IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual

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The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits Number

2215 Sanders Road • Northbrook, IL 60062-6135

Wire Bond Pull Strength

Date Revision
IPC-TM-650 Originating Task Group
TEST METHODS MANUAL MCM-L Substrate Performance Task Group (D-33e)

1.0 Scope The purpose of this test is to measure bond minimum of 2 completed devices shall be used. Where there
strengths, evaluate bond strength distributions, or determine is any adhesive, encapsulant or other material under, on or
compliance with specified bond strength requirements of the surrounding the die such as to increase the apparent bond
applicable acquisition document. This test may be applied to strength, the bond strength test shall be performed prior to
the wire-to-die bond, wire-to-substrate bond, or the wire-to- application.
package lead bond inside the package of wire-connected
When flip chip or beam-lead chips are bonded to substrates
microelectronic devices bonded by soldering, thermocom-
other than those in completed devices, the following condi-
pression, ultrasonic, or related techniques. It may also be
applied to bonds external to the device such as those from tions shall apply.
device terminals-to-substrate or wiring board or to internal a. The sample of chips for this test shall be taken at random
bonds between die and substrate in non-wire-bonded device from the same chip population as that used in the com-
configurations such as beam lead or flip chip devices. pleted devices that they are intended to represent.
b. The chips for this test shall be bonded on the same bond-
2.0 Applicable Documents None ing apparatus as the completed devices, during the time
period within which the completed devices are bonded.
3.0 Test Specimens Any plated bonding area on the fin-
c. The test chip substrates shall be processed, metallized,
ished mounting structure.
and handled identically with the completed device sub-
strates, during the same time period within which time the
4.0 Apparatus or Material The apparatus for this test shall
completed device substrates are processed.
consist of suitable equipment for applying the specified stress
to the bond, lead wire or terminal as required in the specified
5.1 Test Conditions
test condition. A calibrated measurement and indication of the
applied stress in grams force (gf) shall be provided by equip-
5.1.1 Test Condition A - Bond Peel This test is normally
ment capable of measuring stresses up to twice the specified
minimum limit value, with an accuracy of 25 percent or ± 0.25 employed for bonds external to the device package. The lead
gf, whichever is the greater tolerance. or terminal and the device package shall be gripped or
clamped in such a manner that a peeling stress is exerted with
5.0 Procedure The test shall be conducted using the test the specified angle between the lead or terminal and the
condition specified in the applicable acquisition document board or substrate. Unless otherwise specified, an angle of 90
consistent with the particular device construction. All bond degrees shall be used. When a failure occurs, the force caus-
pulls shall be counted and the specified sampling, accep- ing the failure and the failure category shall be recorded.
tance, and added sample provisions shall be observed, as
applicable. Unless otherwise specified, for conditions A, C, 5.1.2 Test Condition C - Wire Pull (Single Bond) This
and D, the sample size number specified for the bond test is normally employed for internal bonds at the die or sub-
strength test shall determine the minimum sample size in strate and the lead frame of microelectronic devices. The wire
terms of the minimum number of bond pulls to be accom- connecting the die or substrate shall be cut so as to provide
plished. The required number of bond pulls shall be randomly two ends accessible for pull test. In the case of short wire
selected from a minimum of 4 devices. Bond pulls in accor- runs, it may be necessary to cut the wire close to one termi-
dance with test conditions D, F, G, and H, while involving two nation in order to allow pull test at the opposite termination.
or more bonds shall count as a single pull for bond strength The wire shall be gripped in a suitable device and simple pull-
and sample size number purposes. Unless otherwise speci- ing action applied to the wire or device (with the wire clamped)
fied, for conditions F, G, and H the sample size number speci- in such a manner that the force is applied approximately nor-
fied shall determine the number of dice to be tested (not mal to the surface of the die or substrate. When a failure
bonds). For hybrid or multichip devices (all conditions), a mini- occurs, the force causing the failure and the failure category
mum of 4 dice or use all dice if four are not available on a shall be recorded.

Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of the IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 3
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by the IPC.
Number Subject Date Wire Bond Pull Strength 2/98


5.1.3 Test Condition D - Wire Pull (Double Bond) This failure occurs, the force at the time of failure and the failure
procedure is identical to that of test condition C, except that category shall be recorded.
the pull is applied by inserting a hook under the lead wire
(attached to die, substrate or header or both ends) with the 5.1.5 Test Condition G - Push-Off Test (Beam Lead)
device clamped and the pulling force applied approximately in This test is normally employed for process control and is used
the center of the wire in a direction approximately normal to on a sample of semiconductor die bonded to a specially pre-
the die or substrate surface or approximately normal to a pared substrate. Therefore, it cannot be used for random
straight line between the bonds. When a failure occurs, the sampling of production or inspection lots. A metallized sub-
force causing the failure and the failure category shall be strate containing a hole shall be employed. The hole appropri-
recorded. The minimum bond strength shall be taken from ately centered, shall be sufficiently large to provide clearance
Table 1. Figure 1 may be used for wire diameters not speci- for a push tool, but not large enough to interfere with the
fied in Table 1. For wire diameter or equivalent cross section bonding areas. The push tool shall be sufficiently large to mini-
>125 µm, where a hook will not fit under the wire, a suitable mize device cracking during testing, but not large enough to
clamp can be used in lieu of a hook. contact the beam leads in the anchor bond area. Proceed
with push-off tests as follows: The substrate shall be rigidly
5.1.4 Test Condition F - Bond Sheer (Flip Chip) This test held and the push tool inserted in the through the hole. The
is normally employed for internal bonds between a semicon- contact of the push tool to the silicon device shall be made
ductor die and a substrate to which it is attached in a face- without appreciable impact (less than 0.25 mm/minute) and
bonded configuration. It may also be used to test the bonds forced against the underside of the bonded device at a con-
between a substrate and an intermediate carrier or secondary stant rate. When failure occurs, the force at the time of failure
substrate to which the die is mounted. A suitable tool or and the failure category shall be recorded.
wedge shall be brought in contact with the die (or carrier) at a
point just above the primary substrate and a force applied 5.1.6 Test Condition H - Pull-Off Test (Beam Lead) This
perpendicular to one edge of the die (or carrier) and parallel to test is normally employed on a sample basis on beam lead
the primary substrate, to cause bond failure by shear. When a devices which have been bonded down on a ceramic or other

Table 1
Minimum bond strength (grams force)
Test Composition Post seal and any other processing
Condition and diameter1 Construction2 Pre seal and screening when applicable
A - - Given in applicable document
C or D AL 18 µm Wire 1.5 1.0
AU 18 µm 2.0 1.5
C or D AL 25 µm Wire 2.5 1.5
AU 25 µm 3.0 2.5
C or D AL 32 µm Wire 3.0 2.0
AU 32 µm 4.0 3.0
C or D AL 33 µm Wire 3.0 2.0
AU 33 µm 4.0 3.0
C or D AL 38 µm Wire 4.0 2.5
AU 38 µm 5.0 4.0
C or D AL 76 µm Wire 12.0 8.0
AU 76 µm 15.0 12.0
F Any Flip-chip 5 grams-force x number of bonds (bumps)
G or H Any Beam lead 30 grams force in accordance with linear millimeter of nominal
undeformed (before bonding) beam width.3
1. For wire diameters not specified, use the curve of Figure 1 to determine the bond pull limit.
2. For ribbon wire, use the equivalent round wire diameter width which gives the same cross-sectional area as the ribbon wire being tested.
3. For condition G or H, the bond strength shall be determined by dividing the breaking force by the total of the nominal beam widths before bonding.

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Figure 1 Minimum bond pull limits

suitable substrate. The calibrated pull-off apparatus (see 4.0) occurs, the force at the time of failure, the calculated force
shall include a pull-off rod (for instance, a current loop of limit, and the failure category shall be recorded.
nichrome or Kovar wire) to make connection with a hard set-
ting adhesive material (for instance, heat sensitive polyvinyl
6.0 Notes The following details shall be specified in the
acetate resin glue) on the back (top side) of the beam lead die. applicable acquisition document:
The substrate shall be rigidly installed in the pull-off fixture and
the pull-off rod shall make firm mechanical connection to the a. Test condition letter (see 5.0)
adhesive material. The device shall be pulled within 5 degrees b. LTPD or number and selection of bond pulls to be tested
of the normal to at least the calculated force (see 5.2), or until on each device, and number of devices, if other than 4.
the die is at 2.5 mm above the substrate. When a failure

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