Final Year Industrial Training Report Format: Page - 1
Final Year Industrial Training Report Format: Page - 1
Final Year Industrial Training Report Format: Page - 1
Abstract: Abstract should be typed single line spacing, in Times New Roman with font size 12 within
the specified margin of the page. ‘ABSTRACT’ with font size 14, bold and centered. The text of
abstract should begin thereafter.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements shall be brief and should not exceed one page when typed in
single spacing Times New Roman with font size 12 within the specified margin of the page. It should begin
with title ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Times New Roman with font size 14 bold as heading placed
in centre The signature of the candidate shall be made at the bottom right end above his./her name typed in
title case.
Table of Contents: The table of contents should list all the contents following this section. The preceding
section like the Title Page, Certificate and Acknowledgements will not find a place amongst the items listed
in the Table of Contents, but the page numbers in lower case Roman letters shall be accounted for them.
The title TABLE OF CONTENTS in Times New Roman with size 14 bold as heading be placed in
List of Tables: The list of tables should use exactly the same numbers and captions as they appear above
the tables in the text. Single spacing in Time New Roman with size 12 should be used.
List of Figures: The list of figures should use exactly the same numbers and captions as they appear below
the figures in the text Single spacing in Time New Roman with size 12 should be used.
REFERENCES in Times New Roman with font size 14 bold. The name/s of the authors/authors should
be immediately followed by the year and other details. The references should be serially numbered,
separated by single space.
Citation of References :
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Examples of Journal Article referencing:
1. Drucker, D. C., "Photoelastic Separation of Principal Stresses by Oblique Incidence", Journal of
Applied Mechanics, Vol. 65, pp. 156-160, 1943.
2. Maiers, J., and Sherif, Y. S. , "Application of Fuzzy Set Theory," IEEE Transactions on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-15, No.1, pp. 41-48, 1985.
(Roll No.)
Bachelor of Technology
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Sample of Acknowledgement
It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of Industrial Training/Internship. The
Industrial Training/internship opportunity I had with [Name of the Company] was a great chance for
learning and professional development. We owe special debt of gratitude to (Name of organization).
We also take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Professor Name, Head, Department of
---------------------------------, Name of organization for his full support and assistance during the
development of the project.
Roll no:
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