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Innovator, 1995-01-12
Student Services
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Campus News 'Random Musings' is Back! New Cartoons!
pg.2 pg.5 pg.6
Founding Father of GSU Mother of Two Wins Prestigious Lincoln Laureate Award
Passes Away Julie Jores, a business major at GSU, has been named the 1994 Dqmtment. She oontinues to volunteer with the Hor:newood
p---:"""'....,._.""""11:'7""'1 Retinx1 GSU professor
lincoln Laureate Award recipient Elcrrentary Dist:rict PfA, is a classroom volunteer, a member of
enmtus Daniel w. Bernd Jones was recognized by Gov. Jim Edgar at a spcrial ceremony the CBPA Student Advisory Board and an ordained deaoon at the
passed away on Friday,
~ 16. He is SUIVived
at the lllinois State Capitol where sre received the prestigious Ftrst Pre,g,y1erian Church in Homewood.
medallion as the outstanding student from GSU. She was Jones says shecooldn't have oome this far without the support of
by his wife Polly Bernd,
nominated for the honor by GSU President Paula Wolff. her husOOnd, Gary, a police officer with the Village of HaL.CI
director of off-ou:npus
The Linooln Laureate Award, given by the Linooln Academy of Crest, who is nmv enrolled at GSU. "I got him hooked," she
programming and her
lllinois, is intended to reoognize, enoournge and seck to further the jokes.
daughter Julia.
outstanding oontnbutions of lllinois citizens working for the And, Jones adds, the assistance of her mother, Bonnie Van
Dan spent 21 years at
bcttcnnent of humanity. One outstanding student from each of Drunen of Manteno, and mother-in-law, Deloris Jones of East
Governors State in a variety
the Slate's public universities is presented \\-ith the award. Hazel Crest, reliev-ed her of much of the dread of finding
of positions. although he
The mother of two young children. Jones enrolled at GSU to babysitters for her 9- and 6-year-old children
oonsidered teaching his
oomplcte a degree after being ~ over for several prorrotions.
nwnber one assignment In
"Although I was working in the octOUilting field, I cooldn't move
1989 when he became the senior farulty member, he
up \\-ithout a degree," she recalls.
ar~ a~ that and other titles. ''Professor," he said, When Jones quit her job to stay home with her two children. she
"is my only title," saying that carried plenty of
decided to return to college. She enrolled at GSU because it \WS
respollSlbility. As a professor of English literature, he.
acx:esstble and affordable. With assistance from the GSU
shared his lm-c of Shakespeare and the other great wnters
Academic Advising Office, Jones 1eanm about business majors
\\-ith his students.
and coorses. She oompletOO a degree in business administ:rntion I
Dan left an indehble mark on Gm-cmors State which he
management this month.
l¥:lpcd found He was ore of a handful of administrators
"I knew the time the classes were offered (at GSU) woold fit
hired by first president, William Engbretson, to
with my scmtule, and that ore night a week turned into four
help plan and develop the university. The diredors of
academic development, or DADs as they were labeled,
nights a week really quickly," sre says.
Jones' initiative and abilities were soon recognized, and she was
were gi\-en a myriad of tasks - nore small. Dan also
selected for the College of Business and Public Administration's
served as assistant dean of the College of Cultural Studies
(CBPA) Honors Program She alSCl\WS the first recipient of the
and was coordinator of the Liberal Education Center. He
CBPA Endow-ed Scholarship, and received a $1,000 scholarship
also was the organizer of the University Assembly which
from the Altrusa Club of Sooth Suburbia, an annual award the
represented farulty, staff and studcntoonrerns. He SCf\-00
club makes to wonx:n returning to oomplcte their educations.
as its chair for four years. and then as president of the GSU student Julie Jones mHomewood (right) is
The Homewood resident has been listed in "Who's Who Among
Facultv Senate. congratulated by GSU President Paula Wolff and Gov.
Students" and was namx1 to the National Dean's List.
Mc~rials can be made to the Dr. Daniel W. Bernd .f101 Edgar after ceremonies honoring her as a 199-'
Aside from her studies, Jones has been a volutcer for a regional
Endowed Scholarship in English Litcrnture in care of the Lincoln Laureate recipient
literocy group, and works part time for the Homewood Police
GSU Foundation.
Jess Wunderin' "What makes Hispanics so special... ? Italian. Polish. Irish. Gcnnan
raa:s (will not get) special months.... I fi.rrl .dcvotmg an entire month to a
single ethnic group to be racist... We should look at the contributions of
Asks: persons OOscd on MERIT," \\ntcs Adrian. He concludes \\ith an "all or
nothing" proposal for future cultural exchange.
1. Am 1 in the right line? 7) Uh oh' Did sorreone confuse unf..'lir Aflinnati\'e Action policies \\ith
multirultural programming?
2. How long ha\e you been waiting? 8) Is there any MERIT to ill-fonncd questions and grotesque 30S\\Crs?
(How valid! HO\\ easy this is!)
3. Where is the beginning of the line? 9) 1s this the dwnbing dm\n of Arrerica?
10) E.xaJSC rre. Dr. King? Thc caterer you hired for the table of
4. Arc tro;c people 0\'Cf there in line? brotherhood ca;ts too much, and don't you find African-Amcncan month to
be racist?
5. Which way is the line moving? "Will there be a 'Heritage Month' for EVERY ethnic group on campus?''
whined .ks'S after GSU's first Hispanic Heritage month. "Jess is meant to be
6. 1s that line Jml. of this line? funny," e'\l)laincd the lnnO\'ator We got the joke: pesky minorities- ugh!
-like roochcs on a clean, white Ooor.
7. Who is in charge of the line? Criticism posted on "The Wall ofTruth" has routinely been ripped dmnt,
dcfaax1 and CO\'Cred up. .ks'S continues asking to "celebrate" any1hing bu1
8. Why is the line 0\'CI' there moving faster than this line? rultural exchange. Erasure and censure is how the lnn0\'3tor and fiicnds do
9. 1s this the end of the line? Hispanics \\ill soon be Ire Iargcst minority group m the U.S. Thc Old
World continues to nm the New Wor1d. The Monroe Doctrine. the
10. Am I in the right line? strategic creation of Panama, the O.tban dilemma, Central American
refugees and the Iran-Contra aft'lir, Proposition 187. Chile and Argentina
soon joining NAFfA... Ore letter \\ill not sua:x:cd "here one month
"We were hurt by the criticism. We felt we CO\'CI'Cd Hispanic month
well" said the lnnO\ator So well apparently, they give Jess silent
cndoiWllCOL..for kicks and the sake of hostility, nothmg more.
" .Sorre raa:s ha\'C (done more than others to build) this countiy," \\ntcs
Adrian. Surely. he refers only to a counlly of his mind. hts ideas scattered
on a ~rt landscape like so many bones.
America enters the 21st. Century, and it cannot flourish in an arid climate
of xenophobic and purist. attitudes. Cultural exchange flo\\'S in an
GSll [ . OVATOR inc.xhaustJble fount- the source and store of life itself- and that is oor true
SERVING GOVERNORS STATR national heritage. Arrerica will be C\'Cf refreshed created and nxrcatcd. It
UNI\1lRSTTY Sr.-K'E 1971
MEMBER OF THE fl J.INOIS COU.EGIATR is buoyant and \\ill not dro\\n.
PRF.SS ASSOCIATION Last.Jy. Jess and Adrian and I work at GSU. Thcre's no mystery: \\e knO\,· kmsfcr KOICIO who we are. So, guys, save the dirty looks for the mirror. Ifyou don't like
Asloaale St.e\le Read
C<1py Edita~ Aslilln Janel EUJOU
what you see, tJy folding the Innovator into a pointed hood, and drop it 0\'Cf
Ad\~Minlgor Moron Sucl>or yoor heads. Think of it as recycling. You'd make the earth vccy happy, and
Llyola I Ouc:fl'hotqJaplcr SICVC Reld
N>loaty A.sisla't IWrtm Sucl>or
yoo'd be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g student fees.
Media~ opal We sure don't W<lll1 to waste those fees.
Bus1ncso Mlnlgor opal
Adwcr Walter~
Dmlle llwt2D B~l Kolstad
Jess Wlnlcnn JIDOI\ Horla:hcr
Crossword 101
"Farewell1994" By Gerry Frey
1 '94 Speaker elect
5 Type of whine
10 Took a dip
14 Sheltered side
15 Mr. Lauder
16 Follows May or flag
17 '94 obit notice
19 A little bit
20 Total
21 Article
22 '94 newsworthy
24 Resolve
26 Substantiates
28 Type of car
30 Beginners dance
33 Turns ashen
36 Term
38 Paydirt Willy creates a diversion while Max
39 Dry appropriates treats.
40 French city
41 Teen problem
42 Peter and Paul, e.g. 4 Oolong, e.g. 40 '94 NCAA basketball
43 More at liberty 5 Roosted champs
44 Inquirer 6 Tennis great 41 Reference words
45 Crumpet 7 Trample 43 Bus charge Crac:ked Cymbals by MocllMI A. ~on
47 Expectorate 8 _Ungus 44 Broadcasted
49 Swamp 9 '94 Best Supporting 46 lids
51 Stimulate actor Tommy _ _ 48 '49er?
55 Cowardly 10 Steeples 50 Indian master
57 Composer Thomas 11 '94 reunion site 52 Overturn
59 Pod resident 12 aaudia Johnson 53 Suit material
60 Italian unit of currency 13 Average 54 Comforts
61 '94 Best Picture "_ _ 18 Follows Black or Bever1y 55 Musical symbol
Llsr· 23 Finished 56 Frost
64 Middle east prince 25 Tip-_:Walked quietly 58 Get up
65 Get up 27 Some cowboys 62 __ magnon
66 Playwright William 29 Binges 63 Caesar's 52
67 Hidden taxes ? 31 Sea bird
68 Solemn 32 Coequal
69 ofMarch Ouotabltl Quot•
33 Yesterday
DOWN 34 Comedian Johnson "You can fool all the people
1 Spanish nothings 35 '94 bride all the time if the advertising
2 Slur pronunciation 37 Pub offering Is right and the budget is
3 Cheer's Peterson big enough. "
Polygon 1\
Crac:ked by MchMI A. Sloyton
Hi C\'CI)'OOC. Welcome (back) to GSU. Once again, The Polygon PuoJcs "ill aUc~ to gh'C you JW7Jes which
may ll<l\C answers that seem )madoxical and/or swprising. Ans\\'CfS can be found else\\ here in The Innovator and
detailed c."-planations will be found in the Office of Student DC\'Ciopment. Room 4100. If)'OU ha\'Cqucstions about
any of my solutions. please write The Innovator or look me up in Student DC\'Ciopment
I. The other day my dog and I \\'Cnt for our a.JStomary morning walk. When we were about 15-30 feet from the
window of a house (the exact distance makes no diliercncc to the problem), I noticed my image (length-wise) fit
c.xactly in the window. My feet appeared at the vel)' bottom of the window and the top of my head at the \'Cl)' top of
the windmv. If! am 6 feet tall, what was the length ofthe\\indm\'l
2. There arc two containers. One container has two white marbles and one black marble. The other container has
two bk1Ck marbles and one white marble.
You reach into one of the containers (you do not know\\hich one) and pull out a white marble. Which of the
foUowing is true about the remaining two marbles in that container?
My big brother went as a cowboy.
My little brother went as Elvis.
A. It's most likely there is one '~hite and one black.
I went as a cry for help!
B. It's most likely they arc both black.
C. It's equally likely there could be one white and one black or th:)· could both be black.
Answers to the PoiJgon Puulcs are on page 7.
January 12, 1995 GSU INNOVATOR Page7
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