The Honor Code 7 Core Behaviors LE

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This Honor Code was created to inspire leaders seeking to live
with character, courage, and commitment. These behaviors are the
foundational principles for living and leading with honor.

Tell the truth, even
when it’s difficult.
Avoid duplicity and deceitful behavior.

2 3
Treat others Keep your word
with dignity and your
and respect. commitments.
Take the lead, and communicate Ask for relief sooner than later if necessary.
value to others.

4 Act responsibly;
Be ethical. do your duty,
Operate within the laws of the land, the
guidelines of your profession, and the and be accountable.
policies of your employer.
Own your mistakes, and work to do
better in the future.

6 7
Be courageous. Live your values.
Lean into the pain of your fears to do Be faithful to your spiritual core, your
what you know is right, even w
 hen it feels conscience, and your deepest intuitions.
unnatural or uncomfortable.
©2008-2017 Lee Ellis and Leadership Freedom LLC®. All Rights Reserved. Leading with Honor and FreedomStar Media are registered trademarks of Leadership Freedom LLC.
Reprint and distribution of this Honor Code is permitted and encouraged.

Tell the truth,

Live your
even when it’s
Avoid duplicity and
deceitful behavior. Treat others
values. with dignity
Be faithful to your spiritual core, and respect.
your conscience, and your
Take the lead, and show
deepest intuitions.
value to others.
The Honor Code
by Lee Ellis

6 7 CORE 3
Be courageous. BEHAVIORS Keep your
for Honorable Leadership
Lean into the pain of your word and your
fears to do what you know
is right even when it feels commitments.
unnatural or Ask for relief sooner than
uncomfortable. later if necessary.

Act responsibly;
5 4
Be ethical.
do your duty, and Operate within the laws
be accountable. of the land, the guidelines
Own your mistakes, and work of your profession, and the
to do better in the future. policies of your employer.

©2008-2017 Lee Ellis and Leadership Freedom LLC®. All Rights Reserved. Leading with Honor and FreedomStar Media are registered trademarks of Leadership Freedom LLC.
Reprint and distribution of this Honor Code is permitted and encouraged.

We help leaders grow in character, courage, and commitment and

learn new skills that will help them develop the next generation in
the areas of responsibility, accountability, and resilience.

We believe you can do it, and we can help.


Character is about integrity, Courage is essential to everything Commitment is about consistently
truthfulness, keeping your promises, that leaders do. Without it, fear and fulfilling your responsibilities,
treating others fairly, and being doubt take over and you will not be doing your duties, and following
authentic in day-to-day leadership able to sustain your character and through on your assignments and
while avoiding deceit and duplicity. consistently engage challenges. agreements.

Through a proven method of leadership development training based on principles

OUR learned in some of the most challenging circumstances of POW life, people will
learn how to become authentic and courageous leaders. We have more than 25
SERVICES years experience in the research, development, and deployment of leadership
development resources including behavioral assessments.

Each consulting and Lee Ellis is a world-renowned From books to videos
training session is custom presenter, sharing his to immersive training
tailored to work with your knowledge and experience materials, Leading with
unique corporate culture to to audiences on the topics Honor Products use the
determine the best course of of leadership, courage, & power of story and practical
action for success. character development. experience to train leaders.
Contact us to learn more about any of these services PUBLISHED BY
as well as Lee Ellis’ award-winning books –

Leading with Honor: Engage with Honor™:

Leadership Lessons Building a Culture of
from the Hanoi Hilton Courageous Accountability

©2009-2015 Lee Ellis and Leadership Freedom LLC®. All Rights Reserved. Leading with Honor and FreedomStar Media are registered trademarks of 
©2008-2017 Lee Ellis and LeadershipLeadership Freedom
Freedom LLC®. ReprintLeading
All Rights and distribution ofand
with Honor thisFreedomStar
Code is permitted andregistered
Media are encouraged.
trademarks of Leadership Freedom LLC.
Reprint and distribution of this Honor Code is permitted and encouraged.

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