Gaseous Exchange
Gaseous Exchange
Gaseous Exchange
Students should be able to describe the structure of the human gas exchange system, including the microscopic structure of the walls of the trachea, bronchioles and alveoli with their associated blood vessels; Identify the structure of various tissue layers in the gaseous exchange system Connect the role of various layers of tissue in the gaseous exchange system Smooth muscle C-shaped cartilage Identfiy and draw structure of chondrocytes Cilliated epithelial layer Identify and draw cilliated cell Identify and draw goblet cells
LUNGS Protected by ribcage Rib cage includes ribs and intercostal muscles that help lungs expand and contract Lungs connected to atmosphere by trachea Trachea branches into 2 bronchi Each bronchi has many bronchioles Each bronchiole has many air sacs (alveoli)
Chondrocyte Lacuna
Surrounds the trachea to provide structural support for the trachea and bronchus C-shaped/ horseshoe-shaped
Glandular columnar cells Sole purpose to secrete mucus Found in trachea, bronchus and (larger) bronchioles Entraps particles and pathogens so that WBC can engulf them
Capable of contraction Found in trachea, bronchi & bronchioles Its effect is in the bronchioles Bronchioles are not supported by cartilage Contraction of the rings of smooth muscles around them causes the bronchioles to constrict to control air flow
Allows alveoli to expand during inspiration and contract passively during expiration
Airway Trachea Bronchus Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole Alveolar duct Alveoli
Short distance between alveolus and capillary and thin wall of capillary allows efficient exchange of gas
EMPHYSEMA Healthy alveoli have elastin fibers around the alveoli Alveoli will expand when filled with air Elastin fibers will force the alveolus to return to their original shape
Tidal volume
Inspiratory reserve volume Expiratory reserve volume
Volume of air breathed in and then breathed out during a single breath
After a normal inspiration and continue to inhale or the amount of air that can be taken into lungs after normal expiration After a normal expiration and continue to exhale or the amount of air that can be exhaled after a normal inhalation Maximum volume of air that can be exchanged during one breath in and out (forced inspiration and expiration)
Vital capacity
Residual volume
The volume of air that is always left in the lungs. (Air remain in the lungs even after forced expiration) * Without the residual volume, the moist walls of the alveoli would stick together and it would be impossible to re-inflate the lungs Total volume of air that the lungs can hold
Total Lung Capacity (TLC). The volume of air contained in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration. Called a capacity because it is the sum of the 4 basic lung volumes. TLC=RV+IRV+TV+ERV Vital Capacity (VC). The maximum volume of air that can be forcefully expelled from the lungs following a maximal inspiration. Called a capacity because it is the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume. VC=IRV+TV+ERV=TLC-RV Functional Residual Capacity (FRC). The volume of air remaining in the lung at the end of a normal expiration. Called a capacity because it equals residual volume plus expiratory reserve volume. FRC=RV+ERV Inspiratory Capacity (IC). Maximum volume of air that can be inspired from end expiratory position. Called a capacity because it is the sum of tidal volume and inspiratory reserve volume. This capacity is of less clinical significance than the other three. IC=TV+IRV
EMPHYSEMA Healthy alveoli have elastin fibers around the alveoli Alveoli will expand when filled with air Elastin fibers will force the alveolus to return to their original shape
A result of heavy smoking WBC will produce a type of enzyme (elastase) that breaks down elastin Normally a protein inhibitor will prevent this from happening In smokers chemicals in the cigarette smoke inactivate protein inhibitors. Increased Elastase activity and breakdown of Elastin
Breakdown of elastin results in alveoli unable to return to original size Very little exchange of gas occurs as air remains in the lungs
Caused by an accumulation of irritants (such as tar, asbestos dust etc.) in trachea, bronchus and bronchioles Goblet cells respond by over-producing mucus thick mucus makes it difficult to remove all the dirt and pathogens Smooth muscle spasms Acumulation of dirt results in bacterial infection Bronchiole lining gets inflamed and narrows airways
Results in coughing (a reflex to get rid of excess mucus) Breathlessness (restricted air movement in the bronchioles)
Oxyhaemoglobin releases its oxygen BUT carboxyhaemoglobin not released Hb is not available to carry oxygen
Acts as a vasoconstrictor Increases heart rate and blood pressure Makes blood platlets more sticky Reduces bloodflow to extremities Damages endothelium of arteries
Damage to artery inner lining/ endothelium due to CO or nicotine Development of atheroma which consists of dead muscle, fibers and cholesterol. high amounts of LDL molecules will deposit cholesterol in damage sites deposition of fatty plaque and cholesterol will block the arteries. Blood will no longer be able to flow properly and will clot and form a thrombus.
Cholesterol Lipoprotein
~ Transport cholesterol from the liver to the tissues ~ They tend to deposited their cholesterol at any damage site
~ Remove cholesterol from tissues and transport it to the liver ~ Helps to protect arteries against atherosclerosis
Normal artery
CORONARY HEART DISEASE When atherosclerosis occurs in the heart arteries, it can starve the heart muscle of oxygen Angina pectoris-blockage of heart arteries. Heart starved of oxygen. Accumulation of lactic acid causes acute pain. Myocardial infarction- heart arteries blocked. Death of heart muscle. Heart faliure-heart weakened due to blockage. Long term effect.
Emphysema -98% of emphysema patients are smokers; 20% of smokers are suffering from emphysema Chronic bronchitis
Lung cancer Risk of lung cancer increases when: Smokers inhale Start young No. of cigarettes smoked per day increased Smoke high tar cigarettes
HOWEVER. Epidemiological evidence provides no direct link to disease. Only shows a casual association Many other things can cause lung disease, eg. Air pollution, occupation, climate. Epidemiological evidence is highly dependant on data collection and interpretation. Eg. Were all the populations sampled, What other factors contribute to COPD?
Experimental evidence shows a direct link between smoking and pulmonary diseases Experiment 1: 48 dogs were divided into 2 groups 1 group exposed to filtered cigarette smoke & did not develop cancer The other was exposed to unfiltered cigarette smoke & developed abnormalities similar in humans lung cancer patients The group with filtered cigarettes had some dogs develop precancerous lesions
Experiment 2: Lab mice painted with cigarette tar develops cancerous growths Proves the presence of carcinogenic chemicals in cigarette tar
There is no positive correlation AW e.g. no link/no direct connection,between increased cigarette consumption and number of deaths; use of comparative figures to support this; both no of cigarettes and deaths must be quoted (2 sets of figs needed) people die before COPD develops (sufficiently); only 20 countries;
cause of death may not be recorded accurately/maybe other cause(s) recorded on death certificate;
COPD contributed to death but not main cause; maybe other factors contribute to developing COPD eg. air pollution/occupation/ climate/population density; maybe other factors involved with smoking are more important e.g. number of years smoked/number of cigarettes smoked by smokers;
Blockage in the coronary artery may be difficult to remove especially if extensive Ablood vessel from another part of the body is used to bypass the blocked section to allow blood to flow through
Heart transplant patients require a donor heart to be provided and replace their own damaged heart Requires a suitable donor. Lack of a donor results in high mortality rates in heart disease patients