Temp Dep
Temp Dep
Temp Dep
The Third International Workshop on Water in Food was held at Lausanne, Switzerland, Mar
29 – 30, 2004. Dr. Gaylon Campbell, Vice President of Decagon Devices, Inc. presented a
paper at that conference on the measurement of heat of sorption. Following is a summary of
that presentation.
The heat of sorption is obtained by measuring the temperature dependence of the water
activity. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation from thermodynamics is used to compute
heat of sorption:
Qs 1 1
ln(a w 2 / a w1 ) = −
R T2 T1
Where aw1 is the water activity at Kelvin temperatre T1, aw2 is the water activity at temperature
T2, R is the gas constant, and Qs is the heat of sorption. Thus, if lnaw is plotted as a function
of RT, the slope of the resulting line will be the heat of sorption.
Measurements of water activity were made on samples of wheat flour, corn meal, ground
mustard, and milk powder at temperatures of 15, 30, 45 and 60 C. An AquaLab Series 3B TE
chilled mirror water activity meter was used for the measurements. Samples were adjusted to
water activities ranging from 0.15 to 0.75 prior to measurement, and allowed to equilibrate
overnight. These adjustments were made by vapor phase sorption or desorption.
Measurements typically started at the coldest temperature and proceeded to the hottest, but
some samples were measured with both increasing and decreasing temperature to assure that
systematic errors were not introduced. The results for wheat flour are shown in Fig. 1.
Water Activity
15 30 45 60
Temperature (C)
Figure 1. Changes in water activity of wheat flour with temperature at four water
activities. The double line shows water activity on the same sample with increasing
and decreasing temperature. The upper line is from the decreased temperature, and
is higher than the lower values because of changes in the matrix resulting from
Note that the water activity increases with increasing temperature, and that the change is not
insignificant. For example, the sample with a water activity of 0.7 at 15 C has a water activity
of 0.82 at 60 C.
ln(a w)
0.003 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035
are used to compute the heats of sorption. Lines similar to those in Fig. 2 were fit to all of the
data, so heats of sorption were obtained at four water activities for wheat flour, corn meal,
ground mustard, and milk powder. In general, a single line fit the data well over the whole
range of temperatures, indicating that the heat of sorption is approximately constant with
Water activity is a relative measure of the energy status of water in food. An absolute
measure can be obtained using the Kelvin equation:
ψ = RT ln(aw )
Here, ψ is the water potential (J/mol), and is an absolute measure of the energy of the food
water. The energy status is defined with respect to a reference, the reference being pure, free
water. Thus, at a water activity of 1.00, the water potential is zero, meaning that no work
would be required to remove water from the sample and transport it (in a thermodynamic
sense) to a pool of pure, free water. Only pure water is completely free, or unbound in the
sense that no work is required to remove it from the sample. Any water activity below 1.00
indicates that the water is bound, to some extent, and the lower the water activity, the more
work is required to remove the water from the sample. For, example, the energy of water in a
sample at room temperature and a water activity of 0.50 is -1.7 kJ/mol. This is the minimum
energy required to remove water from the sample and make it free water.
The water potential is less widely used in food science than water activity, but it is directly
related to water activity, and is a good measure for correlating the results of our experiments.
Figure 3 shows the heat of sorption for all samples as a function of water potential of those
Heat of Sorption (J/mol)
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Water Potential (J/mol)
Figure 3. Heat of sorption as a function of water potential for wheat flour, corn meal,
ground mustard and milk powder.
Using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, the definition of water potential, and the regression
from Fig. 3, we can compute the change in water activity with temperature for samples like
those used in this study, for any water activity. The equation is
T − T21
a w 2 = a w1 exp 2.5 ln(a w ) 1
The graph of this equation is shown in Fig. 4 for a one degree change in sample temperature.
Water Activity Change per Degree
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Water Activity
Figure 4. Change in water activity of samples like flour, milk powder and ground corn
for a one degree temperature change.
The change with water activity with temperature is greatest for samples at mid-range water
activity. At high water activity, and at very low water activity, the change is small. As water
activity approaches 1.00 the change with temperature goes to zero.