Lesson Plan in Orthographic
Lesson Plan in Orthographic
Lesson Plan in Orthographic
a. Define orthographic drawing.
b. Identify the six principal views in orthographic drawing.
c. Appreciate the value of orthographic projection in reality.
A. Routinely Activities
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
(Activity: Snakes & Ladders Version 2)
Directions: The class will form two groups, three
volunteers from each group are going to play the
game. Each volunteer will roll the dice, each roll
consists of one question.
C. Lesson Proper
“Great job class, now let’s move further to our topic “It requires that the object be positioned at a finite
which is all about the perspective and parallel distance and viewed from a single point.”
projection. Who wants to read the definition of
perspective projection?”
“Thank you, from that definition, what is your idea “Perspective projection, it is how you see the
about perspective projection?” object, it is seen in a single point of view.”
“Very Good! Now who wants to read the definition “It requires that the object be positioned at infinity
of parallel projection?” and viewed from multiple points on an imaginary
line parallel to the object.”
“Thank you, anyone who would like to express “It is how you see the actual size of the object.”
his/her idea on parallel projection?”
“Okay, next one is the glass box method and the six “In this method, the object is seen inside the glass
principal views, who wants to read the definition of box. If the glass box is opened, you will observe
the glass box method?” the proper position of the six principal views.”
“Thank you, now anyone who wants to share “Ma’am the glass box method is interconnected
his/her idea about the glass box method?” with the six principal views.”
“Alright, how come that it is interconnected with “Ma’am it is connected for the box or the cube has
each other?” six faces, and these six faces best explains the six
principal views.”
“Very good! Speaking of the six principal views, “Ma’am, the top view.”
what are these views anyway? Anyone who can
give me one?”
Directions: Volunteers are tasked to match the
words onto its appropriate place in the drawing.
“If none, then I will be the one to ask a question “Ma’am it is the method used to identify the proper
before we proceed to our quiz. What is the glass arrangement of the six principal views.”
box method again?”
“Correct! How about the six principal views? “Ma’am the six principal views are the top view,
Anyone who wants to enumerate it?” front view, left side view, right side view, bottom
view and back view.”
“Very good! Now, what do you think is the “Ma’am the importance of orthographic drawing is
importance of orthographic drawing?” it allows us to know the views that are seen
depending on the surface observed, other than that
it gives us the knowledge of how engineers or
professionals do mechanical drawing, this is one of
the basic types of mechanical drawing.”