Electricpropulsion 141216005456 Conversion Gate01
Electricpropulsion 141216005456 Conversion Gate01
Electricpropulsion 141216005456 Conversion Gate01
Electric Propulsion
Limitations of Chemical Rockets
• Chemical rocket: exhaust ejection velocity
intrinsically limited by the propellant-oxidizer
• Larger velocity increment of the spacecraft could
be obtained only with a larger ejected mass flow.
• Mission practical limitation: exceedingly large
amount of propellant that needs to be stored
Theory of Propulsion 2
Electric propulsion
“The acceleration of gases for propulsion by
electric heating and/or by electric and magnetic
body forces.”
The general classes of systems for electric
propulsion are:
•Electrostatic propulsion devices
•Electrothermal propulsion devices
•Electromagnetic propulsion devices.
Theory of Propulsion 3
Advanced (Electric) Propulsion
• High exhaust speed (i.e. high specific impulse),
much greater than in conventional (chemical)
• Much less propellant consumption (much higher
efficiency in the fuel utilization)
• Continuous propulsion: apply a smaller thrust for
a longer time
• Mission flexibility (Interplanetary travel, defense)
Theory of Propulsion 4
Electric Propulsion Concepts
• Variety of designs to accelerate ions or plasmas
• Most concepts utilize grids or electrodes: power
and endurance limitations
• Ion Engine
• Hall Thruster
• RF Plasma Thrusters (ECR, VASIMR, Helicon
Double Layer)
• Magnetoplasma Dynamic (MPD) Thrusters
• Plasmoid Accelerated Thrusters
Theory of Propulsion 5
Electrothermal rockets
Electrothermal rocket engines are very similar in principle to
chemical and nuclear thermal rockets, differing only in using
electrical heating to raise the temperature of the propellant
prior to accelerating it in a nozzle.
•Electric resistance heating, as in the “resistojet”
•Heating of the propellant by a high energy arc discharge
passing through it, as in the “arc jet”
•Heating by passing radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic
waves through the propellant to heat it.
Fairly high F at reasonably high Isp, but thermal limitations are
the same as in chemical and nuclear thermal rocket engines.
Theory of Propulsion 6
Theory of Propulsion 7
Theory of Propulsion 9
Theory of Propulsion 10
Electrothermal : Arc Jet
Propellant tank Pump
Electric electrode
power ~ Arc
electrode Circulating
nozzle wall
Propellant cooled coolant
chamber wall
Theory of Propulsion 11
Arcjet nozzle block temperatures
Theory of Propulsion 12
Type Propell Energy Isp,vac (s) Thrust Density
ant (N) (g/cc)
Resisto N2, Resistive 150- 0.005-0.5 0.28, 0.60,
jet NH3, heating 700 1.0, 0.019
N2O4, η=0.9
Theory of Propulsion 13
Electrostatic rockets
The temperature limitations of electrothermal rockets may
be avoided if the acceleration of the propellant is achieved
by electric body forces. The ion rocket accomplishes this by
using -
Theory of Propulsion 15
Ion rocket propulsion
Def:- A form of electric space propulsion in which ions are
accelerated by an electrostatic field to produce a high-speed
(typically about 30 km/s) exhaust. An ion engine has a high
specific impulse (making it very fuel-efficient) but a very low thrust.
Therefore, it is useless in the atmosphere or as a launch vehicle, but
extremely useful in space where a small amount of thrust over a long
period can result in a big difference in velocity.
This makes an ion engine particularly useful for
two applications: (1) as a final thruster to nudge a satellite into a
higher orbit and or for orbital maneuvering or station-keeping, and
Theory of Propulsion 16
Electrostatic: Ion Rocket in space
Propellant line
Ion source
Theory of Propulsion 17
Ion Engine
Ion stream
Theory of Propulsion 20
Hall Thruster
Electrons are generated by a
hollow cathode (negative electrode) at the
downstream end of the thruster. The anode (positive
electrode) or "channel" is charged to a high potential
by the thruster's power supply. The electrons are
attracted to the channel walls and accelerate in the
upstream direction.
As the electrons move toward the
channel, they encounter a magnetic field
produced by the thruster's powerful
electromagnets. This high-strength magnetic
field traps the electrons, causing them to
form into a circling ring at the downstream
end of the thruster channel. The Hall thruster
gets its name from this flow of electrons,
called the HallTheory
of Propulsion 21
Hall Thruster (II)
Theory of Propulsion 22
The Hall thruster scheme
Hall Thruster
Theory of Propulsion 23
• PPTs use solid Teflon propellant to deliver specific impulses in the
900 - 1,200 s range and very low, precise impulse "bits" (10-1,000
μNs) at low average power (< 1 to 100 W)
• PPTs inherently inefficient (η ~5%)
– Simplicity and low impulse bits provide highly useful
– Precision-flying of a spacecraft constellation
• PPT consists of a coiled spring that feeds Teflon propellant bar, an
igniter plug to initiate a small-trigger electrical discharge, a
capacitor, and electrodes through which current flows
• Plasma is created by ablating Teflon from discharge of capacitor
across electrodes
• Plasma is then accelerated to generate thrust by Lorenz force that is
established by current and its induced magnetic field
Theory of Propulsion 24
Pulsed plasma thruster
Theory of Propulsion 26
MagnetoPlasma Dynamic Thruster
Theory of Propulsion 27
• Electromagnetic devices pass a large current through a small amount of gas
to ionize propellant
• Once ionized, plasma is accelerated by electromagnetic body force called
Lorentz force which is created by interaction of a current (j) with magnetic
field (B):
F=j x B
Theory of Propulsion 28
Electromagnetic: MHD engine
Propellant tank Pump Positive electrode
Theory of Propulsion 30
Electric Propulsion Applications
1. ISS
2. Interplanetary Missions
3. Commercial/Defense
Theory of Propulsion 31
• http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia.hmtl
• http://www.mypptsearch.com/index.php
• http://www.2dix.com
• http://www.jetaerospace.org/
Theory of Propulsion 32
Theory of Propulsion 33