Bulletin - 6093 (CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR) New Ver
Bulletin - 6093 (CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR) New Ver
Bulletin - 6093 (CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR) New Ver
The CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System is a flexible and precise
real-time PCR instrument. Its unsurpassed thermal cycler performance and
innovative optical design produce accurate, reliable data. The powerful, yet
intuitive software accelerates every step of your real-time PCR research,
shortening the time between getting started and obtaining great results.
Temperature, °C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time, sec
The patented* reduced-mass sample block heats and cools more quickly Superior uniformity with rapid arrival at target temperature. 1000-series thermal
than standard blocks, so average ramp rates are increased and overall run cyclers exhibit high average ramp rates, rapid settling time, and tight thermal uniformity
times are reduced. throughout the ramp. This graph shows the temperature measured by probes in 15 wells
across a sample block. The traces are nearly indistinguishable due to the tight uniformity.
* U.S. patent 7,632,464. Note the consistent high average ramp rate throughout heating and cooling.
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cycles Cycles Cycles
Excellent uniformity. IL-1b plasmid template Exceptional reproducibility can be achieved with The unique fusion polymerase in SsoFast™ EvaGreen®
diluted to 105 copies/reaction amplified in SsoFast™ EvaGreen® Supermix. Efficient discrimination and Supermix delivers extreme speed and generates
the presence of a FAM-labeled detection probe reliable quantification can be obtained from 1.33-fold serial exceptional quantitative PCR (qPCR) results in less
with iQ™ Supermix. Graph shows 96 replicates dilutions of input template. The CBP gene was amplified from than 30 min. Tenfold serial dilutions of 10 nanograms to
of 10 μl reactions. Average quantification varying amounts of human genomic DNA (5 ng–511 pg). 100 attograms cDNA from human spleen were used in
cycle (Cq) = 19.81 ± 0.10. RFU, relative From left to right: (n) 5 ng, 2.83 ng, 1.60 ng, 903 pg, and each 20 μl reaction to detect 18S rRNA. 18S rRNA
fluorescence units. 511 pg; (n) 3.76 ng, 2.13 ng, 1.20 ng, and 679 pg. CBP efficiency = 101.8%, r = 0.997. Total qPCR run time = 29 min.
efficiency = 96.5%, r = 0.996. Inset is a magnified view RFU, relative fluorescence units.
showing robust discrimination and reproducible amplification.
RFU, relative fluorescence units.
Excitation Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5
450–490 515–535 560–590 620–650 672–684
Reporter dye: FAM HEX Texas Red Cy5 Quasar 705
The solid-state optical technology of the CFX96 Touch
System provides sensitive detection for precise quantification
Normalized absorbance
and target discrimination. Scanning just above the sample 0.70
wells during data acquisition, so you can enter or edit well 0.20
information on your own schedule.
425 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 775
Five-Target Multiplexing Wavelength, nm
The CFX96 Touch System can discriminate up to five targets Detection Channel 1 Channel 2
510–530 560–580
Channel 3
Channel 4 Channel 5
675–690 705–730
Reporter dye: FAM HEX Texas Red Cy5 Quasar 705
in a single reaction well. The optical filter sets are designed 1.00
to maximize fluorescence detection for specific dyes in 0.90
the optics shuttle is reproducibly centered above each well,
so the light path is always fixed and optimal, and there is no 0.50
103 103
102 102
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Cycles Cycles
104 35
As the optics shuttle of the CFX96 Touch System travels across the 25
103 20
plate, light is focused directly into the center of each sample well. Side
view of the optics shuttle shows the green LED firing over a well. 15
0 10 20 30 40 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cycles log starting quantity
Confidently analyze data from a broad range of sample concentrations even when multiplexing
five targets. A–E, fluorescence data from a series of tenfold dilutions of plasmid DNA (108–102 copies)
amplified using reporter dyes to monitor five targets: n, FAM/actin; n, HEX /GAPDH; n, Texas Red/
cyclophilin; n, Cy5/tubulin; n, Quasar 705/IL-1b; F, standard curves generated from data in A–E,
reaction efficiencies range from 97 to 103%. Cq, quantification cycle; RFU, relative fluorescence units.
CFX Maestro™ Software
CFX Maestro Software for CFX Real-Time PCR Instruments is easy-to- CFX Maestro Software
use, yet flexible and powerful software for data collection, data analysis,
and graphing of real-time PCR data.
With CFX Maestro Software you can:
■■ erform automatic statistical analysis in seconds — with just a
few mouse clicks you can perform t-tests or analyze your data with
one-way ANOVA
■■ xtract more meaningful information from your run — analyze
data using bar chart, box and whisker plot, dot plot, clustergram,
scatter plot, or volcano plot
■■ reate and export publication-ready graphics — annotate graphs
with P values, text, and arrows to call out specific data. Change
colors, fonts, and legends. Export graphs at any size or resolution for
presentations, posters, or for publication
■■ asily integrate PrimePCR™ Assays — use PrimePCR Primers and
Plates to save time on primer design with predesigned and validated Custom data view. With custom data view, your most relevant data can be viewed
and analyzed in one screen.
primers. Post run, use the PrimePCR controls analysis tool to ensure
run quality from integrated controls
Precision Melt Analysis Software
■■ ork anywhere, on a PC or Mac — with both PC and Mac versions
of CFX Maestro, you can analyze your data on your own computer,
anytime, without the need for an internet connection (Mac version is
for data analysis only and does not provide instrument control.) Wild type
Normalized RFU
■■ erform further data analysis using: qbase+ Software — CFX
P 0.6
Precision Melt Analysis Software imports and analyzes data files generated 0.0
by the CFX96 Touch, CFX96 Touch Deep Well, CFX Connect™, or CFX384 73 74 75 76 77 78
Touch™ Real-Time PCR Detection System to genotype samples based on Temperature, °C
their DNA thermal denaturation properties. The software can be used for a Quickly and accurately genotype samples using Precision Melt Analysis
variety of applications, including scanning for new gene variants, screening Software. Discrimination of human factor V coagulation SNP genotypes
(C to T substitution) using SsoFast™ EvaGreen® Supermix. Data from homozygous
DNA samples for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), identifying
wild type (n), mutant (n), and heterozygote (n) samples are shown on a normalized
insertions/deletions or other unknown mutations, and determining the melt curve plot. RFU, relative fluorescence units.
percentage of methylated DNA in unknown samples.
The Security You Need ■■ ile encryption — files cannot be opened or edited using other
The Security Edition of CFX Maestro Software integrates the power of programs
the CFX96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System with tools that allow
■■ utomatic file checking — integrity and validity are checked each
for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
time a file is opened
Have confidence in the security of your data: ■■ lectronic signatures — more than one electronic signature can be
■■ andatory password-protected log-in — valid Windows 7, 8, or
M applied to any file that can be opened within the software
10 user name and password are required ■■ ime- and date-stamped audit trails — read-only information
■■ ardware protection key (HASP HL key) — key must be attached
H displayed in the audit trail can be viewed only while the data file of
to a USB port on the computer to use the software interest is open
Thermal Gradient
Determining the optimal temperature for primer annealing is crucial for 67°C 104 40 — SYBR® Green: E = 68.3%
efficient and specific amplification of product. With the thermal gradient 103
feature of the CFX96 Touch System, you can determine the optimal
temperature for primer annealing in a single experiment, minimizing the 102 25
gradient zone, and the temperatures can easily be programmed and 103 25
viewed onscreen in the software, so you can quickly identify the optimal
incubation temperature. 102
0 10 20 30 40
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycles log starting quantity
RFU 103 25
102 20
0 10 20 30 40
1 2 3 4 5 6
Cycles log starting quantity
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