Due mainly to the taste and appearance, the strawberry stands out in relation to the other fruits. and for the presence of
antioxidant compounds. However, little attention has been devoted to the impact of abiotic stresses on the quality of strawberry
and its agronomic performance. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of two levels of DS (L1 - 70% and L2 - 50% of
crop evapotranspiration) on the quality of strawberry fruit and on some agronomic and physiological variables. There was a
dose‑dependent reduction in the evaluated agronomic variables in the DS plants, and the content of some minerals in the fruit
and leaves was modified. The activities of the oxidative enzymes were higher in the fruit of L2 treatment, and the content of
sucrose, reduced sugars, phenolic compounds and the total antioxidant activity were increased in the fruit from L2 treatment;
while those of anthocyanins and L-ascorbic acid were reduced in L1 and L2 treatments, respectively. The phenylalanine ammonia
lyase gene was upregulated and other genes related to phenylpropanoid and ascorbate pathways were downregulated in the fruit
of stressed plants. Thus, our results indicate that DS seems to be a promising strategy to improve the content of antioxidant
compounds and sugars.
Keywords: Fragaria × ananassa; food quality; drought stress; antioxidant; mineral content.
Practical Application: Drought stress might be applied to induce antioxidant and sugars in strawberry fruit.
1 Introduction
The frequency of the periods of drought and limited availability In the study reported by Sun et al. (2015), strawberry
of water resources for crop production has negatively affected plants under drought stress showed leaves with increased
agricultural production. A plant experiences drought stress (DS) content of malondialdehyde, proline, sugar and higher activity
either because of insufficient water supply to roots or because of of peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase then leaves
very high transpiration rates (Anjum et al., 2011). The induction of control plants. Higher content of proline and higher activity
of antioxidant compounds in the edible part of plants grown of ascorbate peroxidase and gluthationa reductase was also
under such adverse conditions are well documented (Ali et al., observed in leaves of strawberry cultivars after drought stress
2013; Złotek et al., 2014), and are of particular interest due to the induced by poliethyleneglycol (Gulen et al., 2018). According
potential health benefits associated with their consumption (Fiedor to Terry et al. (2007), some taste-related (monosaccharides and
& Burda, 2014; Shahidi & Ambigaipalan, 2015). Therefore, it has sugar/acid ratios) and health-related compounds/parameters
been proposed that regulated deficit irrigation is a promising (antioxidant capacity and total phenolics) were generally much
strategy to improve the content of functional compounds in fruit greater in fruits from plants cultivated under deficit irrigation
and to stimulate plant adaptation to stress-prone environments. (DI). Similarly, the quality (greater sweetness and sugar/acid
Moreover, this type of irrigation represents a sustainable strategy ratio) of strawberry fruit was improved in plants cultivated under
to reduce water usage (Laribi et al., 2013). DI in the study performed by (Giné-Bordonaba & Terry, 2010);
although, this effect was cultivar dependent. Therefore, it is well
Due to its sensory characteristics (mainly flavor, color and known the effect of drought stress on the accumulation of some
general appearance) and because it has nutritional compounds antioxidants and quality-related compounds in strawberry fruit;
with antioxidant potential, strawberry is among the most popular however, no other studies, to the best of our knowledge, have
fruits (Giné-Bordonaba & Terry, 2010). Moreover, the general investigated the impact of this strategies both at the molecular
quality of strawberry fruit is also dependent, among other and biochemical level as well as its possible relationship with some
factors, on the content of minerals and sugars (Rahimi et al., agronomical variables and/or the altered mineral composition.
2011). Therefore, it is worthy to investigate whether DS affects However, agronomic variables related to the overall quality of
the quality of strawberry fruit by modifying the content of strawberry fruits submitted to water stress were evaluated for
antioxidant compounds, minerals, and sugars. their effects. In addition, the relative expression of the genes
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Effect of drought stress on strawberry fruits
related to fruit quality was also evaluated to gain important the crop cycle). Mature fruit (fully red, according to Jia et al.,
insights into the mechanisms involved in the response of DS 2013) were sampled at the final stage of the crop production
on strawberries. (Figure 1). The samples (mature strawberries) were stored in
an ultra freezer at –80 °C (Forma™ 900 Series-Thermo Fisher
2 Materials and methods Scientific, model 907/Brazil) and freeze-dried in a lyophilizer
(LIOTOP Liobras L108/Brasil) to carry out analysis of the fruit
2.1 Plant material and cultivation
quality. The leaves used for the analysis of the mineral content
The plants were grown in a greenhouse in Pelotas/RS/Brazil were a correspondent at the end of the experiment with all the
(31° 41’ 08” 5 and 52° 25’ 56” 0, 42 m altitude). Strawberry leaves of the plant. For all determinations, the four field replicates
seedlings ‘Camarosa’ were transplanted and grown under the and three analytical replicates were used.
same conditions of fertilization carried out in a previous study
(Galli et al., 2016). Irrigation was performed daily by the drip 2.2 Photosynthetic variables, soil electrical conductivity,
method, and the volume of water supplied was adjusted weekly. fruit yield and plant biomass
The evapotranspiration value was calculated using the temperature
and relative air humidity of the greenhouse and was monitored Variables related with the photosynthesis were evaluated
daily through a data-logger (Icel Manuas, HT–4000 model). with a portable gas exchange fluorescence system infrared gas
We checked the equivalent Kc (crop coefficient) at each stage analyzer (IRGA) (Heinz Walz GmbH, GFS 3000 model/Germany):
of the development of the plants. The relative humidity of transpiration rate (E), CO2 assimilation rate (A) and stomatal
the soil in each pot was also monitored twice a week using a conductance (GH2O). Six measurements (M1 to M5, as shown
hygrometer, Hidrofarm (Falker, HFM 2030 model), in order to in Figure 1) in fresh, fully-developed leaves were performed
perform tiny adjustments in the supply of water; therefore, the during the crop cycle. The electrical conductivity of the soil was
relative humidity of the pots was always maintained between evaluated in samples collected randomly from all the six pots
16–19%. The experimental design was completely randomized of each biological replicate, using a conductivity meter (Tecnal,
with four replicates per experiment and six plants per replicate. TEC–4MPP model/Brasil). Two measurements were performed
The treatments were as follows: C- control/ without stress and during the experiment, as explained in Figure 1: S1 corresponded
two levels of the drought stress, L1 – DS level 1 and L2 – DS to one month after the beginning of DS, and S2 corresponded
level 2, corresponding respectively to 100%, 70% and 50% of to the end of the experiment. To perform the measurements,
crop evapotranspiration (ETc). The application of the stresses 5 g of dried soil were diluted in 50 mL of distilled water (1:10).
was initiated 109 days after transplantation (beginning of the For determination of the crop yield, ripe fruit of all the plants
flowering stage) to 212 days after the start of the experiment (end of were collected and weighed for the whole duration of the crop
Figure 1. The development of the experiment over the months: transplanting date, vegetative phase, flowering phase, beginning of drought stress
applications, fructification phase, sampling time, end of the experiment, as well as the measurements S1 and S2 of soil electrical conductivity and
M1 to M5 of photosynthetic variables are shown.
246 246/254 Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 39(Suppl. 1): 245-254, June 2019
Perin et al.
cycle. Biomass of both fresh and dried plants was determined protein (UBQ11) and histone H4 (HISTH4). These genes were
by weighing before and after drying of the aerial portion of all selected according to previous experiments performed in our
the plants at the end of the experiment, in an oven at 60 °C with laboratory (Galli et al., 2015).
air circulation.
2.6 Statistical analysis
2.3 Quantification of minerals in the strawberry leaf and
The computer program, SAS System for Windows version 9.1.3.
fruit and reducing sugars and sucrose in the fruit (Statistical Analysis System, 2000) was used to perform all the
The quantification of the minerals occurred in fruit and statistical analyses. The data were subjected to variance analysis.
leaves previously lyophilized, by the sample digested (250 mg of After to check statistical significance, we compared the treatments
sample) with H2O2 and (1 mL) HNO3 (5 mL) in a microwave using by employing Tukey’s test. Data were recorded as mean ± standard
the method of Silva (2009), by atomic absorption spectrometry deviation and relative expressions of the transcripts were recorded
(Varian™ AA240FS, Santa Clara, CA). Were determined the as mean ± standard error. Pearson’s correlation was used to correlate
contents of magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), copper (Cu), the variables. The results were considered to be statistically significant
calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), potassium (K), and boron if the p-value was less than or equal to 0.05 (p≤ 0.05).
(B). The quantification of sucrose and reducing sugars in the
lyophilized strawberry fruit was performed by spectrometry by 3 Results
the method described by Nelson (1944). Mean values of both 3.1 Drought stress on photosynthetic variables of leaves, on
the samples were expressed as ‘grams per kilogram of fruit in soil electrical conductivity, on the yield of fruit, and on plant
dry weight’ (DW) (g kg–1 DW fruit).
biomass in the greenhouse
2.4 Quantification of total anthocyanins, L-ascorbic acid, As expected, the strawberry plants from the L1 and L2 (levels
total phenolics, antioxidant activity, and enzymatic activity of the stress) showed a dose-dependent and significant reduction
of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD), in in the photosynthetic variables, being them CO2 assimilation
rate (in M3, M4 and M5 measurements), transpiration rate
strawberry fruit
(in M4 and M5), and stomatal conductance (in M4 and M5)
All the experiments were performed in lyophilized strawberry (Figure 2 a-c). For example, in the last measurement (M5),
fruit. The estimation of total phenolic compounds, total anthocyanin there was a statistically significant reduction of 29.16% and
and the total antioxidant activity were performed as previously 58.69% of CO2 assimilation rate in the L1 and L2 treatments,
described by Galli et al. (2016). The content of L-ascorbic respectively, compared to the control treatment. Furthermore,
acid in the strawberry fruit was determined as described by compared to the control, there was a reduction of 30.86% and
Vinci et al. (1995) by high-performance liquid chromatography 80.58% of transpiration rate, and 33.02% and 81.32% of stomatal
(HPLC) on a reverse phase column (RP–18, 5 μm, 4.6 × 250 mm), conductance in the L1 and L2 treatments, respectively. Occurred
using a liquid chromatography system (Shimadzu LC–10AT also a reduction in these variables for the whole duration of the
equipped with UV detector system). The chromatographic crop cycle in all treatments (Figure 2 a-c).
conditions were: flow rate of 0.8 mL min–1 with detection at
As shown in Figure 2 (d), the soil electrical conductivity was
254 nm, 10 μL injection volume, the mobile phase was 100%
significantly higher in L2 (1900.51 and 2440.33 μS cm–1 in the
methanol and a solution of 0.1% acetic acid in ultrapure water.
S1 and S2, respectively) than in L1 (1540.42 and 2000.75 µS cm–1
A standard used was L-Ascorbic acid (Sigma‑Aldrich). The results
in the S1 and S2, respectively) and in the control treatments
were expressed in grams of L-ascorbic acid per kilogram of DW
(1280.37 and 1890.73 µS cm–1 in the S1 and S2, respectively).
fruit (g L-ascorbic acid kg DW fruit–1). The activity of polyphenol
These results indicate that there was a higher content of ionic
oxidase (PPO, EC and peroxidase (PO, EC 1.11.1) were
solutes in the soil of the L2 treatment.
determined by spectrophotometry according to the method of
Campos et al. (2004). We also evaluated the plant biomass and fruit yield of
strawberry plants under DS and observed a statistically significant
2.5 Relative expression of genes related to the (p ≤ 0.05) reduction of 30.97% for L1 and 57.36% for L2 in the
phenylpropanoids pathway in strawberry fruit plant biomass, and a reduction of 32.47% for L1 and 50.65% for
L2 in the fruit yield, compared to the control treatment (Table 1).
The isolation of total RNA, cDNA synthesis and amplification
by RT-qPCR were performed as described by Galli et al. (2015).
3.2 Effect of drought stress on the oxidant enzymatic activity
Was evaluated the expression of the key genes related to the
in strawberry fruit
phenylpropanoids pathway: genes encoding phenylalanine ammonia
lyase (PAL), chalcone synthase (CHS), leucoanthocyanidin reductase We assessed the activity of peroxidases (PO) and polyphenol
(LAR), and UDP flavonoid glycosyltransferase (UFGT). We also oxidases (PPO) enzymes to verify the effect of strawberry plants
evaluated the expression of key genes encoding GDP-D-mannose-3, under DS. The results showed that the activity of PO and PPO
5-epimerase (GME) and L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase enzymes was significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) in plants of L2
(GLDH) related to the ascorbate pathway. The reference genes (67.47% for PO and 133.60% for PPO), compared to control,
utilized to normalize the transcript levels were as follows: genes thus suggesting that oxidative stress was induced in the fruit
encoding pyruvate decarboxylase (PIRUV_DESCARB), ubiquitin (Figure 3a and b).
Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 39(Suppl. 1): 245-254, June 2019 247/254 247
Effect of drought stress on strawberry fruits
Figure 2. Quantification of photosynthetic variables and soil electrical conductivity. A – CO2 assimilation rate (a), E – transpiration rate (b),
gs – stomatal conductance (c) and EC of soil – soil electrical conductivity (d). Strawberry plants Camarosa cv. were water irrigated with an amount
corresponding to 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) (Control), 70% of ETc (L1), or 50% of ETc (L2). The measurements of soil electrical
conductivity (S1 and S2) and photosynthetic variables (M1-M5) (Figure 1). The means of four replicates ± SD are shown. Different letters and
asterisk (*) indicate statistical difference (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test.
Table 1. The fresh and dry plant biomas and yield of fruit of strawberry Moreover, the reducing sugars (12%) and sucrose content
plants. Control (100% of crop ETc), L1 (70% of crop ETc) and L2 (50% (23%) (Figure 3c and d, respectively) were significantly higher
of ETc). Different letters indicate statistical difference (P < 0.05) by in L2 treatment, compared to control. Therefore, the DS applied
Tukey’s test between the treatments for the same variable. The means seems to have modified the content of minerals and sugars
of four replicates ± SD are shown. accumulated in the strawberry plants.
Variables Control L1 L2
Fresh Biomass 51.34 ± 3.62 a 35.44 ± 2.42 b 21.89 ± 2.13 c 3.4 Effect of drought stress on the accumulation of
Dry Biomass 12.68 ± 1.82 a 8.96 ± 1.09 b 6.79 ± 0.91 c antioxidant compounds and on the expression of related
Yield 226.48 ± 9.91 a 152.95 ± 3.52 b 111.77 ± 2.20 c genes
The DS levels affected in general variables as content of
3.3 Effect of drought stress on the content of minerals, phenolic compounds (Figure 3e), anthocyanins (Figure 3f),
reducing sugars, and sucrose L-ascorbic acid (Figure 3g), as well as the total antioxidant activity
(Figure 3h). Specifically, the content of phenolic compounds
As shown in Table 2, the DS in L1 and L2 treatments showed a significant improvement of 29% (p ≤ 0.05) in the L1
significantly impaired the absorption and accumulation of B and 36% in the L2 treatments, compared to the control. The total
in the fruit, and Cu in the leaves of strawberry plants. On the antioxidant activity was improved by 27% in both the stress
contrary, a significantly increased (p ≤ 0.05) in the leaves of treatments. In contrast, the content of anthocyanins was reduced
DS plants occurred for Mn and K. The content of Mg and by 26.52% in L1, compared to the control. The increased content
P in the fruit and in the leave was not affected by the stress. of phenolic compounds in plants under DS was most likely
248 248/254 Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 39(Suppl. 1): 245-254, June 2019
Perin et al.
Figure 3. Quantification of metabolites and enzymatic activity. Enzymatic activity of peroxidase (PO) (a), enzymatic activity of polyphenol
oxidase (PPO) (b), content of reducing sugars (% of glucose in DW fruit–1) (c), content of sucrose (% of sucrose in DW fruit–1) (d), total phenolic
content (g kg DW fruit–1) (e), total anthocyanins (g kg DW fruit–1) (f), L-ascorbic acid (g kg DW fruit–1) (g), and total antioxidant activity
(mM TE g–1) (h) from strawberry fruit. Strawberry plants Camarosa cv. were water irrigated with an amount corresponding to 100% of crop
evapotranspiration (ETc) (Control), 70% of ETc (L1), or 50% of ETc (L2). The means of four replicates ± SD are shown. Different letters indicate
statistical difference (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test.
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Effect of drought stress on strawberry fruits
Table 2. Mineral composition of strawberry fruit and leaves. Strawberry plants Camarosa cv. were water irrigated with an amount corresponding
to 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) (Control), 70% of crop ETc (L1), or 50% of ETc (L2). Data are expressed in g kg–1 on the DW basis.
The means of four replicates ± SD are shown. The content of each mineral was compared between the three treatments. Therefore, different letters
indicate statistical difference (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test between the treatments from the same row. ns – not significant.
Treatments Ca K Mn Cu B
C 2.39 ± 0.29 ab 14.99 ± 0.62 ns 0.0204 ± 0.0018 ns 0.003 ± 0.0001 ns 0.00016 ± 0.00001 a
L1 2.62 ± 0.09 a 14.36 ± 0.34 0.0272 ± 0.032 0.003 ± 0.0002 0.00006 ± 0.00001 b
L2 2.02 ± 0.08 b 13.61 ± 2.77 0.0245 ± 0.09 0.003 ± 0.0006 0.00006 ± 0.00001 b
C 11.27 ± 0.47 ns 15.96 ± 3.26 b 0.087 ± 0.011 b 0.024 ± 0.003 a 0.00057 ± 0.00002 ns
L1 12.09 ± 0.08 19.86 ± 1.75 a 0.114 ± 0.016 a 0.009 ± 0.0003 b 0.00057 ± 0.00001
L2 11.81 ± 0.43 19.13 ± 1.83 a 0.115 ± 0.026 a 0.005 ± 0.0007 c 0.00067 ± 0.00009
related to the increased expression of PAL gene, as observed that, in order to use the application of DS as a biofortification
in Figure 4a. In the same metabolic pathway, we also observed approach it is necessary to evaluate lower levels of stress,
a downregulation of the CHS gene (Figure 4b) (related to the seeking for one that is able to induce functional compounds
synthesis of chalcones), with an RQ value of 0.39 in the L1 and and does not significantly affect fruit yield. Furthermore, the
0.73 in the L2; and UFGT gene (related to the glycosylation of values of the evaluated photosynthetic variables were reduced
anthocyanins), with an RQ of 0.33 and 0.71 in the L1 and L2, throughout the experiment. This reduction was also observed by
respectively (Figure 4d). The LAR gene (related to the synthesis of Orsini et al. (2012) by measuring the photosynthetic variables
catechins) was downregulated only in L1 treatment, with an RQ of strawberry plant at 2 and 58 days after salt stress (NaCl)
of 0.62 (Figure 4c). On the contrary, the expression of ANR gene treatment. Therefore, this result may be related to the stage
(related to the synthesis of anthocyanidins) was not affected by the of crop cycle. It might also be caused by an increase in the
treatments. The downregulation of these genes may have played a environmental temperature (from 15.32 °C to 27.42 °C) and a
role in the reduced content of anthocyanins in strawberry fruit of reduction in the relative humidity (from 86.67% to 60.92%) for
L1 (Figure 3f). Similarly, the L-ascorbic acid content was reduced the whole duration of the experiment. In summary, the reduction
in fruit in the L2 treatment (3.79 ± 0.30 g kg–1), compared to L1 of water absorption may have induced stomatal closure in
(5.74 ± 0.38 g kg–1) and control treatments (5.85 ± 0.29 g kg–1) order to reduce evapotranspiration and consequently may have
(Figure 3g).The decreased content of L-ascorbic acid in fruit reduced photosynthesis and yield, as observed in similar studies
under DS was accompanied by the downregulation of GME with strawberry plants (Grant et al., 2012; Orsini et al., 2012).
(Figure 4e) and GLDH (Figure 4f) genes. In addition, these stressed plants showed lower accumulation
of some minerals (Ca, Cu and B in the fruit, and Cu in the
4 Discussion leaves) (Table 2). Minerals generally act as important enzymatic
Strawberry plants require regular irrigation because they cofactors of several enzymes, such as Cu and B, besides having
are very sensitive to drought stress (DS) (Anjum et al., 2011). other essential roles in the metabolism of photosynthesis.
To ensure that strawberry production keeps up with an increasing In addition, other minerals such as calcium act by regulating
demand, a complete understanding of the processes involved various processes (Batistič & Kudla, 2012). Therefore, the
in the yield and quality of the fruit under DS conditions is association of reduced photosynthesis and reduced accumulation
required. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of DS on a set of of minerals may have resulted in plants having a lower biomass
variables related to the production and quality of strawberry fruit. and fruit production (Table 1), which is an expected effect of
In this study, the plants showed reduced levels of transpiration DS. Otherwise, the content of K was higher in the leaves of
rate and stomatal conductance to avoid water loss as a result stressed plants compared to non-stressed plants as was observed
of the stress, which may have been a consequence of stomatal by Keutgen et al. (2005) in strawberry plants under conditions
closure (Figure 2c and d). This stomatal closure is one of the of osmotic stress. This result might be because stressed plants
well‑documented effects of DS (Damour et al., 2010). A mechanism showed lower biomass, which suggests that the K uptake was
to help maintain water balance in plants is associated with a concentrated in the cells. (Table 2).The enhanced levels of K may
reduction in the rate of transpiration for survival. However, the also represent a tolerance mechanism to avoid the absorption
reduction of this variable influences the reduction of the net of toxic ions from the roots. According to Keutgen & Pawelzik
(2008), in berry fruits, K improves visual and turgor maintenance,
absorption of CO2 (Figure 2a) for carbon assimilation by leaves
but may reduce fruit size.
(Ripoll et al., 2014). It has been reported that the reduction in the
photosynthesis and the reduced supply of assimilates, observed The DS also induced the activity of PO and PPO enzymes
under severe water deficiency, adversely affect leaf expansion (Figure 3a and b). When an imbalance occurs between
and growth (Anjum et al., 2011). In fact, in the present study, compounds with antioxidant potential and free radicals, it leads
beside the reduced photosynthetic parameters, plants under to the formation of the so-called oxidative stress, in which these
DS showed reduced yield and biomass. This result indicates enzymes are usually produced. (Gill & Tuteja, 2010). Since these
250 250/254 Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 39(Suppl. 1): 245-254, June 2019
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Figure 4. Gene expression analysis in strawberry fruit. Results as shown as relative expression (RQ) using Control treatment as the reference
treatment. PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase) (a), CHS (chalcone synthase) (b), LAR (leucoanthocyanidin reductase) (c), UFGT (UDP flavonoid
glycosyl transferase) (d), GME (GDP-mannose-3,5-epimerase) (e), GLDH (L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase) (f). Strawberry plants
Camarosa cv. were water irrigated with an amount corresponding to 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) (Control), 70% of ETc (L1), or 50%
of ETc (L2). The means of four replicates±SD are shown. Different letters indicate statistical difference (P < 0.05) by Tukey’s test.
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Effect of drought stress on strawberry fruits
enzymes are also produced under other physiological conditions, In addition to an increased content of the antioxidant
the determination of H2O2 content in further experiments compounds, the DS plants accumulated higher content of sugars
might reflect whether oxidative stress represents a significant in the cytosol, which are the main components of dry matter in
effect on strawberry fruit under drought stress. Despite that, the strawberry fruit, in order to lower osmotic potential, thereby
the drought stress stimulated the accumulation of antioxidant maintaining cell turgor (Razavi et al., 2011). The induction
compounds, suggesting that an oxidative response was taken of sugars in water stressed strawberry has been previously
place. Antioxidant compounds are usually induced in plants reported (Terry et al., 2007; Giné-Bordonaba & Terry, 2010;
as a defense response under stress conditions. Because these Giné-Bordonaba & Terry, 2016). Some responses have already
compounds provide health benefits for humans, several studies been observed and may be suggested: as a possible attempt
have suggested the application of controlled abiotic stresses as of the plant to adjust its metabolism in order to maintain the
an effort for biofortification in order to improve the content osmotic equilibrium, the application of water stress caused
of antioxidant compounds (Lichtenthaler, 2004). It has been an increase in the concentration of sugars in the fruits, in a
proposed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed during DS study conducted by Giné-Bordonaba & Terry (2010, 2016);
may indirectly orchestrate the phenylpropanoids and flavonoids In addition, it should also be considered that the availability of
biosynthetic pathways, through the initiation of phosphorylation larger quantities of water provided by irrigation may result in a
cascades by H2O2 that are highly activated during this stress lower concentration of flavor compounds when expressed on a
condition (Grassmann et al., 2002). In accordance with these fresh weight basis caused by “dilution effect”. The accumulation
studies, we observed that the higher levels of antioxidant activity of carbohydrates in plant organs has also been associated with Ca
in fruit from the stressed plants were mostly related to higher and other mineral deficiencies, a fact which was also verified in
levels of phenolic compounds (Figure 3e) which, in turn, were our study. Calcium is also involved in changes in the pressure of
most probably associated with a higher expression of PAL gene. cell expansion and turgor. Although the mechanisms underlining
the effect of Ca during DS is still under investigation, it has been
The metabolic pathway that produces phenolic compounds proposed that the combined effect of some hormones, such as
(via the phenylpropanoids) is precursor cinnamic acid, which is auxins and abscisic acid that use Ca in membrane transport
produced by the desanimation of L-phenylalanine by the PAL mechanisms and as a secondary messenger to modify the cell
enzyme. In our study, we have evaluated the expression of PAL turgescence and the accumulation of solutes, boosts expansion
gene to monitor the overall activity of flavonoid phenylpropanoid and maturation of cells (Hocking et al., 2016; Kazemi, 2014;
pathway (Figure 4). Our results indicate a close relationship Valentinuzzi et al., 2015).
between the content of phenolic compounds in fruit and the
PAL transcription of the stressed plants, which is in agreement 5 Conclusion
with previous studies related to abiotic stress response in lettuce
and vanilla (Fock-Bastide et al., 2014).We also observed that the This study demonstrates that drought stress (DS) modifies
content of anthocyanins was reduced in fruit from both levels the absorption and accumulation of minerals (Ca, B, Mn, Cu) and
of the water-stress, which moderately correlated (0.72) with the negatively affects the photosynthetic effectiveness of strawberry
downregulation of UFGT genes, strictly required for anthocyanin plants, resulting in reduced yield and plant biomass. On the
biosynthesis and storage. Weber et al. (2017) also observed a other hand, DS seems to be a promising strategy to improve
the quality of strawberry fruit by increasing the content of
similar reduction in the anthocyanin content; however, the
antioxidant compounds and sugars. It may represent a strategy
reduction and/or increase in the content of these compounds was
to reduce water usage. However, the amount of stress inflicted
cultivar dependent. CHS (in both levels) and LAR (in L2 level)
on the plants must be controlled carefully in order to prevent
genes were also downregulated by the drought stress. This result
loss of yield and biomass of strawberry fruit.
indicates that non-flavonoid (phenolic compounds) rather than
flavonoid (anthocyanins and anthocyanidins) were preferentially
induced by this adverse condition, as was observed in soybean Acknowledgements
cultivated under drought stress (Gutierrez-Gonzalez et al., 2010). The authors gratefully acknowledge the technical and financial
Similarly, the content of L-ascorbic acid was lower in the DS support of Brazilian Temperate Agriculture Research (Embrapa).
plants, which was most likely related to the downregulation of
GME (chosen because it encodes an enzyme at the beginning of References
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