Preservation Rotating Equipment
Preservation Rotating Equipment
Preservation Rotating Equipment
JULY 1998
Prepared by
OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry
under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the
property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall not be
reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others without
written consent from OISD.
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and
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The Oil Industry in India is 100 years old. Because of various collaboration
agreements, a variety of international codes, standards and practices have been in vogue.
Standardisation in design philosophies and operating and maintenance practices at a
national level was hardly in existence. This, coupled with feed back from some serious
accidents that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for
the industry to review the existing state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil
and gas installations.
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a
Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within
the industry in formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at
removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure
safe operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of functional committees of
experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various
The present document on " Preservation of Idle Static & Rotary Mechanical
Equipment", has been prepared by the Functional Committee on " Preservation of Idle
Static & Rotary Mechanical Equipment". This document is based on the accumulated
knowledge and experience of industry members and the various national and international
codes and practices. This document is meant to be used as supplement and not as a
replacement for existing codes and practices. It shall be borne in mind that no standard
can be a substitute for the judgment of a responsible qualified Engineer. Suggestions are
invited from the users after it is put into practice to improve the document further.
Suggestions for amendments to this document should be addressed to
The Coordinator
Functional Committee on
" Preservation of Idle Static & Rotary Mechanical Equipment",
Oil Industry Safety Directorate, 2nd Floor, “Kailash”,
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001.
This standard in no way supersedes the statutory requirements of bodies like IBR,
CCE, Factory Inspectorate or any other Government Body which must be followed as
In addition to the above, various other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation,
review and finalisation of this document.
1.0 General
1.1. Introduction
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition
1.4 Consideration for Selection of Protective System
2.0 Preservation of Idle Static Equipment
2.1 Preservation of Heat Exchangers
2.2 Preservation of Columns & Vessels
2.3 Preservation of Fired Heaters, Ducts and Stacks
2.4 Preservation of Equipment in Cooling Towers
2.5 Preservation of Atmospheric Storage Tanks
2.6 Preservation of Idle Boilers
2.7 Preservation of Pipelines
3.0 Preservation of Idle Rotary Equipment
3.1 Preservation of Idle Pumps
3.2 Preservation of Idle Compressors
3.3 Preservation of Steam Turbines
3.4 Preservation of Gas Turbine
3.5 Preservation of Diesel Engines
3.6 Preservation of Fans & Blowers
4.0 Preservation of Materials in Stores
4.1 Preservation of Heater Component
4.2 Preservation of Pipes, Pipe Fittings and Valves
4.3 Preservation of Heat Exchangers/Condensers/Coolers
4.4 Preservation of Plates
4.5 Preservation of Structural Steel
4.6 Preservation of Column Trays & Fittings
4.7 Preservation of Vessel & Exchanger Shell
4.8 Preservation of Refractory
4.9 Preservation of Spare Parts of Pumps and
Reciprocating Compressors
4.10 Preservation of Anti-Friction Bearings
4.11 Preservation/ Represervation of Components of Centrifugal
Compressor/Steam Turbine/Gas Turbine/Diesel Engine
4.12 Preservation Procedure for Equipment not Installed/
kept at Store
5.0 References
Annexure I
Commonly Used Preservative
b) Purge with nitrogen after ensuring c) When the external surface of the
that all the openings are sealed furnace/ducts/stack reveals paint
and leak free. Maintain a positive failure, it is advisable to touch up
pressure of 100 mm of water and maintain the paint on a regular
column. Alternatively spraying oil schedule. Sulphur deposits if
on the inner surfaces or filling and found, should be removed.
draining oil or placing desiccants
like bags of lime or silica gel may d) Refractory should be kept dry at all
be considered. the times to prevent any cracking
due to water ingress. The ingress
c) Remove the safety valves (bolted of atmospheric moisture should be
only) and close all the openings. avoided by proper capping of stack
Safety valves shall be stored and duct opening and by sealing all
indoors. those locations from where water or
moist air can seep in.
d) Coat all the exposed bolts anchor Supplementary heat or a desiccant
bolts, gaskets, flange faces with can also be considered.
grease/preservative oil.
perforated hose should be laid around
The cooling tower consists of concrete the tower and spray water periodically to
basin, main structure of red wood, fan keep wood in wet condition all the time.
and fan motor. The conditions are more For extended shutdowns, the plenium
severe when the cooling tower is in and fill should be sprayed with a fire
operation than it is idle. Following retarding chemical and a biocide.
preservation procedures should be
adopted while cooling tower is idle. 2.5 PRESERVATION OF ATMOSPHERIC
a) Drain and flush all the pipe lines.
Tank interiors can be corroded by the
b) Drain all water from the basin, water present in the product or by
remove all debris, muck, etc. and condensation of the vapours in fixed
clean the basin thoroughly. type of roofs. Floating roof is subjected
to exterior corrosion due to stagnant
c) Replace all unsatisfactory structural water on the roof. Following
members. Replace warped and procedures for preservation should be
missing slats. adopted.
d) Carryout repairs to the concrete a) The tank shall be made free of gas
walls and floors of the basin for and any residue. Extra precautions
cracks, loose concrete, slope of the shall be taken when pyropheric iron
floor, etc. sulphide or residue of leaded
gasoline are present.
e) Remove fan motor and protect it as
per OISD-146 (Preservation of idle b) All the loose scales on the internal
electrical equipment). surface of the tank should be
f) Drain the oil from gear box and refill
it with a high grade mineral oil. c) The internal surface should be
Clean the exterior surfaces of the coated with preservative oil by
gear reducer housing and paint spraying. Brushing can be used in
them. Wrap all exposed shaft with the case of structural members.
Plastic tape. Store the reducer in a
warm and dry area. d) All the manholes should be closed.
h) Cover the fan drive gear with a light f) Tanks located in areas subjected to
grease and water proof paper. windstorms of high velocity shall be
filled with an inhibited water.
i) Secure the fan blades to prevent
rotation and to provide supports. g) If the tank is with steam coils, the
codensate should be drained off and
In areas where it is undesirable or the steam coil should be positively
unnecessary to remove the fan drive blinded.
components, the fan should be
operated every 3-4 weeks and routine h) The tanks isolated from service shall
preventive maintenance be carried out. be externally inspected annually.
The dry wood of an idle cooling tower is i) In case of floating roof tanks, the
a serious fire hazard. Therefore, for idle floating roofs should preferably be
periods of about two months, a kept afloat by filling with inhibited
water and roof drains be kept open. available, dissolved gases should be
Water accumulated on the roof tops expelled by boiling water for a short
due to rain etc, if any, shall be time with boiler vented to atmosphere.
cleaned periodically. The boiler water alkalinity should be
adjusted with caustic soda to a
2.6 PRESERVATION OF IDLE BOILERS minimum of 400 PPM. Sufficient
Sodium sulfite should also be added
Unless proper storage procedures are to produce a minimum sulfite residual
followed, severe corrosion may occur of 100 PPM. After the boiler is cooled
in idle boilers. The method to protect and before a vacuum is created, the
idle boilers depend primarily on length unit should be filled completely with
of downtime. Cold storage of boilers water and all connections closed.
include dry or wet storage. Dry
storage is preferred when the boilers Test should be conducted on weekly
will be out of service for a period of 45 basis and additions to the treatment
days or more while wet storage may chemicals should be made necessary
be suitable for a shorter duration. to maintain the minimum
recommended concentrations. When
2.6.1 Cold storage treatment additions are required, the
boiler water should be circulated by
a) Dry Storage means of an external pump or by
lowering the water to operating levels
The boiler should be drained, and steaming the boiler for a short
thoroughly cleaned and dried time. The boiler should then be
completely by means of hot air. Close completely flooded as outlined
attention should be given to complete previously. The temperature of boiler
elimination of moisture from should be maintained as low as
nondrainable superheater tubes. A possible since the corrosion rate
suitable absorbing material in a water increases at higher temperatures.
tight container should be placed in
the boiler drums or on top of the flues When the boiler is returned to service,
in a fire tube boiler. The most a high rate of blowdown should be
commonly used moisture absorbents maintained initially so that alkalinity
are quick lime and silica gel. Silica gel and sulfite be reduced to normal
is more efficient in absorbing moisture operating levels rapidly.
and can be regenerated by heating so
that it can be used over again and In some small installations or where
again. Since it is not a caustic weekly testing is not practicable,
substance, can be used more easily Chromate salts can be employed to
and safely, it is generally preferred. protect idle boilers against corrosion.
The concentration maintained should
After placing the quick lime or silica be 2000-2500 PPM as sodium
gel in the boiler as per manufacturer’s chromate. The boiler should be
recommendation, all openings should completely filled and closed tightly. To
be tightly closed. The unit should be assure good mixing, circulation of the
checked at an interval of every two or water with a pump is recommended.
three months, as experience dictates, Boilers stored in this manner should
for renewal of the lime or regeneration be blown down heavily to dissipate the
of silica gel. chromate colour, before being
returned to service.
b) Wet Storage
Nitrogen or other inert gas may also
The boiler should be cleaned and be used for storage purpose. A slight
inspected and then filled to the normal positive pressure of the gas is
water level. If deaerated water is not maintained after the boiler has been
filled to operating level with deareated
feed water. 2.6.2 Hot storage
h) Rotate the pump shaft every g) Clean and cover exposed rods
three to four weeks, leaving it in with grease.
a different position each time.
h) Fill all lubricators with oil.
i) Clean the exposed pump shaft
and protect with grease. II) Preservation of idle motor driven
Injection/Metering Pumps
j) Protect the shaft couplings by
filling them with grease or a) Open all vents and drains.
coating them with a rust
preventive. b) Remove the pump, clean, fill the
liquid chamber with a lubricating
3.1.2 Preservation of Reciprocating oil and fix back the pump.
c) Blind the suction and discharge
I) Preservation of idle steam/air valves
driven Reciprocating Pumps
d) In case of diaphragm type pump
a) Open all vents and drains on drain the hydraulic oil from the
both the liquid end and steam/air hydraulic chamber, flush and fill
end of the pump. the hydraulic chamber with a
lubricating oil.
b) Disconnect all pipe connections,
blind the suction, discharge and e) Drain the gear box oil; flush and
steam flanges/ air connections. fill the gear box with a lubricating
c) Remove the packing from the
stuffing box and coat the stuffing f) Close all vents and drains in the
box and rods inside the box with pump and gear box.
light grease. Repack the stuffing
g) For pumps with gland packing, • It should be rotated by 180
remove the packing, coat the degree from the standstill
interior of the stuffing box with condition after three months
light grease, repack with a few
rings of ordinary non-metallic • It should be rotated by 90
packing to avoid ingress of water degree after 3 months.
into the stuffing box and then
retighten the gland. • It should be again rotated by
180 degree after 3 months.
COMPRESSORS. • It should be rotated by 90
The following procedure should be degree position after 3 months.
adopted for preserving idle
compressors. • This procedure shall be
continued subsequently.
3.2.1 Preservation of idle centrifugal
Compressors For compressors which are
idle for a period over 6
Whenever the centrifugal months, the following
compressor is required to be at preservation methods may be
stand still for a prolonged shutdown used.
of more than 3 months the following
method may be used for preserving a) Blind off all process, oil supply and
the compressor components. oil drain openings
a) The compressor casing may be b) Remove the rotor and associated
charged with a low positive parts, such as bearing and seals
pressure of dry nitrogen 50 to and diaphragms.
70 mm WG during the whole
time of shutdown at stand still c) Preserve the removed parts with a
condition for all the protective material as detailed in
compressors which are not Para 4.9
provided with oil seals. For the
type of compressors, which are d) Fill the compressor system with oil
provided with oil seals nitrogen through a drain opening and
supply, may be given after displace all air from the case by
putting into operation the seal venting and close all drain and vent
oil system. However, if the connections.
nitrogen pressure can be
maintained around 70 mm WG e) Fill the oil seal system with oil.
even without seal oil system in
service, nitrogen supply can be f) The water cooling system shall be
given without operating seal oil drained, flushed and filled with
system clean fresh water dozed with
anticorrosive chemical.
b) The lube oil and seal systems
should be operated for half an g) Change water every six months.
hour once a week to protect the
system against corrosion. 3.2.2. Preservation of idle Reciprocating
c) The compressor rotor shall be
rotated by turning gear or by The following procedures should be
hand by the following adopted for preserving an idle
procedures: reciprocating compressor.
e) For lubricated compressors
a) Close and seal all frame keep the compressor valves
openings to prevent immersed in suitable rust
contamination of frame interior. preventive oil. As an alternative
apply rust preventive oil on the
b) When the compressor compressor valves and keep
(lubricated as well as dry them in plastic bags with
lubricated) compressor is kept dehydrator. For dry lubricated
idle for a period less than six compressors remove the valves
months, run the motor from cylinder, put sufficient
driven/hand driven crank quantity of dehydrating agent in
mechanism lube oil pump for 10- the valve chambers and
15 minutes once in every week. assemble the valve covers.
Clean the valves and keep them
While the crank mechanism lube oil in plastic bags with dehydrator
pump in operation, rotate the shaft
by a few revolutions at least once in f) When lubricated compressors
every two weeks. The shaft need are kept idle for less than 6
not to be stopped at previous months, wet the cylinder and
locations. packing with sufficient quantity of
lube oil and also have 10-15
c) When the compressor piston strokes at the same time.
(lubricated as well as dry Repeat the operation once in
lubricated) is kept idle for more every two weeks.
than six months fill up the
crank case with enough suitable g) When dry lubricated
preservative oil to bring the oil compressors are kept idle for
level to the mark on the oil level less than 6 months, Seal all
gauge window. Close all holes/ holes of the cylinder, purge with
opening of the crank case and dry nitrogen and maintain a
purge the air inside the crank pressure of about 100 mm WG.
case with dry nitrogen and keep If nitrogen is not available, keep
a nitrogen pressure of about 100 sufficient quantity of dehydrating
mm WG. Run the lube oil pump agent such as silica gel and
for 10-15 minutes and at the close tightly. Check periodically
same time rotate the shaft, by a effectiveness of the dehydrating
few revolutions, manually or by a agent.
barring jack. Avoid that the shaft
stops in previous position. h) When lubricated compressors
Repeat the operation once in and dry-lubricated compressors
two weeks. In case dry nitrogen (for process that allow traces of
is not available, introduce in the grease), are kept idle for more
crank case a suitable quantity of than 6 months, take out the
dehydrating agent at such a pistons out of the cylinders.
location that it does not get Remove the piston rings and
soaked with oil during the rider rings. For metallic piston
running of lube oil pump. Check rings, apply grease on the entire
the effectiveness of the surface and keep them in sealed
dehydrating agent periodically. polythene bags with dehydrator.
Non metallic piston rings do not
d) Apply suitable grease on the require any special protection.
shaft end outside the crank case Clean thoroughly and apply
and all other exposed surfaces. suitable grease inside the
cylinder and the housing for
valves and packing. Seal all
holes of the cylinder, purge with The following procedure should be
dry nitrogen and maintain a adopted when the compressor kept
pressure of about 100 mm WG. idle for a period up to two months
If dry nitrogen is not available, the compressor should be run on
keep sufficient quantity of no load once a week for approx. 10-
dehydrating agent such as silica 15 minutes
gel inside the cylinder and check
the effectiveness of the When the compressor kept idle for
dehydrating agent periodically. more than two months, the following
Fill lubricators with lubricating oil. steps should be adopted
For dry-lubricated compressor all
traces of rust preventive grease a) With the compressor running on
shall be removed before putting LOADED condition open the
into service. manual condensate drains of
inter cooler and after cooler and
i) When dry-lubricated ensure all drain pipes are free.
compressors for process that do Close the drains and reopen
not allow traces of grease, are them only after the unit has
kept idle for more than 6 stopped.
months, the pistons, piston
rings, valves and packing shall b) Remove the moisture trap flange
be degreased with thinners and of the inter cooler and place
kept in sealed polythene bags sufficient quantity of moisture
with dehydrator. Seal all holes absorbing agent inside the
of the cylinder, purge with dry moisture trap.
nitrogen and maintain a pressure
of about 100 mm WG. If dry c) Close the flange hole of moisture
nitrogen is not available, keep trap airtight. Keep the flange
sufficient quantity of dehydrating separate in dry condition.
agent such as silica gel inside
the cylinder and check the d) Close the manual drains.
effectiveness of the dehydrating
agent periodically. e) Rotate the compressor drive
shaft a few turns by hand once a
j) Drain cooling water from cylinder week.
jackets, inter coolers and after
coolers wherever applicable. f) Drain off the lubricating oil and
refill the oil sump with a suitable
k) Purge the piping with dry preservative oil
nitrogen. Close all openings and
maintain a nitrogen pressure of g) Run the compressor on no load
100 mm of WG. As an after first two months for at least
alternative, close all openings half an hour to ensure that the
tightly and keep inside the piping normal working temperatures
sufficient quantity of dehydrating have been reached. Before
agent such as silica gel, in running the compressor, remove
accordance with their and discard the moisture
dimensions and shape. Check absorbing agent and refit the
the dehydrating agent moisture trap flange.
h) Proceed further as described
3.2.3 Preservation of idle oil free screw under steps (a) to (e) above
type Air Compressor. using a new moisture absorbing
i) When the unit is standing idle for tapping points in the turbine
an extended period the above exhaust hood of turbine case.
mentioned procedure should be This shall be done during a
repeated every six months. period of minimum humidity and
air inside the turbine is to be
j) Drain the cooling water, close purged out completely.
the inlet and outlet valves and fill
the line with fresh water. c) Maintain a positive pressure of
about 50 to 75 mm WG during
3.2.4 Preservation of idle oil flooded the idle time and monitor the
screw Compressor same.
f) Drain the oil sump, fuel filter and i) Clean off all accumulated dirt
fix back the drain plugs. and rust preventive using
suitable solvent from exterior
g) Turn fuel pump manual shut off of engine.
valve to ‘OFF’ position so that
the engine will not start. ii) Remove all paper cover,
tape and wrappings and
h) When the engine has become reinstall the dismantled
cool, disconnect the inlet and components. Carry out
exhaust manifolds, spray precommissioning checks.
suitable preservative oil into air
intake and exhaust outlets, iii) Flush cooling system.
engine being turned by hand
during spray operation. Cover all iv) Refill the oil sump with clean
intake manifold opening with lubricating oil
tape to prevent entry of dirt and
moisture. Cover all engine v) Adjust the injectors, valve
openings of cylinder block, oil and belts and check cylinder
breather and crank case head cap screws, filters, air
including coolant inlets and filter and screens.
outlets. All vents, dynamo,
starter motor, magneto if any vi) Pressurise the lubricating
and air cleaners to be carefully system about 1 Kg/ cm2
sealed with water proof paper including turbo charger or
and water proof adhesive tape. supercharger prior to starting
the engine.
i) Loosen V belt tension. Remove
rock lever covers and spray vii) Run the engine with diesel
preservative oil over rocker on NO LOAD LOW IDLE for
levers, valve springs & stems, 5 minutes to flush the entire
guides, cross head and push fuel system out of any
tubes. Replace cover. preservative oil
j) Do not rotate the crank shaft viii) Remove any foreign matter,
after the above operations. which may collect on
screens and strainers, before
k) Tag the Engine with date of regular operation of the
treatment to indicate it has been engine.
treated with preservatives and
should not be turned over. When the diesel engine is kept in
store as a spare complete set and
l) Periodically inspect engines for likely to be unused for more than
rust or corrosion and take six months
corrective action if necessary.
a) Keep the engine on a suitable
b) Just after six months from the fan/blower with a suitable rust
date of despatch, the preventive.
preservative oil should be
drained off from the engine. b) Blind the suction and discharge
After flushing the internal parts end of the fans/blowers.
with a suitable solvent, wipe and
clean the parts with the solvents. c) Close all openings in the
Clean the parts with dry felt casings.
d) Clean and coat the exposed
c) After drying suitable rust shaft with grease.
preventive should be again
sprayed and dried on the parts e) In case of grease lubricated
bearings remove the grease,
d) The crank case should be filled clean the bearing and bearing
with suitable rust preventive housing and fill the bearing
and should be filled up to the housing fully with fresh grease.
high oil level mark of crank ease Close all openings of the bearing
e) Connect a electrical motor driven
lube oil priming pump with f) In case of oil lubricated bearings
suction of the pump connected drain the oil. Flush and fill the
to the crack case drain point and housing fully with suitable grade
discharge connected to the inlet of fresh lubricating oil. Close all
of the lube oil filters openings of the bearing housing
g) Run the lube oil pump once in h) Drain the oil from gear box and
week to achieve the operating refill it with a high grade mineral
pressure inside the engine and oil. Clean the exterior surfaces of
then stop the pump. By this the gear box and paint them.
method all bearings, pistons Wrap all exposed shaft with
connecting rod, rocker arms, Plastic tape. Store the reducer in
valves, etc. will be lubricated a warm and dry. The gear box
rotor shall be rotated by the
h) After six months repeat the following procedures:
above procedure as per steps
(b) to (g) mentioned above • It should be rotated by 180
degree from the standstill
condition after three months
i) Replace the preservative oil as
per schedule. • It should be rotated by 90
degree after 3 months.
BLOWERS • It should be again rotated by 180
degree after 3 months.
The following procedure should be
adopted for preserving idle fans and • It should be rotated by 90
blowers degree position after 3 months.
CS/ Low alloy steel cast plug type 4.2.2 Preservation of Flanges:
return bends should be stored in a
covered shed. Grease preservative Flanges with anticorrosive painting
shall be applied on all the machined shall be stacked on stands
and threaded surfaces. However /concrete or wooden sleepers with
other type of return bend can be their gasket seating surfaces at the
stored outdoors after applying bottom and covered with tarpaulin.
necessary protective coatings as All the flange gasket seating surface
given to heater tubes in downward must have a protective coating &
extreme care must be taken during CS & AS tube bundles shall be
handling to avoid damage. stored suitably covered on wooden
rafters. Oil preservation spray on
All SS flanges should be stored tube extended surface shall be
indoors. done once in a year. Tube sheets
shall be greased properly and
4.2.3 Preservation of Pipe Fittings: covered with wooden boards.