Strawberry Fruit Production and Quality Under Conventional, Integrated and Organic Management
Strawberry Fruit Production and Quality Under Conventional, Integrated and Organic Management
Strawberry Fruit Production and Quality Under Conventional, Integrated and Organic Management
2 371
3 authors, including:
Peter Roussos
Agricultural University of Athens
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All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Roussos on 08 October 2014.
Table 3. Effect of farm management on strawberry yield. Table 4. Effect of farm management on strawberry fruit color.
Yield parameters Farm Color parameters
management Mean plot Extra category fruits Extra category management
weight (g) (%) fruit weight (g)
L Chroma Hue
Conventional 1265.1 b 100 a 1265.1 b Conventional 35.2 a 40.5 a 27.6 a
Integrated 2102.1 a 85.4 b 1796.1 a Integrated 34.3 a 38.9 a 28.3 a
Organic 1569.7 b 93.1 ab 1460.9 ab Organic 34.8 a 39.6 a 29.2 a Figure 1. Antioxidant capacity of the juice measured by DPPH (%
Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly Means within the same column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly
based on Tukey’s HSD test, on α=0.05.
inhibition compared to control) and FRAP (mM Trolox equivalents ml-1
based on Tukey’s HSD test, on α=0.05. juice) assays.
The farm management influenced neither the fruit weight nor its dimensions. It seems that the influence of genotype is stronger than that of farm management. Several studies have shown that
organic fruits may be larger in size but smaller ones have also been recorded (Peck et al. 2006). On the other hand, the total fruit production under integrated management was significantly higher
than those under organic and conventional ones, which could be ascribed to the more efficient plant nutrition through the combination of chemical and organic fertilizers.
The quality characteristics of the juice were similar between the farm managements except that of total soluble solids, where the conventional management resulted in lower values. Similar results
have been reported by Cayuela et al. (1997). The color of the fruits was not influenced by the farm management, as it seems to be a characteristic of the genotype which is less sensitive to
agricultural management techniques. On the other hand though, the antioxidant capacity expressed as ferric reducing power was found to be higher in organic fruits. There are numerous reports
where organically produced strawberry fruits have been found to contain higher concentrations of phytochemicals which contribute to antioxidant capacity, such as phenolic compounds and ascorbic
acid (Hakkinen and Torronen 2000; Olsson et al. 2006). In conclusion, it seems that all farm managements resulted in satisfactory fruit production, with integrated management producing more
strawberry fruits of high quality, while organically produced fruits exhibited slightly higher antioxidant capacity.
Literature Cited
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