Springfield in 1951 that
introduced in the General Assembly in 1943 provided legally recognized junior colleges as part of the com-
a state grant of $50 per student and encouraged the mon was no provision for fund-
school system, there
organization of new two-year colleges. The Joliet ing. Supporters of the measure were encouraged,
School Board sent a letter of support to Springfield, however, since they believed that state resources
but the measure failed.^^ Later that year, the LAJC would follow the statutory linkage of junior colleges
invited the University of Illinois to conduct a survey with public schools. The 1951 law did contain a provi-
and make recommendations regarding a statewide sion permitting high school districts with no junior
plan for developing and supporting junior colleges. college to levy a tax to pay tuition for residents
University Provost Dr. Coleman Griffith and research attending any junior college in the state. Lockport
assistant Hortense Blackstone conducted the study was one of the few districts to approve such a tax.
and published their findings and recommendations in During the 1950s, Joliet educators came to the
a 1945 book entitled The Junior College in Illinois. forefront in the state junior college movement. In
The study concluded that junior colleges should be 1953, JJC’s Elmer Rowley and David Heffernan of
expanded across the state within high school districts Chicago were appointed to lead the lAJC’s new leg-
and should be funded by a combination of local taxes islative committee. Focusing its efforts on state fund-
and state aid of $50 per full-time student. Further, a ing, the committee mounted a campaign to publicize

the economic benefit to the state of supporting junior a scaled-down version of the original plan. The
college education. For example, if the state granted White Shingle, a popular student hangout for many
junior colleges $100 for a full-time student, the cost years, was razed to make way for the new building at
would be about one-ninth as much as funding stu- the corner of Van Buren and Collins Streets.^®
dents attending state colleges and universities. The new vocational-technical facility brought
Although Governor Stratton did not support the leg- some relief in 1958 to crowded conditions, but the
islative efforts of the Illinois Association of Junior problem persisted as high school and college enroll-
Colleges, he did appoint a blue-ribbon panel in 1954 ments continued One School Board member
to climb.

to study higher education in Illinois. Joliet suggested that perhaps it was time to separate the
Superintendent Hugh Bonar was appointed to the college from the high school as provided in the law
Higher Education Commission and served on the written by Rowley and Cherry, but the rest of the
subcommittee dealing with the expansion of junior Board rejected the notion. Superintendent Bonar
colleges in the state. floated a plan at a study session that envisioned a
At last, in 1955, Illinois legislators were willing to county-wide school system with one board adminis-
share state resources with junior colleges. Although tering all levels of education from kindergarten
the lAJC had asked for a funding formula of $200 for through junior The proposal quietly died for

each full-time student, the law provided only $100 lack of interest. Another attempt by a community
per student. Dean Rowley was present in the gover- group to establish a unit district was also voted down
nor’s office when the landmark legislation was in a 1960 referendum.^®
signed. At its next biennial session, in 1957, the The new superintendent. Dr. William C. French,
General Assembly increased the reimbursement for- recommended that the Board hold a referendum to i

mula to $200 as recommended by the report of the build two freshman-sophomore feeder schools that j

Governor’s Commission on Higher Education. The would each accommodate 1,500 students. District i

commission’s report also renewed public interest in voters defeated the proposition in May 1961. With
creating a state-wide system of junior colleges; it rec- 5,000 students crowded into a building designed for
ommended that junior colleges should be established 3,500, the Board turned to a team of consultants from I

within commuting distance of every high school grad- Northwestern University to study the district and
uate in Illinois. After consulting Dr. Robert Johns, propose a course of action. Lead consultant Dr. Jack
chairman of the commission. Dean Elmer Rowley and Childress recommended that two four-year schools be
Assistant Superintendent James H. Cherry, both of built immediately and that eventually a separate
Joliet, drafted a bill that would encourage the cre- junior college for 2,000 students be constructed on
ation of junior college districts throughout the state. the far west side of town near the stadium. In
Joliet-area Representative Louis Bottino introduced December 1961, a referendum was passed to build
the measure, which passed in July 1959. For the first Joliet West and Joliet East High Schools. Two Board
time, separate junior college districts were autho- members suggested that the building on the east side
rized in Illinois. The state apportionment formula of town should house the junior college instead of a
also changed in 1959 from a flat $200 per full-time high school. Other members did not agree; after all,
student to a grant of $7.60 for each semester credit voters had approved two new high schools.^®
hour taken by students. The new schools opened in the fall of 1964 and
Although JJC began receiving state funds in the immediately solved the problem of space, but, at the
mid-1950s, the school district continued to struggle same time, exacerbated the district’s financial woes.
with tight budgets and space shortages. Especially Not enough money existed to staff and operate three
pressing was the need for additional room and high schools and a rapidly growing junior college.
resources to develop vocational and technical pro- State funding was not nearly enough to operate the col- i

grams. Buildings across Jefferson Street that housed lege, nor were the incidental fees paid by students, j

the Vocational Department were crowded and dilapi- Superintendent French advised the School Board that i

dated. In 1955, voters decisively defeated a referen- a 1963 law permitted districts like Joliet to levy college !

dum for a new vocational-technical building. Another taxes simply by passing a resolution. However, if 10 ;

attempt the following year produced success but with percent of the district’s eligible voters filed a petition

within thirty days challenging the resolution, the despite the irregularities. On September 7, 1965,
Board would then have to conduct a public referendum. voters again soundly defeated the proposed junior
The School Board passed a tax resolution to levy 17.5 college levy. The state’s attorney reported that
cents for a college education fund and 7.5 cents for a although wrongdoing was clearly evident, there was
building fund. A petition drive was soon underway no reasonable recourse for legal remedy.^^

organized by local politicians Sammy Berk and Arthur The Board of Education persisted in its efforts to
O’Neil. The petitions submitted to the Board were not raise taxes and went back to the voters in September
notarized and therefore were of questionable legality. 1966, this time asking for an increase in the high
“Petitions being submitted that are not verified,” said school levy from 84 to 98 cents. The public was just as
one Board member, “it sickens me.” Nevertheless, the persistent in rejecting these taxes, too. The Board pres-
Board decided to hold a referendum.^^ ident remarked that “the general lack of concern on the
On November 21, 1964, voters rejected college tax part of the community has placed the district in a need-
levies by a 2-1 margin. The Board decided it was lessly crippled situation.” Steps were immediately
time to begin charging in-district students tuition. taken to cut costs by curtailing the school program. All
Although township residents had been charged a fee buildings were closed on weekends and at 5:00 p.m. on
of $35 during the Great Depression and war years, weekdays; the evening school and adult education pro-
this fee had been discontinued in 1949. This time the grams were reduced to two nights a week, with all

tuition fee had the feel of permanence. Beginning evening classes canceled on the east and west campus-
with the 1965 spring semester, a tuition payment of es. Extracurricular activities were seriously curtailed
$7 per semester hour was required. Non-resident for both high school and college students. For example,
students paid a higher rate of $21.93 an hour. Before all school-sponsored dances on and off campus were
the fall semester began, rates were raised to $10 per prohibited. Furthermore, the Board announced that
hour for in-district students and $30 for non-resi- additional cuts would soon be announced.^^
dents. The only students who attended free were The district’s financial problems were especially
those who lived in Lockport and had their tuition onerous to faculty members and other school employ-
paid through a special tax.^^ ees who year after year received little or no salary
Despite the new tuition revenue, the future of the increase. Since Joliet was a blue-collar community
college still looked bleak. At the June 1965 Board with a strong union tradition, it is not surprising that
meeting. Superintendent French reported that the school employees organized to improve working condi-
district was in “alarming financial condition,” caused tions. Teachers were much slower to unionize than
primarily by the cost of operating the college. maintenance workers, who reported to the Board in
Additional funds were immediately needed if the dis- January 1939 that a majority of them had joined a
trict wished to continue operating JJC. “It would be local union affiliated with the International
very unfortunate,” observed one Board member, “if Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, A. F. of L.
this, the first junior college in the nation, should also Beginning in 1947, union teachers became active in
become the first in the nation to disband because of making their requests known to the School Board.
public apathy.” The Board again decided to try levy- During the 1950s and early ‘60s, union membership
ing college taxes by resolution. Once again. Berk and increased as high school and college teachers left the
O’Neil launched a petition drive to challenge the tax Teacher’s Association, an Illinois Education
resolution and require a referendum. This time, the Association (IE A) affiliate, and joined Local 604 of the
petitions were even more questionable than before. American Federation of Teachers (AFT). For several
As many as 3,000 of the 8,200 signatures were obvi- years, the two groups worked together to jointly pre-
ously invalid or fraudulent. For example, all the sent salary and benefit proposals to the School Board.^®
names on several sheets appeared to be in the same As its membership grew in the 1960s, the teach-
handwriting, and most of the petitions had not been ers’ union became more active in unilaterally press-
signed and verified by the person circulating them. ing for improvements in salary and benefits.
Disappointed and disgusted, the Board submitted the Differences and divisions between the association
petitions to the state’s attorney for appropriate legal and union were becoming more apparent and more
action and proceeded to conduct another referendum. public. At an April 1966 Board meeting, Robert

Burke, President of AFT Local 604, read a statement ofsome twenty civic and social organizations and
pointing out that teachers had worked for two years headed by George Travers, developed a three-part
without a raise and that there would be “serious con- plan for dealing with the financial crisis in Joliet’s

sequences” if there was no increase the next year. public schools, from elementary through junior col-
During the following month, the union presented a lege. Concerned citizens and school leaders would
bargaining rights petition requesting an election to make a concerted effort, first, to pass tax referen-
name a teachers’ organization as the sole bargaining dums for both the grade school and high school dis-

agent for all faculty members. The lEA-affiliated tricts; second, to establish a Class I junior college;
Teacher’s Association objected, claiming that such and finally, to pass a bond issue for new elementary
action was ill-advised and illegal. The School Board classrooms. The committee stressed the importance
twice rejected the request before finally consenting in of everyone working equally hard on all three propo-
October 1966 to a collective bargaining election. In a sitions. Local attorney and JJC graduate Kenneth
secret ballot, high school and college faculty chose Timm chaired the subcommittee responsible for cre-
AFT Local 604 to be their sole bargaining agent. The ating a Class I junior college district. A broad-based
Board approved a temporary agreement to negotiate committee representing several communities in the
with representatives of the teachers and to enter into Joliet region studied the matter and proposed that a
a formal contract with the faculty on January 20, Class I college be created from twelve high school dis-

1967. When no agreement was reached by that date, tricts encompassing all or part of Will, Grundy,
union members voted to strike on January 25. School Kendall, Kankakee, and LaSalle Counties. The com-
lawyers went to court and obtained an injunction to mittee proposed a tax rate of 9.5 cents, among the
end the strike; however, teachers ignored the injunc- lowest of any junior college district in the state.
tion and continued the work stoppage. With the would be a selling point to Joliet vot-
Certainly, this
Joliet Ecumenical Clergy Association acting as an ers who had turned down two junior college tax levies
intermediary, the two sides reached an agreement in the past three years. The state quickly approved
and ended the strike. On April 11, 1967, the Board of the committee’s plan; now it was up to the voters.^®
Trustees ratified a formal contract with high school John Racich, a Joliet banker and college alumnus,
and college faculty represented by AFT Local 604.^® led the drive to publicize the plan and encourage vot-
While the Joliet high school and junior college dis- ers throughout the proposed district to support the
trict was struggling with finances and employee proposition. Max Kuster, a junior college instructor
unrest, the General Assembly passed the Junior and Chairman of the Research and Information
College Act of 1965. The master plan for junior col- Committee, helped recruit speakers and mobilize vol-
leges under the new law offered a partial solution to unteers. On December an unprecedented
10, 1966,
the district’s problems. If JJC became a separate 20,000 Joliet voters turned out and passed the grade
Class I college as defined by the statute, the state school and high school referendums by the slim mar-
would pay three-fourths of the cost to acquire a site gin of 200 votes. Buoyed by its initial success, the
and build a campus. It would also reimburse the col- Coordinating Council on Education next focused its
lege at a rate of $11.50 for each semester credit hour efforts on the junior college referendum two months
earned by students. Furthermore, the creation of an later. On February 18, 1967, America’s oldest public
expanded junior college district would broaden the junior college attained Class I legal status by an
tax base and lower the tax rate. If under the 1965 overwhelming total of 20,043 to 5,032 votes. JJC’s
law the college retained a Class II standing, it was future looked much brighter.^®
entitled to only $9.50 per credit hour. In order to
achieve Class I would have
status, a feasibility study
to be conducted, district boundaries established, and
a tax rate set. An application would have to be
approved by the Illinois Junior College Board and the
Board of Higher Education, followed by a successful
referendum in the proposed district.
A Coordinating Council on Education, composed

CoLLe^e ^^ministration: 1339-1961
Joliet Junior College experienced a period of chal- dean and his assistants the responsibility for operat-
lenge and change between 1939 and 1967. During ing the college. Leadership of the college during
this critical time in the school’s development, six dif- these years remained stable. Yaggy served as
Ira D.
ferent people served as superintendent of Joliet dean from 1926 to 1947, followed by Elmer Rowley
Township High School and Junior College. The from 1947 to 1967. During Rowley’s tenure as dean,
superintendents devoted most of their time to admin- he was assisted by Susan Wood, Walter Zaida, and
istering the high school and delegated to the college Floyd Tompkins.

C. L. Jordan, Dr. Leonard B. Dr. Roosevelt Donald M. Sharpe, Hugh H. Bonar, Dr. William C.
Superintendent, Wheat, Basler, Superintendent, Superintendent, French,
1939-41 Superintendent, Superintendent, 1946-47 1 947-60 Superintendent,
1 942-43 1 943-46 1960-67

Susan Wood, Assistant Dean, 1948-67

Elmer W. Rowley,
Dean, 1947-67

Ira D. Yaggy, Dean, 1926-47

Floyd Tompkins, Assistant Dean and

Director of Adult Education, 1955-67

Walter F. Zaida, Assistant to the Dean,


The 1943 yearbook was dedicated to Grayce

Stadler, the attractive, personable secretary to
In 1967, Grayce Stadler (seated) was still assisting
Dean I. D. Yaggy. Because of her position in the
students as an administrative secretary, as was
dean’s office. Miss Stadler frequently dealt with
Claire Poole (standing).
students who needed questions answered and
problems solved. Next to her photograph on the
dedication page, the class of ’43 expressed its “sin-

cerest appreciation” to Grayce, who “aids us in

every way” and always with a “gracious smile.”

Seven years later, the Class of 1 949 also dedicated
its yearbook to Miss Stadler, citing her “kindness,
understanding, and friendship” as the reason for
the honor.^“

In 1967, secretaries Edith Stewart and Helen Ford offered

friendly and professional assistance to students and staff
Dean Elmer Rowley’s secretary, Sondra Flint, is

pictured here
They and others like them in administrative and
in 1961.
department offices were important in the day-to-day
operation of the college.

Custodians and maintenance
men kept the building in tip- Custodians
top shape. Seated around
the table are John Anderson,
Andy Zahm, Vince Smith,
William Jackson, Raymond
Becker, Otto Pearson,
Herbert Forsell, and building
policeman Lawrence
Anderson. Standing are
Harry Johnson and John
Krakar. Although their work
i was often routine and per-
formed when few people
were around, occasionally
they were required to deal
with monumental messes
created by large crowds or
Mother Nature.

Pictured here is the woodshop floor buckled by floodwaters in July 1957.

Surveying the damage and the magnitude of the cleanup is Superintendent
of Buildings and Grounds Bror Anderson (white shirt).


'M^orLh 'War // Impacts JJC

World War II had a tremendous impact on the work. The school’s Science and Agriculture -i

history and development of the college, even greater Departments provided training and technical assis-
than World War I some twenty-five years earlier. The tance during the war. Science instructors R. L. i

shock waves of Pearl Harbor’s bombs were virtually Frisbie, C.M. Eggman, and Everett Nelsen taught

felt in the hallways and classrooms of Joliet Junior intensive classes to train gauge readers and powder
College. In less than two years, enrollment dropped inspectors. With much of the male labor force depleted
from 387 students to 179, most of whom were women. by the war, an increasing number of women found
Approximately 300 JJC students served in the employment outside the home. In fact, one training
armed forces during the war. So few men were left on class in the manufacture of explosives was attended
campus that even the school’s highly successful basket- entirely by females employed in ammunition plants.
ball program was dropped in 1943. Red Cross meetings In 1942, the head of vocational education. Drew -

became commonplace as students at home looked for Castle, was named Supervisor of Defense and placed i

ways to support the war effort. History classes sold in charge of developing special classes to produce
War Savings Stamps, and special parties were held to items and commodities needed for the war. During
honor servicemen and women home on furlough. the following year, the high school and junior college
The war ended the lingering effects of the Great became a center for the production and canning of
Depression in the Joliet area by creating numerous food. Elmer Rowley, Chair of the high school
jobs in war-related industries. Workers were especial- Agriculture Department, administered the school’s
ly needed in the nearby ordnance plants and shipyard. overall food program that included instruction in
Twilight, evening, and weekend classes were added to planting “victory gardens,” instruction in food produc- |

the schedule to accommodate students who decided to tion, and the operation of three centers for canning I


Science instructors
Eggman, Frisbie,

Nelsen, and Larson.

Student Federalists in 1947.

Standing: Marjorie Parkhurst,
Robert Smolich, Madeline Employees of the Elwood
Niznik, Edward Bergquist, Lloyd Ordnance Plant near Joliet are

Raridon, Richard Briick, Florine seen assembling boosters for

Klatt, Reichman, Lloyd shells during World War II.

Howerton. Seated: Elizabeth

Barns (faculty sponsor).

fe ‘7 '
7 •
j* >7v7 7 7, ., 7

fruits, vegetables, and meats.^^ marched downstairs to lower corridors, where they
On campus, students became actively involved in stood in hallways away from glass until the “all clear”
the National Defense Program. The 1942 college was sounded.^^
yearbook proudly announced that JJC men were In social science classes, students sold war stamps
preparing to defend the country “with wings and and discussed the causes of the war and what could
rifles” and that JJC women were also doing their be done to prevent such a crisis in the future. Some
part with a rifle team. A Civil Pilot Training Corps students were drawn to the idea that extreme nation-
was established on campus with ten men and two alism had contributed to the war and that lasting
alternates receiving instruction to eventually earn peace could be achieved only through the creation of
their wings and enter the Army Air Corps. A men’s a federal world government. Under the direction of
rifle team was organized under the supervision of faculty sponsor Elizabeth Barns, an organization
ROTC instructors for the purpose of “hit [ting] the foe called Student Federalists was established in 1947.
with a blitzkreig which our enemy has invented to The group explained in a letter to The Blazer that
add our country to their long list of prey.”®^ The prox- “Student Federalists believe that the world has
imity of Joliet to nearby ammunition plants kept the become a single great community, and it will either
city on alert during the early phase of the war. In be united under law or destroyed by an atomic or bac-
January 1942, the School Board cooperated with civil teriological war.” Indeed, individual students and the
defense efforts by designating the cafeteria as an college as a whole adapted and responded to the eco-
emergency hospital. On April 24, 1942, an air raid nomic, social, ideological, and military challenges of
drill was conducted on campus. When the sirens World War lU*
began to wail, students quickly left their classes and

Students quickly moved from classrooms to basement corridors

during a 1942 air raid drill.

Civil Pilot Training Corps

members James Scofield,
Raymond Herkert, James
MacDonald, August Perino,
John Airoldi, Robert Cirasole,
Warren Armstrong, Lambert,
and Leo Fay.

In- Line "T^e^istration
Students who stood in long, slow-moving lines to classes. Six faculty advisors were appointed in 1955 |

register for classes would be envious, indeed, of to assist students in developing class schedules
today’s students who use home computers to register designed to achieve their educational goals. Over the
online. The first step in the registration process was years, the number of advisors increased in proportion |

to choose a major and select courses that fit the to college enrollment and the popularity of programs,

desired program. Prior to the mid-1950s, all students With schedule in hand, students stood in line outside
met with the college dean to make out a schedule of the college library on registration day and waited j

Georgina Smith (left) was one of the original

advisors appointed in 1955. She is pictured here
in 1 963 with Vera Smith (right), who also advised
students in the pre-education curriculum. In 1963, the business and pre-commerce programs were popular with students who
were assigned to one of the advisors seen here: Elmer Jamnik, John Birkholz, John
Corradetti, and Lola A. Emery.

Assistant deans Walter Zaida and Susan Wood are seen helping Dean
Elmer Rowley (seated) prepare materials for Station I on registration day. I

their turn to enter the door, only to wait some more. earned money. Whenever students wrote retrospec-
Snaking their way from station to station, they tives in yearbooks and other publications, they vivid-
learned lessons in patience and disappointment. ly recalled the registration ordeal and the long, inter-

Sometimes, classes were closed or canceled, and it minable lines. These reminiscences usually conclud
was necessary to revisit the advisor and start all over ed with the sentiment, “There must be a better way!”
again. What a relief to finally reach the last station,
even if it was the cashier ready to take that hard-

Students stood in line out-

side the college library and
filled out last-minute forms
while waiting their turn to
register for classes.

Year after year, little changed — except larger enrollments and longer lines.

Once inside the registration area, students slowly moved from table to table,
sometimes discovering that a class was closed or a prerequisite had not been met.

The final step in the registration ordeal was fittingly

the most painful — paying the bill.

“Who’s next? Sorry, you’re in the wrong line. You should be over there!”

‘Tarkin^ m-m

Parking problems grew steadily worse as

enrollment increased and students became
more affluent and mobile. A student-faculty
committee in 1959, for example, determined
that there were eighty-five parking spaces

available for students. The criteria estab-

lished for issuing permits gave priority to stu-

dents who commuted to classes from out-
side the district. Other factors considered
were health conditions, married students
with jobs, and service to the college. A 1964
survey found that half of the students owned
cars and drove to school. From the stu-
dents’ perspective, seemed that “No

Parking” signs were much

more plentiful than places
to park. Taking a chance
on parking illegally meant
risking a dreaded $3 ticket
or, worse yet, a towed car
and a steeper fine. The
Blazer empathized with
frustrated students, com-
plaining that there were
“cars, cars everywhere,
but not a place to park.””

During the years that JJC shared
facilities with the high school,
there was no college bookstore.
The Student Council often oper-
ated a book exchange that facili-
tated the buying and selling of
used books. Students would
drop off their books, appropriate-
lymarked with a selling price. If
the books were sold, 0 percent 1

was deducted from the seller’s

proceeds and placed in a scholar-
ship fund for a needy sophomore
student. Jim Arnold is seen here
assisting Karen Brode in 1963.
3chooL ‘Ticmc
The first social activity of the school year was the wiches, beans, potato salad, and cake was served.
annual picnic at Inwood Park. After a variety of get- Table conversation often turned to class schedules
acquainted activities and team games, such as tug-of- and the frustration of registration. The evening usu-
war, a traditional picnic dinner of barbecues, sand- ally ended with a college “mixer” or dance.

The fall picnic during registration

week was a time for students to
enjoy themselves and establish new
friendships. The young men seen
here amuse a female companion by
demonstrating various methods of
opening a soft drink without a bot-
tle opener.

Seated near to far on right, students Donna Swinford, Verna

Pretty, and Joyce Speckman shared a table with faculty member
Steve Lenich and his wife in 1961.

Playing tug-of-war at
the 1 970 picnic got a
little muddy . .

. . . really muddy!

Diane Isberg, Bev Bettenhausen, Sandy Starr, Wilma

Schuldt, and Barb Butterfield added a secret ingredient to
the beans at the 1 959 picnic.

Tocus on "Tacult^

Max Kuster explains to his students in 1963 why this Deere has
not been “running like a deer.”

In 1965, Lloyd Zimmer

shows students how to
make an adjustment in

machine shop.

Department Chair and advisor Al Racchini uses a hands-on method to teach auto shop in 1968.

In 1961, under the watchful
eye of instructor Renee
Slatton (hidden from view),
Sandy Balog, Joyce
Speckman, and Sally Booth
work on a recipe in a home
economics class.

Mrs. Barbee demonstrates

the art of sewing with a
Singer in a clothing con-
struction class in 1 966.

JjC partnered with Silver Cross

Hospital to offer general education
and science classes to student nurses.
Pictured here in 1963 are Patricia
Christensen, Sharon DePratt, and
Lareene Haas.

Members of the Social
Science Department
hold a meeting in

1942: Harry D.
Leinenweber, Glenn
Evans, Elizabeth Barns,
C. O. Burden, and
Olin McReynolds.

Erma Smith, Paul Lester,
Bruce Houseknecht, and
Catherine Wood of the
Fine Arts Department
pose for a yearbook
picture in 1948.

In 1950, child education

students Roberta
Morrissey and Estelle
Voira work with young-
sters in the new nursery
school operated byJJC as
a training center for cur-
riculum enhancement.

Catherine Adler
announces the
term paper due
date to her fresh-
man rhetoric class
in 1966.

Ted Thompson makes a point in his

rhetoric class in 1968.

In 1968, English Department Chair Robert Burke

conducts a lecture in American literature.

Art Department Chair Earl Kurtz demonstrates

his own artistic ability in 1967.

Although nude models were not yet used in 1967, the subject’s attire
reveals the lines and curves of the human body for student artists
learning to draw.

Instructor Ed Puddicombe
introduces students in his

960 physiology class to


“George” and “Henrietta,”

two models who are nothing
but bones.

Chemistry instructor Duane Converse

conducts an experiment in 1 967.

Everett Nelsen points out the internal fea-

tures of a frog’s anatomy to zoology students
Ken Bromberek and Mary Ann Lambakis.

The distinct smell of rotten eggs often


} emanated from the “department of


odors and vapors.” Peering in for a
closer look, these students are fortu-
nately wearing their safety glasses.

Sitting at his desk in 1967, math instructor Si Ellingson
answers a student’s question.

Art Wagner, Chair of the

Biological Sciences
Department, responds to a
student question in 1968.

In 1968, James Egly

consults his notes in
Economics instructor and assistant football coach
Economics 101. William Brinkman explains the principle of supply
and demand to his class in 1967.
In 1961, Elsa E. Schilling

uses records in her

German class to help

students with proper



Under the supervision of librarian Lottie

Skidmore, students use “listening posts”

in the college library to reviev^ material
for language and music classes.

Some students pre-

ferred studying out-
side the library away
from the watchful
gaze and occasional

“ssshhh” of librarian
George Fox.

The college library was remodeled from time to time to improve
lighting and expand shelf space for the growing collection. Doing
research for a class report or term paper kept some students

working right up to closing time at 9:00 p.m. Bill Cernugel con-

sults a book in the reference section, while Kaye Krohn checks
the card catalogue. There were no interlibrary loan services or
online sources available to students at this time.
I he Smoker
In 1947, The Blazer announced under the heading periodically scolded the few creatures who littered the

“Believe It or Not” that a smoking room had been room and misused the furniture and pointedly sug-
established for college students in the custodian’s gested that they “treat it as civilized people would.”®®
office. Noting that smoking had always been a very The college smoker was one of the most popular
serious offense, the article explained that the “great and controversial places on campus. It served as a
change in attitude” was due largely to the number of place to relax and socialize and to have a quick
returned servicemen on campus to whom “smoking smoke and a Coke before class. For others, it became
has become a near necessity.” Although initially a hangout and a place to play cards when “ditching”
restricted to male students, within a few years the class. School administrators kept an eye on the
“smoker” was relocated, refurnished, and opened to room, sometimes breaking up card games and
women. A TV was installed in 1955, a welcome addi- admonishing players that it was time to shuffle off to
tion to the room’s “creature comforts.” The Blazer class. When the music and noise got too loud or the ^

A smoke and a Coke, then off to class.

Seats in the smoker were often at a premium, causing some to peer

in and pass by.

Desperate times called for desperate measures — the smoker had Final exam week created anxiety and extreme nervous-
been administratively closed until further notice. ness in the smoker.

litter on the floor got too deep, the smoker would be itwas paradise complete.” The same writer noted
suddenly closed until further notice. Inevitably, stu- that when the “cough chamber” was reopened two
dents would complain. The Blazer would lecture read- days later, someone had put a sign on the window:
ers on keeping butts and Coke cups and
off the floor, “Please Do Not Feed The Animals.” In 1962, the
the Student Council would hold meetings with smoker was closed for a month, during which time a
administrators to negotiate the reopening of the survey was conducted to determine whether students
room.^'^ really wanted such a place. The result was a
A reporter for The Blazer captured the ambiance resounding 94 percent in favor of its reopening.
of the smoker prior to a temporary closing in 1961: Clearly, students in the ‘60s were not interested in a
“Through the thick white film of smoke, dim figures smoke free-campus.®**
could be seen clapping hands and beating their feet
in rhythm with the record ‘Runaround Sue.’ In short.

Topics of Conversation in the Smoker and Lounge

Year Top Tunes Maior Movies

1955 Rock Around the Clock Marty

Ain’t That AShame Mister Roberts
Love is a Many Splendored Thing The Rose Tattoo

1956 Hound Dog Around the World in 80 Days

Blue Suede Shoes The Ten Commandments
Tutti Frutti The King and I

1957 AllShook Up The Bridge on the River Kwai

Bye Bye Love Peyton Place
Wake Up Little Susie Twelve Angry Men

1958 At the Hop Gigi

Great Balls of Fire Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
All I Have to Do is Dream The Defiant Ones

1959 Mack the Knife Ben Hur

There Goes My Baby The Diary of Anne Frank
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Anatomy of a Murder

1960 ItsNow or Never The Apartment

Only The Lonely Elmer Gantry
Kathy’s Clown Psycho

1961 Moon River West Side Story

Are You Lonesome Tonight The Hustler
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow Judgment at Nuremburg

1962 I Can ’t Stop Loving You Lawrence of Arabia

The Loco-Motion The Music Man
Let’s Twist Again To Kill a Mockingbird

1963 She Loves You Tom Jones

IflHad a Hammer Cleopatra
It’s My Party How the West Was Won

1964 IWant to Hold Your Hand My Pair Lady

Walk on By Becket
Can ’t Buy Me Love Mary Poppins

1965 The Times They Are A - Changin ’

The Sound of Music

California Girls Doctor Zhivago
A Hard Day’s Night Ship of Pools

College Lounge anh Cafeteria
Originally known as the rec (recreation) room, the mise whenever there were disagreements in program I

college lounge had a different look and smell than the selection. When the TV was new and still a novelty,
smoker. It was one of the favorite places on campus there was often more “sshhing” in the lounge than in
for students to gather. Some socialized with friends, the library.®®

others did their homework at one of the tables, and Student behavior in the college lounge sometimes
still others sat quietly as spectators of student life. became an issue. Feet on the furniture and filth on
Occasionally, someone who had studied or partied the floor brought reprimands from school administra-

long into the night could be seen taking a nap. tors. room was temporarily closed
Occasionally, the
In 1952, some students campaigned to have a TV until student leaders addressed the problem.
installed in the lounge, especially since school author- Following a $4,000 renovation in 1955, students were
ities were cracking down on playing cards. The informed that now they were expected to be on their
Blazer joined the debate and wondered “whether tele- very best behavior. For several weeks, the student
vision would be damaging to the morals of the college council arranged “hosts” for the lounge to monitor its
students.” The liquor advertisements and portrayal use and to remind users that this room was a privi-
of crime on the screen might contribute to a “distort- lege and not an entitlement. The lounge was
ed code of morals,” observed the writer. Despite these described as the heart of the college socially, one of
dangers, a TV was purchased for the lounge in 1953, the first places that students looked when trying to
and then the subject turned to daytime program- locate their friends. Pictured in the top photo on
ming. What would the students watch? The choices the opposite page is the reception held to celebrate
ranged from the Arthur Godfrey Show to Ding Dong the opening of the remodeled lounge in 1955.^“
Nursery School. Students learned the art of compro-

During the early 1960s, several changes were made in the annu- awards were given and the speeches were made, Dr. Suren
algraduation ceremony. The college discontinued the practice Seron, President of the Board of Education, presented diplomas
of holding a combined ceremony with high school seniors in an to the proud graduates. Among the first to cross the stage and
outdoor setting at the stadium and began conducting separate accept the congratulations of Assistant Dean Susan Wood,
graduation exercises in the school auditorium. The new format Dean Elmer Rowley, and Dr. Seron are Carol Sue Burnham and
featured student speakers as well as prominent guests. Pictured William Ciluffo.
herein 1964 is student speaker Janice Johnson. After all the

When the college lounge was refur-
bished in some of the old furni-
ture was moved to the hallway. These
chairs became a gathering place for
“arm-chair Romeo’s,” as the Blazer
called them, to engage in “girl watching”
from the “spectator’s row.” Female
students complained that the arrange-
ment was more like Skid Row. “I think
it’s awful,” said one female student. “It’s

horrible - it’s just like going through a

line-up,” said another. After a couple of

years and growing complaints, the row

of chairs was removed.'"

Until 1959, junior college students ate in the high school cafeteria morning hours and then lunch until 1:30 p.m. Although the facili-

on the fourth floor at five reserved tables known as “JC corner.” ties were new and much appreciated, students still grumbled that
Complaints were voiced in the college paper that there was insuffi- the cooks found a thousand-and-one ways to prepare hamburger.
cient space during the busy noon hour. In the fall of 1959, a sepa- The lunch of choice for most students was barbecue on bun with
rate college cafeteria seen here was established on the second apple pie or ice cream for dessert. The new cafeteria became a
floor, where food was brought from the upstairs kitchen by heated favorite place to socialize during the morning hours or to study
carts and a dumbwaiter. Coffee and rolls were served during the while having a cup coffee.



'Tooh anb "Tun >'


Besides the smoker, lounge, and cafeteria on cam- again, t3dng up traffic and irritating school authorities. 1

pus, students often frequented nearby restaurants For several years, athletic teams playing out of

when time The “G” Shoppe, or Goodie

permitted. town ate at the White Shingle before boarding the [j

Shoppe, and the White Shingle were two favorite bus for the game. Proprietor Grace Jenkins catered

places to meet for coffee, a Coke, or lunch. Although to high school and college students from 1935 to i

the Lighthouse and Blast Furnace were primarily high 1956. The “Shingle” was the first Joliet restaurant to i'

school hangouts, they did attract some college stu- sell foot-long hot dogs and serve Hires Root Beer in

dents. People with cars had other options such as frosted mugs. Mrs. Jenkins’ ads played on her name ^

Silver Fross on East Cass Street and McDonald’s on by reminding students remember Grace before
to 1

West Jefferson Street. When the weather was nice, they ate. Standing in the way of progress, the white-
some students skipped lunch and spent the noon hour shingled building was torn down to make way for the
“cruisin.” They circled the building time and time school’s new technical building in 1957.

THE "G” SHOP Students catching a quick cup at the Shoppe.

"The Campus’ Favorite Spot”

Silver Fross Drive-In featured carhop service.

Students entering the
Blast Furnace.


Have you tried

Otto *s
Xjtto S blast furnace
1 59 NORTH EASTERN AVE. Across From High School 1

!B»fore You Eal

Remember “Grace”

CoHins and Van Buren


McDonald’s opened in 1956 on the far west side of town and became an
immediate success serving the “All-American Meal” of a hamburger (15 cents),
fries (10 cents), and shake (20 cents) for a grand total of 45 cents.

Cruising the school at noontime backed up traffic on

streets bordering the building.

Exterior view of the White Shingle.

dtu^ent £eaber$
Semester after semester and year after year, new better chance to develop leadership skills than if they
student leaders were elected as class officers and had attended large universities. Pictured here are a
members of the student council. Attending a junior few of the students elected in the 1940s, ‘50s, and ‘60s
college with limited enrollment gave students a much to lead their respective classes.

Sophomore class officers in

1941 were Grace McDowall,
secretary-treasurer; John
Barnes, president; and
Merville “Miggs” Howland,
vice president.

Officers of the 1 954

Student Council were
secretary-treasurer Jo
Almsay, president Ed
Esier, and vice presi-
dent Bob Fraser.

Jim Arnold (president),

Janet Tozzi (secretary),
and Jim Morris (vice
president) served as
officers of the fresh-
man class in 1962.


“Leaders are made, not born,” declared Dr. Del
Kinney at the annual Leadership Conference in

1963. Attended by class officers, student council

members, and officers of various clubs, JJC stu-

dents spent an October weekend at George

Williams College Camp in Lake Geneva,
Wisconsin. Kinney led the students in analyzing
the college and understanding their role as student
leaders. They learned how to plan and conduct
meetings and practiced various problem-solving
techniques. Assistant Dean Walter Zaida is seen
here distributing materials at the opening session.

Leaders of the 1963 freshman class were president

Russ Wunderlich, secretary-treasurer Mary Ann
Ross, and vice president Jack Mork.

Organized in 1 948 by the students pictured here.

Students of Medical Science was one of the most
active clubs on campus. Under the direction of
faculty sponsor Ed Puddicombe, SMS watched
films, heard guest speakers, and took numerous
field trips to regional hospitals and professional
schools. Students were occasionally permitted to
observe surgeries, sometimes performed by JJC
graduates in the medical profession. One of the
longest trips taken by the club was to Mayo Clinic
in Rochester, Minnesota, in 1966. Also, in a joint
effort with the college Adult Education Office, SMS
co-sponsored the popular program Your Doctor
Speaks. Original club members are pictured.
Front: John Coady, John Bedesky, Mark Meers,
Bob Riffel, and Ralph Deuschman. Back: Gus
Samios, Jim Blackburn, Jack Briick, John Klocke,
and Art Wilhelmi.

During the 1 950s, the Veteran’s Club
became one of the largest on campus
as Korean War vets returned to col-
lege. The club sponsored an annual

Christmas project collecting food and

toys for needy families in the area.
Members are pictured here in 1 957.
Front: Ronald Goldenstern, Harold
Swinford, Richard Kittrell, Ted Zuck,
Willard Curtis, John Mahan, Ronald
Ludeman, Willard Prynn. Middle:
joe Remko, Merle Drew, Richard
Maske, George Economides, Robert
McIntyre, jack Albert, Matthew
Picciolo, Edward Back:

James Slobodnik, Paul Belin, Carl

Batson, Harry Woodhouse, LaVerne

Kastman, Gil Nicoll, Dallas Munter,
Lou Vargas, Matt Racich.
The Motor Sports Club encouraged the ownership and
appreciation of motor-sports vehicles. The club held
rallies, planned speed and distance contests, and
attended auto shows and races. Pictured here are
members in 1964. Front: Bill Piner, Mike Lenich, Ken
King, and Ray Friday. Back: Jim Wellman, Roger
Tracy, jack Wicke, Chuck Marshall, jerry Frattini, Phil
Bjekich, Lee Bettenhausen, Ron Smego, Milton
Sheffield, Al Zanzola, and Al Chesko.

The Spanish Club, pictured here in 966, was orga-


nized to promote the study and appreciation of the

Spanish language and culture. Front: Sylvia Ponce,
Pam Scriber, Marge Sauer, Flip jerzycke, and faculty
sponsor Duke Hornvale. Back: Charles Meyer,
Dave Kramer, and Tom Newberry.

The Camera Club was a fairly new organization in 1943 when members
were photographed here examining a camera used to take pictures for the
Stop the presses! Scores of junior college students yearbook. Students learned darkroom techniques necessary for developing

gained valuable experience over the years as members film and printing photographs. The only requirements for membership

of the Press Club. Writing, editing, and publishing were an interest in taking pictures and the ability to work in the dark.
skills were developed and sharpened as students met Seated: Leona Braman, Florence Hojnacki, and Milton Lewis. Standing:
deadlines and produced a variety of publications Robert Markelz, Franklin Sidell, and Connors.
including The Blazer, Shield, College Casuals, and “The
Wolf Call,” a weekly column in local newspapers.
Officers of the 1 965 Press Club were vice president
Maribeth Sullivan, president Joe Baltz, and secretary-
treasurer Norma Barone

Organized in the mid- 940s, the Engineer’s Club was

1 composed Edward Sparks, Henry Frieh, Joyce Potter, Judy Sanders, Val
of students interested in learning about the engineering profes- Spreitzer, Palmer Kloster, Phil Egizio. Middle: Andrew
sion. Under the guidance of faculty sponsor Drew Castle, the Prophet, Gordon Fabian, James Krizmanic, Joseph Dezelan,
club watched educational movies, heard guest speakers, and Henry Atkinson, Drew Castle (faculty sponsor), James St.
went on field trips to regional companies. The 1956 club pic- Germain. Back: Jesse Roa, Roger Geske, Robert Davis, Krakar,
tured here was the first to have female members. Front: Richard Barklow, Jim Yakich, William Verd.

Members of the 1965 Chess
Club study their next moves
as they try to out-strategize
their opponents. The club
was organized to promote
the game and to make
matches available to chess

Composed of both high school and junior college students, the

FDA (Future Distributors of America) Club was limited to those
enrolled in distributive education classes. Students attended classes
in the morning and worked in local businesses in the afternoon.
They were wages for the hours they worked and
paid regular
received credit for their time both in class and on the job.
Distributive Education Coordinator Duane Kirchoff served as
FDA Club sponsor. Seated: Chris Dragatsis, Joyce Bauch, Elsie
Shaubel, Darlene Reece, Marilyn Chesko, Betty Peart, and Lorraine
Tezak. Standing: Wayne Massey, Andy Orsini, Don Beno, Wally
Sharp, Richard Rachick, Jim Gillette, and sponsor Duane Kirchoff.

The Associated Business Students, or the Business Club as elected officers. Pictured here are club members in 1961.
it was generally known, met once a month and welcomed Front: Faculty sponsor John Corradetti, Leslie Yunker, Fred
all students interested in pursuing business careers. Men Baldazzi, Mary Ann Lambakis, Doris Hareld, Janice Whitler,
and women from the business world often attended club Janet Judnick, Lynn Herbst, Jim Benson, and Jim Norris.
meetings and shared information on the requirements and Back: Chuck Allen, Dennis Taylor, Jim McGuire, Steve
opportunities in their chosen fields. The social highlight of Kochevar, Lou Marello, Rich Eyrich, Dave Kettwig, Bob
the year was a spring banquet climaxed by the presentation Becker, Bill Laken, Jim Troutman, and Richard Butterbach.
of awards and scholarships and the announcement of newly

In February 1966, the Social Science Club

sponsored a program in observance of

Brotherhood Week featuring Rabbi Morris
M. Hershman of the Joliet Jewish
Congregation (pictured here) and Father
Epple, Chaplain of Lewis College. In speaking
on “The Implementation of Brotherhood,”
Rabbi Hershman stated that “we must come
to a realization that our world and nations
are made up of minorities, and all have
something to contribute. Everyone has
something to contribute to society.” At its
monthly meetings, club members discussed
such topics as the conflict in Vietnam, the
Civil Rights Acts of 964 and 1 965, and 1

social change in America.''^

In 1961, the teacher education program began
the practice of placing sophomore students in

nearby elementary and high schools to gain a

practical understanding of the teaching-learning

process. Students observed cooperating teach-

ers at work and then met once a week with
their college instructor to share and discuss
their experiences. These discussions of best
teaching practices often carried over into meet-
ings of the Student Education Association, the
student club for future teachers. Several
sophomores are seen here leaving campus to
observe classes in 1963: Rosemarie Varju, John
Bertino, Sandy Brown, Sue Manner, Marilyn
Simonetti, Lucile Allen, Rita Roy, Carolyn
Schaeffer, Rose Bennett, and Clyde Andrews.

In 1 95 1
Joliet junior
College celebrated
its Golden
Anniversary with a
banquet. Addressing
the attendees, who
came from all over
the country, is for-
mer Superintendent
Roosevelt Basler.
Seated on his right is

Dean Elmer Rowley,

and on his left is

Assistant Dean
Susan Wood. Next
to Miss Wood is Dr.
Jesse Bogue,
Executive Secretary
of the American
Association of Junior
Colleges. To his left

is Mrs. Bonar and

Hugh Bonar.
Included in the pro-
gram were reminis-
cences of retired
faculty members and
a roll call by classes.
Many former teach-
ers and students
who could not
attend sent letters
of greeting.
In January 1953, the XI chapter of Sigma Mu Sigma
Fraternity was chartered at JJC, the first four-year
fraternity organized on a community college cam-
pus. Sigma Mu Sigma was a general social fraterni-
ty established to promote fellowship among mem-

bers, service to community, and reverence for

God. Faculty sponsors were Almond Fairfield and
John Schneider, both of whom were national offi-

cers of the fraternity. Charter members initially

constructed a chapter room in Mr. Fairfield’s base-

ment, but eventually acquired a house at 108
Richards Street. The fraternity “rushed” pledges,

initiated new members, and planned a variety of

social activities. In November 1955, Orrie Seron

was chosen as the group’s first “Sweetheart of

Sigma Mu.” Superintendent Bonar informed the
School Board in June 1 958 that a legal opinion held
that fraternities and sororities could not legally
exist on junior college campuses. The Board
immediately passed a resolution declaring that stu-
dents connected in any way with such organiza-
tionswould be immediately expelled from school.
Pictured here in 954 are officers of Sigma Mu

Sigma. Seated: Dave Mraz, treasurer; Bob

Fraser, president; Jack Shaw, junior vice president.
Standing: Jerry Algeo, guard; Don Thornburg,
senior vice president; Joe Kuhar, secretary.

In1966, Dean Elmer

Rowley prepares to open
I the Bulletin Board to
install a new sign stating
that JJC is America’s old-
est public junior college.
Assisting and observing
with approval are Petra
Ziegner (holding sign),

Ken Bazaar, Judy Lutz,

and Assistant Dean
Robert Mitchell.
Recognizing the importance of school activities in involvement. Although jobs and family commitments
the overall learning experience, Joliet Junior College leave little some students, those who are
free time for
has historically offered its students opportunities for able to participate in campus activities maximize
involvement in cluhs, special programs, and social their college experience and often learn lessons not
events. Students are encouraged to participate fully taught in class.

in campus life but are free to choose their level of

In the fall of 1 947, the college

In October 1952, Senator William
began broadcasting biweekly pro-
Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat,
and Governor Val Peterson, a
grams on WJOL radio. The format
was broad enough to include
Nebraska Republican, squared off
musical performances, discussions,
in the school auditorium to dis-
dramatizations, and interpretive
cuss the 1952 presidential candi-
readings by students and staff. Miss
dates. The two politicians were in
Erma Smith, a new speech and
Joliet as participants in “America’s
English instructor, served as faculty
Town Meeting of the Air,” a pro-
sponsor and helped students polish
gram sponsored locally byJJCs
their scripts and showcase their
“World Today” series. Fulbright
and Peterson discussed the differ-
talent. Pictured here are Jimmy
Scheppach, Mary Ellen Scheppach,
ences between General Dwight D.
Henry Simpson, Noblitt, Ted Berst,
Eisenhower and Governor Adlai E.
and Ronald Cook.
Stevenson and expressed sharp
disagreement over which candi-
date would make the better presi-
dent. The program filled the audi-
torium and was also broadcast by
ABC. Pictured here on stage are OF THE AIR
Assistant Dean Susan Wood,

Governor Val Peterson, Dr.

Orville Hitchcock (moderator), DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT


The annual ski trip

between semesters gave

both experienced skiers
and those new to the sport
an opportunity to hit the
slopes. Pictured here in

1958 are JJC “schuss-

boomers” at Ishpeming,
Michigan, with faculty spon-
sor Eugene Bondar (kneel-
ing with glasses).

In 1946, a Men’s Glee Club was organized with twenty-

five members. Director Paul Lester met with the
group twice a week for practice. Whenever special
music was needed at school assemblies or civic gather-
ings, the Glee Club was ready to perform.

Planning the annual ski trip and sharing survival

stories later were almost as much fun as the
downhill runs. Pictured here at a 1963 planning
session with a sign reading “Mt. Telemark or
Bust!!!” are Karen Behling, Alex Francois, and
Barbara Johnson in front and Aija Jekabsons, Lynn
Mauer, and Jim Lois in back.

In 1965, Ron Jugenitz recounts the ordeal of how

he “busted” his ski — but fortunately not his leg.

1 Looking on are Melanie Berta, Jan Hanley, Paul


Spittal, and Joy Nembic.


Over the years, numer-
ous entertainers and
nationally known speak-
ers have appeared on
campus. One of the
most memorable humor-
ous programs was pre-
sented by the Smothers
Brothers in 1963. Lacing
songs with satire, Tom
and Dick Smothers
delighted the huge
crowd with their sibling
rivalry and Tom’s wacky

jibes and comments.

Roller skating parties were especially

popular in the 1940s and ‘50s. Here, in

1957, John Racich manages to remain

upright with alittle assistance from

Eugene “jug” Matesi while Fred Norton Choir performances in 1949 fea-
appears to be an experienced skater as tured the duet of Bill Rutter and
he overtakes the unsteady pair. Elaine Ott with Phyllis Hedstrom

Meanwhile, Everett “Sparky” Hauck has at the piano. The three musicians
made an unscheduled landing on the provided entertainment at the
hardwood. Their facial expressions and annual Junior College Conference
body language reveal the challenge and with such popular love songs as
enjoyment of partying on wheels. “Wanting You” and “Love Me
Tonight.” According to The
Blazer, Rutter’s linen-like notes
were a real hit with college
women in the audience."*^

The JC Players entertained
appreciative audiences over
the years while learning the
art and craft of acting.
Under the direction of
Robert Mallary, the Players
presented the three-act play
The Angry Twelve. Seen here
rehearsing in 1 958 are
Dolores Pagliei, Marie
Chalstrom, James Padley,
Lester Nelson, David Imig,
Richard Wilhelmi, Genevieve
Coulson, Allen McGowan,
Wayne Barnett, Guy Sell,

and Mary Ann Milner.

First organized in 1946 by Jack Hinton and then reorganized in 1949

by Dr. Hal Dellinger, the swing band drew musicians from the rich
pool of talent in the Joliet area. The band played at a variety of
school assemblies, dances, sporting events, and community functions.
Together with the college choir, the swing band annually toured area
high schools. Members are pictured here in 1950. First Row: Jack
Meyer, Glenn Young, Mary Armstrong, Zoe Ann Schneiter, Joseph
Lazzaro, Joan Briick. Second Row: Richard Comer, Donald
Kramer, Charles Ursitti, Doris Kahn, Fred McGuire, Herman Kuntz.
Third Row: Robert Riffel, John Howard. Fourth Row: Dr. Hal
Dellinger, Sandro Brandolino, Angelo Principali, Tom Winterstein.

The JJC Choir in 1 963 boasted fifty-five voices under the direction of Dellinger. Second Row: Joan Dawson, Judy Crackel, Martha
Dr. Hal Dellinger. During the fall, the choir joined the swing band on Huxtable, Judy Neutzman, Barbara Dorn, Beverly Startz, Linda
a tour of area high schools to entertain and recruit students. The Sandbloom, Grace Bachman, Joan Gustafson, Barbara Almberg, Penny
Christmas season found the choir presenting holiday programs to Gregory. Third Row: Phillip Kaveny, Noble Allen, Joseph Kociuba,
civic and social groups. The major event of the year was the annual Phillip Pellouchoud, David Chelini, Dwight Ferryance, Thom Barber,
spring musical, which featured various soloists and ensembles. John Rice, Vincent Gelsomino, Frank Gutierrez, Clyde Andrews.
First Row: Michele Tinder, Sue Manner, Lila Kenyon, Judy Schempf, Fourth Row: Donald Young, Jerry Jackson, Randy Sala, Bob Cary,
Addie Withers, Diane Ball, Barbara Johnson, Karyn Chizmark, Vicky Kenneth Palmer, Larry Peet, Russell Wunderlich, Ronald Silc, William
Smith, Charlene Potter, Lynn Spencer, Sharon Maitland, Dr. Hal Holt, Arthur Kureghian, Joseph Maielli.

^We Couth ‘HaVe 'X)anceh ^it
Although several generations of students have the room, prepare refreshments, and attend to all the
attended Joliet Junior College, one constant over the details that ensure a successful event. Some dances
years has been the planning and enjoyment of dances. have been casual and others formal. They have been
Music and dance steps have evolved and changed, but called mixers, hops, swings, and stomps. Dances were
the fun and excitement sometimes held to observe special
of going to a dance with events like homecoming or New
someone special have Year’s Eve,and often queens were
remained the same. elected and crowned. Indeed,
Planning committees throughout the years, dances
have worked long and have been the mainstay of the col-
hard to select a theme, lege social calendar.
choose a band, decorate


During the 1940s, brooms

with horses’ heads were
commonplace at mixers and Decorating for dances often included
casual dances. If a man on interesting props for taking pictures. In
the side wanted to cut in, he keeping with the theme “The Gay
would dance out on the Nineties,” the 1943 Fall Formal featured
floor with a horse-head a surrey with fringe on top. Posing for a
broom and hand it to a group photograph are Ruth Markel,
woman’s partner. The Richard Sokatch, Lois Damen, and
recipient of the broom was Donald Wilhelmi.
obliged to waltz off with his
new horse-head partner and
permit the cut to occur.

Opposite page: The committee

pictured here planned the Fall Formal
There were always the mystei*y and
in 1966 with the theme “Noche de
excitement of the unknown when
Fantasia.” Roy Gordon’s Orchestra
attending a box lunch social. Female
furnished the music for the dance,
students fixed the food, packed the
which was held at D’Amico’s 214 (now
unmarked boxes, and waited in sus-
the City Center Campus). A highlight
pense for theirs to be auctioned.
of the evening was the crowning of the
The young men seen here in 1943
yearbook queen, “Miss Shield.”
were just as anxious to discover
Serving on the planning committee
whether good food and a fun dinner
were Susan Rose Jovanovich,
partner awaited their winning bid.
Petra Ziegner,Audrey Hornvale, Gary
Nelson, Rena Wheeler, Barbara
Kochevar, and Cindy Ringo.
Faculty members and school adminis-
Announcing the yearbook trators attended dances as sponsors
queen and crowning the new and chaperones. Perhaps a line of
“Miss Shield” was the high- chaperones like the one pictured here
light of the annual Fall Formal. at the 1958 Spring Formal inspired
“Mediterranean Moonlight,” “Varsity” to pen the poem that
the theme of the 1967 dance, appeared in The Blazer:
set a romantic mood for the Gather your kisses while you may.
crowning of Nancy Myers. For time brings only sorrow.
Placing the crown on her The girls who are so free today,
head is Marlene Samios, a for- Are the chaperones of tomorrow."^
mer beauty queen herself.
The new queen had the
honor of leading the next
dance to the applause of her
friends and the music of Roy
Gordon’s Orchestra.

Decorating the gym for a dance required hours of work

in constructing a false ceiling of crepe paper. Pictured
here in 1955 is the grand march at the Winter Formal.

New Year’s Eve was
often celebrated at a
college dance. JJC
students in 1961 are
in a festive mood as
they usher in the
New Year.

“Gettin’ on down” at a college dance took on new


meaning in 1962 when this couple won the twist con-

test. A on
Blazer reporter interviewed several people
campus to see what they thought of the new dance.
Responses ranged from enthusiastic support
expressed by some students to instructor Harry
Leinenweber’s comment; “I don’t think much of it as
a dance.” One person wondered how the twist
would affect one’s back.''^

Several well-
known musicians
and bands per-
formed at junior
college dances,
including Roy FALL FORMAL
Gordon, Stan
Kenton, Sammy Kaye, Si Zentner, and Louis “Satchmo”
Armstrong. America’s ambassador of jazz, Louie
Armstrong, performed in 1 958 at the Fall Formal. The
gym was decorated with a false ceiling and silhouettes of
jazz musicians covering the walls. Several couples are
seen here enjoying refreshments during intermission.

3a}>Le 4iaWkin$ ^Wce4
Beginning in 1960 and lasting into the 1970s, JJC by driving on dates, opening doors, helping with
annually observed TWIRP Week with a full schedule coats, carrying books, and paying for food and enter-
of SadieHawkins activities. For those new to the tainment. Coupled with Sadie Hawkins activities,
concept, The Blazer explained to students that TWIRP Week had a definite hill-country flavor.
TWIRP meant “The Woman Is Requested To Pay.” Based on the comic strip “LiP Abner,” Sadie
Female students were expected to reverse roles and Hawkins Day was a time in Dogpatch when wily and
take the lead in dating and showing deference to men aggressive women had a chance to catch a husband.

Dressed for Sadie Hawkins

Week in 1962 are Penny
Wills, Sandy Celeznik,
Leona Wicburg, Sue
Grimpe, Diane Lockwood,
and Sally Wohlgemuth.

Sporting beards, guns, jugs,

and Dogpatch hats, these
Lil’ Abner look-alikes are
ready for the hoedown:
Robert Querio, Robert
Sandberg, Andy Kotowicz,
Neal MacDonald, David
Warthen, and Tom Kienlen.

Carrying out the tradition of

TWIRP Week, Barb Merrell,
Melanie Schroeder, and
Bertha Schultz carry books
for Larry Kienlen, Ralph
Alderman, and Neal
Daisy Mae and Lil’ Abner outfits were proper attire at scrawniest beards. At some point in the evening, the
the week’s activities. Pigtails on women, beards on room was usually darkened, and women armed with
men, clothes with patches, and tattered overalls were flashlights searched for their man to haul off to
commonplace. The culminating event on Friday night Marryin’ Sam. For a few years during the 1970s, a
was the Sadie Hawkins Dance to which women invited Daisy Mae bikini contest was added to the festivities.
their dates. Prizes were awarded to the worst-dressed Changing times and social sensibilities brought an end
couple and to the men with the longest, shortest, and to TWIRP Week and Sadie Hawkins activities.'*®

Contestants in the Dogpatch bikini con-

test in 1971 were Sandy Adams, Cheryl
Foster, Debbie Gilbert, Jane Hritz,
Maureen Kennedy, Cherie Long, Joanne
Masek, and Kathy Remus.

Debbie Gilbert was

the winner.

<Homecomm^ ‘AVeekenh
Joliet Junior College held its first Homecoming ing halls and covering walls. At the bonfire on Friday
Weekend in 1955, more than fifty years after its night, coaches introduced members of the football
founding. For several years, the festivities followed a team, and the Student Council president announced
similar format. College clubs and organizations the king and queen. Often spontaneous, but some-
homecoming king and queen
selected candidates for times planned, a snake dance moved the fun-filled
and began campaigning with signs and banners drap- gathering from the embers of the fire to the grand-

Huge eye-catching banners spanning hallways were a

homecoming royalty
sure sign that campaigning for
was underway. Supporters of each candidate tried
to outdo the others in capturing the attention of Campaigning ended, and it was time to vote. Barring a
passing students. lengthy recount, the king and queen were announced at
the bonfire pep rally on Friday night.

Standing next to a roaring I

fire in 1 956, the coach

introduced his players and j

thanked the students for

their support. Somehow,
victory seemed certain at
a homecoming bonfire. i|

stand where cheerleaders held a pep rally. The were introduced, and the floats circled the stadium.
evening usually ended with a casual party or mixer. Judges then announced the winning entries, usually
On Saturday morning, cluh members frantically in several categories. Following the game.
put the finishing touches on their floats in prepara- Homecoming Weekend ended with a dance and, if all
tion for the parade and motorcade to the stadium. At went well, a victory celebration.
half time of the foothall game, the king and queen

Students hammered,
sawed, painted, and
stuffed chicken wire with
thousands of napkins as
they worked feverishly

to finish homecoming
floats in time for the big
parade. The task of
creating a prize-winning
float required both con-
sultants and builders.
Pictured here at work
on their entry in 1957
are Kaye Powell, Thurm
Bolerjack, Sharon

Hutchins, Nancy Ahrens,

Carole Sue Johnson, Judy
Led by mascot Wily
Speckman, Carole Fris,
Wolf and cheerleaders
and Bobbie Smith.
in 1 968, a snake dance
begins to wind its way
from the dying bonfire
to a rousing pep rally.

Frozen in time by the

click of a camera,
students at a pep rally

in 1957 appear to be
enjoying themselves.

The first homecoming
queen and her court are
leading the parade to the
stadium in 1955: Connie
Robinson, Dolores Davis,
Madeline Martin, Queen
Phyllis Olivo, Gerry Scaccia,

Jo Sigwalt, Judy Lukanich.

The Booster Club fioat in

1955 proclaims “Wolves on
the Warpath” and “Pierce
Thornton.” Riding atop the
float are cheerleaders
Bonnie Reid, Georgiana
Dodge, Sue Montgomery,
and Robert Johnson.

In keeping with the image

of their club. Students of
Medical Science (SMS)
portray Thornton, JJCs
homecoming opponent in
1955, as a hopeless patient
with a variety of problems.

The Cultural Cinema
Club entered the 1 967
homecoming motorcade
sporting Hollywood
shades and a movie
camera prop.

JJC mascot Wily Wolf

sometimes showed a
softer side when tender-
ly consoling a cheer-
leader after a heart-
breaking loss. However,
on other occasions, it
was abundantly clear
that underneath it all

Wily was really a wolf in

wolfs clothing.

d^otli^ht on 3ports
Throughout the years, many outstanding athletes just a few of the many students who deserve recogni-
and championship teams have donned purple and tion for their excellent play and the acclaim they
white and performed exceptionally well for JJC. achieved for the college. Many of these athletes
Given the constraints of limited space and available transferred into senior institutions and continued to
photographs, the athletes pictured here represent perform at a very high level.


Responding to growing community

interest reflected in a petition contain-
ing 22,000 signatures, the Joliet Park
Board began to seriously consider the
construction of a stadium in the late
1940s. JJC students joined the drive
to have a stadium built. A Blazer
reporter in 1947 polled students and
staff for their ideas on where the sta-

dium should be built. Several suggest-

ed that it should be within walking dis-

tance of the school. Others thought

that the proposed location on the far
west side of Joliet near Inwood Golf
Course would provide plenty of space
far away from traffic jams."'^
The Joliet Park Board settled on
the Inwood site and began construc-
tion in 1950. The new 0,000-seat sta- 1

dium was completed in 1951 in time

for JJC to move its football schedule
from Richards Street Field to the new
facility. Playing in a large stadium with
towering lights added to the players’
excitement. The press booth, camera
deck, public address system, lighted
scoreboard, and concession stands
were amenities that added to the com-
fort and enjoyment of reporters and
fans. With Inwood Golf Course and
the airport runway in the background,
this aerial view of Joliet Memorial
Stadium shows that its location on
West Jefferson Street was removed
from city congestion in the 1 950s.

JJC fielded its first football team in the fall of 1951. Spearheaded by the Student Council in 1 950,
students voted to discontinue publishing a traditional yearbook and to use the allotted funds to
start a football program. The School Board approved the plan and appointed Herm Walser and
Roy Carlson to recruit and coach the team. Playing with secondhand equipment, the team
turned in a first class performance. Surprisingly, the squad compiled a season record of 7 wins
and I loss. Even more remarkably, five players were named to the Junior College All-Star Team:
quarterback John Bourg (No. 36), end Bob Brophy (No. 35), guard Matt Connors (No. 40), tackle
Jack Ostrem (No. 37), and guard Tom Winterstein (No. 33). At the end of the season, the team
was invited to California to play in the “Little Rose Bowl,” where it was defeated by a more expe-
rienced squad from Compton, California.

Joe Mussario won All-American
honors in 1957 and was the
team’s leading rusher two years
in a row with an average of 6.6 Playing guard and serving as team captain, joe
Flanked by teammates on the side-
yards per carry. Gariboldi was named to two All-American lines, offensive end Ed Matesevac
teams in 1958.
(No. 47) won All-American honors
in I960.

Grinding out tough yards.

Jack Dinoffri led confer-
ence fullbacks in rushing
and was named to the All-

American team in I960.

Coach Gil Bell congratulates

Vern Voss on being named to

the 1963 All-American football
team. Voss was a standout at
defensive end and offensive
guard. When Bell needed a full-

back late in the season, Voss

took over the position for his

injured teammate and averaged

6.2 yards per carry. Vern was
also an outstanding wrestler for
two years.

Vern Voss blocks an opponent to

clear the way for a long gain

Coaches cautioned players
was no
that a sloppy field
excuse for sloppy play.

Pictured here in 1962 are Dan

LeGrand (No. 45) and Ken
Pellegrini (No. 40) taking a
break from playing in the mud.

Helping an injured player from the field

was almost as painful for a coach as the
Winning All-American player. Here Gil Bell (right) assists Joe
honors in 1965, line- Smyder (center) to the sidelines.
backer Mike LeGrand
(No. 53) is seen here
waiting for the ball to
be snapped.

The 1940-41 basketball team posted an impres-
sive 27-5 record and won the junior college
state title. Wolves’ pivot man Joe Blum was
named to the All-State Team. Sitting:
Gordon Graham, David Webb, William Smith,
Harvey Vollmer, Coach A. A. Wills. Kneeling:
Joseph Blum, Al Waznis. Standing: George
Shepley, Arthur Rimmke, Russell Stevens,
Robert Spangler, Richard Pearson.

Under Coach James Rickhoff,

Tony Gutierrez helped lead the
Wolves to a state championship in

1946 with his accurate shooting

and all-around excellent floor play.

In 1 950, Joliet was selected to host the state

basketball tournament. The JJC squad easily
defeated its first two opponents to move into
the championship game. With the score
knotted at 49 with 10 seconds remaining,
team captain Tom Williams hit a jump shot to
win the game and thrill the huge crowd of
hometown fans. The team ended the season
with 28 wins and 5 losses. Kneeling: Rich
Juricic, Bob McEvilly, Jack Major, Carl Adams,
Al Denovellis. Standing: Charles Book
(team manager), Tom Williams, Moose
Broadrick, Jim Fagan, Bob Whyte, Bill
Mooney, Rudy Skul, Coach A. A. Wills.

^31 M

W ^ i
J Although the
much height,

956-57 team did not possess
ran the ball well and generated
a lot of offense. In eleven of its thirty-two
games, the JJC squad scored over 100 points.
Bill Tuffli, a 6’2” forward, was the fifth highest

scorer in the nation with a 26-point average

per game. Kneeling: Spiro Bruskas (team
manager), Ray Chaloka, Don Flatt, Bill Tuffli,

Jim Sparlin. Standing: Ted James, Jim Miller,

Tom Broderick, Gil Nicoll, Matt Vigliocco,

Rick Anderson, and Coach A. A. Wills.

During the late 1 950s and early ‘60s, JJC
traveled by bus to Binghamton, New
York, to compete in theBroome Tech
Holiday Tournament. Team members
are all smiles as they prepare to leave
Joliet in 1958. After winning first place,

the ride home was even more enjoy-

able. L-R: Tom Phelps, jack McCarthy,
Harry Ayers, joe Pasavento, Coach A.
A. Wills, Ken Norton, Larry
Voss, and Ken Barone.

Joliet took second place in the Broome Tech Tournament in 1959. Coach
For many years John Corradetti was a famil- Wills seen here posing with the team trophy and two JJC players who were

iar sight selling tickets at basketball games. named to the tournament All-Star Team, joe Pesavento (left) and Bill Sparlin
(right). Sparlin was the squad’s overall leading scorer both years that he played
and was awarded third team All-American honors for the 1960-61 season.

For two years, the pivot position

was played by 6’ ” T ed James.

Although much shorter than oppos-

ing centers, James’ quick moves
under the basket made him one of
the most effective players in the
conference. During the 1957-58
season, Ted scored 596 points,
including an amazing 50 free throws
in a row. With no apparent place
to go, Ted James (No. 27) is about
to split the defenders and head for
the basket.

Athletic trainer Jim Catarello is seen
taping the ankle of Jerry Widlowski in

1961 while other players wait their

turns. “Cat’s” humor and wry wit, as
well as his expert care, made him popu-
lar with athletes over the years. He was
honored in 1964 by being selected to
attend the Olympic Games in Tokyo as
a trainer.
Other ailments might require a visit
to the school nurse. Unlike Trainer
Catarello, Nurse Ruthenbeck’s powers
reached beyond the art of healing to
excusing students from class. Some ath-
letes got to know her very well.

Converse All
Starswere the
shoes of
choice in the
1 950s and ‘60s
One of the most popular and exciting players to watch in the early
1960s was the diminutive Charlie Brown. An exceptional ball han-
dler and an accurate shooter. Brown led the team in 1 962 in every
statistic except rebounding. During his two years at JJC, he won
several all-conference, all-tournament, andmost valuable player
honors. Hampered by a lack of size for many years. Coach Wills
was pleased to welcome 6’ 0” Dwight Toland to the team in 962.
1 1

Pictured here in the college yearbook, Toland towers over team-

mate Brown.

Marv Evans is about to sink another free throw. During the 1966-67
season, the sharp-shooting guard scored a team record 50 points in a
single game.

In 1 965, the Wolves captured sixth

place in the national tournament

and were led by Willie Boyce and
Tom Moran with 22.3 and 20.
scoring averages respectively. The
previous year, Boyce broke the
team’s single season scoring record
with 759 points even though he
was usually double-teamed or
guarded by the opponent’s best
defensive player. Boyce and Moran
accumulated a number of all-tour-

nament, all conference, and

most valuable player awards.
Willie’s outstanding career at

JJC was capped off with an

All-American Team honorable
mention in 1965. He is pic-
tured here in a familiar pose,
shooting his deadly jump shot.

The end of the 966-67 1 bas- later on the new college campus was named in Coach Wills’ honor.''®
ketball season brought the Following his retirement from teaching and coaching. Wills ran
long coaching career of Aubrey A. “Fizz” Wills to a close. The week for several public offices. He was elected to serve on both the JJC
of February 13-18 was celebrated on campus as Wills Week. Board of Trustees and the Joliet Park District Board. In 1965, he
Looking back over his thirty-nine years at the high school and college. was narrowly defeated in the mayoral election for the City of Joliet.
Wills said, “I hate to see it end.” During that time, he compiled an Wills was honored on May I, 1976, when he was recognized as the
impressive record of 668 victories and 98 losses. His most success-
1 nation’s winningest community college basketball coach and induct-
ful team was the 1 95 -52 squad with a 27-2 record; his last team in
ed into the Illinois Basketball Hall of Fame. His name also appears
1 966-67 was the least successful with 1 5 wins and 1 1 losses. Wills is with that of Floyd “Pop” Wagstaff of Tyler, Texas, on the trophy -
pictured here reflecting on his many years of prowling the sidelines the Wills-Wagstaff Trophy — presented annually to the most valu-
and celebrating victories. Fittingly, the gymnasium built a few years able player in national junior college basketball."'®


After a thirteen-year
dry spell, the 1948
baseball team won
the conference title.

baseman Frank

Gabrys led the team

with a .458 batting
average. Gabrys
went on to play in
the Chicago White
Sox farm system but
had his career cut
short by an injury.

Front: Glenn
Schultz, Richard
Williams, Jack
Kostelz, Clair Moore,
Patrick Cleary, Daniel
Thom. Back: Gene
Stevens, Edward
Smith, Coach A. A.
Wills, Frank Gabrys,
Keith Staats.

The baseball team

had an excellent sea-
son in 1965, winning
conference and state
titles and finishing
second in the North
Central States
Tournament in Iowa.
Front: Robert Hill,

John Paul, Earl

Maxwell, Harold
John Killian.

Middle: Robert
Fitzer, Michael
O’Brien, John
Weilgosz, Robert
Keefer, Robert
Rocks. Back:
Thomas Kosmerl,
John Mackender,
Coach Gil Bell, Peter
Fulton, Bernie Valek,
Jerry Klover.

In 1961, several athletes
approached Athletic Director
Herman Walser with the
request to reinstate a
wrestling program at JJC. The
following year, John Swalec
was hired from Oak Lawn
High School, where he had
been a very successful
wrestling coach. A schedule
was established for the 1 962-63
season, and a team was assem-
bled. Here Coach Swalec

works with John Young in

improving his sit-out tech-
nique. The new team closed
the season with an impressive
2- 1 record and established
thegroundwork for Joliet to
become a wrestling power-
house during the 1 960s.

In its second year, 1 963-64, the wrestling team was unde-

feated in dual meets and tied for first place at the National

Junior College Wrestling Tournament in Worthington,

Minnesota. Bob Furlan and Milt Thomas capped perfect
seasons by winning national championships. Wrestling at
137 pounds, Furlan was 19-0 and pinned his opponents in

13 matches. Thomas had 18 pins in compiling a 20-0

record. Kneeling: Jesse Edwards, Marty Clegg, Sam Epps,
Bob Furlan, Milt Thomas. Standing: Rod Landorf, Ray
Matesevac, Ted Lincoln, Vern Voss, John Manner.

In 1 964 Coach Swalec

left JJC, but the team
continued its winning
ways under Henry
Pillard. By the time

Pillard (pictured here)

temporarily handed the
reins to his successor in

1 968, the team enjoyed a

winning streak of sixty
consecutive victories,
dating back to March
1 964, and had won five

consecutive conference
titles. Pillard returned in

1970 and coached the

squad for the next
fifteen years.

Bob Furlan, Milt Thomas

National Champ National Champ
The facial expressions and body language of Coach
Pillard and the team suggest that a Joliet wrestler From 964-66, Wayne

is about to pin his opponent and add to the score. Watson led the team to back-
to-back fourth place finishes in

the National Junior College

Tournament. Watson won
the championship crown in

1 965 at I 1
5 pounds.

The team ended the 967-68 season with a perfect 9-0

wrestling 1 1

record and went on to take fourth place at the national champi-

onships. The team leader and outstanding performer was
Canadian-born Harry Geris, who had an undefeated season.
Wrestling in the heavyweight division, Geris won the National
Junior College Championship and was named first-team All-
American. At the end of the season, he began training for the
Olympic Games in Mexico. Geris had won the Canadian National Midway through the 1968-69 schedule, the team’s string of 60-plus
Heavyweight Wrestling Title in 1966 and 1968 and decided to consecutive victories was broken. However, the season ended on
represent Canada in the Olympics. Geris returned to JJC to a strong note. Mike Bay captured first place in the 191 -pound
wrestle in 1968-69 under Coach Jerry Yost. Although he had class at the National Junior College Tournament and led JJC to a
another outstanding season, he lost his final match at the national second place finish. This was the team’s best showing in the
tournament to a 380-pound heavyweight by a score of 3-2. Nationals since 1 964 when it tied for first place.

The I940JJC golf team pictured here won the state
tournament with individual highest honors going to
Carlstrom. The team won all its matches and
claimed the conference title. Russell Stevens distin-

guished himself by shooting a 63 to break the record

at Joliet’s Woodruff Golf Course. L-R: Carlstrom,
Ernest DeSignor, Russell Stevens, Frank Prange.

In 1946, Paul Hudak

captained the college
golf team and won
top honors with the
lowest score at the
state tournament.


The 1963 tennis team posted a perfect 10-0 record in win- Hicks, Dean Rowley, Robert Saieg, Dwight Toland (confer-
ning the conference championship. Dean Elmer Rowley is ence singles champion), William Smilie, Coach Howard
pictured here with the team and their trophy. L-R: David Scheidt, Al Levering.

Organized by the students them-
selves in 1 947, JJC’s first swimming
team had a very success-
ful season by placing sec-
ond in the conference
and fourth in the state.
Front: John Skoog,
Donald Muhlig, Charles
Repenn, Robert Mitchell,
William Hogan. Back:
Richard Donahue, John
Pearson, Earl Osborne,
Andre Bayle, Ralph
Repenn, Donald
Schofield, Coach Beryl
Longman. The team’s
leading diver was Robert Mitchell,

seen here leaving the springboard.

The Lettermen’s Club was composed
of athletes who earned letters in JJC
sports. Jackets were awarded to club
members who had participated in their
number of minutes.
sports for a certain
Besides rehashing games and discussing
sports, club members sponsored par-
ties and dances and planned an annual
banquet at which awards were pre-
sented to most valuable players.
Pictured here are members in I960.
Front: Herman Walser (sponsor),
Don Brown, Herb Boginis, Gil Bell
(sponsor). Middle: Paul Seaborg, Bob
Kujawa, Terry Small, Dan Racich, Jerry
Widlowski, Bill Sparlin. Back: Jim
Garrison, John Gabel,Gordon Kay,
Gary Lichtenwalter, Bob Madjak, Joe
Pesavento, Don Weber.

Intramural bowling was intro-

duced in 1941 and proved to be
a popular sport. The first place
team is pictured here together
with the bowler rolling the high-
est game. Seated: Richard
Zalar, John Williamson, James
Elens. Standing: Ned Grabavoy,
George Volling (high score), and
Richard Oldani (team captain).


"TfE. Class

The wry wit of instructor Ken Parker took some of the

pain out of doing calisthenics in physical education class.
However, running laps on the indoor track above the
gym was dreaded by most students, despite the coach’s
good humor. A 6/ozer article in 960 described the

“heroic efforts” of PE teachers to insure that the young

men of JJC got as much exertion as possible in gym class.

Typically, sixteen brisk laps around the track followed

“smartly executed calisthenics.” Another article put a
different spin on the experience: “Our calisthenics
include sit-ups, push-ups, back-breakers, rib-crackers,
arm-busters, and any number of other contortionist
exercises. You name it, we do it.”^“

A new weight-lifting machine in 1 967 added to the pleasure of PE.


The earliest cheerleaders, or yell leaders, as they were
called, were male students who were chosen for their
ability to yell encouragement to the players and keep
up the fans’ spirits. One of the first organized cheers
was “Yeah purple, yeah white, yeah Joliet, let’s fight.’’

Among the first cheerleaders were Frank Gates and

Art Liebermann.

Since there were not enough players to field teams

during World War there was no longer a need for

cheerleaders. After the war however, sports became

popular again, and cheerleading squads, predominantly
female, were chosen. Pictured here in purple and
white is the 1955-56 squad. L-R: Orie Seron, Bonnie
Reid, Robert Johnson, Mary Brett, Judy Zusag.
Boom Chicka Boom, Boom Chicka Boom,
Boom-Chicka-Ricka-Chicka Ricka-Chicka-Boom,
Siss Boom Bah, Siss Boom Bah,
Joliet, Joliet, Rah! Rah! Rah!

The newly organized

pompon squad made its

first appearance at the

1 956 homecoming game.
Dressed in white skirts

and sweaters and carry-

ing purple and white
pompons, the squad
added considerably to
the enthusiasm of fans
with such cheers as “One
for the money; two for
the show; three to get
ready; now go. Wolves go!’’ Front: Judy Yahn, Kay Weiss, Rosemary Robbins, Jonna Frosch, Carol
Colstock. Back: Judy Speckman, Barbara Seffens, Rosemary Anderson, Sue Carnaghi, Dolores Pagliei.

Sometimes the auxiliary cheerleaders

appeared at pep rallies to whip the crowd
into a frenzy. As a rule, however, they made
infrequent appearances - thankfully.
Put them in the bathtub, pull out the plug.
Down goes (the opponent), dug! dug! dug!

A familiar sight during a timeout was the cheerleaders hurriedly leading a cheer before
the game resumed. The 1961-62 squad is pictured here.
'Women s Athletics
Declining enrollments during the war years made ‘50s when interest continued to wane. In 1958, the
it impossible for the Women’s Athletic Association to Women’s Athletic League was organized to
continue its full range of activities. Although the take over certain activities and programs of the
W.A.A. scaled back its program during the 1940s, it defunct W.A.A. However, during the 1960s and
remained a viable organization on campus until the beyond, the school played a diminished role in provid-

Father-Daughter Sport
Night, 1940.

Hiking, 1941 - Dara Prew, Oleta

Wilma Lankenau, Lowe.
Baseball, 1941 - Grell, Dorothy
Burr, Kathryn Kirinich.

Swimming, 1942
- Marion Meyer.

Tap Dancing, 1941 - Fisher, Patricia Burress, June Schiek,

Marge Dillman.

Archery, 1 94 1
- Dorothy
Ziesemer, Catherine
Staehely, Lorraine Tezak.

ing social and entertainment opportunities for stu- ceeding generations than to students who had
dents. College men and women were becoming more attended in earlier years. Pictured here are random
mobile, and their social lives began to reach far shots of JJC women involved in a variety of sports
beyond the campus and local community. Indeed, col- and activities sponsored by the W.A.A. and W.A.L.
lege clubs and activities were less important to suc-

Mother-Daughter Tea, 1943 - Mrs. Meyer, Eleanore Meyer, Mrs. Cantu, Mrs.
Yaggy, Jean Roth, Mrs. Roth, Mrs. Gilpen.

Bowling, 1 942 - Lois Jahneke.

Orchesis, 1 957 -Front: Jonna

Frosch, Beth Wisdom, Carole
Carson, Judy Yahn. Back: Gerri
Wenger, Nancy Ahrens, Rosemary
Anderson, Mary Brett, Marie
Chalstrom. Instructor Vera Thalrose.

Since JJC women |

annually honored
their mothers at a |

tea, several men j

decided to begin
holding a Mother-
Son Banquet.
Seen here are
guests at the first

banquet in 1 960:
joe Edmon, Mrs. i

Edmon, Bob
Knott, Mrs.
Knott, Don
Mrs. Brown.


dtrike Onel
On January union teachers at Joliet
25, 1967, raises. A persistent pattern developed: voters reject-
Township High School and Junior College went on ed tax increases and Board members rejected mean-
strike and defied a court injunction until a collective ingful salary increases. A “brain drain” began to
bargaining agreement with salary increases was occur as faculty members left for better paying jobs at
reached. The chain of events leading up to the strike other schools or in private industry. The superinten-
began years earlier in December 1938 when the presi- dent found it difficult to compete with other districts

dent of the Central Trades and Labor Council appeared and often filled teaching positions at the last minute.
at a School Board meeting and announced that a union In 1958, for example, he asked the Board to sign ten
for all Will County teachers had been formed. At the blank contracts to enable him to hire new teachers on
time, most faculty members belonged to the Teacher’s the spot. The Board’s ban on married women teach-
Association, which was affiliated with the Illinois ing had ended in 1948, making it a little easier to
Education Association. Typically, a faculty welfare hire and retain female faculty members.®^
committee appeared before the Board each spring and At the superintendent’s suggestion in 1961, the
proposed increases for the following year. The associa- Board relaxed its policy of hiring only experienced
tion did manage in 1940 to convince the Board to adopt teachers with master’s degrees. A combination of res-
a formal salary schedule, but wages did not keep pace ignations, retirements, and
growth created
with wartime inflation in the 1940s. A statistical study twenty-six faculty openings in 1962 and a staggering
was presented to the Board in 1944 showing that the sixty-six vacant positions four years later. Clearly,
cost of living was increasing much faster than salaries, the district needed more money, and salaries needed
rendering teachers’ real wages lower than Depression to be improved. In a report to the board in 1962,
earnings. Chairman of the Teacher Welfare Committee Superintendent William French detailed the district’s

Elizabeth Bams presented a letter to the Board in 1945 dismal financial condition and recommended a $100
requesting a generous increase because “members of raise for faculty and no increase for other employees.
this association are definitely feeling the pinch.” Two “As things now stand,” he stated, “a person who wish-
years later in 1947, union faculty members addressed es to ‘get ahead’ must either leave the classroom for
the Board for the first time and asked for a private another type of job, or take on additional work.”®^
meeting to make their views known.®^ The Teacher’s Association, lEA, lost members in
Employees in the school maintenance department the 1960s to the more aggressive approach of the
embraced unionism much earlier than the faculty. In American Federation of Teachers, Local 604. On
January 1939, representatives of the International March Paul Johnson, a member of the
12, 1963,
Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, A. F. of L. Union Welfare Committee, read an open letter criti-
announced to the Board that a majority of the school’s cal of the Board’s salary proposal and complained
maintenance personnel had joined the local union. that the Board had not entered into the true spirit of
Each spring when the Board was considering the follow- negotiation. He said that the meager increase recom-
ing year’s budget, union representatives routinely mended by the Board hopefully did not mean that
appeared with salary and benefit proposals. Board min- they subscribed to the “nonsensical notion that there
utes in March 1948, for example, state that “representa- is among teachers.” Johnson also
dignity in poverty
tives of the Firemen and Oilers were heard in their observed that no progress had been made in estab-
einnual request for improved salaries and working con- lishing an insurance program for employees.
ditions.” A Janitor’s Union appeared for the first time in Meanwhile, tax referendums were defeated each year
1951 with a list of benefits for the Board to consider.®^ from 1964 to 1966. Although meaningful raises were
During the 1950s, the faculty union gained mem- not seriously considered during this time, the district
bers but usually joined forces with the Teacher’s did adopt an insurance program in 1964.®®
Association in requesting salary adjustments and When Superintendent French presented the 1966-
other benefits. In 1953, two new columns were added 67 budget with no salary increase, Robert Burke
to the salary schedule, MA -i- 30 and Ph. D., but year addressed the Board on behalf of the union and
after year there were either no increases or token “warned of the serious consequences of no salary

increases for teachers since 1964.” A representative for trict was finally in a position to offer employees a
the Teacher’s Association also appeared and requested meaningful raise. However, the issue of salary brought
at least a $200 increase as a “token of good faith.” negotiations to an impasse.®^
Although the Board expressed concern that quality At a Board on January 24,
special meeting of the
people were leaving the district, it remained steadfast 1967, four days after the temporary agreement had
in denying raises because of budgetary constraints. At ended and negotiations were to have been completed.
the next meeting on May 10, 1966, members of the Superintendent French reported to the Board that the
teachers’ union presented a petition with 267 signa- union had officially notified the administration of its

tures representing a majority of the teaching staff des- intent to strike on January 25, 1967. The Board
ignating the Will County Federation of Teachers, AFT immediately authorized its legal representatives to
Local 604, as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent seek an injunction against the union in the event of a
for all teachers in the high school and junior college. strike. Union members went on strike as announced
The petition offered to have the School Board conduct and refused to obey a court injunction to end the
an election to determine bargaining agency if desired. strike. With the threat of arrest and jail looming,
The Teacher’s Association, lEA, offered a counterpro- union leaders worked with sympathetic Board mem-
posal recommending that existing practices be main- bers through the mediating efforts of the Joliet
tained with a more formal committee structure. The Ecumenical Clergy Association to reach agreement
AFT’s request for collective bargaining rights came to a and end the strike.®®

vote at the next two meetings of the Board and was Three Board members who had consistently
rejected both times, 4 to 3 and 4 to 2. The Teacher’s opposed collective bargaining roundly criticized the
Association continued its opposition to collective bar- “law violators” and condemned the “spectacle of law-
gaining, and the Board attorney advised that it was lessness in Joliet.” They also faulted the union for
illegal to grant the AFT’s request.®® striking just three weeks before the junior college ref-
At its October 1966 meeting, however, the Board erendum. Although disappointed that the Board
finally consented to holding an election to determine a majority decided to drop all legal action against the
sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all faculty faculty union, members in the minority did manage
members. A temporary agreement would be made to pass a resolution censuring teachers who violated
between the Board and the organization winning the the injunction. The court found the striking teachers
vote with the understanding that there would be no guilty of willful contempt and fined the union $7,500
strike or lockout during the agreement. Further, the plus an additional $200 for each of the twelve mem-
temporary arrangement would end on January 20, bers of the negotiating committee. Contributions
1967, when negotiations would be completed and a for- were received from union teachers in other locals to
mal contract signed. help pay the $9,900 fine. On April
Local 604 of the 11, 1967, the School Board ratified
AFT won a majority the first contractual agreement
vote and began with AFT Local 604 by a margin
meeting with the of one vote. Longtime Board
law firm hired by member Dr. Suren Seron immedi-
the Board to repre- ately resigned, stating that,
sent its interests. because of the illegal acts of strik-
While formal discus- ing faculty members, he had “lost
sions were proceed- all interest and ability to serve as
ing, a tax referen- a member of the Board.”®®
dum was passed on
December 10, 1966,
Instructor Ben Day
which increased the
(right) is seen here man-
school’s tax levy. ning the ballot box as
The union believed high school and college

that the school dis- teachers vote to strike.

Clayton Wintersteen displayed his sign during the teachers’ strike that
closed the high school and junior college four days.

Dr. Hal Dellinger and Ben Day worked the picket line dur-
ing the strike.

Ignoring a court injunction, faculty members continued to picket until a settlement was reached.

Class 1 'T^eferenbum :

Max Kuster served as Chairman of the Research and Information

Committee and traveled widely throughout the area, explaining the
benefits of Class I status for the junior college. As head of the
Agriculture Department, Kuster was especially well known in rural
areas of the proposed district. He had been the guest speaker at
many Future Farmers of America (FFA) banquets and had also con-
ducted Young Farmers classes as well as the college’s annual Farmer’s
Short Course. Kuster was an engaging speaker and the ideal person
to encourage outlying communities to join with Joliet in establishing a
new Class I junior college. Many other faculty and staff members
joined Kuster in actively supporting the referendum throughout the
entire proposed district.

For Superintendent French, the first two months of 1967 produced

bitter-sweet feelings toward the high school and junior college
faculty. January, he was very critical of most of his teachers who,

as union members, went on strike to secure bargaining rights and a

salary increase. The next month, he praised many of the same
faculty members for working hard to pass the Class junior college I

referendum. Within the boundaries of Joliet Township High School

and Junior College District No. 204, the vote totals were 10,758
for and 3,602 against Class I status. In the outlying areas that were
being incorporated into the expanded junior college district, the
results were 9,285 in favor of the proposition and 1 ,430 opposed.


Or. William C. French, Superintendent

February 20, 1967


From: William C, French

On behalf of District #204, I would like to express appreciation to all of

those staff members who worked to make the establishment of a Class I Junior Col-
lege in this area a success* The election was a solid victory for education and
insures the future of the junior college opportunity in the years to come*

The success of the February 18th election completes the basic plan developed
for District #204 some years ago* This plan Included the development of expanded
high school facilities, the Improvement of the district educational tax rate, and
the establishment of a separate tax base for the junior college* The fact that
these three goals took a long time to achieve does not make their accomplishment
any less satisfying*

Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make this issue a successful


^ ^eW ‘Home on HouboLt 'l^oah:

1961 to 2000
^ I f hen Joliet Junior College became a Class I faculty union and honor the contract negotiated with
1 ^ / district on February 18, 1967, a sixty-six High School District 204?
\ Y year relationship withJoliet Township High As weeks passed, the High School Board began
School District 204 was legally severed, and JJC pressing college trustees to legally assume responsi-
embarked on a new course as Illinois Junior College bility for operating District 525. On June 12, 1967,

District 525. An election was held on April 15, 1967, the College Board hired consultants to screen appli-
to select a seven-member board of trustees. Until a cants for president. Elmer Rowley, who had served
junior college board was elected and prepared to take as college dean for twenty years, retired on June 30
over college operations, the high school would contin- and did not apply for the job. Ten days later, the
ue to administer the business and academic affairs of Board named Rowley’s assistant, Susan Wood, to
the college. From a field of thirty-five candidates, the serve as Temporary Chief Administrator until a col-
seven men endorsed by the Central Steering lege president could be hired. She was authorized to
Committee headed by Kenneth Timm were elected. order supplies and make preparations for the fall
They were William Glasscock, a Joliet Township semester. When the Board met on August 14, 1967,
farmer and JJC alumnus; Dr. Cecil W. Ingmire, a several important decisions were announced. The
Joliet veterinarian; Ronald M. Whitaker, a New Board of Trustees would officially assume responsi-
Lenox insurance broker and JJC alumnus; H. Allen bility for college operations on August 28; the college

Holler, a Mazon farmer; Victor Scott, a Joliet realtor would rent space in the high school building for the
with residence in Plainfield Township; Samuel 1967-68 academic year at a cost of $140,000, and
Saxon, a Plainfield attorney; and Daniel L. Kennedy, Elmer W. Rowley would serve as the first president of
a Joliet attorney. Glasscock was elected president of District 525. Although Rowley had already received
the Board, and Dr. Ingmire was named vice presi- his first retirement check, the consultants persuaded
dent. Whitaker was selected to serve as Board secre- him and the Board that Rowley’s knowledge and
tary while Kenneth Timm was retained as Board experience gained during twenty years as college
attorney.^ dean were just what JJC needed at this critical point
JJC’s long relationship with the high school dis- in the history of the college.^
trict created problems for determining ownership of The 1967-68 school year opened with a limited
assets. Although college students had paid tuition staff and an unlimited sense of anticipation.
between 1933 and 1949 and from 1965 to 1967, no Numerous, important decisions had to be made
separate educational fund existed for the junior col- regarding the future of the institution. Early in
lege; and even college money received in state aid 1968, the American Association of Junior Colleges
since 1955 had been placed in the general fund of the offered consulting services to address such matters as
high school. Other problems seemed just as perplex- college administration, finance, and curriculum.
ing. Would the college now rent facilities from the Following the recommendation of three consultants,
high school? If so, at what price? The 9.5 cent tax the Board fleshed out the administration with sever-
rate approved by the voters would not be collected al appointments. Joining President Rowley and
until the following year,and the $11.50 per student Administrative Assistant Susan Wood were Dr.
credit hour reimbursed by the state would not be Joseph C. Piland, Dean of College Parallel and
received until the end of the semester. What would General Studies; Joseph A. Bergen, Dean of
happen in the meantime? How would faculty mem- Occupational and Technical Studies; Walter F. Zaida,
bers be assigned, especially those that taught both Dean of Student Personnel Services; Maynard
high school and college classes with split loads? Boudreau, Dean of the Evening and Summer College;
Would the College Board of Trustees recognize the Vera Smith, Director of Admissions and Records;

James J. Hines, Director of Business Affairs; Robert school construction. From the twelve companies that
Glenn, Assistant Director of Business Affairs; presented proposals, the Board on January 8, 1968, ^

Douglas Graham, Director of Research, Development, selected the Texas firm of Caudill, Rowlett, and Scott
and Federal Aids; Everett Nelsen, Director of Student to design a permanent campus for District 525. Next,
Financial Aids; Helen M. Tea, Director of Nursing the Board would have to choose a site strategically
Education; Henry Pillard, Dean of Men; Dulce located in the sprawling new district. It was deter-
Hornvale, Dean of Women (part-time); and three mined that the geographic center was one mile east
counselors: Dorothy Black, Carolyn Engers, and of Channahon, and the population center was near
Roger Gordon. Six Corners where Plainfield Road intersects Raynor
Having participated in a bitter strike a few years Avenue and Black Road in Joliet. However, the area
earlier to secure collective bargaining rights with of greatest growth in District 525 was projected to be
High School District 204, union faculty members north and west of the city. Board President William
were anxious for the new College Board to recognize Glasscock drove throughout the district searching for
the American Federation of Teachers as the sole col- the ideal location, as did attorney Kenneth Timm and
lective bargaining agent for JJC instructors. Some Agriculture Department Chair Max Kuster. Timm
members of the new College Board “did not believe in and Kuster often rode together during their lunch
teachers’ unions,” and a stalemate ensued. For nine hour and talked to farmers who might be willing to
months, the Board deflected requests for union recog- sell land for a college campus.^
nition and offered, instead, to discuss salaries and At a Board meeting on February 6, 1968,
fringe benefits with elected representatives of the President Rowley announced that the Richards farm
entire faculty. Union members en masse attended on Airport Road (now Houbolt Road) southwest of '

Board meetings, sometimes held in outlying areas of Joliet had been selected as the site for the new cam-
the district, and repeatedly requested that an elec- pus. Located near the intersection of 1-55 and 1-80,
tion be held to determine bargaining agency. Finally, the 368-acre parcel held potential for excellent access I

the Board of Trustees agreed to permit the faculty to by commuting students. Furthermore, situated on |

vote on the matter. On April 26, 1968, in a special the property away from the road was a wooded area
election supervised by the Will County Bar that sloped toward a small lake, a setting that cap- j

Association and the Grundy County Bar Association, tured the imagination of the architects. They envi- !

86 percent of the college faculty voted to be repre- sioned buildings on both sides of the water and began
sented by the JJC Council of AFT Local 604. With preparing a master plan that included an enclosed '

one dissenting vote, the Board of Trustees ratified bridge with glass walls. Several administrators,
the election results and scheduled bargaining ses- department chairs, and Board members visited com- ,

sions with the union representatives.^ munity colleges in nearby states to gather design
The consultants provided by AAJC also recom- ideas to share with the architects.® j

mended a complete review of the curriculum with as The college master plan steadily took shape, but j

much community involvement as possible. Deans before it could be submitted to the Illinois Junior i

Piland and Bergen assembled advisory committees of College Board for final acceptance. District 525 voters
business, educational, and community leaders to sur- would first have to approve a $10.5 million bond ref- i

vey the needs of the college district and assist in the erendum and a three-cent increase in the building
development of new courses and curricula. Over the fund rate. Publicized as “The Educational Bargain of ,

next three years, twenty-eight new programs were a Lifetime,” proponents of the referendum pointed
introduced, primarily in occupational and technical out that local taxpayers were required to pay only 25
studies. However, space restrictions in the high percent of the cost of the new campus plus the
school building delayed the implementation of most expense of equipping the buildings. The state would
new courses of study. Only the Law Enforcement and pay 75 percent of site acquisition and campus con-
Nursing Education programs were started prior to struction costs. District voters apparently recognized 1|

JJC’s move to its new campus. a bargain when they saw it; the bond referendum and
During the fall of 1967, the Board of Trustees building fund increase were overwhelmingly I,

began interviewing architectural firms specializing in approved on March 30, 1968.®

Renting facilities from Joliet Township High Among the concerns expressed by Ferguson was the
School District 204 severely restricted junior college use of quarter-inch plywood instead of plasterboard
growth. There simply was not enough room for new on interior walls. He also cited the need for wider
students and programs. Dean Piland visited other hallways and more fire exits.

Illinois community colleges that occupied temporary The Board of Trustees and its attorney disputed
buildings on interim campuses. He also interviewed the inspector’s findings and even questioned his juris-
JJC students, faculty, members regarding a
and staff diction over the project. The college insisted that the
possible move into prefabricated structures and Illinois Junior College Board should have final
found significant support for such a plan. When authority to approve the buildings.^® An editorial in
District204 increased rental costs for the 1968-69 the Joliet Herald-News detected political overtones in
school year from $140,000 to $275,000 and, at the the controversy.
same time, decreased the college’s space, the prospect If these buildings are unsafe, then the state
of moving to an interim campus became even more should vacate temporary buildings at SIU, U of
attractive. JJC was also renting the Boys’ Club I, and other colleges. There has been too much
across from the high school as a student center for harassment. There must be an end to it.^^

$3,000 a month. After weighing the advantages and With the fall semester quickly approaching, there
disadvantages and considering the comparative costs, was no time for litigation or protracted negotiations.
the Board of Trustees decided at its April 3, 1969, Becker Brothers agreed to work with the county
meeting that the college would move into temporary inspector and make all changes deemed necessary.
buildings on its new campus in the fall of 1969. John With minimal delay, the project quickly moved for-
Rogers from the Association of Commerce spoke in ward in a race to meet the fall deadline. On August
opposition to the plan, as did Frank Turk, who repre- 5, 1969, a new player entered the picture when the
sented the Boys’ Club. Indeed, many business, civic, City of Joliet formally annexed the college property.
and political leaders were not pleased that JJC was Although provisions had already been made for tem-
leaving the downtown area and relocating on the porary sewage disposal and water supply, the city
western outskirts of Joliet. Also in the audience that would eventually assume responsibility for these and
night were students, parents, and school leaders who other services.
applauded the Board’s decision. For example, Arthur The college’s new home on Houbolt Road was barely
Meadors, Superintendent of Grundy County Schools, ready for occupancy when students arrived on
noted that the creation of a Class I college district September 22, 1969. Registration and other prelimi-
“was sold in our area on the basis of a new college nary activities had taken place at Inwood Recreation
with properfacilities and one offering new courses.”'^ Center nearby. On the first morning of classes, it
The Board of Trustees employed Becker Brothers, seemed like all 2,000 students reached Houbolt Road at
a company experienced in building temporary cam- the same time. The traffic jam on this narrow country
puses, to construct seventeen prefabricated buildings road extended some two miles from Jefferson Street to
at a cost of $744,000. With payments spread over the college entrance. The extension of Houbolt Road
five years, the annual cost for the interim structures south of the campus was known as Bush Road and led
was $163,902.® Students were generally excited by to Route 6. There was not yet an interchange at 1-80,
the planned move and looked forward to larger park- and the poor condition of Bush Road discouraged dri-
ing lots with ample spaces. With classes scheduled to vers from using it. When students finally reached cam-
begin in five months, Becker Brothers immediately pus, they discovered that wet weather had delayed
began to transform a country cornfield into a college landscaping the groimds and pouring some sidewalks.
campus. However, work was abruptly halted on July Cardboard walkways through the mud provided the
25 when Will County Building Inspector John only dry access to a few of the buildings. Someone with
Ferguson posted signs on the buildings that read: a sense of humor stuck a crude sign in the mud reading
Not built to county code. Not safe construction. “Keep Off The Grass.”^®
Do no further work on this building. A viola- Inside the buildings, most furnishings were new.
tion of Will County zoning and building ordi- A state ruling had determined that almost every-
nances exists on this property.^ thing used by the college before severance from the

high school belonged to District 204. Although JJC ly completed, eleven years after the campus opened.
did purchase the college library and some equipment Fourteen years later, the interchange at Houbolt and
forabout a million dollars, most offices and class- 1-80 was completed, giving college commuters a sec-
rooms were newly furnished with colors and styles ond access route from an interstate highway.^®
selected by the Joan Hilliers Company. During the 1970s, students often formed college
Unfortunately, some furniture had not yet arrived. clubs to actively promote their views and interests.
Finding no tables and chairs in the library, students Students for Political Involvement was organized in
improvised by sitting on the carpeted floor and using 1969 and rallied against the Vietnam War. SPI also
empty moving boxes as table tops.^^ held seminars and “teach-ins” on the draft, birth con-
The new campus had a character and style trol, pollution, and drugs. Demonstrations on the

uniquely its own. Each of the temporary buildings campus quadrangle sometimes attracted large
was named for community college already
an Illinois crowds of participants and onlookers, but they always
in existence. Some of them were dry and had no remained nonviolent and peaceful. Although the
restrooms or drinking fountains. Two L-shaped Cultural Cinema Club published an unauthorized
buildings facing each other formed a quadrangle in newspaper called the Subterranean Side Show, it
the center of campus. One of these, called the never stretched the boundaries of free speech to the
Kishwaukee Building, housed the library and media extent that underground newspapers did on universi-
center. Across from it, the Waubonsee Building con- ty campuses. Also organized in 1969, the Black
tained a student lounge, cafeteria. Culinary Arts Student Union addressed a variety of issues, includ-
Department, and various offices for counseling and ing the need for African American faculty and staff
student services. In the quadrangle stood a flagpole members. The BSU demanded that at least one
donated by the Veteran’s Club and a rustic bell tower, black faculty member and counselor be hired immedi-
a gift from the Alumni Association. The historic bell ately. At that time, there were none. A number of
that tolled on the quarter-hour once hung in the old leading African American speakers were brought to
Will County courthouse in downtown Joliet. The campus, especially during Black History Week. In an
quadrangle was a convenient gathering place in the effort to open and maintain communication with stu-
center of campus for numerous activities ranging dents, President Rowley established the President’s
from pep rallies to anti-war demonstrations to stu- Round Table to provide a campus forum for asking
dents protesting the condition of Houbolt Road. questions and voicing concerns.
On September 18, 1969, four days before the new Some students recommended that the college
campus opened, the City of Joliet celebrated John name be changed now that the district encompassed
Houbolt Day and renamed Airport Road in Houbolt’s a much broader region than Joliet Township. Others
honor. Houbolt was an alumnus of JJC who won believed that for the sake of tradition, the word
worldwide acclaim as the developer of the Lunar “Joliet” should not be removed from the college name.
Excursion Module (LEM), which was responsible for In fact, student leaders presented a petition with
putting a man on the moon two months earlier.^® 3,382 signatures requesting that “Joliet” be retained
When Houbolt Road experienced heavy student traf- in the name. The Board of Trustees invited commu-
fic, it rapidly deteriorated and, at times, became nity input, and the Joliet Herald-News solicited the
almost impassable. Students likened the road to the public’s help in selecting a name from several possi-
moon’s surface and suggested that Dr. Houbolt bilities; Five Rivers, Joliet Dresden, Louis Joliet,
should consider inventing a vehicle capable of Pioneer, J. Stanley Brown, Joliet Community College,
maneuvering through the potholes and ruts in the and Joliet Junior College. Few readers responded to
road bearing his name. Others referred to the road- the newspaper’s request for public opinion. Finally,
way as “The Ho Chi Minh Trail” and demanded that at the January 12, 1970, Board meeting. President
the city stop stalling and immediately begin to widen Rowley encouraged trustees to settle the matter.
and resurface Year after year, students held ral-
it. William Glasscock made a motion to leave the name
lies, wrote letters, formed committees, and insisted unchanged. When a few members suggested that it
that their cars be spared the torture of driving on did not accurately reflect the expanded district and
Houbolt Road. In October 1980, the project was final- that, at least, the word “Community” should be sub-

stituted for “Junior,” Glasscock observed that there Robert Laraway, vice president; Tessie Heuback
never would be a perfect name. Furthermore, he Heath, secretary; and Ronald M. Whitaker, treasurer.
said, “When Junior grows up and has gray hair, the Over the years, the Alumni Association has been very
neighbors still call him Junior.” The motion passed active in sponsoring annual reunions, honoring dis-
with Ronald Whitaker and Daniel Kennedy voting tinguished alumni, and raising funds for student
“no.” Five years later, the district’s name was official- scholarships and other worthy causes.®®
ly changed hy the state legislature to Community In August 1973, the Joliet Junior College
College District 525. Official publications now refer Foundation was incorporated to foster, encourage,
to the college as “Joliet Junior College, Illinois and promote the purposes of the college by providing
Community College District 525.”^® financial assistance in support of its academic and
In 1970, President Elmer Rowley retired, and public service programs. Former Joliet mayor
Douglas Graham was appointed Acting President by Maurice Berlinsky served as the Foundation’s first
the Board. He had the honor of presiding when president, and Dr. Harold W. “Woody” Phend was
ground was broken on November 15, 1970, for con- appointed the first executive secretary in 1975.
struction of Phase I of the permanent campus. Working with the Alumni Association, numerous
Included in the first phase were Buildings A through scholarships have been established and awarded to
G that housed agriculture, technical, nursing, public JJC students. Foundation grants have also enhanced
service, English, foreign language, math, science, instruction, improved facilities, and provided seed
social science, physical education, a planetarium, and money to conduct feasibility studies for such projects
a gymnasium. Dr. John C. Houbolt, celebrated space as the Fine Arts Building, the Louis Joliet
engineer and JJC alumnus, was the principal speak- Renaissance Center, the Dr. William M. Zales
er at the dedication ceremony on October 22, 1972. Arboretum, and many more. The Foundation’s assets
The second phase of construction included a five- currently exceed $6 million.®^
story structure across the lake from Phase I with an In an effort to better serve one of the fastest grow-
enclosed connecting bridge that served as a student ing segments of District 525, the college established a
center. When Phase II was completed in the fall of North Campus in Bolingbrook in 1975. Originally
1974, the new building was occupied by social sci- located in the lower level of the Fountaindale Library,
ence, business education, data processing, culinary the extension campus was well received by residents
arts, the cafeteria, bookstore, post office, administra- of the area. Five years were doubled
later, services

tive offices, and the Learning Resource when additional space was leased in the new
Center/Library. The construction of a Fine Arts Bolingbrook Town Center. In 1982, programming
Center in Phase III was delayed for several years was discontinued at Fountaindale Library and moved
when the state ran out of funds for community col- to the Romeoville Center at Valley View School. In
lege building projects.^® order to expand and consolidate North Campus oper-
During the decade of the seventies, JJC embarked ations and to establish a more permanent presence in
on a course of dramatic expansion in academic pro- the region, the college acquired a 40-acre site on
grams, student services, and facilities. In 1970, the 135th Street just east of Weber Road and opened a
college began tapping one of its most valuable new 35,000 square-foot facility in 1993. North
resources when the Joliet Junior College Alumni Campus mirrors Main Campus in many respects
Association was founded. William Glasscock, who with a full array of courses, programs, and student
had served as the first Board president and was him- services.®®

self an alumnus, approached Administrative A second extension campus known as the Louis
Assistant Susan Wood upon her retirement and Joliet Renaissance Center was established in 1980 in
enlisted her help in forming an alumni association. downtown Joliet. Despite objections from those who
Her long tenure with the college in a highly visible questioned the nature and cost of the arrangement
rolemade Ms. Wood the ideal person to organize and and a petition presented in opposition by economics
many graduates of JJC. At its inaugural
energize the instructor William Brinkman, the Board of Trustees
meeting on October 13, 1970, a constitution was voted to acquire the Sheraton Joliet Motor Inn at 214
adopted, and Dr. Tom Streitz was elected president; North Ottawa Street. The JJC Foundation actually

purchased the motel/restaurant on behalf of the col- ed educational services and training for business and I

lege for $1 million and borrowed an additional industry in the college district. It offered tailor-made [

$500,000 to renovate the complex. The College Board courses, seminars, and workshops to meet the specific
agreed to pay the Foundation $120,000 a year for two needs of companies. Flexible scheduling assisted
years, an amount equal to 8 percent interest on the employees in dovetailing work responsibilities with
Foundation’s $1.5 million investment in the property. training opportunities. Courses and seminars ranged
At the end of two years, the college could evaluate the from college credit classes to certificates of attendance
project and decide whether to continue leasing the workshops. In short, the IBI attempted to serve the
facility. In addition to offering a variety of courses diverse economic training needs of District 525.^®
and programs to people who lived and worked in the Although the college retained the word “Junior” in
downtown area, the Renaissance Center’s restaurant its name, its outreach efforts in the past twenty-five
and banquet room provided JJC culinary arts stu- years suggest that it is, indeed, dedicated to being a
dents with realistic hands-on experiences in prepar- comprehensive “community” college that offers ser-
ing and serving food in a variety of settings. A grant vices and educational opportunities to all residents of ’

of $205,530 from the Illinois Board of Higher the district. For example, activities and classes are
Education assisted the Culinary Arts Department in held on campus for people of all ages, ranging from
developing a Hotel, Restaurant, and Food Service the Early Childhood Center and Youth College to
Management program that would be based primarily Emeritus College and Lifelong Learning programs.
at the new downtown campus.^^ For academically gifted students, the college offers an
The lease arrangement for the Louis Joliet Honors Program, College Bowl teams, and member-
Renaissance Center got much more complicated in ship in Phi Theta Kappa, the national junior college *

1983 when the JJC Foundation joined the Pact for honor society; and for students that need individual i

Progress to help revitalize the downtown area. assistance, peer tutoring and Project Achieve/Student ;

Working with the Will County Metropolitan Support Services are available. The Student
Exposition and Auditorium Authority (also known as Accommodations and Resources office supports stu- j

the Rialto Authority) in its effort to win a $6 million dents with documented disabilities, health concerns,
state grant to renovate Rialto office buildings, the limited English proficiency, and those enrolled in non-
Foundation sold the Renaissance Center to the Rialto traditional majors. The college offers a Holistic
Authority. The Foundation received $1.6 million to Wellness Program, a Student Assistance Program, a
cover the original mortgage plus $100,000 for a new Multicultural Transfer Center, and a Women’s Center, j

roof The Rialto Authority now possessed sufficient Also, through its Division of Adult and Family
assets necessary to meet the local matching require- Services, JJC provides GED preparation for earning a
ment to qualify for the state grant. The college then high school diploma, English as a Second Language
entered a new lease agreement with the Rialto (ESL) classes. Welfare to Work assistance, and a full

Authority for annual payments of $100,000 for three range of services in the Family Support and Self-
years followed by payments of $139,544 for the next Sufficiency Center designed to provide families with
twenty years. At the end of twenty-three years, the educational skills, job training, and a support network
college would receive ownership of the Louis Joliet necessary to achieve self-sufficiency.
Renaissance Center. Known today as the City Center Not only has the college expanded its programs
Campus, the facility still provides culinary arts stu- and services, but its facilities on Main Campus have
dents with experiential training, although few other continued to expand as well. In September 1981, the
general education courses are taught there. It also long-awaited Fine Arts Center was opened without
houses the college’s Division of Adult and Family state assistance. With a budget of $2.2 million left in
Services as well as the Institute of Economic local matching funds from the original building refer-

Technology.^^ endum in 1968, Acting President Tim Helton worked


The present-day Institute of Economic Technology with Joliet architects Healy, Snyder, DeYoung and if

is an outgrowth of the Industry/Business Institute, Associates to design a very practical structure of t

which was organized in 1976 under a contractual 50,000 square feet. The three-story building adjoins
agreement with the JJC Foundation. The IBI provid- J Building and houses music, art, speech and drama <

programs. The facility includes a 405-seat theatre, original home an urban high school and carved a
dressing rooms, music rehearsal and practice rooms, modern campus out of cornfields and pastureland. In
art studios and lahs, faculty offices, and general its quest to provide District 525 residents with

classrooms. Further, in the early 1990’s, the state affordable, quality education, the college’s programs
made funds available to cover 75 percent of construc- and support services have continually evolved to
tion costs to erect buildings designed to provide stu- meet the diverse and changing needs of students.
dents with technical skills and training. However, Also, in fulfilling its commitment to lifelong learning,
the college had depleted its building fund on the Fine JJC has implemented a broad spectrum of adult,
Arts Center.^® A generous gift from Arthur and Vera transitional, continuing, and workforce education.
Smith made possible the local match and subsequent With three campuses and numerous other instruc-
new technology building. In 1996,
construction of a tional sites, the college has attempted to make its
the Arthur G. and Vera C. Smith Business and programs and services accessible to residents.
Technology Center was opened with state-of-the-art Computer technology even makes it possible for
facilities in business education, computer informa- today’s students to take courses online; their living
tion, office systems, and technical training. The most rooms have virtually become their learning rooms.
recent addition to Main Campus is the Veterinary JJC has demonstrated the determination and ability
Technology/Industrial Training Center. Completed in to remain a flexible and responsive institution. It is

the spring of 2000, the facility houses the ‘Vet Tech” well positioned at the outset of the new millennium
program, one of only two such programs in the state. for a second century of service as a comprehensive
The college’s Institute of Economic Technology also community college.

uses part of the building for custom-designed train-

ing programs offered to area businesses.^'^
Joliet Junior College has historically recognized
the value of student clubs, social activities, and athlet-
ic competition in the overall educational experience of
students. Men and women’s athletic teams have won
conference, state, and national championships, and
numerous individuals have been named to all-star
teams. The list of clubs and social activities available
to students is long and impressive and covers a wide
variety of interests. The list includes the Art Alliance,
Automated Systems Club, Gamers Club, Gay Alliance,
Holistic Wellness Club, Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship, Judo Club, Latinos Unidos,
Parapsychology Club, Soccer Club, Unity, and many
more. There are also national honor societies in for-
eign languages, Hispanic studies, and drama and the-
atre. Publications such as the Blazer and Wordeater
offer students opportunities to creatively express
themselves in writing. For those who prefer oral com-
munication, the Forensics Team welcomes partici-
pants. Instrumental and vocal groups are available
for those with musical talent while students who pre-
fer theatrical performance are encouraged to join the
JC Players. In short, whatever students’ interests,
abilities, or talents might be, they are almost certain
to find a club or activity to their liking.^®

The years from 1969 to 2000 witnessed remark-

able changes in the history of the college. JJC left its

JoUet Junior CoLie^e 'Tresibents, 1$G1 to Z001




Harold McAninch, President, 1971-79 Tim Helton, Interim President,

January 1979-March 1979

Derek Nunney, President, 1979-84 Walter Zaida, Interim President,
July 1984-July 1985

Raymond Pietak, President, 1 985-95

Thomas E. Gamble, President, 1995-98 J.

D. Ross, President, 1 998

The men pictured here were
elected in 1 967 to serve as the
first Board of Trustees of
District 525, the new Class I

junior college district. Front:

Samuel Saxon, Daniel L
Kennedy, Dr. Cecil W. Ingmire,
H. Allen Holler. Back: Ronald
M. Whitaker, William
Glasscock, Victor Scott.

Although he had been

retired for six weeks and
did not apply for the job, In July 1967, Susan H. Wood served as
Elmer W. Rowley was Temporary Chief Administrator until the
appointed by the Board to first college president was hired.

serve as the first president

of Joliet Junior College.

After achieving Class I legal status in 1967, JJC

rented space in the high school for two years
before moving into temporary buildings on its

new campus. During this time, the college

supplemented its limited space in the high
school by renting facilities in the nearby Boys’
Club, where a student center was established
with such activities as Ping-Pong and pool.

In a mock election in the fall of

1968, students selected Richard
Nixon as their presidential choice.

JJC student Robert Hewlett is pic-

tured with a cutout of the college

mascot announcing the election.

With no community
college either in their
high school district or
within commuting
distance, seven students
from Blue Mound, Illinois,

decided to attend Joliet

Junior College in 1968.
Attracted primarily by
the reputation of JJCs
agriculture program, the
“Blue Mound Bachelors”
lived in rented rooms and
apartments during the
week and drove some
1 60 miles back to their
hometown on most
weekends. Front: Ken
Huffman, Joe Zeeb.
Back: Ross Nelson, Bill

Brown, Bob Willis, Phil

Brown, John Brown.

Although John
Brown is pic-

tured with a pan

at the kitchen
stove, the “Blue
Mound Bachelors”
usually ate fast
food or TV

Phil Brown and

Ross Nelson are
seen tidying up
the kitchen.

Pictured here are the farmhouse and other
buildings on the property purchased by the
college for its new campus on Airport Road,

home: of
ulp LIFT

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees on

A sign was erected along the gravel road fronting the 368 acres of farm February 6, 1 968, President Elmer Rowley
land purchased by jjC for its new campus on the far west side of Joliet (right) and Board President William
Glasscock announced the location of the
In March 1968, Board President William Glasscock visited the new campus. Rowley is seen pointing to
newly acquired campus site and pointed to the place where a the Richards’ farm on Airport Road, some
building would one-day bridge the small %ke on the proper^ six miles southwest of downtown Joliet.
On January 8, 1 968, the Board of T rustees
selected Caudill, Rowlett, and Scott, a Texas
architectural firm, to design a
campus for District 525. As seen in the
model pictured here, the small lake and

Northern Illinois Gas Company sponsored a trip for college administrators and Board
wooded area on the property were aesthet-
ically incorporated into the architects’ plan.
members to visit other college campuses that utilized natural gas. About to board the
chartered bus are Administrative Assistant Susan Wood, Trustee Ronald Whitaker,
President Elmer Rowley, Trustee William Glasscock, Trustee Cecil Ingmire, and two gas
company representatives.

At the 969 graduation ceremony.

President Elmer Rowley noted the
historical significance of the occa-
sion, the last time college students
would receive diplomas in the high
school building. JJC was scheduled
to open its new campus in September
1 969 and to formally sever its sixty-

eight year relationship with the Joliet

Township High School. Speakers at
the 969 graduation included faculty

member Robert E. Sterling and stu-

dent Sandra Perrine.


From left to right in the upper tier of buildings: Divisions of Business, Science-Mathematics, Fine Arts, Little Theatre,
Library and Auditorium. The building connecting the two tiers and spanning the lake is the proposed Student Center
including cafeteria, a number of classrooms and the passageway across the lake. The lower tier of buildings, from
left to right, includes: Building Services, TcchnIcal-VocaKonal, Agriculture, and Physical Education Divisions. Large
areas in white at the top and right side Indicate parking lots fed by two driveways. All buildings to be connected
with .0 enclo«d walkway.

/w >



(See full explanation on reverse side)
3/4 TOTAL BUILDING s$22 million:


Publicized by proponents as “The Educational Bargain of a

Lifetime,” voters approved a $ 0.5 1 million bond referendum and a
three-cent increase in the building fund. Approval of both propo-
sitions on March 30, 1 968, was necessary to secure $22 million in

state funds for site acquisition and campus construction.

^ V Vi tW ^ Covflty ZotAhwI «ii o
IWiidifiC Orri*najK*» tjite Ott TlAl Pmptiti

'0 Will County Building Inspector John Ferguson red-tagged the seventeen
buildings and halted construction on the temporary campus. He described
the buildings as “fire traps” and said that they did not meet the county’s
building code. Others disagreed, including the Joliet Herald-News, and char-
acterized the action as a form of harassment by those who opposed the
construction of the new campus so far away from the downtown district.

In this aerial view, the temporary buildings on

JJCs new campus are under construction in the
summer of 1969. Beyond the buildings to the
right appears the smalllake that would become
the centerpiece of the permanent campus.

With construction delays

caused by rainy weather and
a building code controversy,
the new campus was barely
ready for occupancy when
classes began on September
22, 1 969. T raffic was backed
up for more than two miles
on Houbolt Road, which at
was little more
that time
than an unpaved country
lane. Once on campus, stu-
dents circled the crowded
lots to find a place to park.

Remnants of the last-minute move were strewn and
stacked outside the buildings, which were named for
other community colleges in the state. Two L-shaped
buildings in the center of the complex — Kishwaukee
and Waubonsee — created a campus quadrangle.

Since library furniture was late in

arriving, students often sat on the

carpeted floor and used makeshift
surfaces for writing and studying.
The library was eventually furnished
with comfortable chairs and tables.

Although conditions were

less than ideal when the
campus opened, most stu-
dents were happy to have a
place of their own away
from the congested high
school. One person with a
sense of humor stuck a
crude sign in the mud that
read “Keep Off The Grass.”

When JJC moved toits new campus in 1969, a Safety Office was established; the

following year, LouKohlko (pictured here) was named Security Chief. As enroll-
ment increased and the campus developed, security personnel found it increasingly
necessary to perform police functions. Investigating thefts and assaults, dealing
with drug and alcohol incidents, and enforcing parking regulations became more
commonplace. Therefore, in 1981, the JJC Safety Office became an official Campus
Police Department with power to arrest and enforce the laws.

Pictured here in 1 974 in Safety Office

attire.Chuck Kramer has been an
officer on campus since 1971.

Gerald Zeborowski served as

Chief of the Campus Police
Department from 1 983 to 1 998.


ii Ii IfcL

On September 1
8, 1 969, the City of Joliet celebrated John Houbolt Day in

honor of the former resident and jJC graduate who developed the LOR (Lunar
Orbit Rendezvous) and LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) plans, which were
responsible for putting a man on the moon in July 969. The day began when 1

Dr. Houbolt addressed students at Hufford Junior High School and explained
that other scientists had been committed to the concept of a direct flight to the
moon with no rendezvous mission. He told the audience that he had had a
very difficult time convincing others of the merit of his concept of designing a
separate landing module. Houbolt estimated that his plan saved the United
States about $20 billion and accelerated the moon landing by about three years.
The Houbolt family was paraded through the streets of downtown Joliet
and honored at a special luncheon at D’Amico’s 214, now the site of JJC’s City
Center Campus. Riding in a lead convertible. Dr. Houbolt waved to the cheer-
ing crowd. A red, white, and blue stripe had been painted down the center of
Chicago Street, and flags decorated the light poles. Several bands marched
while playing patriotic songs, and two Model A Fords carried signs reading
“Thank you, John” and “The Eagle Has Landed.””

Over 600 people attended a luncheon in Dr. John Houbolt’s honor and
watched as Harry Atkinson presented the highly acclaimed scientist (left) with a
plaque. Atkinson had been one of Houbolt’s instructors at Joliet Junior College

and expressed tremendous pride in the accomplishments of his former student

Mayor Maurice Berlinsky also addressed the gathering and stressed the signifi-

cance of renaming Airport Road in Houbolt’s honor. The road fronted the
new college campus, and Berlinsky noted that it was “fitting that our young
people for years to come will travel Houbolt Avenue to the new junior col-

lege.”The mayor also said “it is a tribute to our educational system that our
junior college is where John Houbolt began his higher education career.” John
Houbolt Day ended with an evening tribute at the stadium where 5,000 people
cheered the hometown scientist who had played a key role in the successful
Apollo 1mission to the moon.”

The ^iumni 'T)e[L 'ToWer
The JJC Alumni Association spearheaded the way for itsmodern replacement, William Glasscock
effort to acquire the bell from the old Will County and other alumni remembered the bell and decided to
courthouse and install it permanent tower on the
in a acquire it for the new college campus on the far west
new campus. The ten-year project took some inter- side of town. Glasscock was a member of the JJC
esting twists and turns along the way. For more that class of 1937 and served as Chair of the first Board of
fifty years, the bell had chimed the hour from the Trustees when the college achieved Class I status.
clock tower high atop the courthouse in Joliet. When Joined by a few other alumni, Glasscock took the lead
the clock and bell were installed in the late 1880s, in purchasing the bronze bell for $1,500 from the
county employees took turns once a week climbing company that demolished the courthouse. Cast in
several ladders in the tower towind the clock. A 400- 1872 in Troy, New York, the bell weighed 1,500
pound weight controlled the clock while an 800- pounds with a 50-pound clapper.®®
pound weight operated the bell. Each was wound Unable to clean their tarnished prize, the JJC
separately; the clock required 125 winds and the bell graduates shipped the bell to specialists in
225 winds. The mechanism was electrified in the Cincinnati, Ohio, to be restored and equipped to oper-
1940s, but age and weather took their toll, and soon ate both as an
the bell ceased to chime.^® hourly chime
When the courthouse was razed in 1969 to make and a victory

In December 1969,
the bell was mounted

on a rustic tower
overlooking the tem-
porary buildings.

The bronze bell

in the Alumni Bell

Tower once chimed

the hours from the
clock tower of the
Will County court-
house pictured here.

bell. Until the permanent campus was completed In the mid-1970s, the Alumni Association began
with a modern bell tower, it was decided to mount the soliciting contributions to move the bell to a modem

bellon a rustic pole platform in the quadrangle of the tower centrally located near the new buildings. The
temporary campus. While funds were being raised to project was delayed first by sluggish fund-raising
defray the expense of purchasing and refurbishing results and then by a lively controversy surrounding
the bell, a story appeared on the front page of the the structural soundness of the supporting tower.
Joliet Herald-News purporting to describe in great College employees, alumni officers, school trustees,
detail the bizarre history of the bell. The account and building engineers discussed and debated
was completely false. The embarrassed editor apolo- whether a strong wind would topple the tower. Work
gized for not checking the accuracy of the story or the on the project was suspended until it was determined
reliability of the source. The writer, Richard Martin, that the structure was safe. Finally, on October 10,
explained that he had perpetrated the hoax to prove 1979, the Joliet Junior College Alumni Association
a point. For years he had tried to get letters and arti- held a ceremony and officially dedicated the new bell

cles published, hut they were either rejected or tower. “Let it ring forever,” proclaimed one of the
buried in some obscure part of the paper. However, speakers, echoing the theme of the day. Alumni
said Martin, when he submitted an outlandish lie, it Director Sheila Sasso sighed, “It’s finally over.”^^

was given front-page coverage.^^

The bell remained in

the quadrangle of the

temporary campus
until the new tower
was erected.

A ribbon was cut

at the dedication

i ceremony on
October 10, 1979.
Participants were
Chris Dragatsis,
Vice President of
the Alumni
Robert Kiep,
Chair of the
Board of
Trustees; Dr.
Derek Nunney,
The new Alumni Bell
JJC President; and
Tower is seen here
Jay Bergman,
with J
Building in the
President of the

Those "l^oabs??!!
The condition of roads leading to the college - McDonough Streetl and a short distance west it turns
Houbolt, McDonough, and Bush Roads - and the pro- into a nickel road.”^®
longed struggle to have them widened and resurfaced The controversy involving road conditions first ]

remained a controversial issue for more than a came to a head in March 1972 when Joliet Mayor |

decade. When the new campus opened in 1969, Maurice Berlinsky, accompanied by various city offi- |

access roads were little more than rural lanes, ill- cialsand college trustees, met with protesting stu- |

suited for the high volume of student traffic and con- dents at an outdoor rally on campus. Student leader ?

struction vehicles. To Ed Bruske outlined stu- I

complicate matters, there dents’ demands and pre- |

were jurisdictional issues sented the mayor with


involving the city, county, petitions containing |

and township. As pot- 1,500 signatures.
holes deepened and rat- Bruske asserted that I

tles worsened, students government officials

and staff became increas- obviously had decided
ingly frustrated with the that JJC was not going
endless delays in solving to have a good road. |j

the problem. Signs read- Dumping loose gravel

ing “Welcome To The Ho into potholes doesn’t
Chi Min Trail” and “Yes really help, stated
Mr. Taxpayer, This Is Bruske. “The next time
The Road? To Your New they come out here with i

Multi-Million Dollar College, Shamefull Isn’t It?” gravel, we’re going to throw it back at them.” Mayor
appeared along Houbolt Road, which fronted the Berlinsky and Councilman Robert Hacker received
campus. College Trustee Robert Kiep echoed the cool receptions from disgusted students, but the
frustrations and sentiments of students and employ- assurances of city officials that the roads would be

ees when he said, “I can’t see building a $32 million fixed by May 1 caused Bruske and other leaders to |

campus with a nickel road. . . . The city and county call off the scheduled car caravan and protest rally in

are willing to jump for industry,” said Kiep. “There is downtown Joliet.®® |

a four-lane highway to the Caterpillar plant [on Weeks became months, months became years, and
still the roads remained a mess. In
1973, a group of students followed the
mayor’s suggestion and formed a com- i

mittee to address the problem. In a i

Blazer article, Bruske chided his fellow

students for permitting the establish- !

ment mute their protest. “So let’s get

to '

organized and do it right this time,” he

stated. “Let’s see if we can’t get the I

mayor and his friends in the City

Council to sing an octave higher this I

spring.” City officials and college

trustees continued to meet and issue ^

statements that progress was being

made. In April 1973, Regional
Transportation Engineer Sigmund C.
Student leader Ed Bruske presents petitions and demands to city officials at a Ziejewski attended a meeting and raised
protest rally on March 17,1972.
hopes that Houbolt Road their predecessors. For
would soon be a four-lane example, in 1978 Karen
highway with a new inter- Riel wrote, “Well, gang,
change at 1-80. But the here we go again
road got worse. In a letter with all the junk
to the Blazer, one student about Houbolt
wrote, “I had a rough time Road. . . . And I

finding my way out of one won’t even begin

big mudhole and just about to count how
lost parts of my car in many times
another one. They’re aspiring young
impossible to avoid journalists have
because the entire road is pounded the
full of holes.”^^ typewriters explaining,
The opening of College arguing, and protesting
Park Subdivision across the road.”^®
from the college in 1975 Looking north on Houbolt Road near the McDonough Street In May 1979, the city
and a new YMCA two intersection in 1971. acquired the last piece of
years later increased the property needed to begin
volume of and the number of potholes. In
traffic the Houbolt project. “Hallelujah — is the strife over?”
1978, City Director of Public Works Bernard Prola asked a Blazer editorial. Many students and employ-
presented a “progress report” to college trustees. He ees remained skeptical until they witnessed the
said that the planned widening and rebuilding of the beginning of construction in the fall of 1979.
road was now being stalled by negotiations between Although work was suspended during the winter
the city and property owners along Houbolt Road. months, the widening and resurfacing of access roads
Condemnation suits, if necessary, would further delay were completed in October 1980, more than eleven
the work. Each year, new student reporters writing years after the new campus opened. The 1-80 inter-
for the Blazer expressed the same frustrations as change at Houbolt Road was completed twenty-one
years after it was first
unveiled and discussed
in 1973. Thus, in 1994,
Joliet Junior College’s
Main Campus was
finally accessible from
both 1-55 and 1-80 on
well-paved, four-lane

Mayor Maurice
Berlinsky assured
students that the
roads would be fixed
within six weeks.


In April 1 973, College President

Harold McAninch (left) and Trustee
Aubrey A. “Fizz” Wills listen to
Regional Transportation Engineer
Sigmund Ziejewski describe plans for
reconstructing Houbolt Road and
building a new interchange at 1-80.

In 1 974, a crew fills potholes in

InMarch 1979, ten years after the new Houbolt Road just south of the
campus opened, Houbolt Road was still Jefferson Street intersection,
filled with potholes and littered with
hubcaps and mufflers. Though the road
was no laughing matter, students some-
times joked that college jackets and
shirts were really unnecessary. People
could easily identify JjC students by the
pitiful condition of their cars.

With College Park Subdivision on the right and the YMCA on the left, students
wound their way past the new roadbed being laid. Widened to four lanes and
totally resurfaced, Houbolt Road was finally completed in October 1980.

During the 1960s and ‘70s, campus clubs pro-
vided students an opportunity to address
many of their social concerns and special
interests. Organized in 1 969, Students for
Political Involvement (SPI) held seminars on
such topics as the draft, birth control, pollu-

tion, drugs, and Vietnam. The club planned a

“Freeze Nixon” march and sponsored
Moratoriums for Peace at which students,
faculty, clergy, and other activists spoke.
Although JJC students participated in the
protest movements that swept college cam-
puses across the nation, activities and
demonstrations locally remained nonviolent
and peaceful. Members of SPI are pictured
herein 1970. Front: Jackie Etcher, Peggy
^SIT- Macko, Sylvia Mejia, Kathy Scarboro, Michele
Burns, Mary Hassert, Ruth Swanson, Dick
Jenkins. Back: Rick Tozzi, Diane Colaric,
Fred Gutierrez, Bob Coleman, Jerry Kinney,
Students were extremely Dave Robertson, Rick Barr, Mike Esposito.
anxious about the draft and
their exposure to compulsory
military service under the
lottery system.

Above: Kim Morris,

JJC English instructor
Pat Horrigan, and
John Stobart is seen
Bonnie Jones, all wear-
speaking at a Moratorium
ing “Peace” armbands,
for Peace rally while stu-
are pictured registering
dents with signs convey
voters in the college
their own sentiments.
quadrangle during a
1971 Drug Symposium
on campus.

The Cultural Cinema Club studied cinema as an art form and student newspaper, the Subterranean Side Show. Club members are
examined its relevance to timely issues and social change in the pictured here in 1 970. Sitting: Sandy Bennington, Frank
1 960s and ‘70s. Club programs included presentations ranging Cernugel, Joe Boyle, Barbara Lorenz, Bob Newsome, George
from student-made films to major award-winning commercial pro- Henze, Barry Roberts, Ellen Hooks, John Stobart (faculty sponsor),

ductions. The CCC also published an underground or unauthorized Debbie Trotter, Saul Brass, Karen Lavazza, Ruth Swanson, Jim
Ridings. Standing: Steve Kasak, John Carli, Angelo Sallese, Larry

Herrod, Delores Welch, Peter Neff (faculty sponsor).

The Subterranean Side Show was produced largely by For a different slant on campus news, students read the
the CCC members pictured here, John Goodwin, Side Show.
Ruth Swanson, Jim Ridings, and John Shields.

^V^omen s Activities ant "Tro^rams
In 1975, proponents of the
Equal Rights Amendment
participated inthe “ERA Yes”
campaign on campus by collect-
ing signatures on petitions to
lobby legislators in Springfield.

On March 4, 1975, several JJC

students joined other members
of the Joliet ERA Coalition in

traveling to Springfield to support

the Equal Rights Amendment.
Two students are seen here
being interviewed by a Channel
2 TV News reporter. Despite
the efforts of ERA proponents,
Illinois lawmakers refused to
ratify the amendment.

In 1972, JJC received a Public Services Grant

from the Illinois Community College Board to
establish a Women’s Studies Program on cam-
pus. Directed by Alice Herron, the program
“New Horizons for You” provided workshops
and noncredit mini-courses designed to help
women explore their self-image and identity
and to establish new personal, educational, and
career goals. In 1 975, JJC’s Women’s Program
joined the College of St. Women’s
Studies Program and the American Association
of University Women in sponsoring a confer-
ence to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Featured speaker Dr. June Sochen (pictured
here) challenged her predominantly female audi-
ence to actively support the conference theme,
The Women’s College
“Stop the World - We Want to Get On.”
within Joliet Junior
College was estab-
lished in July 1997
with grant funding
from the Illinois Board Beginning in February
of Higher Education. 1 998, the Women’s
Dr. Roya Falahi (right) College began sponsoring
and Suzanne Pryga an annual Empowerment
were instrumental in Conference with a
securing the grant to keynote speaker, break-
establish the Women’s out sessions, and display
College, the first com- booths. Featured at the
munity college in the state and the second in the nation to estab- first conference was
lish a women’s college within a college. Falahi and Pryga serve as noted Chicago Tribune
co-directors of the college, whose mission is to integrate gender columnist, author, and
equity into all aspects of the educational process, from college women’s rights advocate
policies and student services to classroom methods and materials. Carol Kleiman, who
The Women’s College offers an array of educational programs and spoke on the subject of
outreach activities designed to promote gender equity. In addi- gender equity in the workplace. She encouraged women to take
tion, it is supportive of single parents, displaced homemakers, individual responsibility to advance their own careers, including
returning adult and nontraditional students, and victims of sexual nontraditional careers. A nontraditional career for women, said

harassment and domestic abuse. Kleiman, is one in which she is well paid.

Pictured with
^Lack 3tuhent 'Union some of the
canned goods
collected in

their 1969
Food Drive
are Black
Student Union
mjbI J 1 members
Malone, Clyde
Winters, Greg
Harris, and

In 1971, Jeffery King

was the first African
American student
selected to speak at

The Black Student Union was organized in 1969 and quickly made its
college commence-
presence felt on campus. It sponsored many prominent speakers and ment exercises. After

programs dealing with African American history and culture. Food drives graduating from Illinois

were held at Thanksgiving and Christmas to assist needy families during Weslyan University,

the holidays. The BSU also addressed the issue of faculty and staff diver- King returned to jJC

sity. Since there were no black instructors or counselors on staff, the

to serve as Director

Black Student Union demanded that at least one African American faculty of Veterans’ Affairs

member and one African American counselor be hired immediately. and Assistant Director
Members of the BSU are pictured in 970. Front: Barbara Edwards,
of Admissions.

Clyde Winters, Warren Wallace. Middle: Ronnie Banner, Saul Brass,

Char Palmer, Gladys Johnson, Shirley Nicholson, Char Dorris, Barb
Singleton, Louise Carr, Alvin Edwards, Carleton Bates. Back: Robert
Walker, Leslie Beavers, Carlton Quarells, Willie Smith, Cliff Shoemaker,
Steve Simpson, Charles Betts, Norman Tate, Leonard Gavin, Robert
Sterling (faculty sponsor).

Julian Bond (pictured here), a Georgia

legislator and rising black leader, spoke During Black History Week in 1971, the
to a packed house in November 1970. BSU hosted an art show featuring the work
The Black Student Union also helped of inmates from Stateville Penitentiary.

bring many other prominent African Viewing some of the pieces are Robert
American speakers to campus, including Mrs. Juliet King, world-traveled soprano Sterling (left), Jo Ann Sterling, and Charles
U. S. Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, and renowned musician, presented a con- Kennedy (center), new political science
comedian Dick Gregory, author
activist cert at Joliet Junior College in December instructor and popular advocate of racial
Louis Lomax, and JJC graduate Katherine 1972. Mrs. King is a Joliet resident and diversity on campus.
Dunham, a nationally known anthropolo- mother of JJC student Jeffery King, presi-
gist, writer, choreographer, and dancer. dent of the Black Student Union in 1970.

On November 15, 1970, ground was broken on JJCs 368-acre site the seven college trustees and Acting President Douglas Graham.
for construction of its new $32 million campus. The first phase of L-R: Daniel Kennedy, Robert Kiep, Dr. Cecil Ingmire, H. Allen
construction included buildings that housed agriculture, technical Holler, A. A. “Fizz” Wills, Victor Scott, William Glasscock, and
programs, nursing, public service, English, foreign language, math, Acting President Douglas Graham. Above: With the temporary
science, social science, physical education, a planetarium, and gym- campus in the foreground, this 1971 aerial view shows Phase of I

nasium. Manning shovels in the groundbreaking ceremony were the permanent campus under construction.

On October 22, 1 972, Phase I of the

permanent campus was dedicated. The
new buildings were nestled alongside the
small lake in a wooded area. Architects
explained that the extensive use of glass
in the two-story concourse was reminis-
cent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s concept of
integrating natural environment and
building design. Dr. John C. Houbolt,
celebrated space engineer and JJC gradu-
ate, was the principal speaker at the ded-
ication ceremony, which was followed by
an Open House with guided tours. The
curvature of the planetarium pictured
here softened the effect of the predomi-
nantly cube construction.

'Thase 11 of the "Termanent Camffus

ulc giddd wdiid (Ji Liic ui lugt;, uiej

Building is seen taking shape in the sum-
mer of 1973. The new five-story structure
would house the cafeteria, bookstore, post
office. Learning Resource Center/Library,
administrative offices, data processing.
Culinary Arts Department, Business
Education Department, and the Social
Science Department.

TheJJC Board of Trustees is seen in 1974

holding one of its last meetings on the
temporary campus before moving into the
new Board Room in J

The second phase of the permanent campus included a bridge,

seen here under construction, and a large five-story structure.
Known as the H Building, the enclosed bridge was designed to
be a comfortable area where students could relax or study.

The college library moved into the Learning Resource Center

on the third floor of J Building when Phase II of the permanent
campus was completed. In the mid-1970’s, students used the
card catalog to locate print material on the shelves. An exteri-
or wall of glass provided natural light and a pleasant view for
students reading and studying in the library.

Phase II of the permanent campus is seen here after

its recent completion in the fall of 1974. No formal
ceremonies were held to mark the opening of the
bridge and J
Building. District residents were invited

to visit campus and tour the new facilities at their

convenience. Guides were available on Sunday after-

noons during the months of September and October.
decretariai Staff

In 1 972, college administrative offices were

located in Harper Building on the interim
campus. Secretaries and clerks that
worked in Harper are pictured here.
Front; Mary Ullrich, Sheila Short, Betty

Yentz, Margaret Webster, Ramona

Sanchez, Vi Starmann, Nancy Meinert, Sue
Taylor, Karen Erickson, Betty Bass, Lupe
Ferreira. Back: Gertrude Shroba, Kay
Vreuls, Sondra Flint, Opal Moore, Marie
Speckman, Vivian Tinley, Carol Tatro,
Donna Newkirk, Cheryl Eliason.

Secretaries in the Social Science Department in

1 97 1 were Darryl Sieger and Regina McKenzie.

The library staff in 1 972 included Ruth The jjC Board Room is often used for receptions and

Kuchta, Mary Lou Newell, and Joan social gatherings. In 1990, Karen Erb, Carolyn Engers, and

Slabozeski (standing). Gertrude Shroba are seen dressed in interesting attire for
a staff Halloween party.

^hministratiVe 3taff Jii

As and programs expanded and

college facilities evolved. Pictured here are a few of the college
grew, administrative staff developed accordingly. The administrators who helped chart the course of JJC
only constant was frequent change; titles changed, during the past twenty-five years.
people changed, and the institution continually

Joseph Bergen,
Dwight Davis,
Dean of Vice President

Occupational and for Instruction

Technical Studies

Walter F. Zaida,

Dr. Paul N. Vice President

Thompson, Vice for Planning and

President for Informational

Instructional Resources

Boudreau, A

Dean of

Dr. Everett
Van De Voort,
Dean of College
Parallel and
General Studies
Dr. John M. Peterson,
Director of Institutional
Research and Planning

Ronald Bleed,
Richard R. Director of Data
Brandolino, Dean of Processing
Community Services
and Continuing

Robert Glenn, Assistant

Director of Business
Affairs and college liaison

for campus construction


Associate Dean for

Special Programs J.
Ross and his secretary,

Sunnie Hunter.

Members of the President’s Cabinet

are pictured here in 1996. Thomas
Ryan, Vice President for Business and
Financial Affairs; Dr. Joelyn Ainley,
Vice President for Student Affairs;
Dr. Thomas Gamble, President; Fred
Bettarelli, Director of Human
Resources; Dr. James D. Lepanto,
Vice President for Academic Affairs;
and Steve Daggers, Director of
Community Relations.

College President Derek
Nunney (left) receives
instruction in word process-
ingon a Kaypro from II

Glenn Harvey, Director of

Data Processing.


Paraprofessional Scott Olsen is

seen working at an Apple

Computer in the Biological
Sciences Department. Olsen
later became Supervisor of

Academic Computing and,

most recently, JJC Webmaster.

Beginning as a reading lab in the corner of I

the library on the interim campus, the

facility evolved into a Reading- Writing Lab
in B Building and then into an Academic
Skills Center in J Building with a wide

array of student services. During its early

years of development. Dr. Robert Burke,
Chair of the English Department, served
as director of the lab with Natalie Miller
serving as reading specialist and Myra
Linden (standing here) as writing specialist.

In addition to reading and writing assis-

tance, students were provided courses,
workshops, and self-paced individual pro-

grams on effective note-taking, study

methods, research techniques, vocabulary
improvement, test-taking, and various
other academic enhancement aids. Peer
tutoring proved to be a popular addition I

to the menu of services offered by the

Skills Center.


With the opening of Phase of the I

permanent campus in 1972, the col-

lege established a Child Care Center
in the Home Economics Building.

Intended primarily for children of JJC

students, the center made it easier
for parents of preschoolers to attend
college. The Center served the dual
purpose of freeing parents to attend
classes while, at the same time,
allowing education, psychology, and
nursing students to observe child
behavior through the use of one-way
glass. In addition to planned activi-
ties, the children had plenty of free
time for play.

Often juggling jobs and

family responsibilities
with attending college,
students consult advisors

or counselors, like Roger
Gordon pictured here,
to develop a schedule
of classes best suited
for them.

Even though touch-tone

phone registration was
introduced in the early
1980s for part-time stu-
dents, lines remained long
on the first days of regis-
tration as full-time stu-
dents tried to arrange

desirable class schedules.

were when

If classes full

students reached the win-

dow, the next stop was
often an instructor’s office
to plead for admission by
raising class limits.

^^riculturaL/ diorticuiturai Sciences
The agriculture and horticulture programs have graduates of the agriculture program were John
enjoyed a long, successful, and unique history at Findlay and John Richards. Interestingly, the
Joliet Junior College. The roots of the agriculture Richards’ family farm was purchased by JJC in 1967
program can be traced back to the early 1940s when and developed into the current college campus. When
the college and high school shared facilities and fac- Findlay and Richards transferred to the University of
ulty. In June 1941, the Board hired Gordon K. Grose Illinois, the Assistant Dean of Agriculture decided
to teach courses in the newly approved high school that they would have to take proficiency tests to
agriculture curriculum. A year later, Grose resigned, receive credit for their JJC courses. Following an
and Elmer W. Rowley was employed to teach both day exchange of letters between Kuster and the U of I, a
and evening classes. During World War II, the school team and exam-
of university officials visited Joliet
participated in the government’s food production pro- ined the content and structure of the program. They
gram and designated Rowley as the supervisor of were impressed with the agriculture curriculum and
canning centers and coordinator of victory garden immediately ended proficiency testing.
seminars and classes. The Vocational Education Act of 1963 produced a
When Rowley became the first full-time dean of the major change in agriculture education at JJC.
junior college in 1947, Max Kuster was hired as his Department Chair Max Kuster was contacted by the
replacement in the high school agriculture program. University of Illinois and the Agriculture Department
Kuster also took over the Farmer’s Short Course that of the State of Illinois to see if Joliet Junior College
Rowley had been conducting. The Agriculture would be interested in developing a pilot program in
Department was located in sm old frame building south agriculture supply and business. Grant monies were
of the high school on Jefferson Street. The structure available to design a two-year occupational curricu-
was in such poor repair that when students began rais- lum, the first of its kind in the state and one of the
ing chickens on the third floor, feed and other material first in the nation. Since JJC was the only communi-
sifted through the flooring into classrooms and offices ty college offering a full two-year transfer program in
below. In 1952, the department moved to leased space agriculture, it seemed logical that Joliet should devel-
nearby,and the original agriculture building was razed op the new non-transfer program. Superintendent
and replaced with tennis courts. William French approved the pilot program on the
In 1954, Kuster was concerned that the new condition that a minimum of six students could be
Lincoln-Way High School District east of Joliet would recruited for the new courses. Robert Jurgens, the
drain students from the program, and he suggested that agriculture instructor at Serena High School, was
an agriculture curriculum be developed for the junior hired for the new vocational program. When the
college. The plan was approved, and courses were semester began in the fall of 1964, there were forty-

offered in agriculture economics, dairy science, princi- four students enrolled. The following year, Maynard
ples of feeding, and
crop production, all The Farmers’ Short Course
annually attracted numerous
of which are still
participants during the winter
taught fifty years months. For a registration fee
later. Walter Zaida of $ I
, the lecture-discussion
was hired as the sec- course introduced farmers to
the latest research and newest
ond instructor in the
techniques in agriculture.
Agriculture Depart- There were usually nine weekly
ment; however, he classroom sessions and a final

soon moved into an dinner meeting to which spous-

es and guests were invited.
administrative posi-
Max Kuster was the organizer
tion as an assistant and instructor when the Short
to Dean Rowley. Course pictured here was con-
The first two ducted in the late 1960s.

Boudreau and Ronald Seibel were
employed to teach agribusiness courses,
which soon attracted more than one hun-
dred students. The first graduating class
in 1966 had forty-two students; all but
one were males.
When the moved to the new
campus on Houbolt Road, the
Agriculture Department had additional
room to grow. William Johnson was
hired in 1968 to help develop and coordi-
nate a new program in agriculture pro-
duction, and Robert Cottingham was
employed the following year to develop a
program in horticulture. In 1972, the
department moved into a large, new
building, a facility made possible by a
federal grant secured through the
Pictured here the panel convened to discuss the proposed tv/o-year vocational pro-
efforts of JJC administrator Douglas
gram in agriculture supply and business. L-R: Dr. Lloyd Phipps, Chair of the
Graham and college Trustee William Agricultural Education Department at the University of Illinois; Walter Zaida, Assistant
Glasscock. Designed largely by Max to the Dean; Elmer Rov/ley, Dean of Joliet Junior College; Allen Utech, Local State
Supervisor; Ralph Guthrie, Chief State Supervisor of Agricultural Education.
Kuster, Robert Jurgens, Stan Kosiba,
and Maynard Boudreau, the new class-
rooms and labs provided the department even more instructors introduced computers into their class-
space to expand. The horticulture program blossomed rooms. Twenty years later, faculty routinely use com-
in the 1970s and ‘80s, benefiting greatly by the con- puters in classroom instruction, and students spend
struction of a greenhouse in 1973. Student organiza- considerable time in the department’s computer lab.
tions and activities also flourished on the permanent In 1993, Dave Cattron developed a course devoted
campus. For example, Dave Cattron organized and entirely to agricultural computing. Furthermore, a
coached the first livestock judging team in 1972, and computer is used to control the temperature in the
the Student Agriculture Association sponsored such two new state-of-the-art greenhouses built in 1994.
events as the Spring Fling and Sadie Hawkins Days, In the fall of 1999, the department added a
complete with chicken chases, greased pig contests, Veterinary Medical Technology Program to its long
and bikini competitions. list of degrees and certificates and hired Dr. Scott

A long-range goal of the agriculture faculty was Keller to coordinate the curriculum. A new building
realized in 1983when operation of the 143-acre farm to house the program was opened in January 2000.
on college property was turned over to the depart- Also in 1999, John Weitendorf donated 30.7 acres of
ment. Designated as the J. F. Richards Land land on Laraway Road to be used by the
Laboratory in honor of the family that sold the prop- Agricultural/Horticultural Sciences Department as
erty to the college, the farm supplements classroom an off-campus educational center. Beginning in 1954
instruction. It is used extensively by instructors and with four agriculture classes, the department now
students for agricultural research and agronomy offers almost a hundred courses, ranging from the
demonstrations. Also, when the farm was acquired, a operation and adjustment of farm machinery to
swine confinement option was added to the agricul- surgery technology, and from artificial insemination
ture production program. Not only have faculty of cattle and swine to videoscape design. Indeed,
members made use of practical, hands-on learning JJC’s programs have been in the forefront through-
experiences and internships, but also in 1980, a few out the state for almost fifty years.

Robert Jurgens was hiredin August

1964 to implement and guide the

new two-year curriculum in agricul-
ture supply and business, the first

occupational program of its kind in

the state. He is seen here teaching

one of the courses in the program.

Organized in 1964, the Student

Agriculture Association has been
one of the largest and most active
clubs since its inception. Seen here
in 1966 are sophomore members
of the S.A.A. Front: Dave Phillips,

Jim Ramseyer, Dick Tindall, Dallas

Good, Bob Thompson, Dave
Kinsella, Scott Buck, John Nienhuis,
Don Bob
Carlson. Middle:
Kampe, Mike Kleen, Roger Cook,
Rodney Block, Stan Yordy, Bob
Jarboc, Bill Grimes, Tom Wilkey.
Back: Maynard Boudreau (faculty).

Max Kuster (department chair). Bill

Barr, Dave Westphal, Steve Peters,

Bob Christian, Mike Stogan, Dan
Olson, John Rowley, Doug Miles,
unidentified, Ronald Seibel (faculty),
Robert Jurgens (faculty).

In 1 983, the college turned over to the

Agriculture Department 1 43 acres of land to
be used for research and demonstrations.
Designated as the J.
F. Richards Land
Laboratory, the acreage is used extensively by
students in all agriculture programs. In 1985,
the former owner of the property, Mrs.
Virginia Richards, presented a framed picture
of the farm as it looked before being pur-
chased by JJC and developed into the college
campus. Mrs. Richards has been a friend to
the school. She sold her farm at a favorable
price and, for many years, has annually donat-
ed two agriculture scholarships to JJC stu-
dents in memory of her husband and son,
both named John F. Richards. Pictured here
at the presentation ceremony on Agriculture
Day are Department Chair James Ethridge,
Vice President Walter Zaida, Mrs. Virginia
Richards, Dean J. D. Ross, President Raymond
Pietak, and guest speaker Orien Samuelson.
James Ethridge conducts a
horticulture program in
the concourse of A
Building in February 1976.
Dr. Ethridge joined the
staff in 1973 and has
served as Chair of the
Sciences Department
from 1 984 to the present.

Horticulture instructor
Roger Ross is seen with
students walking the cam-
pus and providing practical
hands-on instruction. Ross
sponsored the Student
Horticulture Association
when it was chartered in

October 1976.

nacta junr.iNG gon

The JjC Livestock Judging Team won first

place in the National Agriculture College

Teachers Association Livestock Judging
Contest at Eastern Oklahoma State
College in 1994. The competition includ-
ed ten classes of cattle, swine, and sheep
and six sets of oral reasons. The team
was the overall winner by placing first in

beef and sheep, second in oral reasons,

and third in swine. Tammy Kurtenbach,
now a faculty member at JJC, was the
contest’s overall individual winner.
Members of the championship team are
pictured here. L-R: Chad Martin, Dan
Hamilton, Jessica Murray, Mike Taylor,
Matt Taylor, Suzy Martin, Tammy
Kurtenbach, Beau Byington, Rodney
Knittel, and Coach Dale Hummel.
Cronin dchooL ^ Lix^in^ 'X'bucationaL diistor^ CWuseum

In 1 987, an historic one-room country school was of Troy Township until January of 1950. In 1935,
donated to the Joliet Junior College Foundation by the original building was remodeled and equipped
the Ed Larkin family and moved five miles to cam- with electricity. When the school district no
pus for use as a living educational history museum. longer needed the building, it was sold at auction in

Jim Shinn and Dave Cattron, members of the 1 952 and later acquired by Ed Larkin. The struc-
Agricultural/Horticultural Sciences Department, ture was converted into a home and used as a resi-
spearheaded the effort to acquire and restore the dence until about 1970. When the college
building. Known as the Cronin School, the small acquired the building, it was being used for storage.
structure was built in 1863 and served the students

The building has been restored to its pre-1935

condition with furnishings, fixtures, and materi-
als replicating, as closely as possible, that era in

the school’s history. Today, children enjoy vis-

iting one-room country school and discov-

ering what it was like to attend school seventy-
five years ago. They enjoy operating the pump

outside in the yard and wondering about the

restrooms. They are also amused by the old
desks and amazed that one teacher taught eight
grades in a single room.
Pictured here are students attending Cronin School in December 1946.

‘^ur$[n^ 'Tro^ram
In the fall of 1969, when JJC moved to the cam- gram at Joliet Junior College.
pus on Houbolt Road, the college admitted the first In keeping with state guidelines, Helen Tea was
class of nursing students into its new RN preparatory hired as program director a year prior to enrolling
program. For several years, the college had part- students. Tea was an experienced nursing adminis-
nered with Silver Cross Hospital School of Nursing, trator, having supervised the school at Silver Cross
and JJC faculty had taught science and related Hospital. She planned the overall program, contact-
courses to Silver Cross nursing students. However, ed prospective clinical agencies, and obtained state
in the early 1960s, Illinois nursing leaders began approval. In the spring of 1969, Emily Zabrocki
pushing a state plan to move RN preparatory pro- joined Ms. Tea as an instructor and began designing
grams from hospital-owned diploma schools to college courses, preparing syllabi, and securing agreements
campuses. The new approach envisioned students with clinical sites. By the fall of 1969, Mabel
training in a broader educational setting with a wide Robinson, Therese Czichon, and Irma June Simmons,
range of supplementary courses and academic all of whom had been nursing instructors in the
enhancement pro- Silver Cross diploma program, joined Zabrocki as fac-
grams. Locally, this ulty members. As recommended by the state, an
meant phasing out the orderly transition was made from a hospital-based
Silver Cross school and diploma program to an associate degree curriculum
developing an associate on the junior college campus. Silver Cross School of
degree nursing pro- Nursing graduated its last class in 1970, and JJC
awarded degrees to its first
graduates in 1971.
Since its first eleven
graduates in 1971, the program
has grown to about one hun-
Helen Tea was hired in October dred graduates annually.
1968 to serve as Director of Students who complete the two-
Nursing Education at Joliet Junior
year Associate Degree Nursing
College. Working with an adviso-
rycommittee of twenty-nine (ADN) curriculum are eligible
members, Tea won state approval to write the RegisteredNurse
for a two-year associate degree National Council Licensure
program with strong classroom For health reasons, Helen Tea resigned in 1970, and
Examination for Nurses. They
and clinical components. The first Emily Zabrocki became program director and depart-
nursing classes were offered in ment chair, a position she held for some fifteen years
may also continue their educa-
the fall of 1969. before retiring in 2000. Zabrocki is seen here at her tion by transferring into a bac-
desk in the department office. calaureate nursing program. A
spin-off option is available at
the end of the first year of nurs-
ing classes that permits stu-
dents to take the practical
nurse (LPN) licensure exam.
The nursing program has
remained flexible to meet soci-
ety’s ever-changing health care
Instructor Colleen needs. Instructional methods
have, likewise, changed and
assists student Mary
Fran Overcash in
now include the use of comput-
preparing an IV for ers and the World Wide Web.
infusion in the nursing
lab on Main Campus.

Piaured here in 1971
are the first graduates of

JJCs nursing program.



Graduates ISTl



PhoLos by. aaatthsws

Instructor Mabel Robinson is seen with her students in the

Vice President for Instruction Dwight Davis welcomes graduates Physical Therapy Department at Saint Joseph Hospital (today
and guests to the pinning ceremony in 1976. Seated on the plat- Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center) in Joliet. Front: Bette
form are nursing instructors Sally Monken, Lora McDonald, Laura Ristinen, Cecelia Peacock, Mabel Robinson (instructor), Bridget
Cato, and Ellen Holmgren; Rev. Kay Collins, Chaplain of Silver Rubocki, Betty Wilker. Back: Carol Paetle, Judy Balos, Eileen
Cross Hospital; and nursing instructor Eileen Massura. Department Caudill, Peggy Williamson, Janet Barfield, June Sullivan, Linda
Chair Emily Zabrocki is seated to the right of the podium. Rothlesberger, Hilda Warlick.

£avJ ‘Tnforcement/CrlminaL Justice dtuhies
In response to inquiries and requests by area other area in the state, JJC was deemed the ideal loca-
police agencies, Technical Department Chair A1 tion for such an initiative. Frank Alberico, who had
Racchini formed an advisory committee in 1967 to written the proposal, formed an advisory committee to
assist the college in developing a law enforcement pro- develop the program. Dr. Salim Abdul Haaq was hired
gram. A two-year curriculum was designed and sub- to coordinate and refine the curriculum and to teach
sequently gained state approval in July 1968. The the new corrections class-
first classeswere taught by adjunct instructors in the es. However, the program
spring of 1969. The following summer, Frank Alberico failed to generate suffi-
was hired to teach law enforcement classes and to pro- cient hours to justify a
vide program leadership. Increasing enrollments full-time instructor and
necessitated the employment of Patrick O’Connell as coordinator, and Haaq left

an additional staff member in 1973. When he the college. Law enforce-

resigned the following year, Donald Ernst was hired ment instructor Donald
in August 1974 to teach in the law enforcement pro- Ernst eventually provided
gram. For the past twenty-seven years, Alberico and program leadership and
Ernst have been the full-time faculty responsible for assumed responsibility for
law enforcement and related programs. staffing corrections class-
In the spring of 1972, a two-year degree program es, most of them with
in corrections was added to the curriculum, the first of adjunct faculty.
its kind in the state. The Illinois Board of Higher With the assistance of
Education provided the college with a $30,000 grant to a committee of profes-
design and pilot the corrections program. Since the sionals in the field, Ernst
Joliet region has more correctional agencies than any developed a broad-based
Criminal Justice Studies
Program in 1991 to
replace the corrections
curriculum. While the
program continues to pro- Since the program began in the
spring of 1969, numerous
vide course work for uni-
members of regional law
formed officers, it also enforcement agencies have
serves the educational received training at Joliet Junior
College. In fact, the current
needs of students inter-
Sheriff of Will County, Brendan
ested in the diverse
Ward, is a former JJC student.
opportunities available in
the field of criminal jus-
tice.The curriculum is interdisciplinary and flexible
and can be individualized for students pursuing
careers in law enforcement, the courts, corrections,
forensic science, and private security. It blends theo-
Each year students serve internships with numerous law enforce- ry and real-world experiences by utilizing classroom
ment and criminal justice agencies in the area. At an annual spring lecture and discussion, independent research, guest
banquet, representatives of participating agencies are honored and
speakers, field trips, and internships. Based on per-
thanked for their role in providing interns with real-life learning
experiences. The banquet also serves as a forum for professors sonal and professional goals, students can select a
Frank Alberico and Donald Ernst to recognize the accomplish- course of study designed either for immediate
ments of outstanding students by presenting them with various employment or for transfer into a university bac-
awards and scholarships. Pictured here at a banquet in the mid-
calaureate program.
1970s are Public Services Department Chair Dr. William Chase,
Dean of Career Education Maynard Boudreau, Frank Alberico,
and Don Ernst.

Working with an advisory
committee in 1991, Donald
Ernst, pictured here, developed
a Criminal Justice Studies
Program designed to prepare Organized in 1969 as the Law Enforcement Club, its name was changed in 1978 to the Association

students either for immediate

for Criminal Justice Students. The ACJS annually sponsors a variety of field trips, programs, and social

employment or transfer into a

activities under the direction of faculty sponsors Frank Alberico and Don Ernst. Pictured here are

baccalaureate degree program.

club members in 1975. Front: Timothy Tracy, Gene Golden, Richard Strelak, Craig Long, Carol
Bickel, James Creed. Middle: Richard Whyte, Alfredo Coronado, Bob Kirwin, Jim Hines, Kathleen
Purdy, Diane Cramer, Carol Farrero, Mike Elsen. Back: Alan Love, Jeff Wix, Delbert Berguson.

hire Science

Larry Walsh, Chief of the Joliet Fire

Department, coordinated the college
Fire Science Program for many years.
Walsh helped develop the program in In many fire science courses, class-
970 to meet the demand for fire-
room instruction is supplemented
fighter training. The program immedi- with field experiences, especially in
ately attracted students from numer- such areas as fire apparatus and
ous municipal departments as well as equipment and advanced tech-
from nearby industries with fire niques of fire fighting.
fighting units.


Culinary ^rts
The culinary arts program at Joliet Junior College a reputation for producing excellent graduates.
began in the spring semester of 1970 with instructors During the first ten years of the program’s existence,
Claude Kern and Siegfried “Mike” Mieland. Swiss- JJC students won first place each year at the National
born chef Kem was hired in August 1969 to develop the Restaurant Salon of Culinary Arts competition.
program and to direct JJC’s Officers of the Illinois
food services operation. Restaurant Association
Mieland, a native of often described the JJC
Germany, had considerable program as the ‘T>est in the
experience as a professional Midwest.”
cook and executive chef in When the college opened
Switzerland, England, and the Louis Joliet
the United States prior to Renaissance Center as a
i teaming with Kern in downtown instructional

implementing the new culi- site,the Culinary Arts

nary arts curriculum at Department expanded its
JJC. Beginning with eight offerings to include a hotel

students in the spring of and restaurant manage-

1970, the program rapidly ment program. The build-

expanded, and Chef ing had housed the
Siegfried Stober was added Sheraton Hotel and

to the staff in 1971. Classes D’Amico’s 214 Restaurant


were taught to full-time and and now provided a practi-

part-time students in both cal setting for training stu-

i the day and evening schools. dents. The facility provides

Courses were even offered students with hands-on
at Pontiac and Stateville experience in planning and
Prisons as part of JJC’s preparing food for ban-
Inmate Training Program. quets, parties, wedding
A total of 150 students were In February 1970, when the culinary arts program was only a receptions, candlelight din-
enrolled in culinary arts by few weeks old, Siegfried “Mike” Mieland and Claude Kern met ners, and Sunday brunch-
December 1973. to discuss the day’s menu. es. In 1986, the depart-
In 1974, the Culinary ment won the coveted
Arts Department and food services Award of Excellence from the

i moved from a temporary building on National Restaurant Association and


the interim campus to the ground the American Vocational Association.
floor of J Building on the permanent The NRA/AVA award recognized the
campus. The same year, the student JJC program as the best post-sec-
Epicurean Club was organized, and ondary food service education pro-
the first annual Classical 100 was gram in the United States.
held. The Classical 100 provides stu-
dents an opportunity to showcase
The art of sculpturing ice into artistic
their talent by preparing and serving
forms has challenged culinary arts
gourmet food. Proceeds from the din- students since the inception of the
ner are placed in a scholarship fund program. The students seen here in

for deserving culinary students. 1977 use various cutting and carving
tools to shape their block of ice.
From the very beginning, the
Culinary Arts Department developed

Internationally known as an
expert in blowing and pulling
spun sugar, JJC Chef Charles
Wagner is seen demonstrating

the art of blowing sugar into

artistic and delicate forms.
Blown sugar swans and pulled
sugar baskets and flowers were
a few of Wagner’s specialties.

Reflecting the
theme of ancient
Mexico, culinary
arts students
showcased their
edible creations for an open house in 1979.
The seven-tiered ziggurat with its exterior
staircase and shrine at the top was formed out
of pastillage, a sugar-based modeling paste.

During the holiday season, sophomore

students capture the magic of Christmas
in their gingerbread creations, displayed
annually in the college cafeteria. Each
house is uniquely designed with exterior
decorations limited only by the imagina-
tion of the culinary architect.

Under the watchful eye of Chef Stober, students prepare food in

1977 for the Classical 100 Dinner, an epicurean delight held annu-
ally to raise scholarship funds for culinary arts students. Gene Bogdan, owner of the Joliet Holiday Inn, is seen
plating food for students to serve at a Classical 1 00
Dinner. As a member of the original advisory committee
that developed the culinary arts program, Bogdan often
served as a Classical 100 table captain.

InOctober 1997, JJC received a Chef

$ 50,000 to create a
Boiardi grant of 1

Hector Boiardi Endowed Memorial

Scholarship for culinary arts students at
the college. Holding the generous-sized
check are JJC Foundation President
William Kaplan and Chef Patrick Hegarty,
Chair of the Culinary Arts Department.

Opposite page,
bottom right:
Chef Siegfried
Stober, Chair of
the Culinary Arts
Department, pro-
Chef John Noe
vides instruction
tastes thesoup of
and encourage-
the day. Noe
ment as Cindy
graduated from
Piket decorates
the JJC culinary
Christmas logs and
arts program and
other holiday
later returned to
pastries in 1985.
serve as an
instructor and
department chair.

JJCs Electronics/Electricity curriculum has a long history dating
For fifteen years, from 1 970 to 1 985, Joliet Junior College offered
back to 1923, when Ira McCoy and Fred Hahn began teaching elec-
a unique educational program to residents of District 525’s several
tricity classes in what was then called the manual training program.
correctional facilities. With grant funding from the Illinois Division
A comprehensive list of course offerings in electrical wiring for the
of Vocational Rehabilitation, Division of Vocational-Technical
building trades was added in 1948 by Lewis Englehardt, a journey-
Education, Illinois Junior College Board, and the Department of
man electrician. When the college split from the high school in
Corrections, JJCs Inmate Training Program provided a wide range
1969, the program was temporarily housed in Room 103 of the
of educational opportunities at the Pontiac Correctional Center,
Blackhawk Building on the interim campus. In 1972, it moved into
Stateville Correctional Center, Joliet Correctional Center, Illinois
permanent facilities when Phase I of the new campus was complet-
Youth Center at Joliet, and the Dwight Correctional Center for
ed. The courses and programs have evolved over the years and in
women. Beginning with vocational-technical degree and certificate
the 1990s began incorporating robotic equipment, programmable
programs in culinary arts, data processing, automotive services,
controllers, and other state-of-the-art technology.
accounting, mechanical production technology, mechanical design
technology, and secretarial science, the program was gradually
expanded to include general education
courses necessary for earning a trans-
fer degree. The Inmate Training
Program was discontinued in 1985
when funding agencies decided to
explore less expensive options for
providing educational services to resi-
dents of correctional facilities. Built in

1858, some of the walls and historic

guard towers of the Joliet Correctional
Center (pictured here) are reminiscent
of nineteenth century penal institutions.

Under the direction of

instructor Jim Morris, JJC
developed an excellent

machine shop that pre-

pares students for
employment in regional
businesses and industries.

The automotive service curriculum trains students as service tech-

In 1 973, Jack Richardson is Known for his loud sport nicians for independent garages, dealerships, and service stations.
i seen discussing the “Golden coats, world travel, and Students in the program, like the one pictured here in 1979, gain

Age” of Greece with his student-centered teaching. practical experience working on the automobiles of other students
History 1 05 class. Dr. Lloyd Tinkle was a pop- and college employees.

ular business law instructor.

InAugust 1980, JJC metalworking student

David Harvey received a toolbox award from
District 55 of the International Association of
Machinists and Aerospace Workers in recog-
nition of hard work and pride in craftsman-
ship. The Machinists’ Union annually awarded
a toolbox and tools to an outstanding college
student to provide recognition and encour-
agement in the field. Harvey was a student in

the Mechanical Production Technology pro-

gram under the supervision of instructor Jim
Morris. Pictured here at the award ceremo-
ny are Ron McCure, President of District 55
of the Machinists’ Union; Harold Spreitzer,
President of Local 1 24 of the Machinists’
Union; David Harvey, award recipient;
Maynard Boudreau, Dean of Career
Education; and JJC instructor Jim Morris.



Instructor Jim Fox examines a

student’s work in the drafting
lab in 1990. Computers had

not found their way into

drafting classes, and CAD
(Computer Aided Design)
was not yet being taught.

When typewriters were the mainstay
of secretarial positions, JJC’s Business
Education Department developed an
open lab where students used audio
and visual aids to work at their own
pace. Most courses were offered on
an open-entry, open-exit basis with a
maximum of sixteen weeks allowed
for completion. Instructors moni-
tored the lab and were available to
students for individual assistance.

In 1970, instructor
Bobby McDowell
taught students how
to use a key punch
machine in his data
processing classes.

William Burns
is pictured at
Cockbill is
the podium
seen here in
teaching a
1969 teaching
French class
an English
in 1968.

Sociology instructor
Phil Piket interacts with
a student after teaching
a class in marriage and
the family.

JJC student Dave

Parker checks out the
structure of the human
body in his anatomy
and physiology class

in 1969.

Dr. William Curry holds a “skull session” with students in his anthropology class.

Foreign language instructor Art

Walters shares a light moment
with students in his German class.
Psychology instructor Ken Warman delivers a lecture in 1974 in one of the few
large-group instruction rooms on campus.
Chemistry instructor
John Hirmer is seen using
the blackboard to present
course material.

In 1979, political sci-

ence instructor Gale
“Flash” Filter conducts
a planning session in the
college cafeteria with
students in the model
government program.

Leonard Hodgman is seen
interacting with students in

his geography class.

In l975,JJCsfirst

Annual Invitational

Math Contest, the

largest of its kind in

the state, attracted

students from
numerous area high
schools. The over-
all winners were

Lincoln-Way in the
Class AA division
and Beecher in the
Class A category. Pictured here
are contestants hard at work in

the 1 976 competition.

An individual winner pumps her

fist in the air after receiving an
award in the 995 math contest.

Announcing the winners and pre-

senting the awards are Math
Department Chair Nelson
Collins, math instructor Jean
McArthur, Vice President for
Academic Affairs James Lepanto,
and math instructor Linda Padilla.

In 1 988, Douglas
Graham retired,
and Edward
became the new
director of the
planetarium. The
same year, a gen-
erous donation by
Herbert T rackman,
a 1 93 1
of JJC, made pos-
sible the refur-
bishing of the planetarium and the installation of new state-of-the-
art audio and video projection equipment. At a ribbon-cutting
The JJC Planetarium held its first public showing on February 15^ ceremony in August 1988, the newly equipped and redecorated
1973, with Douglas Graham, Director of Research and Planetarium, was reopened as the “Herbert Trackman Planetarium.”

presenting a program entitled “Stars of the North.” Pictured here L-R: Dr. Peter Nichols representing the JJC Foundation, Herbert
in 1975, Graham explains to curious school children how the plane- T rackman,and President Raymond Pietak.
tarium equipment projects such realistic sights and sounds.

In the fall of 1992, JJC began implementing Continuous Quality

Improvement (CQI) under the direction of Dr. Robert Hauwiller.
Working with a Quality
Council of twelve
employees representing
different groups from
within the college,
Hauwiller encouraged
the formation of Master
Planning Teams to
address campus prob-
lems, concerns, and
processes. Using CQI
principles and tech-
niques, the teams devel-
oped action plans for
improving college pro-
grams and services.
Pictured here in 1994
are several college employees wearing CQI T-shirts that read “We
Can’t Spell Q ality Without U.”

On April 16, 1999, JJC won first place in the statewide College
Bowl tournament sponsored by the Community College

Trustees Association and the Illinois Community College

Student Activities Association. Sometimes called “the varsity
sport of the mind,” College Bowl features fast-paced competi-
tion with questions drawn from such categories as humanities,
history, social science, math, science, literature, and current
events. At the state finals, team captain Nick Rakes scored the
highest number of points by an individual player and was named
to the tournament’s All-Star Team. Each member of the win-
ning team received a $300 cash stipend to apply toward educa-
tional expenses. Bill Yarrow, a member of the English
Department, served as team coach. JJC repeated as the state
College Bowl champion in April 2000. Pictured here are mem-
bers of the 1999 team; Bill Yarrow (coach), A. J.
Orosco, Karen
Olvera, Nick Rakes (captain), Jeff O’Malley, Michael Fletcher.


Under the direction of Dr. William

Zales, biology faculty members
sponsored and supported the devel-
opment of a nature trail on campus.
In recognition of the role Zales
played in establishing and maintaining
the trail, he was honored in May
1999 at a ceremony officially desig-

nating the trail as the “Dr. William

M. Zales Nature Trail.” Unveiling
the new sign is Andrew Neill of the
In 1 975, Dr. William Zales originated the concept of a college arboretum as
Natural Sciences/Physical Education
part of the College Use Plan. With financial assistance from the JJC
Foundation, an 1 1 -acre tract between the entrance and exit roads of the
Main Campus has been planted with more than two hun-
dred species of trees, shrubs, and vines. Designed as an
area for both exhibition and study, the arboretum has
become more attractive and useful each year. Zales is seen
here in 1 977 discussing the first plantings and explaining the
concept of arranging specimens in an evolutionary sequence
beginning at the east end with the most primitive plants.
L-R; Foundation Directors Kenneth Pritz, Helen
Harshbarger, Gary Lichtenwalter, and Earl Meisinger;
Dr. Zales; and Steve Flanagan, Buildings and Grounds
Department In May 999, Dr. Zales was honored for the "He who plants trees thinks of othersthan himself",


central role he played in establishing the arboretum; it was
j-- -

. ; -
English Proverb
officially named the “Dr. William M. Zales Arboretum.” T Dedicated May_l 999 _ „


In February 1 980, a truck from the Buildings

and Grounds Department broke through
the ice on the college lake while clearing
snow for skaters. The truck was pulled
from the lake, dried out, and put back into
service plowing snow. A week later, the
same truck ventured onto the lake to con-
tinue making the rink, but it created a spec-
tacle instead: it broke through the ice a sec-

ond time. With little more than its cab pro-

truding above the frigid water, the truck was
once again fished from the lake. Students
and staff were amused by the incident and
willingly offered lighthearted advice. An
exasperated college president issued a direc-
tive to Buildings and Grounds
that forbade the driving of
trucks on the lake. All future Truck ^0
y th is jyTfre'
^rrapicrior^ Ph-carp
T»e STuoe-Airs TiVis
snow removal for skaters dives for l|AS

would be done by hand. A car- Coy IF I'o rt-Ai/t'

toonist for the Blazer had fun last time A&Out 'w, X Cooi-OA

with the story.

Vote YES^, Tuesday

May lO

On May 10, 1977, Joliet Junior College passed
the only tax referendum attempted since it

became a Class I college district in 1 967.

Publicized as “the untax,” proponents explained
to District 525 voters that the amount of money
paid property taxes for JJC would not

increase. As taxes for the college Bond and

Interest Fund decreased by 7.5 cents over the
next five years, a corresponding 7.5-cent
increase in the Education and Building Funds Joliet Junior College acknowledges the outstanding contributions and excellent
would be phased Although some residents
in. work of its employees with special awards. Recipients of Employee Recognition
did not fully understand the college’s declining Awards in 1992 are pictured here holding their plaques. Front: Linda Padilla,
bonded indebtedness and the concept of offset- Marie Wolff. Back: Trustee Eleanor McGuan-Boza, Marvin Schumaker, David
ting tax rates, they, nonetheless, passed the ref- Buckley, Sunnie Hunter, President Raymond Pietak.
erendum and placed the college on a firmer
financial footing.

On dtrike
Over the years, college employees have not always was some way. Court orders ended two
different in
seen eye-to-eye with the administration and Board of strikes, and another was suspended when parties
Trustees. Occasionally, the inability to reach agree- agreed to federal mediation. Following the 1977
ment during contract negotiations has resulted in strike, the Board agreed to establish a student scholar-
picketing and work stoppages. The major issues sepa- ship fund with the $45,000 that faculty members were
rating the sides usually have been salary, health bene- docked. In recent years, contract agreements have
fits, and workload. Following prolonged negotiations, been reached using an approach to negotiating called

the faculty union voted to Interest Based Bargaining.

strike in 1973, 1977, and The IBB method encour-
1991. The Firemen and ages the two sides to focus
Oilers Union, representing on shared issues and con-
physical plant employees cerns rather than opposing
and campus security staff, bargaining positions, a
held strikes in 1973 and strategy designed to pro-
1974. Although all the duce more amicable talks
work stoppages were and mutually agreeable
strikingly similar, each solutions.

Members of the striking Firemen and Oilers Union “walk” the picket
Braving the bitter cold, fac-
line on a warm summer day in 1974. L-R: Larry Powell, Ron
warm up
Faculty members conduct ulty picketers to
Tarrant, Dolores Fox, Steve Flanagan.
an informational picket in the occasion during a strike
May 1973. in December 1991.

Striking faculty members express their sentiments on various signs In November 1973, students are met by picketing faculty members
along Houbolt Road. at the college entrance.

'l^orth Caml>us
In order to better meet Having rented facilities
the educational needs of in Bolingbrook since 1975
the expanding
rapidly and in Romeoville since
Romeoville-Bolingbrook 1982, JJC began looking for
area of the college district, a permanent North Campus
JJC established a North location. In the early 1990s,
Campus administrative and several areas were consid-
instructional center in 1975 ered for developing a new
in the Fountaindale Library campus to serve students in
on Briarcliff Road in Bolingbrook. In addition to sev- the northern region of the district. In January 1993,
eral traditional classrooms, the facility included a the college opened a new North Campus on a 40-acre
self-paced business education laboratory and day site on 135‘^ Street just east of Weber Road in
care services for students with children. In 1980, Romeoville. The 35,000-square-foot facility includes
North Campus doubled in size when the college twenty classrooms, science and computer labs, a
leased additional space in the new Town Center library and media center, conference area, offices for
across the street. Two moved
years later, the college faculty and counselors, child care services, adminis-
out of Fountaindale Library and established an trative offices, and ample parking. Since the campus
instructional site in the Romeoville Center, located in opened, the area has experienced an amazing trans-
the Valley View School building. At that time, formation from cornfields and farmhouses to business
administrative offices and student services were relo- establishments and housing developments.
cated to the Bolingbrook Town Center.

North Campus had

its beginning in 1975
in the lower level of
Fountaindale Library
pictured here.

In I960, North Campus operations increased substantially

when the college leased space in the new Bolingbrook Town
Center pictured here.

In April 1992, ground was broken in a cornfield on 1

35^^ Street in

Romeoville for JJCs permanent North Campus facility. Participating in

the ceremony are Trustee Joyce Heap, Board Chair Eleanor McGuan- The college moved out of Fountaindale Library in 1982 and estab-
Boza, Jeffrey Lanaghan of Industrial Developents International, JJC lished aNorth Campus instructional site in the Romeoville Center,
President Raymond Pietak, T rustees James Wright and Dolores located in the Valley View School building seen here. At that time,
Johnson, Student T rustee Richard Skorupa, T rustee Thomas Smith, administrative offices and student services were relocated from
Romeoville Mayor John Strobbe, and Trustee David Cryer. the library to the Bolingbrook Town Center.

In the fall of 1980, the college opened RESTAURANT/LOUNGE/BANCUETS City Center Campus
the Louis Joliet Renaissance Center at and serves a variety of
214 North Ottawa Street in downtown purposes in the overall
Joliet. Controversy surrounded the mission of the college.
Board’s decision to acquire the site. Some people The City Center Campus presently houses the
questioned the wisdom of investing resources in an Division of Adult and Family Services, which provides
aging motel and restaurant in the downtown area, educational opportunities for students from the litera-
while others were not comfortable with the lease/pur- cy level to pre-baccalaureate and vocational training
chase agreement between the college and the JJC programs. Also located on the downtown campus is

Foundation. However, proponents envisioned the the Institute of Economic Technology; lET specializes
facility as both an instructional site where students in work force preparation, employee training, business
could take credit and noncredit courses and a confer- development, and technology deployment in the college
ence center where JJC Culinary Arts and Hotel, district. Looking to the future, the City Center
Restaurant, and Food Service Management students Campus will soon be linked to a new $9 million histori-
could acquire valuable hands-on experience. Today, cal museum scheduled to open in an adjacent building
the Louis Joliet Renaissance Center is known as the in 2002.

College President Derek Nunney presided at the grand opening of
I the Louis Joliet Renaissance Center on May 7, 1981.

Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the grand opening are

Dr. Charles Kennedy, Chair of theJjC Board of Trustees; John Bourg,

Mayor of the City of Joliet; and Dr. Derek Nunney, JJC President.

The building pictured here was originally designed as a social cen-

ter for the 1 ,500 members Chamber of Commerce.
of the Joliet
During the 1920s and ‘30s, members met to play cards and bil-
liards or just to socialize in the dining area. In the early ‘60s, the
building was converted into D’Amico’s 214, a popular restaurant
and night club featuring headline performers. When a hotel was
constructed adjacent to it in 1 969, the facility became part of the
Sheraton Joliet Motor Inn. In 1 980, the college acquired the prop-
erty through a lease/purchase agreement with the JJC Foundation The main dining room of the Renaissance Center is pictured here;
and converted it into the Louis Joliet Renaissance Center, present- the stairs in the background lead to the ballroom/banquet facility

ly known as the City Center Campus. on the second floor.

Tine ^rts ^uiCbin^
Construction of the $2.2 million Fine Arts music, art, theater, and speech programs. Funding
Building began on January 2 1980, and was complet-
for the 50,000-square foot structure came entirely
ed in August 1981. In addition to a 400 seat theatre, from the original $10.5 million bond issue passed
the three-story building houses the classrooms, more than a decade earlier. The building was scaled
offices, studios, labs, practice and rehearsal rooms, down and redesigned when the state was unable to
dressing rooms, and storage areas for the college’s contribute its 75 percent share to the project.

Although construction on the Fine Arts Building was well underway, Participating in the groundbreaking ceremony were Robert
the groundbreaking ceremony was held on April 18, 1980. Presiding at Mallary, speech and theatre instructor; Jerry Lewis, Chair

the podium is Robert Kiep, Chair of the Board of Trustees. of the Music Department; Michelle Oldham, President of
the Student Government Association; and William
Fabrycki, Chair of the Art Department.

Until the new Fine Arts Building was constructed, a temporary theatre
in C 1007 was used for plays and other performances. Students are
seen here rehearsing a play in 1 976.

On November 5, 1981, a grand opening

and open house were held for the new
Fine Arts Building. Participating in the
ribbon-cutting ceremony are Earl

Meisinger, President of the JJC

Foundation; Rabbi Hershman; unidenti-
fied; Dr. Charles Kennedy, Chair of the
Board of Trustees; Mayor John Bourg,
City of Joliet; Chris Dragatsis, President
of the JJC Alumni Association; and JJC
President Derek Nunney.

An aerial view of Main
Campus in the mid-1980s
shows the new Fine Arts
Building adjacent to the J

Building on the near side

of the lake.

During the open house,

visitors were welcomed
at the door and taken on
guided tours of the new
facility. Exhibits and
entertainment were pro-
vided by art students and
college musical groups.

^eterCnar^ "Tecknoioau/lnbu5triai ^raCmna Center

In April 1 999, ground was broken for the new Veterinary area businesses. Participating in the groundbreaking ceremony
Technology/Industrial Training Center. The building officially are Trustee Joyce Heap, Trustee Eleanor McGuan-Boza, student
opened its doors in spring 2000 to students in the “Vet Tech” trustee Rhonda Carlson, President J. D. Ross, Trustee Dr. John
program, one of only two such programs in the state. The facili- Hertko, Trustee Susan Block, Trustee Robert Wunderlich,
ty also houses specialized, custom-designed training programs Trustee Marilyn Hertko, and Trustee David Cryer.
offered by the college’s Institute of Economic Technology for

'business arib 'Technolo^ Center

Arthur and Vera Smith

Governor Jim Edgar visited campus in February 1 993

and announced that the state was making funds avail-

able for facilities to provide students with cutting-

edge technical skills and training. Although the state
would cover 75 percent of the cost to construct a
business and technology center, the balance would
have to come from local sources. The college’s
building fund had been depleted several years earlier
when the Fine Arts Building was constructed. A gift
from Arthur G. and Vera C. Smith made possible the
local match, and ground was broken in May 1994 for

the new 90,000 square-foot building. L-R: Dean J.

D. Ross, Dean Richard Brandolino, student trustee

Richard Skorupa, Vice President James Lepanto,
Trustee Eleanor McGuan-Boza, Vice President Paul
Brinkman, unidentified. Governor Jim Edgar.

In 1996, the Arthur G. and Vera C. Smith Business

& Technology Center was opened on Main Campus.
Commonly known as the T Building, the new facility
houses the Business Education and Computer
Information and Office Systems Departments, as
well as several programs in the Technical
Department. The building was made possible, in

part, through a generous gift of a former employee.

Vera C. Smith joined the JJC staff in 956 as an 1

English instructor and advisor. In 1968, she was

named Director of Admissions and Records, a posi-
tion she held until her retirement in 1972. Mrs.
Smith is pictured here in 1998 unveiling the sculp-
in front of the building named
ture Dublitore Balancia
inhonor of her and her husband. Participating in
the ceremony are: Standing - Helen Harshbarger,
Foundation member; Dr. Thomas E. Gamble,
College President; Vera Smith, sculpture donor;
Michael A. Dunbar, Coordinator of the Illinois

Capital Development Board’s Art-In-Architecture

program. Seated - Walter Zaida, President of the Joliet Junior College
Foundation; William Carlson, Professor of Art at the University of Illinois

and sculptor of Dublitore Balancia.

In May 1985, Joliet Junior College dedi-
cated its Vietnam Veterans Memorial on
Main Campus. Located on the campus
bridge, the memorial consists of four
engraved granite slabs encasing the fire-

place. An opening ceremony was held

inthe A. A. Wills Gymnasium. The
program then moved to the cafeteria
patio where hundreds of black balloons
were released signifying the stigma
associated with the Vietnam War.

The Young Republican Club seen here in 1968 played

an active role in supporting candidates during the fall

elections. Members of the club distributed buttons

and brochures for presidential nominee Richard
Nixon and various other state and local Republican
candidates. Members also helped conduct a mock
election in which Nixon emerged as the students’
choice. A major topic of discussion at several club
meetings was the LUV (Let Us Vote) campaign. L-R:
Phyllis Seno, Mary Ann Stegner, Paul Lester (faculty
sponsor), Richard Madison, Rose Fleishauer, Kathy
Golden, Vaughn Whitfield.

The JJC students pictured here were

selected to appear in the 1 969-70 vol-
ume of Who’s Who in American Junior
Colleges. Seated: Sharon Pierson,
Thomas Glenn Kent Heatherwick,
Shirley Forbes. Standing: Rita
Fornelli, Alice Radcliffe,Debra Trotter,
Jeffery King, Gregory Hilsabeck,
Wendell Stevens, Norman Bradley,
Kenneth Krapf, Myrtle Weikum, JoAnn
Pellegrini, Connie Frantz, John Dzuryak.
Students interested in Bible
study and Christian fellowship
organized Love 101. Members
are pictured here in 1975.
Front: Brent Hanson, Jerry
Hull, Ben Komar. Middle:

EllenAndrews, Jack Taral,

Margo Kraske, Linda Fender,
Bob Simenson (sponsor),
Larinda Johnson, Beth Jahneke.
Back: Gary Giroux, Jeff

Jaskowick, Beth Kurns,

Charles W. Moffatt.

With a noticeable absence of male

members, the Students of Home
Economics (SHE) Club is pictured
here in 1969. Among the activities
and programs sponsored by the SHE
Club were holiday parties and pre-
sentations on food preparation, hair
care, and beauty tips. I . Phyllis

Coons, 2. Barb Davy, 3. Doris Bonar

(faculty sponsor), 4. Kathy Carr, 5.

Marsha Bruns, 6. Pam Morgan, 7.

Linda Pruss, 8. Faye Mills, 9. Marie

Simunovich, 10. Gail Lynes, I I.

Sandy Gabel, 12. Shirley Yahnke.

Times have changed since the early 1970s

when students over twenty-five years old
had their own club. Today in 2001, the
average age of JJC students is thirty.

Members of the NCO-25 (Nearly, Clearly,

and Over 25) Club are seen here in 1971
planning “Bring a Friend to School Week.”
Under the sponsorship of college counselor
Carolyn Engers (right), the club’s meetings
and activities were designed to encourage
“older” residents of the district to further
their education at Joliet Junior College.


The Music Department offered
students an opportunity to
perform in various instrumen-
tal and vocal groups, including
the Madrigals pictured here in

1970. Front: Cheryl Foster,

Elaine Lieske, Debbie Gilbert,
Sharon Mathre, Joyce Barfield,

Terre Houte, Mary Ludwig.

Back: Gary LaFontaine, Lee
Warner, Ray Shroba, Paul
jaeger, Steve Bredesen, John
Petrusa, David Miller.

The Motor Sports Club was very active in the 1970s

and appealed to students with interests ranging from
professional racing to working on engines. Club mem-
bers held monthly meetings and often sponsored road
rallies and gymkhanas, which tested a driver’s ability to
follow directions and handle a car on a prescribed
course. Members of the club in 1970 are pictured here.
Front: Dave Cline, Bill Ely. Middle: Patrick Asher
(faculty sponsor), Jeff Carloss, Pete Apostolou, Jurgen
Eicholz,Chuck Southcomb, Paul Scholtes, Dave Meditz,
Dennis Guardia, Bob Darin. Back: Bob Rositch, Jim
Jerzycke, John Carli, Leon Felus, Dennis Rogers.

Students with an interest in aviation organized a club known as the

JC With
Flyers. Joliet Municipal Airport only a few miles away,
members were able to spend considerable time in the air. One
memorable day, a veteran paratrooper jumped from a low-flying
plane and landed in the college quadrangle. Club members were
subsequently admonished to stay in their planes and land at the air-
port. However, Debbie Schmidt joined the club to learn about fly-
ing and became intrigued with the sport of skydiving. With just

two years experience, she won first place in the style event at the
national collegiate skydiving competition in 1972. Her impressive In 1991, Blazer Editor Jeni Reesmet with her 1932 counterpart,
came over two-hundred other competitors, including an Air
victory Evelyn Anderson Barnes. The two editors compared copies of
Academy senior who won second place, a former paratrooper who their publications and discussed the challenges of meeting dead-
claimed third place, and a West Point senior who placed fourth. lines and producing a quality college newspaper.

Activities, 'Tro^rams, anb dpeciai '^Vents
The new permanent campus provided a venue for Dick Gregory warning that things in America were
a variety of activities, programs, and special events. not OK, especially in the area of race relations. Also,
They ranged from rock and gem shows to public hear- dances remained popular, occasionally with an ethnic
ings on pornography, from David Frost to Cheech and theme, and sometimes celebrities were invited to
; \

Chong, and from author Thomas A. Harris with a crown the queen.
message of “Tm OK, You’re OK” to activist comedian

David Frost, 1975

Gem and rock show, 1977

In March 1974, students cheered and

whistled as several streakers made a
mad dash through the college con-
course wearing little more than
shoes, socks, and a silly grin. Why
did they do it? One winded male
streaker commented, “I don’t know.
It was on impulse. Someone called
me chicken. I might do it again.” A
female wearing a red plastic sack on
her head and an open shirt
explained, “Life is boring. This was
an adventure. It was all for kicks.”
Hundreds of spectators in D Mall
got a kick out of watching and dared
each other to strip and streak.'’"

Pornography hearing
in D Mall, 1974

Author Thomas A. Harris, 1973

Cheech and Chong, 1976

Activist comedian Dick Gregory, 1975

Black History Week dance, 1 969

Kris Kemp was crowned “Miss Shield

1970-71” by Actor Bill Bixby, who
quipped, “With this crown, I thee queen.”


Ethnic Expo, 1 993

Actress Betty Grable
attended the Autumn
Dinner-Dancein 969 and1

crowned Emma Craft

“Miss Shield of 1969-70.”
Betty Grable is pictured
Professional bowler Jim Stefanich crowned here chatting with student
Carol Clennon “Miss Shield of 1 968-69” at the Kent Heatherwick.
Autumn Dinner-Dance at Pheasant Run.
Delegates from China on a trade
mission to Will County toured the
college campus in 1988. Serving as
tour guides and hosts at the dinner
that followed were Deans J.
Ross (left) and Richard Brandolino
(second from right).

JJC has often been a stop on the campaign trail

for candidates seeking political office. In 1988,

Vice President George Bush appeared on cam-
pus in his quest for the presidency. Pictured
with Bush on the platform are Governor Jim
Thompson and several JJC cheerleaders.

From time to time, JJC has hosted legislative luncheons in

room on Main Campus.

the dining Pictured here at the

JJC President Thomas Gamble introduces Secretary of State George Ryan 1985 luncheon are Trustee Joyce Heap, U. S. Congressman
(right), who visited the college in 1998 to announce the awarding of a Dennis Hastert, Dean J.
D. Ross, President Raymond Pietak,

Literacy Grant. Appearing with Ryan and sharing in the announcement is U.S. Congressman George Sangmeister, and student
John C. “Jack” McGuire, Illinois State Representative. trustee David Wharrie.

In June 1982, Emily
Lennon Leinenweber, a
1919 JJC alumna, and
Harry D. Leinenweber, a
retired JJC faculty mem-
ber, were honored at the
annual Alumni Brunch.
Pictured with the
Leinenwebers is JJC
President Derek Nunney.

Joliet Junior College joined Southern Illinois

University Edwardsville in presenting the

Katherine Dunham Center Performers in a Black
History Week program at the magnificent Rialto
Theatre in downtown Joliet. A distinguished
alumna of JJC, Dunham won international acclaim
as an anthropologist, dancer, choreographer,
composer, producer, and writer.



Over the years, JJC
has celebrated
anniversaries of

historic founding in
1901. Pictured here
on February 20, 1 986,
in the Renaissance
Center Ballroom are
some of the guests
who attended the
banquet marking the
college’s eighty-fifth

The college often invites distin-

guished alumni, political leaders,
In 1975, JJC began honoring leading educators, or other
individuals for their outstanding noteworthy people to serve as
service to the college commu- graduation speakers. On May
nity. Presented at the annual 12, 1995, Illinois Poet Laureate
graduation ceremony. Gwendolyn Brooks challenged
Distinguished Service Awards JJC graduates to pursue their
have been granted to numer- dreams and to find meaning in
ous individuals during the past life beyond preoccupation with

twenty-five years. Two DSA an occupation. Remain curious

recipients were Frank Turk, Sr. and compassionate, she said,
in 1987 (left) and Dr. Stanley and never stop thirsting for
Rousonelos in 1 994 (right). knowledge or caring for others.

"Total "Titness Center
The Total Fitness Center was estab-
lished in the fall of 1984 with an enrollment
of 500 students. In the spring of 2001, more
than 1,400 people from seventeen to ninety
years old work out in the center or partici-
pate in spinning, step aerobic, and cardio-
kickboxing classes. The original equipment
has been replaced with eighty-five pieces of
cutting-edge resistance and cardiovascular
equipment. Improvement and maintenance
of strength, flexibility, cardiovascular

endurance, nutrition, and body composition
are goals of the center,

In addition to JJC students, other dis- People who workout in the Fitness Center enjoy an excellent view of the tree-

trict residents (44 percent of all partici- lined campus lake.
pants) enroll in the center to maintain or
improve their physical fitness. Some are
referred by local doctors as part of a reha-

bilitation regimen. An orientation is pro-
vided to acquaint participants with physi-
cal fitness concepts, circuit training, and

the correct use of the center’s equipment,

There are also individual fitness evalua-
tions at the beginning and end of each

semester to measure progress toward
achieving personal goals. Since 1984, JJC

Fitness Center personnel have helped some
350 colleges, universities, high schools, hos-
pitals, health clubs, and park districts set
up wellness centers.

JJC spinning classes offer

cyclists an opportunity to
ride indoors and avoid
cars, dogs, heat, cold and
other inclement weather.

Fitness Center Director

John Peterson (standing)
and his staff are available
to instruct students and
other participants on the
correct use of the center’s

3potU^ht on dports
During the period from 1967 to 2001, JJC
has had a number of outstanding teams and
athletes whose performances have reflected
well on the institution. The individuals and
teams pictured in this section have been
selected on the basis of achievement and avail-
ability of photographs. To their credit, many of
the student athletes highlighted here have
excelled in the classroom as well as in athletic
competition. Their awards and honors have
brought national recognition to the college and
have enhanced its image.

JJC cheerleaders won first place at the

Carl Sandburg Christmas Tournament in

1 975 and then went on to take top hon-

ors at the First Annual N4C Conference
Cheerleading Competition held at Illinois

Valley Community College. Coached by

Peg Francisco, the team is pictured here
performing one of its athletic routines.

Bottom: Marsha Kapsch, Vicki Soave,

Elvira Warnell, Mary Jo Schmidberger.
Top: Sue Button, Angie Persico.

Jenny Karges and

Coach Tim
Vanderwall wait out
a rain delay at the Jenny Karges had an out-
standing tennis season for I

national tournament.
JJC in 1991. At the NJCAA
Division II Tournament in
Tyler, Texas, Karges
emerged as the national
singles champion.

Jodi Sievers was an outstanding soft-
ball Wolves dur-
player for the Lady
ing the 996 and 997 seasons. A
1 1
One of the best ball-handling
slick-fielding performer in center point guards to play basketball at
field, Sievers had a .455 batting aver- JJC was Kisha Barefield. She holds
age in 1 996 and established school the school record of 254 assists in

records with 77 base hits, 58 RBIs, a single season as well as the

and an incredible 28-game hitting record for career assists with 475.
Tracy Kuder was a two-time All-American basketball streak. In addition, she hit 25 dou- Furthermore, Barefield is fifth on
from 992 to 1994.
player for Joliet Junior College 1
bles and 5 home The follow-
runs. the list of all-time leading scorers
During the two seasons that Kuder played for the Lady ing year, she was named to the at the college with 734 points
Wolves, the team won 38 games. She ranks as JJC’s lead- NjCAA Division III All-American from 1 995-97. She led the Lady
ing women’s scorer with 1 ,240 points and boasts a team- Team. Sievers’ statistics in 1997 Wolves in 1 997 to a Region IV
high 40 points in a single game. rivaled those of the previous season, Division III title and a berth in the
except she reduced her strikeouts national basketball tournament in

to a meager 6 in 150 times at bat. Corning, New York, the first time
a JJC women’s basketball team
ever made it that far in post-sea-
son play. In the regional champi-
onship game, JJC defeated Oakton
Community College in a thrilling
I -point game. Barefield scored a
team-high 1
6 points, grabbed a
game-high 12 rebounds, and
dished out 9 assists in leading the
team to its narrow victory.
Kisha’s outstanding performance
during the 1 996-97 season earned
her Player of the Year honors in

the North Central Community

College Conference.

Anne Marino was a NJCAA All-

American volleyball player for

Coach Kym McKay in 2000, a
year in which the Lady Wolves
finished with a 32-1 I record and
In December 1 970, two members team were
of the JJC wrestling won the conference champi-
killed in an accident while returning from a tournament at the
onship. An outside hitter,
University of Iowa. Killed in the two-car collision on Interstate 80 Marino was a two-time All-
were team co-captains Wayne Coleman and Ed Delaney. The team’s Conference and All-Region IV
station wagon was struck by a car that skidded on the icy pavement,
Division III player for JJC. She is

crossed the snow-covered median, and crashed head-on into the the only volleyball player in the
team vehicle. Four other wrestlers riding in the station wagon suf- school’s history to win All-
fered injuries. Ken Parker, Chair of the Athletic Department, is pic-
American honors.
tured speaking at the memorial service for Coleman and Delaney.

Dawn Glasscock won NJCAA Division III All-American honors as a
softball pitcher in 1 998 and then duplicated the feat in 1 999. She is

the best pitcher who

ever played for the JJC Lady Wolves. In 998, 1

Glasscock pitched 8 shutouts, 2 no-hitters, perfect game, and I

compiled a 1.91 ERA with 224 strikeouts. During the 1999 season,
she won 28 games and led the team to a second place finish in the
Division ill World Series in Maryland. Dawn won 5 tournament
games, 2 of them shutouts. She finished the series with a record 56
tournament strikeouts and established a single game record of 3. 1

During that season, Glasscock threw 14 shutouts, 5 one-hitters and

7 two-hitters. She struck out 329 batters in 270 innings and finished
the year with a I . I I earned run average. Her 553 career strikeouts
over two seasons are a NJCAA Division III record.

Led by two-time All-American pitcher Dawn Glasscock, the JJC softball team won a school record thirty-
three games in 1999. The team won the National Junior College Athletic Association Region IV Division III

Tournament played at the Inwood Complex

Softball in Joliet and then went on to win second place in the
national tournament in Arnold, Maryland. The team is pictured here proudly displaying its trophy. Front:
Dawn Glasscock, Beth Schultz, Georgie Szymczak, Tracy Phillips, Tami Valenti, Stephanie Sharp. Back:
Kendall Swoik (trainer). Jack Smith (head coach), Krystal Himes, Lisa Gierich, Laura Barto, Jenna Pasteris,
Lacey Susan, Jill Yaeger, Pam Ethridge (assistant coach), and Sports Information Director Dave Parker.

In 1970, Bill Vail (left) capped an out-

standing wrestling season by winning the
national championship in the I 18-pound
class. During the tournament in

Worthington, Minnesota, Vail defeated six

opponents on his way to the national title.

Ken Lewis (right) was the only member

of the 976 wrestling team to win a

national championship. Competing in the

167-pound class, Lewis won five straight

matches at the national tournament to

lead theteam to a ninth-place finish in the
nation.The Wolves also made a strong
showing in N4C competition and were
crowned co-champions of the conference.

pUlman, Evans win titles

Wrestlers 2nd at nationals

Jeff Dillman Mike Evans

National Champion National Champion
State Champion Slate Champion
Conference Champion Second in Nationals in 1978

Under Coach Henry Pillard, the Joliet Junior College

wrestling program received national and international
acclaim. Several JJC wrestlers won national championships
and world titles. During the early seventies, Pillard directed
five National Clinics for Integrated Wrestling, which intro-
duced high school and college coaches to Olympic wrestling
styles. He twice coached the National Junior College
Athletic Association qualifiers at the Final Olympic Trials.

From 1978 to 1982, Coach Pillard worked with the Joliet

Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry to arrange the
Joliet International Wresting Tournament, which attracted
more than one thousand competitors from a dozen foreign
countries and almost every state in the nation. In a unique
cultural exchange opportunity, area residents housed many
of the foreign wrestlers. A strong advocate of international
competition, Pillard accompanied members of his JJC squad
on trips to other countries to com-
pete in International Junior World
Tournaments. He also served as
The JJC golf team won first place
competitive director for the 1986
in the Illinois State Golf
Tournament in 1975. Competing World Cup Greco-Roman
Wrestling Tournament in Chicago.
against eleven other teams, Joliet
won the tournament by a two-
When Pillard ended his eighteen-
year coaching career at JJC in 985,
stroke margin. Coach Gil

he had accumulated many awards
praised the team for its excellent
and honors, including induction into
play and balanced scoring. Jack
both the National Junior College
Merriman placed second overall in
individual scoring with 154
Athletic Association’s Hall of Fame
and the Illinois Wrestling Coaches
strokes, and Tony Gerl was fifth
and Official’s Hall of Fame.
in the tournament with a 1 58.
Front: Dick Hunckler, Doug
Behrans, Dwight Anderson.
Back: Jack Merriman, Coach Gil

Bell, Tony Gerl.

JJC football coach Jerry Yost
and his team celebrate moments
after soundly defeating top-
ranked Rochester (Minnesota)
Community College 37-14 on a
cold November night in 1976.
The Wolves’ victory over
Rochester was scored at Joliet
Memorial Stadium in the Third
Annual Midwest Bowl. A tena-
cious JJC defense recorded
seven quarterback sacks and
held the opponents to 145 total
yards. The team finished the
season with a 9- 1 overall
record, a bowl victory, a confer- Harold Brown earned All-

ence championship, and a No. 8 American honors as a JJC run-

national ranking in the final ning back in 1981. One of the
NJCAA football poll. Yost is wear a
best athletes ever to
the winningest football coach in Wolves’ uniform. Brown was
JJC history with 96 victories in inducted into the National
16 seasons. Junior College Athletic
Association Hall of Fame. For
many years, the 6’3”, 215 lb.

runner held the NJCAA single-

season rushing record of 2,274

yards. During the 1981 sea-
son,Brown scored 20 touch-
downs and finished the year
with 1
34 points. He led the
team to a conference champi-
onship and a berth in the Royal
Crown Cola Bowl Cedar in

Falls, Iowa. The Wolves lost

the bowl game and ended the

season with a 9-2 overall record.

Following a phenomenal sea-

son in 1977-78, Arnette
Hallman was voted the num-
During the 1970-71 basketball season, ber one junior college player
Sylvester Cottrell (No. 54) was the lead- in the nation. The National
ing junior college rebounder in the nation Junior College Athletic
with a 2 1 .9 average per game. Known as Association honored Hallman
“Chairman of the Boards,” he developed because of his scoring,

his talent under Coach Paul Siron at JJC. rebounding, and amazing
As a senior
in high school, Cottrell weighed shot-blocking ability. During
300 pounds and averaged 7 points and 9 the season, he blocked I I I

rebounds per game. An amazing transfor- shots and led the team in

mation occurred during his freshman year scoring and rebounding.

in college when the 6’7” center practiced Hallman (No. 50) often
several hours a day and slimmed down to played above the rim, thrilling
a solid 215 pounds. Cottrell’s best single- fans with power dunks and
game performance came during his sopho- shot rejections.
more year when he scored 32 points and
grabbed 30 rebounds.


Welcome to Joliet Junior College


1994 NJCAA DIV 2

The JJC basketball team celebrates its stunning 85-80

victory over two-time NJCAA Division II champs
Owens (Ohio) Technical College in the champi-

onship game on March 19, 1994. In a game played in

downstate Danville, Illinois, the Wolves got 21

points from Craig Brunes, 1 7 from Kelley Lynch and
8 points and 1 1 assists from point guard Bobby
Krahulik, who was named most
valuable player for the tourna-
ment. The team was coached by
Haris Mujezinovic was one of the best basketball
Pat Klingler and finished the sea-
players ever to wear the purple and white uniform of
son with a 28-8 record. During
Joliet Junior College. Although opposing teams
his four years as the Wolves’
keyed on Haris and usually double-teamed him, he
coach, Klingler’s teams compiled
led the Wolves with a 19.6 scoring average and an
an overall 1 1 1 -29 record.
I l.l rebounding average during the 1993-94 national
championship season. During the first two tourna-

ment games, Mujezinovic grabbed 26 rebounds and


scored 66 points, making 27 of 33 shots. The follow-

he led the team to a 28-4 record and the
ing season,

North Central Community College Conference

championship. Haris was named to the NJCAA
Division II All-American Team in 1995. He went on
to play two years for Bobby Knight at Indiana
University and then played professionally in Europe.

The 1994 baseball team finished the season with 46 wins, 1 1 losses, Jason Hafner, Brandy Brenczewski, Jim Tyrrell, Mark Gotts (All-

and a national championship at the NJCAA Division III World Series American catcher). Bill White, Mike Fagan (assistant coach), Wayne
played in Jamestown, New York. Front: John Ward, Jeff Schley, King (head coach), Mike Chubinski, Mike Alstott, Jason Crockett,
Brian Hobbs, Juan Ceballos, Derek Kopacz, Erik Bialobok, Jim Boyd. Tony Pasch (All-American pitcher). Matt Dunne, David Goes (All-

Back: Jeff Baranoski (assistant coach), Bryan Fonseca, Jim Lukancic, American outfielder), Brian Sullivan, Dave Okrzesik (trainer).

JJC left-handed slugger
Dave Goes looks at a
pitch in 1994, the year
the Wolves won a
school-record 46
games en route to
winning the NJCAA
Division III World
Series in Jamestown,
New York. Goes had
a .359 batting average
with 75 base hits, 57
RBIs, 14 doubles, and.
6 home runs, two of
which were game-win-
ning blows. He was a
key player on a team
that averaged 1 0 runs
per game and, for his

outstanding season.
Coach Wayne King visits the
Goes was named an
mound to talk to pitcher Juan
All-American player.
Ceballos and catcher Mark
Gotts. In 1994, JJC won the
World Series in its division by
winning 4 tournament games in

Jamestown, New York. Right-

hander Ceballos tossed a 2-hit

shutout in posting a victory

over Manchester (Connecticut)
Community Technical College.
Catcher Mark Gotts was a
two-time NJCAA Division III

All-American player for the

Left-hander Steve Stamm Wolves. Gotts hit .383 for the
was 9 and 2 in 1 997 and
season and led the nation in
led the team to a third-
home runs with 1 2 and RBIs
Pitcher Tony Pasch place finish in the NJCAA with 84. The following year,
Right-handed pitcher
posted an 11-2 record Division III World Series
Gotts hit .477 with 8 homers
Mike Paskvan was
in 1 994 in leading the in Batavia, New York. and 69 RBIs. He holds several
named to the 995
Wolves to the NJCAA

His impressive statistics

NJCAA Division III All- JJC season records, including
Division III World for the year included 64
American first team.
25 doubles, 12 home runs, 84
Series championship. strikeouts, 1 9 walks, and and a .477
Mark earned RBIs, 92 base hits,
The 6’ 5” right-handed
Raciti All- He compiled a 2.59 an excellent 2.44 ERA.
American honors as a ERA in 94 innings batting average. He is also the
hurler won the final Stamm helped power the career leader with 48 doubles,
catcher in The
1996. pitched. Paskvan’s 9-3
game against Cedar team to 44 wins in 1 997
20 home runs, and 53 RBIs.
right-handed power record helped Coach

Valley, Texas, with 10 and was accorded first

strikeouts, no walks,
hitter paced the Wayne King’s Wolves
team All-American
Wolves with a .384 finish second at the
and 3 scratch singles. honors.
batting average. He World Series in
Pasch was voted most
belted 3 home runs, 3 Batavia, New
valuable player of the
triples, 7 doubles and York.
tournament and later
had a team-high 54 RBIs.
won first team All-
American honors. He
holds the school record
for pitchers with I I
Who’s afraid of the

victories in a single big JJC wolf? Most

season. During the children attending

1 994 season, Pasch college sporting

recorded a team-high events enjoy touch-

90 strikeouts in 97 ing and talking to
innings pitched, against Wily Wolf, the
just 23 walks. team mascot.


'TCcture ^5 'I^OW
uliet Junior College today bears little resemblance including high schools, libraries, civic centers, and

J to the institution established a


Rainey Harper could not have

imagined how the educational idea
himdred years
Stanley Brown, C. E. Spicer, and Dr. William
ago. churches. Most off-campus classes are conducted at
night as part of the college’s extensive evening program.
classes at
profile of students taking
JJC has changed dramati-
they planted and nurtured in cally since J. Stanley Brown personal-
Joliet at the beginning of the twen- ly enrolled the first students in 1901.

tieth century would totally trans- During the early years, junior college

form higher education in America students were predominantly recent
and throughout the world, high school graduates, not yet twenty

Starting with six students in 1901, years old, who registered for classes

the community collegemovement that closely paralleled freshman and

has developed and grown like no sophomore courses at the University
other educational innovation in of Illinois. There were very few, if

history. In 2001, there are some and all class-
any, minority students,

11,000 students taking credit es were taught in the daytime.
courses at Joliet Junior College Today, the average age of JJC stu-
and thousands more taking non- dents in credit classes is thirty, and

credit classes. In the State of they take almost half of their classes
Illinois, more than 750,000 stu- in the evening or on weekends. From
dents are enrolled in credit courses Youth College to Emeritus College,

and another 250,000 in noncredit JJC serves district residents of all

classes. The state’s forty-nine community colleges ages, from nine to ninety. Furthermore, 58 percent of
serve nearly one out of every eleven Illinois residents, students are female; 8 percent are Afiican American; 7

In fact, community colleges are the primary provider percent are Hispanic; 65 percent attend part-time (fewer
of higher education in Illinois, accounting for 60 per- than twelve credit hours per semester); and 31 percent

cent of all undergraduates enrolled in college. The are enrolled in occupational programs. An ever-increas-
pattern is much the same throughout the nation, ing number of toda/s students are in distance education
with some eleven million students enrolled in almost classes and rarely see their instructors face-to-face.

1,200 community colleges. As Joliet Junior College Instead, they utilize modem technology to access then-

celebrates its centennial anniversary, it can be right- internet classes, telecom-ses, and interactive TV classes.

fully proud of the pioneer role it played in fostering Computer technology is also used to enhance traditional
the community college movement.^ classes; the college now has 2,100 computers and thirty
A snapshot of JJC today reveals students, programs, computer labs spread across its three campuses.^
and a college district much different than
facilities, In recent years, the college has renovated buildings
Brown and Spicer ever envisioned. Since the college and erected new structures to keep pace with student
was originally affiliated with Joliet Township High needs, program development, and college growth. A
School, its boundaries were limited to the district major renovation in 1998 provided new computer labs,
boundaries of the local high school. Students who a Student Center, and the Cyber Cafe. The latter facili-
attended from outside the township were required to ty offers students a unique opportunity to use comput-
pay nonresident fees. Today, Illinois Community ers in a relaxed and casual Here students can
College District 525 encompasses 1,442 square miles surf the Internet, check their email, or perhaps work
and serves a population of more than 400,000 people in on an online class. In 1996, the college opened the
Will, Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle, Kankakee, Livingston, Arthur G. and Vera Smith Business and Technology
and Cook Coimties. Classes are offered at three cam- Center, which houses the Business, Technical, and
puses and more than twenty other instructional sites. Computer Information and Office Systems

Departments. Some of the degree and certificate pro- benefit from the new housing scheduled to open on
grams offered in the new technology building are campus in the fall of 2002. The college will share any
Computer Networking Technologist, Webmaster, Web excess revenue and eventually will be deeded the prop-
Design and Administration, Computer Aided Design erty at the end of the agreement. JJC is also a partner
and Drafting, Electronic Engineering Technology, and with the Joliet Area Historical Museum Board in pro-
Electrical/Electronic Automated Systems Technology. viding the Joliet region with a new state-of-the-art his-
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony in October 2000, the new torical museum. A Route 66 Visitors’ Center is being
Veterinary Technology/Industrial Training Center constructed to connect the college’s historic
opened its doors to the college’s Veterinary Medical Renaissance Center with the new multimillion dollar
Technology program, one of only two such programs in Joliet Area Historical Museum, which will be housed in
the state. In addition to “Vet Tech,” the building is the renovated church edifice formerly occupied by the
also used by JJC’s Institute of Economic Technology to Ottawa Street Methodist Church. Museum visitors
offer specialized training programs custom-designed will have access to meeting rooms at the City Center
for area businesses. Campus as well as food service in the Renaissance
Joliet Junior College has developed several recent Center’s restaurant and banquet facility.
partnerships with area businesses, agencies, and edu- Although JJC has one of the lowest tax rates in
Through its Institute of Economic
cational institutions. the state and has not had a tax increase since 1977,
Technology, the college has established training part- the Board of Trustees has operated with a balanced
nerships with such companies as Caterpillar, Mobil Oil, budget for the past twenty-seven years. With a pro-
ComEd, Dow Chemical, Kemlite, Unocal, Copley Press, jected $38.5 million budget for FY 2001, the college’s
and BP-Amoco. The latter won the Illinois Community financial position has remained sound largely because
College Board’s Award for Excellence. A partnership of significant economic and population growth in vari-
with Kankakee Community College and the Kankakee ous parts of the district. In fact, JJC’s master plan for
Area Career Center was recently created to offer a pro- the college district includes expansion of North
gram in Fire Science and Safety to train firefighters Campus, renovation of City Center Campus, and new
and paramedics. Finally, JJC has signed formal dual on Main Campus to enhance both the acade-

enrollment agreements with the University of mic program and student services. New campuses are
St. Francis, Governors State University, Robert Morris also being considered to accommodate constituencies
College, Northern Illinois University, and Lewis in the fastest growing areas of the district. In fact,

University. Under these joint agreements, dually the college’s Institute of Economic Technology will
enrolled students are guaranteed admission into the soon open a satellite campus in Morris to better serve
four-year school after completing the first two years at residents in the western region of the district.
the junior college. Students work with counselors at As the college looks to the future, its facilities and
both institutions to determine which JJC classes best programs will develop and evolve to equip students for
meet the requirements of the degrees they ultimately the 21®‘ century, providing them with the knowledge
hope to earn.® and skills to reach their individual goals. For example,
As the college looks to the immediate future, plans one of the newest additions to the college program is

are unfolding to expand educational programs, student the Cisco lab at North Campus, a lab-based certified
and community enrichment. For example, the
services, program designed to prepare students for careers in
John Weitendorf Agricultural Education Center was the InternetAVeb-related routing industry. Indeed, the
recently dedicated on Manhattan Road, several miles curriculum will continue to expand and change, espe-
east of Main Campus, and will be used to enhance the cially in the areas of science, technology, and occupa-
college’s highly acclaimed agricultural program. tional training. Whether classes are taken for univer-
Further, working with a private developer, JJC will sity transfer, immediate employment, career advance-
soon become one of the few community colleges to offer ment, personal enrichment, or simply for enjoyment,
student housing on campus. It is expected that inter- the determination to meet the diverse needs of District
national students, out-of-district students in occupa- 525 students will propel the institution into the Global
tional programs, student athletes, and those who live Age of the new millennium and its second century of
on the far edges of the college district will primarily serving the community as the people’s college.

Joliet Junior College is a
multicampus community
college that has grown
throughout the years to
meet student needs.

One of three campuses

today, JJC’s Main
Campus was opened in
September 969 on the

west side of Joliet.

In 1993, the college’s North

Campus opened in Romeoville to
better serve one of the fastest
growing areas in District 525.
The campus provides students
with similar services and many of

the same classes and programs

found on Main Campus.

The college’s City Center Campus is

located at 214North Ottawa Street in

downtown Joliet. The facility is home
base for the college’s Institute of
Economic Technology, Adult and
Family Services Division, and the
Renaissance Center with a full-service
restaurant that provides practical
experience for culinary arts students.

The Arthur G. and Vera C. Smith

Business and Technology Building
houses business, technical, and
computer science programs on
Main Campus. Opened in 1996,
the 90,000 square-foot building
includes a Conference Center,
which is the setting for many train-

ing programs conducted by JJC’s

Institute of Economic Technology.

One of the newest programs at Joliet Junior College is the Veterinary
Medical Technology program. The “Vet Tech” program is one of only
two such programs in the state and is housed in a building com- n^
pleted in 2000. During an Open House, the community was invited
to visit the facility and learn about the program.

With his famiiy at his

side, John H.
Weitendorf Ir
ares his thoughts
and vision of how
the lohn H
W.tendorf,Jr, Agricultural
Education Ce~,
' Agricultural/Horticultural
iciences Department.
Mr. Weitendorf, a
alumnus, donated a 1942 IIC
30.7 acre oarrpl r,f^ ^
^ i i

Road for use as an

off-campus site to serve
the coll
community, especially
students enrolled in
horticulture, and agricuitu
veterina^ technology

A new addition on
campus in the new
millennium is the
Cyber Cafe, where
students socialize with
friends, play games, or
use the cafe’s many
computers to access
the Internet.

JJC students use the latest tech-
nology to prepare their course-
work. This high-tech student lis-

tens to tunes while completing a

class assignment on his laptop

computer in the busy college

concourse. For a quieter setting,
computer labs are available to
students from early morning to
late at night.

The new Student Center on

Main Campus offers stu-
dents a variety of programs
and services including
Holistic Wellness, Career
Planning and Placement,
and a Multicultural
T ransfer Center.

JJC students are provided an

opportunity to participate in a
Dialogue on Race, an all-campus
forum held several times a year.
Johnnie Johnson, Coordinator of
the Joliet Area Math, Science and
Computer Education Enrichment
Program (JAMSCEEP), is pictured
here facilitating student dialogue
at the April 2000 program on
techniques and strategies for
hprominsj niltiirallv diverse.

The Office of Student

Services and Activities hosts

Mainstreet, a popular
recruiting/information fair
that permits students to
browse the wide assortment
of clubs and activities available
at the college.

Joliet Junior College provides students

firsthand experience with journalism
through its student newspaper, The
Blazer. Pictured here in April 2000
are faculty advisor Robert Marcink
and student staff members working to
meet a publication deadline.

Students find various ways to relax on

campus between and after classes. Just
outside the Fine Arts Theatre, some stu-
dents gather for a game of cards while
others explore their musical interests.

In 1998, a new
Student Center and
Cyber Cafe were
opened on the col-
lege’s Main Campus.

This JJC student

receives a helping
hand - in the form
of a chair - while
studying at a table
just outside the new
center. Several
locations like this
are scattered across
campus where stu-
dents can enjoy cof-
fee or cola while
completing an

!si' II

Comfortable chairs on
campus invite students

to chat, relax, or look

i over material for an
k upcoming class

The sun casts interestir^i iws on
bridge that spans the srh; ! on
Main Campus. Studena^ aff often cross'
the bridge several times ;o reach class-
rooms and buildings seg by v^ater.


r~ r


,y ”|H| romgmia Mil 4



With the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial ir the background, the bridge
is a popular place for socializing and studying. Here students enjoy
themselves while studying - their cards.
Joliet Junior College’s
Main Campus provides
many quiet natural areas
where students can
retreat and relax before
rejoining the swing and
bustle of busy campus life.

Beginning with the first

warm days of spring,

students and staff enjoy
meals and snacks on
the cafeteria patio
overlooking the lake.

The President’s Cabinet at Joliet Junior

College is pictured here in May 2000.
Front: Dr. Denis Wright, Vice President for
Academic Services; J.
D. Ross, President; D. J.

Wells, Community Relations Director.

Back: John Byrnes, Human Resources
Director; Tom Ryan, Vice President for
Business and Financial Services; Andrew
Mihelich, Associate Vice President, Extended

Administrative Assistant Joan Tierney has the mmmam

challenging task of organizing and coordinating the

day-to-day operation of the President’s office.

Nelson Collins, Chair
of the Mathematics
Department, goes
over paperwork with
Vice President for department secretary
Academic Services Denis Patricia Shue.
Wright (under the cen-
tennial sign) is seen here
in May 2000 conducting
a bi-monthly meeting of
department chairs.

English/Foreign Languages
Department Chair Patrick
Asher discusses a memo with
his secretary, Joan Pollack.

Business Office employees Linda

Gonda (left) and Alice Jackson are
seen discussing their work.

Members of the Executive Committee of the

Joliet Junior College Foundation are pictured
here in April 2000. Front: Walter Zaida,
College President J. D. Ross, Robert Wysocki,
Robert Biedron. Back: Dr. Peter Nichols,
Richard DeGrush, William Kaplan, Joseph Burla.

Lead clerk Tawana Hughes
takes a call in the Reprographics
Office as she schedules work
for the clerical pool.

Sandy Sotor of the Mail Center

is seen making deliveries
on Main Campus.

Tony Cota, Associate Vice President of Information

Technology, charts the course of the college as it strives
to keep pace with rapidly changing computer technology.

From computer labs to

email services to the electronic backbone vital to the
college, ITC employees like Dan Lantz (left) and Dave Johnson are
responsible for maintaining and upgrading information technology.

Counselor Laura Conrad (center) and counseling department head

214 Dr. Carolyn Engers (right) assist a student in planning her program.

The window on Main Campus is
a busy place. However, today’s students can
also register from home by touch-tone
phone. A system will soon be in place for
online registration, a welcome alternative to
standing in line at the registration window.

Jo Cirrencione of the Admissions Office is often

the college’s first point of contact with potential
jJC students.

Joliet Junior College

Bookstore Manager
Michael Maier is

For the convenience of stu- pictured with Pam

dents and staff members, Campbell preparing
shelves for the
Joliet Junior College
provides a state-certified,
beginning of a new
licensed child care center
semester. The
on its Main Campus. bookstore on Main

Youngsters enrolled in the

Campus offers a

Early Childhood Center are complete line of

college textbooks,
exposed to a variety of
enjoyable and educational
school supplies, and
experiences. The daily
schedule includes story merchandise.

time, concept development,

music appreciation, art
activities, snacks, lunch,

rest time, outdoor activi-

ties, and plenty of free time

for play.
Students attending Youth
College enjoy the engineering Pictured here running water tests on the Substation B heating and cooling
program developed by electron- system are head Energy Mechanic Rudy Wolf, Don Walker of Special
ics engineering instructor John Maintenance, and Gary Smock of General Maintenance.
Koepke. In “Robolab,” middle
school-aged students design and
build single-sensor robots to
navigate a line pattern. Youth
College is part of JJCs Lifelong
Learning program and offers
enrichment classes for young
people from preschool through
high school.
Cashier Linda
Browne in Food
Services jokes with
Scot Mangun of the
Department as she
takes his money in
JJC’s Culinary Arts Department has enjoyed con-
siderable success in preparing students for the
food services industry. Students are provided
ample opportunity for hands-on experience in the
Main Campus Cafeteria and at the Renaissance
Center’s full-service restaurant and banquet facili-

ty. Instructors often remind students that suc-

cessful chefs make good “dough.” With a student
looking on. Certified Master Pastry Chef Albert
Imming is seen making stollen, a Christmas bread
of German origin containing fruit and nuts.
Students often display their culinary creations in

the college cafeteria

Chef Michael McGreal, Chair of the Culinary Arts

Department, is seen kneeling in the foreground while
working with students learning the art of sculpturing ice.


Ice sculptures created by culinary arts

students often enhance the campus
landscape, but they melt from the
scene when warm weather arrives.


Joliet Junior College is a comprehensive community
college offering higher education programs from
accounting to word processing. The college offers
pre-baccalaureate programs for students planning to
transfer to a four-year university, occupational and
technical education leading directly to employment,
adult education and literacy programs, and support
services to ensure student success. Automotive
instructor John Rau and Pete Keifert, instructor in

the Electrical/Electronic Automated Systems program,

are seen providing students with individual hands-on
learning experiences.

Joliet Junior College’s highly regarded agriculture

and horticulture programs prepare students for
successful careers. From the mechanics of vintage
tractors to computer and satellite-assisted site spe-
cific farming, instructors like Dave Cattron (right)

provide learning experiences that give students

marketable skills upon graduation.

JJCs Fine Arts Department offers

students a full range of classes and
activities, including graphic design,
digital imaging, pottery, jewelry and
metalsmithing, weaving, drawing,
painting, fashion merchandising,
interior design, music, and theatre.
Students seen here are using com-
puters to creatively capture, manip-
218 ulate, and produce digital images.
Pottery instructor James
Dugdale examines the
wheel-thrown work of
students in his class.

Instructor Beverly
Decman (left) works with
a student in a jewelry and
metalsmithing class.

Painting instructor joe Milosovich offers suggestions to

a student in his class. Milosovich also serves as direc-
tor of the Laura A. Sprague Art Gallery, which hosts
art shows and provides students and local artists an
opportunity to display their work.

Students showcase their talent on stage and

behind the lights by presenting a variety of plays
and performances in the newly renovated Fine
The college’s
Arts Theatre on Main Campus.
Community Choir is pictured
at one of its performances. 219

Developing film and printing

photographs in the college darkroom
occupies much of O’Brien’s time
during a typical day.

Media Production Assistant Michael O’Brien serves as the college photogra-

pher and has shot most of the photographs in the Media Services collection.
O’Brien is seen here shooting a picture of Lynn Orsini, supervising secretary
in the Illinois Virtual Campus Support Center.

The library also provides students

a quiet place to reflect and study.

Joliet Junior College boasts full-service

Learning Resource Centers and libraries at its

Main and North Campus Although



thousands of books and periodicals are avail-

able for checkout, other materials and infor-

mation can also be accessed through interli-

brary loan or online.

Automated Services
Librarian Barbara Wilson
is pictured here assisting
a student in searching one
of JJC’s automated data
The Academic Skills Center offers
bases for books and arti-
students a variety of services, such
cles on a term paper
as free peer tutoring, general acad-
emic assistance, and make-up.
Constitution, and placement test-
ing. Tutor Gene McClennahan is

seen here providing assistance in

American history.

Patrick McGuire,
Project Achieve
Specialist, provides
tutoring assistance
and encouragement
to a student in an
English rhetoric class.

Ram Raghuraman, Chair of the Computer

Information and Office Systems Department,
is seen conducting a class in a computer lab

at North Campus.

Edward Senu-Oke engages his political science class in a lively dis-

cussion of presidential politics and campaign strategies during the
fall 2000 semester.

Dr. Tony Cuvalo is seen here teaching an honors course in the

history of western civilization.

Jeanne Legan, who teaches education courses

and supervises field experiences, meets with a
student between classes.

Joliet junior College students take classes

from early morning until late at night.

Flexible scheduling makes it easier for stu-

dents juggling families and jobs to achieve
their educational goals. Sometimes, however,
pondering a test question never seems easy,
day or night.
JJC nursing students in clinical lab are preparing medication
for intramuscular injections. L-R: Stephanie Lemonta, Rita
McKenzie, Sharon Kusreau, Lisa Hernandez.

Dr. Judy Kachel, Chair of the Nursing

Education Department, supervises the
administration of medication into the
vastus lateralis muscle of pediatric mod-
els. L-R; Dr. Kachel, Erin Adams,
Sharon Kusreau, Stephanie Lemonta,
Rita McKenzie.

Dr. Michael Lee chairs the Natural

Sciences/Physical Education Department
and also teaches a variety of biology
courses. He is seen here working
Students in instructor Ann Smith’s anatomy
with students in the
and physiology class study various aspects of
biology lab.
the human body by examining a cadaver. The
course is designed primarily for students in

medical and allied health fields.

foreign language class in

one of the department’s

computer labs.

Roxanne Munch, English
faculty and newly-elected
department chair, is pic-

tured here teaching a

rhetoric class.

The teaching/learning
process does not end when
class is dismissed. Child
development instructor
Barbara Biles is seen here
outside her office interacting
with a student after class.

The application of technology to instruction has

created facilities and staff positions virtually

unknown a decade ago. Pictured here are

Distance Education members in the Illinois

Virtual Campus Support Center. L-R: Teh

Dasbach, IVC Support Center secretary;
Rebecca Sailor, Administrative Assistant,
Distance Education Office; Lynn Orsini, IVC
Support Center supervisory secretary.

JJC offers distance education classes in the

interactive TV classroom pictured here. As
a member of the South Metropolitan
Regional Higher Education Consortium,
the college transmits and receives dis-

tance education classes that are totally

interactive, both audio and visual.

Although students at remote sites are

not physically present in the room
with the instructor, they are able to
fully participate in class sessions.

The JJC Alumni Association annually hosts a Spring
Brunch where recipients of the Distinguished Alumni
Achievement Award and the Susan H. Wood Hall of
Fame Award are honored. At most recent brunch

in June 2000, Dr. Curtis J.

Crawford and Dr. Robert E.
Sterling were presented awards. Dr. Crawford, of the Dr. Robert E. Sterling is pictured at the Alumni Brunch
class of 1971 is seen here accepting the Distinguished accepting the Susan H. Wood Hall of Fame Award.
Alumni Achievement Award. He is currently the Sterling taught history at JJC for thirty-three years and
Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of chaired the Social and Behavioral Sciences Department
ZiLOG, Inc. and past division president of Lucent for thirty years. He also served as the college’s first
Technologies. Director of Distance Education.

JJC President J. D. Ross and

Brother James Gaffney,
President of Lewis University,
are seen signing a dual admis-
sion agreement in January
2001. Joliet Junior College has
agreements with several four-
year institutions that guarantee
dually enrolled students admis-
sion into the final two years of
a B.A. or B.S. program.

Commencement 2,000

Joliet Junior College holds its annual com-

mencement exercises in mid-May. Attending
the event are graduates and their families and
friends, together with faculty, staff, college
trustees, alumni, and other invited guests.
Pictured here are horticulture instructor
Roger Ross (left) and Dean of North Campus
& Community Services Michael Townsend
(right) assisting Counseling Department Chair
Edward Johnson with his robe and hood prior
to the ceremony on May 2, 2000. 1

Students in their
caps and gowns are
seen lining up for the

Under the baton of Jerry

Lewis, Chair of the Fine
Arts Department, the
Community Band pro-
vides music for the 2000

The stage party at the 2000 commence-
ment included student trustee Rosa
Salazar; college trustees Dick Dystrup,
Elanor McGuan-Boza, and Robert].
Wunderlich; JJC President J. D. Ross;
keynote speaker Dr. Wayne Watson,
Chancellor of City Colleges of Chicago;
Dr. Denis Wright, Vice President for
Academic Services; Rev. Jason Zobel,
Pastor of Shepherd of Peace Church,
Braidwood; and Richard j. Koefoed,
President of JJC Alumni Association.

Keynote speaker Dr. Wayne Watson,

Chancellor of the City Colleges of Chicago,
challenged graduates to set lofty goals and to
reach for their dreams. Dr. Watson reminded
those in caps andgowns that he was in their
place in 1966 when he graduated from the
college. “JJC gave me the foundation I needed,”
said Watson. “I am where am today because

of that Joliet Junior College foundation.”

President]. D. Ross commended

graduates for their academic
achievement and conferred on
them the degrees and certificates
they had worked so hard to earn.
Beautiful Centennial Plaza was established to
commemorate Joliet Junior College’s cen-
tennial year, 2001. Students, alumni, faculty,
staff, and friends of the college have pur-
chased personalized plaza bricks that pave
this historic area on Main Campus.

On February 1 ,
1 987, during National Community
College Month, JJC presented Centennial Awards to
twenty-six children. The Centennial Scholars, who
were all about three years old, received tuition schol-

arships of up to $ ,800 to be used at JJC during the


college’s centennial celebration in 2001. Twenty-five

children were chosen from the various communities

in the college district, and one child was selected to

represent alumni living out-

side the district. Pictured
here with the pre-collegians
are unidentified; Russ Corey,
Director of Enrollment
Management; Dr. James
Lepanto, Vice President for One who enrolled
of the Centennial Scholars is in JJC dur-
Academic Affairs; Patricia ing the spring 2001 semester is Jessica Berkey, third from
Schneider, college trustee; the left in the front row of the group photograph.
Grant H. Brown, Jr., grand-
son of college founder; and

Dr. David Pierce,

President and
CEO, American
Association of
Colleges (retired),
is seen congratu-
lating JJC on pio-
neering the com-
munity college
movement and
reaching its his-

toric centennial

Cutting the centennial cake are J.

D. Ross, President of Joliet Junior College;
On January 1
3, 200 1
Joliet Junior College kicked off its Dr. Hazel E. Loucks, Deputy Governor for Education & Workforce; and
centennial year with a celebration on Main Campus. Dr. Eleanor McGuan-Boza, JJC Board of Trustees. Watching with approval and
Hazel E. Loucks, Illinois Deputy Governor for Education interest are Renee Kosel, Illinois State Representative; John C. “Jack”
& Workforce, was the keynote speaker for the event. McGuire, Illinois State Representative; and Dr. Joe Cipfl, President and
Other special guests who offered remarks were John C. CEO, Illinois Community College Board.
“Jack” McGuire, Illinois State Representative; Mike
Sullivan, Immediate Past President, Illinois Community
College Trustees Association; Jerry Weller, United States
Congressman; Dr. Joe Cipfl, President and CEO, Illinois

Community College Board; and Dr. David Pierce,

President and CEO, American Association of Community
Colleges (retired). Pictured here are Dr. David Pierce,
John C. “Jack” McGuire, J.
D. Ross (President of Joliet
Junior College), Dr. Hazel E. Loucks, Mike Sullivan, and
Dr. Joe Cipfl.

'Ticture 'Us ‘Then — JJC Alumni
Over the past one hundred years, numerous JJC sentative of the many hundreds of graduates worthy
graduates have made significant contributions to of special recognition. The accomplishments of alum-
their chosen professions and society at large. Given ni reflect well on an educational institution, and JJC
the limitation of space and the availability of pho- is extremely proud of its students and graduates.
tographs, the people pictured here are merely repre-

Appearance Appearance
Before Achievement After Graduation Before Achievement After Graduation
Graduation Graduation

Art director and production designer Superintendent of Union School

for many films and TV programs District.

such as Hart to Hart, Moonlighting,
Family Secrets, and Paper Dolls.

James Agazzi, 1 960 Joan Hollister

(Geissler), 1947

Internationally known anthropolo- NASA scientist responsible for con-

gist, writer, composer, dancer, choreo- ceptualizing and designing the lunar
grapher, and producer. landing module(LEM).

Dr. Katherine Dr. John C.

Dunham, 1928 Houbolt, 1938

Joliet produce farmer and first presi- Executive Director of the American
dent of the JJC Board of Trustees. Association of Colleges for Teacher

William Glasscock, Dr. David Imig,

1937 1959

Physician of internal medicine with Assistant Professor of Food Science

service as Chief of Staff of Silver and Human Nutrition at Colorado
Cross Hospital in Joliet and Director State University.
of the Will County Community
Health Center.

Dr. Daniel Dr. Barbara

Gutierrez, 1958 Johnson (Smith),

Appearance Appearance
Before Achievement After Graduation Before Achievement After Graduation
Graduation Graduation

NASA aeronautical engineer who Award-winning author of more than

designed the Mercury capsule and eighty books for children and adults.
served as Rockwell International’s
chief project engineer for the Apollo

Alan Kehlet, 1949 Phyllis Reynolds

(Naylor), 1953

Professor of Physical Education and Illinois State Senator and United

Education at the University of States Congressman.

Southern California and author of a
college textbook and numerous articles.

Dr. Eleanor George E.

Metheny, 1926 Sangmeister, 1951

Under the screen name Larry Parks International authority on phospho-

starred as A1 Jolson in The Jolson rous chemistry with more than
Story. eighty patents and two books on the

Klusman Parks, Dr. Arthur Toy,

1934 1937

Chief Bankruptcy Judge of the Pioneer in Denver radio broadcasting

United States Bankruptcy Court of with a telephone talk show and also a
the Northern District of Illinois. business entrepreneur; his generous
donation to the college provided
funds for modernizing and enhancing
now known as the
the planetarium,
Herbert Trackman Planetarium.
Susan Pierson Herbert
(Sonderby), 1967 Trackman, 1931

Dean of Joliet Junior College from Chancellor of City

1947 to 1967 and first JJC President Colleges of Chicago.
from 1967 to 1970.

Elmer W. Rowley, Dr. Wayne

1929 Watson, 1966 229
Chapter 1: The Founding and Formative Years, (Cambridge, Mass.: The Riverside Press, 1931), 47.
1893 to 1919 14. William Rainey Harper, The Trend in Higher
Education (Chicago: The University of Chicago
1. The school was known as Joliet High School until Press, 1905), 378-79.
1899, when voters approved the creation of a 15. Henry P. Tappan, University Education (New
township high'^hool district. In April 1899, the York: G. P. Putnam, 1851), 44-45; William Watts
school became known as Joliet Township High Folwell, University Addresses (Minneapolis: H. W.
School. Today in 2001, there are two campuses in Wilson Co., 1909), 37-38, 108-9.
the high school district: Joliet Central is located 16. “Minutes of the Board of Affiliation of the
in the original building, and Joliet West is located Academies and High Schools Affiliating or Co-
in a newer building on the west side of Joliet at operating with the University of Chicago,” Board
Larkin and Glenwood Avenues. of Affiliation, The University of Chicago, 21
2. Although he is often referred to as “Doctor” January 1899.
Brown, J. Stanley Brown did not have an earned 17. Dr. Grant Brown, letter to Susan H. Wood, 13
doctorate. There are also some discrepancies in November 1975, quoted in Wood, 18-19.
biographical sources regarding Brown’s early 18. Joseph H. Drake, letter to “My Dear Mr. Brown,”
years as an educator. The information presented 24 May 1898, quoted in Smolich, 71.
here is taken from the Genealogical and 19. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 14-15.
Biographical Record of Will County (Chicago: 20. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 18-
Biographical Publishing Company, 1900), 601- 19, 17, 27, 52.
603. 21. Ibid., 18-19, 55, 60, 8.
3. For an overview of Joliet’s industrial and trans- 22. For a discussion of the conflicting views regard-
portation history, see Robert E. Sterling, Joliet ing the origin of Joliet Junior College, see Wood,
Transportation and Industry: A Pictorial History 20-27.
(St. Louis: G. Bradley Publishing, Inc.). 23. Roosevelt Basler, “A Plan for Re-Designing the
4. First Report of Joliet Township High School Curriculum of the Joliet Junior College,” (Ed.D.
(Joliet, 111.: Joliet News Printing Co., 1903), 30. diss.. Teachers College, Columbia University,
5. Susan H. Wood, The People's Legacy: A History of 1945), 20.
Joliet Junior College from 1901 - 1984 (Joliet, 111.: 24. Monroe Stowe, “Report of a Survey of Junior
Joliet Junior College Foundation, 1987), 19. Colleges of Detroit and Grand Rapids, Michigan,
6. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 30. and Joliet, Illinois,” First Annual Meeting of
7. “Assistant Superintendent C. E. Spicer Taught American Association of Junior Colleges, 1921
First College Courses,” Joliet Township High (Washington: Department of Interior, Bureau of
School Bulletin xi, no. 1 (1931): 7. Education, Bulletin 19, Part II, 1922), 65.
8. F. W. Kelsey, letter to J. Stanley Brown, 2 June 25. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 30.
1896, quoted in Robert S. Smolich, “An Analysis 26. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 4
of Influences Affecting the Origin and Early December 1900, 7 January 1901.
Development of Three Mid- Western Public Junior 27. J. Stanley Brown, “The Growth and Development

Colleges - Joliet, Goshen, and Crane,” (Ed.D. of Junior Colleges in the United States,” 27.
diss.. The University of Texas at Austin, 1967), 28. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 3
69. The original letter is missing from the files of September 1901.
Joliet Township High School. 29. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 3
9. Joseph H. Drake, letter to “My Dear Mr. Brown,” September 1902, 3 December 1902.
24 May 1898, quoted in Smolich, 72. The original 30. “The High School of the Future,” The School
letter is missing from the files of Joliet Township Review xi (January 1903): 1-3.
High School. 31. “The General Conference,” The School Review xii
10. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 30. (January 1904): 20-21.
11. Elizabeth Barns, audiotape, quoted in Smolich, 76. 32. First Report of Joliet Township High School, 76.
12. J. Stanley Brown, “The Growth and Development 33. William S. Griffith, “Harper’s Legacy to the
of Junior Colleges in the United States,” National Public Junior College,” Community College
Conference of Junior Colleges, 1920 (Washington, Frontiers 4 (Spring 1976): 16.
D.C.: Department of Interior, Bureau of 34. Wood, 42.
Education, Bulletin No. 19, Part I, 1922), 27. 35. Ibid., 31, 41-43.
13. Walter Crosby Eells, The Junior College 36. C. E. Spicer, letter to Lewis W. Smith, 16 January
1941, quoted in Lewis W. Smith, “Founding of Chapter 2: Establishing a College Identity,
Early Junior Colleges - President Harper’s 1919 to 1939
Influence,” The Junior College Journal (May
1941): 518-19. 1. Susan H. Wood, The People’s Legacy: A History of
37. C. E. Spicer, letter to Lewis W. Smith, 19 October Joliet Junior College from 1901 - 1984 (Joliet, 111.:

1932, quoted in Roosevelt Easier, 25. Joliet Junior College Foundation, 1987), 48.
38. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 12 2. Ibid., 48-49.
November 1912. 3. Joliet Junior College Bulletin, 1920, 17-20.
39. “The General Conference,” 26. 4. Joliet Township High School Bulletin hi, no. 1
40. “Editorial Notes,” The School Review xiv (October (November 1922): 5.
1906): 609. 5. Ibid, i, no.l (April 1921): 3; Ibid, viii, no. 2 (June
41. I. D. Yaggy, letter to Elbert K. Fretwell, Jr., 5 July 1928): 7; Ibid, hi, no.l (November 1922): 5.
1952, quoted in Elbert K. Fretwell, Jr., Founding 6. The J (May 1918), 27; The J (October 1918), 28.
Public Junior Colleges (New York: Columbia 7. Joliet Junior College Bulletin, 1922, 14.
University Press, 1954), 15. 8. Joliet Township High School Bulletin xi, no.l
42. J. Stanley Brown, “Present Development of (March 1931): 7.

Secondary Schools According to the Proposed 9. Ibid., 4.

Plan,” The School Review xii (June 1905): 15. 10. Walter Crosby Eells, The Junior College
43. “Administration of the Junior College,” Joliet (Cambridge, Mass.: The Riverside Press, 1931),
Township High School Bulletin xi, no. 1 (March 192.
1931): 7. 11. Joliet Township High School Bulletin xi, no.l
44. Thomas M. Beam, “Evolution of the Joliet Junior (March 1931): 4-5.
College,” The Junior College Journal i (April 12. Ibid, viii, no. 2 (June 1928): 6.

1931): 430. 13. Ibid, viii, no. 1 (November 1927): 7.

45. “The Early Post-graduate School - A Junior 14. Ibid, ii, no.l (March 1922): 2.

College in Ever3dhing but Name,” Joliet 15. Ibid., 6.

Township High School Bulletin xi, no. 1 (March 16. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 15
1931): 8. November 1926.
46. Jollier (1907), 118-19. 17. Joliet Township High School Bulletin i, no. 1
47. The J (January 1917), 16. (April 1921): 7.

48. The J (October 1916), 17. 18. Joliet Township High School Year Book, 1921, 79.
49. The J (October 1916), 21. 19. Report of the Executive Committee of the Student
50. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 21 April Council of Joliet Junior College, 1936-1937.
1915; The J (October 1918), 28. 20. Minutes of Joliet Junior College Student Council,
51. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 21 July 4 March 1937.
1916. 21. Joliet Township High School Bulletin xi, no. 1

52. “Joliet Junior College,” Joliet Township High (March 1931): 8.

School Bulletin xi, no. 1 (March 1931): 1. 22. Wood, 57-58.
53. “History of Teacher Training,” Joliet Township 23. Ibid., 60.
High School Bulletin xi, no. 1 (March 1931): 2. 24. Joliet Township High School Bulletin xi, no. 1

54. The J (October 1918), 28. (March 1931): 7.

55. Joliet Evening Herald-News, 11 May 1919, 15 25. Ibid., 1.

May 1919. 26. Wood, 61-62.

56. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 20 May 27. Ibid., 62-68.
1919. 28. The Blazer, 5 February 1932.
57. For a history of J. Stanley Brown’s years at 29. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 8
Northern Illinois Normal School, see Earl W. February 1932; Ibid., 15 July 1933; Wood, 69.
Ha5d;er, Education in Transition: The History of 30. The Blazer, 3 September 1932.
Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, 111.: 31. Wood, 69-70.
Northern Illinois University Press, 1974), 181-208. 32. The J {1981), 168.
58. Wood, 81-82. 33. Wood, 74-75.
34. Ibid., 76.
35. Robert Palinchak, The Evolution of the
Community College (Metuchen, N.J.: The

Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1973), 88. 21. Ibid., 28 August 1964; 6 October 1964.
36. Wood, 77-79. 22. Ibid., 24 November 1964; 8 December 1964; 10
37. Ibid., 80. August 1965.
38. Herald-News, 9 June 1939, p. 1. 23. Ibid., 17 June 1965; 10 August 1965; 17 August
1965; 14 September 1965; 12 October 1965.
24. Ibid., 20 September 1966.
Chapter Years of Challenge and Change,
3: 25. Ibid., 16 January 1939; 28 January 1947.
1939 to 1967 26. Ibid., 12 April 1966; 10 May 1966; 25 May 1966;
14 June 1966; 11 October 1966; 24 January 1967;
1. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 21 August 21 February 1967.
1939. 27. Smith, 86-92.
2. Ibid., 10 February 1942; 23 June 1942; 11 28. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 12
January 1943; 10 February 1943; 30 March 1943. October 1965; 14 December 1965; 19 April 1966;
3. Ibid., 26 February 1946; 22 May 1946; 12 June 10 November 1966; Wood, 113-18.
1947; 30 July 1947. 29. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 13
4. Ibid., 14 June 1960. December 1966; 21 February 1967.
5. Ibid., 11 March 1941. 30. The J. C. 1943 (college yearbook published inter-
6. Ibid., 14 April 1942; 22 June 1943. nally), dedication page; The 1949 Shield (college
7. Ibid., 27 August 1946; 8 October 1946. yearbook published internally), 4.
8. Ibid., 9 April 1946; 11 July 1946; John W. Gardner, 31. Wood, 88-91, 99-100.
Excellence (New York: Harper and Row, 1961), 86. 32. The J. C. 1942 (college yearbook published inter-
9. President’s Commission on Higher Education, nally), 69.
Higher Education for American Democracy, vol. 1, 33. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 7 January
Establishing the Goals (New York: Harper Bros., 1942; The J. C. 1942, 71.
1947), 39, 67-69. 34. The Blazer, 16 October 1947.
10. The J.C. 1933 (college yearbook published inter- 35. The Blazer, 9 October 1959; 25 May 1964.
nally), dedication page. 36. The Blazer, 7 March 1947; 10 April 1959.
11. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 11 March 37. The Blazer, 18 March 1960; 16 February 1962.
1947; 25 February 1947; 18 December 1947; 13 38. The Blazer, 15 November 1961; 16 February
January 1948; 11 July 1944. 1962.
12. Susan H. Wood, The People’s Legacy: A History of 39. The Blazer, 7 November 1952; 10 March 1953.
Joliet Junior College from 1901 - 1984 (Joliet, 111.: 40. The Blazer, 25 February 1955; 26 May 1955.
Joliet Junior College Foundation, 1987), 123-24. 41. The Blazer, 3 June 1967; 21 March 1958.
13. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 9 January 42. The 1964 Shield (college yearbook published
1951; 10 February 1953; 13 October 1953; 13 internally), 29.
December 1955. 43. The Blazer, 19 November 1948.
14. Ibid., 11 May 1943. 44. The Blazer, 8 October 1948.
15. Coleman R. Griffith and Hortense Blackstone, 45. The Blazer, 16 February 1962.
The Junior College in Illinois (Urbana, 111.: A 46. The Blazer, 9 March 1966; 16 February 1962; 28
Joint Publication of the Superintendent of Public April 1967.
Instruction of the State of Illinois and the 47. The Blazer, 14 November 1947.
University of Illinois Press, 1945), 244-47. 48. The Blazer, 28 April 1967.
16. Wood, 109. 49. Louise H. Allen, “Fizz Wills of Joliet,” Community
17. For a full discussion of the legislative history sur- College Frontiers, vol. 4, no. 3 (Spring 1976): 26-30.
rounding the junior college movement in Illinois, 50. The Blazer, 15 January 1960; 19 December 1958.
see Thomas Lewis Hardin, “A History of the 51. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 5
Community Junior College in Illinois: 1901- December 1938; 17 June 1940; 4 December 1945.
1972,” (Ph.D. diss.. University of Illinois at 52. Ibid., 16 January 1939; 9 March 1948.
Urbana-Champaign, 1975), 87-231; Gerald W. 53. Ibid., 18 May 1953; 16 June 1958; 13 April 1948.
Smith, Illinois Junior-Community College 54. Ibid., 23 January 1961; 20 February 1962; 14
Development 1946-1980, (Springfield, 111.: Illinois September 1966; 13 March 1962.
Community College Board, 1980). 55. Ibid., 12 March 1963.
18. Proceedings of the Board of Education, 13 56. Ibid., 12 April 1966; 10 May 1966; 25 May 1966;
September 1955; 11 December 1956. 14 June 1966.
19. Ibid., 14 October 1959; 15 December 1959. 57. Ibid., 11 October 1966.
20. Ibid., 6 June 1961; 10 October 1961; 12 December 58. Ibid., 24 January 1967; 21 February 1967; 11
1961; 11 June 1963. April 1967.

Chapter 4: A New Home on Houbolt Road, 32. The Blazer, 19 October 1979.
1967 to 2000 33. Herald-News, 19 September 1969.
34. Ibid.
1. Herald-News, 25 March 1967; 16 April 1967. 35. Herald-News, 14 March 1972.
2. Proceedings, District 525, Minutes, 12 June 1967; 36. Ibid., 17 March 1972.
10 July 1967; 14 August 1967. 37. The Blazer, 12 March 1973; 26 February 1973.
3. For correspondence between President John 38. Ibid., 25 August 1978; 6 October 1978.
Corradetti, AFT Local 604, JJC Council and 39. Ibid., 4 May 1979; 13 December 1993.
College President Elmer W. Rowley regarding 40. Herald-News, 9 March 1974.
union recognition, see the correspondence files of
the union. A few letters were also exchanged
between the Union President and the Board of Chapter 5: Picture Us Now
Trustees. For the formal action taken by the
Board of Trustees, see Proceedings, Minutes, 29 1. Student data provided by JJC Admissions Office.
April 1968. 2. Ibid.
4. Susan H. Wood, The A History of
People’s Legacy: 3. The Blazer, 6 December 2000.
Joliet Junior College from 1901 - 1984 (Joliet, 111.;
Joliet Junior College Foundation, 1987), 144-45.
5. Proceedings, Minutes, 6 February 1968.
6. Herald-News, 31 March 1968; Proceedings,
Minutes, 8 April 1968.
7. Proceedings, Minutes, 3 April 1968; Herald-News,
4 April 1968.
8. Proceedings, Minutes, 14 April 1969.
9. Herald-News, 25 July 1969.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid., 27 July 1969.
12. Ibid., 6 August 1969; Proceedings, Minutes, 19
August 1969.
13. Herald-News, 23 September 1969, 28 September
14. Elmer W. Rowley, The President’s Report, 1969-
15. Herald-News, 19 September 1969.
16. The Blazer, 13 December 1993; Herald-News, 6
June 1994.
17. Wood, 157-59.
18. Ibid., 161-62.
19. Herald-News, 16 November 1970; 28 January
1972; 22 October 1972; 13 August 1973; The
Blazer, 28 January 1974; Herald-News, 18
August 1974.
20. Wood, 164-65.
21. Ibid., 172-73.
22. The Blazer, 12 September 1975; 9 May 1980; 12
23. Wood, 185-86.
24. Ibid., 188-90.
25. Ibid., 174.
26. Herald-News, 19 April 1980; The Blazer, 11
September 1981; 30 October 1981.
27. The Blazer, 3 October 1994; 13 October 1999.
28. Joliet Junior College 2000-2002 Student
Handbook & Weekly Planner, 31-36.
29. The Blazer, 16 October 1970.
30. Alumni Action, Fall 1977.
31. Ibid.

Although an author alone is ulti- tions provided photographs and infor-
mately responsible for the substance mation, and I am extremely grateful
and quality of his work, no one can for their assistance. They include
write a book of this kind without the Frank Alberico, Virginia Allen, Gerald
generous assistance of countless peo- Anderson, Gil Bell, Darlene Boyle,
ple. Attempting to acknowledge them David Cattron, Ted and Erma Chuk,
in no way diminishes the contributions Jo Cirrencione, Dr. James Clark, John
of those whose names have been inad- Corradetti, Dorothy Crombie, Teri
vertently omitted. am
most grateful
I Cullen, Donald Ernst, Dr. James
to my wife, Jo Ann, for once again Ethridge, Mrs. William Glasscock,
sharing the journey of developing a Shirley Hacker, Joan Hinch, Dale
book. Her encouragement, patience, Hummel, Sunnie Hunter, Albert
suggestions, and proofreading skills Imming, Johnnie Johnson, William
were a blessing beyond measure. I am Johnson, Joliet Area Historical Society,
also deeply indebted to Patrick Asher, the Herald-News, the Jenkins family,
Patrick McGuire, Angela and Walter Robert Jurgens, Dr. Judy Rachel,
Zaida, Sharon Peck, and JJC President Wayne King, Matt Kochevar, Charles
J. D. Ross for reading the manuscript Kramer, Max Kuster, Sandy Lauer,
and offering invaluable comments and Robert Marcink, Michael McGreal,
suggestions. Without their generous James Morris, John Mraz, Janet
assistance and attention to detail, the Novotny, Linda Padilla, Dr. John
book would have many more rough Peterson, Virginia Piekarski, Henry
edges. A special note of thanks goes to Pillard, Linda Pollock, Virginia
Rebecca Sailor for interviewing people Richards, James Ridings, Richard
and and organizing infor-
for gathering Rivera, Willa Schroeder, Betty Schuck,
mation. Her enthusiasm for the pro- Mary Schulte, James Shinn, Grady
ject, especially in the early months, Shipp, Patricia Shue, Denise Sitar,
was a great source of encouragement. Joyce Stejskal, Ray Strappazon, Joan
Special appreciation goes to the fol- Tierney,Tim Vanderwall, Don Walker,
lowing people who contributed in other Arlene Walsh, Paul Washam, William
important ways: Cindy Jacobsen for Yarrow, and Emily Zabrocki.
writing caption material for chapter Finally, heartfelt gratitude is

five; Dave Parker for providing pho- extended to my mother, Dorothy; my

tographs and caption material for son, Geoff; and my daughter-in-law,
sports; Teri Dasbach and Lynn Orsini Kristina, for their encouraging and
for working on the index; Barbara thoughtful phone calls. The answer is

Wilson for locating library material; finally “y^s” to their frequently asked
Michael Mahoney for contributing sev- question, “Is the book done yet?” It’s

eral photographs to chapter one; and done, and I’m pleased to acknowledge
Liz Allen and Michael O’Brien for the assistance and support of those
shooting pictures for chapter five. mentioned here and to express my
Many other people and organiza- warm appreciation. Thanks.
Allen, Louise H. “Fizz Wills of Joliet.” Community Minutes of the Board of Affiliation of the Academies
College Frontiers iv (Spring 1976). and High Schools Affiliating or Co-operating
Alumni Action. with the University of Chicago. Board of
Easier, Roosevelt. “A Plan for Re-Designing the Affiliation. University of Chicago, 1899.
Curriculum of the Joliet Junior College.” Ed.D. National Conference of Junior Colleges, 1920.
Columbia University, 1945.
diss., Washington, D.C.: Department of Interior,
Brown, J. Stanley. “Present Development of Bureau of Education, Bulletin No. 19.
Secondary Schools According to the Proposed Palinchak, Robert. The Evolution of the Community
Plan.” The School Review xii (June 1905). College. Metuchen, N.J.: The Scarecrow Press,
Deam, Thomas M. “Evolution of the Joliet Junior Inc., 1973.
College.” The Junior College Journal i (April President’s Commission on Higher Education. Higher
1931). Education for American Democracy. New
“Editorial Notes.” The School Review xiv (October York: Harper Bros., 1947.
1906). Proceedings, District 525. Minutes.
Eells, Walter Crosby. The Junior College. Cambridge, Proceedings of the Board of Education, District 204.
Mass.: The Riverside Press, 1931. Rowley, Elmer W. The President’s Report, 1969-1970.
First Report of Joliet Township High School. Joliet, Smith, Gerald W. Illinois Junior-Community College
111.: Joliet News
Printing Co., 1903. Development 1946-1980. Springfield, 111.:
Folwell, William Watts. University Addresses. Illinois Community College Board, 1980.
Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson Co., 1909. Smith, Lewis W. “Founding of Early Junior Colleges -
Fretwell, Elbert K. Jr. Founding Public Junior President Harper’s Influence.” The Junior
Colleges. New York: Columbia University College Journal (May 1941).
Press, 1954. Smolich, Robert S. “An Analysis of Infiuences
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Griffith, Coleman R., and Hortense Blackstone. The University of Texas at Austin, 1967.
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Publication of the Superintendent of Public A Pictorial History. St. Louis: G. Bradley
Instruction of the State of Illinois and the Publishing, Inc., 1997.
University of Illinois Press, 1945. Stowe, Monroe. “Report of a Survey of Junior
Griffith, William S. “Harper’s Legacy to the Public Colleges of Detroit and Grand Rapids,
Junior College ” Community College Frontiers Michigan, and Joliet, Illinois.” First Annual
4 (1976). Meeting of the American Association of Junior
Hardin, Thomas Lewis. “A History of the Community Colleges, 1921. Washington, D.C.: Department
Junior College in Illinois.” Ph.D. diss.. of Interior, Bureau of Education, Bulletin 19,
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1975. Tappan, Henry P. University Education. New York: G.
Harper, William Rainey. The Trend in Higher P. Putnam, 1851.
Education. Chicago: University of Chicago The Blazer.
Press, 1905. “The General Conference.” The School Review xii
Ha3der, Earl W. Education in Transition: The History (January 1904).
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Northern Illinois University Press, 1974. xi (January 1903).
Joliet Herald-News. TheJ.
Joliet Junior College Bulletin. TheJ.C.
Joliet Junior College 2000-2002 Student Handbook & Wood, Susan H. The People’s Legacy: A History of
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Joliet Township High School Bulletin. 111.: Joliet Junior College Foundation, 1987.

11 1 1 1 1 29 1 1 1 1 1 111 3 11 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 6 5 9 11 1

Academic Skills Center, 1 60, 220 Barns, Elizabeth, 6, 21, 46, 63, 72, 125 Blogg, Leona, 4 Buckley, David, 1 82 Clark, Mary, 40, 43

Adams, Carl, 1 1 Barone, Ken, 1 1 Blum, Honora, 47 Bunch, Christine, 46 Class I Status, 58, 1 28
Adams, Dorothy, 41 Barone, Norma, 89 Blum, Joseph, 1 1 Burden, C.O., 46, 72 Cleary, Patrick, 1 1

Adams, Erin, 222 Barr, Bill, 164 Bluth, Marcus, 46 Burgard, Pershing, 47 Clegg, Marty, 1 1

Adams, Sandy, 103 Barr, Richard J.,

3 Bogdan, Gene, 1 73 Burke, Robert, 58, 74, 1 25, 1 60 Clennon, Carol, 1 94
Adler, Catherine, 73 Barr, Rick, 1 5 Boginis, Herb, 1 19 Burla, Joseph, 213 Cline, Dave, 1 9
Agazzi, James, 228 Barry, Philip, 45 Bogue, Jesse, 92 Burnham, Carol Sue, 82 Coady, John, 87
Agricultural/Horicultural Sciences, Barto, Laura, 200 Boiardi, Hector, 1 73 Burnham, D.H., 36, 38 Cobb, Francis, 44
162, 163, 164, 165,218 Baseball, 39,48, 115,203,204 Boldt, Eleanore, 47 Burns, Michele, 151 Cockbill, Margaret, 1 76
Ahrens, Nancy, 105, 123 Baskerville, Edward, 49 Bolerjack, Thurm, 1 05 Burns, William, 176 Cohenour, Ernest, 48
Ainley, Joelyn, 159 Basketball, Men’s, 11,39,48, 50,51, Bolton, Carroll, 50 Burr, Dorothy, 122 Colaric, Diane, 1 5
Airoldi, John, 62 III, 112, 113, 114,202, 203 Bolton, Virginia, 4 Burress, Patricia, 1 22 Coleman, Bob, 1 5
Alberico, Frank, 169, 170 Basketball, Women’s, 23, 40, 199 Bonar, Doris, 190 Bush, George, 1 95 Coleman, Wayne, 1 99
Albert, Jack, 88 Basler, Roosevelt, 8, 52, 59, 92 Bonar, Hugh, 52, 53, 56, 59, 92, 93 Bush, Harriet, 39 College Bowl, 180
Alderman, Ralph, 102 Bass, Betty, 1 57 Bondar, Eugene, 95 Bush, James, 48 Collins, Kay, 1 68
Algeo, Jerry, 93 Bates, Carleton, 1 54 Book, Charles, 1 1 Bush, Ralph, 26, 27 Collins, Nelson, 179,213
Allen, Chuck, 91 Batson, Carl, 88 Boos, Louis, 40 Business Club, 91 Colstock, Carol, 121
Allen, F.S.i 18 Bauch, Joyce, 90 Booth, Louis, 47 Butterbach, Richard, 9 Comer, Richard, 97

Allen, Lucile, 92 Baumgartner, John, 49 Booth, Sally, 7 Butterfield, Barb, 69 Conkling, Robert, 42
Allen, Noble, 97 Bay, Mike, 1 17 Borgen, Joseph A., 129, 130, 158 Button, Sue, 1 98 Conlon, Hazel, 40
Almberg, Barbara, 97 Bayle, Andre, 1 1 Bottino, Louis, 56 Byington, Beau, 1 65 Connors, Matt, 1 08
Almsay, Jo, 86 Bazaar, Ken, 93 Boudreau, Maynard, 1 29, 1 58, 1 62, Byrnes, John, 2 1 Conrad, Laura, 214
Alstott, Mike, 203 Beavers, Leslie, 1 54 163, 164, 169, 175 Conroy, Thomas, 48, 49
Alumni Association, 133, 146, 224 Becker, Bob, 9 Bourg, John, 108, 185, 186 Continuous Quality
Alumni Bell Tower, 132, 146, 147 Becker, Mildred, 40 Boyce, Willie, 1 14 Calosio, Richard, 39 Improvement, 180
Anderson (Barnes), Evelyn, 47, 191 Becker, Raymond, 6 Boyd, Isabelle, 47 Camp, Tom, 49 Converse, Duane, 75
Anderson, Bror, 61 Bedesky, John, 87 Boyd, Jim, 203 Campbell, Pam, 215 Cook, Roger, 1 64
Anderson, Dorothy, 47 Beecher, Sherman, 48 Boyle, Joe, 152 Campus Police, 144 Cook, Ronald, 94
Anderson, Dwight, 201 Beeson, Dorothy, 47 Bradley, Norman, 189 Canino, Rosella, 41 Coons, Phyllis, 190
Anderson, Genevieve, 41 Behling, Karen, 95 Braman, Leona, 89 Cardwell, Meredith, 45 Corey, Russ, 227
Anderson, John, 61 Behrans, Doug, 201 Branchaw, Cecelia, 41 Carli.John, 152, 191 Coronado, Alfredo, 1 70
Anderson, Lawrence, 61 Belin, Paul, 88 Brandolino, Richard R., 159, 188, 195 Carloss, Jeff, 191 Corradetti, John, 64, 9 1 , 112
Anderson, Rick, 1 1 Bell, Gll, 109, 110, 115, 119, 201 Brandolino, Sandro, 97 Carlson, Don, 1 64 Cota, Tony, 214
Anderson, Rosemary, 121, 123 Bennett, Rose, 92 Brass, Saul, 1 52, 1 54 Carlson, Louise, 41 Cottingham, Robert, 1 63
Andrews, Clyde, 92, 97 Bennington, Sandy, 152 Braun, Conrad W„ 37 Carlson, Rhonda, 1 87 Cottrell, Sylvester, 202
Andrews, Ellen, 190 Beno, Don, 90 Bredesen, Steve, 1 9 Carlson, Roy, 108 Coulson, Genevieve, 97
Apostolou, Pete, 191 Benson, Dorothy, 41 Brenczewski, Brandy, 203 Carlson, William, 48, 188 Crackel, Judy, 97
Arboretum, 181 Benson, Jim, 91 Brereton, Mariam, 47 Carnaghi, Sue, 1 2 Craft, Emma, 1 94
Archambeault, Robert, 5 Berg, Marie, 41 Brett, Mary, 121, 123 Carr, Kathy, 1 90 Cramer, Diane, 1 70
Armstrong, Mary, 97 Bergman, Jay, 147 Brewster, Carol, 42 Carr, Louise, 1 54 Crane, Ruth, 42
Armstrong, Warren, 62 Bergquist, Edward, 63 Briick, Jack, 87 Carson, Carole, 1 23 Crawford, Curtis J.,
Arnold, Jim, 67, 86 Berguson, Delbert, 1 70 Briick, Joan, 97 Cary, Bob, 97 Creed, James, 170
Aseltine, L.B., 47 Berk, Sammy, 57 Briick, Richard, 63 Castle, Drew, 62, 89 Crockett, Jason, 203
Asher, Patrick, 191, 213 Berkey, Jessica, 227 Brinkman, Paul, 188 Catarello, Jim, 1 13 Crombie, Edward H., 38, 39
Ashley, Mary, 40 Berlinsky, Maurice, 133, 145, 148, 149 Brinkman, William, 76, 133 Cato, Laura, 1 68 Cronin School, 166
Atkinson, Harry J.,
21, 46, 145 Berst, Carl, 39 Broadrick, Moose, 1 1 Cattaneo, Mary, 47 Cryer, David, 1 84, 1 87
Atkinson, Henry, 89 Berst, Ted, 94 Brockett, E.B., 46 Cattron, Dave, 1 63, 1 66, 2 1 Culinary Arts, 171, 172, 173, 217
Austin, Lloyd, 48, 49 Berta, Melanie, 95 Brode, Karen, 67 Caudill, Eileen, 1 68 Cultural Cinema Club, 1 07, 1 32, 1 52
Ayers, Harry, 1 1 Bertino, John, 92 Broderick, Tom, 1 1 Ceballos, Juan, 203, 204 Curry, William, 177
Bettarelli, Fred, 159 Bromberek, Ken, 75 Celeznik, Sandy, 102 Curtis, Willard, 88
Bettenhausen, Bev, 69 Brooks, Gwendolyn, 1 96 Centennial Celebration, 227 Cuvalo, Tony, 221
Babcock, Minnie, 42, 46 Bettenhausen, Lee, 88 Brophy, Bob, 1 08 Cernugel, Bill, 79 Czichon, Therese, 1 67
Bachman, Grace, 97 Betts, Charles, 1 54 Broughton, Barbara, 4 Cernugel, Frank, 1 52
Bailey, Grace, 40 Bialobok, Erik, 203 Brown, Bill, 139 Chaloka, Ray, 1 1

Bailey, Verna, 42 Bickel, Carol, 170 Brown, Charlie, 1 1 Chalstrom, Dorothy, 41 Daggers, Steve, 1 59
Baldazzi, Fred, 9 Biedron, Robert, 213 Brown, Don, 119, 124 Chalstrom, Marie, 97, 123 Daggett, Ray, 40
Ball, Diane, 97 Biles, Barbara, 223 Brown, Grant , 7, 13 Chase, William, 169 Damen, Lois, 98
Balog, Sandy, 71 Birkholz, John, 64 Brown, Grant, Jr., 227 Cheerleaders, 105, 107, 121, 198 Darin, Bob, 191
Balos, Judy, 168 Bisching, Rachel, 38 Brown, Harold, 202 Chelini, David, 97 Dasbach, Teri, 223
Baltz, Joe, 89 Bishop, Ha, 38 Brown, J.
Stanley, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, Cherry, James H., 56 Davis, Dolores, 106

Banner, Ronnie, 154 Bjekich, Phil, 88 12, 13, 16, 17, 18,21,22, 25, Chesko, Al, 88 Davis, Dwight, 1 58, 1 68
Baranoski, Jeff, 203 Black Student Union, 1 32, 1 54 26, 27, 39, 42,51,205 Chesko, Marilyn, 90 Davis, Gwendolyn, 40, 4
Barber, Thom, 97 Black, Dorothy, 1 30 Brown, John, 139 Child Care Center, 161,215 Davis, Robert, 89
Barclay, Frances, 40 Blackburn, Jim, 87 Brown, Leo, 48 Childress, Jack, 56 Davy, Barb, 1 90
Barclay, Ralph, 46 Blackstone, Hortense, 55 Brown, Phil, 139 Chizmark, Karyn, 97 Dawson, Joan, 97
Barefield, Kisha, 199 Blackwell, Jane, 168 Brown, Sandy, 92 Christensen, Patricia, 71 Day, Ben, 126, 127
Barfield, Janet, 168 Blast Furnace, 85 Browne, Linda, 216 Christian, Bob, 164 Day, Winnifred, 40
Barfield, Joyce, 191 Blazer Staff, 44 Brunes, Craig, 203 Chubinski, Mike, 203 Deam, Thomas M., II, 46
Barklow, Richard, 89 Bleed, Ronald, 159 Bruns, Marsha, 190 Ciluffo, William, 82 Debate Club, 47
Barnes, John, 86 Block, Rodney, 1 64 Bruskas, Spiro, 1 1 Cipfl,Joe, 227 Decman, Beverly, 2 1

Barnes, Vernon, 43 Block, Susan, 1 87 Bruske, Ed, 148 Cirasole, Robert, 62 DeGrush, Richard, 213
Barnett, Wayne, 97 Blogg, Francis, 49 Buck, Scott, 1 64 Cirrencione, Jo, 215 Deis, Paul, 47

6 6 89
1 1 1 1 11 1 1 4 5 1 55 92
1 1 1 1 11

Delaney, Ed, 199 Erickson, Karen, 1 57 Fulton, Peter, 1 1 Haaq, Salim Abdul, 169 Hooks, Ellen, 1 52
Dellinger, Hal, 97, 1 27 Ernst, Donald, 1 69, 1 70 Furlan, Bob, 1 16 Haas, Lareene, 71 Hooper, Dorothy, 1 68
Denovellis, Al, 1 1 Esier, Ed, 86 Furlong, James, 50 Hacker, Robert, 148 Hoppler, Sharon, 168
Densmore, Dorothy, 46 Esposito, Mike, 1 5 Hafner, Jason, 203 Hornvale, Audrey, 99
Denver, Jack, 44 Etcher, Jackie, 151 Haggard, W.W., 29,31,32,51,52 Hornvale, Dulce, 88, 130
DePratt, Sharon, 7 Ethridge, James, 164, 165 Gabel, Gladys, 41 Hahn, Fred, 174 Horrigan, Pat, 1 5
Depression, Impact of, 30, 46 Ethridge, Pam, 200 Gabel, John, 1 19 Haller, Catherine, 41 HouboltRoad, 132, 148, 149, 150
DeSignor, Ernest, 1 1 Evans, Glenn A., 46, 72 Gabel, Sandy, 190 Hallman, Arnette, 202 Houboitjohn C, 132, 133, 145,
Deuschman, Ralph, 87 Evans, Marv, 1 1 Gabrys, Frank, 1 1 Hamilton, Dan, 165 155, 228
Deutsch, Joe, 47 Evans, Mike, 20 Gaffney, James, 224 Hamlin, Robert, 49 Houseknecht, Bruce, 73
Dezelan, Joseph, 89 Eyman, Robert, 39 Gamble, Thomas E., 137, 159, Hanley, Jan, 95 Houte, Terre, 191
Di Lorenzo, Emil, 39 Eyrich, Rich, 91 188, 195 Hansen, Mabel, 42 Howard, John, 97
Dickinson, Lena M., 46 Gardner, John, 53 Hansen, William, 47 Howell, Irene, 38
Dille, Virginia, 40, 4 Gariboldi, Joe, 109 Hanson, Brent, 190 Howerton, Lloyd, 63
Dillman, Jeff, 201 Fabian, Gordon, 89 Garrison, Jim, 1 19 Hareld, Doris, 91 Howk, John, 49
Dillman, Marge, 1 22 Fabrycki, William, 186 Gates, Frank, 1 2 Harford, Edward, 42 Howland, Merville, 86
Dillman, Pauline, 34, 46, 5 Fagan, Jim, 1 1 Gavin, Leonard, 154 Harmon, Mary, 41 Hria, Jane, 103
Dinoffri, Jack, 109 Fagan, Mike, 203 Gelsomino, Vincent, 97 Harper, William Rainey, 6, 7, 8, 9, Hudak, Paul, 1 18
Distance Education, 223 Fahrner, Richard, 47 Geris, Harry, 1 17 10, 13, 17, 205 Huffman, Ken, 139
Distinguished Service Awards, 196 Fahrner, Virginia, 41 Gerl, Tony, 201 Harris, Greg, 154 Hughes, Tawana, 214
Dodge, Georgiana, 106 Fairfield, Almond, 93 Geske, Roger, 89 Harshbarger, Helen, 181, 188 Hull, Jerry, 190
Doerfler, Thelma, 44 Falahi, Roya, 153 Gierich, Lisa, 200 Hartman, Lois, 40 Hummel, Dale, 165
Donahue, Richard, 1 1 Farrero, Carol, 1 70 Gilbert, Debbie, 103, 191 Hartong, Juanita, 38 Hunckler, Dick, 201
Dorn, Barbara, 97 Fay, Leo, 62 Gillette, Jim, 90 Harvey, David, 175 Hunter, Sunnie, 159, 182
Dorris, Char, 1 54 Felus, Leon, 1 9 Giroux, Gary, 190 Harvey, Glenn, 160 Hurst, James, 178
Douglas, E.C., 46 Fender, Linda, 1 90 Givens, H.V., 46 Hassert, Mary, 1 5 Hutchins, Sharon, 105
Douglas, John, 39 Ferguson, John, 131, 142 Gjessing, Grace, 41 Hastert, Dennis, 195 Hutchinson, June, 40
Dragatsis, Chris, 90, 147, 186 Ferreira, Lupe, 1 57 Glasscock, Dawn, 200 Hauck, Everett, 96 Hutchinson, Stewart, 43
Drew, Celia, 22 Ferryance, Dwight, 97 Glasscock, William, 1 29, 1 30, 1 32, Hausser, Dorothy, 38 Huxtable, Martha, 97
Drew, Merle, 88 Fetter, Eileen, 47 133, 138, 140, 141, 146, 155, Hauwiller, Robert, 180 Hyde, Lois, 44, 46
Dudek, Helen, 41 Fick, Theresa, 1 68 163, 228 Heap, Joyce, 1 84, 1 87, 1 95
Duffy, Joe, 42 Filter, Gale, 1 78 Glenn, Joyce, 168 Heath, Tessie Heuback, 133
Dugdale, James, 219 Findlay, John, 162 Glenn, Robert, 130, 159 Heath, Kathryn, 44 Imig, David, 97, 228
Dunbar, Michael A., 188 Fine Arts, 74, 186,218,219 Glenn, Thomas, 189 Heatherwick, Kent, 1 89, 1 94 Imming, Albert, 217
Dunham, Albert, 45 Fire Science, 1 70 Glenney, Margaret, 1 68 Hedburg, Lorraine, 41 Ingmire, Cecil W., 129, 138, 141,
Dunham, Katherine, 40, 1 54, Fitch, Alice, 40 Goes, David, 203, 204 Hedstrom, Phyllis, 96 155
196, 228 Fitness Center, 1 97 Golden, Gene, 170 Hegarty, Patrick, 1 73 Inmate Training Program, 174
Dunn, Richard, 47 Fitzer, Robert, 1 1 Golden, Kathy, 1 89 Heilman, Freddie, 39 Institute of Economic
Dunne, Matt, 203 Flanagan, Steve, 181, 183 Goldenstern, Ronald, 88 Helton, Tim, 136 Technology, 134
Dystrup, Dick, 226 Flannigan, Francis, 48 Golf, 49, 118,201 Henderson, Edwin, 47 Interim Campus, 131, 132, 142, 143

Dzuryak, John, 189 Flatt, Don, 1 1 Gonda, Linda, 213 Henderson, Glenn, 49 Isberg, Diane, 69
Fleener, Frank L, 46 Gonzalez, Dagoberto, 42 Henze, George, 1 52
Fleishauer, Rose, 189 Good, Dallas, 1 64 Herbst, Lynn, 91
Eaton, Helen, 41 Fletcher, Michael, 1 80 Goodie Shoppe, 84 Herkert, Raymond, 62 Jackson, Alice, 213
Economides, George, 88 Flint, A., 39 Goodspeed, Harvey, 47 Hernandez, Lisa, 222 Jackson, Daniel, 168
Edgar, Jim, 188 Flint, Sondra, 60, 1 57 Goodwin, John, 152 Herrod, Larry, 1 52 Jackson, Jerry, 97
Edmon, Joe, 124 Fonseca, Bryan, 203 Gordon, Roger, 130, 161 Herron, Alice, 153 Jackson, Martin, 48
Edwards, Alvin, 154 Football, 108, 109, 1 10, 202 Gotts, Mark, 203, 204 Hershman, Rabbi Morris M., 91, 186 Jackson, William, 61
Edwards, Barbara, 1 54 Forbes, Shirley, 1 89 Grabavoy, Ned, 1 1 Hertko, John, 187 Jaeger, Paul, 191
Edwards, Jesse, 1 1 Ford, Helen, 60 Graduation, First, 1 Hertko, Marilyn, 187 Jahneke, Beth, 190
Eells, Walter Crosby, 27 Fornelli, Rita, 189 Grady, Randall, 39 Hewlett, Robert, 1 38 Jahneke, Lois, 123
Egan, James, 47 Forsell, Herbert, 61 Graham, Douglas, 130, 133, 136, Hicks, David, 1 18 James, Ted, III, 112
Eggman, C.M., 46, 62 Foster, Cheryl, 103, 191 155, 163, 180 Higby, Vera, 40 Jamnik, Elmer, 64
Egizio, Phil, 89 Foundation, 133, 134 Graham, Gordon, 1 1 Hill, Robert, 1 15 Jarboc, Bob, 1 64
Egly, James, 76 Fox, Dolores, 183 Grant, Jean, 40, 42 Hilsabeck, Gregory, 189 Jaskowick, Jeff, 190
Eib, Doris, 40 Fox, George, 78 Green, Beulah, 40, 41 Himes, Krystal, 200 JC Flyers, 191

Eib, Gladys, 40 Fox, Jim, 175 Gregory, Penny, 97 Hines, James, 130 JC Players, 97
Eichelberger, Ed, 180 Francisco, Peg, 1 98 Grell, Wilma, 122 Hines, Jim, 170 Jekabsons, Aija, 95
Eicholz, Jurgen, 191 Francois, Alex, 95 Griffin, Harold, 39 Hinton, Jack, 97 Jenkins, Dick, 1 5

Elens, James, 1 19 Frantz, Connie, 189 Griffith, Coleman, 55 Hirmer, John, 178 Jenkins, Grace, 84
Eliason, Cheryl, 157 Fraser, Bob, 86, 93 Grimes, Bill, 164 Hobbs, Brian, 203 Jennings, Ruth, 4 1 , 47
Ellingson, Si, 76 Fraser, Imogene, 47 Grimpe, Sue, 102 Hodge, Allan, 48 Jerzycke, Flip, 88
Ellis, Gordon, 48 Fraser, Robert, 39 Grose, Gordon K., 162 Hodgman, Leonard, 1 79 Jerzycke, Jim, 191
Elsen, Mike, 170 Frattini, Jerry, 88 Groth, Betty, 40, 41 Hoffman, Eleanor, 47 Johannsen, Gertrude, 41, 46
Ely, Bill, 191 French, William C., 52, 56, 57, 59, Guardia, Dennis, 191 Hogan, William, 1 19 Johnson (Smith), Barbara, 228
Emery, Lola A., 64 125, 126, 128, 162 Gustafson, Joan, 97 Hojnacki, Florence, 89 Johnson, Barbara, 95, 97
Employee Recognition Awards, 182 Fretty, Verna, 68 Guthrie, Ralph, 163 Holler, H. Allen, 129, 138, 155 Johnson, Carol Sue, 105
Engers, Carolyn, 130, 157, 190,214 Friday, Ray, 88 Gutierrez, Daniel, 228 Hollister (Geissler), Joan, 1 24, 228 Johnson, Catherine, 41
Englehardt, Lewis, 1 74 Frieh, Henry, 89 Gutierrez, Frank, 97 Holm, Marion, 47 Johnson, Dave, 214
Epple, Father, 91 Fris, Carole, 105 Gutierrez, Fred, 151 Holmgren, Ellen, 1 68 Johnson, Dolores, 184
Epps, Sam, 1 1 Frisbie, R.L, 62 Gutierrez, Tony, 1 1 Holt, William, 97 Johnson, Edward, 225
Erb, Karen, 1 57 Frosch, Jonna, 121, 123 Homecoming, 104, 105, 106, 107 Johnson, Gladys, 154

1 89 51 1 89560 1 1 1 2 9 1 1
1 9
1 1 1 1 5 2
116 2 1 1 11 1 1 1

Johnson, Harry, 61 Knott, Bob, 124 Lentini, Lucilie, 41 Marwick, Heloise, 42 Monaheimer, Arthur, 36
Johnson, Janice, 82 Knowles, William, 51 Lepanto, James D„ 159, 179, 188, 227 Masek, Joanne, 103 Mooney, Bill, 1 1

Johnson, Johnnie, 209 Knowiton, Edna O., 1 Leser, Bernadine, 41 Maske, Richard, 88 Moore, Clair, 1 15

Johnson, Larinda, 190 Kochevar, Barbara, 99 Lester, Paui, 73, 95, 189 Massey, Wayne, 90 Moore, Opai, 157
Johnson, Paui, 125 Kochevar, Steve, 9 Lettermen, 1 1 Massura, Eileen, 168 Moran, Tom, 1 14

Johnson, Robert, 106, 121, 208 Kociuba, Joseph, 97 Levering, Al, 118 Matesevac, Ed, 1 09 Mores, Clara, 47
Johnson, Stanley, 30 Koefoed, Richard J.,
226 Levin, Belle, 41 Matesevac, Ray, 1 1 Morgan, Pam, 190
Johnson, Wiliiam, 163 Koepke, John, 216 Levine, Alice, 46 Mates!, Eugene, 96 Mork, Jack, 87
Johnston, Betty, 41 Koerner, Anna, 40 Lewis, Jerry, 1 86, 225 Math Contest, 1 79 Morris, Jim, 86, 174, 175

Johnston, Dorothy, 47 Komar, Ben, 1 90 Lewis, Ken, 200 Mather, Myra, 46, 5 Morris, Kim, 151

Jones, Bonnie, 151 Kopacz, Derek, 203 Lewis, Miiton, 89 Mathre, Sharon, 1 9 Morris, Ray, 39

Jordan, C.L, 52, 59 Korilko, Lou, 144 Lichtenwaiter, Gary, 119, 181 Matteson, Charles, 44 Morrissey, Roberta, 73
Jovanovich, Rose, 99 Kosei, Renee, 227 Liebermann, Art, 1 2 Mauer, Lynn, 95 Morse, Helen, 41
Juda, Emma Lou, 38 Kosiba, Stan, 163 Lieske, Elaine, 191 Maxwell, Earl, 1 1 Mortvedt, Ariel, 42
Judnick, Janet, 91 Kosmeri, Thomas, 1 15 Lincoln, Ted, 1 16 Mayo, E.L., 46 Mortvedt, Ruth, 40
Jugenitz, Ron, 95 Kostelz, Jack, 1 1 Linden, Myra, 1 60 McAnally, Marian, 46 Motor Sports Club, 88, 191

Jurgens, Robert, 1 62, 1 63, 1 64 Kotowicz, Andy, 1 02 Lindsley, Virginia, 41 McAninch, Harold, 136, 150 Motta, Dorothy, 4
Juricic, Rich, 1 1 Krahuiik, Bobby, 203 Livingston, Marjorie, 42 McArthur, Jean, 179 Motta, Frances, 41
Krakar, John, 61 Lockwood, Diane, 102 McCarthy, Jack, 1 1 Mottinger, Clark, 47
Kramer, Chuck, 144 Lohr, Virgil C., 22 McClennahan, Gene ,
220 Moynihan, Edward, 47
Kachei, Judy, 222 Kramer, Dave, 88 Lois, Jim, 95 McCowan, Allen, 97 Mraz, Dave, 93
Kahn, Doris, 97 Kramer, Donaid, 97 Long, Cherie, 103 McCoy, Ira, 174 Muhlig, Donald, 1 19

Kampe, Bob, 1 64 Krapf, Kenneth, 1 89 Long, Craig, 1 70 McCure, Ron, 1 75 Mujezinovic, Haris, 203

Kaplan, William, 173,213 Kraske, Margo, 1 90 Long, Orrin, 47 McDonald, Lora, 168 Munch, Harriet, 46
Kapsch, Marsha, 198 Kristal, Miidred, 40 Longley, Wiila Lou, 41 McDowall, Grace, 86 Munch, Roxanne, 223
Karges, Jenny, 198 Krizmanic, James, 89 Longman, Beryi, 1 1 McDowell, Bobby, 1 76 Munter, Dalias, 88
Kasak, Steve, 1 52 Kroesch, Donaid, 46 Lordan, James, 42 McEvilly, Bob, 1 1 Murray, Jessica, 165
Kastman, LaVerne, 88 Krohn, Kaye, 79 Lorenz, Barbara, 1 52 McGahey, Isabelle, 47 Mussario, Joe, 109
Kavanaugh, Mary, 47 Kuchta, Ruth, 157 Loucks, Hazel E., 227 McGrath, Ray, 51 Myers, Floy, 47
Kaveny, Phillip, 97 Kuder, Tracy, 199 Love 101, 190 McGreal, Michael, 217 Myers, Nancy, 100
Kay, Gordon, 1 1 Kuhar, Joe, 93 Love, Alan, 1 70 McGuan-Boza, Eleanor, 1 82, 1 84, Myers, Walter, 47
Keck, Cari, 47 Kujawa, Bob, 1 1 Low, Carolyn, 46 187, 188,226,227
Keefer, Robert, 1 1 Kuna, Herman, 97 Ludeman, Ronald, 88 McGuire, Fred, 97
Kehlet, Aian, 229 Kureghian, Arthur, 97 Ludwig, Mary, 1 9 McGuire, Jim, 91 Nature Trail, 181

Keifert, Pete, 2 1 Kurns, Beth, 190 Lukancic, Angela, 1 24 McGuire, John C. “Jack”, 195, 227 Neff, Peter, 152

Kelier, Scott, 1 63 Kurtenbach, Tammy, 165 Lukancic, Jim, 203 McGuire, Patrick, 22 Neill, Andrew, 181

Keliy, Doiores, 44 Kura, Earl, 74 Lukanich, Judy, 106 McIntyre, Robert, 88 Nelsen, Everett, 62, 75, 1 30
Keliy, Helen, 47 Kusreau, Sharon, 222 Lua, Judy, 93 McKenzie, Regina, 157 Nelson, Gary, 99
Keltie, Josephine, 40 Kuster, Max, 58, 70, 128, 130, 162, Lynch, Keiiey, 203 McKenzie, Riu, 222 Nelson, Lester, 97
Kemp, Kris, 193 163, 164 Lynch, Mary, 40 McKeown, Charles, 29, 43 Nelson, Ross, 1 39
Kennedy, Charles, 1 54, 1 85, 1 86 Lynes, Gail, 190 McLain, E.S., 46 Nembic, Joy, 95
Kennedy, Daniel, 129, 133, 138, 155 McReynolds, Olin, 72 Nemcevic, Julienne, 168
Kennedy, Maureen, 1 03 Lacey, Susan, 200 Meadors, Arthur, 1 3 Nethery, Alice, 41
Kenney, John, 46 LaFontaine, Gary, 1 9 MacDonald, James, 62 Media, Dave, 1 9 Neuaman, Judy, 97
Kenyon, Lila, 97 Laken, Bill, 91 MacDonald, Neal, 102 Meers, Mark, 87 Newberry, Tom, 88
Kern, Claude, 171 Lambakis, Mary Ann, 75, 91 Mackender, John, 1 15 Meinert, Nancy, 157 Newell, Mary Lou, 157
Kerr, Winifred, 38 Lance, Neil, 77 Macko, Peggy, 1 5 Meisinger, Ear!, 181, 186 Newkirk, Donna, 1 57
Kestel-Branchaw, Colieen, 1 67 Landorf, Rod, 1 1 Madison, Richard, 189 Mejia, Sylvia, 1 5 Newkirk, Henry, 47
Kettwig, Dave, 9 Langahan, Jeffrey, 184 Madjak, Bob, 1 19 Merrell, Barb, 102 Newsome, Bob, 52 1

Kienlen, Larry, 1 02 Lankenau, Olea, 122 Mahan, John, 88 Merriman, Jack, 201 Nichols, Peter, 180,213

Kienlen, Tom, 102 Lana, Dan, 214 Maheras, Joanna, 4 Mera, Kay, 168 Nicholson, Shirley, 154
Kiep, Robert, 147, 148, 155, 186 Laraway, Robert, 22, 1 33 Maieili, Joseph, 97 Mesenkop, William, 44 Nicoll, Gil, 88, 1 1

Kiliian, John, 1 15 Larkin, Ed, 166 Maier, Michaei, 215 Metheny, Eleanor, 42, 229 Nienhuis, John, 164
King, Jeffery, 154, 189 Larson, E.A., 46 Maitland, Sharon, 97 Meyer, Charles, 88 Niznik, Madeline, 63

King, Juliet, 154 Larson, Edna, 41 Major, Jack, 1 1 Meyer, Eleanor, 1 23 Noble, Albert, 43
King, Ken, 88 Larson, Viola, 41 Mallary, Robert, 97, 178, 186 Meyer, Francis, 48 Noe, John, 173
King, Wayne, 203, 204 Lavazza, Karen, 1 52 Malone, Glenda, 154 Meyer, Jack, 97 Nolan, Aloysius, 39
Kinney, Jerry, 151 Law Enforcement/Criminal Mancuso, Marie, 41 Meyer, Marion, 1 22 Norris, Jim, 91
Kinsella, Dave, 164 Justice, 169 Mangun, Scot, 216 Meyers, Richard, 179 Norris, Suda, 42
Kirby, Phoebe Henderson, 28, 40 Lawrence, Verna, 40 Manner, John, 1 16 Mieland, Siegfried “Mike”, 171 North Campus, 133, 184, 207, 221

Kirchoff, Duane, 90 Lazzaro, Joseph, 97 Manner, Sue, 92, 97 Mihelich, Andrew, 2 1 North Centra! Accreditation, 12

Kirinich, Kathryn, 122 Leach, A. Ciinton, 46 Manning, Mary, 40 Miles, Doug, 1 64 Norton, Fred, 96
Kirwin, Bob, 170 Leach, Henry, 1 Manthei, Richard, 72 Miller, Chalmers, 39 Norton, Ken, 1 12

Kittrell, Richard, 88 Lee, Michaei, 222 Marcink, Robert, 210 Miller, David, 191 Nunney, Derek, 137, 147, 160,

Klatt, Florine, 63 Legan, Jeanne, 22 Mareilo, Lou, 91 Miller, Janice, 41 185, 186, 196

Kleen, Mike, 164 LeGrand, Dan, 1 1 Marino, Anne, 1 99 Miiler, Jim, 1 1 Nursing Education, 29, 71, 167,
Kleiman, Carol, 153 LeGrand, Mike, 1 10 Markel, Ruth, 98 Miller, Natalie, 160 168, 222
Klepper, Robert, 47 Leinenweber, Emiiy Lennon, 196 Markelz, Robert, 89 Milis, Faye, 190
Klingler, Pat, 203 Leinenweber, Harry D., 46, 47, 54, Marshail, A.O., 19 Milner, Mary Ann, 97
Klint, Hazel, 40 72, 101, 196 Marshall, Chuck, 88 Milosovich, Joe, 219 O’Brien, Michaei, 1 15, 220
Klocke, John, 87 Leiss, Sherwin, 39 Marshall, Elaine, 41 Miner, Will, 178 O'Connell, Margaret, 40, 43
Kloster, Palmer, 89 Lemona, Stephanie, 222 Martin, Chad, 1 65 Mitchell, Robert, 93, 119 O’Connell, Patrick, 1 69
Klover, Jerry, 1 15 Lenander, Wiibur, 44 Martin, Madeline, 106 Moffatt, Charles W., 1 90 Okaesik, Dave, 203
Knight, Marjorie, 4 Lenich, Mike, 88 Martin, Richard, 147 Monken, Sally, 1 68 Oldani, Richard, 1 19

Knittel, Rodney, 165 Lenich, Steve, 68 Martin, Suzy, 1 65 Montgomery, Sue, 1 06 Oldham, Michelle, 186
1 1 9 8 1 1 1 185 1 1 1 1 99 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1

Olhaver.JA, 36 Piner, Bill, 88 Ristinen, Bette, 1 68 Scholtes, Paul, 191 Slobodnik, James, 88
Olivio, Anton, 42 Planetarium, 180 Rix, John, 47 Schroeder, Melanie, 102 Small, Eugene, 72
Olivo. Phyllis. 106 Pollack, JoAn, 213 Roa, Jesse, 89 Scheldt, Wilma, 69 Small, Terry, 1 19
Olsen, Scott, 1 60 Ponce, Sylvia, 88 Robbins, Neva, 40 Schultz, Bertha, 102 Smarker, John, 48, 50
Olson, Dan, 164 Poole, Claire. 60 Robbins, Rosemary, 121 Schultz, Beth, 200 Smego, Ron, 88
Olson, Irving, SO Potter, Charlene, 97 Roberts, Barry, 1 52 Schultz, Glenn, 1 15 Smilie, William, 1 18
Olvera, Karen, 180 Potter, Joyce, 89 Robertson, Dave, 1 5 Schultz, Ruth, 38 Smith, Ann, 222
O’Malley, Jeff, 180 Powell, K„ 49 Robertson, Elizabeth, 4 Schumaker, Marvin, 182 Smith, Arthur, 135, 188
O'Neil, Arthur, 57 Powell, Kaye, 1 05 Robinson, Connie, 106 Schumm, Ruth, 46 Smith, Bobbie, 105
Orosco, AJ., 1 80 Powell, Larry, 1 83 Robinson, Gaylord, 39 Schuster, Mary, 40, 43 Smith, Edward, 1 15
Orsini, Andy, 90 Powell, Ramona. 40 Robinson, Gladys, 44 Schwab, Erma, 43 Smith, Erma, 73, 94
Orsini, Lynn, 220, 223 Powers, Virginia, 40 Robinson, Mabel, 167, 168 Schwab, Marie, 40 Smith, Georgina, 64
Osborne, Earl, 1 19 Prange, Frank, 1 1 Robinson, R.R., 46 Schwartz, Christine, 46 Smith, Jack, 200
Osman, Julian, 45 Prew, Dara, 122 Rocks, Robert, 1 1 Schwartz, Eldafern, 47 Smith. Lewis W., 26, 27, 28, 29, 32,
Ostrem, Jack, 108 Principal!, Angelo, 97 Rodgers, Eileen, 41 Schwartz, Guydell, 41, 47 33, 34, 38,51
Ott, Elaine, 96 Pritz, Kenneth, 1 8 Rogers, Clarence, 39 Scofield, James, 62 Smith, Ruth, 41, 47
Overcash, Mary Fran, 1 67 Project Achieve, 221 Rogers, Dennis, 191 Scott, Ruth, 47 Smith, Thomas, 184
Ovington, Eleanor, 46 Prola, Bernard, 149 Rohrbach, Doris, 42 Scott, Victor, 129, 138, 155 Smith, Vera, 64, 129, 135, 188
Owens, Mary, 41 Prophet, Andrew, 89 Romanowski, Suzanne, 38 Scriber, Pam, 88 Smith, Vicky, 97
Pruss, Linda, 190 Rositch, Bob, 1 9 Seaborg, Bernice, 46 Smith, Vince, 61
Pryga, Suzanne, I S3 Ross.J.D., 137, 159, 164, 187, 188, Seaborg, Paul, 1 1 Smith, William, 1 1

Padilla, Linda, 179, 182 Prynn, Willard, 88 195,212,213, 224, 226, 227 Seffens, Barbara, 1 2 Smith, Willie, 154
Padley, James. 97 Puddicombe, Ed, 75 Ross, Mary Ann, 87 Seibel, Ronald. 163, 164 Smock, Gary, 216
Paetle, Carol, 1 68 Purdy, Kathleen. 170 Ross, Roger, 1 65, 225 Sell, Guy, 97 Smoker, 80, 81
Pagliei, Dolores, 97, 121 Roth, Jean, 123 Seno, Phyllis, 189 Smolich, Robert S., 63
Palmer, Char, 1 54 Rothlesberger, Linda, 168 Senu-Oke, Edward, 221 Smyder, Joe, 1 10
Palmer, Kenneth, 97 Quarells, Carlton, 1 54 Rousonelos, Stanley, 196 Seppe, Emma, 46 Smyder, Steve, 39
Parker, Dave, 1 77, 200 Querio, Robert, 1 02 Rowley, Elmer W., 39, 45, 52, 54, Seron, Orie, 93, 121 Snure, Sara, 41
Parker, Ken, 77, 120, 199 Quigley, Kathleen, 47 55, 56, 59, 62, 64, 82, 92, 93, Seron, Suren, 45, 82, 126 Soave, Vicki, 1 98
Parkhurst, Marjorie, 63 1 18, 129, 132, 133, 136, 138, Shannon, Mac Rae, 44 Sochen, June, 153
Parks, Klusman, 229 140, 141, 162, 163 Sharp, Stephanie, 200 Softball, Women’s, 199, 200
Pasch, Tony, 203, 204 Racchini, Al, 70, 169 Rowley, John, 164 Sharp, Wally, 90 Sokatch, Richard, 98
Paskvan, Mike, 204 Rachick, Richard, 90 Roy, Rita, 92 Sharpe, Donald, 52, 53, 59 Sotor, Sandy, 214
Pasteris, Jenna, 200 Racich, Dan, 1 1 Rubocki, Bridget, 1 68 Shaubel, Elsie, 90 Southcomb, Chuck, 191

Patterson, Harold, 39 Racich, John, 58, 96 Ruthenbeck, (Nurse), 1 13 Shaw, Jack, 93 Souvenier, Ruth, 41, 46, 47
Patterson, Myrtle, 40, 43 Racich, Matt. 88 Rutter, Bill, 96 Sheffield, Milton, 88 Spangler, Robert, 1 1

Paul, John, 115 Raciti, Mark, 204 Ryan, George, 1 95 Shepley, George, 1 1 Sparks, Edward, 89
Peacock, Cecelia, 1 68 Radcliffe, Alice, 1 89 Ryan, Thomas, 159,212 Sherwood, LA., 36 Sparlin, Bill, 112, 119

Pearson, Addis, 46 Raghuraman, Ram, 221 Shields, John, 152 Sparlin, Jim, 1 1

Pearson, John, 1 19 Ragnes, Martha, 40 Shinault, Arnell, 154 Speckman, Joyce, 68, 71
Pearson, Otto, 6 Rakes, Nick. 180 Sadie Hawkins Week, 102, 103 Shinn, Jim, 166 Speckman, Judy, 105, 121
Pearson, Richard, 1 1 Ramseyer, Jim, 164 Saieg, Robert, 1 1 Shoemaker, Cliff, 1 54 Speckman, Marie, 1 57
Peart, Betty, 90 Raridon, Lloyd, 63 Sailor, Rebecca, 223 Short, Sheila, 1 57 Spencer, Lynn, 97
Peet, Larry, 97 Rau, John, 218 Sala, Randy, 97 Shroba, Gertrude, 157 Spicer, Chauncey E., 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

Pellegrini, JoAnn, 189 Rauworth, Benjamin, 47 Salazar, Rosa, 226 Shroba, Ray, 1 9 19,21,26, 29,32,51,52, 205
Pellegrini, Ken, 1 10 Reece, Darlene, 90 Sallese, Angelo, 1 52 Shue, Patricia, 213 Spier, Darlene, 47
Pellouchoud, Phillip, 97 Reece, Doris, 40 Samios, Gus, 87 Sidell, Chester, 46 Spittal, Paul, 95
Perino, August, 62 Rees, Jeni, 191 Samios, Marlene, 100 Sidell, Franklin, 89 Spreitzer, Harold, 1 75
Perisco, Angie, 1 98 Registration, 64, 65, 66 Samuelson, Orien, 164 Sieben, Marion, 41 Spreitzer, Val, 89
Perrine, Sandra, 141 Reid, Bonnie, 106, 121 Sanchez, Ramona, 1 57 Sieger, Darryl, 1 57 St. Germain, James, 89
Pesavento, Joe, 112, 119 Reiss, Harold, 1 15 Sandberg, Martha, 1 24 Sievers, Jodi, 199 St. Germain, Jo Anne, 168
Peters, Steve, 1 64 Remko, Joe, 88 Sandberg, Robert. 1 02 Sigwalt, Jo, 106 Staats, Keith, 1 1

Peterson, Althea, 40 Remus, Kathy, 1 03 Sandbloom, Linda, 97 Silc, Ronald, 97 Stadler, Grayce, 5 1 , 60
Peterson, Gov. Val ,
94 Renaissance Center, 133, 134, Sanders, Judy, 89 Simenson, Bob, 190 Staehely, Catherine, 1 22
Peterson, John, 159, 197 185, 207 Sandstrom, John, 47 Simmons, Irma June, 167 Stamm, Steve, 204
Petrusa, John, 191 Repenn, Charles, 1 19 Sangmeister, George, 1 95, 229 Simonetti, Marilyn, 92 Starmann, Vi, 1 57
Petruska, Stephen, 39 Repenn, Ralph, 1 19 Sasso, Sheila, 147 Simpson, Henry, 94 Starr, Sandy, 69
Pettigrew, Elizabeth, 40 Reynolds (Naylor), Phyllis, 229 Sauer, Marge, 88 Simpson, Jo, 168 Startz, Beverly, 97
Pettigrew, William, 46 Rhodes, Marilyn, 41, 47 Saxon, Samuel, 129, 138 Simpson, Steve, 154 Stefancic, Edward, 88
Phelps, Tom, 1 12 Rice, John, 97 Scaccia, Gerry, 1 06 Simunovich, Marie, 190 Stefanich, Jim, 194

Phend, Harold W„ 133 Richards’ Farm, 140 Scarboro, Kathy, 1 5 Sing, Lloyd, 48 Stegner, Mary Ann, 1 89
Philips. Dave, 1 64 Richards, Fred, 47 Schaeffer, Carolyn, 92 Sing, Venus, 48 Stephen, Leland, 39
Phillips, Tracy, 200 Richards, John F., 162, 164 Scheldt, Howard, 1 18 Singleton, Barb, 1 54 Sterling, Clarence , 36
Phipps, Lloyd, 163 Richards, John F., Jr., 164 Schempf, Judy, 97 Siron, Paul, 202 Sterling, Everett, 33
Picciolo, Matthew, 88 Richards, Virginia, 1 64 Scheppach, Jimmy, 94 Ski Trip, 95 Sterling, Jo Ann, 1 54
Pierce, David, 227 Richardson, Esther, 46 Scheppach, Mary Ellen, 94 Skidmore, Lottie, 78 Sterling, Robert E., 141, 1 54, 224
Pierson, Sharon, 189 Richardson, Jack, 175 Schiek, June, 122 Skoog, John, 1 1 Stevens, Gene, 1 1

Pierson (Sonderby), Susan, 98, Rickhoff, James, 1 1 Schilling, Elsa E., 77 Skorupa, Margaret, 4 Stevens, Russell, III, 118

189, 229 Ridings, Jim, 152 Schley, Jeff, 203 Skorupa, Richard, 184, 188 Stevens, Wendell, 189

Pietak, Raymond, 1 37, 1 64, 1 80, Riel, Karen, 149 Schmidberger, Mary Jo, 198 Skul, Rudy, 1 1 Stewart, Alex, 48

182, 184, 195 Riffel, Robert, 87, 97 Schmidt, Debbie, 191 Slabozeski, Joan, 157 Stewart, Edith, 60

Piket, Cindy, 1 72 Rimke, Clarence, 47 Schneider, John, 93 Slack, Middleton, 44 Stewart, Paul, 42

Piket, Phil, 177 Rimmke, Arthur, 1 1 Schneider, Patricia, 227 Slattery, Jack, 50 Stobart, John, 151, 152

Piland, Joseph C, 129, 130, 131 Rinearson, Elsie, 40, 41 Schneiter, Zoe Ann, 97 Slattery, Thomas, 39 Stober, Siegfried, 171, 172, 173

Pillard, Henry, 1 16, 1 17, 130, 201 Ringo, Cindy, 99 Schofield, Donald, 1 19 Slatton, Renee, 7 Stogan, Mike, 1 64

1 65 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 9

Stoltz, Dick, 49 Tokar, Helen, 47 Voss, Larry, 1 12 White Shingle, 85 Wunderlich, Robert J., 187, 226
Streitz, Tom, 133 Toland, Dwight, 113, 118 Voss, Vern, 109, 116 White, Bill, 203 Wunderlich, Russell, 87, 97
Strelak, Richard, 1 70 Tompkins, Floyd C., 54, 59 Vreuls, Kay, 157 Whitfield, Vaughn, 189 Wysocki, Robert, 213
Strobbe, John, 184 Townsend, Michael, 225 Whitler, Janice, 91
Student Council, 29, 43, 86 Toy, Arthur, 229 Whyte, Bob, 1 1

Students for Political Involvement, Tozzi, Janet, 86 Wagner, Art, 76 Whyte, Richard, 1 70 Yaeger.Jill, 200
132, 151 Tozzle, Rick, 151 Wagner, Charles, 1 72 Wicburg, Leona, 1 02 Yaggy, Gail, 44
Students of Medical Science, 87 Trackman, Herbert, 44, 180, 229 Wagstaff, Floyd “Pop”, 1 1 Wicke, Jack, 88 Yaggy, IraD., 11,22, 29, 30,31,44,
Subterranean Side Show, 132, 152 T racy, Roger, 88 Walker, Don, 216 Widlowski, Jerry, 113, 119 45, 46,51,52, 53, 54, 59
Sullivan, Brian, 203 Tracy, Timothy, 170 Walker, Robert, 1 54 Wiggam, Mars, 38, 47 Yahn,Judy, 121, 123
Sullivan, June, 168 Trams, A. Francis, 44, 46 Wallace, Warren, 154 Wilhelmi, Art, 87 Yahnke, Shirley, 190
Sullivan, Maribeth, 89 Travers, George, 58 Walser, Herman, 108, 116, 119 Wilhelmi, Donald, 98 Yakich, Jim, 89

Sullivan, Mike, 227 Trillo, Cris, 222 Walsh, Larry, 1 70 Wilhelmi, Richard, 97 Yarrow, Bill, 180
Sutton, Pearl, 4 Trotter, Debbie, 152, 189 Walters, Art, 177 Wilker, Betty, 168 Yearbook Staff, 45, 46
Swalec, John, 1 16 Troutman, Jim, 91 Walz, Florence, 42 Wilkey, Tom, 164 Yentz, Betty, 157
Swanson, Ruth, 151, 152 Truman Commission, 53 Ward, Bernard, 48 Williams, Richard, 1 15 Yordy, Stan, 164
Sweda, Pauline, 41 Tuffli, Bill, 1 1 Ward, Brendan, 169 Williams, Tom, 1 1 Yost, Jerry, 117, 202

Swinford, Donna, 68 Tuition, 30 Ward, Edna, 45 Williamson, John, 1 19 Young, Donald, 97

Swinford, Harold, 88 Tullock, Ruth, 41 Ward, John, 203 Williamson, Peggy, 168 Young, Glenn, 97
Swoik, Kendall, 200 T urk, Frank, 131, 196 Warlick, Hilda, 168 Willis, Bob, 139 Young, John, 1 16

Szymczak, Georgie, 200 Turk, Julius, 47 Warman, Ken, 177 Wills, Aubrey A. “Fizz”, 3 1 , 39, 46, Youth College, 216
Tyacke, Phyllis, 41 Warnell, Elvira, 198 48, 50, III, 112, 113, 114, Yunker, Leslie, 91

Tyrrell, Jim, 203 Warner, Lee, 191 1 15, 150, 155

Taral, Jack, 190 Warthen, David, 102 Wills, Penny, 102

Tarrant, Ron, 183 Watjus, Vina, 40 Wilson, Barbara, 220 Zabrocki, Emily, 167, 168
Tate, Norman, 154 Ullrich, Mary, 157 Watson, C. Dana, 42 Wilson, Genevieve, 41 Zahm, Andy, 61

Tatro, Carol, 157 Union Issues, 57, 58, 125, 126, 127, Watson, Wayne, 117,226, 229 Winters, Clyde, 154 Zaida, Walter F„ 59, 64, 86, 1 29, 1 37,

Taylor, Dennis, 91 130, 183 Waznis, Al, 1 1 WIntersteen, Clayton, 1 27 158, 162, 163, 164, 188,213
Taylor, Matt, 165 Ursitti, Charles, 97 Webb, David, 1 1 WInterstein, Tom, 97, 108 Zalar, Hubert, 49
Taylor, Mike, 165 Utech, Allen, 163 Weber, Don, 1 19 Wisdom, Beth, 1 23 Zalar, Richard, 1 1

Taylor, Sue, 157 Webster, Margaret, 1 57 Wlswell, Margaret, 40, 41 Zales, William M., 181

Tea, Helen, 130, 167 Weikum, Myrtle, 189 Withers, Addie, 97 Zanzola, Al, 88
Tennis, Men’s, 49, 118 Vail, Bill, 200 Wellgosz, John, 1 15 Witkin, Melvin, 47 Zeborowski, Gerald, 144
Tennis, Women’s, 198 Valek, Bernie, 1 15 Weiss, Kay, 121 Wix,Jeff, 170 Zeeb, Joe, 139
Tezak, Lorraine, 90, 122 Valenti, Tami, 200 Weitendorf, John Jr., 163,208 Wohlgemuth, Sally, 102 Zelko, Joseph, 39
Thalrose, Vera, 123 Van De Voort, Everett, 1 58 Welch, Delores, 152 Wolf, Rudy, 216 Ziegner, Petra, 93, 99
Thom, Daniel, 1 1 Van Horn, Carl, 49 Weller, Jerry, 227 Wolff, Marie, 182 ZiejewskI, Sigmund C., 148, 150

Thomas, Milt, 1 1 Van Horn, Mary, 42 Wellman, Jim, 88 Women’s Athletic Association, 28, Ziesemer, Dorothy, 1 22
Thompson, Audrey, 47 Vanderwall, Tim, 198 Wells, D.J., 212 40,41, 122, 123, 124 Zimmer, Lloyd, 70
Thompson, Bob, 164 Vargas, Lou, 88 Wells, E.M., 46 Women’s Programs, 153 Zobel, Rev. Jason ,
Thompson, Jim, 195 Varju, Rosemarie, 92 Wenger, Gerri, 123 Wood, Catherine, 73 Zuck, Ted, 88
Thompson, Paul N., 153 Verd, William, 89 Werner, F.W., 36 Wood, Susan, 54, 59, 64, 82, 92, Zusag, Judy, 1 2
Thompson, Ted, 74 Veteran’s Club, 88 Westendarp, Dorothy, 40, 46 129, 133, 136, 138, 141

Thornburg, Don, 93 Veterinary Technology, 135, 187 Westling, Jenny, 42 Woodhouse, Harry, 88
Tierney, Joan, 212 Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 189 Westphal, Dave, 1 64 Woodrow, Pauline, 41, 47
Timm, Kenneth, 58, 129, 130 Vigliocco, Matt, 1 1 Wharrie, David, 195 World War I, 12,24, 27
Tindall, Dick, 164 Voira, Estelle, 73 Wheat, Leonard B., 52, 59 World War II, 53, 54, 62, 63
Tinder, Michele, 97 Volleyball, Women’s, 199 Wheeler, Mary, 38, 44 Wrestling, 116, 117, 199, 200,201
Tinkle, Lloyd, 1 75 Volling, George, 1 19 Wheeler, Rena, 99 Wright, Denis, 212, 213, 226
Tinley, Vivian, 1 57 Vollmer, Harvey, 1 1 Whitaker, Ronald, 129, 133, 138, 141 Wright, James, 184

Dr. Robert E. Sterling was bom and edu-
cated in Joliet, Illinois. In 1960, he graduat-
ed from Joliet Township High School where
he was active in athletics, student govern-
ment, and the honor society. The Joliet
Jaycees named Sterling the Outstanding
Junior Citizen of Joliet in 1959.
Sterling received a B.A. degree in history
from Wheaton College in 1964. He earned
an M.A. degree in 1967 and a Ph.D. in Civil
War history in 1974, both from Northern
Illinois University.

Dr. Sterling is a member of several profes-

sional organizations, including the American
Historical Association, the Organization of
American and the American
Association for State and Local History.
Sterling currently serves on the boards of the
Joliet Area Historical Society and the Joliet
Area Historical Museum. He has authored
several books on regional history, including
A Pictorial History of Will County, Vols. I &
II; Joliet: A Pictorial History; and Joliet

Transportation & Industry: A Pictorial

In 1967, Dr. Sterling joined the history
faculty at Joliet Junior College and served as
Chair of the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department for thirty years. He also coordi-
nated the college’s Distance Education pro-
gram. Sterling retired as a full-time faculty
member in 2000, but continues to serve part
time as Director of JJC’s Distance Education
Dr. Sterling’s wife, Jo Ann, is Professor of
Education at the University of St. Francis in
Joliet. Their son, GeoBfey, and daughter-in-

law, Kristina, reside in Denver, Colorado.

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